aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution User Guide

June 5, 2024

ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution

aDS - logo ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution
User Guide 340 The Bridge Street, Suite 204
Huntsville, Alabama 35806

0 2016 ADS® LLC. All rights reserved.
ADS ®, ADS Environmental Services ® , and FlowView ® have registered trademarks of ADS LLC.
PRISMTM, ECHO Th, and Qstari™xmL are trademarks of ADS LLC.
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Telit ® is a registered trademark of Telit Communications PLC.
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Notice of Proprietary Information
The information contained herein represents the latest information available at the time of publication. ADS LLC reserves the right to make any changes or modifications to the content of this document, without notice, to reflect the latest changes to the equipment.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of ADS LLC.


This Quick Reference Guide is intended to provide instructions for the configuration and activation of the ADS ECHO level monitor. Note that all fields will not be described in this document. For further information, please consult Qstart XML’s online help, the ADS® ECHO Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual at or contact Customer Support at:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1-877-237-9585 (U.S. Customers), 256-430-6234 (customers outside the U.S.)

Initial Setup

Perform the steps to the Initial Setup first and then progress to the Configuration and Activation section.
Initial Setup includes:

  • Activate SIM Card
  • Download and Install QstartxmL Software
  • Download and Install Bluetooth Driver

Activate SIM Card
ECHO monitors include a pre-installed SIM card which must be activated to allow for wireless communication.
Request the activation within 48 hours of monitor installation and before proceeding to the field to install the ECHO.

  1. Request activation of the SIM card by emailing [email protected]. Include the serial number of the specific ECHO monitor and the last four digits of the SIM  card number (the 20-digit number found on the attached SIM punch-out card) as well as the name of the municipality or company requesting the activation.
    ADS employees should also include the project name and job number as part of the request.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure 1

  2. Wait for a return email from ADS. The email will contain the IP address of the SIM card and its associated phone number. If text messaging commands capability is desired, be sure to note the phone number associated with the IP address.
    Wait at least 15 minutes from the receipt of the email before initializing the modem with the magnet. See Verifying Wireless Communication for details on initializing and verifying remote wireless communications.

Download and Install the Qstart xmLSoftware
The ECHO monitor requires the use of the ADS QstartxmLsoftware.
Download the QstartxmLsoftware and QstartxmLInstallation Guide from the ADS website at: Install QstartxmLby following the instructions in the QstartxmLInstallation Guide.
Note: QstartxmLcan only be installed on a Microsoft Windows computer with a Windows 10 or higher operating system.

Download and Install the Bluetooth Driver
The ECHO monitor requires the use of Bluetooth communications for activation and is the recommended method of establishing initial communication with the monitor. Obtain the Bluetooth drivers and a Bluetooth dongle.
Download the Bluetooth driver from the ADS website at:
Note: Download the “” zipped folder containing the Bluetooth driver installer and files onto the computer which will be used for the ECHO  communications.
Bluetooth communications require near proximity (roughly 8 feet or 2.5 m) to the monitor.

  1. Extract the downloaded Bluetooth driver files to a folder on the desktop. Run the “CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe” installer application for 64-bit systems and the “CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe” for 32-bit systems. To determine if the system is a 64-bit or 32-bit, open Windows Explorer. Right-click the Computer icon and select  Properties to view the system type.
  2. Insert the ADS-supplied Bluetooth dongle (P/N ADS 9000-0061) into a USB port. The first time the Bluetooth dongle is inserted, it may take several minutes for Windows to complete the driver update.

Configuration and Activation

The following sections detail the steps for configuring and activating the ECHO monitor and include:

  • Create and Configure the Monitor Location
  • Activate the Monitor

Perform these steps after performing the steps to the Initial Setup. Once this section is complete, proceed to Final Configuration and Verification.

Create and Configure the Monitor Location
This section includes instructions for creating a monitor location in QstartxmL as well as selecting and editing devices.
Note: Initial activation for a new ECHO monitor can occur via Bluetooth or a wireless connection. ADS recommends using the Bluetooth connection for the initial configuration and activation of the monitor.
Launch the Qstart xmL Software  
Launch the QstartxmLsoftware by selecting Start > All Programs > ADS LLC > QstartxmLfrom the Microsoft® Windows® start menu or double-clicking on the QstartxmL
the icon on the Windows desktop.

