eta 3780 Cindy Digital Personal Scale Instructions

June 5, 2024

eta 3780 Cindy Digital Personal Scale

Dear customer, thank you for purchasing our product. Please read the operating instructions carefully before putting the appliance into operation and keep these instructions including the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box with the internal packing.


  • before the first use, read the instructions for use carefully, look at the picture and store the instructions for use for the future. Consider the instructions for use as a part of the appliance and pass them on to any other user of the appliance.
  • The appliance is intended for use in households only and for similar use! It is not intended for use in health-care facilities and for commercial use!
  • The appliance can use by people (including children) whose physical, sensual or mental inability or lack of experience and knowledge prevents safe use of the appliance if they are supervised.
  • Never use the appliance if it malfunctions, if it fell to the ground and got damaged or if it fell into water. In these cases bring the appliance to a specialised service to have the safety and func tions of the device checked.
  • We recommend: Do not step onto the scale with wet feet or on wet surface of the scale, there is a risk of slipping.
  • Never immerse the scale into water (even their parts)!
  • If the scale was stored in lower temperatures, let it adjust to the room temperature.
  • Use the scale in a horizontal position only and at places where they cannot knock over, in sufficient distance from heat sources (e.g. stove, fireplace, heat radiators), sources of increased air humidity (e.g. sauna, bathroom, swimming pool) and equipment with strong electromagnetic field (e.g. microwave oven, radio, mobile phone).
  • Protect the personal scale from dust, chemicals, excessive humidity, toiletries, liquid cosmetic preparations, intensive temperature changes and do not expose them to direct sunlight.
  • Do not place the scale on uneven surface or on surface covered with carpet. Unstable or soft surface under the scale can have negative effect on precision of weighing.
  • In handling the scale, make sure injury of persons or damage of the appliance is prevented.
  • Do not overload the appliance with weight higher than the maximum capacity! You will thus prevent damaging the appliance
  • Do not use the fat analysis feature on this scale if you are using one of the following devices: pace maker, electrocardiograph and/or other medical device implanted in the body or device used as support.
  • Handle the scale with care. Do not throw them or jump on them. The scale is durable, but improper handling can destroy their electronic sensors.
  • Do not disassemble the scale and do not take any parts out.
  • Do not put any objects on the surface of the scale during storing, they could be damaged.
  • If you do not intend to use the scale for a long time, remove battery from them.
  • If the battery is leaking, remove it immediately; it can damage the scale.
  • Do not use worn and new batteries together and do not use rechargeable accumulators.
  • Dispose of a discharged battery in a suitable way (see par. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION).
  • Never use the appliance for any other purpose than for that described in these instructions for use!
  • Keep in mind that the data read from this scale are approximate and inaccurate in comparison to results of actual medicinal analyses. The exact determination of biometrical characteristics can by done only by a doctor via medical methods.
  • Keep batteries and scale out of reach of children and incapacitated people. A person, who would swallow the batteries, must seek medical help immediately.
  • Do not use during pregnancy.
  • The producer is not responsible for damage caused by improper use of the appliance (e.g. breaking the board, etc.) and its guarantee does not cover the appliance in the case of failure to comply with the safety warnings above.


Why is knowledge of your weight important?
Overweight or underweight is an important indicator of your health. Overweight can increase the risk of some forms of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, gall bladder disorders, apnoea and other diseases. Underweight brings with it risks, such as reduced immune system, osteoporosis, females can suffer from amenorrhea which causes infertility etc.
Obese people who want to lose weight and very thin people who want to gain weight should consult the treatment method and the diet with their attending physician.

For fat analysis it is essential:

  • to wait approx. 15 minutes after getting up from bed because water in our body can be spread out.
  • rest for a few hours (approx. 6-8) after an unusual exhausting activity.

The fat analysis will not provide useful information to children below 10 and adults over 85 years of age; persons with fever; after undergoing dialysis; persons with osteoporosis syndromes or persons who use cardiovascular medicaments; pregnant women; athletes who have a lot of musculature; because their results may be distorted.
Obese people who want to lose weight and very thin people who want to gain weight should consult their diet with their doctor.

