SleepHub Ground-Breaking Sleep Aid for Better Sleep User Manual

June 5, 2024

SleepHub Ground-Breaking Sleep Aid for Better Sleep

Important Safety Information

  1.  Warning: This product contains magnets which may be harmful to pacemaker wearers

  2.  Do not use your SleepHub™ if any part of the product, including power and audio cables show any sign of damage

  3.  To reduce the risk of an electric shock, do not open any part of your SleepHub™ product, including power adaptor

  4.  Only use the power adapter supplied. Do not use the product, if the adapter or any of the other part of the product appear damaged

  5.  Power socket and power adaptor should be located near the SleepHub and easily accessible at all times

  6.  The product does not have an on/off switch. Switch off at the wall socket and/or remove the plug

  7.  Do not expose the product to moisture or water

  8.  Do not use SleepHub™ in a bathroom, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry area, near a swimming pool, or anywhere else where water or moisture are present

  9.  Do not use your SleepHub™ if any part of the product, including power and audio cables, show any sign of water damage, or are wet

  10.  Do not place any part of the product, including power and audio cables, near any source of ignition or naked flame

  11.  Do not cover Main Console unit during use, as this may lead to overheating and a potential fire hazard

  12.  Do not make any alterations to the product as this may compromise safety, regulatory compliance, system performance and may void your rights to have the product repaired
    or replaced

  13.  Only use your SleepHub™ indoors in a clean and dry environment

  14.  Do not cover or block the Speaker vents during use to ensure premium performance

  15.  This product is not a toy and is not suitable for use in areas where children are playing or frequently present

Visit for more information, and contact details if you need help or technical support.

What’s in the box

Please identify and inspect the contents of your package. Inside the box you should find the following items:

  •  SleepHub™ main unit
  •  Two speakers
  •  Two RCA cables (1 x 5m and 1 x 2m)
  •  Mains power adapter
  •  Getting started guide

If any of these items are missing or appear damaged, please contact us at

Unboxing the SleepHub

Unpacking the SleepHub
Place the SleepHub box securely on a stable surface and lift the top in one smooth motion. Remove the individual SleepHub components from the packaging a store securely. Ensure that there is plenty of space to install the SleepHub, including the main unit and both speakers, and that there is a suitable power outlet near the bed or location that you intend to install the SleepHub. Ideally, to achieve optimal sound balance and performance, the intended installation location should allow you to place the speakers either side of the user’s sleeping position. The speakers can be placed either side of the bed, or facing the bed or behind the bed. Ensure that each speaker is placed either side of the person who will be using the device as they sleep, so that person is lying in the field of sound for each speaker.

Ensure that all of the SleepHub is securely installed, in a location that should not leave it or those using the SleepHub, exposed to falls, trips, spillages, water or any other form of accidental damage.

Installing the SleepHub

Connecting the SleepHub

  •  Connect the speakers to the main unit using the RCA cables.
  •  The 2m cable should be connected to the speaker closest to the main unit
  •  The 5m cable should be connected the speaker furthest from the main unit
  •  Plug the power adapter into a wall socket and connect it to the main unit

Ensure that all of the SleepHub cables are securely installed, making sure that they are not likely to cause a trip hazard, or any other form of accidental damage.

Connecting the SleepHub

Risk of product damage:
Always make sure that the outlet power supply and voltage corresponds to the voltage printed on the underside of the SleepHub

Risk of electric shock:
Always pull from the plug, when removing from the socket. Never pull the cable

Connecting to the internet
To ensure that your SleepHub™ is always up to date with the latest software and operating at peak performance, it is advised that you should keep it connected to your local WiFi network at all times.