If QstartxmLsettings have already been configured, proceed to

Set Up the QstartxmLParameters

QstartxmLstores and displays data, directs configuration, and performs communication based on certain parameters designated through the QstartxmLsettings. This Settings  dialog containing these parameters is available the first time you run the QstartxmLsoftware following installation and through the main screen by clicking on the Settings button.

Note: Ensure the Bluetooth dongle is inserted before opening QstartxmL so the Bluetooth Port will automatically update.

  1. Enter the path or browse to the directory to which you want to save the XML files and collected flow data in the Data Path field.
  2. The Bluetooth Port automatically updates to the correct port designation once the Bluetooth dongle has been inserted. No user entry should be required. If there is any  question as to whether the correct Bluetooth Port is displayed, go to the Control Panel > Device Manager > Ports and verify the correct port for the Silicon Labs UART to  USB Bridge port and enter this port into the QstartxmLSettings page.
  3. Select the desired units of measurement (US or Metric) to be used throughout QstartxmLto represent the data when entering values, saving data, and displaying data from  the Units drop-down list. The US units report depth in inches, velocity in feet per second (fps), flow rate in Million Gallons per Day (MGD) and temperature in Fahrenheit.  The Metric units report depth in millimeters, velocity in meters/second (m/s), flow rate in liters/second (l/s) and temperature in Celsius.
  4. Refer to QstartxmL ’s online help for further descriptions of the settings.
    Click on the OK button to save the settings from this dialog to the designated local directory or network.
    Note: Access the data path, CSV file configuration, and communication settings at any time by clicking on the Settings button on the QstartxmL main screen.
    After the settings are configured, the QstartxmL main screen will display on each subsequent opening of the software.

Create a Monitor Location

  1. Select the New button at the bottom of the main QstartxmL screen.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure 4

  2. Enter a name for the new location in the Location Name field. This associated drop-down list contains all the locations available in the Data Path designated previously on  the Settings dialog. A location name may be up to 19 alphanumeric characters in length. No spaces are allowed.

  3. Select ECHO from the Series drop-down list.

  4. Enter the serial number corresponding to the specific monitor in the Serial Number field.

  5. Enter the depth of the manhole where the ECHO will be installed in the Manhole Depth field.

  6. Verify or select the desired interval at which the monitor will record data from the Sample Rate drop-down list.

  7. Verify or select the desired interval at which the monitor will record data during alarm conditions from the Fast Rate drop-down list.

  8. Select Wireless from the Connect drop-down list and enter the monitor’s IP Address.
    Note: Do not include leading zeroes in the IP address. For example, enter IP address of as

  9. From the Connect drop-down list, select Bluetooth.

  10. Under Monitoring Point 1, select the type or shape of the pipe or channel that the ECHO will be monitoring.

  11. For Height, enter the distance from the bottom of the pipe to the crown (top or peak) of the pipe. For Width, enter the horizontal distance across the widest portion of the  pipe (this is disabled for circular installations).
    Note: The Height and Width can be approximations since the installation of the ECHO requires no manhole descent.

Select and Edit Devices

Select and edit the devices corresponding to the new monitor location to log the desired data. The default devices for the ECHO are Advanced, Alarms 1, Data Delivery, Long  Range Depth 1, and, Time Zone. Editing the devices involves setting specific parameters to ensure the monitor and QstartxmLproperly obtain and process the data.

  1. In the Location Name field, select the desired location to assign and edit devices.
    The Devices dialog displays the devices selected by default (i.e. based on QstartxmL’s or the user’s designated default configuration) for the ECHO monitor series.

  2. To edit the parameters associated with a device, select the desired device to view or modify from the Devices list and click the View button. The Location Name and  Device Name are displayed at the top of the dialog.
    Edit or modify the device parameters as necessary, and then click on the OK button when complete. Refer to the following sections for details concerning the parameters  for each specific device.

  3. Repeat Step 2 for each additional device that requires modification of the parameters, and then click the Save button to save the devices with any parameter modifications  to the local directory or network.

