Danfoss VACON NXP Grid Converter Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024


Danfoss VACON NXP Grid Converter



Product Usage Instructions

  1. Reduce Emissions and Improve Efficiency
    Ships require power both at sea and when docked. The grid converter technology helps reduce emissions and improve efficiency by providing power to operate equipment on board while minimizing CO2 and NOx emissions.

  2. Eco-Friendly Sea Travel
    Governments are focusing on cutting emissions in the maritime industry. Organizations like the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have set targets to improve carbon efficiency in new ships. The use of grid converters aligns with these goals.

  3. How It Works:
    The shore side equipment consists of an isolation transformer and a filter. The ship requires a VACON NXP Grid Converter, a filter, and a connection interface. This setup helps manage total harmonic distortion levels for efficient power conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: How does the grid converter technology benefit port operations?
    A: Grid converters help reduce emissions and noise in ports by providing a cleaner and more economical solution for powering ships while docked. This is essential for meeting environmental regulations and improving the overall sustainability of maritime operations.

  • Q: What are the key initiatives driving the adoption of grid converter technology?
    A: Organizations like the IMO have introduced energy efficiency standards like the EEDI and SEEMP, pushing for cleaner and more efficient ship operations. Grid converters play a crucial role in meeting these requirements and promoting eco-friendly sea travel.

Selection Guide l VACON® NXP Grid Converter
Reduce emissions and noise in ports and on ships with grid converter technologyDanfoss-VACON-NXP-Grid-Converter- \(1\)

Reduce emissions and improve efficiency

The limits of the worlds natural resources dominate our times, and the marine industry is taking on the same challenges as everybody else regarding energy usage. VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology helps ship owners and port authorities reduce fuel intake and improve efficiency. This will please investors and environmental legislators alike – after all, lower energy consumption equals lower costs.
Ships require power when at sea and when docked in the harbour. Power is not only required to propel ships around the world, it also provides electricity to operate equipment on board at all times.
Take a cruise ship for example. Passengers pay a great deal of money and expect to be treated accordingly. Karaoke, champagne bars and swimming pools all need a lot of electricity to power them, as do more fundamental components, such as propulsion machinery and winches. This also applies when a ship’s docked in a city harbour, as on-board facilities still need to operate. Port authorities and local residents appreciate the use of grid converters, since they can practically eradicate CO2 and NOx emissions while the vessel is docked.

Eco-friendly sea travel
Providing clean energy and saving money for our customers is what drives us, and we develop environmentally sound solutions. VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology represents the next step, ensuring that ship and port owners can meet new stipulations while productivity increases and business prospers.
Using VACON NXP Grid Converter in a shore supply solution enables ships to source energy from local grids on the shore, meaning that main ship generators can be switched off completely. Applying VACON NXP Grid Converter to a shaft generator solution allows for optimum control of propulsion machinery at various speeds, thus saving plenty of energy. You can also rest assured that your products will be fully optimized for your particular solution with the help of VACON® Service.

How governments are focusing on cutting emissions
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has made the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which sets out to ensure new ships improve carbon efficiency by 20% in 2020 and 30% in 2030.
The IMO has also created the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), which means all ships must seek to establish a means of improving energy efficiency.

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Shore supply solution with VACON® NXP Grid Converter

  • Ships travel from port to port, sometimes stopping in a new country each day. Ports don’t all use the same electrical frequencies, and ships have historically used a fuel-driven onboard generator to provide electrical power while docked. This is costly though, and city councils and local residents are reluctant to tolerate the noise and poor air quality that is often associated with a busy city harbour.
  • Many port authorities now prohibit, or at least strictly limit, the use of diesel generators while ships are docked. VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology ensures that the ship’s frequency matches that of the local grid. This allows the ship’s entire electrical network to be powered via a set of cables linking the vessel to the shore.
  • The main engine can be shut down, which prevents unnecessary carbon emissions and noise pollution, and allows maintenance work to take place when necessary. All in all, it’s a far cleaner, more economical solution than before and is set to become a standard requirement in the future.

