MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AE-200A Air Conditioning Control System Centralized Controller Instruction Manual

May 15, 2024
Mitsubishi Electric


MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AE-200A Air Conditioning Control System Centralized



Product Information


  • Model: AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E
  • Type: Air Conditioning Control System – Centralized Controller

Product Usage Instructions

Chapter 1: General Descriptions

Before using the controller, please read the Instruction Book carefully to ensure proper operation. Retain this manual for future reference.

1. Before Use

Follow the instructions in the manual to familiarize yourself with the system components and functionalities.

2. Setting the Operating Environment

Refer to Chapter 2 for building managers or Chapter 3 for tenant
managers for specific environment settings.

3. Logging in to the Integrated Centralized Control Web

Follow the steps outlined in Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 based on your user role to access the web interface.

4. Name Display

Learn how to customize name displays for easy identification; refer to Chapter 1 for detailed instructions.

Chapter 2: For Building Managers

1. Home Screen

Navigate to the home screen for an overview of system status and controls.

2. Usage

Explore functionalities related to building management tasks such as settings, user registration, initial settings, function settings, ventilation settings, and maintenance as detailed in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3: For Tenant Managers

1. Usage

Understand how to utilize the system features for tenant management tasks; refer to Chapter 3 for detailed instructions.


  • Q: Where can I find troubleshooting information?
    • A: Troubleshooting details are available in Chapter 5 of the Instruction Book.

Air Conditioning Control System

Centralized Controller



Instruction Book

­Integrated Centralized Control Web­

General descriptions Chapter 1

Chapter 1.

General descriptions

1. Before use
1-1. Introduction
This Instruction Book explains how to monitor and operate the units connected to the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A and AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E using a Web browser. For initial settings and function settings, refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings).
1-2. Terms Used in This Manual
– “Centralized Controller AE-200A/AE-200E” is referred to as “AE-200.” – “Centralized Controller AE-50A/AE-50E” is referred to as “AE-50.” – “Centralized Controller EW-50A/EW-50E” is referred to as “EW-50.” – “Booster unit” and “Water HEX unit” are referred to as “Air To Water (PWFY) unit.” – “Advanced HVAC CONTROLLER” is referred to as “AHC.” – “Hot Water Heat Pump unit” is referred to as “HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit.” – “e-Series chiller unit (EAHV, EACV)” is referred to as “Chiller unit.” – “Chiller unit of MEHITS” is referred to as “MEHT-CH&HP unit.” – The display/operation items included in this manual may not be able to be displayed/operated depending on the
connected air conditioning unit models. – Screen images used in this manual are from Windows 10, and Google ChromeTM. – Screen images used in this manual are from the display that has a resolution of 1600 x 1200.



1-3. Main Features
The main features of Integrated Centralized Control Web are as follows.

(1) Monitoring and operating air conditioning units

By using the Integrated Centralized Control Web, up to 2,000 air conditioning units connected to 40 AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 centralized controllers can be monitored and operated. On the AE-200’s LCD, up to 200 air conditioning units can be monitored and operated, and the air conditioning units connected to all centralized controllers within the Integrated Centralized Control Web can be integrated and managed. Visibility is improved and management work is substantially reduced as the air conditioning units can be displayed anywhere on a floor layout by configuring the Floor Layout settings. Furthermore, intuitive operation is possible.
Note: “Integrated Centralized Control Web” license is required to use the Integrated Centralized Control Web that spans multiple AE-200E or EW-50E systems. (AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E only) AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 require separate license registration.
Note: They must all be the same version.

Management range of Integrated Centralized Control Web
Management range of AE-200’s LCD

AE-200’s LCD By connecting up to 4 AE-50/EW-50 controllers to AE-200, up to 200 air conditioning units can be monitored and operated on the AE-200’s LCD.

Integrated Centralized Control Web
By connecting 40 AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 controllers using the web browser, up to 2,000 air conditioning units can be monitored and operated on a screen.

(2) Large number of monitoring and operation terminals
If a centralized controller and wireless LAN router are connected, the air conditioning units can be monitored and operated using tablets and smartphones. General users can use smartphones in addition to PCs and tablets.

Building manager Tenant manager


General user


Building manager


Tenant manager


General user


Tablet V V V

Smartphone ­ ­ V

Note: When using a tablet, lock the landscape orientation. If the screen rotates to portrait, the layout may break. If this is the case, read the layout again.
Note: “Tenant/Personal Web” license is required to register tenant managers and general users.



General descriptions Chapter 1

(3) User management function

In addition to a building manager that can manage all air conditioning units, you can set tenant managers that can manage specific air conditioning units and general users that can perform only monitoring and operation. Since the functions that can be used differ for each user, this facilitates user management that meets requirements.
Note: Up to 50 users can access the Integrated Centralized Control Web at the same time. While 50 users are accessing the Integrated Centralized Control Web, no more users can access the Integrated Centralized Control Web.

User Building manager Tenant manager General user

Number of users 1
200 2000

List of accessible functions for each user The available functions differ depending on the user that logs in.

Accessible functions for different users

V: Accessible function


Building manager Tenant manager


Operation status for each floor/ Electric energy consumption/Notice



Floor Layout



Show groups



Measurement Status








V *1







Advanced settings



Energy Use Status



Energy Management Ranking Target Value





Peak Cut



Schedule settings




Date range setting for Weekly schedule



Error List




Unit error log/Communication error log



Filter sign



Screen display settings



User registration



Date and time settings



License registration







Peak Cut



Set Temperature Range Limit



Night Mode Schedule



External Temperature Interlock



Night Setback Control



Night purge setting



Send Mail Log



Outdoor Unit Status



Free Contact




Gas Refrigerant Amount Check



CSV Output






Initialize Learning Data for AI Start



1 QAHV units cannot be monitored or operated. 2 Chiller units, MEHT-CH&HP units, and HWHP units cannot be monitored or operated on the smartphone. *3 Refer to the Instruction Book (Web Browser for Initial Settings) for the items on a gray background.

General user
­ V ­ ­ V 12 V 2 V 2 V ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­



Sample user setting The air conditioning unit groups to be managed can be set for each user as shown in the figure below.

Building manager Tenant manager General user

Building owner Company A, Company B, Company C
Administration Department, Sales Department, Accounting Department, Development Department


Building owner (Building manager)

Company A (Tenant manager)

Administration Dept. (General user)

Sales Dept. (General user)


Company B (Tenant manager)
Accounting Dept. (General user)

Company C (Tenant manager)


Development Dept. (General user)



General descriptions Chapter 1

(4) Energy management function The energy-control-related status, such as electric energy consumption, operation time, and outdoor temperature, can be displayed in a graph. This allows you to consider and check the energy-saving measures as you can grasp the current operating status and check the energy saving effect. Also, ease of maintenance can be improved by grasping air conditioning unit conditions such as abnormal electricity consumption.
(5) Schedule function Scheduled operation is possible by setting the operation, stop, and other times of the air conditioning units. You can set Weekly Schedule to set each day of the week and Annual Schedule to set specific days such as national holidays. Furthermore, you can change the schedule settings of just the day.



