LEEDARSON LA02302 WI-FI and Bluetooth SMART Combo Module User Manual
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
LA02302 WI-FI and Bluetooth SMART Combo Module
User Manual
1.1 Overview
The LA02302 is a Leedarson-developed universal Wi-Fi and Bluetooth SMART (BLE)
combo module. It uses the Espressif Inc. ESP32-U4WDH System in Package that
integrates an embedded 4MB flash. The LA02302 module is designed for a variety
of IoT products such as Power Drivers, Sensors, Plugs, Lighting, Switches,
etc. 1.2 Key
Embedded Xtense 32-bit LX6 microprocessor, with a clock up to 160MHz
Data Memory: 520KB internal SRAM and 448KB internal ROM,4MB Flash
Power supply voltage: 3.0V∼3.6V
Operating temperature: -40∼105 Deg-C
Frequency of crystal oscillator: 40MHz \32.768KHz
Operating frequency: 2400∼2483.5MHz
Support WIFI 802.11b/g/n up to 150Mbps
Compliant with Bluetooth LE specifications
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and BLE can’t transmission simultaneous -
■ Horizontal Mount (Plug-In)
♦ 2 PWMs (GPI0s)
♦ 1 I2C
♦ 1 Dedicated Triac Dimmer Detection Pin
■ Vertical (SMD)
♦ 1 GPIOs
♦ 1 UART
1.3 Block Diagram
The LA02302 module is a highly-integrated, high-performance system with all
the hardware components needed to enable 2.4GHz wireless connectivity and
support Wi-A and BLE protocols.
Built around the ESP32-U4WDH Wireless SoC, the LA02302 includes a built-in PCB
trace antenna, supply decoupling and filtering components, a 40MHz reference
crystal, a 32.768KHz crystal, and an RF shield. A general block diagram of the
module is shown below. 1.4 Power Supply
The LA02302 requires a single nominal supply level of 3.3V. All the necessary
decoupling and filtering components are included in the module. The supply
voltage noise tolerance of the module should be less than 100mVpp and the
supply current should be more than 500mA.
1.5 Module Certification Information
Table 1.5. Module Certification Information
Module | Certification Type | Certification Information |
LA 02302 | FCC | |
IC |
Electrical characteristics
2.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Stresses above those listed below may cause permanent damage to the device.
This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the devices at those
or any conditions above those indicated in the operation listing of this
specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability.
Table 2.1. Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol | Min. | Max | Units | |
VCC | Power Supply | _0.1 | +3.6 | V |
GND | Ground of Module | 0 | V | |
VIO | The voltage of Module I0 | 0. | +3.6 | V |
Storage temperature | -40 | +125 | Deg-C | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
MSL | Moisture Sensitivity Level | |||
ESD HBM | Human Body Model | +1.5 | KV | |
ESD CDM | Charge Device Mode | +5(X) | V |
2.2 General Operating Conditions
This table specifies the general operating temperature range and supply
voltage range for all supplies, the minimum and maximum values of all other
tables are specified over this operating range unless otherwise noted.
Table 2.2. General Operating Conditions
Symbol | Parameter | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units |
NC | Supply voltage, normal | 3.0 | 3. | 4. | V |
TA | Operation temperature ¹ | -40 | 25 | 105 | Deg-C |
ICC peak | Supply Current Peak ² | − | 400 | 450 | mA |
ICC average | Supply Current average ² | − | 150 | mA |
- It refers in particular to the surface temperature on the 40MHz reference crystal of the LA02302 when it is working, if the surface temperature of the 40MHz reference crystal is above 105 Deg-C, the RF parameters will be worse.
- It is measured when the nodule runs the RF test Firmware (Th 10% duty cycle and 25 Deg-C ambient temperature.
2.3 DC Specifications
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are VCC=3.3V.TA=25 Deg-C.
