DIEHL DN 15-40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter Installation Guide

June 1, 2024

Ultrasonic energy meter
Installation guide

DN 15-40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter

This guide must be given to the end consumer

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - fig1


This guide is intended for trained specialised personnel. Therefore, it does not include basic working steps.
The seal on the energy meter must not be damaged!
A damaged seal will result in immediate invalidation of the factory warranty and verification. The cables supplied with the meter must neither be shortened, extended nor changed in any other way.
Legal regulations and operating instructions for the use of energy meters must be observed!
The installation must only be carried out by a specialist energy  meter installation and electrical company. The personnel mustbe trained in the installation and handling of energy meters and electrical devices as well as the applicable guidelines.
Medium: Water, according to CEN/TR 16911. If water additives are used (e.g. corrosion protection), the user must make sure that the corrosion resistance is adequate.
This product is designated (where relevant) as a pressure maintaining component in the sense of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and may only be operated as a pressure maintaining component with temperature sensors suitable for this purpose. This product is not intended for used as a safety device in the sense of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).

  • The medium temperature is specified as 5 … 105 °C (130 °C)
  • The temperature range depends on variant and nominal size.
  • The exact temperature range is shown on the type plate.
  • The encapsulated variant is to be used if condensation is expected.
  • The operating/ambient conditions are 5 … 55 °C; IP 54/64; 93 % rel. humidity.
  • Ambient temperatures below 35 °C have a positive effect on battery lifetime.

If the flow sensor is insulated with the pipeline, the calculator must be accessible.
Detailed user guide available  at https://www.diehl.com/metering/en/support- center/download-center/.
The Software IZAR@Mobile2 is used for reading out data and configuration and can be downloaded from the Internet under:
The Software IZAR@Mobile2 is used for reading out data and configuration and can be downloaded from the Internet under:
Changing of communication relevant parameters can result in the loss of OMS certification.

Transport and storage

Energy meters are measuring devices and must be handled with care. To protect against damage and soiling, they should only be unpacked immediately prior to installation.
The transport of the meter is permitted only in the original package.
When sending wireless measuring instruments / components by air, disable the wireless (place in aircraft mode) before shipping.

Installation of energy meter (fig. I)

  • Depending on the design and application (heat or cooling meter), the energy meter is installed in either the hot or cold line of the system.
  • The flow sensor must be installed so that the flow direction matches the arrow direction on the sensor.
  • Depending on the version, the flow sensor must be installed in inlet or outlet. The installation position is displayed in the info loop 3.4 (see “Information loop (3)” on page 14) and, if necessary, also by means of a pictogram.

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - icon2

  • Calming sections are not necessary before and after the flow sensor. For systems without temperature mixing, a straight calming section of 3-10 x DN upstream of the flow sensor is recommended.

The meter can be installed in both horizontal and vertical pipe sections, provided air bubbles cannot collect in the meter.
The flow sensor must always be filled with liquid.
Avoid frost at the meter.

  • We recommend installing the flow sensor in a tilted position.
  • The minimum system pressure must be 1 bar to avoid cavitation.
  •  Electrical and magnetic fields might disrupt electronic components in the energy metering device. Make sure there is sufficient distance (approx. 10 cm) between the calculator and its measurement signal lines and possible sources of electromagnetic disturbance (e.g. transformers, electric motors, supply lines, etc.).
  • If possible install the cables of the flow sensor or temperature sensor freely suspended (not bundled – aerial effect) with sufficient distance from electromagnetic interference sources.
  • The measurement signal lines (temperature and flow rate) must not be routed in direct proximity to other lines, such as mains supply lines, low-voltage supply lines and data transmission cables. The minimum distance of 5 cm for low-voltage lines must be observed according to EN 1434-6.

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - fig2

  • For medium temperatures from 90°C or for TWater <TAmbient (cooling meter application or heat meter with cooling tariff application) the calculator must be removed and fitted at a sufficient distance from any heat sources. A wall holder (optional) or a spacer holder (optional) is available for this purpose.

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - fig3

  • It is recommended that shut-off valves are fitted before and after the energy meter to simplify removing the meter.
  •  The meter should be installed in a conveniently accessible position for service and operating personnel.
  • Initial operation is to be carried out and recorded after installation.

Temperature sensor

Handle the temperature sensor carefully!
The sensor cables are provided with coloured type plates:

  • Red: Sensor in the hot line
  • Blue: Sensor in the cold line
  • The connecting cables must not be shortened or extended.
  •  The free temperature sensors can be fitted so they are directly submerged (e.g. ball valve) or in a pocket tested for conformity for this sensor type.
  • Sensors must be preferably installed symmetrically.
  • Limit values: asymmetric temperature difference 3K > 60l/h / 5K ≤ 60l/h

4.1 Installation in the ball valve with adapter
(coupling set in a separate bag)
Use ball valves with installation option for temperature sensor with thread M10 x 1.

