wallbox PUP3 Pulsar Pro Level 2 EV Smart Charger Installation Guide

June 1, 2024


wallbox PUP3 Pulsar Pro Level 2 EV Smart Charger


Product Information

Power Sharing allows you to connect multiple Wallbox chargers on a common electrical circuit and dynamically balance the power available to each charger. The system adjusts power distribution as vehicles are connected or disconnected, or as batteries complete charging cycles.


  • Power Sharing Capacity: Up to 50 Wallbox chargers
  • Power Output: 30A, 6.9 kW
  • Wiring Options: 20A, 4.6 kW/60A

Installation Guide

Getting Started

  • Power Sharing Overview
  • Required Tools and Materials


  • Preparing the chargers
  • Wiring

Setting Up – PUP3

  • Configuration
  • Primary Charger setup

Operating – PUP3

  • Status monitoring
  • Troubleshooting guide

Product Usage Instructions

Preparing the Chargers

  • Before starting the Power Sharing setup, ensure that the chargers are installed following the instructions provided in the charger’s Installation Guide.
  • If using NEMA plug-in installations, open each connected charger to perform necessary steps for Power Sharing setup.

Installing Holsters
To facilitate handling during setup, consider installing holsters for easier management of chargers, cables, and connectors. Refer to the ‘Installing the Holster’ section in the charger Installation Guide.

Use recommended wiring options such as Ethernet Class 5E unshielded, 1 pair or Belden 8760 18AWG shielded, 2 conductor for optimal performance.

Configuration – PUP3
Follow the outlined configuration steps in the manual to set up the Power Sharing system effectively.

If you encounter any issues during installation or operation, refer to the Troubleshooting section for guidance on resolving common problems.


  • Q: Can I connect different models of Wallbox chargers on the same Power Sharing network?
    A: Only the PUP2 Pulsar Plus model is compatible with Pulsar Pro on the same Power Sharing network. The PUP1 Pulsar Plus model is not supported on the same network.

  • Q: What tools are required for Power Sharing setup?
    A: Tools needed include a flat screwdriver, measuring tape, multimeter, conduit fitting, and twisted paired wiring among others. Refer to the manual for a comprehensive list of required tools.


Power Sharing Overview


Power Sharing allows you to connect two or more Wallbox chargers (up to 50 total) on a common electrical circuit and dynamically balance the power available to each charger. As vehicles are connected to or disconnected from chargers in a Power Sharing system, or as vehicle batteries complete their charging cycles, the system will automatically adjust the power available to each charger (and vehicle) as the power supply and demand changes.

The Power Sharing system ensures that the total power used at peak demand does not exceed the configured amperage, while simultaneously ensuring the maximum available power (at least 6 Amps, up to the maximum set rating of each charger) is available to each connected vehicle. If connected chargers are already utilizing the maximum available power and additional vehicles are then connected to chargers in the system, those vehicles will be automatically queued for charging as soon as the minimum amount of power is available to begin charging.

Installation and configuration of a Power Sharing system requires additional steps and materials as described in this document. As this process involves high-voltage equipment, we require you to engage a qualified electrician to conduct and complete this set-up.

Key Features
  • Compatible with all EVs.
  • No additional equipment required (only communication cabling and conduit).
  • No Internet connection required.
  • Default minimum power delivery, even if a charger loses connection to the shared network.
  • No subscription fees or recurring costs.
  • Can be used to limit amperage on a shared branch circuit when allowed by the applicable electrical code.

Technical notes

  • Maximum number of chargers: 50.
  • Checking with local code may also be a requirement.
  • Compliant with NFPA 70 NEC Article 625 as an Automatic Load Management System (ALMS).

Important Only the PUP2 Pulsar Plus model is compatible with Pulsar Pro on the same Power Sharing network. The PUP1 Pulsar Plus model is not compatible on the same Power Sharing network.

Required Tools and Materials


Tools (Power Sharing Set-up)



Preparing the chargers

Before proceeding with Power Sharing setup, you should install the chargers according to the instructions as included in the charger’s Installation Guide. Note that depending on the type of charger installation (hardwired or NEMA plug), you will have additional instructions as described below:

For NEMA plug-in installations , you typically will not have to open the charger; however, to setup plug-in chargers for Power Sharing, you will need to open each connected charger in order to perform some of the steps in this set-up. Refer to Pulsar Plus Installation Guide for more information on how to open the charger.

After you have mounted your charger according to the instructions in the Installation Guide, ensure:

  • The charger cover is not attached to the charger (disconnect the communications cable from the cover).
  • The chargers are electrically wired (connected to a circuit).
  • Any connected circuits are NOT powered on during installation.

To make handling of the chargers, cables, and connectors easier during the Power Sharing setup, you may want to install the holsters before proceeding. See the “Installing the Holster” section in the charger Installation Guide.

Important ensure that all of the chargers on the same Power Sharing net-work are wired to the same electrical feed and share the same grounding system.

