PRISMXR P1111 Carina D1 Charging Dock User Guide

June 1, 2024

P1111 Carina D1 Charging Dock



  • Input: 5V 3A, 9V 2A, 12V 2.5A max
  • Output 1: 5V3A, 12V2.25A (27W max)
  • Output 2 &3: 1.5V0.18A max per port
  • Rechargeable Ni-MH Battery: Ni-MH AA 1800mAh

Product Usage Instructions

Charging with an Aftermarket Strap

Note: The dock is designed to charge only your Quest 3, not the
elite or halo strap with a battery.

  1. Rotate the two arms of Quest 3 downwards until they reach the

  2. For a halo-type strap, manually press down the strap if
    positioned high above the strap holder.

  3. Place the solid white part (not the soft part) of the elite or
    halo strap onto the strap holder.

  4. Adjust the position of the strap holder to ensure proper
    placement of the fit wheel at the rear of the head strap.

  5. Place Quest 3 on the headset charging cradles for charging. A
    beeping sound confirms successful connection.

Care and Cleaning

Note: Do not use cleaning products that may cause irritation.
Wipe with a clean, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth.

Safety Instructions

Read all instructions before using the product and refer to the
information on the exterior bottom enclosure for electrical and
safety details.

  • Avoid extreme low air pressure to prevent explosion or leakage
    of flammable liquid or gas.

  • Tape discharged battery terminals to insulate them to prevent
    fire or smoke.

  • Avoid mechanical shock, crushing, or cutting of the

  • Do not short-circuit the product or expose it to
    short-circuiting by metal objects.

  • Supervise use near children or keep out of their reach to
    prevent injury.

  • Avoid inserting fingers or hands into the product.

  • Do not exceed the product’s output rating to prevent fire or

  • Do not use damaged or modified products to avoid unpredictable
    behavior leading to fire, explosion, or injury.

  • Have servicing done by a qualified repair person using
    identical replacement parts for safety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I charge other devices with this dock?

A: No, the dock is specifically designed for charging only Quest
3 and is not compatible with other devices.

Q: How do I know if Quest 3 is properly placed on the charging


A: A beeping sound will confirm a successful connection,
indicating that Quest 3 is ready to be charged.


DE: Hinweis: Sie können die LED-Anzeige ein- und ausschalten, indem Sie auf die LED-Taste klicken. Wenn die LED-Anzeige ausgeschaltet ist, wird sie beim nächsten Aufladen automatisch wieder eingeschaltet. Legen Sie Ihre Quest 3 und die Controller auf die Ladestationen. Ein Piepton bestätigt eine erfolgreiche Verbindung und zeigt an, dass Quest 3 und Controller bereit zum Aufladen sind. Orange: Aufladen. Grün: Vollständig aufgeladen.
FR: REMARQUE: vous pouvez allumer ou éteindre l’indicateur LED en cliquant sur le bouton LED. Une fois l’indicateur LED éteint, il s’allumera automatiquement lors de la prochaine charge. Placez votre Quest 3 et les contrôleurs sur le socle de charge. L’établissement de la connexion sera conformé par un bip, et ce dernier indique aussi que le Quest 3 et les contrôleurs sont prêts à être chargés. Orange : En charge. Vert : Charge complète.
IT: Nota: è possibile accendere/spegnere l’indicatore LED premendo il pulsante LED. Una volta spento l’indicatore LED, si accenderà automaticamente alla prossima ricarica. Posiziona il tuo Quest 3 e il controller sul dock di ricarica. Il segnale acustico confermerà una connessione riuscita e indicherà che Quest 3 e il controller sono pronti per la ricarica. Arancione: In carica. Verde: Completamente caricato.

Charge Your Quest 3 with an Aftermarket Strap
Note: The dock is designed to charge only your Quest 3, it will not charge your elite or halo strap with battery. Rotate the two arms of Quest 3 downwards until they reach the bottom.