  • On the home screen (below), tap the settings button to access the settings menu
  • Select Wireless from the setting menu
  •  If necessary, tap the Wireless On / Off Toggle selector so that it is in the On position.
  •  Tap the Network Setting button on the wireless setting menu screen and follow the on-screen prompts to select and connect to your local WiFi network

Updating the SleepHub software

  •  Your SleepHub™ will check for software updates and install the latest versions, to ensure peak performance
  •  When an update is available, your SleepHub™ will prompt you to install the latest software. Tap the on screen prompt to proceed.
  •  Your SleepHub™ will restart and bring you back to the home screen

Introducing the Sleep Screen

From the home screen (see page 9), swipe from left to right, to access the Sleep Screen (above). Your SleepHub now displays each of your choices, regarding the setup of your sleep mode. From here, you can easily access the sleeping mode, soundscape and alarm menus. You can also access the SleepHub™ settings menu, to make further adjustments to the sounds, including balance, volumes. Depending on the soundscape you choose, a related image will display as the background to your home screen, until the screen fades to black.

Sleep sound and Soundscapes

Sleep sound and Soundscape volumes
SleepHub™ helps you to achieve quality sleep through scientifically formulated sounds that use rhythms and pulses to simulate the waves your brain should produce through each sleep cycle. We call this the sleep sound.
The sleep sound should be set so you can hear it clearly, but faintly. You may choose to sleep with this sound only without playing a soundscape. Where you choose to play a soundscape, it should be set at a volume which is slightly lower than the sleep sound – you should still be able to hear the sleep sound above the soundscape.
To set the volume levels that best suit you:

  1.  Tap the settings button on the home screen to access the settings menu
  2.  Tap Volume Control on the settings screen
  3.  Adjust the individual volume levels by moving the sliders up or down

Please note that you may need to try different levels during your initial sleep periods to find your optimal balance. The following levels will provide a useful starting point:

Master volume: 45 – 55
Soundscape: 50
Sleep sound: 55 Alarm: 50
Balance: 0 (sound will be evenly distributed between both speakers)

Instructions for Use

Choosing your Sleeping Mode
If your SleepHub™ screen is black, just tap anywhere on the screen to access the home screen (below) where you will see “Slide to Sleep”.

From your SleepHub™ home screen, swipe from left to right, and tap the sleeping mode section of the sleep screen (see below) to access the sleeping mode selection menu.

  •   Deep Sleep: An 8 hour programme including an 18 minute wake-up cycle and fixed alarm time. Ideal if you have a regular schedule which allows for an undisturbed 8 hour rest period
  •   Easy Sleep: An alternative to Deep Sleep or when you only have a set amount of time to sleep. Easy Sleep takes you through the optimum sleep pattern for the time period up to your alarm – which can be between 2 – 8 hours from beginning the programme
  •   Fall Asleep: This 2 hour programme guides you into deep sleep. Ideal if you struggle to fall asleep but remain asleep, once you do. You can set an optional wake-up alarm for a time of your choice
  •   Power Nap : A choice of 30, 45 and 60 minute programmes, with optional wake-up alarm. Ideal if you need an energizing nap

Please note if you’d prefer no alarm sound, you can set the alarm volume to 0 before beginning a sleep programme.

From your sleep mode selection screen, choose your preferred option by tapping the icon to select. If you choose either Deep Sleep, Easy Sleep or Fall Asleep, you will be prompted to choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to return to this screen. If you choose Power Nap, you will proceed to the following screen, to choose your Nap cycle time. Choose from 30, 45 or 60 minutes, and then choose OK to proceed. You will then be returned to the sleep screen.

Choosing your Soundscape

Your SleepHub™ plays a selection of soundscapes to help create the right environment for your ideal sleep experience. From the sleep screen, tap the soundscape icon (above) to access the soundscape menu. Scroll through the choices of soundscape, allowing each to play a demo. When you have selected your preferred soundscape, tap the OK button to proceed. Alternatively, tap the back arrow to return to the sleep screen. When you have selected your soundscape, alarm time and alarm sound, press play to begin.

