STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller User Manual

June 5, 2024

1024 DMX Console
User Manual


1024 DMX controller can control up to 96 fixtures. It is compatible with the library in Avolite Pearl R2O format and featured with bullt-In shape e(rclcts of pan/tilt circle, RGB rainbow, beam dimming wave, etc. 10 scenes and 5 built-in shapes can be output simultaneously. Sliders can be used to output scenes and adjust the intensity of the dimmer channels in the scenes.

DMX channel 1024
Fixture 96
Channels for each fixture 40 primary + 40 fine-tune
Library Acolyte Pearl R20 library supported
Re-patched Fixture address Yes
Swop Pan/Tilt I Yes
Reversed channel output I Yes
Channel slope modification Yes
Scene 60
Scenes to run simultaneously 10
Scene step 600
Time control of scenes.. Fade  in/out LTP solope
Shapes for eat see II 5
Scene and diMeMy sl i Yes
Interlocked s r yes
Button control AI 41 Yes
Shape generator A Shapes of Dimmer, Pan/Tilt, RGB, CMY, Color, Gobo, Iris and

Shapes to run simultaneously| 5
Master slider| Global, playback, fixture
Real-time blackout| Yes
Channel value by wheel| Yes
Channel value by slider| Yes
Dimmer by slider| Yes
USB Memory| FAT32 supported


Front Panel

STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX

The front panel consists of several areas:

  • Fixture area: including 16 buttons, 16 sliders and 6 buttons.
    STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - buttons

There are 6 pages of fixtures supporting up to 96 fixtures. The <Attribute/Level> button with 2 LED indicators can be used to switch the functions of the 16 sliders. When is activated, the sliders are used to adjust the value of the attribute above the sliders; When is activated, the sliders are to adjust the intensity of fixtures.

  • Playback area: Including 10 buttons, 10 buttons, 10 playback sliders, 5 buttons and 1

STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - sliders

button **Attribute area:** Including 8 buttons and 3 buttons. Each < Attributes> button carries two attributes, respectively controlled by and . When button is switched at side, the sliders in the fixture area can be used to control the corresponding attributes. ![STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - fixture]( WORKS-Mini-Pearl-1024-DMX-Controller-fixture-550x302.png)
  • Playback control area: Including 5 playback control buttons:

STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - fixture 1

  • Function area: Operations about scene storage and copy or fixture patch can be implemented in this area. The LED indicators On these buttons are to show the status of the buttons.

  • Fixture control area: including buttons of , , , , , , and , which are functions to control the fixtures.

STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - fig

  • LCD area: The LCD is to display the menu, implement the menu operations and clear the Programmer.STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - display
  • wheel area: and are to control the attributes and chase time. is to adjust the value in the display.

STaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX Controller - control

2.2 Glossaries
  • HTP: The type of the channels with the highest output (highest takes precedence), normally for dimmer channels.
  • LTP: The type of the channels with the latest output (latest takes precedence), for non-dimmer channels.
  • Fade in: The intensity of the light changes from dark to bright.
  • Fade out: The intensity of the light changes from bright. to dark.



3.1.1 Patch dimmer

  1. Press and hold , then, press [Patch Dimmer].

  2. An address will be displayed at Line 2 on the screen for patching.
    Roll to change the address; Press [AutO calculate Addr.] to automatically achieve a suitable address.

  3. TO patch a single dimmer, press a handle Fixture button. TO patch a range of dimmers, hold down the Fixture button for the first dimmer in the range, then press the last Fixture button in the range. The range of dimmers will be patched to sequential DMX addresses.

  4. TO patch another dimmer to the same handle, enter the new DMX channel and press the Swop button again

3.1.2 Patch moving light fixtures

  1. Press and hold , then, press <B:, [Patch ~ixtures].
  2.  Select a library from the controller or from a USB memory.
  3. Press or to browse into the library; Press the soft key to select. When a library in US6 memory is selected, the library will be added or updated into the controller.
  4. An address code will be displayed at Line 2 on the screen for patching. Roll to change the address code; Press [Auto calculate Addr.] to automatically achieve a suitable address code..
  5. Press a desired button to patch an intelligent fixture. You can patch a range of fixtures by holding down the first and last Fixture buttons of the range, the same as for dimmers. Unlike dimmers, you cannot patch more than one fixture onto a fixture button. If the fixture button is already used, the patch will fail. Use
    a different fixture button or delete the fixture already on the fixture button if you don’t want it anymore.