When using a halo-type strap, if the strap is positioned high above the strap holder, you need to manually press down the strap to ensure it is correctly placed on the strap holder.

Place the solid white part (not the soft part) of the elite strap or halo strap onto the strap holder. Adjust the position of the strap holder to ensure the fit wheel at the rear of the head strap is located in the hollow position of the holder.

Place your Quest 3 on the headset charging cradles. A beeping sound will confirm a successful connection and indicate that Quest 3 is ready to be charged.

Care and Cleaning
Note: Do not use any cleaning product that may cause irritation. Wipe with a clean, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth.

ES: Nota: Puedes encender y apagar el indicador LED pulsando el botón LED. Una vez apagado el indicador LED, se encenderá automáticamente durante la próxima carga. Coloque su Quest 3 y el controlador en la base de carga. Un sonido confirmará que la conexión se ha efectuado correctamente e indicará que el Quest 3 y el mando están listos para cargarse. Naranja: Cargando. Verde: Completamente cargado.
PT: Observação: você pode ligar/desligar o indicador LED pressionando o botão LED. Quando o indicador LED for desligado, ele será ligado automaticamente na próxima carga. Coloque o seu Quest 3 e os controladores nas bases de carregamento. Um sinal sonoro confirmará o sucesso da conexão e indicará que o Quest 3 e os controladores estão prontos para serem carregados. Laranja: Carregando. Verde: Totalmente carregado.

DE: Die Ladestation ist nur zum Aufladen Ihres Quest 3 konzipiert. Sie kann nicht zum Aufladen Ihres Elite- oder Halo-Gurts mit Batterien verwendet werden. Drehen Sie die beiden Arme des Quest 3 nach unten, bis sie den Boden erreichen.
FR: Le socle de charge est uniquement conçu pour votre Quest 3, il ne faut pas l’employer pour charger votre sangle de tête Elite ou Halo équipée des piles. Tournez les deux bras du Quest 3 vers le bas jusqu’à ce qu’ils touchent le fond.
IT: Il dock è progettato per caricare solo il tuo Quest 3. Non caricherà la tua cinghia Elite o Halo con batteria. Ruota i due bracci del Quest 3 verso il basso fino in fondo.
ES: La base de carga está diseñada solamente para cargar su Quest 3, no cargará su diadema elite o halo con pilas. Gire los dos brazos de soporte de su Quest 3 hacia abajo hasta que lleguen a la parte inferior.
PT: O dock foi projetado para carregar apenas o seu Quest 3, ele não carregará a alça elite ou halo com bateria. Gire os dois braços do Quest 3 para baixo até chegarem à parte inferior.

DE: Wenn Sie den Halo-Gurt verwenden und der Gurt hoch über dem Gurt-Halter positioniert ist, müssen Sie den Gurt manuell nach unten drücken, um sicherzustellen, dass er korrekt auf dem Gurt-Halter platziert ist.
FR: Lorsque vous utilisez la sangle de tête de type Halo, si la sangle est positionnée en hauteur par rapport au support de sangle, vous avez besoin d’appuyer manuellement sur la sangle pour veiller à ce qu’elle soit placée correctement sur le support de sangle.
IT: Quando si utilizza una cinghia di tipo halo, se la cinghia è posizionata in alto sopra il supporto per cinghia, è necessario premere manualmente sulla cinghia per assicurarsi che sia posizionata correttamente sul supporto per cinghia.
ES: Cuando utilice la diadema halo, si la diadema queda muy por encima del soporte de la diadema, tendrá que presionar manualmente la diadema hacia abajo para asegurarse de que está colocada correctamente en el soporte de la diadema.
PT: Ao usar uma alça do tipo halo, se a alça estiver posicionada acima do suporte da alça, será necessário pressionar manualmente a alça para baixo para garantir que ela seja colocada corretamente no suporte da alça.