1-4. Operating environment
The list below shows the OS, browsers, and models of the computers, tablets, and smartphone that have been verified to be compatible with the Integrated Centralized Control Web. The use of the latest version of OS and browser is recommended.




1 GHz or faster (2 GHz or faster recommended)


2 GB or more

Screen resolution

1024 x 768 or higher (1920 x 1080 recommended)

OS/Java ® execution environment

· Microsoft ® Windows ® 11 (64 bit) 1 · Microsoft ® Windows ® 10 (64 bit) 1 · Microsoft ® Windows ® 8.1 (64 bit) *1 · Mac OS ® Mojave 10.14 (Only CSV File Download Tool is not guaranteed to work.)

  • Java ® execution environment (Oracle ® Java or AdoptOpenJDK) is required. Verified to work properly on Oracle ® Java SE 8, Java 8 ( and

Adoptium Temurin11 (

  • The version of the Oracle ® Java can be verified by clicking [Java] in the Control Panel.


Adoptim Temurin11 version information is available from the Programs and Functions of

the Control Panel.

System requirements

Minimum system requirements for Windows ® 8.1, Windows ® 10, or Windows ® 11 must be met.

· Microsoft ® Edge ® 96

Browser Microsoft ® Excel ®

· Google ChromeTM Ver. 96 · Safari ® 15
· Microsoft ® Excel ® 2013 (32 bit)/2016 (32 bit)/2019 (32 bit)

Built-in LAN port or LAN card

100BASE-TX or higher

Pointing device

Mouse, etc.


Minimum 1 port

Smartphone Tablet

Browser Safari ® 15
Google ChromeTM Ver. 96 Safari ® 15

· iPhone 13 Pro (iOS 15) · iPhone SE (iOS 15) · Pixel 6 (AndroidTM 12) · Galaxy SC-04J (AndroidTM 8.0)
· iPad Air 2 (iOS 15)

*1) Verified to work on the Pro edition Note: Use a browser other than Microsoft ® Internet Explore ® because Microsoft Corporation will end the support for Microsoft ® Internet
Explorer ® 11 in June 2022, and also because the use of IE is known to be associated with the case explained in item No. 13 in Chapter 5 “Troubleshooting”. Note: Note that the application may not work properly when using a browser other than the ones listed above. Note: When leaving the Integrated Centralized Control Web running all the time, use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with the computer. Note: Registered trademarks
· Android is a registered trademark of Google LLC. in the U.S. and other countries. · Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. · Google is a registered trademark of Google LLC. · Google Chrome is a registered trademark of Google LLC. in the U.S. and other countries. · Edge is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. · Internet Explorer is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. · The official name of Internet Explorer is “Microsoft ® Internet Explorer Internet browser”. · iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. · iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. · Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. · Microsoft Office Excel is a product name of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. · Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. · The official name of Windows is “Microsoft ® Windows ® Operating System”. · Safari is a trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc. in the U.S. · Nexus is a registered trademark of Google LLC. in the U.S. and other countries. · Pixel is a trademark of Google LLC. · Galaxy is a trademark or registered trademark of Samsun Co., Ltd. Note: Company name or product name that is described in this manual may be a trademark or a registered trademark of each company.



General descriptions Chapter 1

Setting the Operating Environment

This Integrated Centralized Control Web can be connected to multiple centralized controllers to operate and monitor air conditioning unit groups. This section explains the settings for the condition monitoring and operating of air conditioning units with Integrated Centralized Control Web. Use a VPN when using an Internet. Refer to section “Setting remote monitoring function” in the Technical Manual for the setting method.

2-1. License
A license may be required for this Integrated Centralized Control Web depending on the scope of integrated management. (AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E only) If you wish to manage the centralized controllers of two or more systems with Integrated Centralized Control Web, an “Integrated Centralized Control Web” license is required.


Management scope

Maximum number of air conditioning units to be managed

Not registered

1 system

200 *1


2 or more systems


*1 50 units when using a single EW-50. Note: License registration enables up to 40 centralized controllers to be managed. Note: One system is a set of equipment consisting of one AE-200 and up to four expansion controllers, and a group of 200 air conditioning units can be connected to one system. When using a single EW-50, the EW-50 counts as one system. Note: When the license is not registered, the number of air conditioning units that can be managed when using a single EW-50 is 50.

License registered
Can perform integrated management of the centralized controllers of two or more systems.

License not registered
Can be used with Integrated Centralized Control Web for each system.
System 1

Air conditioning units that are connected all AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 controllers can be managed with Integrated Centralized Control Web.

System 2 System 3 System 40 (maximum) *2

*2 When using EW-50 for all systems

Can be managed using Integrated Centralized Control Web for each system.

2-2. System Settings
To use Integrated Centralized Control Web, you need to configure the settings using Initial Setting Tool. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.
Important When using Initial Setting Tool, be sure to configure the settings as described in the procedures of Instruction Book (Initial
Settings). When not using Initial Setting Tool, only the indoor/outdoor units that are under the control of the login destination centralized
controller can be monitored and operated.
[1] Settings of the centralized controllers to be managed with Integrated Centralized Control Web Use Initial Setting Tool to configure the settings of the centralized controllers to be managed with Integrated Centralized Control Web.
(1) In [Basic Settings] > [System Configuration] of Initial Setting Tool, specify the IP address of each centralized controller to be managed with Integrated Centralized Control Web.
(2) In [Floor Settings] > [Floor for Integrated Centralized Control Web], set the login destination centralized controller (target centralized controller) of Integrated Centralized Control Web and the management target centralized controllers (managed centralized controllers).


Target centralized controller setting Set the centralized controller to be logged in to with Integrated Centralized Control Web.


Managed centralized controller setting Set the centralized controllers to be managed with Integrated Centralized Control Web.

General descriptions Chapter 1

Note: When connecting an AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to an existing LAN, consult the system administrator to decide the IP addresses. Note: When using an AE-200/AE-50/EW-50-dedicated LAN, it is recommended that the AE-200 unit and the EW-50 unit (only when
used alone) be assigned an IP address between the range [] and [], and the expansion controller AE-50/EW-50 unit be assigned an IP address between the range [] and [].
[2] Floor settings Use Initial Setting Tool to configure the floor settings of Integrated Centralized Control Web. The configured settings are displayed in Integrated Centralized Control Web.

Setting image 1

Setting image 2

Procedure 1 Make settings of floors and floor names on the “Floor for Integrated Centralized Control Web” setting screen.

Procedure 2 Make settings of floor layouts and icon locations on the “Floor Layout for Integrated Centralized Control Web” setting screen.

(1) In [Floor Settings] > [Floor for Integrated Centralized Control Web] of Initial Setting Tool, set the floor names and floor number configuration displayed on the home screen of Integrated Centralized Control Web.
(2) In [Floor Settings] > [Floor Layout for Integrated Centralized Control Web], set the floor layout diagram and icon locations.