Power Sharing Cabling
Connecting your chargers for Power Sharing requires installation of communication cabling. This cabling may be drawn through either of the following pathways:

  • Center opening
    Use the small opening located at the bottom of the charger between the power input and the EV connector cable output.

  • Power input opening
    When allowed by local codes, run the data cable in the same power supply conduit (same conduit used for the hardwired electrical wiring).wallbox-PUP3
-Pulsar-Pro-Level-2-EV-Smart-Charger-fig- \(4\)

  • When using this opening for the communications cabling, first remove the screw plug.

  • Use a wrench to hold the interior lock nut while unscrewing the plug using a flathead screwdriver from the bottom (exterior) side of the plug.


For Power Sharing, the chargers communicate through a daisy-chain cabling system. When connecting three or more chargers, the first and last chargers of the chain will be Terminating (T) chargers and the chargers in between will be Non-terminating (NT) chargers as shown in the figure below. (Note: when connecting only two chargers, both will be Terminating.)


  • Draw the communication cables between the chargers through the selected conduit (see Preparing the Chargers section above) as shown below. Ensure that the total length of the cable is no more than 820 feet (~250m)
  • The cabling consists of a daisy chain of a twisted pair of wires connecting the chargers.wallbox-PUP3-Pulsar-Pro-Level-2-EV-Smart-Charger-fig- \(6\)

Adding chargers in the future
If you anticipate adding chargers to the system in the future, there are two ways you can prepare the system now to make it ready for Power Sharing:

Option 1:
Place a bus disconnecter to allow future chargers to be inserted in the daisy chain as shown in the wiring scheme below. If you are adding more chargers into the chain after this one, the switch will need to be changed from T to NT.


Option 2:
Truncate the existing bus to add new charger(s) as shown in the scheme below.

  1. Open the charger.
  2. Set the terminating resistance to NT, realize the communication wiring as explained above and close the charger.

New chargers may be placed anywhere physically in relation to the existing chargers as long as you follow these rules:

  • You maintain the logic of the daisy chain.
  • You respect the cabling polarity as described above under “Installation”. Wherever a future added charger is placed, the most important rule to follow is the logic of the daisy chain. Where the daisy-chain is terminated on both end devices and intermediate nodes are not terminated.



  • Every Power Sharing system consists of one Primary charger and 1 to 50 Secondary chargers.
  • The Primary charger is the central control unit of the entire system and it is the only unit in the system that requires unique configuration.
  • The Primary charger needs to be set as a Terminating (T). The key configuration for the Primary charger is the Current Selector switch as shown below.
  • The termination configuration (T) is set by a switch inside the charger (see figure below). If you anticipate adding chargers to the system in the future, we suggest configuring two chargers as Terminating (T) and the other chargers as Non-terminating (NT).
  • For Power Sharing installations in PUP3 model, the positions o-8-9 of the Rotary Switch are redundant and will not limit the current of the device. The other positions of the rotary switch will enable additional current limits.
  • For more information, please visit: https://support.wallbox.com/na/knowl-edge-base/adjust-the-charging-current/.


To ensure a proper set-up, the measured resistance between + Wire and – Wire must be around to 60 Ohms. If it differs from that, recheck the proper wiring and the T/NT configuration.

Finishing the Electrical Setup
Once you have configured the chargers (set Primary/Secondary status and T or NT setting) and correctly connected each to the electrical system (circuit), you may proceed to close the chargers as described in the charger Installation Guide (see “Closing the Charger”). Before closing your chargers, be sure to note your Primary charger as you will need to connect to this charger via the myWallbox app to complete its configuration.

Terminal/No Terminal

Primary Charger

Once the installation has been powered on, the Power Sharing configuration must be finalised with the myWallbox app on the Primary charger:

  • For PUP3, select any unit to configure, and that charger will automatically become the Primary.
  • Until the network is properly configured, the chargers will remain in the “UNCONFIGURED POWER SHARING” status.

If you are installing a Dynamic Power Sharing with a Power Meter, you must select the unit which has the meter wiring connected as the Prima-ry to perform the network configuration.

myWallbox App and Account
To connect to the chargers and complete the configuration, you need to download the myWallbox app, create an account (in case the infrastructure manager doesn’t own one already or you cannot access it), and connect to the Primary charger via Bluetooth. See the charger Installation Guide for instructions for downloading the app and setting up a myWallbox account.

If you use your own account for setup, remember to UNLINK your account from the charger after system configuration to enable the owner’s man-agement of the chargers.

Completing System Configuration with myWallbox
If this is the first time you have connected to any of the installed chargers, you will need to add the chargers to your myWallbox account.

