ELDOM INVEST NHC-56M Electronic Thermoregulator Owner’s Manual

June 6, 2024

ELDOM INVEST NHC-56M Electronic Thermoregulator Owner’s Manual
ELDOM INVEST NHC-56M Electronic Thermoregulator

WARNING! Read this manual carefully before using your appliance!

This manual forms an integral part of the general installation and operation instruction enclosed with your appliance. All requirements of the general instructions for installing and connecting the water heater to the water and electricity mains are unconditionally valid. You must comply with the requirements set out in other sections of the general instruction.

This manual explains the special features and the method of use of the electronic control unit, which replaces the traditional thermostat and switch of conventional water heaters.

If your water heater has a factory fitted power supply cord combined with a plug, the plug is the means of disconnect from the electric mains, while switching on/off the appliance from the electronic control is just a function.




  1. Switch operation modes
    „Exit“ or „Settings menu“

  2. „+“ or „Up“
    A short press enters the „Settings“ mode of the set temperature.
    „Delayed start“ – after pressing for 2 sec.

  3. „-“ or „Down“
    A short press enters the main menu

  4. „Information“
    „Confirmation“ (ОК) in „Settings menu“


NHC-56M is an electronic thermoregulator (controller) with a color TFT display designed for a water heater with the Smart Control function and an option for a WiFi module enabling remote control.
The controller operates with one thermal sensor measuring the temperature at the bottom of the water tank.

The thermoregulator is controlled by 4 multifunctional buttons and has clear and intuitive control and setting menus. The graphic display shows diverse information on the operation and condition of the water heater. Additional extras are the keeping of date and time, the sounding of a signal when pressing buttons or when an alarm is activated, Anti-legionella function, Frost protection function for the water in the tank, etc. The thermoregulator has 4 main operation modes: “Standby”- off state, “Heating” – to maintain a set temperature, “Smart Control” – a self-learning mode with automatic selection of the heating temperature intended to make maximum energy cost savings and “Timers” mode, which allows the user to control the water heating algorithm. The thermoregulator has a „Delayed Start“ function enabling a switched in “Standby” water heater to be switched in “Heating” mode in a time set by the user, within 24 hours from the current moment.

In the event of power outage, the thermoregulator will save the current operation mode, settings, time and date.

WARNING! This appliance may be used by children above 8 and persons with limited physical, sensory and mental abilities, or with insufficient experience and knowledge, if they are supervised or instructed on the safe use of the appliance and understand the dangers. Children should not play with the appliance. Children are prohibited to clean or service the appliance.

Operation mode Description
Antifrost A frost protection mode is activated.
Standby Off power state
Heating “Heating” mode maintains the set temperature
Program “Timers” mode with a weekly programmer operating in a mode of

changing the set temperature.
Timers| “Timers” mode with set weekly programmer in on/off mode.
Smart Control| “Smart Control” mode operates depending on the priority set
Self-learning| “Self-learning” mode maintains the maximum temperature in the water heater and records the hot water consumption for a period of one week
Error messages| Description
Wrong Time!| The clock of the thermoregulator is not set. The water heater can only be switched on in the “Heating” mode. All the other modes are inaccessible.
Disconnected SL| The thermal sensor at the bottom of the water tank is turned off or disconnected. The heating element will not operate and the water heater will not switch on unless the problem is solved.
Short SL| The thermal sensor at the bottom of the water tank is short- circuited. The heating element

will not operate and the water heater will not switch on unless the problem is solved.

WH Frost| There is a danger of frozen water. The water heater will switch off.
Faulty heater| A probable failure of the heating element, because even though it is switched on, the water temperature does not rise. The water heater will switch off.
Faulty flash!| Unable to save the changes in settings in the non-volatile memory of the controller.


When the power of the water heater is turned on, the software version of

the controller is displayed for 2 seconds. Then the main screen with water temperature, date, time and other additional information is displayed depending on the current operation mode.


