Goliath Pong Party Instructions
- June 13, 2024
- Goliath
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Pong Party
Pong Party
Be the player to score the most points after 10 rounds.
Give each player a cup and 4 balls to start. You’ll need to grab a pencil and
paper to keep score, too!
The unique Pong Cup Technology launches your ball to new heights! Practice
these awesome techniques that will have you popping’ off as you battle to win
each challenge.
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge!
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge!
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge!
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge! ‘
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge!
Scan the QR code on every card for a quick demo of that challenge!
Each card is a different challenge and has a play type shown in the bottom-
left corner. For 2–3 players, you can remove Partner Pong cards before playing
— but you don’t have to! If you want to try them anyway, go for it and make up
your own rules for how to keep score.
Shuffle the cards, then draw 10 from the deck and set them in the middle of
the playing area. Place the remaining cards back in the box. Choose a player
to go first. Players take turns drawing a card and reading it aloud. After
everyone attempts the challenge, play passes to the left and the next player
draws a card.
BATTLE PONG: All players compete individually and the winner scores the points. These challenges can be all players at the same time or taking turns.
PARTNER PONG: Grab a partner and compete together. The players on the winning team each score points.
COASTERS The coasters have many uses! In some challenges they are held
like a paddle or assembled with a card to create a goal. They can also help
hold your ball steady when launching.
SCORING All cards have different point values based on the difficulty
level of that challenge. It’s up to you to keep track of your points whether
you’re earning points as an individual during Battle Pong challenges or while
on a team during a Partner Pong challenge.
If nobody succeeds on a challenge, you can try again and replay the same card
or move on to the next challenge. It’s up to you!
After all 10 cards are completed and scores are tallied, the player who scored
the most points is the winner!
Launch tips:
Angle the cup slightly forward, left, or right to try and launch a ball in
that direction — then see which way the ball pops!
Catching tips:
These balls have a bit of a bounce, so once the ball lands in your cup, give
the cup a little swirl to help it stay in.
HOUSE RULES Playing with younger kids or want a more challenging game?
Pick your challenges by score to curate your perfect Pong Off! The higher the
score, the more difficult the challenge, and the more adventurous the game!
Don’t want to take turns? Don’t! Crank up the chaos by having all players
attempt challenges at the same time (as long as the challenge doesn’t require
sharing cups). Just a warning for those daring to play dangerously… it can be
tricky to keep score!
Pong Party! Challenges.
Here are full instructions of the 50 challenges included in the box. Refer to the card number to find
Keep it Up Teams take turns. One player takes 2 coasters to use as paddles and their partner takes a ball and cup. Slide-launch the ball to your partner who must use the paddles (or their body) to bounce the ball and keep it in the air. Count each bounce out loud! After 3 attempts, the next team goes. The team with the most bounces wins.
Double Trouble Both teams play at the same time. One player per team double-launches 2 balls while their partner tries to catch them with a cup. The first team to catch a ball wins.
Duo Double Double-launch 2 balls and try to catch 1 ball with the same cup. After 3 attempts, the next player goes. The player with the most catches wins.
Topple Tower Players take turns. Make a tower with the cups using 1 upside-down cup as the base, then 1 upright cup, then top it off with 1 upside-down cup. Using any launch technique, try and knock over the top 2 cups to win. After 3 attempts, the next player goes. Any player who succeeds scores points.
Pair of Pops Both teams play at the same time. Players stand 8 steps away from their partners, facing each other. At the same time, all players bottom-launch their ball up and toward their partner. The first team to catch both balls wins.
Fence of Defense Players take turns as Launcher and Goalie. Place cards in 2 coasters, 1 card-width apart, to create a goal. The Goalie defends their goal with a coaster while the Launcher bottom-launches to score a goal. After 3 attempts, rotate to a new Launcher and Goalie. The Launcher with the most goals wins.
Cup Ya Hands! Teams take turns. Both partners place their hands in cups. One player picks up a ball with their cup hands and tries to pass it to their partner, who also has cup hands. After 1 attempt, the next team goes. Players earn a point if their team succeeds.
Bounce In Players take turns. Place 1 cup upside-down with a coaster on top and 1 cup right-side up an arm’s length away. Hand-toss a ball, bounce it off the coaster, and land it in the open cup — without knocking off the coaster. After 3 attempts, the next player goes. Any player who succeeds scores points.
Clap It Up Players take turns. Using any launch technique, launch the ball in the air. Clap as many times as you can before catching the ball in your hand. The ball can only bounce 1 time. After 1 attempt, the next player goes. The player with the most claps before a catch wins.
Ain’t No Thang Both teams play at the same time. One player per team puts both elbows forward to form chicken wings.
