Gude GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater
Instruction ManualGude GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure




Gude GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 2Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 3Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 4Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 5Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 6Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 7Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 8Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - Figure 9


To enjoy your new GHS 4200 Piezo gas heater as long as possible, please read carefully the Operating Instructions and the attached safety instructions before using it.
Further, we recommend keeping the Operating Instructions to recall the product features in the future. Within the continuous product development, we reserve the right to make technical changes to improve it.
Translation of original operating instructions.

Appliance description (pic. 1)

1. Ceramic burner 7. Wing nut
2. Gas bottle holder 8. Toothed disk
3. Clamping screw 9. Gas bottle hose
4. Heater body 10. Pressure-reducing valve
5. Gas volume controller 11. Piezo-ignition button
6. Safety valve

Technical specifications

Rated thermal load: 4,4 kW/3784 kcal./h.
Gas consumption: 200-336 g per hour
Gas category: 1 3 B/P butane/propane
Operating pressure: 50 bar
Nozzle:  0.9mm
Dimensions: 400 x 335 x 350
Weight: 2,5 kg

General safety instructions

Please read and follow all these instructions before putting the appliance into operation.
Keep the safety instructions for future reference!
If used privately, the gas hose must be replaced every 10 years. If used commercially, the gas hose must be replaced every 8 years.

Safe work
Keep the place of your work clean!
Any mess in the place of your work may result in injuries.
Consider the environmental influences!
Do not expose the appliance to rain.
Do not use the appliance in a moist or wet environment.
Provide adequate lighting.
Do not use the appliance near flammable liquids or gases.
Keep other persons at a safe distance!
Do not let other persons, especially children, touch the appliance and the cable. Keep them in a sufficient distance from the place of your work.
Store the appliance properly!
Appliances not being used must be kept in a dry and locked place, inaccessible to children.
Do not overload the appliance!
You will work better and safer in the specified power range.
Use the right appliance!
Do not use the appliance for purposes for which it has not been designed.

Secure the appliance!
Mount the appliance professionally as specified in “Installation”.

Take care of your appliance!
Comply with the servicing regulations and instructions.
At regular intervals, check the appliance cable and have it replaced by an authorized professional if damaged.
At regular intervals, check the extension cable and replace it if damaged.
Keep the handles dry, with no oil and grease.

Be careful!
Pay attention to what you are doing. Work reasonably. Do not use the appliance when you are tired.

Make sure the appliance is not damaged!
Before continuing in using the appliance, it is necessary to carefully check the protective equipment and any slightly damaged parts whether still working properly.
Check whether the moving parts are working properly and are not seized or damaged.
All parts must be installed properly and meet all conditions to make sure the perfect working of the appliance is guaranteed.
Any damaged protective equipment and parts must be repaired or replaced in an authorized workshop unless otherwise provided in the Operating Instructions.
Has any damaged switch been replaced in a service workshop?
Do not use appliances where the switch cannot be turned on and off.

Using any other accessory equipment may represent a risk of injury for you.
Have your appliance repaired by an expert only!
This appliance meets the applicable safety provisions. Any repairs may only be executed by an expert, using original spare parts, otherwise, the user could face a risk of injury.
The apparatus is not intended for drying clothing or for installation under benches or in floor trenches.