DE: Platzieren Sie den weißen, harten Kunststoffteil (nicht den weichen Kunststoffteil) des Elite-Gurts oder Halo-Gurts auf dem Gurt-Halter. Stellen Sie die Position des Gurt-Halters so ein, dass sich das Einstellrad auf der Rückseite des Kopfbandes in der hohlen Position des Halters befindet.
FR: Placez la partie blanche solide (pas la partie douce) de la sangle Elite ou Halo sur le support de sangle. Ajustez la position du support de sangle pour vous assurer que la roue d’ajustement située à l’arrière de la sangle de tête se trouve dans la position creuse du support.
IT: Posiziona la parte bianca solida (non la parte morbida) della cinghia elite o della cinghia halo sul supporto per cinghia. Regola la posizione del supporto per cinghia per assicurarti che la ruota di adattamento nella parte posteriore della cinghia della testa sia posizionata nella posizione vuota del supporto.
ES: Coloque la parte blanca de plástico duro (no la parte de plástico blando) de la diadema elite o halo en el soporte de la diadema. Ajuste la posición del soporte de la diadema para asegurarse de que la rueda de ajuste de la parte posterior de la diadema se encuentra en el hueco del soporte.
PT: Coloque a parte branca sólida (não a parte macia) da alça elite ou da alça tipo halo no suporte da alça. Ajuste a posição do suporte da alça para garantir que a roda de ajuste na parte traseira da alça esteja localizada na posição oca do suporte.

DE: Legen Sie Ihr Quest 3 auf die Headset-Ladestation. Ein Piepton bestätigt eine erfolgreiche Verbindung und zeigt an, dass Quest 3 bereit zum Aufladen ist.
FR: Placez votre Quest 3 sur le socle de charge du casque. L’établissement de la connexion sera conformé par un bip, et ce dernier indique aussi que le Quest 3 est prêt à être chargé.
IT: Posiziona la tua Quest 3 sul dock di ricarica dell’host. Il segnale acustico indica una connessione riuscita e indica che Quest 3 è pronto per la ricarica.
ES: Coloque su Quest 3 en la base de carga anfitriona. Un pitido indica que la conexión se ha realizado correctamente y que el Quest 3 está listo para cargarse.
PT: Coloque o seu Quest 3 sobre as bases de carregamento do fone de ouvido. Um sinal sonoro confirmará o sucesso da conexão e indicará que o Quest 3 está pronto para ser carregado.

DE: Hinweis: Verwenden Sie keine Reinigungsmittel, die Reizungen verursachen können. Wischen Sie mit einem sauberen, nicht scheuernden, fusselfreien Tuch ab.
FR: REMARQUE: N’utilisez pas de produits nettoyants susceptibles de causer de l’irritation. Essuyez au moyen d’un chiffon propre, non abrasif, sans peluche.
IT: Nota: Non utilizzare alcun prodotto per la pulizia che possa causare irritazione. Pulire con un panno pulito, non abrasivo, senza pelucchi.
ES: Nota: No utilice productos de limpieza que puedan causar irritación.
Limpiar con un paño limpio, no abrasivo y sin pelusas. PT: Observação: não use nenhum produto de limpeza que possa causar
Limpe com um pano limpo, não abrasivo e sem pêlos.








Input Output 1 Output 2&3 Rechargeable Ni-MH Battery

5V 3A, 9V 2A, 12V 2.5A max 5V3A, 12V2.25A (27W max) 1.5V0.18A max per port Ni- MH AA 1800mAh 1.2V

Safety Instruction
Read all the instructions before using the product, refer to the information on the exterior bottom enclosure for electrical and safety information before installing or operating the product.
Store the product in a cool and dry place. Do not store the product in a hot or humid environment. Use of a power supply or charger not recommended or sold by the product manufacturer may result in a risk of fire or injury to persons. Operating temperature should be between 0°C to 45°C. Do not disassemble the product. Do not leave or dispose of the product in both extremely low air pressure and extreme heat such as sunshine, fire, or the like. Do not clean the product with harmful chemicals or detergents. Misuse, dropping or excessive force may cause product damage. When disposing of secondary cells or batteries, keep cells or batteries of different electrochemical systems separate from each other.