Preparatory measures

  • Close the ball valve.
  • Unscrew the plug screw from the ball valve.

Installation (see fig. II)

  1. Place the O-ring from the attached coupling set (type A or B) on the mounting pin.

  2. Insert the O-ring with the mounting pin into the sensor hole of the ball valve (turn the mounting pin).

  3.  Position the O-ring in its final position using the other end of the mounting pin.

  4. Fastening screws
    ƒ Type A (plastic) – plug the fastening screw onto the temperature sensor.
    ƒ Type B (brass) – insert the temperature sensor in the fastening screw and place the sensor in the mounting pin. Press in the dowel pin completely and remove the mounting pin.

  5. Insert the temperature sensor with the securing fitting in the ball valve and manually tighten (2-3 Nm).

4.2 Installation in a pocket
It is recommended that temperature sensors for DN25 rated sizes or smaller are only fitted in new installations such that they are directly immersed.
This ensures higher measuring accuracy.

Start-up operation

Once the meter has been installed, the components (calculator, volume measuring component and both temperature sensors) must be sealed with a tamper-proof seal and the meter started up by a specialist company approved according to the legislation.

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - fig4

5.1 Inlet / outlet setting (optional ex works)
Optionally, the installation position of the meter can be set in-situ in loop 3 (“3.4” on page 14). Consequently installation in the inlet (flow) or outlet (return) is possible.
This setting must be made prior to initial operation of the meter.
As supplied, the outlet (return) is pre-set and is shown as follows in the display.
Setting and number of possible changes.

To changeover, switch to the “Outlet” window in loop 3 (see “8. Operation” on page 14).
Pressing and holding the button for > 6 s changes the display/setting to “Inlet”.
This setting can be changed a total of 8 times by pressing the button.
The display changes during the 6 s.
This does not influence functioning.

Sequence during changing

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - fig6

If the button is pressed and then held for > 6 s, the meter performs the command shown in the display.
In each change, the framed number in the display is reduced by 1.

After 8 changes, it is no longer possible to change the installation position.
The possibility of changing lapses either immediately upon detection of water, or after three hours’ operation without error detection (pre-set ex works).
The following indication appears in the display (example):
The changes indication disappears.

When changing the installation position, the sensors must be matched to the actual installation (see “4. Temperature sensor” on page 8).


Communication modules must be secured so that opening of meters is only possible by destroying the securing points.
The calculator supports two communication channels (radio (wireless) or M-Bus).
The protocols may be different for all two communication channels and are pre- set ex works. The telegrams can be defined for each customer using the IZAR@MOBILE 2 software.
6.1 Communication via radio
The integrated radio module is an interface for communication with Diehl Metering radio receivers.
Unidirectional communication has the following specification:

  • The module transmits every 8 … 256 s (send period max. 0.1 % of duty cycle (min. 8s); variable, depending on protocol length and programming)

  •  The communication always transfers the currently measured data

  • Transmission frequencies:
    – 434 MHz, transmission power (EN 300 220-2 V3.2.1): 10mW e.r.p.
    – 868 MHz, transmission power (EN 300 220-2 V3.2.1): 25mW e.r.p.

  • Various Diehl Metering receivers are available for receiving the proto- col (e.g. Bluetooth, GPRS, LAN, …)

  • The protocol corresponds to OMS Profile A or Profile B and is encrypted.

  • Reading modes: Walk-By, Drive-By, Fixed-Network

  • For problematic radio installations (shield) the external wireless module set can also be used

6.2 M-Bus Communication module

The M-Bus communication module is a serial interface for communication with external devices (M-Bus control centres), e.g. IZAR CENTER. A number of meters can be connected to a control centre.

  • The connection is not polarity-sensitive and is electrically isolated
  • M-Bus protocol standardised according to EN 1434;
  • 300 or 2400 baud (auto baud detect)
  • Connection for 2 x 2.5 mm²;
  • Power consumption: One M-Bus load


The data generated by the calculator can be viewed in several displays. These displays contain the assigned system information (e.g. energy quantities, water volumes, operating days, water quantities, actual temperatures, max- imum values) and can be accessed by calling the displays in the pre-defined sequence / loop. The energy meter has up to 6 different display sequences. Main loop, due date loop, information loop, month loop.
The month loop comprises up to seven readings alternatingly displayed for 2 s – 4 s each. For quick visual identification, the loops are labelled 1 to 6 in the display. As standard, the main loop contains the actual data, e.g. energy, volume, flow and temperatures. The verified register is marked with a padlock icon.