2-3. Network settings
[1] Setting the IP address of the PC Follow the instructions below to set the PC’s IP address to connect the Integrated Centralized Control Web and multiple centralized controllers. The PC’s IP address must have the same network address as the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50’s IP address.
(1) Open the control panel. Windows ® 8.1 Start screen>[Desktop]>[My computer]>[Control panel] Windows ® 10 or 11 Search for the control panel using the search box.
(2) Click [Network and Sharing Center]>[Change adapter settings]. Double-click the [Ethernet] icon. In the [Ethernet status] window, click [Properties].

(3) Click [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)] to select it, and click [Properties].

(4) In the [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties] window, check the radio button next to [Use the following IP address]. Enter the PC’s IP address (e.g., []) in the [IP address] field, and enter the subnet mask [] (unless otherwise specified) in the [Subnet mask] field. In the [Default gateway] field, enter the gateway address as necessary.
Note: Consult the system administrator to decide the IP, subnet mask, and gateway addresses.
Note: Take a note of the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway before making changes.
(5) Keep clicking [OK] or [Close] to close all windows.



General descriptions Chapter 1

[2] Setting the wireless LAN router When connecting a tablet, you need to configure the wireless LAN router settings. Set the LAN-side IP address of the wireless LAN router to a network address of the same system as the IP address of the centralized controller AE-200/AE-50/EW-50.

LAN-side IP address setting LAN1: Important For details on how to set the IP address of the wireless LAN router, refer to the Instruction Book of your wireless LAN router.



[3] Setting the IP address of the tablet and smartphone When using this Integrated Centralized Control Web with a tablet or smartphone, you need to set the IP address of the tablet or smartphone. Here we describe the example of using an Apple iPad. (1) Select the [Settings] icon on the home screen.
(2) Select the [Wi-Fi] menu in the [Settings] screen and then turn on the Wi- Fi setting. Select the SSID of the wireless LAN router you wish to connect to from the [CHOOSE A NETWORK…] list and then connect.
(3) Open the [Static] tab and configure the IP address settings of the tablet.
Important Consult the system administrator to decide the IP address, subnet mask, and DNS. Set the IP address of the tablet and smartphone so that it does not duplicate the IP address of a centralized controller. We recommend setting a static IP address for the IP address of the tablet or smartphone.
Note: The tablet or smartphone cannot be connected to the external Internet when connected to the wireless LAN router for Integrated Centralized Control Web.



General descriptions Chapter 1

2-4. Setting the computer to be used for monitoring
[1] Disabling the sleep function Disable the sleep setting on your computer. If the computer goes into sleep, the monitoring and operation functions of the Integrated Centralized Control Web will not work. When using a mobile computer, keep it plugged into an AC power source. (1) From the Start menu, click [Settings] to open the
[Windows Settings] window.
(2) Click [System].
(3) Click [Power & sleep]. ([Power & Battery] on Windows 11)



(4) In the pulldown under [When plugged in, PC goes to sleep after] under [Sleep], select [Never]. ([Screen & Sleep] on Windows 11)

(5) In the pulldown under [When plugged in, turn off after] under [Screen], select [Never]. ([Screen & Sleep] on Windows 11)

(6) Click [Additional power settings] to open the [Power Options] window. (Enter [Control panel] in the search box, and click [Power options] on Windows 11.)

(7) Click [Choose what the power buttons do] to open the [System Settings] window.



General descriptions Chapter 1

(8) In the [Power buttons and lid settings] menu, select [Do nothing] for all items, and click [Save changes].
(9) Close the [Power Options] window. (10) Close the [Settings] window. [2] Disabling the sleep tab for Microsoft Edge The sleeping tab function was added to Microsoft Edge in version 88. This function makes the tabs that have not been accessed for a preset time go into sleep to save the memory space when multiple tabs are open. When the tab goes into sleep, the monitoring and operation functions of the Integrated Centralized Control Web will not work. Disable the sleep tab function of the Microsoft Edge. When using a mobile computer, keep it plugged into an AC power source. (1) Click [···] on the top right corner of the Microsoft
Edge window. Select [Settings] to open the [Settings] window.



(2) Click [System].
(3) Click off (white) the switch next to [Save resources with sleeping tabs] under [Optimize Performance].
(4) Close the [Settings] window. [3] Disabling the screen saver Disable the screen saver on your computer. If the computer goes into the screen saver mode, the monitoring and operation functions of the Integrated Centralized Control Web will not work. (1) From the Start menu, click [Settings] to open the
[Windows Settings] window.



General descriptions Chapter 1

(2) Click [Personalization]. (3) Click [Lock screen]. (4) Click [Screen saver settings].



(5) Select [(None)] in the pulldown under [Screen saver], and then click [OK].
(6) Close the [Settings] window. [4] Rebooting the computer for monitoring (recommended) · If the Integrated Centralized Control Web is left running at all times, periodically restart it. (Approximately once a
week) · To ensure stable operation of the Integrated Centralized Control Web, it is recommended to reboot the computer
for monitoring once a month.



General descriptions Chapter 1

Logging in to the Integrated Centralized Control Web

3-1. Logging in from the PC/tablet
(1) Enter the web page address in the address field of the Web browser as follows: http://[IP address of the login destination AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html
(2) A login screen will appear. Model name, serial number, and software version information of the login destination AE-200/EW-50 will appear on Ver. 7.98 and later.

Model name Serial number

Software version

Note: If the IP address of the AE-200/EW-50 is [], the web page address is [http: //]. Note: Use an Initial Setting Tool to configure the login destination centralized controller settings. Note: The web page will be displayed in the same language as the operating system on the PC.
The web page can be displayed in other languages by entering the web page address as follows:

Chinese English French German Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish

http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?zh http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?en http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?fr http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?de http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?it http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?ja http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?pt http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?ru http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?es http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html?tr

Note: You can add the web page address to your Favorites on the login screen for easy access in the future.
Note: When using the Integrated Centralized Control Web on a tablet, depending on the tablet used, the bottom of the operation screen may be cut off. In the event of this, create a shortcut on the Home screen from which to start the application. Refer to 5 “Screen displayed with bottom part cut off on a tablet” in Chapter 5 for details on how to add a shortcut to the Home screen.
Note: Depending on the PC display used, the bottom of the operation screen may be cut off. In the event of this, switch the browser to full screen mode.



(3) Enter the user name and the password in the login screen, and click [Login]. A screen that shows the operation status of the air conditioning units will appear. The table below shows the functions that are available for building managers, tenant managers, and general users.