A battery subjected to extremely low air pressure that may result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas.
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: (1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. (2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. (3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Be aware the discharged battery may cause fire or smoke, tape the

terminals to insulate them.

Do not subject the product to mechanical shock, crushing, or cutting.

Do not short-circuit the product or be short-circuited by other metal


To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when this

product is used near children or keep the product out of the reach of


Do not put fingers or hands into the product.

Do not use the product in excess of its output rating. Overload outputs

above rating may result in a risk of fire or injury to persons.

Do not use the product that is damaged or modified. It may exhibit

unpredictable behavior resulting in fire, explosion, or risk of injury.

Have servicing performed by a qualified repair person using only

identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the

product is maintained.

Switch off the device when not in use.

Do not install this equipment in a confined or building-in space such as a

bookcase or similar unit, and remain in good ventilation conditions at an

open site.

The batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall not be exposed to

excessive heat such as sunshine, fire, or the like.

Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects of battery disposal.

Disposal of a battery into fire or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing

or cutting of a battery, that can result in an explosion.

Leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature surrounding

environment that can result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable

liquid or gas.


(4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help. The following importer is the responsible party. Company Name: PRISMXR PTE, LTD Address: 60 PAYA LEBAR ROAD #12-03 PAYA LEBAR SQUARE SINGAPORE, 409051
IC Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada licenseICES-003. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Quick Start Guide
PrismXR Carina D1 Charging Dock for Quest 3 P1111
Discover more:

For more information, please visit DE: Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte FR: Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site IT: Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di visitare ES: Para mayor información por favor visite PT: Para mais informações, visite

PrismXR Carina D1 Charging Dock for
Quest 3
Controller Charging Cradles Headset Charging Cradles Quest 3 Charging LED Indicator 4 Left Controller Charging LED Indicator 5 Right Controller Charging LED Indicator 6 LED Button: Tap to turn on/off the three LED indicators 7 Strap Holder 8 AC to DC Adapter 9 USB-C to USB-C Cable 10 Controller Battery Cover 11 Reachargeable Ni-MH AA Battery 12 Magnetic Positioning Component 13 Positioning Bracket

6 4


10 11




Set Up Magnetic Positioning Component on Quest 3
Place the positioning bracket on the Quest 3 as shown in the image, ensuring it remains stable and will not move.

Remove the release paper from the back of the magnetic positioning component and install it at the designated spot on the positioning bracket. Be careful not to attach it to the wrong orientation.

Set Up Strap Holder (Optional)
Note: Use the provided strap holder to achieve a stable and reliable charge for your Quest 3 with an aftermarket strap.
Insert the strap holder into the hole at the bottom rear of the dock.

Set Up Controllers
Note: Normally, the voltage of Ni-MH batteries will drop after being fully charged. After the controllers are fully charged, the battery level displayed on your Quest 3 or in the App will be less than 100%, but will still have enough power to last for more than 10 hours.
Press the Eject button to release the battery cover and slide out. Remove AA batteries from controllers.

Install the provided rechargeable Ni-MH AA batteries with the silver part facing upward, and then replace the battery cover.

Connecting to Power
Using the provided 30W power adapter to connect the dock to the power supply.

Charge Your Quest 3 and Controllers
Note: you can turn the LED indicator on/off by pressing the LED button. Once the LED indicator is turned off, it will automatically turn on at the next charge.
Place your Quest 3 and controllers on the charging cradles. A beeping sound will confirm a successful connection and indicate that Quest 3 and controllers are ready to be charged.
Orange: Charging. Green: Fully charged.

