apogee 05056 Peregrine JR Instructions
- June 3, 2024
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apogee 05056 Peregrine JR Instructions
The Peregrine Jr. is a downscaled model of the 4″ dual-deploy Peregrine. Being
smaller, it is easier to transport and fly, and expands the fun by flying on
smaller fields. With the smooth curves of the original, it provides an
excellent base for whatever design ideas you may have. Moreover, the Peregrine
Jr. is equipped with a payload bay that can be used for flying altimeters,
eggs, and any other experiments you may come up with. With all this
flexibility, it can be successfully flown both as a moderate-size field flier
on D class 24mm motors or a performance rocket going over 2000′ with larger
F class motors.
Construction of the Peregrine Jr. is easy, even with the two-part basswood
fins, allowing you to get it into the air quickly. And with the rugged
construction, you can stay there flight after flight.
Required Tools
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Hobby Knife with Sharp Blades
- Scissors
- Wood Glue
- Aluminum Angle Extrusion (or a door frame)
- Masking Tape or Cellophane Tape
- Wood Filler or Modeling Filler
- Sandpaper: 220 grit, 320 grit and Sanding Block (e.g. Sanding Tee – Item # 02100)
Optional Tools / Materials / Finishing Supplies
24mm Screw-on Motor Retainer (NOT INCLUDED)
Fin Alignment Guide (e.g. 56mm 3-Fin Alignment Guide
– Item # 35566) -
Super Glue (CyA adhesive)
Paper Towels
Painter’s Tape or Masking Tape
Sandpaper: 400 grit
Paint Supplies: Spray Paint, Brushes, etc
Bowl of water with a little dishwashing soap
Manufactured in the USA by: Apogee Components Inc. Colorado Springs, Colorado,
Visit us online at: www.ApogeeRockets.com
Assembly Steps

Display Stand Assembly
Remove the display stand pieces from the laser-cut sheet. Assemble the three leg pieces by sliding the tabs into the matching slots to engage all of them at the same time. Place the small disk on the bottom. Then make the assembly permanent with a thin bead of glue along all the joints. The stand can be painted once the glue dries.
Launch Supplies Needed
To launch your rocket you will need:
A launch pad with a ¼” (6mm) launch rod and a launch
controller that can handle the selected motors -
Recovery Wadding
Engines such as those recommended in the motor
*Go to our website for a broader motor selection for this kit at https://www.apogeerockets.com/ModelRocket-Kits/Skill-Level-3-Model-Rocket-Kits/PeregrineJr#motors
Rocket Preflight
Countdown and Launch Procedure
… The Peregrine Jr. is a light rocket that can fly to impressive heights with
D and E class motors. The first flight should be
done at a large field and in light winds to reduce the chances of losing it.
The area around the launch pad should be
free from dry grass and other fire hazards, and the pad should be as far from
trees, powerlines and low-flying planes as
… 7. Remove the safety key from the launch controller.
… 6. Place the rocket on the launch pad. The rocket should slide freely along
the rod.
… 5. Attach the clips to the igniter wires. The clips must not touch either
each other or the metal blast deflector.
Otherwise, a misfire is likely.
… 4. Stand back from the rocket as far as the launch wire allows (a minimum of
40 feet for motors E or larger).
… 3. Insert the safety key to arm the launch system.
… 2. Give a loud countdown! 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… LAUNCH!
… 1. Press and hold the button until the engine ignites. Once the rocket is
away, remove the safety key
Misfire Procedure
A misfire is when an engine does not light after the launch button is pressed.
This is sometimes a result of the igniter burning but failing to light the
engine. At other times, the igniter will not burn at all (this is often
indicative of a short between the clips). To deal with a misfire safely,
remove the safety key from the launch controller and wait a full minute (60
seconds) prior to approaching the pad. Check that the igniter wires or clips
were not shorted together. If they were, the short can be corrected and a
launch attempted again. If the engine simply failed to light, remove the old
and install a new one. Make sure that the igniter is installed all the way
into the engine and that it is in contact with the propellant. Always follow
the NAR (National Association of Rocketry) Model Rocket Safety Code when
launching model rockets.
*National Association of Rocketry **Kevlar® is a brand name of E.I. DuPont for their selection of aramid fibers. Only DuPont makes Kevlar®.
www.apogeerockets.com/Electronics-Payloads/Rocket-Locators/Simple-GPS- Tracker
Need parts or Accessories to go along with this kit? Go online and order at www.ApogeeRockets.com or call us and order at 719-535-9335. We’re available M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm MST
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