Search Ads Apple Advertising User Guide

June 4, 2024
Search Ads

Search Ads Apple Advertising User Guide
Search Ads Apple Advertising

These guidelines are intended to inform customers seeking to advertise in mainland China about Apple’s processes and requirements.

Adherence to the guidelines is not necessarily sufficient to meet all applicable laws and regulations for advertising in mainland China, and it’s your responsibility to ensure that your advertising is compliant.
These guidelines are not intended as legal advice.

Apple reserves the right to reject any advertising content that doesn’t meet our standards during the review process, including any advertisement that we view as not appropriate for Apple’s advertising services or Apple users.

Business Organization Requirements

  1. Customers located in mainland China must download and submit the Confirmation of Valid Online Agreement for Business Entities. Please be sure to fill in the information, affix your company chop, upload the document as an “entity document” and submit your business for approval.
  2. The advertiser (developer) shall download and submit the Advertising Claims Form with the official chop or signature for each app requesting advertising review. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification.”
  3. Upload any industry specific licenses based on the content within your app. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification.” For more information, please see the Ad Content Qualifications section below. Please submit your apps for approval.
  4. Create your associated promotional campaigns. Once your app and business are approved, your campaigns will start delivering as scheduled.

Agency Organization Requirements

Advertising agencies acting on behalf of advertisers (that is, developers) will need to provide the following:

  1. Agencies that plan to promote third-party apps must contact us to be reviewed and granted agency account access. Note that the agency setup process can take time and the outcome is not guaranteed.
  2. Provide the advertising agency’s Business License with the appropriate advertising business scope. This document should be uploaded as an “entity document.”
  3. If located within mainland China, you must download and submit the Confirmation of Valid Online Agreement for Business Entities. Please be sure to fill in the information, affix your company chop, upload the document as an “entity document” and submit your business for approval.
  4. The advertiser (developer) shall download and submit the Advertising Claims Form with each developer’s official chop or signature for each app requesting advertising review. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification.”
  5. Provide the Advertising Agent Authorization, in which the advertiser (developer) provides written confirmation of its authorization on the agency to use Apple Advertising Services on its behalf. The agency should upload documents for each of its advertiser separately. If the advertiser is located in mainland China, be sure to have the advertiser affix its company chop or, if a chop is not available, its signature before uploading. This document should be uploaded as an “app industry qualification.”
  6. Upload any industry specific licenses based on the content within your app. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification.” For more information see the Ad Content Qualifications section below. Please submit your apps for approval.
  7. Create your associated promotional campaigns and once your app and business are approved, your campaigns will start delivering as scheduled.

Noncorporate Entity Requirements

  1. 1. Individual advertisers that are not business organizations must provide a valid Business License for Individual
    Industrial and Commercial Households. This document should be uploaded as an “entity document.”

  2. Customers located in mainland China must download and submit the Confirmation of Valid Online Agreement for Individual Proprietors. Please be sure to fill in the information, affix your company chop, upload the document as an “entity document” and submit your entity for approval.

  3. The advertiser (developer) shall download and submit the  Advertising Claims Form with the official chop or signature for each app requesting advertising review. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification”.

  4. Upload any industry specific licenses based on the content within your app. Please upload the document as an “app industry qualification.” For more information see the Ad Content Qualifications section below. Please submit your apps for approval.

  5. Create your associated promotional campaigns and once your app and entity are approved, your campaigns will start delivering as scheduled.

