wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah Installation Guide

June 6, 2024

Round Cube RELAX
Construction guide Check the parts for completeness before assembly!

RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah

Round Cube RELAX
drw.1wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 1 Round Cube RELAX
Scale 1:40wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 2

Detail list 1

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

Detail list 2![wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah

Detail list 3![wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah

Nails and screws
(Scale 1:2) 
| Area of use| Name in
in. Manual| Screw size| Quantity
| Mainly for construction inside and outside| S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce| x100
| Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo
| For fixing the door(s)| S6.2| Screws 4,2×75| x20
| For fixing the side wall end  coverings| S6.1| Screws 4,5×70 (black coated)| x60
| Mainly for construction inside and outside| S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce| x220
| Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo
| Only for the window(s)Not in use in this sauna| S4| Screws 4,2×55| x0
| (screws is attached to the door moldings) For fixing front door moldings| S3.2| Screws 4,5×50| x14
| Only for the window moldings Not in use in this sauna| S3.1| Screws 3×40| x0
| Mainly for construction inside and outside| S2| Screws 3×40| x10
| Mainly for construction inside and outside| S1| Screws 3×30| x18
| During roof installation| R5| Nail 2,5×20| 1kg
S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x4

NB! use a level

The base of the sauna must be level!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 7

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x4

Use two screws for point A1and A2 (see sketch).
Please countersink the screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 8

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x40

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
9Use a rubber mallet to tap the planks together.
Screw each plank B3a and B3b to the foundation B1 with a screw. ~10 pieces on each side left B3a and right B3b.
Please countersink the screw head! When the boards are installed it should look like this.
~10 boards on each side.
Lift the bottom of the sauna up on one side.
Paint the boards from the bottom and the legs as well, with the included black paint.
Let the paint dry a bit.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun
Sunnah - Figure 11Before installation of the drain pipe, hole must be cut with a hole saw.
Install a piece of drain pipe V1.
Drill 10 mm hole in each plank, in the front wall groove and in the back wall groove to the outside as shown in the picture A1 and A2.
After drilling, clean the groove from wood debris and cover the groove with the included inarijärvi wood treatment – protects against water and humidity. LLet the inarijärvi dry.
Lay R1 (rubber seal) to the inside of the groove as shown in picture A3 and A4.
Remove the connecting beam B2 on both sides.wellmia RELAX Round Cube
Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 12

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x8
S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x4

Preparation of the front wall.
When assembling the front wall, first use glue between the wall pieces and then screw the pieces together and add the wall reinforcements B2.2 to the inner side ofthe wall.
Let the glue dry according to the glue manufacturer’s recommendations.
Please countersink the S5 screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube
Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 13wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun
Sunnah - Figure 14

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x2

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 15

First install the lower part of the back wall. The lower part of the back wall must be in the center of the base.
If the lower part of the back wall is in place, then it must be fixed with screws. The screw locations are shown in the picture.
Please countersink the screw head!

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x5
S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x2

NB! use a level

When installing the front wall, make sure that it stays in the center!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
17 To keep the front wall upright, use the side wall boards B3a and B3b. Install them as shown in the picture.
When the support boards are in place, before screwing the front wall to the base, check if the front wall is inthe center.
Please countersink the S5 screw head!

S5|  Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x40

When the front wall is attached, start building the side walls on the left B3a and on the right B3b. Use a rubber mallet to tap the boards into place and then fasten with screws.
Build the side walls to the upper edge of the lower part of the back wall as shown in the picture.
Please countersink the S5 screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube
Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 18

S7|  Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x2

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
19Now install the upper part of the back wall.
Install support boards B3a and B3b to hold the upper part of the back wall securely. When they are in place, you can screw the upper part of the back wall to the lower part.
Please countersink the screw head!