Table 2.3. DC Specifications
Symbol| Parameter(condition)| Min.| Typ.| Max.|
VIA| Input high voltage| 0.75 x VCC| | VCC| V
VIL| Input low voltage| GND| –| 0.25x VCC| V
VEOH| Output high voltage| 0.8 x VCC| –| –| V
VOL| Output low voltage| –| | 0.1x VCC| V
IOT| Output high current| –| 40| –| mA
IOL| Output low current| –| 28| –| mA
RPO| Pull-up resistance| –| 45| –| k Ω
RPD| Pull-down resistance| –| 45| –| k Ω
ITX 802.11b peak| Transmit 11b DSSS 1Mbps Pout=+19dBm| –| 382| | mA
ITX 802.11b average| Transmit 11b DSSS 1Mbps Pout=+19dBm| –| 148| –| mA
ITX 802.11b peak| Transmit 11b DSSS 11Mbps Pout=4-19dBm| –| 378| –| mA
ITX 802.11b average| Transmit 11b DSSS 11Mbps Pout=-1-19dBm| –| 146| –| mA
ITX 802.11g peak| Transmit 11g OFDM 6Mbps Pout=+17dBm| –| 332| –| mA
ITX 802.11g average| Transmit 11g OFDM 6Mbps Pout=+17dBm| –| 139| –| mA
ITX 802.11g peak| Transmit 11g OFDM 54Mbps Pout=+13 dBm| –| 272| –| mA
ITX 802.11g average| Transmit 11g OFDM 54Mbps Pout=+13 dBm| –| 130| –| in \
ITX 802.11n peak| Transmit 11n OFDM MCSO Pout=+17.5 dBm| –| 328| –| mA
ITX 802.1 In average| Transmit 11n OFDM MCSO Pout=+17.5 dBm| –| 140| –| mA
ITX 802.1In peak| Transmit 11n OFDM MCS7 Pout=+I2 dBm| –| 256| –| mA
ITX 802.1In average| Transmit 11n OFDM MCS7 Pout=+I2 dBm| –| 128| –| mA
IRX 802.1 lb/g/n| Rx average current| –| 108| –| mA
ITX BLE| Pout=8 dBm| –| 236| –| mA
ITX BLE average| Pout=8 dBm| –| 184| –| mA
IRX BLE| Rx avenge current| –| 115| –| mA
The current is measured with the module running the RF test Firmware @ 10%
duty cycle
2.4 RF Specifications
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are VCC=3.3V TA=2S Deg-C.
Table 2.4. Wi-Fi Specifications
Symbol | Description | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units |
Fop | Operating frequencies | 2412 | – | 2484 | MHz |
PRFI 1b | 1lb DSSS IMbps output power | – | 19 | – | dBm |
1lb DSSS 11Mbps output power | – | 19 | – | dBm | |
PRI 11g | 11g OFDM 6Mbps output power | – | 17 | – | dBm |
11g OFDM 54Mbps output power | – | 13 | – | dBm | |
PRFI 1n | 11 n OFDM HT20 MCSO output power | – | 17 | – | dBm |
11 n OFDM HT20 MCS7 output power | – | 12 | – | dBm | |
1ln OFDM HT40 MCSO output power | – | 16 | – | dBm | |
1ln OFDM HT40 MCS7 output power | – | 11 | – | dBm | |
PSENS11b | Receiver sensitivity @ 1lb DSSS 1Mbps | – | -95 | – | dBm |
Maximum receiving level @ 1lb DSSS 1Mbps | – | 5 | – | dBm | |
Receiver sensitivity @1lb DSSS 11Mbps | – | -86 | – | dBm | |
Maximum receiving level @11b DSSS 11Mbps | – | 5 | – | dBm | |
PSENS11g | Receiver sensitivity @ 11g OFDM 6Mbps | – | -91 | – | dBm |
Maximum receiving level @ 1lg OFDM 6Mbps | – | 0 | – | dBm | |
Receiver sensitivity @ 11g OFDM 54Mbps | – | -73 | – | dBm | |
Maximum receiving level @ 1lg OFDM 54Mbps | – | -8 | – | dBm | |
PSENS 11n | Receiver sensitivity @ 11n OFDM HT20 MCSO | – | -90 | – | dBm |
Maximum receiving level @ l1n OFDM HT20 MCSO | – | 0 | – | dBm | |
Receiver sensitivity @ 11n OFDM HT20 MCS7 | – | -71 | – | dBm | |
Maximum receiving level @ 11n OFDM HT20 MCS7 | – | -8 | – | dBm | |
Receiver sensitivity @ 11n OFDM HT40 MCSO | – | -88 | – | dBm | |
Maximum receiving level @ 11n OFDM HT40 MCSO | – | 0 | – | dBm | |