Noncorporate entities may be restricted from advertising certain categories of content. Examples of content that may not be advertised in mainland China by noncorporate entities are

  • Gaming
  • Internet News Information Services
  • Dating
  • Real Estate
  • Travel
  • Ridesharing/Taxi
  • Audio/Video Entertainment
  • Cosmetics
  • Finance
  • Books/Periodicals
  • Insurance
  • Employment Services
  • Commercial Performances
  • Mail Delivery
  • E-Commerce

Prohibited Content

In addition to our global prohibited content outlined within Apple Ads Policies, the following are examples of what is prohibited from being advertised in mainland China:

  • Debt Collection Ad content promoting debt collection services.
  • Funeral or Burial Services Ad content promoting funeral or burial services.
  • Pesticides Ad content promoting the sale of pesticides.
  • International Marriage Agencies Ad content promoting international marriage agency services.
  • Government Documents Ad content promoting the sale or use of unauthorized government certificates or other documents (such as ID cards, files, permits, and fapiao).
  • Language Ad content that is not displayed predominantly in Simplified Chinese.

Age Restrictions

Advertising in the following categories should be restricted to mainland China users age 18 and older:

  • Games
  • Cosmetics and Cosmetology
  • Health Food
  • Medical Care
  • Dating
  • Alcohol

Our systems may automatically enforce age restrictions for campaigns.

Ad Content Qualifications

The following qualifications are examples of what may be required based on the type of ad content you’re promoting.
The associated documents should be uploaded as an “App Industry Qualification.” Apple may update these requirements at its discretion. Apple may submit the information and documents you upload to third-party vendors and government entities for verification.

Content type Subcategory Requirements
Third Party Materials Ad content containing a third party’s name, image,