S5|  Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x84

Before continuing to build the side wall, place the bench backrest (I8) in the sauna.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
21When the top of the back wall is in place, continue with the construction of the side walls. Use blanks B3a (left) and B3b (right) to build the side walls.
Use a rubber mallet to tap the boards into place and then fasten with screws.
Please countersink the screw head!
Please do not screw the screws in on the last whole blanks immediately.
Please measure the gap front and back, the dimensions can be different.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 22

S2…7| Screws
3×40 … 4,5×80| x6

Divide the measurement by two and transfer the measurements to the last two planks. Connect the dimensions on the plank with a line and cut off these ends.
Glue the two freshly cut boards with wood glue and connect them with 6 pieces of 3×40 … 4.5×80 screws (the length of the screws depends on the final width of the last two planks cut). Wipe off excess glue with acloth and then use sand paper to smooth out the gap.
Please countersink the screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 24

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x6

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
25Insert the last piece and use a rubber mallet to tap the planks together. Screw the loose planks to the walls with screws.
Please countersink the screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 26 Place the tension bands M1 (Steel band) around the side walls and thread the bands into the eyelet as follows (see sketch above).
Hex nuts and bolts must be tightened as long as the planks are stationary in all directions.
The tension band and clamps must be placed as shown in the picture below.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

S1 Screws 3×30 x18

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
29The inner and outer ventilation grilles V2 and adjustable cover V3 are screwed with 3 screws.

S6.2 Screws 4,2×75 x14
S3.2 Screws 4,5×50 x14

Install the door(s) from inside (shown in the picture).

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 30wellmia RELAX
Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 31

Install the doors from inside (shown in the picture).
Screw the door from the sides with 5 screws from the bottom and from the top with 2 screws.
If the door is in place, install the door moldings, top with 2 screws and bottom with 2 screws and the sides with 5 screws.
Please countersink the screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 32 Rectangle bitumen roof sheet row arrangement for Round Cube RELAX
The base row is installed first, then the first row, etc. up in the middle of the sauna. The sheets that remain over the edge of the sauna wall are cut off and, if possible, used for other rows.
The base row starts at the front end and offset from the front end of the sauna, row 1 always starts in the middle, the other rows are offset from the middle.
For row 1, use nails to fix the lower end, and for row 2,usethe included bitumen silicone. Subsequent rowsfrom the second row do not need fix from lower end.
The layout pattern repeats every 4 rows.
Round cube RELAX – 6pkg
wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
34 Round cube RELAX – 8pcswellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
35 Katepal 3T Rectangle -1-

R5 Nail 2,5×25

These pictures are for installing cover plates.
More or less the same applies to other cover plates.
The base sheet of the first row must be installed first.
Sheets are self-adhesive, for better adhesion use a heat source.wellmia
RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
36wellmia RELAX Round Cube
Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 37 Repeat these steps on the other side as well!
The first procedure is to cut the sheet 150 mm shorter.
Remove the protective film from the bottom of the sheet and place it in place, start the row from the front end of the sauna with a small off set and from the bottom to the second plank as shown in the pictures.
If the sheet is in place, nails must be used to fix it properly. Nails must be placed every 100 mm, 10 pieces for the whole sheet below and above as shown in the picture.
When the row is finished and extends over the edge, it must be cut off and the leftovers can be used to complete the row on the other side.

R5 Nail 2,5×25

These pictures are for installing cover plates. More or less the same applies to other cover plates.
The first sheet of the first row starts from the bottom and center of the side wall of the sauna.
Sheets are self-adhesive, for better adhesion use a heat source.wellmia
RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

Repeat these steps on the other side as well!
wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 39Remove the protective film from the bottom of the sheet and put it in place by starting the row from the bottom and center. The bottom edge of the first row sheet must be in line with the bottom edge of the base sheet shown in the pictures.
If the sheet is in place, nails must be used to fix it properly. Nails must be placed every 100 mm, 10 pieces for the whole sheet below and 7 pieces above as shown in the picture.
When the row is finished and extends over the edge, the excess must be cut off and the left-overs can be used in the following rows.
Recommendation on row arrangement are in separate pages.