Their partner stands 6 steps away and slide-launches a ball to the chicken who must catch it with their wings (elbows). The first team to catch a ball wins. -
Unicorn Catch Both teams play at the same time. Standing 10 steps apart, all players hold cups on their foreheads. One player per team bottom-launches a ball from their head while their partner tries to catch it in their horn (cup). The first team to catch a ball wins.
Basic Ball in a Cup At the same time, all players pop-launch a ball and catch it with their cup. The first player to catch their ball twice in a row wins. Better be quick!
Coaster Plunge Set 4 coasters on the table one coaster-width apart. At the same time, all players pop-launch balls toward the coasters. If your ball lands on a coaster, you collect that coaster. When all coasters are collected, the player with the most wins.
Behind the Back Both teams play at the same time. One player reverse slide-launches a ball over their shoulder, while their partner stands behind them trying to catch it with a cup. The first team to catch a ball wins.
Pop, Paddle, Catch Teams take turns. One player holds a coaster as a paddle while their partner slide-launches a ball to them. Using the paddle, hit the ball back to the launcher who tries to catch it with their cup. After 3 attempts, switch teams. The team with the most catches wins.
Over the Shoulder Showdown Both teams play at the same time. Partners face away from each other, standing 6 steps apart. On the count of 3, all players bottom-launch a ball up and over their shoulder, then immediately turn around and try to catch their partner’s ball. The first team to catch a ball wins.
High Five Catch Pop Both teams play at the same time. One partner pop-launches the ball, and then both players must high five, attempting to catch the ball between their hands. The first team to catch a ball wins.
Pop On Over Players take turns. Place a cup on the table and use another cup to try and pop-launch a ball into the table cup. Players have 3 attempts. The player who lands the most balls wins.
Leaning Tower Players take turns. Stack 3 cups, right-side up, with 2 coasters between them to create a cup tower. Pop-launch a ball and try to land it in the top cup of the tower. Reset the tower for the next player. Players have 3 attempts. The player who lands the most balls in the tower wins.
Tricky Tower Players take turns. Place one cup 2 arm-lengths away, then hand-toss a ball into the cup. If it lands, leave the ball inside and add a coaster and a new cup to create a tower. Players have 5 attempts to make a 3-cup-high stack. After 5 attempts, reset the cups before the next player goes. Any players who succeed score points.
Fish Bowl Place 4 cups in a square in the center of the table. At the same time, all players hand-toss balls into the cups until all 4 cups have a ball inside. As soon as all 4 cups are full, race to pop-launch a victory ball into the air. The first player to notice and pop-launch a victory ball wins!
Knock ‘me Players take turns. Place this card on an upside-down cup and use another cup to pop-launch a ball to try and knock
the card off the cup. After 2 attempts, the next player goes. Any player who knocks off the card scores points. -
Hand Pong At the same time, all players hold a ball and cup on the back of their hand, pop-launch the ball off their hand, and try to catch it with their cup. The first player to catch their ball wins!
Hand Pong Flip At the same time, all players hold a ball and cup on the back of their hand, pop-launch the ball off their hand, then switch the cup to their other hand and try to catch the ball. The first player to catch their ball wins!
Skeen-Ball Players take turns. Set 3 cups in a straight line, 2 arm-lengths away, then use any launch technique to land a ball into one of the 3 cups. Players have 3 attempts. Any player who lands a ball scores. • Closest cup = 1 point • Middle cup = 2 points • Furthest cup = 3 points your challenge quickly. Read carefully the rules before starting the challenge. You can also scan the QR code on the challenge card to see a demo. Ready to play ?
Hand it Over At the same time, all players place a coaster on the table’s edge. Flip the coaster with the back of your fingers, then catch it with the same hand. If you succeed, pop-launch a ball using your other hand. The first player to succeed wins.
Hungry Hungry Capos At the same time, one player starts by double-launching 3 balls (2 in the cup and 1 under). Then all players act like hungry, hungry cuppos to catch a ball with their cups upside down. When all balls are caught, the player with the most balls wins. If there’s a tie, play again.
Balls & Calls Players take turns. Place 3 cups right-side up in a triangle, and call your shot by the color of the cup. Hand-toss your ball to your call! If you don’t make it into the cup you called, you’re out! If no one wins, go again until a winner emerges.
Bounce Challenge Both teams play at the same time. Pop-launch AND double-bounce a ball to your partner who must catch it in a cup. The catching cup cannot leave the table; it may only slide along the table to catch. Each partner has 3 attempts. The team with the most catches wins.
Bounce Attack At the same time, all players set their cups in front of them, then try to hand-toss a ball into the other players’ cups to knock them out of the round. Do not bounce into your own cup. If you do, you are out. You have 3 attempts. The last player standing without a ball in their cup wins.