Choosing your Alarm

If you choose to set an alarm, you can select from a variety of alarm sounds to play at the end of your chosen sleep cycle. From the sleep screen, tap the settings icon to access the settings menu grid, and then tap the soundscape button to access the soundscape menu.
Tap the Alarm Sounds button to access the list of alarm sounds on the following selection screen.
Scroll through the choices of alarm sounds, allowing each to play a demo. When you have selected your preferred alarm sound, tap the OK button to proceed. Alternatively, tap the back arrow to return to the Soundscape menu screen. When you have selected your soundscape, alarm time and alarm sound, and are ready to begin your sleep program, return to the sleep screen and press play. If you’d prefer to have no alarm sound, slide the alarm volume to 0 (in volume menu) before you begin the sleep program.

Switching off your alarm
Tap the screen to snooze the alarm. The snooze function continues every 5 minutes until stopped. Slide the screen to stop the alarm.

Using Alarms with Sleep Modes
Deep Sleep
As Deep Sleep is always an 8 hour total cycle, the alarm sound you choose will play 8 hours after you press play, to begin the cycle. This is our recommended quality sleep cycle for the majority of adults. You will notice on the sleep screen, that the alarm button is nonfunctional , when using the Deep Sleep mode.

Easy Sleep
Using the Easy Sleep function, you may set an alarm to support the sleep cycle, (which in Easy Sleep can be 2-8 hours). On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, (see below) next to the usual alarm button. By tapping the alarm button, you can access the alarm time screen. Scroll through the hours and minutes to select your preferred time, then press OK to proceed. Alternatively, press Cancel to return to the sleep screen.

Fall Asleep
Using the Fall Asleep mode, you may set an alarm to sound at the time you wish to wake, sometime after the sleep cycle completes. On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, (see above) next to the usual alarm button. By tapping the alarm button, you can access the alarm time screen. Scroll through the hours and minutes to select your preferred time, then press OK to proceed. Alternatively, press Cancel to return to the sleep screen.

Power Nap
Using the Power Nap mode, you may set an alarm to sound at the end of the predetermined sleep cycle. On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, next to the usual alarm button. You will notice on the sleep screen, that the alarm button is nonfunctional, when using the Power Nap mode.

Please note that manual alarm setting (where you choose a specific wake- up time) is only available in Easy Sleep and Fall Asleep modes. Deep Sleep and Nap modes are pre-set to end after a set amount
of time. If you do not want an alarm to sound at the end of these programs, turn the alarm volume to 0.

Additional Settings
Your SleepHub can be adjusted to suit your individual sleep experience requirements, and it is important to try lots of different combinations of parameters, in order to find the right fit for you.
To access the settings menu from the sleep screen, tap the settings icon.

You will notice six main buttons, with a Brightness slider to the right-hand side. Through those six buttons, you can

  •  Choose your preferred language,
  •  Adjust the date and time (this will be set automatically when connected to the internet)
  •  Choose your preferred soundscapes and alarm sounds
  •  Adjust the volume of the soundscapes, alarm sounds and sleep sounds
  •  Adjust your wireless & internet connection settings
  •  View the About page

Language Setting
Your SleepHub can be adjusted to operate in a range of international languages. To access the language selection menu, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu button. In the settings menu, tap the Choose Language button. Scroll to select your preferred operational language and tap OK to

Date & Time Setting
Your SleepHub can be adjusted to operate on any international time zone. To access the Date & Time selection menu, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu button. In the settings menu, tap the Date & Time button. If your SleepHub is connected to WiFi, it will automatically set the time zone, based on your location. To allow the SleepHub to automatically set your time and date, tap the “Automatic date & time” toggle switch to the ON position.
To manually set the date and time, tap the “Automatic date & time” toggle switch to the OFF position. You will notice a Change Your Time button in the centre of the screen. Tap this button, and use the pop-up Calendar dialogue box to choose your preferred date and time.

Soundscape Setting
Your SleepHub can play soundscapes to mask the Sleep Sound. To access the Soundscape menu, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu button. In the settings menu, tap the Soundscape button. Tap the Soundscape button to access the lists of sounds. Scroll through the list, allowing the options to play a demo to help you choose. Select your preferred soundscape and tap OK to proceed. Alternatively tap Cancel to return to the settings menu.