R5 Nail 2,5×25

These pictures are for installing cover plates. More or less the same applies to other cover plates.
The roof ridge must be placed in the middle, starting from the back end of the sauna or from the front end.
Sheets are self-adhesive, for better adhesion use a heat source.wellmia
RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
40The first procedure is to cut the sheet into three pieces.
Remove the protective film from the sheet and put it in place by starting the ridge row from back end of the sauna or from the front end.wellmia RELAX
Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 41If the sheet is in place, fasten it with 4 nails on the self-adhesive spot as shown in the picture. The next sheet must be placed so that it overlaps the self-adhesive spot of the first sheet and covers the head of the nail min. length 150 mm.
If the last sheet extends over the edge, it must be cut off, and if the self- adhesive part remains visible, it must aabe covered with a suitable piece of excess, use bitumen silicone for fixing.

S6.1| Screws 4,5×70
(black coated)| x60

NB! use a level

Installation of cover boards at the front end and at the back end of the sauna.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
42wellmia RELAX Round Cube
Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 43

The installation of the cover boards is started from the bottom and the first cover board must be in the center at the front end and at the back end of the sauna.
The upper edge of the first cover board must be at the same height as the floor. It can also be a little higher than the floor level, but not more than 2 mm.
Glue must be added to the lower 3 cover boards before screwing. Each cover board is screwed with 3 screws.
If the front end of the sauna is done, the back end of the sauna must be done in the same way.
Please countersink the screw head!wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz
Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 44 If the cover boards are in place, those gaps that remain between the roof bitumen sheets and the covering board must be filled with sealant.
Preparation of middle bench I2b (right).
Before cutting the hole, read the user manual of the heater on how to install it correctly!
The picture shows only the cut areas, distances and sizes where it would be appropriate to place theheater.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design
Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 45

S2 Screws 3×40 x6
S5 Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo x10

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 46

The height of the lower edge of the backrest is shown in the picture.
First install the bench backrest 18 and fasten with four screws S5. The height of the lower edge of the backrest is shown in the picture.
Next install the bench backrest I7. It needs to be set from the bottom edge as the wall is not flat.
For leveling, use $2 screws, putting them behind the block with which the backrests are against the wall. At the beginning, screw the screws in, leaving 20 mm out, then, if necessary, turn them inward or outward. Or use spacer blocks.
Repeat these steps on the other side bench backrest I7 as well!

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x18

NB! use a level

Drill 4mm hole in the K.. square woods before screwing.wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 47wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun
Sunnah - Figure 48 Height measurements are measured from a straight surface.
Please countersink the screw head!
First measure and install wall mount K75.
Measure the height from straight surface and the distance from center. The upper edge height from the straight surface of K75 is shown in the picture.
Next measure and install K45. Measure the upper edge of the wall mount K45 from the wall mount K75 and the distance from center.
Next measure and install bench skirt wall mount K34. Measure the upper edge of the wall mount K34 and the outer edge depth distance from the wall mount K45. The K34 wall mount should be perpendicular to the K45 wall mount.
Now measure and install K30 on both sides.
Measure the height straight surface and distance from the back wall.
Before installing square wood K30, K34, K35 and K75, drill holes for screws. Add glue and then screw it to the wall and wipe off the excess glue.

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x4
S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x12

NB! use a level

Drill 4mm hole in the K10 square wood before screwing.wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 49

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
48Install and fix the I1a upper bench to the wall mounts K45 with two S7 screws and K30 with two S5 screws.
Install some aids to keep the bench level.
Once the upper bench is attached, K10 must be installed next. K10 must be installed at the lower edge of the square wood attached under the bench and fixed to the side wall with two S7 screws, the locations are shown in the pictures.
Before installing square wood K10, drill holes for screws. Add glue and then screw it to the wall and wipe off the excess glue.
Repeat these steps on the other side as well!

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x8

NB! use a level

Drill 4mm hole in the K.. square woods before screwing.
The measurement must be started from the lower edge of the square wood attached under the bench for square wood legs.
The square wood and cover board are longer, they must be cut to the correct size.
Please countersink the screw head!
Mark the distance of the square wood K90 from the outer edge of the bench. Measure from bench I1a down to the floor. Cut the K90 to size. Make sure that square wood K90 stays perpendicular to the bench when attaching it.wellmia
RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure
50Before installing the cover board D3, mark the distance from the outer edge of the bench.
Measure from the marked point down to the floor. Cut the D3 cover board to size. If it is cut to size, fasten with two S5 screws.
Make sure that cover board D3 stays perpendicular to the bench and in parallel with K90 when attaching it to K90.
Repeat these steps on the other side as well!