How it works
The shore side equipment typically includes an isolation transformer and either a 6/12 pulse or low harmonic Active Front End filter. The ship requires a VACON NXP Grid Converter, a filter and a connection interface. Shore side equipment is selected depending on the limit to total harmonic distortion (THDi) levels, which can be as low as <5% when an active front-end unit is installed.

Key benefits

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Case studies

Clean power for the largest port in the world

The port of Shanghai
Location: Shanghai, China
The Port of Shanghai is the busiest in the world in terms of cargo throughput, with nearly 170 large ships docking each day. Annual trade accounts for around ¼ of China’s total foreign trade. This activity inevitably puts a strain on the local environment, which is why the port uses a movable 2000 kVA shore supply system to supply electricity from the national grid to ships that are docked.
VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology plays a key role in this design, ensuring 10 kV of shore power can be converted into 440 V/60 Hz
or 380 V/50 Hz of high-quality clean power. The shore supply system has shown unprecedented technical benefits – if, and when, all large ships in the Port of Shanghai implement
it, it will save 33,800 tons of harmful substances a year. Furthermore, a staggering 113,150 tons of CO2 is saved, as is 366,000 tons of standard coal.

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Land-based power supply for ships is on the increase

STX Europe
Location: Turku, Finland
STX Europe is a world leader in shipbuilding, with 14,000 employees and 6 shipyards in Finland, France and Norway. In 2010, a EU directive was passed making it compulsory
to use extremely low sulphur fuel in port areas. It became apparent that electricity should be sourced from local grids in order to save costs, emissions and noise.
STX’s Turku shipyard builds large cruise liners, historically supplying them with electricity via its own 1.5 MW diesel aggregate. When this power proved insufficient, the shipyard looked to source electricity from the national grid.
The grid converter solution produced was developed with VEO and featured two 4000+ VACON® NXP Liquid Cooled drives controlled by VACON® DriveSynch technology. The shore supply system came into operation in late 2008, and has resulted in major reductions in emissions and noise.

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“The delivery took place during the economic boom and we had a very tight deadline, but the system was up and running on schedule. The land-based power supply system has met expectations. There have been some small problems in synchronizing the national grid network and the on-board network, but the team came up with a solution for this as well.”
Timo Lahdenranta
Electrical Site Foreman at STX Europe Turku

Shaft generator solution with VACON® NXP Grid Converter

  • The cruise liners and cargo ships of today tend to resemble mobile cities with vast infrastructures. They require a huge amount of electricity to maintain both their internal setup and the mechanical power that’s needed to travel around the world.
  • Due to constant voltage and frequency requirements of the ship’s electrical network, the main engine operates at a fixed speed. For a number of years now, shaft generators have been used to supplement this with variable amounts of electrical power. With VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology, the engine speed can be optimized while keeping 100% pitch for the propeller. This increases efficiency and, by delivering constant voltage and frequency, allows the electrical network to help the auxiliary engines.
  • It also makes it far easier to control the speed of the ship. This is especially useful for ships that require regular changes in speed mid-voyage due to dynamic traffic conditions. If the main engine encounters problems at sea, an alternative source of power means that ships can still make it to safety.

How it works
Since the frequency produced by the alternator is proportional to the speed of the engine, the engine must operate at a constant speed. The application consists of equipment on both the generator side and the ship grid side. The machine – which can be induction, permanent magnet (PM) or synchronous – is controlled either by a low-voltage inverter or Active Front End.
The shaft generator is coupled to the main engine and power is taken out to the ship’s electrial network to support the auxilliary generators (Power Take off /PTO). It’s also possible to boost propulsion by transferring power to the shaft generator (Power Take In /PTI).

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Key benefits

Case studies
RoFlex® vessel with energy efficient shaft generator configuration

WE Tech / M/V Bore Sea
Location: Helsinki, Finland
M/V Bore Sea was one of two RoFlex vessels ordered by Rorel Ltd to transport Airbus components. After the enforcement of the SEEMP in January 2013, WE Tech Solutions Oy developed a solution which optimized main propulsion machinery and improved energy efficiency.
They chose a solution based on VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology. This is a system combining the shaft generator and the ship’s electrical network which allows for large variation to the main engine’s speed. This solution still delivers power with constant voltage and frequency, making it possible to optimize main engine efficiency and saving fuel.