Available functions


· Brief display of all floors · Display of electric energy consumption · Display of error status

Monitor/ Operation

· Display of floor layouts and monitoring/operating the operation status on the group list · Display of measurement status · Display of AHC status · Monitoring/operating the HWHP operation status · Monitoring/operating the chiller unit operation status · Monitoring/operating the MEHT-CH&HP unit operation status

Building manager
· PC · Tablet

Tenant manager

General user

· PC · Tablet · Smartphone

Energy Management Schedule Notice
Monitor/ Operation Energy Management Schedule Monitor/ Operation

· Energy use status · Ranking · Monitoring target values · Peak Cut Control status
· Changing today’s schedule · Weekly schedule setting 1­5 · Annual schedule setting · Date range setting for weekly schedule
· Display of units in error · Display of unit error log · Display of communication error · Display of filter sign
· Screen display setting · User registration · Current time setting · License registration · E-Mail · Peak Cut · Set Temperature Range Limit · Night Mode Schedule · External Temperature Interlock · Night Setback Control · Night purge setting
· Error notification e-mail log · Monitoring outdoor unit operation status · Monitoring indoor unit free contact · Gas Refrigerant Amount Check · CSV output (only PC) · Utility · Initialize Learning Data for AI Start
· Monitoring/operating the operation status on the group list · Monitoring/operating the HWHP operation status · Monitoring/operating the chiller unit operation status · Monitoring/operating the MEHT-CH&HP unit operation status
· Energy use status · Ranking · Monitoring target values
· Changing today’s schedule · Weekly schedule setting 1­5 · Annual schedule setting
· Monitoring/operating the operation status · Monitoring/operating the HWHP operation status (excluding smartphone) · Monitoring/operating the chiller unit operation status (excluding smartphone) · Monitoring/operating the MEHT- CH&HP unit operation status (excluding smartphone)



General descriptions Chapter 1

The tables below show the default user names and passwords for building manager. There are no default user names or passwords for the tenant managers or general users.
Note: Tenant managers and general users are not registered at the time of shipment. Up to 200 tenant managers and 2,000 general users can be registered. You can log in with building manager privileges and then use the user management function to set the air conditioning unit groups that can be monitored and operated by each user. Refer to 2-5-2 “User registration” in Chapter 2 for details.
Note: The user name and password used for the Integrated Centralized Control Web are different from the ones used for the LCD.
Note: It is recommended to change the default user name and password so that the users other than the building managers will not be able to change the settings. Refer to 2-5-2 “User registration” in Chapter 2 for how to change the default user name and password. Write down the user name and the password, and keep them in the safe place. If you forget your user name or the password, contact your dealer.
Note: If the default user name and password of building manager were changed, the changed user name and the password will remain active after the controller is updated to a newer version. Also, if you import the backup data of the changed settings to another AE-200/EW-50, the changed user name and the password will remain active.

AE-200E/EW-50E (All versions)


Default user name

Building manager administrator

Default password admin

AE-200A/EW-50A (Ver. 7.97 and earlier)


Default user name

Building manager administrator

Default password admin

AE-200A/EW-50A (Ver. 7.98 and later)


Default user name

Building manager


Default password12 ad “Serial number”

Example default password (Serial number: 19672-123*3)

*1 Default password for AE-200A/EW-50A updated to Ver. 7.98 or later from Ver. 7.97 or earlier The default password varies with the version immediately before the update. Default password for AE-200A/EW-50A when updated from a version earlier than Ver. 7.98

Version before the update Ver. 7.10­7.12 Ver. 7.23­7.97

Default password after the system has been updated to Ver. 7.98 or later ad “Serial number” admin

*2 Default password for AE-200A/EW-50A to which the backup data from Ver. 7.98 or later was imported If the settings data are backed up from the AE-200A/EW-50A that was logged in with the default password and are imported to the AE-200A/EW-50A Ver. 7.98 or later, the new password will be the serial number of the AE-200A/EW-50A to which the data was imported.

AE-200A/EW-50A Software version: 7.98 Serial number: 31C71-101 Password of building manager: ad31C71101

AE-200A/EW-50A Software version: 7.98 Serial number: 19272-124 Password of building manager: ad19272124

Export backup data


Import backup data

*3 On Ver. 7.98 and later, serial number can be found on the login screen of the Integrated Centralized Control Web. Refer to section 3-1 “Logging in from the PC/tablet”.



3-2. Logging in from the smartphone
Note: Be sure to use a smartphone in portrait mode. Note: No user names and passwords are registered at the time of shipment, so you need to log in with building manager privileges and
register the users.
(1) Enter the web page address in the address field of the Web browser as follows: http://[IP address of the login destination AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html
(2) A login screen will appear.

Note: Use an Initial Setting Tool to configure the login destination centralized controller settings. Note: Only general users can log in. Note: If the IP address of the AE-200/EW-50 is [], the web page address is [http: //]. Note: The web page will be displayed in the same language as the operating system on the smartphone.
The web page can be displayed in other languages by entering the web page address as follows:

Chinese English French German Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish

http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?zh http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?en http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?fr http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?de http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?it http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?ja http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?pt http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?ru http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?es http://[IP address of AE-200/EW-50]/mobile/index.html?tr

Note: You can add the web page address to your Favorites on the login screen for easy access in the future.

(3) Enter the user name and the password in the login screen, and click [Login]. A screen that shows the operation status of the air conditioning units will appear. The table below shows the functions that are available for general users. The user name or the password has not been registered at factory shipment. Log in as the administrator as explained in Section 3-1 “Logging in from the PC/tablet”, and register the user name and the password. Groups of air-conditioning unit groups that are monitorable/operable by different users can be set by using the user management function. Refer to 2-5-2 “User registration” in Chapter 2 for details.

General user


Default user name

· Smartphone

Default password

Monitor/ Operation

Available functions · Monitoring/operating the operation status

Note: The user name and password of a general user is the same as for a PC or tablet.



General descriptions Chapter 1

4. Name Display
The names of air conditioning units can be displayed in this Integrated Centralized Control Web. If the name settings are not set, names are displayed in accordance with the following rules.
Note: For how to set the names of groups, blocks, and energy management blocks, refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings). Note: The numbering system of centralized controllers and expansion controllers becomes the numbers registered in “Initial
Setting Tool ­ Basic Settings ­ System Configuration” in the Instruction Book (Initial Settings). Note: EW-50 is displayed as “AE**” on the Integrated Centralized Control Web.

Login destination centralized controller (system 1)

System 01-1

Energy management block 01-001

Block 01-1

Block 01-2



Expansion controller


(1st) of the login

Metering device 2

destination centralized


controller (system 1)

Group Group



Block 01-1-1

Group 01-3

Group 01-4

Contact 2
Address 01-050-2


Address Group



Metering device 1 01-1-1

Management target centralized controller

Block 02-50

(system 2)

Group 01-1-2

Group 01-1-3

Group 01-1-4

Contact 2
Address 01-1-048-2

Energy management block 02-200



Address Group



Contact 1
Address 02-201-1

System 01-1-1

Name display in Integrated Centralized Control Web when the name settings are not set

Target Centralized controller Energy management block




Login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

AE01 (AE No.) AE01-1 (AE No.)

Management target centralized controller (system 2)

AE02 (AE No.)