The main menu is entered by pressing ▼button. Navigating in the menu is made by ▼and ▲buttons. To select a setting press 4 button. Scroll the parameters with ▲ and ▼buttons. The subsequent pressing of 4 buttons enters a current parameter correction mode, with its value displayed in a red rectangular. The value of the corrected parameter is changed by ▲ and ▼buttons. Once the required value is selected by 4 button, the change is confirmed and the parameter correction mode is exited. For parameters in the form of ticks (activated/deactivated state) pressing 4 button directly changes the state of the tick. Changes made are confirmed by pressing 1 button, which returns the main menu of the controller.
Time and Date – adjusts the date and time of the controller. It is operated by the automatic adjustment function in the presence of a WiFi module.
Language – sets the language of all messages displayed on the screen of the controller.
Display – changes the display brightness and sets dimming in 30 seconds after the last button is pressed.
Timer1..7 / Program1..7 – sets operation in „Timers“ / „Program“ mode. Each program or timer can be activated/deactivated.
Low Cost Tariff – sets the start and end time of the night (second) electricity tariff. The daily (first) tariff covers the rest of the day. This information is used to maintain electricity meters, and for “Smart Control” mode with “Night tariff” priority.
System Setup – sets the mode of the weekly programmer, heating element power, volume group of the water heater and enables the “Anti-Legionella” function by ticking the box. For the proper reading of electricity consumed, the power of the heating element should be set correctly.
Smart Control – additional settings to control algorithms are made “Smart Control” mode. With the “Priority” parameter you select the method of operation of “Smart Control” mode. By “Correction” parameter you readjust the operation in “Smart Control” mode with a “Low cost tariff” priority, when the standard setting (+0°), which is the most economical, does not provide sufficient quantity of warm water. Selecting the tick of “Seasonal” parameter allows for additional heating of water during the colder months of the year. This is valid for all method of operation of “Smart Control” mode. This option compensates for the need of more warm water due to the lower inlet (cold) water temperature and most of the heat losses in the room where the water heater and water piping are installed. For the proper operation of the Smart Control mode, the power of the heating element and the volume group of the water heater should be set correctly.
New WiFi Router – initializes the WiFi module, if any installed. The connection of a thermoregulator with a WiFi module to the My Eldom network system for remote control and monitoring is described in the additional manual.


A set temperature is change by pressing ▲button. The middle display field show the currently set temperature. The subsequent pressing of ▲ and ▼ buttons changes the adjustment as desired. If no other button is pressed within 5 seconds, the adjustment is saved and then it is proceeded to the main screen. If either ▲or ▼button is held pressed for longer than 0.7 sec., the value of the set temperature starts increasing or decreasing automatically at a rate of 4 units per second. The set temperature adjustment range is between 20°C and 75°C.


The selection menu is displayed by pressing 1 button. The ▲ or ▼ buttons select the required mode, and 4 or 1 buttons confirm the selection. Five seconds after a button is last pressed, the mode selection menu is exited without changing the current mode. If no timer is activated, “Timers” mode is missing from the menu list. If the clock is not set, the water heater only can switch on in “Heating” mode. “Timers”, “Smart Control” and “Self-learning” modes are inaccessible.

„Standby“ mode

This mode turns off all active operations of the water heater. Only the “Frost protection” function and the option to enable “Delayed Start” are retained.

„Heating“ mode

The thermoregulator will maintain the user-set temperature. The heating element will switch on when the temperature measured by the thermal sensor drops by 4 degrees below the set temperature and will switch off when the set temperature is reached.

“Self-learning” mode

The purpose of this mode is for the thermoregulator to record, for a period of one week, when warm water was used, so that “Smart Control” mode be able after that to make maximum electricity savings while simultaneously provides sufficient quantity of warm water when necessary. After completion of the full week cycle of self-learning, the thermoregulator will automatically switch to “Smart Control” mode with “Schedule of use” priority.

Mode „Smart Control“

Mode „Smart Control“

The “Smart Control” mode is intended for automatic selection of the most appropriate temperature to which water will be heated, in order to achieve the lowest electricity cost under permanent provision of warm water. This mode has three methods of operation from which the user chooses the one that best meets their needs.

The first method is with the “Low Cost Tariff” priority. This mode will take advantage of the significantly lower electricity price of a second tariff if available. When selecting the most economical strategy for heating during the current day, the thermoregulator will also comply with the water consumption history for the last 7 days. “Eco” indicator shows if a more economical heating algorithm operates currently, when values are to the left of the center, or more uneconomical when values are to the right of the center. If for two or more consecutive days the electricity consumption is low enough, the appliance will start operating in the most economical control algorithm at “reduced power”.
While the water heater is switched on in “Smart Control” mode, there is an option for forced water heating up to the maximum temperature. This is made by pressing and holding ▲button for longer than 2 sec. The screen displays the word “Powerful”.
The second method is with the “Schedule of use” priority. In this mode, the thermoregulator complies with the weekly warm water consumption schedule, saved by “Self-learning” mode.
The third method is with “ЕN 814″ priority. This mode operates as the mode with “Schedule of use” priority and has additional heating at certain time intervals in accordance with Directive 814/2013.
The warm water consumption graph for the current day features the current time in purple color and the other times are in blue color.