portrait, trademark, copyright, patent, or other form of third-party intellectual property must provide a written authorization certificate from the corresponding rights holder.
Promotions| | Promotions need to specify the promotion rules such as the promotion period and method. For example:
• The terms and policies of the promotion, etc.
• Promotions included in an app-screenshot must include an appropriate disclaimer in the relevant image, such as “This picture is for reference only. The rules regarding the products or activities referred to in this picture within the app shall apply”.
Patents| | If the ad content involves patented products or patented processes: specify the patent number and the patent type.
Gaming| Games| • Gaming Registration Number (GRN)  or equivalent document
Comprehensive Gaming Platforms| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• Online Publishing Service License
E-commerce| Comprehensive Ecommerce Platforms/ Cosmetics E-commerce/ E-commerce Shopping Guide/ Rebate Platforms/ Second-hand E-commerce Platforms/ Online Stores| For third-party E-commerce platforms:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For self-operated E-commerce platforms:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  or ICP filing [ICP] • Based on your app, additional documents may be required. If the comprehensive E-commerce app involves cross-border business, one of the following is required:
• Registration Form for Foreign Trade Operators
• Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Application Enterprise Record Form
• Registration Certificate of Customs Declaration Unit of the People’s Republic of China  If the comprehensive E-commerce app involves auctions:
• Auction Operation Approval Certificate]
Online Food Shops| For third-party food selling platforms, the following is required:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• Online Food Selling Third-Party Platform Registration Certificate  For self- operated online food shops, the following is required:
• Value-added Telecommunications Business License  or ICP filing [ICP
• Food Selling Business License  (excluding agricultural platforms) For platforms that facilitate cross-border business, one of the following is required:
• Registration Form for Foreign Trade Operators
• Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Application Enterprise Record Form
• Registration Certificate of Customs Declaration Unit of the People’s Republic of China
| Pet Retailers| For third-party pet retailers:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For self-operated live pet retailers, the following is required: • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License] or ICP filing
• Animal Epidemic Disease Prevention Compliance Certificate  For platforms selling pet pharmaceuticals, the following is required:
• Pet Pharmaceuticals Advertising Review Form
• Pet Pharmaceuticals Production/Selling License  or approval documentations For pet diagnostics and treatment platforms:
• Animal Diagnosis and Treatment License
Alcohol E-commerce Platforms| For third-party liquor platforms: • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For self-operated liquor stores, the following is required:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License or ICP filing [ICP] • Food Selling Business License , Alcohol Distribution License  or Alcohol Retailing LicenseFor platforms that facilitate cross-border alcohol business, one of the following is required:
• Registration Form for Foreign Trade Operators
• Import Food Sanitary Certificate
• Import Food Labeling Verification
• Inspection & Quarantine Certificate of Entry Goods  Based on your region, additional documents may be required.
Collectables| For platforms trading third-party collectables:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For stamp trading services:
• Record documentations from postal administration office  For Chinese Yuan currency collectables:
• Approval documents from The People’s Bank of China  For cultural relics trading, one of the following is required:
• Cultural Relic Business License
• Approval Documents from Other Provincial Cultural Relics Bureaus  For auctions:
• Auction Operation Approval Certificate
Lifestyle Services| Comprehensive Lifestyle Service Platforms| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
House Decoration and Maintenance (electricity, plumbing, etc.)| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  or ICP filing [ICP
• Business License with the appropriate scope
Household Services (babysitting, housekeeping, etc.)| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  or ICP filing [ICP
• Business License with the appropriate scope
Shipping/Delivery Services| One of the following is required: • Express Business License
• Road Transport Business License
Home-Moving Services| Road Transport Business License
Beauty Services (manicure, Spa, etc.)| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Security Services| One of the following is required: • Security Training Permit
• Security Service Permit
Wedding Services| • Business License with the appropriate business scope