Edit the Long Range Depth Device 1aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring
Solution - Figure 6

  • Physical Offset – Enter the distance (in inches or millimeters) from the manhole rim to the bottom of the parabolic reflector of the ECHO housing.
    Note: The Manhole Depth and Physical Offset measurements will be taken upon installation of the monitor.

Physical Offset and Manhole Depth measurements

Edit the Time Zone Device

aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure 8 Time Zone device dialog

  • Time Zone – Select the time zone in which the selected ECHO monitor is located. Time Zone is a required device and must be configured before monitor activation.
  • Sync Time to Cellular Tower – When enabled, the monitor will sync its time with the time provided by the cellular network. Uncheck the box if this feature is not desired or  the cellular system does not support the synchronization.
  • Daylight Saving Rule – Uncheck the Enable checkbox to disable the Daylight Saving Rule, if Daylight Saving is not applicable to the region where the ECHO will be  installed. Note that the content of the text box is not editable.

Edit the Alarms Device

The Alarms device allows the user to enable/disable alarms and define alarm thresholds.

  • Unidepth Averaging – Select the number of consecutive UNIDEPTH readings for the monitor to average to minimize the potential for false alarms due to erroneous depth  readings. ECHO alarms are generated from UNIDEPTH rather than raw LRDEPTH readings.

  • Low Level – Define the depth at which the monitor will trigger a Low Level alarm. This event indicates that the flow depth measured at a location has fallen below this  threshold. This depth should be lower than the lowest depth that typically occurs at the location.

  • Full Pipe – This monitor event indicates that the flow depth in the manhole is greater than or equal to the pipe height.

  • High Level – Define the depth at which the monitor will trigger a High Level alarm.

  • High High – Define the depth at which the monitor will trigger a High High alarm. This value must be zero when this feature is not in use, or greater than the value  entered for the High Level alarm when it is in use.
    ADS recommends setting this value at least 2 inches higher than the value designated for High Level.

  • Overflow – This event indicates that the ECHO monitor’s internal pressure sensor has detected the site is experiencing overflow conditions, where the flow is above the manhole rim.

Edit the Data Delivery Device
By default the ECHO’s modem is in the Always Off mode to conserve battery power. Therefore, configure the Data Delivery device to upload data stored in the monitor  memory to ADS PRISM and/or an FTP server at an interval designated by the user. To upload data to PRISM and/or an FTP server, you must know the IP address or DNS of  the server. FTP servers also require the username and password the monitor must use to access the server, and when applicable, the name of the folder on the server in which the monitor is to place the data.

  • FlowView (PRISM)
    This section allows you to configure the monitor to deliver data and/or alarms to ADS’ web-based software: PRISM or FlowView.
    o Server –Enter the ADS FlowView server IP address of (this same address is used for PRISM). This is where the monitor will deliver data.
    o Normal – Select the interval which you want the monitor to deliver data under normal conditions.
    o Fast – Select the increased interval which you want the monitor to deliver data under alarm conditions.
    This feature can also be set to Off.

  • FTP Setup 1
    This section must only be completed if FTP file delivery is required.
    o Mode – Select the appropriate port assignment (Active or Passive) for the FTP server. Passive is the recommended Mode for file transfers.
    o Normal – Select the interval which you want the monitor to deliver data under normal conditions.
    o Fast – Select the increased interval which you want the monitor to deliver data to the FTP server under alarm conditions. This field can be set to Off.
    o Server – Enter the numeric IP address for the FTP server to which the monitor will deliver data. The ADS
    FTP server numeric IP address is This FTP server is for internal ADS use only. Customers wishing to use the ADS FTP server should contact ADS Client  Services to see what arrangements can be made.
    o Folder (optional) – Enter the name of the folder on the FTP site in which the monitor will upload the data.
    Note: Qstart xmL will not create a folder on the FTP server automatically. Therefore, if it is desired that the monitor deliver data to a specific folder, create the folder through  the FTP server  manually before the monitor begins uploading data to the server. If a specific folder is not designated, the monitor will upload data to the FTP server’s root  directory.
    o Username – Enter the username the monitor must use to access the FTP server.
    o Password – Enter the password associated with the username the monitor must use to access the FTP server.
    o CSV Format – Select the option corresponding to the type and format of the data the monitor will upload to the FTP server.
    − ADS – Choose this option to deliver all of the entity data from the monitor to the designated FTP server.
    − GE – Choose this option to deliver the data in GE CSV format, which will group readings and their corresponding quality values in rows rather than displaying all stored  values in column format.

