eta 0208 Microwave Oven Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Eta 0208 Microwave Oven


  • Before the first use, read the instructions for use carefully, look at the picture and store the instructions for use for the future. Consider the instructions for use as a part of the appliance and pass them on to any other user of the appliance.

  • Check whether the data on the type label corresponds with the voltage in your socket. The power cord plug has to be connected to the properly connected and grounded socket according to the national standard.

  • This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. Children younger than 8 years must be kept out of reach of the appliance and its power cord.

  • If the power cord of the appliance is corrupted, it has to be replaced by the manufacturer, its service technician or a similarly qualified person so as to prevent dangerous situations.

  • Before replacing accessories or accessible parts, which move during operation, before assembly and disassembly, before cleaning or maintenance, turn off the appliance and disconnect
    it’s from the mains by pulling the power cord from the power socket!

  • Always unplug the appliance from the power supply if you leave
    it unattended and before assembly, disassembly or cleaning.

  • Never use the appliance if its power cord or plug is damaged, if it does not work properly, if it fell down and was damaged or if it fell to the water. In this case, take the appliance to a special service to check its safety and proper function.

  • Min. height of space needed above the top surface of the oven is 300 mm.

  • Use only kitchenware, which is suitable for use in microwave ovens.

  • The microwave oven is intended for heating up food and beverages. Drying of food or clothes and warming of heating blankets, house shoes, sponges, damp textile, and similar objects may lead to the danger of injury, combustion or fire.

  • When food is heated in kitchenware of plastics or paper, check the oven from time to time to prevent combustion.

  • If there is smoke, turn off the appliance or pull out the fork from the socket and leave the door open to prevent the spreading of potential fire.

  • Microwave heating of beverages may cause delayed boil, which needs to be kept in mind when holding the cup.

  • The content of baby bottles and baby food must be stirred or shaken and the temperature must be checked before consumption to prevent burning.

  • Eggs in shells and whole hard-boiled eggs must not be heated in microwave ovens, because they can explode even after the microwave heating is finished.

  • The oven should be cleaned thoroughly and potential remains of food removed.

  • Not keeping the oven clean might lead to damaging its surface, which could negatively impact the lifetime of the appliance and result in a dangerous situation.

  • Liquids and other foods may not be heated in closed containers they are apt to explode.

  • When the appliance is in operation, prevent pets, plants or insects to get in contact with it.

  • Do not leave the appliance in operation unattended!

  • There is a microwave emitter (magnetron) and a source of high voltage under the cover of the MW. There are no user-adjustable parts in the appliance. It is strictly forbidden to remove the outer covers of the MW oven!

  • Do not use the oven cavity for storage purposes. Do not store items, such as bread, cookies, etc. inside the oven.

  • Do not attempt to put the appliance in operation when the door is opened.

  • Do not put the turning plate in water right after cooking. It could break or become damaged as a result of a sudden cool-down.

  • WARNING: It is very important that the door closes properly and is not damaged (bent). Further, hinges and locks (broken or loose), sealing and sealing areas of the door must not be damaged. In case of damage, these parts must be repaired by a qualified service technician.

  • WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust, set or repair the door, control panel, safety locks or other parts of the MW oven. Repairs must be carried out by a qualified service technician only.

  • WARNING: Do not put any objects between the front surface and door, prevent setting of dirt or residues of cleaning agents on the sealing areas.

  • All text in other languages and pictures shown on the packaging, or the product itself, are translated and explained at the end of this language mutation.

  • Install and locate this oven only in accordance with the installation instructions provided.

  • The microwave oven is intended as a stand–alone appliance, it must not be placed in a cupboard.

  • If the appliance was stored at lower temperatures, acclimatize it first, by which you remove stiffness and mechanical resistance of the plastic parts will be kept.

  • It is not intended for outdoor use.

  • The product is intended for home use and similar (in shops, offices and similar workplaces, in hotels, motels and other residential environments, in facilities providing accommodation with breakfast). It is not intended for commercial use!

  • The appliance must not be used in damp or wet environment and in any environment with the danger of fire or explosion (spaces where chemicals, fuels, oils, gases, paints and other flammable or volatile materials are stored).

  • Do not place the MW oven in proximity of TV‘s, radios and antennas because
    of a potential bad effect of the electromagnetic field of the MW oven on the operation
    of this appliance. Do not use this MW outside, out of your household!