Content type| Subcategory| Requirements
Reservations| Reservation Platforms| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Airlines| Public Air Transport Enterprise Business License  with the appropriate business scope
Hotels| • Special Industry License
Commercial Performances| Commercial Performance License  with the appropriate business scope covering performance tic
Cruise Tickets| Navigation Transportation Permit
Self-operated Restaurant Services| • ICP filing [ICP ] • Food Selling Business License
Travel Agencies| Travel Agency Business License
High-risk Sports| High-risk Sports Business License  For high-risk sports content:
• Appropriate risk prompts should be included, such as “The actions featured in the advertisement are performed by professionals. Do not attempt”, etc.
Transportation and Travel| Taxi Booking Platforms| Online Taxi Booking Business Permit
Self-operated Taxi Companies| Road Transport Business License
• Taxi Business Administrative License Decision
Ridesharing| • Online Taxi Booking Business Permit
Car Rental Platforms| One of the following is required: • Record Certificate of Car Rental Business
• Online Taxi Booking Business Permit
Maps| One of the following is required: • Surveying and Mapping Qualification Certificate
• Map Compilation Qualification Certificate
Parking Utilities| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Parking Tickets Check| • Proof of API agreement for corresponding ticketing system
EV Charging Station Check| • Business License ] with the scope: “EV charging facility”  or “charging services” , etc.
Comprehensive Car Selling and Car News Platforms| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Used Car Services| For used car selling: Business License with scope “used car dealership”
• For used car broker: Business License with scope “used car broker”
• For used car auction agency: “Auction Operation Approval Certificate” • For used car inspection and identification: Business License with scope in one of the following:
• “automotive technical consultation”
• “motor vehicle appraisal and evaluation”  • “automotive technical service” • “automotive inspection service”
• “quality inspection technology service” ] • “used car dealership or broker”
Driving License Services| One of the following is required: • Road Transport Business License
• Vehicle Driver Training Business License
• Transportation Administrative Permission Decision
Car Repair| • Business License  with the scope: “repairing“
• Automobile Maintenance Operation Filling
Dating| Dating Platforms| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License Based on your app, additional documents may be required. For example:
• Internet Publication Service License
• Internet Culture Business License
• Audio and Video Service Permission
• Internet News Information Service License
• Radio and Television Program Production Business License
Marriage Matchmaking Services| Business License  with appropriate business scope Depending on your region, Marriage Matchmaking Service License  may be required.
Social Networks| | Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  And one of the following is required:
• For internet publication service: Internet Publication Service License
• For internet culture business: Internet Culture Business License
• For audio and video service: Audio and Video Service Permission  Based on your app, additional documents may be required. For example:
• For internet news: Internet News Information Service License
• For radio and television program productions: Radio and Television Program Production Business License
Content type| Subcategory| Requirements
Video and Music Streaming| | Value-Added Telecommunications Business License And one of the following is required:
• Internet Publication Service License
• Internet Culture Business License
• Audio and Video Service Permission  Based on your app, additional documents may be required. For example:
• For internet news: Internet News Information Service License
• For radio and television program productions: Radio and Television Program Production Business License
• For radio stations or television stations: Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization License  or Radio and Television Channel License
Internet News| | Internet News Information Service License
Web Browser| | Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate  or Application Electronic Copyright Certificate [App
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For Web Browsers with a built-in News function:
• Internet News Information Service License  For Web Browsers with a built-in radio station or television station, one of the following is required:
• Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization License
• Radio and Television Channel License  For Web Browsers with a built-in radio and television program productions:
• Radio and Television Program Production Business License
Books / Periodicals| | Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  And one of the following is required:
• Internet Publication Service License