Appliance-specific safety instructions

  • This apparatus may be used by children aged 8 years and older and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lacking experience or know-how,  provided they are under supervision or have been instructed on the safe use of the apparatus and understand its potential dangers.
  • Children must not be allowed to play with the apparatus.
  • Children are not allowed to carry out cleaning or user maintenance unless under supervision.
  • Children aged between 3 and 8 years are not allowed to switch the apparatus on or off unless under supervision or after instruction on its safe use, including awareness of potential hazards, provided also the apparatus is positioned or installed for normal use.
  • Children aged between 3 and 8 years shall not plug in or operate the apparatus or clean it and/or carry out user maintenance.
  • Caution – certain parts of the product may get hot enough to cause burns.
  • Particular caution is called for if children and persons requiring protection are present.
  • CAUTION! To prevent the danger of inadvertent resetting of the thermal cut-out relay, the apparatus must not be supplied via an external contactor such as a timer switch or be connected to a circuit that will automatically switch on and off.
  • Attention! A damaged cord of this apparatus must be replaced by the manufacturer or his customer service or a similarly qualified person, to prevent hazards.
  • Flammable materials should be kept at a safe  distance of at least 1 meter from the apparatus.
  • Do not use or store explosive or flammable materials (e.g. fuel, paper, paints) in the vicinity of the product.
  • Select a place to install the apparatus where inadvertent contact can be prevented.
  • Keep the heater clean.
  • Protect the electrical parts from moisture. To prevent electrical shock, never submerse these parts in water or other fluids during cleaning or when in operation.
  • Never hold the apparatus under flowing water.
  • Switch off the apparatus, disconnect it from mains by unplugging and allow it to cool down before setting up, retrofitting, cleaning, performing maintenance, storing or  transporting the apparatus.
  • Always pull the mains plug when the heater is not in use.
  • Do not tug at the cable to unplug the apparatus.
  • WARNING! To prevent overheating, never cover the heater with anything.
  • This appliance may only be used outdoors, however, it must be always protected against moisture or rain and MUST NOT BE used at temperatures below 0°C.
  • The appliance may only be used for heating purposes.
  • Caution! Sealing test with open fire is strictly prohibited.
  • Not to be put into operation beneath the Earth’s surface.
  • Never carry or lift the appliance when in operation.
  • Never lift the appliance by any of its parts when attached to a bottle.
  • Never ignite the appliance near the nozzle on the back.
  • The radiant surface must be at least 2 m from any flammable substances.
  • Keep a distance of 50 cm between the walls and the rear part or sides of the appliance.
  • Close immediately the gas bottle valve and put the appliance outside any source of fire in case of a gas leak (smell).
  • Make sure all connections are tight.
  • If gas keeps leaking, an expert must necessarily be contacted before putting the appliance into operation the next time.
  • The appliance installation and servicing must meet applicable laws and regulations of the country where it is used.
  • Never turn the gas bottle upside down, even if it seems to be empty! It could cause the hose to get clogged with remains from the gas bottle and therefore a risk of fire and immediate damage to the appliance.
  • Never remove the safety screen and/or other parts of the burner.
  • Keep children at a safe distance from the burner.
  • Never let the appliance unattended!

Instructions for installation and first putting the appliance into operation
Never use the appliance near flames, sparks, and flammable substances.

Fitting the appliance to the gas bottle (pic. 2-5) Step 1
Make sure all components are standing safely. Make sure the socket heater, gas hose and gas bottle are safe.
Step 2
To fix the stand (3) on the bottle, use the clamping screw (4).
Step 3
Screw the pressure controller (11) and the gas hose (10) on the gas bottle valve.
Step 4
Use the wing nut (8) and the toothed disk (9) to put the heater to the required position and fix it on the stand (3).
Step 5
Screw the other end of the gas hose (10) to the safety valve (7).
Step 6
Make sure all the screwing is tight.
Before putting the appliance into operation, check necessarily the screw caps for any gas leak using a leak detection spray or lye soap. Retighten them if necessary.

  • Whenever being outdoors alone, keep your distance from the flames or sources of fire and proceed as follows!
  • Close the gas bottle valve.
  • Unscrew the pressure-reducing valve (11).
  • Unscrew the clamping screw (4) and remove the appliance.
  • Find out if there is pressure controller sealing in place.
  • Put the appliance on a new gas bottle and continue as specified in “Instructions for installation and putting the appliance into operation”.


Gude GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - icon 9Gude GHS
4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - icon 10

Technical specifications:

Gude GHS 4200 PIEZO Gas Heater - icon 11


A warranty period of 12 months applies to commercial use and 24 months apply to private use and commences on the day of purchase of the device.
Warranty applies exclusively to failures due to defective material or workmanship. An original sale slip with an indication of the date of sale must be presented in case of claiming the warranty rights.

The warranty does not cover unprofessional use such as device overload, violent use, damage caused by a third party or foreign materials, failure to comply with operations and assembly manual, and normal wear and tear.

Residual risks and protective measures

Burns, chilblains
When operating the appliance, the heat shield and safety screen are very hot and can cause serious burns when touched.
You must not touch the safety screen and the heat shield.

Contact, inhalation
Inhalation of propane or butane may be harmful to health.
Make sure all the connections are tight and use the appliance outdoors only or in well-ventilated rooms.
A great amount of oxygen is consumed when operating the heater, which may lead to the lack of oxygen in small rooms.
To be used in well-ventilated rooms only! Operating the appliance in living rooms and bedrooms is prohibited.