  • Use the MW oven only in its working position in places where there is no danger
    of it toppling and in sufficient distance from flammable objects (e.g. curtains, drapes, wood etc.), heat sources (e.g. fireplace, stove, el./gas cooker, radiators etc.) and wet surfaces (e.g. sinks, basins etc.). Increased temperature and moisture could damage the components of the MW oven.

  • Do not turn the MW on if it is empty (without any food inside). If you are not using the MW oven, we recommend putting a glass with water inside. If the oven should be turned on by accident, the water will safely absorb the microwave energy.

  • Do not place any objects on the appliance.

  • Never cover the appliance; thus you will prevent the risk of interior fire.

  • Do not use newspaper instead of paper towels when cooking, these paper towels must be recommended for the given meal in the cookbook.

  • Do not use wooden dishes for long heating. They could heat up and carbonize.

  • Do not use metal or non-metal dishes with golden or silver decorations. Always remove metal wire clips. Metal objects in MW may cause occurrence of electric arc which will damage the MW.

  • Do not use products from recycled paper, because they may run colours and may contain impurities which may cause sparkles or fire during cooking.

  • Remove all plastic packaging before cooking and defrosting. Beware, however, that in some cases the meal should remain covered with plastic foil – see information on bought foods (e.g. food with lower thickness or liquid or pulpy foods.

  • Do not heat drinks with high contents of alcohol or big amounts of oil (both could catch on fire)!

  • If you are heating liquid in the MW, it could heat over the boiling point without any visible signs of bubbles. After removing the dish a heat shock may cause sudden overflow and burst of boiling liquid. You can prevent this by putting a spoon made of special plastic
    for use in high temperatures or a glass stick in the dish with liquid before putting into the oven.

  • Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or plastic containers/bags before placing them in the oven.

  • Small quantities of food requires shorter time for cooking or heating. When using regular times they may overheat or burn.

  • Do not use the MW for frying or preserving.

  • If you need to move the oven, let it cool down! The bottom cover heats up during operation.

  • Do not plug the fork of the supply cord into the power outlet and do not unplug the cord with wet hands or by pulling by the supply cord!

  • Check the condition of the power cord of the appliance regularly.

  • Never put the power cord on hot surfaces or do not let it hang over the edge of a table or a work top. Plugging or pulling the power cord e.g. by children can result in tilting over or drawing the appliance down and serious injury!

  • The power cord must not be damaged with sharp or hot objects, open fire, it must not be sunk into water or bent over sharp edges.

  • If you need to use an extension cord, it has to be uncorrupted and it has to comply with the valid standards.

  • Use this appliance only for the purpose for which it was designed as specified in this user‘s manual. Never use the appliance for any other purpose.

  • CAUTION – Do not use the appliance with a program, time switch or any other part that turns the appliance on automatically as there is a risk of fire if the appliance
    is not covered or placed properly.

  • WARNING: There is a risk of injury in case of incorrect use (not in accordance with the manual) of the appliance.

  • The manufacturer is not liable for any damage caused by incorrect use of the device (e.g. devaluation of food, burns, scalding, irradiation by microwaves, fire) and is not liable for the warranties in case of breaching the precautions mentioned above.


How a microwave works
Microwaves are a form of energy similar to radio and television waves and regular daylight. Everything radiates from microwaves – kitchen sink, coffee pot, even people. But microwaves spread through the atmosphere and disappear without effect. MW is designed to utilize microwave energy. Electricity is transformed into MW energy in a magnetron and microwaves proceed through the openings in the walls of the oven into the food preparation space. Microwaves can not penetrate the microwave walls but can penetrate materials such as glass, porcelain, and paper, thus materials of which the ware for microwave food preparation is made. Microwaves do not heat the dishes but the dishes may be heated by the heat of the heated food. Microwaves are drawn by moisture in the food where they cause a vibration of the molecules of water 2450 times per second. The molecules rub against each other and create friction which causes the heating of the food.

Very safe appliance
MW oven is one of the safest home appliances. If the door is opened, the MW automatically stops its operation.

Factors affecting the cooking time
The cooking time is affected by several factors. The temperature of food and ingredients used for cooking causes big differences in the cooking length. E.g. food preparation
with ice-cold food will last substantially longer than the preparation of the same food with ingredients whose temperature is room temperature. The cooking time is also affected by the set power.