Volume Control Setting
Your SleepHub can be adjusted to play sleep sounds, soundscapes and alarm sounds at varying levels and balanced across the two speakers. To access the Volume Control menu, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu. In the settings menu, tap the Volume Control button. Use the sliders, marked Soundscape, Sleep sound, & Alarm to set the relatives levels of volumes. The sleep sound should be set at a low volume so you can hear it, clearly, but faintly. The Soundscape level should be set slightly lower than the Sleep Sound. The alarm volume can be set however you prefer, and the volume of the alarm sound will increase gradually, to wake you gently. Use the slider marked Balance, to set the preferred levels across the two speakers, creating the right environment in the room.

Wireless Setting
Your SleepHub can be connected to the internet via a local WiFi network, to ensure that it is kept up to date with the latest software. To access the Wireless menu, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu. In the settings menu, tap the Wireless button. If necessary, tap the Wireless On / Off Toggle selector so that it is in the On position. Tap the Network Setting button on the wireless setting menu screen and follow the on-screen prompts to select and connect to your local WiFi network

About Page
You may need to access details of your SleepHub, found in the About page. To access the About page, from the sleep screen, tap the settings menu. In the settings menu, tap the About button.

Connecting to Bluetooth Audio
Your SleepHub can be used as an auxiliary speaker set for your Bluetooth- enabled audio devices. To connect to your Bluetooth-enabled audio device, search for and connect to SleepHub. Please refer to your audio device’s instructions on how to do this, if required. You may now use the premium audio technology in your SleepHub to play your favorite music and sounds, while not in an active sleep mode cycle

Finding the right setup
Your SleepHub can deliver a range of sounds, settings and sleep modes to meet your ideal sleep experience. To find the settings that suit you best, may take several rounds of trialing different combinations.
You may also find, that external factors, such as nutrition, exercise and stress etc, may provoke changes in your expected sleep experience. As you embark on your journey towards improved sleep, it is advised that you keep a sleep journal, to help track changes, and improve habits. Towards to back of this downloadable PDF, you will find some blank pages, that should help you take notes, and get started. Record your experiences, and as you progress on your journey, you should be able to see what improvements you have observed.

Getting the most from your SleepHub

Our research has shown that some people report benefits of using SleepHub™ within a few days, while others experience improvements in their sleepover several weeks. Through regular and repeated use of your SleepHub™, you could typically expect to feel more relaxed at bedtime, drift off to sleep more easily, wake up less and if you do, get back to sleep faster. In turn, you are likely to experience a better quality of sleep which might result in you feeling less tired during the day and having lower stress levels. At first, you may experience more dreaming than usual, due to deeper quality of sleep in all stages, including REM. This is normal and should subside once your new sleep pattern has been established. Don’t forget that other factors such as nutrition, exercise and your sleep environment will also affect how well you sleep. We recommend keeping a sleep journal to help you track your progress. For more tips and information about how to get the very best experience from SleepHub™, please visit

Technical Information

Technical specifications of the product, including power supply, audio cables and operating software are subject to change, without notice

Product Specification:
Power supply: AC – DC power supply. Input 100 -240VAC ~1.5A. Output 19V DC 3420mA
Cable length: 2.0 m and 5 m RCA to RCA braided
Console dimensions: Body Height:120.6mm, Length:187.6mm,
Width: 133.2mm
Speaker dimensions: Body Height:127.7mm, Length:155.1mm,
Width: 136.3mm

Notice for USA & Canada:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

“FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
Caution: To maintain compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, place the unit at least 20cm from nearby persons.”

This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1.  This device may not cause interference.
  2.  This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) Disposal of your old product
Your product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components, which can be recycled and reused. This product may contain lead and mercury. Disposal of these materials may be regulated due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or visit

Only use the power adaptor provided for the main unit: Input: 100-240V AC 50/60Hz 1.5A,
Output: 19VDC 3.42A
This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed of with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return your used device, please use the return and collection systems or contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this product for environmentally safe recycling. Hereby, Cambridge Sleep Sciences, declares that this SleepHub is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. The declaration of conformity may be consulted at


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