Receiver sensitivity @ l1n OFDM HT40 MCS7 | – | -68 | – | dBm | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Maximum receiving level @ 11n OFDM HT40 MCS7 | – | -8 | – | dBm |
Table 2.5. BLE Specifications
Symbol | Description | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units |
Fop | Operating frequencies | 2402 | – | 2480 | MHz |
PRFLE | LE Output Power | – | 8 | – | dBm |
LE Out Power Control range | – | 24 | – | dB | |
LE Out Power Control step | – | 3 | – | dB | |
PSENSLE | LE Receiver sensitivity | – | -90 | 1 | dBm |
LE Maximum receiving level | – | 0 | – | dBm |
Pin Definition
Table 3. Module Pin Number
Module No| Pin of IC| Pin Definition| Pin Function
Description| Direction
1| 49| GND| ground of module| —
2| 1,3,4,19,26,37,43,46| VCC| Power Supply| —
3| 11_VDET_2| AC_TR1AC_DETECT 1| Triac Dimmer Detect 0 – VCC (0 – 3.3V)| I
4| 21_MTDO| I2C_SCK| I2C Clock pin| I/O
5| 20 MTCK| I2C_SDA| I2C Data pin| I/O
6| 15_GPIO26| PWM2/IO1| PWM channel 2 output / GPIO 1| I/O
7| 17_MTMS| PWM 1/100| PWM channel 1 output / GPIO 0| I/O
8| 9_CHIP_PU| /Reset| Reset, Low Active| I
9| 1,3,4,19,26,37,43, 46| VCC| Power Supply| —
10| 49| GND| ground of module| —
11| 40 UORXD| RXO| FACTORY UART_RX data in (RX)| I
12| 41_UOTXD| TXO| FACTORY UART_TX data out (TX)| 0
13| 10 VDET_1| FACTORY MODE N| FACTORY MODE enables, low active| I
14| 23_GPIOO| SLEN| BM SEL for UART boot;
Default: weak pull up| I/O
1. AC TRIAC_DETECT is used to detect if a device is powered through a Triac
dimmer and to determine the dimmer settings. The circuit that feeds this
signal should give a scaled DC voltage representation of the average AC
voltage integrated over approximately 200ms. If the triac is set to chop the
AC waveform 50%, the AC_TRIAC_DETECT signal should be at 50% of VCC. If the
Triac dimmer is turned up completely, the AC waveform will be minimally
chopped and the AC_TRIAC_DETECT signal should be at 100% of VCC.
Package Specifications
4.1 Single Module Dimension 4.2
Layout Package Suggestion
Table 4.2. Layout
Package Suggestion
Symbol | Dimension (mm) | Dimension (mil) |
Min. | Typ | Max. |
A | 13.16 | 13.26 |
B | 3.26 | 3.36 |
C | 0.8 | 0.9 |
D | 12.1 | 12.2 |
E | 0.9 | 1 |
F | 1.2 | 1.3 |
G | 0.5 | 0.6 |
H | 1.1 | 1.2 |
Soldering Recommendations
Refer to the below information for SMT temperature settings. Note that the
number of times reflow should not be above 2 times.
Table 5.1. SMT temperature setting
Set points(t)
Zone| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10
Top| 140| 180| 190| 180| 180| 190| 245| 260| 265| 210
Bottom| 140| 180| 190| 180| 180| 190| 245| 260| 265| 210
Conveyor Speed (cm/min) : 130.0
FCC Statement
- This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
RF exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with
a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.
This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply
with Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt
RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
- This device may not cause interference.
- This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Host labeling requirement: “Contains transmitter module:
FCC ID: 2AB2Q-MLA02302,
IC: 10256A-MLA02302
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