Food density
Light, porous foods such as pastry and bread are prepared faster than heavy, dense foods such as roasts. When preparing porous foods in the MW oven, make sure the outer parts do not dry and crispen. Cover the outer parts with foil (for MW ovens) or cook at low power.
Food height
The top part of tall foods, namely when baking will bake faster than the lower part. It is, therefore, suitable to turn the food while cooking, sometimes several times.

Initial temperature
The initial temperature of the food directly affects the time for which the food needs to be cooked or heated. It is the same as with conventional cooking – frozen foods cook longer than foods refrigerated and foods stored at room temperature.

Moisture in food
Because the microwaves are drawn by moisture, relatively dry foods such as roast or some kinds of vegetables should be sprinkled with water or covered.

Food size
The smaller and more unified the pieces of ingredients in the MW are, the better. It is also suitable to cook cut-up food in bigger kitchenware in order that the microwaves may get to the pieces from all sides and ensure even cooking.

Quantity of food
The amount of microwaves remains the same regardless of the quantity of food prepared. The more food you put in the oven the longer will the preparation take. Small quantity of food requires shorter time for cooking or heating. When using regular times for cooking or heating, the food may overheat or burn.

Bones and fats
Bones conduct heat and big amounts of fat draw MW energy. When preparing a slice of meat with bones and fat, be careful not to cook the meat unevenly and roast it too thoroughly. Foods with big amounts of fat and sugar require careful choice of cooking time because they may easily become hot and burn or even cause a fire in the MW by self-ignition.

Shape of ingredients
Microwaves penetrate the food only approx. 2.5 cm. The inner parts of the food will cook by the heat created on the surface penetrating inward. In other words, only the inner parts of food will actually cook by microwave energy. The rest will cook by heat distribution in the food. It is therefore obvious that the worst shape of food for food preparation by MW oven is thick block. Before the center heats up, the edges will burn. Try to make the edges of the food around. These will cook best in the MW.

Defrosting frozen foods
Frozen foods may be put into the MW oven for defrosting (do not forget to remove all metal clips and packages). Cover the parts of food which defrost faster than others if needed. The process of defrosting will thus slow down or stop. Some foods do not need to be defrosted completely before further preparation. E.g. preparation of fish is so quick that it is sometimes better to start preparing them when slightly frozen.

Cooking of frozen foods
This kind of food requires special care if it is prepared in an MW oven. It is because most of the information on the packaging refers to a specific oven. It is, therefore, necessary to know the power of your oven. If your oven has lower power than stated in the information on the packaging, you should alter the cooking time INCREASE the cooking time in one-minute intervals, and stir the food every time if possible. Then, let it rest for at least 3 minutes.

Foods in shells, skin or membranes will burst in the MW oven unless you pierce them before cooking. This includes some kinds of smoked meats, yolks and egg whites, clams, oysters and several kinds of vegetable and fruit.

Checking the state
Because foods will cook fast in the MW, it is necessary to check them frequently. Some foods are left in the oven till they are cooked completely but most of the foods (incl. meat and poultry) should be taken out of the oven shortly before well done and be let finish cooking out of the oven. During this time, the inner temperature of the food will rise from 3 °C to 8 °C.

Lag time
Let the food rest when removed from the oven for at least 3 to 10 minutes. The food is usually covered for this time to keep the heat inside unless it is a food whose texture should be dry (e.g. some kinds of bread and crackers). The lag enables the cooking to finish and the taste and smell to spread.


Placing and distance
The individual pieces of food such as baked potatoes, small pieces of bread, and appetizers will heat up more evenly if they are spread in the MW oven at the same distance from each other, the ideal shape being a circle. Do not stock the ingredients on top of each other.

Stirring is one of the most important processes in microwave cooking. Stirring in microwave cooking serves to allow the heat to spread. Stir always from the outside inward because the outer part of the food heats first.

Large and long ingredients (such as roast or whole poultry) do not need to be turned for all the parts to cook evenly. It is also suitable to turn chopped poultry and schnitzels.

Covering with foil
Strips of foil are sometimes put on the corners and edges of angular ingredients (foil for MW ovens) which hold the microwaves and protect these parts from over-cooking. Do not use an excessive amount of foil and always attach it safely to the ingredient or the kitchenware, otherwise sparkling might occur in the oven which could damage it!

It is good to lift heavy or thick foods so that the microwaves may penetrate to the bottom part and inside the ingredient.