Energy management block (Block No. 1) of the login destination Energy management

centralized controller (system 1)

block 01-001

Energy management block (Block No. 200) of the login destination centralized controller (system 2)

Energy management block 02-200

Block (Block No. 1) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Block 01-1

Block (Block No. 1) of the expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Block 01-1-1

Block (Block No. 1) of the management target centralized controller (system 2)

Block 02-50

Group (Group No. 1) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Group 01-1

Group (Group No. 1) of the expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Group 01-1-1

Group (Group No. 50) of the management target centralized controller (system 2)

Group 02-50



Metering device (Pulse input) QAHV unit




Address (Address No. 55) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Address 01-055

Address (Address No. 51) of the expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Address 01-1-051

Contact number (Contact No. 2) of the Address (Address No. 50) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Address 01-050-2

Contact number (Contact No. 2) of the Address (Address No.
48) of the expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Address 01-1-048-2

Contact number (Contact No. 1) of the Address (Address No. 201) of the management target centralized controller (system 2)

Address 02-201-1

Contact number (Contact No. 2) of the Pulse input of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Metering device 01-2

Contact number (Contact No. 1) of the Pulse input of the
expansion controller (1st) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

Metering device 01-1-1

QAHV system (QAHV system No. 1) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

System 01-1

QAHV system (QAHV system No. 2) of the login destination centralized controller (system 1)

System 01-1-1



For building managers Chapter 2

Chapter 2.

For building managers

When logged in with building manager privileges, all functions on the Integrated Centralized Control Web are available for use.
1. Home screen
Log into the AE-200 to display the Home screen. From here, it is possible to carry out monitoring, operation, and start various functions. When the “Initial display screen” setting is set to “Monitor/Operation,” the Monitor/Operation screen will appear. Refer to section 2-5-1 “Screen display settings” in Chapter 2 for settings methods.
Login URL: http://[IP address of the login destination centralized controller AE-200/EW-50]/control/index.html
Note: For how to log in to the Integrated Centralized Control Web using a PC or tablet, refer to 3 “Logging in to the Integrated Centralized Control Web” in Chapter 1.
Note: Login processing may require approximately 1 minute. Also, switching between pages sometimes takes approximately 3 seconds. More time may be required, depending on your communications environment, terminal functionality, and the number of devices in the managed air conditioning unit group.

[1] Menu [3] This year’s electric energy consumption
[4] Notice [6] Current date and time [1] Menu [2] Monitor/Operation [5] Entire building [7] Error notification


Displays a Home screen.


Displays a screen to monitor and operate the operation conditions of each unit group.

Energy Management Displays the energy use status of each unit group.

Schedule Notice Settings

Sets the schedule operations for each unit group.
Displays error status that are occurring in a system. Indicates the number of errors on the button.
Sets the settings such as screen display and user management.



Displays and sets the maintenance information of unit groups. 29

[2] Monitor/Operation This simply displays the operation status of the unit groups in the system. It allows you to quickly grasp the operation, stopped, and error occurrence status on each floor.

All units on the 21st to 30th floors are stopped. (Gray)
One or more units on the 11th to 20th floors are in operation.
One or more units on the 1st to 10th floors are in error. (Red)

One or more units on the floor are in operation. (Green)
All units on the floor are stopped. (Gray)
One or more units on the floor are in error. (Red)

[3] This year’s electric energy consumption This displays the electric energy consumption and outdoor temperature for all unit groups in the system. Clicking the graph changes the screen to “Energy Use Status” of the “Energy Management” menu.

Outdoor temperature

Electric energy consumption

Note: The outdoor temperature will appear only when the temperature sensor to measure the outdoor temperature is set in the Energy Management settings for the login destination centralized controller. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.
Note: “Yearly,” “Monthly,” and “Daily” can be selected for the electric energy consumption displayed on the Home screen. Refer to section 2-5-1 “Screen display settings” for settings methods. The factory default setting is “Daily.”
Note: When the target electric energy is set, the target electric energy is displayed only for “Yearly” and “Monthly”.



Outdoor temperature

Outdoor temperature

Electric energy consumption

Target electric energy consumption

Electric energy consumption

Target electric energy consumption



For building managers Chapter 2

[4] Notice This displays the errors of the units and centralized controllers in the system under the control of Integrated Centralized Control Web. Clicking this changes the screen to “Error list” of the “Notice” menu.

Number of errors of the units that are managed in the Integrated Centralized Control Web

Error code: Code No.

Group name

Address: Centralized controller No.Address No.

[5] Entire building This allows you to simultaneously operate all unit groups that are managed by the Integrated Centralized Control Web.
[6] Current date and time This displays the time of the PC on which Integrated Centralized Control Web is used.
Note: Execution time of the scheduled tasks as well as time in history log files are executed and displayed as per the time on the centralized controller.
Note: Schedule setting and date selection/display for energy management are as per the time on the PC. Note: Ensure that the time on the Integrated Centralized Control Web and on the managed centralized controller match when using
the Integrated Centralized Control Web. Refer to 2-5-3 [1] “Date and Time Settings” in Chapter 2 for details on ensuring these match.



[7] Error notification When an error occurs with the units and centralized controllers under the control of Integrated Centralized Control Web or when a communication error occurs with the centralized controller, the error can be notified with a buzzer sound and a popup message.
Note: The buzzer will not sound when the PC or tablet is in sleeping mode. It is recommended to deactivate the sleeping mode. Note: The buzzer will not sound when the speaker is muted on the PC or tablet. Note: This function is disabled by default. To enable this function, click [Screen display settings] under [Settings], and set the Error
warning setting to [ON]. Note: The setting for this function can be changed only when logged in with building manager privileges.

Error-notification popup

(1) To stop the buzzer

Click the [

] icon in the error-notification popup. The icon will change to [

(2) To check the details of the error notification
Click [Check]. The [Error List] window under the [Notice] menu will appear. This window contains detailed information about the error.

(3) To close the popup window Click [Close]. The popup [

] will disappear.

], and the buzzer will stop.



2. Usage
This section explains how to monitor and operate the air conditioning units, LOSSNAY units, Air To Water (PWFY) units, HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) units, chiller units, MEHT-CH&HP units, and general equipment that are connected to the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50, and to check the measurement data, malfunctioning units, units whose filter sign is triggered, and AHC status.

2-1. Monitoring/Operation

2-1-1. Screen sequence

Home (preview)

For building managers Chapter 2

Floor Layout

Floor Layout (simple operation)

Advanced settings

Group list

Group list (simple operation)

Measurement status



Floor Layout

HWHP operation status

AHC status

Chiller unit status

MEHT-CH&HP unit status



For building managers Chapter 2

2-1-2. Group icons
Each group icon indicates the operation condition of the group. Click the icon, and then click [Advanced] to bring up the operation settings screen.

[1] Air conditioning unit group




Filter sign ON 1 15

Interlocked LOSSNAY ON *2

Interlocked LOSSNAY OFF *3

Schedule set

Schedule disabled

Energy-saving ON
4 10

Setback ON *8

Unit unknown *9

5 6 *15

7 8 *15

Room temperature display 11 15 *17

Set temperature display 11 15

Room humidity display 12 13 *15



Hold ON *14




Operation suspended

AI-Smart Start ON*18


*1 Whether or not to display the filter sign ([ON], [OFF]) can be set in the initial settings.