  • FTP Setup 2 – Refer to the instructions for the FTP Setup 1 parameters to set up an additional FTP server to which the monitor can deliver data.

Edit the Advanced Device
The Advanced device includes three tabs representing parameters related to diagnostic information, modem setup, and alarm notification.
Note: No changes are necessary to the Advanced device unless using a non-ADS supplied AT&T public, static SIM card or the ECHO needs to be configured to deliver  notifications directly from the monitor, rather than to PRISM. The instructions for setting up notifications are included below.

Modem Setup Tab
The Modem Setup feature is used to set the APN (Access Point Name) that the cellular modem will use when connecting to the network.
Note 1: The 9000-ECHO-4VZ and the 9000-ECHO-4WW contain an LTE-M modem and will receive the APN from the network if the APN is set to ADSENV.COM or set to a blank entry.
Note 2: The 9000-ECHO contains a 2G/3G modem that requires the APN to be set as follows:

  • ADS public static SIM: APN = ADSENV.COM

  • AT&T VPN (ADS): APN = 12375.mcs

  • Customer Network (APN): Supplied by customer mobile carrier

  • Provider – Select the APN corresponding to the SIM card in the modem. The Username and Password fields should automatically populate with the information  associated with the selected APN. However, if the APN associated with the carrier’s SIM card is not available on the list, or the username and password require  modification, click on the Edit button and complete the Edit Wireless Parameters dialog.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure
    o Select APN from the Type drop-down list. If an existing APN requires modification, select the appropriate APN from the Type column in the table of available APNs and providers.
    o Enter the proper APN for the carrier, or edit the existing APN as necessary.
    o Enter or edit the username corresponding to the APN in the Value 1 field.
    o Enter or edit the password corresponding to the APN in the Value 2 field.
    o Click the Add button to add the APN or modifications to the table, and then click on the OK button. The new APN should be available for selection from the Provider  drop-down list on the Modem Setup tab or the modified information should display in the Username and/or Password fields once the corresponding provider/APN is selected.

  • Username – This read-only field displays the username associated with the selected provider (APN).

  • Password – This read-only field displays the password associated with the selected provider (APN).
    Authentication – Select PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) in which the Username and Password are used for communication authentication. Select CHAP  (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) in which a challenge string is used for authentication. Select None in cases where the authentication protocol is unknown  or not required. This information will be provided by the wireless SIM provider. The default selection, None, should be sufficient in most cases.

Notification Tab
The Notification tab enables the user to configure the ECHO monitor to provide alarm and event notification to up to five email recipients and/or up to five mobile phones  with text messaging (SMS – Short Message Service) capability. The ECHO can also check-in daily with the designated recipients to provide the current battery voltage and other  monitor status information.
Note: ECHO monitors equipped with a Verizon LTE-M SIM (9000-ECHO-4VZ only supports Notification via SMS text messaging. It does not support direct email notification.

Check In

  • Enable – Select this checkbox to ensure the monitor sends a daily email and/or text message to the designated recipients that includes status information about the  monitor, such as the monitor name, date and time, battery voltage, and wireless signal strength.
  • Hour – Select the time each day at which the monitor will deliver the monitor status information via email or text message to the designated recipients.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Information

  • SMTP Server – Enter the name of the server through which the monitor will send notification to the recipient(s). The associated IP address of the SMTP server used by  ADS is
    Note: The IP address could change in the future. Contact ADS Client Services to verify the IP address, as needed.
    Note: If the ECHO is not using an ADS AT&T public static or private static SIM card, and yet needs to be able to send emails through the ADS SMTP server, please  provide the external static IP address to ADS Client Services. They will verify if the IP address can be added to the permitted list of IP addresses supported by the server.

  • SMTP Username – Enter the username for the server through which the monitor will send notification for the recipient(s). No username is required for the ADS SMTP server.

  • SMTP Password – Enter the password for the server through which the monitor will send notification to the recipient(s). No password is required for the ADS SMTP  server.