“We’re very pleased with the improved energy efficiency achieved through various technical solutions used on M/V Bore Sea. Data analyses verify the WE Tech Solutions’ shaft generator with VACON® AC drives brings savings of approximately 10% in fuel costs. Given that fuel costs are about €500 per tonne, the annual cost savings are significant, and on top of that CO2 emissions are also cut by approximately 2000 tonnes.”
Jörgen Mansnerus
VP Marine Management, Bore Ltd.

Reducing carbon footprint on river cruises

Viking River
Location: Germany
River cruising is the hip younger brother of ocean cruises and has undergone something of a boom in the past decade. One challenge facing manufacturers is the limit on space for river-faring vessels, particularly when it comes to fitting diesel-electric propulsion equipment. Fortunately, VACON® NXP Grid Converter technology helps provide a solution via inverter-driven asynchronous generators.
Viking River Cruises are the world’s largest river cruise company. Their boat MV Viking Legend made its maiden voyage in 2009, and was the world’s first river cruise vessel to use a shaft generator network between main propulsion and the network.
The system connected VACON NXP Grid Converter technology with 3 diesel generators, and was able to use a far smaller diesel engine than usual. This significantly reduced fuel consumption and emissions, noise and vibrations. It also meant the vessel was much easier to manoeuvre, allowing passengers to get up close to the historic cities and villages that border the Rhine and the Danube.

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“At any given moment the ship’s energy needs are automatically calculated and the engines produce and supply only as much energy as needed. This allows the ship to use 20 % less energy than a comparable ship.”
Thomas Bogler
Viking River Cruises
Vice President of Nautical Operations

Ratings and dimensions

VACON® NXP Grid Converter 465-800 V DC, Type Open, liquid-cooled, EMC Class T

**Product code| AC current| DC power| Power loss| Size/prot.| Dimensions| Weight
Thermal I TH [A]| ****Rated I L [A]| ****Rated I H [A]| 400 V AC**


| 500 V AC


| 400 V AC


| 500 V AC


| **c/a/T*) [kW]| ****CH/Type/ IP| ****W x H x D [mm]| ****[kg]
I TH [kW]| I TH [kW]| I L [kW]| I L [kW]**
NXA02615A0T02WVA1A2000000+MASG| 261| 237| 174.0| 176| 220| 160| 200| 4.0/0.4/4.4| CH5/IP00| 246 x 553 x 264| 40
NXA03855A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 385| 350| 256.7| 259| 324| 236| 295| 5.5/0.5/6.0| CH61/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA05205A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 520| 473| 346.7| 350| 438| 319| 398| 6.5/0.5/7.0| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA07305A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 730| 664| 486.7| 492| 615| 448| 559| 10.0/0.7/10.7| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA09205A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 920| 836| 613.3| 620| 775| 563| 704| 14.4/0.9/15.3| CH63/IP00| 505 x 923 x 375| 120
NXA11505A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1150| 1045| 766.7| 775| 969| 704| 880| 18.4/1.1/19.5| CH63/IP00| 505 x 923 x 375| 120
NXA16405A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1640| 1491| 1093.3| 1105| 1382| 1005| 1256| 19.5/1.2/20.7| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180
NXA23005A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 2300| 2091| 1533.3| 1550| 1938| 1409| 1762| 29.6/1.7/31.3| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180