3.1.3 View the patching
Press [Patch Information] to view the patching info.
2.3 Edit
3.2.1 Changing the DMX address
You can re-patch a fixture to a different DMX address or a DMX output line. All programming is kept.

  1.  If not in the Patch menu, Press to enter.

  2. Press [Re-patch Fixture].

  3.  An address will be displayed at Line 2 On the screen for patching.
    ROII <Wheel Value, to change the address.

  4. Once the address code IS set, press a deslred button to patch.

  5. Press to confirm.

3.2.2 Deleting a patched fixture

  1.  If not in the Patch menu, press to enter.
  2. Press to enter the Delete Patch menu.
  3. Press a button to select a deslred fixture or roll *Wheel Value> to select the deslred address of the fixture, then, press to confirm the deletion.

3.2.3 Patch Utilities
Invert – Allows you to invert an attribute of a fixture, so when you set zero the output will be full. You cannot Invert some attributes.

  1. If not in the Patch menu, press to enter.

  2. Press [Patch Utilities]. Then, press [Set Invert].

  3. Select fixture and select attribute, then, press or to modify.
    Set/Reset Instant mode – When the fades LTP (movement) channels between two memories, the LTP values normally change smoothly. You can set Instant mode to make the channel snap instantly to the new value.

  4. If not in the Patch menu, press to enter.

  5. Press eD>[Patch Utilities]. Then, press [Set Instant Mode].

  6. Select fixture and select attribute, then, press or to modify.
    Swap pan and tilt – If you have some fixtures mounted sideways, it can be useful to swap the pan and tilt channels over.

  1. ~f not in the Patch menu, press to enter.
  2. press [Patch Utilities]. Then, press [Swop Pn].
  3. press or to view the Panflit swop Info. Press the soft key to modify.

Controlling fixtures

4.1 Select fixtures

  • Select a single fixture: Press the handle Fixture buttons for the fixtures you want. The LED in the Fixture button Comes on for selected fixtures

  • Select a range of fixtures : To select a range of fixtures, hold down the Fixture button for the first fixture then press the Swop button for the last fixture.

  • Stepping through selected fixtures one at a time : If you have selected a range of fixtures, our console has functions to step through the selected fixtures one at a time. This can make it easier to program a range of fixtures because you don’t have to select each one manually. Pressing or c+> in “Fixture control area”, it will select the fixtures in the range one at a time. If button is activated, The selected fixture from the range will light up, and the other fixtures will go out.
    8 Activate previously selected fixtures: To activate all the previously selected fixtures, press in “Fixture control area”.

  • Select fixtures at odd positions: Press , the fixtures at odd positions of the selected fixtures will keep selected, but, those at even positions will be de-selected. This is related to the order that you selected the fixtures before pressing .

  • Select fixtures at even positions: Press , the fixtures at even positions of the selected fixtures will keep selected, but, those at odd positions will be de-selected. This is related to the order that you selected the fixtures before pressing .

4.2 Modify an attribute value

  1. Select a fixture.
  2. Select an attribute. Then, use and to adjust the value. Or, switch to Attribute mode to adjust the attribute value by sliders.
  3. To see the output values, press .

4.3 Advanced options

4.4 Fan mode
Fan mode automatically spreads out the values on a selected range of fixtures. If used on pan and tilt, the result is spreading out “raysm of light beams. The first and last fixtures of the range are affected most, and the central fixtures are affected least. The amount of fin can be set using the wheels. As with shapes, the order in which you select the fixtures sets how the fan effect works. The fixtures you select first and last will be the ones that change most. If you use a group to select the fixtures, the order is that in which the fixtures in the group were selected when it was created. The fan effect, while normally used on pan or tilt attributes, can be applied to any attribute.

  1. Select fixtures;
  2. Select attributes;
  3. Press in “Function area” (indicator on);
  4. Set the amount of fan using the wheels;
  5. Press in the “Function area” (indicator off) again to close the fan shape mode when you’ve finished.