Meat and poultry cooked for 15 minutes or longer will brown lightly in their fat. Foods prepared for a shorter time may be smeared with a sauce which will cause a browning and an appealing look.


  • Keep the lag times recommended in the literature in order to utilize the MW energy at full and prevent over-heating of the food.
  • f you are not sure about if an ingredient will lose moisture during heating, wrap it tightly in a foil suitable for MW ovens and pierce the foil in several places.
  • When heating potatoes in the skin, bread, pastry, or moist ingredients, place the ingredients on a sheet of blotting kitchen paper which will absorb the moisture.
  • If you are going to heat the food on a plate, try placing them in an even layer.
  • The times given in the literature are valid for heating ingredients at room temperature. If the ingredients are cold, increase the time.
  • Place the heated ingredients on the plate in a way that the heavier, thicker, and meatier parts are on the rim of the plate where they will absorb most of the energy and the thinner parts in the middle.


Watch the operation of the product
The diagrams and values in this manual were prepared very thoroughly but your success in preparing food depends on how much of your attention you will pay to the food prepared. Always watch the food prepared. The MW is equipped with a light that will automatically light up when put into operation. Thanks to that it is possible to watch the process of preparation. Consider instructions in literature such as „increase“, „stir“ etc. minimal steps. If it seems that the meal is prepared unevenly, do what you consider best to repair the flaws.

Cooking ware
Never use metal dishes, dishes with metal decorations or dishes coated with foil. Microwaves do not penetrate metal. They will reflect off of the metal objects in the oven and the walls and cause an electric arc – a disturbing phenomenon resembling lightning. Most fire-resistant non-metal dishes can be used in the MW oven safely. Some dishes may contain materials that become unsuitable for MW cooking. If you have doubts about whether a specific dish is suitable, you can find out in a simple way.

Testing dishes for microwave cooking
Test the dishes for MW suitability before using it in the MW oven. Put the tested dish in the MW oven together with a glass bowl filled with water and turn the oven on for a minute at maximum power. If the water in the glass bowl heats and the tested dish remains cold, this dish is suitable for microwave cooking. If the tested dish is hot (Beware not to burn your fingers!), it means that the microwaves were absorbed by the dish and this dish is not suitable for microwave cooking.

Dishes for microwave cooking

  1. Most glass and glass-ceramic dishes are suitable. However, if they have metal/gold/silver decorations, do not use them. Varnished/glazed colored porcelain and glass must not be cut and hardened. We recommend round or oval dishes over square or rectangular dishes because the corner parts of the meal have a tendency to overcook.
  2. Paper, cardboard and pasteboard napkins, kitchen towels, plates, cups and dishes made of wood, straw, or with may be used in the MW oven for short-time heating. Do not use products of recycled paper, because they may contain impurities (particles of metal) which may cause sparkles or fire during cooking.
  3. Plastic plates, cups, bags, and packages may be used in the MW oven. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer.
  4. Do not use metal dishes and dishes with metal decorations in the MW oven. If a recipe requires the use of alu-foil, skewers, or dishes containing metal, keep a gap of at least 2.5 cm between the metal object and the inner wall of the oven. If the electric arc (sparkling) appears, remove the metal object and replace it with a non-metal one.
  5. Do not use sealed dishes (bottles with cork, caps, etc.)
  6. Be careful when removing dishes or the turning plate from the oven. Some kinds of dishes may absorb heat from the food being cooked and become very hot.
  7. Use only thermometer which is intended or recommended for use in MW ovens.
    The following table gives an overview of cooking in your MW oven:

Dish material| Cooking glass| Pyrex| Ceramic glass| Terracotta| Aluminum foil| Plastic matter| Paper or pasteboard| Metal dishes
Microwave mode|
















When heating up liquids in the MW oven such as soups, sauces and drinks, boiling might occur without any signs of bubbles. Then the hot liquid might suddenly boil over Keep the following instructions in order to prevent this:

  1. Do not use dishes with straight walls and narrow necks.
  2. Do not overheat the liquids.
  3. Stir the liquid before putting the dish into the oven and then in half of the cooking time.
  4. To prevent burning, leave the dish in the MW oven for a short while, then stir the liquid again and check its temperature before serving (especially with children’s bottles).


