FANTINI 7809 Venezia Kitchen Roll Holder Instructions
- June 16, 2024
Table of Contents
- 7809 Venezia Kitchen Roll Holder
- VENEZIA Product Information and Usage Instructions
- Specifications
- Product Usage Instructions
- Toilet Paper Holder (ART. 7809)
- Coat Hanger (ART. 7808)
- Towel Rail (30 cm., 45 cm., 60 cm.) – ART. 7806, ART. 7811,
- Anti-Rotation Kit (ART. 7815)
- Q: Can I clean the product surfaces with any cleaning
- Q: What should I do if the surface of the product is
- Q: Can the product and accessories be modified by the
7809 Venezia Kitchen Roll Holder
VENEZIA Product Information and Usage Instructions
ART. Number | Product Type | Size |
ART. 7809 | Toilet paper holder | 5 mm |
ART. 7808 | Coat Hanger | 5 mm |
ART. 7806 | Towel Rail (30 cm.) | 2 mm |
ART. 7811 | Towel Rail (45 cm.) | 2 mm |
ART. 7807 | Towel Rail (60 cm.) | 2 mm |
ART. 7815 | Anti-Rotation Kit | N/A |
Product Usage Instructions
Toilet Paper Holder (ART. 7809)
1. Mark the desired position on the wall for the toilet paper
2. Use a drill to create two holes with a diameter of 5 mm at
the marked positions.
3. Insert the provided wall plugs into the drilled holes.
4. Align the toilet paper holder with the wall plugs and insert
the screws into the holes.
Coat Hanger (ART. 7808)
1. Mark the desired position on the wall for the coat
2. Use a drill to create two holes with a diameter of 5 mm at
the marked positions.
3. Insert the provided wall plugs into the drilled holes.
4. Align the coat hanger with the wall plugs and insert the
screws into the holes.
Towel Rail (30 cm., 45 cm., 60 cm.) – ART. 7806, ART. 7811,
ART. 7807
1. Mark the desired position on the wall for the towel rail.
2. Use a drill to create two holes with a diameter of 2 mm at
the marked positions.
3. Insert the provided wall plugs into the drilled holes.
4. Align the towel rail with the wall plugs and insert the
screws into the holes.
Anti-Rotation Kit (ART. 7815)
1. Identify the situation where the accessories fixed on the
wall may rotate or be unstable.
2. Purchase the specific Anti-Rotation Kit (art. W228) which
includes a flange with 3 fixing holes and an aesthetic canopy
3. Install the flange using the provided screws and align it
with the accessories.
4. Attach the aesthetic canopy cover to complete the
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Can I clean the product surfaces with any cleaning
A: No, it is recommended to only use a soap and water solution
for cleaning. Never use cleaning solutions containing abrasive
substances, chloric acids, ammonia, vinegar, bleach, domestic
acids, disinfectants, or any type of abrasive pad.
Q: What should I do if the surface of the product is
permanently damaged due to incorrect cleaning?
A: The manufacturer may not be held liable for damage caused by
incorrect cleaning. It is important to follow the recommended
cleaning instructions to avoid permanent damage.
Q: Can the product and accessories be modified by the
manufacturer without prior notice?
A: Yes, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify products
and accessories at any time without prior notice. The information
provided in this document is for informational purposes and does
not bind the producer.
Istruzioni / Instructions / Instructions De Montage / Bedienungsanleitung /
ART. 7809
ART. 7808
ART. 7806 – 7811 – 7807
ART. 7815
Installazione / Installation. Utensili necessari / Tools needed / Outils nécessaires / Werkzeuge benötigt / Instrumentos necesarias
ø 10 mm
5 mm 2,5 mm 2 mm
Gli accessori Fantini VENEZIA sono forniti di serie con : – un kit di
fissaggio per installazione su pareti standard – un kit di fissaggio per
installazione su pareti in cartongesso (è comunque sempre consigliato
l’utilizzo di un cartongesso rinforzato)
in dotazione non garantiscono un adeguato fissaggio è sempre consigliato
l’utilizzo di un tassello chimico.
KIT ANTI ROTAZIONE PER ART. 7808 Per tutte le situazioni particolari nelle
quali si potrebbe verificare la casistica in cui gli accessori fissati a
parete possano ruotare e/o non risultare perfettamente stabili, suggeriamo
l’utilizzo dei Kit specifici ( art. W228) ) composti da una flangia con 3 fori
di fissaggio e un rosone estetico di copertura.
