SG Wireless SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit User Manual

June 5, 2024
SG Wireless

APPA6.03-V1.0 Enabling SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit on Arduino
October 2020 V1.0


The SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit is designed for the development and PoC testing of applications based on the SGW2828-01A LoRa Module. Supporting USB2.0, UART, I2C and J-Link SWD debug interfaces, the SGW2828EVK is controlled via AT commands and can be plugged directly to Arduino, enabling IoT edge device development with various sensors.
In this document, the SGW2828-EVK is used to enable data collection via LoRa, on an Arduino-based remote sensor device with DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Data collected on LoRa-enabled remote sensor (left) received by the SGW2828-EVK host device (right)
Required Hardware Tools

  1. SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit
  2. Arduino UNO R3 Arduino UNO R3 is used for demonstration in this document. You can conduct an optional Blink test at to ensure there are no hardware issues.
  3. DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
  4. 10k ohm resistor

Required Software Tools
1. SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit PC Tool program: 2. Arduino IDE (1.8.10) with Arduino DHT Sensor Library:

Set-up Procedures
1. SGW2828-EVK Connection to Arduino UNO (Figure 3) Plug the SGW2828-EVK’s external headers into the Arduino UNO directly, per Table 1. Connect the device to a PC.

Enabling SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit on Arduino
Table 1: Arduino Pin Configuration with SGW2828-EVK

Arduino UNO SGW2828-ELK

Figure 3: SGW2828-EVK to Arduino UNO connection pins and box diagram
2. Configuration of SGW2828-EVK with Arduino
Toggle the power switch on the SGW2828-EVK to ON and configure the Arduino UNO serial ports:

  • Configure D2 and D3 as serial ports RX and TX respectively.
  • Set the Arduino UNO baud to 4,800bps.
  • Compile below reference code for AT command test.

//uno code


SoftwareSerial softSerial(2,3);//rx,tx
String device_B_String=””; // create string once, outside loop()
const char EOL = ‘\n’; //end of line
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once:
id loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
char c = ‘\0’; //initialise to NULL
while (softSerial.available() && c!=EOL) //wait for end of line, read response from LoRa EVK
{ c =;
device_B_String += c; } if(c==EOL) { Serial.print(“Response: “);
device_B_String = “”; //Clear response for next string }
if (Serial.available()) //send AT command to LoRa EVK {
3. Testing AT Commands with Arduino IDE
Use Serial Monitor (Figure 4) to test AT commands. Type AT commands into the text input field, and the system will respond withOK’ if they are successfully received (Figure 5).
Remarks: The full AT command list can be found in the USGA5.03 SGW2828 AT Command User Manual.
Enabling SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit on Arduino
Figure 4: Arduino Serial Monitor

Figure 5: Testing AT commands on Arduino Serial Monitor
4. SGW2828-EVK Connection to DHT11 Sensor for Remote Sensor Device (Figure 6)
Connect the DHT11 sensor to Arduino Uno at Pin 4 and add the 10k ohm resistor between the data and 5V input to act as a pullup on the data line. Connect the compiled device to the SGW2828-EVK.

Figure 6: DHT11 Sensor connection to Arduino UNO and SGW2828-EVK SG WirelessTM Confidential
5. Configuration of Arduino DHT Sensor Library
Launch the Arduino DHT Sensor Library (Figure 7) and compile the below reference code.
Enabling SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit on Arduino

Figure 7: DHT Sensor Library by Library Manager

//uno code


//for DHT11 sensor

include “DHT.h”

define DHTPIN 4 //connect data pin 4 to DHT11

define DHTTYPE DHT11 //DHT 11

SoftwareSerial softSerial(2,3);//rx,tx
String device_B_String=””; // create string once, outside loop()
const char EOL = ‘\n’; //end of line
String temperature;
String humidity;
String sbuff;
char datapacket[9]=””;void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
softSerial.begin(4800);//4800 baud rate
//set RF parameters Preamble:16,BW:125kHz,CR:4,SF:12,Hop:0,chan:0,Pow:4dB, refer to AT command manual
softSerial.write(“AT+rf_config=16,0,4,12,0,0,4”);}void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
delay(2000); //wait 2 seconds between measurements
// Read humidity as %
float h = dht.readHumidity();
// Read temperature as Celsius (the default) float t = dht.readTemperature();
// Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) { Serial.println(F(“Failed to read from DHT sensor!”)); return; }
Serial.print(F(“Humidity: “));
Serial.print(F(“% Temperature: “));
Serial.println(F(“°C “));t=t10;
temperature = String(t,0);h=h
humidity = String(h,0);sbuff = “t”+temperature+”h”+humidity;
sbuff.toCharArray(datapacket,9); //convert String into char array

char c = ‘\0’; //initialise to NULL
while (softSerial.available() && c!=EOL) //wait for end of line, read response from LoRa EVK { c =;
device_B_String += c; } if(c==EOL) { Serial.print(“Response: “);
device_B_String = “”; //Clear response for next string }
if (Serial.available()) //send AT command to LoRa EVK { softSerial.write(; }
softSerial.write(10); //send newline
delay(10); //wait 10ms to send
softSerial.write(datapacket); //send data to LoRa EVKsoftSerial.write(10);

Data Collection with Host Device

1. SGW2828-EVK Connection to PC for Host Device
Connect the SGW2828-EVK to the PC with the micro USB cable (Figure 8). Toggle the power switch to ON and run the SGW2828-PC-Tool program.
Figure 8: SGW2828-EVK to PC connection
2. Data Collection with SGW2828-EVK PC Software
Temperature and humidity records are received every 2 seconds in “txxxhyyy” format (Figure 9): · “xxx”/10: Temperature value in Celsius · “yyy”/10: Humidity value in %
For example, data value “t250h340” is translated to 25.0C; 34.0%.
Remarks: The full operation manual of the SGW2828-EVK PC Software can be found in the USGA6.02 SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit PC Software User Manual.

Figure 9: Data records received on host device

Enabling SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit on Arduino

  1. SG Wireless SGW2828-01A LoRa Module: 

  2. SGW2828 AT Command User Manual:

  3. SGW2828-EVK Evaluation Kit PC Application User Manual:

  4. DHT Sensor reference guide:

  5. Semtech SX1276 documentation:

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Facebook: Twitter: @sgwirelessIoT
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