  1. Remove all packaging material, and remove the accessory. Remove all adhesive foils, stickers, or paper from the appliance. Place the turning table on the turning circle in the middle of the oven.
  2. Place the MW oven on the desired firm and flat surface (e.g. kitchen desk or a specially designed stand for MW ovens) at the height of at least 85 cm and out of reach of children. The glass of the door could heat up to a very high temperature. Leave space above, behind, and next to the oven for proper ventilation (pic. 1).eta-0208-Microwave-Oven-fig-1 Openings in the appliance provide airflow during ventilation and must not be covered or blocked. Also, the feet of the oven must not be removed. Covering the openings or removing the feet may cause damage to the MW oven.
  3. Make sure that the supply cord is not damaged and does not go through the oven or through any other sharp or hot places. The el. outlet must be easily accessible in order that the oven can be easily disconnected from the el. the outlet in case of danger. The appliance is equipped with a supply cord with a protective conductor. The fork must be plugged into a properly wired and grounded socket according to EN! We recommend using an individual electric circuit with a safeguard 16 A.
  4. Do not remove the light brown cover that is attached to the oven cavity to protect the magnetron.
  5. Place the oven as far away from radios and TV as possible. The operation of a microwave oven may cause interference to your radio or TV reception.


  • Open the oven door and insert the turntable ring. Put the glass tray on the top of the turntable ring, so that the central point of the glass tray sits on the turntable shaft at the bottom of the oven.
  • Never place the glass tray upside down. The glass tray should be restricted.
  • Both glass tray and turntable ring assembly must always be used during cooking,
  • All food and containers of food are always placed on the glass tray for cooking.
  • If the glass tray or turntable ring assembly cracks or breaks, contact the nearest authorized service center

If the MW oven does not work properly, unplug it from the el. outlet, wait for 10 seconds, and then connect it again.

Ventilation (pic. 1)
Proper ventilation is necessary for cooling the MW. If the ventilation openings are covered during the operation of the MW, the MW will overheat. In such a case, a heat fuse will turn the MW off. The MW oven will not work unless it has cooled down sufficiently. Air coming from the ventilation openings may heat up during operation. This is normal. Steam is a normal product of cooking. The MW is designed in order that this steam is released through ventilation openings on the side and in the back of the appliance



A: ventilation openings
B: door
C: door sealing
D: handle
E: door latches
F: safety locks openings
G: control panel
H: turning circle
I: glass plate

J: Rotary power regulator – setting the power of the microwaves (W)
K: Time regulator – cooking time setting (minutes)

For your information – the following power levels are available with individual settings. All numbers are given as an approximate percentage of maximum power.


  1. Open the MW doors, put the food in the middle of the glass plate and close the door.
  2. Choose a desired microwave power level using the regulator J according to the prepared food.
  3. Set the required time of preparation using the timer regulator K clockwise. In order to achieve an exact time of preparation, we recommend turning the time regulator a little further than the required time and then exactly on the required time. MW will start working.
  4. When the time regulator reaches 0 (zero), an audio signal will sound and the MW will automatically turn off.
  5. Open the door and take the meal out of the MW oven.
  6. If you want to end the preparation of the food before the set time, turn the time regulator to 0 (zero).eta-0208-Microwave-Oven-fig-4


Defrosting with microwaves is much faster than defrosting in a refrigerator and safer than defrosting at room temperature because it does not encourage growth of harmful bacteria. It is important to realize that defrosting takes longer than normal cooking

Check the food, turn it at least once during defrosting.

  1. Open the MW doors, put the food in the middle of the glass plate and close the door.
  2. Choose the desired microwave power for defrosting level using the regulator J.
  3. Set the required time of defrosting using the timer regulator K clockwise according to the weight of the food. MW will start working.
  4. When the time regulator reaches 0 (zero), an audio signal will sound and the MW will automatically turn off.
  5. Open the door and take the meal out of the MW oven.
  6. If you want to end the preparation of the food before the set time, turn the time regulator to 0 (zero).

When you turn the time regulator, the MW will start to work and the inner light will turn on. It is possible to open the door during the preparation, the timer will stop and the microwave radiation will discontinue. After closing the door the preparation will continue till all the set remaining time passes. After the preparation ends, an audio signal will sound and the timer will be in a zero position. The turning plate can turn in arbitrary direction.