  • Sender Address – Enter the designated email address for the monitor from which notification will originate. The default address is [email protected].


  • Recipient 1 through 5 – Enter the email address for each contact (up to 5) that will receive the monitor notifications when an event and/or alarm occurs. The contact  designated as Recipient 5 will receive data automatically from the monitor based on the interval set up for data delivery.
    Data is included in an attachment present in .CSV format. Note: Data through email is only supported by AT&T 9000-ECHO monitors.

  • Normal – Select the interval at which the monitor will deliver data to Recipient 5 under normal conditions.

  • Fast – Select the increased interval at which the monitor will deliver data to Recipient 5 during active alarm conditions.

Note: If Normal and Fast intervals are set to OFF, Recipient 5 will become a recipient of monitor notifications like Recipient 1-4.


  • Recipient 1 through 5 – Enter the mobile phone number for each contact (up to 5) that the monitor will notify through a text message when an event and/or alarm occurs.
  • Start Hour – Enter the time during the day at which the server can begin sending text messages to the corresponding recipient when an alarm and/or event occurs.
  • End Hour – Enter the hour during the day up to which the server can continue sending text messages notifying the corresponding recipient that an alarm and/or event has  occurred. Alarms or events that occur after this hour up to the designated Start Hour on the next day will not be delivered to the corresponding user. For example,  setting a Start Hour of 8AM and an End Hour of 4PM will ensure the server sends a message to the corresponding recipient when an alarm and/or event occurs only  between 8:00 in the morning and 4:59 in the afternoon.

Note: The Start and End Hour designation for text message notification may be beneficial for organizations that only would want their recipients to receive notification during  designated shift or work hours. To ensure 24-hour notification to a recipient, choose 12AM for the Start Hour and 11PM for the End Hour.

Activate the Monitor
Configuration of the monitor is now complete and the ECHO is ready for activation. The initial monitor activation occurs through the Diagnostics tool in Qstart using a  Bluetooth connection.

  1. Ensure the Bluetooth dongle is inserted into the computer port.

  2. In QstartxmL, select the desired Location, verify the configuration parameters are correct, and select Bluetooth for the Connect type.

  3. Hold the blue ADS Magnet (P/N 8000-0460) on the Wake activation point on the ECHO monitor until the COMMS LED (closest to the T-handle) starts flashing a deep  blue. This should take approximately 5-10 seconds. Remove the magnet after the COMMS LED is flashing deep blue.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure

  4. Click on the Activate button in the Functions section. QstartxmL initiates and establishes communication with the monitor and then downloads the appropriate information and files. Once the activation is complete, the status bar displays an Activate Successful message. QstartxmL generates an activation log that is available for viewing through the log viewer within Qstart.

  5. Stay online with the ECHO; do not hang up.

  6. Proceed to the last Quick Start Reference Guide section, Final Configuration and Verification.

Final Configuration and Verification

This section includes the procedures for final configuration, as well as verification of the monitor readings.
In addition, this section includes steps to configure power savings in order to conserve and extend the monitor’s battery life. This process can be used on monitors with a static  IP address. By default the modem is configured in the Always Off mode, turning on each day between 11AM and 12PM monitor time, allowing for remote, wireless communication during this hour.

  1. While still online with the ECHO (if not online, reinitialize Bluetooth communication and connect again), select the Advanced device. Under the Diagnostics tab, the  Accelerometer must be set to establish a baseline against which it will compare later readings to check for a Tilt alarm. Click Read to obtain the installed Accelerometer  values. Click the Set button to set these initial values. This will display reference values for the X, Y, and Z.

  2. To ensure all settings have been configured properly, perform a test fire of the Long Range Depth sensor. If still online with the ECHO, open the Long Range Depth  device dialog. Otherwise, reconnect with the ECHO by selecting Connect, then open the Long Range Depth device dialog. Click on the Read button to initiate the test.  Observe the results to confirm proper sensor performance. Note: If the ECHO has been sitting in extreme hot or cold temperatures, initial readings will not be correct. Do  not adjust any parameters if the Temperature reading in the ECHO is significantly different than the temperature in the manhole.

aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure
16Long Range Depth Dialog – Test

Configuring the Modem Power Parameters

QstartxmL enables the user to configure the monitor for uninterrupted modem communications or for modem downtime during specific periods throughout each day of the  week. Powering down the wireless modem during specific hours of the day conserves battery power. Use the Modem Power option in QstartxmL to configure the monitor to  conserve battery power. The monitor automatically powers up the wireless modem each day between 11AM and 12PM to receive incoming calls.