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x4
S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x6

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 51.

The cover board is longer, it must be cut to the correct size.
Height measurements are measured from a straight surface.
First install cover board piece D4. Mark the upper edge of D4 cover board piece.
Measure from the marked point to the floor to get the measurement. Cut the D4 cover board piece to size.wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design
Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 52Attach the D4 cover board piece to K90 square wood with two S5 screws.
Now install and fix the I2a bench to the wall mounts K75 with two S7 screws and to K90 with one S7 screw.
Install an aid to keep the bench level.
Repeat these steps on the other side as well!

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x20

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 53

Drill 4mm hole in the K.. square woods before screwing.wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 48The measurement must be started from the lower edge of the square wood attached under the bench.
The square wood and cover board are longer, they must be cut to the correct size.
Please countersink the screw heads that are hidden behind the other part!
First measure and install the corner leg K45 of the middle bench i2a.
Measure from the bench to the floor. Cut the K45 to size. If it is cut correctly, make sure that square wood K45 stays perpendicular to the bench when attaching it.
Next, install the two middle legs K45 of the middle bench I2a. Measure from the bench to the floor. Cut the K45 to size. If it is cut correctly, make sure that square wood K45 stays perpendicular to the bench when attaching it.
Now install cover boards D4 on the middle legs K45. Measure from the bench to the floor. Cut the D4 to size and install to the K45 legs with two screws each as shown in the picture.
Repeat these steps on the other side as well!

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x16

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 54

The cover board are longer, they must be cut to the correct size.
First measure and install the corner leg K45 cover boards D4 and D5.
Measure from the bench to the floor. Cut the D4 and D5 to size. First install cover board D4 and then D5. Both are attached with two screws to the corner leg K45 square wood.
Next install the bench skirt I3. It must be placed so that there is a small gap between the lower edge and the middle bench I2a. Fasten with four screws.
Repeat these steps on the other side as well!

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x12

NB! use a level

Drill 4mm hole in the K.. square woods before screwing.wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 55wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun
Sunnah - Figure 48

Height measurements are measured from a straight surface.
Please countersink the screw head!
First measure and install wall mount K35. Measure the height and distance from the back wall. The upper edge height and distance from the back wall of K35 is shown in the picture.
Next measure and install K55. Measure the top edge of the wall mount from wall mount K35 and install it against the back wall as shown in the picture.
Next measure and install bench skirt mount K34.
Measure the upper edge from the wall mount K55 of the wall mount K34 and the outer edge distance from back wall. The K34 wall mount should be perpendicular to the K55 wall mount.
Before installing square wood K35, K34, and K55, drill holes for screws. Add glue and then screw it and wipe off the excess glue.
Do these steps on both sides.

S7| Screws 4,5×80 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×75 for Thermo| x12

Drill 4mm hole in the K10 square wood before screwing.wellmia RELAX Round
Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 56wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun
Sunnah - Figure 48First install and fix the I4 upper bench to the K55 mounts with two screws.
If the upper bench is attached, K10 must be installed next. K10 must be installed at the lower edge of the square wood attached under the bench and fixed to the back wall with two screws. Locations are shown in the pictures.
Now install and fix the I5 bench to the mounts K35 with two screws.
Before installing square wood K10, drill holes for screws. Add glue and then screw it to the wall and wipe off the excess glue.