VACON® NXP Grid Converter 640-1100 V DC, Type Open, liquid-cooled, EMC Class T

**Product code| AC current| DC power| Power loss| Size/prot.| Dimensions| Weight
Thermal I TH [A]| ****Rated I L [A]| ****Rated I H [A]| 525 V AC**


| 690 V AC


| 525 V AC


| 690 V AC


| **c/a/T*) [kW]| ****CH/Type/ IP| ****W x H x D [mm]| ****[kg]
I TH [kW]| I TH [kW]| I L [kW]| I L [kW]**
NXA02616A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 261| 237| 174.0| 231| 303| 210| 276| 5.4/0.3/5.7| CH61/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA03856A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 385| 350| 257.0| 341| 448| 310| 407| 7.5/0.4/7.9| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA05026A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 502| 456| 335.0| 444| 584| 403| 530| 9.8/0.5/10.3| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA07506A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 750| 682| 500.0| 663| 872| 603| 793| 14.4/0.8/15.2| CH63/IP00| 505 x 923 x 375| 120
NXA11806A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1180| 1073| 787.0| 1044| 1372| 949| 1247| 21.0/1.1/22.1| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180
NXA15006A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1500| 1364| 1000.0| 1327| 1744| 1207| 1586| 28.0/1.5/29.5| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180
NXA17006A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1700| 1545| 1133.0| 1504| 1976| 1367| 1796| 32.1/1.7/33.8| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180

VACON® NXP Grid Converter 640-1200 VDC, IP00, liquid-cooled, EMC level T

**Product code| AC current| DC power| Power loss| Size/prot.| Dimensions| Weight
Thermal I TH [A]| ****Rated I L [A]| ****Rated I H [A]| 525 V AC**


| 690 V AC


| 525 V AC


| 690 V AC



*c/a/T) [kW]**

| **CH/Type/ IP| ****W x H x D [mm]| ****[kg]
I TH [kW]| I TH [kW]| I L [kW]| I L [kW]**
NXA02618A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 261| 237| 174.0| 231| 303| 210| 276| 5.4/0.3/5.7| CH61/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA03858A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 385| 350| 257.0| 341| 448| 310| 407| 7.5/0.4/7.9| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA05028A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 502| 456| 335.0| 444| 584| 403| 530| 9.8/0.5/10.3| CH62/IP00| 246 x 658 x 374| 55
NXA07508A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 750| 682| 500.0| 663| 872| 603| 793| 14.4/0.8/15.2| CH63/IP00| 505 x 923 x 375| 120
NXA11808A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1180| 1073| 787.0| 1044| 1372| 949| 1247| 21.0/1.1/22.1| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180
NXA15008A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1500| 1364| 1000.0| 1327| 1744| 1207| 1586| 28.0/1.5/29.5| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180
NXA17008A0T02WGA1A2000000+MASG| 1700| 1545| 1133.0| 1504| 1976| 1367| 1796| 32.1/1.7/33.8| CH64/IP00| 746 x 923 x 375| 180

  • ITH = Thermal maximum continuous RMS current. Dimensioning can be done according to this current if the process does not require any overloadability or the process does not include any load variation or margin for overloadability.
  • IL = Low overloadability current. Allows +10% load variation. 10% exceeding can be continuous.
  • IH = High overloadability current. Allows +50% load variation. 50% exceeding can be continuous.
  • All values with cosφ = 0.83 and efficiency = 97%
  • *) c = Power loss into coolant;
  • a = Power loss into air;
  • T = Total power loss; power losses of input chokes not included.
  • All power losses obtained using max. supply voltage, Ith and switching frequency of 3.6 kHz and ClosedLoop control mode. All power losses are worst case losses.
  • If some other mains voltage is used, apply the formula P = √3 x Un x In x cosφ x eff% to calculate the NX Liquid-Cooled drive output power.
  • The enclosure class for all NX Liquid-Cooled frequency converters is IP00.
  • If the motor is continuously run at frequencies below 5 Hz (besides start and stop ramps), please pay attention to the drive dimensioning for low frequencies,
  • i.e. maximum I = 0.66*ITH or choose drive according to IH . It is recommended to check the rating with your distributor or Vacon.
  • Drive overrating may also be necessary if the process requires high starting torque.