DE: Platzieren Sie die Positionierungshalterung wie im Bild gezeigt auf dem Quest 3 und stellen Sie sicher, dass sie stabil bleibt und sich nicht bewegt. Entfernen Sie das Abdeckpapier von der Rückseite der magnetischen Positionierungskomponente und installieren Sie es an der vorgesehenen Stelle auf der Positionierungshalterung. Achten Sie darauf, es nicht in der falschen Ausrichtung anzubringen. Halten Sie die magnetische Positionierungskomponente ungefähr 10 Sekunden lang gedrücktund lassen Sie sie dann los. Entfernen Sie dann die Positionierungshalterung.
FR: Placez le support de positionnement sur le Quest 3 comme le montre la figure, et veillez à faire en sorte qu’il soit stable et ne puisse pas se déplacer. Enlevez le papier de protection au dos du composant de positionnement magnétique, et puis installez ce dernier à un endroit désigné sur le support de positionnement. Il faut éviter de l’installer dans le mauvais sens. Pressez sur le composant de positionnement magnétique et maintenez-le enfoncé pendant environ 10 secondes avant de le relâcher. Ensuite, retirez le support de positionnement.
IT: Piazza il supporto di posizionamento sul Quest 3 come mostrato nell’immagine, assicurandoti che rimanga stabile e non si muova. Rimuovere la carta di rilascio dal retro del componente di posizionamento magnetico e installarlo nel punto designato sul supporto di posizionamento. Fare attenzione a non attaccarlo nella direzione sbagliata.

Press and hold the magnetic positioning component for approximately 10 seconds before releasing. Then, remove the positioning bracket.



Press to Secure

Premere e tenere premuto il componente di posizionamento magnetico per circa 10 secondi prima di rilasciarlo. E poi, rimuovere il supporto di posizionamento.
ES: Coloque el soporte de posicionamiento en el Quest 3 como se muestra, asegurándose de que esté firme y no se mueva. Retire el papel de liberación de la parte posterior del conjunto de posicionamiento magnético e instálelo en la posición designada en el dispositivo de colocación. Tenga cuidado de no instalarlo en la dirección incorrecta. Mantenga pulsado el conjunto de posicionamiento magnético durante aproximadamente 10 segundos antes de soltarlo. A continuación, retire el soporte de posicionamiento.
PT: Coloque o suporte de posicionamento no Quest 3 como mostrado na figura, certificando-se de que ele esteja seguro e não se mova. Remova o papel de liberação da parte traseira do componente de posicionamento magnético e instale-o no local designado no suporte de posicionamento. Tenha cuidado para não instalá-lo na orientação errada. Pressione e mantenha pressionado o componente de posicionamento magnético por aproximadamente 10 segundos antes de soltá-lo. Em seguida, remova o suporte de posicionamento.

DE: Hinweis: Verwenden Sie den mitgelieferten Gurt-Halter, um eine stabile und zuverlässige Ladung für Ihr Quest 3 mit einem Aftermarket-Gurt zu erreichen. Stecken Sie den Gurt-Halter in das Loch am hinteren Ende der Ladestation.
FR: REMARQUE: Utilisez le support fourni de la sangle de tête qui permet de réaliser une charge stable et fiable pour votre Quest 3 équipé d’une sangle de rechange. Insérez le support de la sangle de tête dans le trou situé au bas du dos du socle de charge.
IT: Nota: Utilizza il supporto per cinghia fornito per ottenere una carica stabile e affidabile per il tuo Quest 3 per cinghia aftermarket. Inserisci il supporto per cinghia nel foro inferiore sul retro della base di ricarica.
ES: Nota: Utilice el soporte de diadema suministrado para proporcionar una carga estable y fiable a su Quest 3 equipado con una diadema de recambio. Inserte el soporte de la diadema en el agujero situado en la parte posterior de la base de carga.
PT: Observação: Use o suporte da alça fornecido para obter uma carga estável e confiável para o Quest 3 com uma alça de mercado pós-venda. Insira o suporte da alça no orifício na parte traseira inferior do dock.