4.5 Clear the Programmer

  • Clear the Programmer: Press in the menu area.
  • Clear a certain fixture of a certain attribute from the
    Programmer: Select the desired fixture. Press in the function
    area then [OFF Selected Fixtures] to delete the fixture from the Programmer; or, press then / to delete the attributes of the fixture from the Programmer.


A shape is simply a sequence of values that can be applied to any attribute of a fixture. A “circle” shape, for example, applied to the pan and tilt attributes, would cause the fixture to move its beam around in a circular pattern. You can set the center point of the circle, the size of the circle and the speed of the circle movement. In addition to beam position shapes, there are a large number of other shapes available in this console. The shapes are defined for a particular attribute such as colour, dimmer, focus and so on. Some shapes will not work with some fixtures; focus shapes, for example, can produce nice “focus pull” effects on fixtures that have DMX focusing, but will do nothing on fixtures which don’t have focusing. When you use a shape with more than one fixture, you can choose to either apply the shape identically to all the fixtures or offset them so that the shape runs along the fixtures creating “wave” or “ballyhoo” type effects. This is called the spread of the shape. In 1024, 5 shapes can be run simultaneously, but, only 1 shape is editable.

5.1 Select a shape

  1. Select fixtures;
  2. Press in “Function area”;
  3. Press [Playback a shape];
  4. Press or to select a shape type and confirm with a soft key;
  5. Press or to select a shape and confirm with a soft key.

5.2 Edit a shape

  1. Press in “Function area”;
  2. Press [Edit a shape];
  3. Highlight the shape that you want to edit with a soft key; then, press to exit this menu;
  4. Press [Shape Parameters];
  5. Highlight the parameter that You want to modify with a soft key; then, change the value with .
    Size: The amplitude.
    Speed: The running speed of the shape.
    Repeat: Repeats Pattern after repeat number of fixtures.
    Spread: How the in~tmI’IentS are spread across the pattern, O=even spread.

5.3 Delete a shape

  1. Press in “Function area”;
  2. Press in “Function area”;
  3. Highlight the shape that you want to delete;
  4. Press to confirm.


There are many functions In the controller to create a complicated llghting effect; and, the most fundamental part Is a scene, In whlch you Can Store a “look” You have created using your Ilght. There are 60 playbacks on 5 pages, each page w~th 12, which can be used to store scenes and chases. In Runnlng Mode, the sllden and the <Playback* buttons are used to control playbacks; in Programming Mode, the buttons In the area are for edltlng.

6.1 Create

  •  Clear the programmer, then program the fixtures,

  • Edit a stage effect the fixtures; built-In shapes can be added. A scene can record flve shapes. Only those fixtures that have been edited can be Included in the Programmer;

  • Press . At this time, the LED indicators of the ~Swop* buttons without any scene stored will keep flashing; those wlth a scene will keep always on; and, those wlth a chase wlll be off;

  • Press to select store by channel or store by the fixture. Press , If necessary, to highlight [Stage];
    Record by Fixture: All the channel data of all the fixtures that have been edited and selected will be stored.
    Record by channel: Only the data of the channels that have been edited wlll be stored.

  • Select a mode. (See Section 6.5).

  • Press an empty button to store. If you press a ~Swop* button with a single step scene already stored, then, If will be overwritten by pressing .

6.2 Include

  1. Press ;
  2. Press a deslred button to Include a scene;
  3. Press to conflrm.

6.3 Copy

  1. press , then, press a button that stores a scene;
  2. press an empty button to copy.

6.4 Delete

  1. press to enter the Delete menu;
  2. press a deslred button to delete; press It again to confirm,

6.2 Include

  1. Press ;
  2. Press a deslred button to Include a scene;
  3. Press to conflrm.

6.3 Copy

  1. press , then, press a button that stores a scene;
  2. press an empty button to copy.