• Internet Culture Business License
• Publication Business License  Based on your app, additional documents may be required:
• For periodicals: Periodical Publishing License
• For imported publications: Publication Import Business License
• For audiobooks: Audio and Video Service Permission  or Radio and Television Program Production Business License

Communication Services| Phone/Video Communication| One of the following is required: • Basic Telecommunications Business License
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
| Instant Messaging| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License . Based on your app, you may need to hold a specific version of this license:
• General instant messaging apps: B25 Information Service Business
• Multi-party communication: B22 Domestic Multi-Party Communication Service If the app includes internet news:
• Internet News Information Service License  If the app includes online telephone functionality:
• Basic Telecommunications Business License
Telecom Operators| One of the following is required: • Basic Telecommunications Business License
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Cable, Satellite and Broadband Networks| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  with the appropriate business scope
Value-Added Services and Cloud Services| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• For group text messaging: the proof of cooperation with telecom operators
Business Support| Business Consulting| • Business License  with the scope: “consulting ” or “business information consulting ”
Immigration Businesses| • Business License  with the scope of “intermediary services for private entry and exit”
Hiring, Head Hunting, Human Resources Organizations| • Business License  with a hiring related scope
• For Talent Center Recruitment: Human Resources Service License
Law Services| Legal Support Platforms| One of the following is required: • Law Firm Practice License
• Law Firm Practice License  of the cooperating law firms with the proof of cooperation
Law Firms| Law Firm Practice License
Judicial Expertise| • Practicing License of Judicial Appraisal Institution
Notary Services| Practice Certificate of Notary Institution [
Content type| Subcategory| Requirements
Energy and Environment| Environmental Assessment| One of the following is required: • Qualification certificate for environmental impact assessment of construction projects
• Laboratory accreditation certificate of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment
• Qualification accreditation measurement certification certificate
| Energy Trading Platforms| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License For refined oil trading, one of the following is required:
• Approval Certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil
• Approval Certificate for the Retail of Refined Oil  For natural gas trading:
• Gas Business Certificate
Real Estate| Real Estate Online Platforms| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
| Real Estate Developers| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License And one of the following is required:
• For pre-sale real estate: Pre-sale Real Estate Permit
• For existing-sale real estate: Existing-sale Real Estate Filing Record Based on your app, additional documents may be required. For example:
• For resale housing sales: Real Estate Registration Certificate
• For displaying ads of real estate developers: Real Estate Development Qualification Certificate
| Real Estate Agencies| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• Record Certificate of Real Estate Agency
Finance| Disclaimers| All advertisements featuring financial services shall clearly and conspicuously include an appropriate statement regarding risk and liability, such as the following: “Investment involves risks. Please be aware of the risks associated and make prudent investment decisions.”
• Advertising that includes reference to past performance, simulations, or forecasts for financial investments shall clearly and conspicuously include appropriate disclaimers, such as the following: “Past performance, simulations and forecasts are not necessarily a reliable indication of future performance. The information contained in this document is only valid at the time this page is produced.”
• Advertising featuring consumer finance or loan services shall clearly and conspicuously include appropriate disclaimers, such as the following: “Credit lines and loans delivery time are subject to approval.”
| Banking| • Financial License  with the appropriate business scope For banks with a credit card business: Approval by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
| Funds / Futures / Securities / Stock| • Securities and Futures Business License  with the appropriate business scope or other equivalent documents;
• For apps including Hong Kong stock exchange-related services, proof of membership in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect  or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program is required;
• For apps including real-time market price/quotation, quotation display: authorization letter from exchange agencies
• For apps including precious metal trading: advertiser has to be Shanghai Gold Exchange or designated market maker of Shanghai Gold Exchange;
• For apps including investment advisory services: Securities and Futures Business License  with the business scope of stock investment consulting.
| Consumer Finance| • Financial License  with the appropriate business scope
| Automobile Finance| • Financial License  with the appropriate business scope
| Financial Leases| Financial License with the appropriate business scope
| Micro-Loans| • Micro-Loan Business License or Approval Documents Issued by the Financial Office at the Provincial Level or above
• Business License  with the appropriate business scope
| Financial Information| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
| Payment Services| • Payment Business License
| Currency Exchanges| Permit for Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Business for Individuals
| Credit Agencies| For credit agencies that are operating businesses regarding individuals: individual credit investigation business license
• For credit agencies that are operating businesses regarding enterprises or institutions: Record- filing with the local agency of the People’s Bank of China
| Pawn Services| One of the following is required: • Pawn Business License
• Special Industry Permit
| Financing Guarantee Companies| • Financing Guarantee Business License
| Financial Leasing Companies| • Finance Lease License
| Insurance Companies| • Insurance License
| Insurance Agencies| • Insurance Agency License
Charity Crowdfunding| Charity Crowdfunding| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  For fundraising (money / clothes), one of the following is required:
• Charitable Organization Public Fundraising Certificate
• Being listed in the List of Charitable Organizations’ Internet Fundraising Information Platforms
Content type| Subcategory| Requirements
Business Franchise Investments| Self-operated Brand Investment and Franchise Business| Archival Filing of Commercial Franchise One of the following is required:
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• ICP filing
Investment and Franchise Information Platforms| • Proof of partnership with at least three franchising brands and the Archival Filings of Commercial Franchise for them
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
Medical and Health| Health Examination Institutions| • Medical Institution Practicing License
• Medical Advertising Review Certificate
• Medical Advertisement Product Sample Form
Dental Services| • Medical Institution Practicing License
• Medical Advertising Review Certificate
• Medical Advertisement Product Sample Form
Online Hospital| • Medical Institution Practicing License with the scope of “online hospital”
• Medical Advertising Review Certificate
• Medical Advertisement Product Sample Form  Based on your app, additional documents may be required.
| Medical and Health Information Platforms| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• Five Tertiary Hospital doctor’s Practicing Physician Qualification Certificate and cooperation documents
Intelligent Devices| • Certificate for China Compulsory Product Certification
Therapy Services| Business License with the scope: “therapy ” or related scope
• Value-Added Telecommunications Business License
• Three Therapist Qualification Certificate
Education| Education Services| Value-Added Telecommunications Business License And one of the following is required:
• School License
• Legal Person Certificate of Public Institution
• Non-state School License
• Non-state Vocational Training School License
• Business License  with the appropriate scope: education, training, or other related businesses
Education Utilities| • Value-Added Telecommunications Business License  or ICP filing
• Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate  or Application Electronic Copyright Certificate
Content type| Subcategory| Requirements
Utilities| Utilities| One of the following is required:
• Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate
• Application Electronic Copyright Certificate

Apple reserves the right to modify these qualifications at any time. Apple may also apply restrictions or limitations to your advertising at its discretion.
If you have any questions about our policies, please feel free to contact us.


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