*2 If the LOSSNAY unit is interlocked with the operation of Mr. Slim units, “Interlocked LOSSNAY ON” icon will appear, even when the LOSSNAY unit is operated individually. (Applicable M-NET adapter model: PAC-SF48/50/60/70/80/81MA-E)

*3 If a LOSSNAY unit is interlocked with the operation of indoor units in multiple groups, the LOSSNAY unit may be in operation, even when the “Interlocked LOSSNAY OFF” icon is displayed.

*4 The “Energy-saving ON” icon will appear while the energy-save control is performed on the LOSSNAY unit group, group of LOSSNAY with heater/humidifier, or the outdoor unit that is connected to these groups.

*5 The Occupancy/Vacancy status icon will appear only when the remote controller in the group has an occupancy sensor. (ME remote

controller (North America: PAR-U01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA)) The Occupancy/Vacancy status icon will appear only when [ ] (blue),

[ ] (gray), or [

] (blue/gray) is selected in the initial settings.

*6 The Occupancy/Vacancy status icon takes priority over the “Interlocked LOSSNAY ON” and “Interlocked LOSSNAY OFF” icons.

*7 The Brightness/Darkness status icon will not appear only when the remote controller in the group has a brightness sensor. (ME remote

controller (North America: PAR-U01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA)) The Brightness/Darkness status icon will appear only when [ ]

(yellow), [ ] (gray), or [

] (yellow/gray) is selected in the initial settings.

*8 The “Setback ON” icon takes priority over the Brightness/Darkness status icon.

*9 The “Unit unknown” icon will stay when the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 cannot be recognized after startup. Check for proper connection of the air conditioning units and proper group settings.

*10 The “Energy-saving ON” icon takes priority over the “Room temperature display” and “Room humidity display” icons.

*11 Display option of the temperature can be selected from [Room temp. (Always)], [Room temp. (During operation)], [Set temp.], [Room temp. (Always)/Set temp.], [Room temp.(During op.)/Set temp.], or [Hide] in the initial settings. When [Set temp.], [Room temp.(Always)/Set temp.], or [Room temp.(During op.)/Set temp.] is selected, the setting is effective only on the floor layout.

*12 The “Room humidity display” icon will appear only when the remote controller in the group has a humidity sensor. (ME remote controller (North America: PAR-U01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA))

*13 Whether or not to display the humidity ([ON], [OFF]) can be set in the initial settings.

*14 The “Hold ON” icon is displayed for the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not for the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

*15 Initial settings can be configured in the basic settings screen on the LCD or the Web browser for initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details. For how the icon and value are displayed according to the settings, refer to [2] “Floor Layout display” in 2-1-3 “Monitoring the operation status”.

*16 The “Operation suspended” icon appears when an emergency stop signal is received through an external contact or from the building management system (BACnet®) or while the 30-minute operation suspension is executed by the Peak Cut function (energy-save control function).

*17 The outlet air temperature is displayed for the outlet air temperature control units.

*18 The “AI-Smart Start ON” icon will appear 90 minutes before the scheduled start time and stays on the screen until the scheduled start time. If the room temperature has not reached the set temperature at the scheduled start time, the icon will remain on the screen after the scheduled start time. The icon will disappear when the set temperature has been reached.



[2] LOSSNAY unit (ventilator) group




Filter sign ON 1 6

Schedule set *3

Schedule disabled 3 Energy-saving ON 2 Night Purge ON *3

Hold ON *7

Operation suspended


[3] Air To Water (PWFY) unit group and HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit group




Schedule set

Schedule disabled

Energy-saving ON *2

Water temperature display *4


[4] Chiller unit group



Hold ON 710

Operation suspended


Schedule set

Schedule disabled

[5] MEHT-CH&HP unit group




Schedule set

Schedule disabled

[6] Other equipment group




Schedule set 5 6

Schedule disabled

Hold ON *7

*1 Whether or not to display the filter sign ([ON], [OFF]) can be set in the initial settings.

*2 The “Energy-saving ON” icon will appear while the energy-save control is performed on the LOSSNAY unit group, group of LOSSNAY with heater/humidifier, or the outdoor unit that is connected to these groups. This icon will not appear for the HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit groups.

3 If Schedule is set during Night Purge operation, then the order of priority for display will be “Night Purge ON” “Schedule set”. Even if Schedule is disabled, the order of priority for display will be “Night Purge ON” “Schedule disabled”.
4 The “Water temperature display” icon will not appear for the HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit groups.

*5 If any schedule setting is applied to a DIDO controller whose prohibition setting is enabled (“Allow operations” is set to [No operations] on the group settings screen in the initial settings), the “Schedule set” icon will appear, but the scheduled operations will not be performed. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods

*6 Initial settings can be configured in the basic settings screen on the Initial Setting Tool, LCD, or the Web browser for initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

*7 The “Hold ON” icon is displayed for the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not for the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

*8 The “Operation suspended” icon appears when an emergency stop signal is received through an external contact or from the building management system (BACnet®) or while the 30-minute operation suspension is executed by the Peak Cut function (energy-save control function).

*9 The “Operation suspended” icon will appear only for the Air To Water (PWFY) unit groups.

*10 The “Hold ON” icon will not appear for the HWHP (QAHV) unit groups.

Note: Icons can be changed in the group settings screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.



For building managers Chapter 2

2-1-3. Monitoring the operation status
This section explains how to monitor the operation status of units.
[1] Home screen The Home screen displays the operation status, electric energy consumption, and current error status of the units on each floor. Placing the mouse cursor over the “Floor display area” displays a preview of the floor layout so that you can check the unit operation status. Clicking “Displayed floor switching area” switches the floors displayed in “Floor display area” in units of 10 floors.

Displayed floor switching area Switches the floors displayed in the floor
display area.
Floor display area Displays the operation
status of the air conditioning units for 10
Number of units currently in error

Electric energy consumption Displays the electric energy consumption and outdoor temperature for the entire system. Clicking this displays the Energy Management screen.
Notice Displays the errors that are occurring. Clicking this displays the Notice screen.
Error notification Appears when an error occurs. Place the mouse cursor on the floor display area.
Preview display area Displays a preview of the floor layout and the operation status of air conditioning units.

Undefined floor Click to display the unit
groups that are not assigned to a floor.
Displayed floor switching area
Floor display area

Entire building Click to operate all unit groups at once.


Switches the floors displayed in the floor display area in units of 10 floors. It simply displays the status of the air conditioning units registered to the floors.
(Green): One or more units on the floor are in operation. (Gray): All units on the floor are stopped. (Red): One or more units on the floor are in error.
Note: The number of buttons for switching displayed floors that are shown differs depending on the settings configured in “Floor settings” of Initial Setting Tool.
Displays the operation status of the air conditioning units for 10 floors. It simply displays the status of the air conditioning units registered to the floors.