6.4 Delete

  1.  press to enter the Delete menu;
  2.  press a deslred button to delete; press It again to confirm,

6.5 Time

The times you enter are also affected by the scene mode:

  • Mode 0 – No timing information is used. The HTP channels faded with the 0-100% position with playback faders.
  • Mode 1 -Channels fade as set by the HTP and LTP fade times (except Instant LTP channels). If you enter times for a Mode 0 memory, it will automatically change to Mode 1. If HTP times are set to zero, the HTP levels will fade with the fader
  • Mode 2 -HTP channels fade as set by the HTP times, or with the fader if times are set to zero. LTP channels are controlled by the fader position (except Instant channels). Set the LTP fade time to 0 to use this mode.
Run scenes

Set the live mode as the running mode; Raise fader, the corresponding scene on the current page will be output. Press a button, the selected scene will be output while the other playbacks will be closed. The running scenes will be highlighted in the LCD, “S” is scene, “Cn is Chase.


.A A S~Wence of one or more pre-recorded steps programmed using the CHASE button. It can be replayed automatically if desired. Sometimes kI’mwn as SEQUENCE, STACK or Linked Cues. The chase can include 600 Steps in this console.

  1. Press . In the Playback area, the LED indicators of the buttons without any scene stored will keep flashing; those with a chase will keep always on; and, those with a scene will be off;

  2. Press a desired button to enter the chase menu. At this time, the LCD will show the current page number and the total step number of
    the multi-step scene; Press or to turn the pages;

  3. After editing the stage effects, press [Record] to enter the record menu;

  4. Press / to select the storage mode;

  5. If it comes to the last step, then, press [Record Ad Final Step] to store directly, or, press an off button to store in it. To insert or overwrite a step, select a desired position, then, press to overwrite or press to insert a step before the selected one.

Delete a step

Under the Chase menu, press to enter the Delete menu; press a desired

button to delete a step.
Step time

Under the Chase menu, press

Include steps

Under the Chase editing menu, press a desired button of the step. then, scene data will be imported.

7.5 Global Time

  1. Under the first level menu, press
  2. Then, press a desired scene. Press or to turn the Pages;
    press a soft key to select the options for editing; roll to change the values; Press to confirm.
    7.6 Delete a scene
  3. Under the first level menu, press ;
  4. Press a desired button twice to delete.
    7.7 Copy a scene
  5. Under the first level menu, press a desired button;
  6. Press another button. Then, the scene in the first button is copied into the second one.
    7.8 Run chase
    Raise a fader, the corresponding scene on the current page will be output.
    In the starting menu, press a button to output and all other scenes will be closed; Press , then, you can flash the fixtures.
    7.9 Connect
  • When a chase is added to run, it will connect automatically.

  • If the current connected chase is not the one that you want to connect, you can press then to connect.

  • If you don’t want to connect any chases, then, you can press

    twice to clear all the connections.
  • Once the chase are connected, they can be controlled with , <Go+> and . <Go+> and are to control the playback direction. To store the running speed, press then [Save Speed & Dir].

  • When a new chase is connected, you can use to control the global speed and to control the global slope if the current Programmer is empty; But, if the current Programmer is with some data, then, you can press then [Change Wh A/B Mode] to switch to the wheel mode, so that you will be able to control the   time of the scene. The time under the control of and is temporary time; To save the time, press then [Save Speed & Dir]. To restore the previous speed, press then to clear the temporary time. One the speed is save, it cannot be restored.

8.1 Manage US6 memory
To save and load data.
8.2 Wipe data
To wipe all the data or only the playback data off the controller.
8.3 Select Language
Press . The LCD will show “English/+*”. Press the desire soft key by the LCD to select your language.
8.4 Manager library
To delete or update the fixture library.

Appendix: Personality ~uilder]

Personality Builder is a software for library edit. A CD with Personality Builder installation program is enclosed in each 1024 package. You can install it into your PC and use it to edit your library. The library files can be saved in a USB memory (FAT32 format) and loaded into 1024.
9.1 Interface of Personality BuilderSTaGE WORKS Mini Pearl 1024 DMX
Controller - Builder

9.2 How to user Personality Builder

  1. Select your language. 7) Input Attribute Name.
  2. Press to create a new personality file.| 8) If there is a fine channel with the attribute, input fine DMX number.
  3. Input fixture name.| 9) Input value of locate.
  4. Select the blue label to set the attribute.| 10) Set Fade and invert.
  5. Input the DMX number in the Attribute Setting group box.| 11) Set another attribute.
  6. Select the attribute type.| 12) Save the library.

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