S5| Screws 4,5×60 for Spruce
Screws 4,2×55 for Thermo| x4

NB! use a levelwellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah -
Figure 57

Install the bench skirt I6. It must be placed so that there is a small gap between the lower edge and the middle bench I2-s and I6. Fasten with four screws.
Adjust the legs of the base plate of the heater (H1) so that the base plate is level.
Next place step bench I9 and then place the floor mat I10.wellmia RELAX
Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure 58


  1. Vertical adjustment of the door sash
    The hinge on the side of the sash has a height adjustment bolt (fig.1), from which is possible to adjust the distance between the hinges. Turning clockwise, the hinges move further apart, and the door sash moves higher. It must be remembered that all  hinges should be equally set at the same height, so as not to burden just one hinge. Fig.1 Sash hinge height adjustment bolt

  2. Horizontal adjustment of the door sash
    The horizontal adjustment of the door sash can be done through the hinge on the frame (fig.2). Turning the bolt clockwise moves the sash closer to the hinge, turning counter-clockwise, moves the sash away from the hinge. The door sash should be adjusted so that the frame is at an equal distance from the edge of the frame. When turning the bolt, you should manually support the sash in the same direction so as not to bend the hinge. Fig.2 Frame horizontal direction adjustment bolt

  3. Adjusting the depth of the door frame
    The distance of the door sash to the door frame can be adjusted both by the hinges (fig.3) and by the lock (fig.4). The distance between the sash and the frame can be adjusted by the hinges by turning the bolt in Fig.3 – clockwise, the sash moves closer to the frame, counter-clockwise further. The distance between the door sash and the frame on the lock side can be adjusted by bending the metal “ears” in figure 4 apart with a screwdriver. If necessary, the “ears” can also be back with a screwdriver.|
    Fig.3 Door sash depth adjustment bolt| Fig. 4 Depth adjustment points on the lock side

  4. Door finishing guide
    • Clean the door from dust and dirt
    • Remove or cover the lock, handles and hinges
    • The product to be finished, must be dry and dust-free
    • Finish the door with a suitable primer (NB! Finish both sides of the door)
    • Finish the door with a substance suitable for outdoor conditions

Finishing is important so that the door maintains smooth closing and is durable in outdoor conditions.


  • Remove plastic from hinges (first picture). To remove plastic, lift it from the places indicated by the red lines;
  • To regulate hinges you need TORX 30 bit and cordless drill;
  • Loosen the bolt shown in figure slightly. (DO NOT OPEN COMPLETELY);
  • If both hinge bolts are slightly loosened, it is possible to move the glass in the directions shown in the figure;
  • If the glass is set to the required distance, the bolts must be tightened again.

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure


  • PH2 screwdriver required;
  • The roller lock can be adjusted by turning the screw indicated by the red line;
  • Turning clockwise moves the roller inward and turning counterclockwise moves the roller outward;
  • The roller should be adjusted so that the glass moves freely behind the roller without applying force.

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

Glass door handle

Before installing the glass on the door, the handle must be disassembled.

  1. – metal handle
  2. – wooden handle
  3. – 4x set screw for fixing handle
  4. – 2x bolts
  5. – 2x cone bushings
  6. – 4x cover caps for handles
  7. – 4x plastic washer
  8. – 2x plastic bushing

wellmia RELAX Round Cube Thermoholz Design Fasssaun Sunnah - Figure

Order of installation
2X ( 4 – 5 – 6(inside the steam room) – 7(inside the steam room) – 8 – Glass door – 7(outside the steam room) – 6(outside the steam room) ) – 1 – 2 – 3


  1. It is recommended to install the sauna above ground level to prevent the legs of the sauna from coming into direct contact with the ground. Install a water-resistant material, such as bitumen strips, between the legs of the sauna and the base.

  2. Make sure that the surface on which you install the sauna is levelled and stable both before and after installing the sauna. Otherwise, the doors of the sauna may not open and close properly.

  3. If the top part of the chimney has not been installed upon delivery of the sauna, it should be placed into the chimney pipe from the roof of the sauna.

  4. During the first heating of the sauna, it must be constantly supervised and the doors should be kept open, as the stove emits a specific smell when first heated. Read more from the user manual of the sauna stove.

  5. The maximum permitted temperature of the steam room is +90 °C. If heated to a higher temperature, the sauna may be overheated.

  6. After each use of the sauna, it is recommended to keep the stove warm, the doors open, and the footrests up for a while to allow the sauna to dry from the inside. If necessary, the water on the floor should be directed to the drain with a floor scraper to avoid damage caused by excess humidity.