Green Gray Red

: One or more units on the floor are in operation. : All units on the floor are stopped. : One or more units on the floor are in error.



Item Electric energy consumption Notice
Error notification
Preview display area

Displays the electric energy consumption of the entire air conditioning system. “Yearly,” “Monthly,” and “Daily” can be set for the display.
Displays the units with errors occurring in the entire air conditioning system.
The error notification appears when an error occurs and it can be notified with a buzzer sound. Clicking “Check” changes the screen to “Error list” of the “Notice” menu.
Note: To enable this function, click [Screen display settings] under [Settings], and set the Error warning setting to [ON].
Placing the mouse cursor over the floor display area displays a preview of the floor layout display.

[2] Floor Layout display Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [Floor Layout] or “Floor display area” to display the operation status of unit groups on the floor layout. The floor layout to be displayed can be changed by clicking “Floor display area” and “Displayed floor switching area” while the floor layout is displayed.

Floor name
Number of units currently in error

Click to move to the upper floor.
Display style Switches the display style.

Unit type Switches the unit type to be displayed.
Close Click to return to the Home screen.
Select all Click to select all unit groups that are displayed.

Displayed floor switching area Switches the floors displayed in the floor
display area.
Floor display area Switches the floor to

Click to move to the lower floor.

Zoom bar Click to zoom in/out the floor layout.
Deselect all Click to cancel all selections at once.
Group icon

Group name
Room temperature/ set temperature/humidity

Note: The room temperature, set temperature, or humidity can be displayed next to the group icon. The temperature display setting can be changed in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for how to make the temperature display setting.

Humidity display

Room temp.

Set temp.

Room temp./Set temp.

OFF *1

*1 Even if the humidity display setting is ON, the set temperature takes precedence when “Room temp./Set temp.”is set.

Note: If you click “Floor display area” in the Home screen, the menu changes to [Monitor/Operation] and the floor layout of the clicked floor is displayed.
Note: If a floor layout is not registered, a floor layout will not be displayed and all unit groups will be displayed in “Undefined floor.”
Note: The group name can be displayed using up to 10 double-byte, or 10 to 18 single-byte characters. The number of characters that can be displayed differs depending on character type. Name setting is carried out through initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.



For building managers Chapter 2

[3] Group list Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [Show groups] to display the operation status of unit groups.

Controller Click to narrow down the groups
to display.
Number of units currently in error

Select all Click to select all displayed unit groups at once.
Deselect all Click to cancel all selections at once.
Group icon

Room temperature
Room humidity

Set temperature

Operation mode

The operation mode currently in use is displayed in “Operation mode”. · Air conditioning unit group






Auto (Cool)

Auto (Heat)


· LOSSNAY unit (ventilator) group


Heat Recovery


· Air To Water (PWFY) unit group


Heating ECO

Hot Water



Note: In [Controller], it is possible to narrow down the unit groups for group display into “Centralized controller units,” “Block units,” and “Energy management block units.”
Note: For how to configure centralized controller name setting, block and energy management block settings, and name settings, refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings).
Note: The group name can be displayed using up to 10 double-byte, or 10 to 18 single-byte characters. The number of characters that can be displayed differs depending on character type. Name setting is carried out through initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.



Centralized controller selection

Block selection

Energy management block selection

Centralized controller name

Block name

  • Example of narrowing down the range in [Controller]

Energy management block name

1st floor Centralized controller (Centralized controller units)

Company A (Energy mgmt block units)

Administration Dept. (Block units)

Accounting Dept. (Block units)

2nd floor Expansion controller (Centralized controller units)

Sales Dept. (Block units)

Company A Facility (Energy mgmt block units)

3rd floor Expansion controller (Centralized controller units)

No-name block 4 (Energy mgmt block units)

4th floor Expansion controller (Centralized controller units)



For building managers Chapter 2

[4] HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit group Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [HWHP] to display the operation status of HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit groups.

Note: [HWHP] will not appear if no HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) units have been registered to any group.

Note: Fan mode will appear only for CAHV and QAHV units. Brine temperature will appear only for CRHV units.

Note: When CAHV, CRHV, and QAHV units exist all together, QAHV units are displayed at top.

Controller Click to narrow down the
HWHP unit groups to display.

Select all Click to select all displayed unit groups at once.
Deselect all Click to cancel all selections at once.

Group name

Group icons

QAHV units


(1) QAHV unit
Operation mode
Set water temperature

Control water temperature

Hot water storage temperature
Inlet water temperature
Fan mode

Outdoor temperature

Outlet water temperature

The operation mode currently in use is displayed in “Operation mode”.
Touching the control water temperature button will display the value of the water temperature sensor installed in the HWHP unit group. Refer to the outdoor unit manual for details about the location of the sensor.



Three-sensor 41

(2) CAHV/CRHV unit
Operation mode

Representative water temperature

Brine temperature Inlet water temperature Fan mode

Set water temperature

Outdoor temperature

The operation mode currently in use is displayed in “Operation mode”.


Heating ECO

Hot Water


Outlet water temperature

[5] Chiller unit group Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [Chiller] to display the operation status of chiller unit groups.
Note: [Chiller] will not appear if no chiller units have been registered to any group. Note: AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 cannot be connected to AIR COOLED CHILLING UNIT EACV-P900YA(-N)(-BS). [EACV/EAHV series P900 (30HP)] The operation status of EACV/EAHV series P900 (30HP) is shown as follows.

Controller Click to narrow down the chiller unit groups to display.
Group name Group icons Operation mode Set temperature

Select all Click to select all displayed unit groups at once. Deselect all Click to cancel all selections at once.
Fan mode

Temperatures Representative inlet water temperature, representative outlet water temperature, outdoor temperature, inlet water temperature, and outlet water temperature are displayed.



For building managers Chapter 2

[EACV/EAHV series P1500 (50HP)/P1800 (60HP)] The operation status of EACV/EAHV series P1500 (50HP)/P1800 (60HP) is shown as follows. Only the system leader group icon is available for selecting the group. Touching the system leader group icon also selects the icons for the simultaneous operation group in the same system.

Simultaneous operation group name

Select all System

Simultaneous operation group icon
Operation status

System leader group (Simultaneous operation group)
Simultaneous operation group
Simultaneous operation group

The operation mode currently in use is displayed in “Operation mode”.



Heating ECO Anti-freeze



[6] MEHT-CH&HP unit group Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [MEHT-CH&HP] to display the operation status of MEHTCH&HP unit groups.
Note: [MEHT-CH&HP] will not appear if no MEHT-CH&HP units have been registered to any group.
Controller Click to narrow down the MEHT-CH&HP unit groups
to display.

Group name Group icons Operation mode
Set temperature

Temperatures (Manager3000) Representative inlet water temperature, representative outlet water temperature, outdoor temperature, inlet water temperature, and outlet water temperature are displayed. (Temperatures are detected by the representative unit.)

Temperatures (W3000) Outdoor temperature, inlet water temperature, and outlet water temperature are displayed.