Note: In order to maximize battery life, Modem Power default is set to Always Off and the ECHO should be configured to deliver data to PRISM or an FTP at the desired  interval. Data delivery files and alarm notifications will still be delivered to PRISM and/or an FTP server when the modem is in the Always Off configuration.
Setting up the power savings option occurs through the Advanced function while communicating with the monitor.

  1. While still online with the ECHO (if not online, reinitialize Bluetooth communication and connect again), click on the Advanced button in the Functions section. This will  display the Advanced Functions dialog.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure

  2. Click on the Update button. The Modem Power Configuration dialog displays the current power savings parameters in the monitor configuration.
    aDS ECHO Advanced Level Monitoring Solution - Figure

  3. Click on one of the following buttons in order to apply power savings settings for all seven days of the week:
    o Set All On – Choose this button to configure the monitor to provide uninterrupted power to the modem 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Choosing this setting will cause  the Always On option to display for the Mode on all 7 days, resulting in no power savings to the monitor.
    o Set All Off – Choose this button to configure the monitor to provide power to the modem only from 11AM to 12PM each day of the week. The monitor will withhold  power from the modem at all other times. This option offers the greatest power savings to the monitor. Choosing this setting will cause the Always Off option to display for the Mode on all 7 days.

  4. Select one of the following methods to apply power savings settings for each individual day of the week from the Mode drop-down list. This step must be completed for  each day of the week. Some modes may require designating a corresponding time range.
    o Always On – Choose this option to configure the monitor to provide uninterrupted power to the monitor for the entire day, resulting in no designated power savings to  the monitor on that day.
    o Always Off – Choose this option to configure the monitor to provide power to the modem only from 11AM to 12PM on that day, offering the most significant power  savings available within that day.
    o Span On – Choose this option to configure the monitor to provide uninterrupted power to the modem for the time period designated in the Start and End fields. Select  the time at which the monitor will begin powering on the modem on the corresponding day from the Start drop-down list. Then select the time at which the monitor will  discontinue powering the modem on that day from the End dropdown list.
    o Span Off – Choose this option to configure the monitor to withhold power from the modem for the time period designated in the associated Start and End fields. Select  the time at which the monitor will discontinue powering the modem on the corresponding day from the Start drop-down list. Then select the time at which the monitor  will resume powering the modem on that day.

  5. Click the OK button to save the power savings parameters to the monitor. This will again cause the Advanced Functions dialog to display.

  6. Click on the Close button to exit the Advanced Functions dialog.

  7. Click on the Hangup button in the Functions section on the QstartXML main screen.

Saving Final Configuration and Creating New Default Location

  1. Save the configuration by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the QstartxmL main screen.
  2. Clicking on the Set As Default button will update the default new location parameters to match how the ECHO was just configured. This will allow the user to create a  configuration template for all subsequent ECHO monitor locations, and clicking New will then populate the configuration with the template parameters.

Verifying Wireless Communication
It is recommended that wireless communication be verified upon installation of the monitor.

  1. Ensure an antenna is attached to the ECHO.

  2. Hold the magnet on the Wake activation point for 25 to 30 seconds until the SENSE LED illumines magenta.
    Hold the magnet in place for another 1 to 2 seconds once this magenta light illuminates, then quickly remove the magnet. The SENSE light will begin to rapidly flash a  green light and the COMMS LED will be a solid green until connected to the network. Once the COMMS LED is slowly flashing green, wireless communications will be enabled.

  3. Change the connection type to Wireless, and verify the IP address is correct.

  4. Verify the COMMS LED is a slow flashing green light.

  5. Attempt communication with the monitor by clicking the Status button.

  6. If the monitor status information is displayed, wireless communication has been verified.

  7. 7. Close the print preview of the status screen and click on the Hangup button in the Functions section on the QstartxmL main screen.
    The configuration and activation of the ECHO is now complete.


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