  7. When the weather is humid and if the wood has expanded, the metal hoops around the sauna should be loosened to avoid breaking the clamps and jamming the doors.
    The hoops can be adjusted from the nut of clamp M12 located on the side of the sauna. To alleviate excess tension on the clamp and the hoop itself, loosen nut M12 (wrench no. 19) until the hoop can be shifted left and right. Then, re-tighten the nut until the hoop is under slight pressure and pressed fully against the wood so that it cannot be pulled away from the walls of the sauna. When the weather is less humid and the wood has dried, the metal hoops around the sauna should be tightened from nut M12. Tighten the nut so the hoop is under slight pressure. The hoop must be pressed fully against the wood so that it cannot be pulled away from the walls of the sauna. Saunasell OÜ is not liable for damage caused to the sauna due to a broken hoop clamp.

  8. If the door is shifted out of place when the hoops are tightened, lift the exterior door off the hinges and regulate the hinges. If this is not a sufficient solution, remove the trims of the door and unscrew the screws of the doorframe beneath them. This will relieve the pressure on the door. If necessary, the opening of the door may be made wider, after which the screws should be re-tightened and the trims and door reinstalled.

  9. The interior door should be regulated from the stopper and, if necessary, the hinges. If this is not a sufficient solution, remove the trims of the door and unscrew the screws of the doorframe beneath them. This will relieve the pressure on the door.

  10. Locking the sauna door from the inside is prohibited.

  11. In order to avoid damage caused by the weight of snow, any snow should be removed from the roof of the sauna. Keep in mind that the roof covering should not be damaged during snow removal.

  12. If your sauna has lighting, install a 3G 2,5 mm2 outdoor power cable and connect it in juniper box provided with the sauna (L1 – brown , N – blue , GR – green-yellow). The power cable of the sauna must be connected to a residual-current circuit breaker! Consult an electrician if necessary.

Maintenance of the sauna

  1. The interior surfaces of the sauna, the window frames of the steam and washing room, and the frames of interior doors must be treated with a special substance before initial use to protect them from humidity and dirt and extend the useful life of the sauna.
    Later, this should be done once or twice a year. TEKNOS Satu Saunasuoja or Tikkurila Supi Saunasuoja may be used for this.

  2. Before initial use of the sauna, the benches and footrests must be treated with a protective oil to extend their useful life. Later, this should be done once or twice a year.
    TEKNOS Satu Laudesuoja or Tikkurila Supi Laudesuoja may be used for this.

  3. Before initial use of the sauna and once a year after that, the door, doorframe, threshold, and window frame of the anteroom as well as the floors of the washing room and anteroom should be treated with the lacquer Teknos Helo Aqua 40.

  4. The exterior surfaces of the sauna are given the first protective coating during production. The second coating should be applied approximately two months after purchasing the sauna to extend its useful life and maintain its appearance. Use Remmers Aidol HK-Lasur for this. The substance is available for purchase at Saunasell OÜ or from the website https://trendwood.ee/tooted/viimistlus/remmers/

  5. Saunasell OÜ is not liable for damage caused to the sauna due to insufficient maintenance or no maintenance at all.


  • The products have a 24-month warranty covering material and production defects, taking effect from the delivery of the sauna to the client.
  • The warranty is valid if the user has reviewed the user manuals and abides by them.
  • The warranty is void if the sauna has not been assembled by Saunasell OÜ.
  • Please note! The warranty period differs for products on trailers and products intended for commercial use.
  • The warranty does not cover defects characteristic of wood, such as discoloration, changes, issues, or cracks caused by alternating or excess humidity, etc.
  • The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear of the product caused by its use and damage caused by incorrect installation or use is not compensated.
  • The warranty does not cover damage caused by thunder or other weather phenomena.
  • The warranty does not cover damage caused by incorrect installation by the client.
  • The warranty expires when attempts are made to independently change or fix the product or if it is not used for its intended purpose.
  • The warranty is void if the product is stored in an incorrect position or in the wrong conditions.
  • The warranty is valid if the buyer informs the seller of the defect within a reasonable time (7 days).

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