Why is it important to know what the value of fat and water in your organism is?
Obesity (excessive amount of body fat) is a known risk for people‘s health that is closely connected with serious diseases such as high blood-pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis and some forms of cancer. There are other, less frequent symptoms, which may be caused by obesity, such as temporary suspension of breathing during sleep and tiredness during the day. An analysis of percentage ratio of body fat or your body composition is an effective way of assessing the level of your health. The contents of water in organism is a sign of good health. If the weight is not changing and the TBW % value (total contents of water in organism) is increasing, it means that the musculature in body is increasing (which is good for health). If the TBW % value is decreasing, it means decreasing of musculature and increasing of fat or it may indicate improper distribution of water in organism or some potential diseases relating to lack of water in the organism. In general, the more musculature, the higher the content of water in body.

How does the scale work?
The fat monitor uses the method of body composition analysis, BIA (short for bioelectric impedance analysis). BIA measures the resistance that is directly proportional to the fat in the body while the current flow is weak and harmless. Source electrodes let the current in on one side and detection electrodes detect this current on the other. For the purpose of analysis, data from the BIA appliance, such as sex, age and height, are subsequently inserted into a software program. The weight and body fat are calculated automatically. You will then find the percentage of fat and water in the body that is displayed in one of the ranges in the Reference table (p. 21) and find out which group you fall into. The accuracy of the scale depends on several variables of the user. We recommend making the weighing a routine, always weigh yourself approximately at the same time of the day and under same conditions.

Important notes:

  1. This scale requires you to weigh yourself barefoot for the reason of correct conductivity during the body fat analysis.
  2. Do not place the scale on an uneven surface or a surface covered with a carpet.
  3. Do not use the fat analysis feature on this scale if you are using one of the following devices: pace maker, electrocardiograph and/or other medical device implanted in the body or device used as support.
  4. Excessive drinking, eating, exercising, health conditions, used medicaments, women‘s menstruation cycle etc. influence the results of the analysis.


Remove all the packing material and take the scale out. Remove all possible adhesion foils, stick-on labels or paper from the scale. Open the battery cover on the bottom of the scale, insert the battery with the correct polarity and close the cover in the opposite direction. Place the scale on flat, stable and dry surface. Switch on the scale by tapping on the board of the scale with your foot and check the displayed weight unit (kg). If you wish to set unit to st or lb, adjust the switch on the bottom of the scale (or cm ↔ FT;In) (Fig. 2). Then put the scale of firm and flat surface (see par. I. SAFETY WARNINGS) Fig. 3.

  • st = stone (American weight unit)
  • kg = kilogram
  • lb = pound (British weight unit)
  • FT;In = feet;inches
  • 1 st = 6,356 kg
  • 1 kg = 2.2 lb
  • 1 lb = 0.454 kg
  • 1 FT = 30.48 cm; 1 In = 2,54 cm


Your scale is fine electronic equipment. One of the things that are most difficult to weigh is human body as it is always in motion. If you want to obtain reliable results, always try to step with your feet at the same place on the scale and stand still (Fig. 1). If possible, weigh yourself at the same time of a day (preferably in the morning) to obtain comparable results. Remember that excessive clothes can increase your weight as well as eating and drinking before weighing. Short-term weight fluctuation is generally attributed to loss of liquids.

Turn the scale on with the SET button, where you can set individual characteristics of a person. You may also directly step on the scale (Fig. 4).

After a moment, the measured weight flashes and the value remains displayed for several seconds (Fig. 5). Then the scale are switched off automatically.

Setting of personal data for the body fat and water analysis
Before the first analysis, it is necessary to put in personal data (sex, age and height) which will be saved to the memory. It is possible to save data of 10 persons in the scale‘s memory.

  1. Press the SET button Number of memory will start the flash on the display (e.g. P1).

  2. Select the number of the memory (with button ) to which you want to save the data for the person to be weighed.
    Confirm by pressing the SET button.

  3. Set your sex with the or button: male / female Confirm by pressing the SET button.

  4. Set your age with the button (Age) Confirm by pressing the SET button.

  5. Set your height with the button (you can change cm ↔ FT;In). Confirm by pressing the SET button.
    Now all the personal data is saved. Stand on the scale and wait for results.
    The following data will start to show after a few seconds:

  6. Body fat contents in % (FAT)
    Body water contents in % (TBW)

  7. Musculature contents in % (MUS)
    Bone weight contents in % (BONE)
    There must not be a contact between feet, calves or thighs. Otherwise the measurement could be inaccurate.