Fire or explosion
The highest risk of fire and explosion is near highly flammable substances.
Keep at least a distance of 2 m on all sides. Do not operate the appliance near flammable substances.
Do not use the appliance for dry textiles or other flammable substances.

Behavior in case of emergency

Apply the first aid adequate to the injury and get qualified medical assistance as quickly as possible. Protect the injured person from more accidents and calm him/her down.
For the sake of an eventual accident, in accordance with DIN 13164, a workplace has to be fitted with a first-aid kit. It is essential to replace any used material in the first-aid kit immediately after it has been used. If you seek help, state the following pieces of information:

  1. Accident site
  2. Accident type
  3. Number of injured persons
  4. Injury type(s)

Use as designated
To be used outdoors only.
The appliance may be used in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic,
France, Slovakia, Cyprus.
Please keep to the local conditions applicable to installation: e.g. for Germany (TRF: Technical regulations for liquids).
The socket heater has exclusively been designed for heating sites (fabrics), etc. Any other use is considered a use in conflict with the designation. The manufacturer will not be liable for any consequential damage.

The use as designated provisions also includes:

  • Following all instructions from the operation manual and the supplied operation instructions and
  • Complying with all cleaning and treatment conditions specified by the manufacturer.

The socket heater must not be used:

  • To heat enclosed or residential spaces (residential buildings) or for operation purposes in these spaces;
  • Near flammable materials (e.g. paper, building materials);
  • In places where volatile materials (e.g. petrol, solvents, chemicals) are kept or where an explosive atmosphere may be produced;
  • After any voluntary design change of the socket heater;
  • In case of a wrong or unacceptable connection to the source of gas
  • In places not ventilated sufficiently.

Disposal instructions are illustrated in the form of pictograms on the device or packaging.
A description of the pictograms is given in the “Identification” chapter.
Disposal of transport packaging
Packaging protects the device against damage during transport. Packaging materials are usually selected according to their effect on the environment and disposal methods and can therefore be recycled.
Returning of the packaging back to circulation saves resources and costs for packaging disposal.
Parts of the packaging (e.g. foil, styropor) may be dangerous for children. Risk of suffocation!
Keep these parts of the packaging out of reach of children and dispose of as soon as possible.

Operator requirements
The operator must carefully read the Operating
Instructions before using the appliance.

No special qualification is necessary to use the appliance apart from detailed instructions by an expert.

Minimum age
The product has been designed to be used by persons over 18 years of age.
If the product is to be used by children below the age of 8 or persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental skills or with a lack of experience and knowledge, they must be supervised or instructed in the safe use of the appliance and understand the resulting risks. Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be performed by children without supervision.

Using the appliance only requires appropriate instructions by an expert or reading the Operating Instructions. No special training is necessary.


Any technical questions? Complaint? Do you need spare parts or an operation manual?
Go to our website and the section Service will help you quickly and without bureaucracy.
Please, help us to help you. In order to identify your device in case of a complaint, please indicate the serial number, order number, and year of manufacture. All information is available on the product label. To have all information always at hand, put them down.

Serial number:
Order number:
Year of manufacture:

Phone: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360
Fax: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999

Important information for the customer
Please be sure to know that returning the product in or after the warranty period must be made in the original packaging.

Maintenance and storing

To clean the appliance, use a smooth and fine soap-water solution. Prevent any direct contact of aggressive cleaning agents with the appliance. No aggressive, volatile or caustic cleaning agents may be used.
Has the socket heater been checked by a qualified authorized expert once a year?
The hose must necessarily be replaced if damaged.
Protect the appliance against moisture and dust.
If the appliance has not been used for a long time, remove it from the gas bottle, cover the heater surface, and put it in a dry, safe place inaccessible to children.


Failure Cause Remedy
No gas The gas bottle is empty Change the gas bottle.
The valve on the gas bottle is closed. Open the valve.
The safety valve on the building dryer is closed Try restarting.
The burner flame has extinguished during the operation The thermal element
has not been warm enough. Try restarting.
The gas bottle is empty Change the gas bottle.
Wind or draught has extinguished the flame. Put the appliance out of reach

of wind and draught, let it cool down for a couple of minutes, and try to restart it.

Tel.: +49-(0)7904/700-0
Fax.: +49-(0)7904/700-250

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