Das Zubehör Fantini VENEZIA wird standardmäßig geliefert mit: · ein Befestigungsset für die Wandmontage Standard · ein Befestigungsset für die Montage an Wänden aus Gipskarton (es wird jedoch immer empfohlen, verstärkte Gipskartonplatten zu verwenden). BEFESTIGUNG AN MAUERWÄNDEN NICHT KONSOLIDIERT · Wenn die mitgelieferten Befestigungssätze keine ordnungsgemäße Befestigung gewährleisten, wird immer die Verwendung einer chemischen Düse empfohlen. ANTI-ROTATION-KIT FUER ART. 7808 Für alle besonderen Situationen, in denen es zu einem Fall kommen kann, in dem sich die an der Wand befestigten Zubehörteile drehen und/oder nicht vollkommen stabil sind, empfehlen wir die Verwendung spezieller Bausätze (Art.-Nr. W228) ) bestehend aus einem Flansch mit 3 Befestigungslöchern und einer ästhetischen Abdeckrosette.
Fantini’s accessories VENEZIA are supplied as standard with: · a fixing kit
for installation on standard walls · a fixing kit for installation on
plasterboard walls (it is always advised using a plasterboard reinforced.
FIXING ON BRICKWORK WALLS NOT REINFORCED · If the fixing kits included don’t
guarantee a proper fixing, it is always advised using a chemical anchor.
ANTI-ROTATION KIT FOR ART. 7808 In all the other situations where it could
happen that the accessorizes fixed on the wall can turn and/or that are not
perfectly stable, we suggest buying specific kits (art. W228) made up of a
flange with 3 fixing holes and an aesthetic canopy cover.
Les accessoires Fantini VENEZIA sont livrés de série avec: · un kit de
fixation pour installation murale standard · un kit de fixation pour
installation sur des murs en carton (il est toujours conseillé l’utilisation
de plaques de plâtre renforcées) FIXATION SUR LES MURS EN MAÇONNERIE NON
CONSOLIDÉE · si les kits de fixation fournis ne garantissent pas une fixation
adéquate, il est toujours recommandé d’utiliser une cheville chimique. KIT
ANTI-ROTATION POUR ART. 7808 Pour toutes les situations particulières dans
lesquelles les accessoires fixés au mur peuvent tourner et/ou ne pas être
parfaitement stables, nous vous suggérons d’utiliser les kits spécifiques
(art. W228) ) composés d’une bride avec 3 trous de fixation et une rosette
esthétique de couverture.
Los accesorios Fantini VENEZIA se ofrecen estándar con: · Un equipo de
fijación para instalación en paredes estándar · un equipo de fijación para
instalaciones en paredes de cartón yeso (se aconseja sin embargo, la
utilización de un cartón yeso reforzado).
estándar no garantizan una fijación adecuada se aconseja siempre la
utilización de un anclaje químico.
EQUIPO ANTIRROTACIÓN PARA ART. 7808 En todas las situaciones especiales en las
cuales podría ocurrir que los accesorios fijados en la pared puedan girar y/o
no resultar perfectamente estables, se aconseja la utilización de los equipos
específico (art. W228) ) compuestos por una brida con 3 agujeros de fijación y
una roseta estética de cobertura.
Installazione / Installation.
ART. 7809
Portarotolo / Toilet paper holder / Porte-rouleau / Toilettenpapierhalter / Portarrollo
ø 10 mm
5 mm
·Utilizzare il tassello con perno rotante (A) per il foro sinistro, ed
utilizzare il perno fisso (B) per il foro destro
·Use the dowel with the rotary pin (A) for the left hole, and use the fixed
pin (B) for the right hole
·Utiliser la cheville avec pivot rotatif (A) pour le trou gauche et utiliser
le pivot fixe (B) pour le trou droit
·Bitte benutzen Sie einen Duebel mit Drehbolzen (A) für die linke Bohrung und
eine Stift (B) für die Bohrung rechts.
·Usar la clavija con perno giratorio (A) para el orificio izquierdo, y usar el
perno fijo (B) para el orificio derecho
B 2,5 mm A
·Non serrare completamente il grano A
·Do not fully tighten the A nut ·Ne pas serrer complètement le
goujon A ·Bitte nicht den A Haltestein
vollständig verriegeln. ·No ajustar completamente
el bullón A
- 05
Installazione / Installation.
ART. 7808
Appendiabiti / Coat Hanger / Porte-manteaux / Garderobenhacken / Perchero
ø 10 mm
2 mm B A
D 5 mm
Installazione / Installation.
ART. 7806
Portasalviette da 30 cm. / Towel Rail 30 cm. / Porte-serviettes 30 cm. / Handtuchhalter 30 cm. / Toallero 30 cm.
ART. 7811
Portasalviette da 45 cm. / Towel Rail 45 cm. / Porte-serviettes 45 cm. / Handtuchhalter 45 cm. / Toallero 45 cm.