  1. Launch the myWallbox app on a Bluetoothenabled mobile device and log in to the account.
  2. On the home screen, select “I already have a charger”. If adding additional chargers, click the “+” icon.
  3. On the “Add Charger” screen, insert the serial number and UID for the charger you are adding. Ensure you set the correct state/province location, and click “Add”.wallbox-PUP3-Pulsar-Pro-Level-2-EV-Smart-Charger-fig- \(11\)
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each charger you are adding to the Power Sharing system.

Once you have added the chargers you are connecting to the Power Sharing system, stand in close proximity to the PRIMARY charger with your mobile device and Bluetooth switched on.

  1. Launch the myWallbox app on your mobile device and log in.

  2. From the list of chargers, select the charger you have setup as the PRIMARY charger.

  3. Click the Configurations (gear) icon and then, from the Configurations screen, select “Installation Options” and then select Upgrades.
    On the Power Sharing screen, you will need to adjust the following settings:

  4. Number of chargers. This is the TOTAL number of chargers in the Power Sharing system including the Primary charger.

  5. Maximum current per system (phase). This is the maximum amount of power available for all chargers connected to the Power Sharing system.

  * Be reminded that the system must be connected to a circuit rated to 125% of the maximum power dedicated to the chargers. For example, if the total power available to chargers is 200Amps, the circuit must be rated to 250Amps.
3. Minimum current per charger. The default value is set at 6 Amps; however, some vehicles require a minimum current of 10Amps.![wallbox-PUP3-Pulsar-Pro-Level-2-EV-Smart-Charger-fig- \(12\)](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/wallbox-PUP3-Pulsar-Pro-Level-2-EV-Smart-Charger-fig-12.jpg)
  1. After you have entered all values, click “Save”. It may take up to a minute for the system to complete configuration.

Note that you only will configure the PRIMARY charger as described into the myWallbox app. No additional configuration is needed for the Secondary chargers.

Once each charger in the system has been powered on and configured, you can view the status of each charger via the myWallbox app. As a reminder, the status screen for Secondary chargers will appear different from that of the Primary charger as only the Primary charger can adjust the system settings. Reviewing the status of each charger can reveal issues with the installation or provide insight as to why a charger is not charging at its maximum current.





  • The charger LED halo is red
    • This is the default color on a Power Sharing system at start up. If it lasts more than 30 seconds, check to ensure that the Power Sharing system has been properly configured. If not, correct the system configuration and wait for up to another 30 seconds.
    • Make sure the total number of chargers includes the Primary charger.
    • Make sure the “Maximum current per system (phase)” is set correctly.
  • Charger(s) LED halo blinking red + another charger with a static red halo
    • This signals an incorrect configuration. If you add a charger to the Power Sharing network without configuring it in the myWallbox app, the new charger will display a red halo, while the primary charger will have a blinking red halo. To fix this, access the Power Sharing menu in the myWallbox app through the primary charger and adjust the number of chargers in the corresponding field.
  • Charger(s) LED halo are blinking green
    • Poor contact on the communication cables. Check that all the communication cables are properly connected on the chargers (see the Wiring section above).
    • Incorrect resistance value between communication lines. Turn off the power to all the chargers (circuit) and measure the resistance between the (+) Wire and (-) Wire. If the measurement is not at or around 60 Ohms, check the wiring connections per the “Wiring” section above.
  • The measured resistance value is not 60 Ohms
    • If the resistance value is higher than 60 Ohms, there is only one charger in the T configuration.
    • If the resistance value is lower than 60 Ohms, there are more than two chargers in the T configuration.
    • The Power Sharing system must have both the first and last chargers in the daisy chain set to the T configuration. All the other chargers must be in NT configurations.
    • If the Primary charger is not placed at either of the ends and is placed at any other position in the daisy chain, it should be in the NT configuration.
    • If the resistance value is not near 60 Ohms but the configuration is correct, there may be a charger fault. To check for a fault:
    • Remove the communications cables from all chargers.
    • Change the switch position to T for all chargers.
    • Check the resistance value for each charger.
    • The T chargers should have a 120 Ohms resistance between lines.
    • The NT chargers have open lines or zero resistance.
  • Erratic behaviour
    • Reason: Poor contact on the communication cables. Check that all the communication cables are properly connected on the chargers.
    • Incorrect configuration on the Primary.
    • Incorrect resistance value between communication lines. Turn off the power to all the chargers (circuit) and measure the resistance between the wire. If the measurement is not at or around 60 Ohms, check the wiring connections per the “Wiring” section above.
  • The charger keeps waiting for assignment
    • Charger assignment may last up to 30 seconds.
    • Make sure that no schedules are programmed.
    • Check that the Primary and Secondary chargers are all paired. If a charger is not paired, the current available to that charger will be limited to 6 Amps.
    • Verify the configuration of “Maximum Current per Phase”. Remember that a connected vehicle will not charge unless there is a minimum of 6 Amps available. If there are other connected vehicles and the available power is less than 6 Amps, any additionally connected vehicle will go into a queue and will start charging when at least 6 Amps is available.


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