  • Set the system clock in order to activate the “Smart Control” mode!
  • When the “Low Cost Tariff” priority is selected, it is important to properly enter the start and end time of that tariff!
  • In order to operate “Smart Control” mode with “Schedule of use” or “EN 814” priority, it is necessary to have a consumption schedule for a complete full week cycle of self-learning.

Mode „Timers“

This mode allows the user to control the water heating algorithm by using the weekly programmer of the thermoregulator.

You can program with them when switching on the heating element is permitted or the maximum temperature of heating water. Timers can operate in two ways – by changing the temperature in “Program” mode and by permitting the activation in “Timers” mode. A mode is selected in “System Setup” menu, “Timer” parameter, as “Program” mode is set at value Change.t, and “Timer” mode at value “On/Off”. Each of the seven timers/programs allow the entry of one time interval and days of the week in which to be active. The “Program” mode also set the temperature to which water will be heated in the relevant time interval. Outside this interval, the temperature to which water will be heated is the set temperature. In “Timer” mode the heating element can only be switched on in the set range and will operate until the set temperature is reached. In order to activate the timers/programs mode, the system clock must be set and at least one timer/program must be set and active. The thermoregulator displays in the left field information to which temperature water will be heated and till when that temperature will be valid or when it will be active. When entering the start and end of the time interval, the thermoregulator will not allow for the end to be before the start.
Mode „Timers“

„Delayed Start“ mode

When the water heater is in „Standby“, by pressing and holding for 3 seconds of ▲ button is activated the entry of time, in which the appliance will switch on automatically. The time is set with 10-minute increments. Adelayed start may be up to 24 hours. When entering the setting of “Delayed Start”, the default time is the current time rounded up to 10 minutes, and the subsequent pressing of ▲ or ▼ buttons can increase or decrease the time by 10 minutes. If any of ▲ or ▼ buttons is held  pressed for longer than 0.7 sec., the value starts automatically to increase or decrease at a rate of 4 units per second. If „Delayed Start“ mode is activated, the middle display field will show the time of switching on. If correction of already set time for delayed start is required, ▲button should be held pressed again. “Delayed Start” mode is canceled by pressing 1 button and proceeding to another mode. In the event of power outage, while “Delayed Start” mode is activated, the controller will save the time for the delayed start. If the time set comes before power supply recovery, then when the power supply is recovered the controlled will remain in switched off state.


When the controlled is in the main screen and button 4 is pressed, screens with additional information will be displayed consecutively.

First, the electricity consumption meters separately for the two tariffs are displayed and the date and time of their last reset.
While this screen is displayed, if button 4 button is held pressed for 2 seconds, the meters are reset and the reset date and time are recorded.
The next pressing of ▼ button goes to “WiFi connection” screen with information on the status of the WiFi module.
The next pressing of ▼ button goes to a “Version” screen with information on the versions of the thermoregulator (and of the WiFi module).

The next pressing of ▼ button goes to “Smart Info” screen, which displays additional information on the operation of the water heater in “Smart Control” mode such as: electricity saved from the date last reset and the diagram for the warm water consumption schedule for the current day, which will not be displayed if there is no schedule saved.

The next pressing of button 4 goes to the screens with the electricity consumption schedule by time. The controller will save this information for the last 8 days. By pressing ▲ or ▼buttons you change the graphs for the days for which there is information available. Under each graph, the date to which it refers is displayed along with the electricity consumed for the respective day. The information on consumed electricity is calculated on the basis of the set heating element power.

The electricity consumed graphs are followed by graphs with the average water temperature by time (hours).


When the water heater is in “Standby”mode or heating is disabled by a set timer, and the water temperature become 3°C or fall below that value, the frost protection mode is enabled and the heating element is switched on. The operation mode filed on the screen displays “Antifrost”.When the temperature rises above 3°C, the frost protection mode is switched off.

WARNING! This mode does not protect from freezing the water in the water mains, pipes and water connections outside the water tank of the water heater.


“Anti-legionella” function is enabled by “System Setup”menu, “AntiLegionella”field. If water was not heated up to 70°C for more than 7 days, the function is activated and water is heated up to 70°C, then the function is automatically switched off. The function will not be activated if the thermoregulator is in “Standby” mode. In order to minimize the electricity costs, this function activates water heating one hour after the start of the Low Cost (second) tariff.


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