VACON® NXP Grid Converter 380-500 V, Type Open/IP00 air-cooled, EMC Class T

**Product code| Low overload 110% / 40 °C| High overload 150% / 40 °C| DC power| Size/prot.| Dimensions| Weight
I L-cont [A]| I 1 min**


| I H-cont [A]| I 1 min


| 400 V AC


PL -cont [kW]

| 500 V AC


P L-cont [kW]

| **FR/Type/IP| W x H x D [mm]| ****[kg]**
NXA02615A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 261| 287| 205| 308| 176| 220| FI9/TypeOpen/IP00| 239 x 1030 x 372| 67
NXA04605A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 460| 506| 385| 578| 310| 388| FI10/TypeOpen/IP00| 239 x 1032 x 552| 100
NXA13005A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 1300| 1430| 1150| 1725| 876| 1092| FI13/TypeOpen/IP00| 708 x 1032 x 553| 306

VACON® NXP Grid Converter 525-690 V, Type Open /IP00, air-cooled, EMC Class T

Product code

| Low overload 110% / 40 °C| High overload 150% / 40 °C| DC power| Size/prot.| Dimensions| Weight
I L-cont [A]| I 1 min


| I H-cont [A]| I 1 min


| 600 V AC mains

PL -cont [kW]

| FR/Type/IP| W x H x D [mm]| [kg]
NXA01706A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 170| 187| 144| 216| 198| FI9/TypeOpen/IP00| 239 x 1030 x 372| 67
NXA03256A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 325| 358| 261| 392| 378| FI10/TypeOpen/IP00| 239 x 1032 x 552| 100
NXA10306A0T02SGA1A2000000+MASG| 1030| 1133| 920| 1380| 1195| FI13/TypeOpen/IP00| 708 x 1032 x 553| 306

Type code key

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Shaft generator quick guide

Generator type| Machine

Power unit

| Asynchronous


| Permanent Magnet| Synchronous

Generator side equipment

Filter| dU/dt or none| dU/dt or none| SINE or LCL| dU/dt or none| SINE or LCL
Encoder| Yes| Yes| No| Yes| No
Software| Generator application ARFIFF03
**Ship grid equipment**| Software| Grid converter application ARFIFF03
Power unit| Grid converter
Filter| SINE (LCL in case of paralleling)
Isolation| Transformer

Shore supply quick guide

Shore grid harmonics requirement| Total current harmonics (THdi)

Power unit

| < 5%


| < 15%

12-pulse NFE

| < 30%

6-pulse NFE

Shore grid equipment|
Filter| LCL| Chokes| Choke|

Ship grid equipment

| Software| Grid converter application ARFIFF03|
Power unit| Grid converter|
Filter| SINE|
Isolation| Transformer|

Grid converter configurations

This illustration shows the typical configurations for both shore supply and shaft generator applications.

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Danfoss Drive s · DKDD.PB.914.A1.02Danfoss-VACON-NXP-Grid-Converter-

Danfoss Drives
Danfoss Drives is a world leader in variable speed control of electric motors. We aim to prove to you that a better tomorrow is driven by drives. It is as simple and as ambitious as that. Danfoss-VACON-NXP-Grid-Converter-

  • We offer you unparalleled competitive edge through quality, application-optimized products targeting your needs – and a comprehensive range of product lifecycle services.
  • You can rely on us to share your goals. Striving for the best possible performance in your applications is our focus. We achieve this by providing the innovative products and application know-how required to optimize efficiency, enhance usability, and reduce complexity.
  • From supplying individual drive components to planning and delivering complete drive systems; our experts are ready to support you all the way.

We draw on decades of experience within industries that include:

  • Chemical
  • Cranes and Hoists
  • Food and Beverage
  • HVAC
  • Lifts and Escalators
  • Marine and Offshore
  • Material Handling
  • Mining and Minerals
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  • Water and Wastewater
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You will find it easy to do business with us. Online, and locally in more than 50 countries, our experts are never far away, reacting fast when you need them.
Since 1968, we have been pioneers
in the drives business. In 2014, Vacon and Danfoss merged, forming one of the largest companies in the industry. Our AC drives can adapt to any motor technology and we supply products in a power range from 0.18 kW to 5.3 MW.

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