Main loop (1)

Sequence Window 1 Window 2
1.1 Accumulated energy
1.2 Accumulated volume
1.3 Accumulated cold energy (heat meters with cooling tariff)
1.4 Flow
1.5 Power
1.6 Flow temperature

Return flow temperature* )

| Return flow temperature**)
1.7| Differential temperature|
1.8| Operating days|
1.9| Error status| Error hours
1.10| Display test|

*) without a decimal place; ) with one decimal place respectively
Due date loop (2)**

Seq| Window 1| Window 2 Window3
2.1| Due date 1 date| Due date 1 energy “Accd 1”
2.2| “Accd 1”| Date of future due date 1
2.3| Due date 1 previous year date| Due date 1 previous year energy| “Accd 1L”
2.4| Due date 2 date| Due date 2 energy| “Accd 2A”
2.5| “Accd 2”| Date of future due date 2
2.6| Due date 2 previous year date| Due date 2 previous year energy| “Accd 2L”

Information loop (3)

Sequence Window 1 Window 2
3.1 Actual date
3.2 “SEC_Adr” Secondary address
3.3 “PRI Adr 1” Primary address
3.4 “Inlet” / “Outlet” * (installation position) _depending on the setting

(5.1 on page_


3.5| “UHF ON” (status of integrated radio)
3.6| Software version| Check sum

Tariff loop (5) 1
Month loop (6)

Sequence Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4
6.1 “LOG” Date-1 Energy Volume
6.2 “LOG” Date-2 Energy Volume
: : : : :
6.24 “LOG” Date-24 Energy Volume
* Example 10nly for heat meters with activated cooling tariff


Use the push button to page through the individual displays. When doing so a differentiation is made between short and long button presses. With a short button press (<3 seconds) you get to the next display within a loop; with a long button press (>3 seconds) you get to the next display loop. The “Energy” window (sequence 1.1) of the main loop is the basic display. If the button is not pressed for approx.4 minutes, the meter automatically switches off the display to save power (exception: an error exists). If you press the button again, the meter returns to the basic display.

Display Error codes

If an error occurs, the error code is displayed in the main loop. All windows, however, can still be accessed by pressing the button. If the button is not pressed for approx. 4 min, the error code is automatically displayed again.
The error message disappears automatically as soon as the source of the error is corrected. All errors that exist for longer than 6 min, are saved in the error memory.

Error code Description
C – 1 Basic parameter error in flash or RAM – Meter must be replaced
E 1 Temperature range outside [-19.9 °C…199.9 °C] e.g. sensor short-circuit,

sensor break
E 3| Forward and return sensor reversed
E 4| Hardware error US measurement, e.g. transducer or control defective or short
E 5| Communication not possible (too frequent read-out)
E 6
| Flow direction of flow meter incorrect
E 7| No plausible ultrasound receiver signal, e.g. air in the measuring path
E 9| Battery nearly discharged, design lifetime reached

  • application dependent


The transposed European Directives on waste batteries and waste electrical and electronic equipment supervise the actions necessary to limit the negative impact of the product end of life.
This product is subject to special collection and disposal. It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling.
For further details about recycling this product, please contact your Diehl Metering agency.

Declaration of conformity for MID meters

See from page 55 onwards.
Further information as well as the actual declaration of conformity are available at: https://www.diehl.com/metering/en/support-center/download- center/

11.1 EU DoC 774/3


Device Type / Product, object of the declaration

Type Technolog No of the EU type examination certificate
774 Ultrasonic Thermal Energy Meter DE-13-MI004-PTB008

This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation, insofar as it is applied:

2011/65/EU (OJ L 174, 1.7.2011) RoHS Directive
2014/30/EU (OJ L 96, 29.3.2014) Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
2014/32/EU (OJ L 96, 29.3.2014) Measuring Instruments Directive
2014/53/EU (OJ L 153, 22.5.2014) Radio Equipment Directive

In conformity with the following relevant harmonised standards or normative documents or other technical specifications:

EN 1434-1:2007
EN 1434-2:2007/AC:2007
EN 1434-3:2007
EN 1434-4:2007/AC:2007
EN 1434-5:2007| OIML R75-1:2002
OIML R75-2:2002
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 62479:2010
EN 301 489-1 v2.1.1| EN 301 489-3 v2.1.1
EN 300 220-2 v3.1.1
EN 62368-1:2014/AC:2015
WELMEC 7.2:2015
EN IEC 63000:2018
Name and address of the manufacturer| The notified body LNE n° 0071 has carried out the module D certification of quality
assurance under number:
Donaustraße 120
90451 Nürnberg

The contact address marked on the product can be one of the site listed in the module D certificate.

Nürnberg, 2022-05-02

DIEHL DN 15 40 Ultrasonic Energy Meter - signature

Mat.-Nr. 3095441 • 9/2/2024
Technical changes reserved
Diehl Metering GmbH
Industriestrasse 13
91522 Ansbach
Phone: +49 981 1806-0
Fax: +49 981 1806-615

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