ART. 7807
Portasalviette da 60 cm. / Towel Rail 60 cm. / Porte-serviettes 60 cm. /
Handtuchhalter 60 cm. / Toallero 60 cm.
ø 10 mm
7806: L= 300 mm. ±5mm 7811: L= 450 mm. ±5mm 7807: L= 600 mm. ±5mm
A 5 mm
2,5 mm
- 9
Installazione / Installation.
ART. 7815
Portasalviette multiplo / Multiple Towel Rail / Porte-serviettes multiple / mehrfacher Handtuchhalter / Toallero múltiple
- A 5 mm
2,5 mm B
ø 10 mm
7815: L= 725 mm ±5mm 2.
Installazione / Installation. Kit antirotazione / Anti-rotation kit / Kit
anti-rotation / Anti-rotation-kit / Equipo antirrotación Per Art. 7808 / For
Art. 7808 / Pour Art. 7808 / Fuer Art. 7808 / Para Art. 7808
Art. W228
ø 6 mm
Installazione / Installation. Installazione cartongesso / installation of
plasterboard / Installation de placaplatre / Montage der gipskartonplatte /
Instalación pladur
ø 10 mm
Installazione / Installation.
Cura del prodotto La pulizia delle superfici va fatta utilizzando un sapone
liquido diluito in acqua.
Non usare mai in nessun caso detersivi liquidi contenenti sostanze abrasive o
a base di acido muriatico, spugne abrasive, aceto, ammoniaca, acetone,
candeggina, acidi di uso domestico, disinfettanti vari.
ATTENZIONE! L’impiego di prodotti non consigliati può deteriorare
irrimediabilmente le superfici, nel qual casoil produttore non risponderà del
L’azienda si riserva in qualunque momento di apportare senza preavviso
modifiche a prodotti e accessori. I dati riprodotti in questo documento hanno
carattere informativo e non sono vincolanti.
Pflege hinweise unserer artikel Zur Reinigung empfehlen wir Wasser und
flüssige Seife.
Verwenden Sie bitte nie flüssige Reinigungsmittel, die Schmirgel, Salzsäure,
Essig, Ammoniak, Aceton, Bleichlange, Desinfektionsmittel u.s.w. enthalten.
WARNUNG! Der Gebrauch solcher Mittel kann unsere Artikel beschädigen und in
diesem Fall gewährt Hersteller keine Garantie.
Der Hersteller behalt sich das Recht vor jederzeit Änderungen an seinen
Produkten und Zubehörteilen ohne Vorbescheid vorzunhehmen. Katalogangaben
sowie Abbindungen, Maß-und Leistungsangaben sind unverbindlich.
Advice on product care To clean the surface use a soap and water solution.
Never use for any reason cleaning solutions containing abrasive substances,
chloric acids, ammonia, vinegar, bleach, domestic acids, disinfectants, or
anytype of abrasive pad.
WARNING! Incorrect cleaning may permanently ruin the surface of the products
and in such case the manufacturer may not be held liable for damage.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to modify product and accessories at any
time without prior notice. Datas, products and sketches included in this
document are just for information and do not bind the producer.
Consejos para el cuidado del producto La limpieza de las superficies se hace
utilizando un jabón liquido diluido en agua.
No usar en ningún caso detergentes liquidos que contengan sustancias abrasivas
ó a base de ácido clorhídrico, estropajossabrasivos, amoniaco, acetona, lejía,
ácidos de uso doméstico, desinfectantes varios.
ATENCÍON! El uso de productos desaconsejados puede danãr irremediablemente las
superficies de los elementos, de lo cual el fabricante no se hará responsable
en ningún caso.
La sociedad se reserva el derecho de modificar sus productos y accessorios en
cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.
Conseils pour l’entretien du produit La poussìere en surface devra être faite
en utilisant un savon liquide dilué dans l’eau.
Ne jamais utiliser en aucun cas des détergents liquides contenant des
substances abrasives ou à base d’acide, nid’éponges abrasives, vinaigre,
ammoniaque, acétone, eau de Javel, acides à usage domestique, désinfectants
ATTENTION! L’empli de produits non conseillés peut détériorer irrémediablement
la surface des articles pour lequels le fabricant ne sera pas responsable.
La société se réserve le droit de modifier ses produits
et ses accessoires à tout moment et sans préavis. Informations, produits et
croquis reproduits dans ce documents sont de nature informative et ne sont pas
Note / Notes / Notes / Notizen / Notas
Installazione / Installation.
1194000010000000 Rev. 3
Fratelli Fantini SpA via Buonarroti, 4 Pella (NO) Italia T +39 0322 918411 r.a. F +39 0322 969530
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