Question: Why is the light in the MW oven not on?
Answer: Bulb filament is burnt.
Question: Why is there steam coming out of the openings and why is there water dripping from the bottom part of the door?
Answer: The emergence of steam during cooking is normal. The MW oven is equipped with ventilation openings through which the steam goes out. Sometimes the steam may condensate on the door and then water starts dripping from the bottom part of the door. It is utterly normal and safe.
Question: Can microwave energy penetrate the door window?
Answer: No! Metal shielding reflects the energy back into the oven. Openings and inlets enable light to pass through but not MW energy.
Question: Why do eggs sometimes burst?
Answer: When baking or cooking eggs the yolk may burst because there is steam emerging in the yolk membrane. To avoid this, pierce the egg with a toothpick before cooking. Never cook eggs without piercing the shell!
Question: Why is there lag time recommended after the cooking ends?
Answer: The lag time is very important. When cooking food in the MW oven, heat emerges in the food, not in the oven. There emerges enough inner heat in many foods to continue the process of cooking even after removing the food from the oven. The purpose of the lag time with bigger pieces of meat, bigger pieces of vegetables,s, and pies is to enable the inside of the food to cook through evenly without overcooking the outer parts.
Question: Why does the microwave oven not always cook as fast as the instructions for preparing food state?
Answer: Read the recipe once again to make sure that you have kept all instructions thoroughly and learn what may have caused the difference in preparation times. Preparation times and set temperatures are recommended values that should prevent over-cooking which is one of the most common problems of beginners when using the MW oven. Differences in terms of size, shape, weight, dimensions, and temperature of the food will require a longer or shorter time of preparation. Use your own judgment and recommended values to verify if the food has been prepared thoroughly just as you would have prepared it with conventional cooking.
Question: Why is there sparkling and crackling (electric arc) in the MW oven?
Answer: You are using dishes with metal parts or decorations (silver or gold). You left a fork or another metal object in the oven. You are using too much metal foil. You are using metal clips. There are remains of food in the MW oven.


Disconnect the appliance from the el. outlet by pulling the fork of the supply cord from the socket before maintenance! Keep the inner surfaces of the MW clean and dry in order that no sediments of grease and food particles occur. In general, the MW oven should be cleaned every time it has been used.

Inner walls
Remove all remains of food between the door and MW oven with a damp cloth. This area must be cleaned very thoroughly in order that the door can be closed properly. Remove all grease stains with a damp cloth then wipe and dry the walls. Do not use cleaning agents which are rough and abrasives because they will scratch and damage the surface of the MW oven. Remove the smells from the inside of the oven by placing a microwaveable dish with water with lemon juice squeezed from one lemon with skin and letting the microwaves work on it. Wipe and dry the inside of the oven afterward.
ATTENTION: Never pour water into the MW oven!

Door and door sealing must remain clean. Wash only with warm water with soap and then dry thoroughly. Do not use any abrasive agents such as cleaning powders or metal or plastic scrapers. Metal parts are best maintained by wiping them frequently with a damp cloth.

Outer parts
Clean the outer casing with a fine cloth with warm water, then dry it with a soft cloth. Make sure that water does not get to the inner parts. If the supply cord gets dirty, wipe it with clean cloth. Always make sure that the surface of the door sealing is clean.

Turning plate
Clean the glass plate in clean water after each use. Remove the turning circle and clean it in hot water with soap once a week. It is also necessary to maintain the guiding are clean so that grease does not prevent the wheels to turn. Otherwise, the noisiness of the oven might increase.


If the dimensions allow, there are labels of materials used for the production of packing, components, and accessories as well as their recycling on all parts. The symbols specified on the product or in the accompanying documentation mean that the used electrical or electronic products must not be disposed of together with municipal waste. For proper disposal of the product, hand it over at special collection places where it will be received free of charge. Suitable disposal of the product can help to maintain valuable natural resources and to prevent possible negative impacts on the environment and human health, which could be the possible consequences of improper waste disposal. Ask for more details at the local authorities or at a collection site. Fines can be imposed for improper disposal of this type of waste in agreement with the national regulations. If the appliance is to be put out of operation, after disconnecting from the power supply we recommend its cutoff, and in this way it will not be possible to use the appliance again.
More extensive maintenance or maintenance requiring intervention in the inner parts of the appliance must be carried out by professional service! Failure to comply with the instructions of the manufacturer will lead to the expiration of the right to guarantee repair!



The manufacturer reserves the right to change the technical specifications and accessories for the respective models.




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