Musical Pops At the same time, all players pop-launch a ball and catch it. If you make a catch, pass your cup to the left. If you miss a catch, you’re out. The last player left standing wins.
Double Down Players take turns. With a cup in each hand, pop-launch from one hand to catch the ball in the cup in the other hand. • Each ball that touches the cup = 1 point. • Each ball that lands in the cup = 3 points. After 3 attempts, the next player goes. The player with the highest score wins.
Volley Pop Both teams play at the same time. Slide-launch a ball to your partner who tries to catch the ball in their cup then slide-launch the ball back to you. Continue the volley pop until you miss. If you miss, you’re out. The last team standing wins.
Batter Up Players take turns playing as Pitcher, Batter, and Outfielders (until everyone has been an Outfielder once). Pitcher rolls 3 balls to the Batter, who pop-launches to the Outfielders to catch. The player with the most catches as an Outfielder wins.
Pong Pop At the same time, all players pop-launch a ball, bounce 1x, catch. Pop-launch a ball, bounce 2x, catch. Continue to increase the number of bounces each time. If you miss, start back at 1 bounce. The first player to get 5x bounces scores points.
Pong Pop Easy At the same time, all players pop-launch a ball, bounce 2x, then catch. The first player to succeed wins.
Blow Pop At the same time, all players lay a cup on its side 3 coaster-lengths away from them and try to blow 1 ball into their cup. The first player to succeed must victory pop-launch 2 balls to win.
Don’t Drop the Ball At the same time, all players place a ball and an upside-down cup on their head. Without touching the cup, squat down while keeping the cup and ball in place. If you drop anything, start over. If you succeed, pop-launch a victory ball off your head to win.
Wipe Out Players take turns. Pop-launch a ball and see how many times you can swipe your hand as far as you can to the left and right under the bouncing ball before it touches your hand. Other players keep count. You have 1 attempt, then switch to the next player. The player with the highest count wins.
The team with the most catches wins.
Toss off At the same time, all players place a cup on the table then hand-toss a ball to land in the cup. Balls must bounce on the table 1x to count. The first player to bounce a ball into the cup wins.
Blow Out At the same time, all players place a ball in their cup right-side up on the table. Players hold the cup steady, then blow on the ball until it jumps out of the cup. The first player to succeed and pop-launch a victory ball wins.
Ping Pong Paddle Players take turns. Bounce a ball in the air with a coaster as many times as possible without dropping the ball. After 2 misses, the next player goes. Keep count, the most bounces in a single attempt wins!
Knock Knock Joke Players take turns. Set up 1 card in each of the 4 coasters. From 3 steps away, bottom-launch a ball to hit any card. Other players keep count. After 3 attempts, the next player goes. The player who hit the most cards wins.
Not a Pop Players take turns. Place a cup on the edge of the table and hand-toss balls at the cup to knock it off. Balls must bounce on the table 1x to count. After 4 attempts, the next player goes. The player to knock the cup off in the fewest attempts wins.
Rock N Roll At the same time, all players sit on the floor and place a ball and an upside-down cup on their head. Without touching the cup, stand up while keeping the cup and ball in place. If you drop anything, start over. If you succeed, pop-launch a victory ball off your head to win. If you catch it, win an additional point!
Quack Race At the same time, all players stand next to each other and place a ball between their knees. Choose a location about 20 steps away and then race to it without dropping the ball. If you drop the ball, start back at the beginning. The first player to make it to the end without dropping the ball wins.
Head Ball At the same time, all players pop-launch a ball into the air then try to bounce the ball off their head. All players have 3 attempts. The player to bounce the ball the most times wins.
Head Out Both teams play at the same time. One player per team pop-launches a ball into the air then bounces the ball off their head until their partner catches it in their cup. Then the partners reverse roles and perform the same action until the first player catches it. The first team to successfully hit the ball back and forth with their heads wins.
Wall Ball At the same time, all players hand-toss a ball against the wall and squat down to catch the ball at floor level with their cup as it bounces back. The first player to catch the ball 3 times wins.
CHOKING HAZARD-Toy contains a small ball.
Not for children under 3 yrs.
Warning. Do not aim at eyes or face.
© 2023 Goliath, Vijzelpad 80, 8051 KR Hatten, the Netherlands.
Pressman Toy Corp. 1111 Digital Drive, Suite 150, Richardson, TX 75081, U.S.A.
Crown & Andrews Pty Ltd, Unit 2, 2 Johnston Crescent, Horsley Park, NSW 2175,
Elephant Marketing Ltd, Unit C5, 27 Smiles Road, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013.
©2022 Made under license from Catapult Concepts LLC. Made in China
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