For a repeated analysis of body characteristics (after saving the input data of the person to the memory – e.g. P1), proceed as follows:

  1. Press SET

  2. Choose the number of memory with the button where your setting is saved.

  3. Do not press anything after selecting the respective number of memory. Step on the scale and your weight and bodily characteristics will begin to be analyzed.
    The results of measuring bones’ weight and muscular proportions are simply tentative. Healthy man has approximately 40% of muscular proportion and healthy woman has 30% according to an average ratio. Women´s weight of bones is among 2,5 – 5 kg and men´s weight of bones is among 3 – 6 kg but it depends on many relevant factors.

    • Underweight indicator (on scale): –
    • Normal weight indicator (on scale): o
    • Overweight indicator (on scale): +
    • Obesity indicator (on scale): ++
      For the reason of differences between people, this table is only informative. Always consult your attending physician if any measuring results are abnormal.
      The scale is switched on automatically if you do not step on it within approx. 30 seconds after „0.0“ is displayed.

Replacing batteries
Open the battery cover on the bottom of the scale. Insert a battery with the right polarity and close the cover. Use AAA batteries (2 pcs) for this appliance. If you are not using the appliance for some time, take the batteries out!

Do not use different type of batteries: Do not use used and new batteries together.

Error messages and their symbols

Symbols displayed Interpretation

—-| The scale is on an uneven surface
Lo| Battery is dead
Err| % body fat contents is out of the limits of this scale.
EEEE| The measured weight is higher than maximum allowed value of the scale.


If you have problems with weight:

  • Check whether the battery is inserted properly.
  • Check whether you selected the proper weight unit.
  • Check whether the scale is on a flat floor and they do not touch the wall.
  • If nothing appears on the scale when you want to switch them on by tapping on them or if „Lo“ (Fig. 6) appears only, replace the battery.
  • If „EEEE“ (Fig. 7) appears on the display, the scale was overloaded.
  •  If unusual signs are displayed, remove the insert the battery again.
  •  If signs appear, such as if the display is flashing or if there is a faulty sign, try to move the scale away from the influence of a source of interference or ensure switching off the source for the time of using the scale.


After using the scale, put it into the horizontal position (not vertically), out of reach of children and incapacitated people (see par. I. SAFETY WARNINGS).


Do not use coarse and aggressive cleaning agents (e.g. sharp objects, scrapers, diluting agents or other solvents). Clean the board by wiping with a soft wet cloth. Make sure that water does not get inside the appliance.


If the dimensions allow, there are labels of materials used for production of packing, components and accessories as well as their recycling on all parts. The symbols specified on the product or in the accompanying documentation mean that the used electrical or electronic products must not be disposed of together with municipal waste. For proper disposal, hand them over at special collection places where they will be accepted free of charge. Suitable disposal of the product can help to maintain valuable natural resources and to prevent possible negative impacts on the environment and human health, which could be the possible consequences of improper waste disposal. Ask for more details at the local authorities or at a collection site. Fines can be imposed for improper disposal of this type of waste in agreement with the national regulations.Remove a discharged battery and dispose of it in a suitable and safe way through the special collection networks. Never dispose of the battery by burning!More extensive maintenance or maintenance requiring intervention in the inner parts of the appliance must be carried out by a professional service! Failure to comply with the instructions of the manufacturer will lead to expiration of the right to guarantee repair!


  • Weighing range max 180 kg / 397 lb / 28.3 st
  • Discrimination: 0.1 kg
  • Power supply: 2x Batteries 1.5 V AAA (Included)
  • Net weight of device: 1.2 kg
  • Memory capacity: 10
  • Mass alignment: from 75 to 225 cm (2‘5“-7‘41/2 „Ft:in)
  • Age: from 10 to 85 years
  • Minimum weight: from 2 kg (4.4 lb / 0:3 st)
  • Maximum weight: 180 kg (397 lb/28.3 st)
  • Body fat measuring unit: 0.1%
  • Body fat measuring range: 4.0% – 50.0%
  • Body water measuring range: 35.0% – 85.0%
  • Muscle mass measuring: 1.0% – 50.0%
    • The product has received ES declaration of conformity according to Act as amended.
    • The product matches the requirements of the below statutory order as amended.
    • Committee Regulation No. 2004/108/ES as amended, setting the technical requirements of products in terms of their electromagnetic compatibility.
    • The manufacturer reserves the right to make insignificant changes to the standard design that do not affect its function
    • AUTO STEP ON – just step on the scale and stand still, the scale will automatically turn ON and start taking measurements.
    • Do not step onto the scale with wet feet or on wet surface of the scale, there is a risk of slipping.


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