DE: Hinweis: Normalerweise sinkt die Spannung von Ni-MH-Batterien nach dem vollständigen Aufladen. Nachdem die Controller vollständig aufgeladen sind, wird der Batteriestand auf Ihrem Quest 3 oder in der App weniger als 100% anzeigen, aber es wird immer noch genügend Leistung haben, um mehr als 10 Stunden lang zu halten. Drücken Sie die Auswurftaste, um die Batterieabdeckung zu lösen und herauszuschieben. Entfernen Sie die AA-Batterien aus den Controllern.
FR: REMARQUE: Généralement, la tension des batteries Ni-MH baissera après avoir été complètement chargées. Après que les contrôleurs sont complètement chargés, le niveau de batterie affiché sur votre Quest 3 ou dans l’application sera inférieur à 100 %, mais aura toujours suffisamment de puissance pour durer plus de 10 heures. Appuyez sur le bouton d’éjection pour libérer le couvercle des piles et faites-le glisser. Retirez les piles AA de la part des contrôleurs.
IT: Nota: Di solito, la tensione delle batterie Ni-MH diminuirà dopo essere state completamente caricate. Dopo che i controller sono completamente carichi, il livello della batteria visualizzato sul tuo Quest 3 o nell’app sarà inferiore al 100%, ma avrà comunque abbastanza potenza per durare più di 10 ore. Premere il pulsante di espulsione per rilasciare il coperchio della batteria e farlo scorrere fuori. Rimuovere la batteria AA dal controller.
ES: NOTA: Normalmente, la tensión de las baterías Ni-MH disminuirá después de estar completamente cargadas. Después de que los controladores estén completamente cargados, el nivel de batería mostrado en su Quest 3 o en la aplicación será inferior al 100%, pero seguirá teniendo suficiente energía para durar más de 10 horas. Pulse el botón de expulsión para liberar la tapa de la batería y deslícela hacia fuera. Retire las pilas AA del mando.
PT: Observação: Normalmente, a tensão das baterias Ni-MH cairá depois de estarem totalmente carregadas. Após os controladores estarem totalmente carregados, o nível da bateria exibido no seu Quest 3 ou no aplicativo será inferior a 100%, mas ainda terá energia suficiente para durar mais de 10 horas. Pressione o botão Ejetar para liberar a tampa da bateria e deslize-a para fora. Remova as pilhas 06 AA dos controladores.

DE: Installieren Sie die mitgelieferten wiederaufladbaren Ni-MH AABatterien mit dem silbernen Teil nach oben und bringen Sie die Batterieabdeckung wieder an.
FR: Installez les piles rechargeables Ni-MH AA fournies, la partie argentée est orientée vers le haut, et ensuite remettez le couvercle des piles en place.
IT: Installare la batteria ricaricabile Ni-MH AA fornita, con la parte argento rivolta verso l’alto, poi sostituire il coperchio della batteria.
ES: Instale las pilas recargables Ni-MH AA suministradas con la parte plateada hacia arriba y vuelva a colocar la tapa de las pilas.
PT: Instale as baterias Ni-MH AA recarregáveis fornecidas com a parte prateada voltada para cima e, em seguida, substitua a tampa da bateria.

DE: Schließen Sie die Ladestation mit dem mitgelieferten 30-W-Netzteil an das Stromnetz an.
FR: Connectez le socle de charge à l’alimentation électrique à l’aide de l’adaptateur secteur de 30 W fourni.
IT: Collegare il dock di ricarica alla fonte di alimentazione utilizzando l’adattatore di alimentazione fornito da 30W.
ES: Conecta la base de carga a la red eléctrica utilizando el adaptador de corriente de 30W suministrado.
PT: Use o adaptador de energia de 30W fornecido para conectar o dock à fonte de alimentação.

Orange Green


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