The operation mode currently in use is displayed in “Operation mode”.





For building managers Chapter 2

[7] Measurement Status This section explains how to check the measurement data of the temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and metering devices. Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [Measurement Status] to display the Measurement Status screen.
Note: An AI controller (PAC-YG63MCA), a commercially available temperature sensor, and a humidity sensor are required to measure the temperature and humidity.
Note: A PI controller (PAC-YG60MCA) and a commercially available pulse-output metering device is required to measure the electric, water, heat, and gas consumptions.
Note: A PI controller (PAC-YG60MCA) is not required when the built-in Pulse Input (PI) is used on the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50.

Measurement device icon

Controller Click to narrow down the measurement device to display.

Measurement device name

Measurement value

Item Controller
Measurement value

Narrows down the measurement devices to display on a centralized controller basis.
The current measurement values will appear. Note: The following icons are used to indicate the measuring devices. Icons will appear in orange when the measurement value reaches the upper or lower alarm threshold value that has been set in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for the settings methods.


Upper/lower alarm threshold value is reached. (Orange)

Communication error/sensor error

Temperature sensor


Humidity sensor


Metering device


1 When there is a communication error, the measurement value of the temperature or humidity sensor will be “–.”
2 When there is a communication error, the measurement value of the metering device will be the measured value immediately before the error detection.



[8] AHC Status On the AHC Status screen, the status of input and output ports of each Advanced HVAC CONTROLLER (AHC) can be monitored. Click [Monitor/Operation] in the menu, and then click [AHC Status] to display the AHC Status screen.

AHC icon AHC address

Output status

Status of related equipment
Input status
Item Controller
AHC icon
AHC address Input status
Output status

Description Narrows down the measurement devices to display on a centralized controller basis. The following icons indicate the AHC status.
: Normal
: A communication error is occurring or an error signal has been input to the AHC.
The address of the connected AHC will appear. [Input port code + Input port name + Input status] will appear. DI1­DI15 (Digital input), EI1­EI4 (Extended digital input), AI1­AI8 (Analog input)
Note: The status of the unused ports will not appear. Note: If a communication error occurs with AHC, no port information will appear. [Output port code + Output port name + Output status] will appear. DO1­DO9 (Digital output), EO1­EO4 (Extended digital output), AO1­AO2 (Analog output) Note: The status of the unused ports will not appear. Note: If a communication error occurs with AHC, no port information will appear. Click to display the status of the equipment that are used to control the equipments that are connected to the AHC.

Status of related equipment

*1 The item will not appear if the number of units is “0.”



For building managers Chapter 2

2-1-4. Selecting the icons of the groups to be operated
In the screens under the [Monitor/Operation] menu, select the icon(s) of the group(s) to be operated as explained below.
[1] Selecting group icons
(1) Selecting unit group(s)

(1) In the Floor Layout screen or group list, click the icon(s) of the group(s) you want to operate. The selected group icon(s) will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. Click again to deselect. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.

Floor Layout

Group selection

Group list

Group selection

Deselect all

Deselect all



(2) Selecting all unit groups on the selected floor
(1) Select the floor for which you wish to perform operation by making a selection in “Displayed floor switching area” and then “Floor display area” on the Home (Preview) screen, and then click [Select all] on the [Floor Layout] screen. All icon(s) on the selected floor will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.

Home (Preview)

Floor Layout

Select all

Displayed floor switching area
Select the unit of floors that includes the floor for which you wish to perform

Floor display area Select the floor for which
you wish to perform


Deselect all



(3) Selecting all groups
(1) In the group list, click [Select all]. The all icon(s) will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.
Group list

Select all Deselect all

(4) Selecting all groups of a given centralized controller
(1) In the group list, click [Controller]. In the controller selection screen, select a centralized controller. The unit groups that are under the control of the selected centralized controller will appear. In the group list (centralized controller units), click [Select all]. All icons will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.


Group list

Controller selection Groups of the selected controller Select all
Deselect all


(5) Selecting all groups in a given block

(1) In the group list, click [Controller]. In the block selection screen, select a block. The unit groups that belong to the selected block will appear. In the group list (block units), click [Select all]. All icons will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.

Group list

Block selection

Groups of the selected block

Select all


Deselect all




For building managers Chapter 2

(6) Selecting all groups in a given energy management block

(1) In the group list, click [Controller]. In the block selection screen, select an energy management block. The unit groups that belong to the selected energy management block will appear. In the group list (energy management block units), click [Select all]. All icons will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.

Group list

Block selection

Groups of the selected energy management block

Select all


Deselect all

(7) Selecting all groups in the entire building (1) In the Home screen, click [Entire building]. To cancel all group selections, click [Close] in the taskbar.

Entire building


Note: HWHP units, chiller units, and MEHT-CH&HP units cannot be selected with the [Entire building] button.



[2] Selecting equipment type (1) When the equipment types of all selected groups are the same
Selecting the group icons to operate and clicking [Advanced] in the taskbar will bring up the operation settings screen for the selected groups. Refer to section 2-1-5 “Advanced settings” for details about the advanced settings.
Selecting groups of the same equipment


Advanced settings

Note: [ON] and [OFF] operations can be performed on the taskbar for the selected unit groups.
(2) When the equipment types of the selected groups are different
Selecting the group icons to operate will bring up the equipment type selection options in the taskbar. Select an equipment type, and click [Operations] to display the operation settings screen. Refer to section 2-1-5 “Advanced settings” for details about the advanced settings.


Operations Click to operate all groups of the selected equipment type at once.

Note: When two or more equipment types are selected, only the [ON/OFF] and [Schedule] settings can be configured. Note: [Other equipment] in the taskbar indicates general equipment.



[3] Selecting HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV), chiller unit, and MEHT-CH&HP unit groups (1) Selecting HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit groups
(1) In the HWHP screen, click the group you want to operate. The selected HWHP unit group will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. Click again to deselect.
Note: Clicking [Select all] will select CAHV and CRHV units only. Note: Multiple unit groups can be selected only for CAHV and CRHV units.
Deselect all
Select all

For building managers Chapter 2

(2) Selecting chiller unit groups (1) In the Chiller screen, click the group(s) you want to operate. The selected chiller unit group(s) will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. Click again to deselect. To cancel all group selections, click [Deselect all] or [Close] in the taskbar.
Deselect all Select all




(3) Selecting MEHT-CH&HP unit group (1) In the MEHT-CH&HP screen, click the group you want to operate. The selected MEHT-CH&HP unit group will appear with a checkmark and a dark blue frame. Click again to deselect. To cancel the selection, click [Close] in the taskbar.



For building managers Chapter 2

2-1-5. Advanced settings
In the screens under [Monitor/Operation] menu, selecting the group icon(s) and clicking [Advanced] in the taskbar will bring up the operation settings screen for the selected group(s). The current operation status will appear. Change necessary operation settings, and then click [Send] to reflect the changes. Click [Close] to return to the previous screen without making any changes.
Note: When the setting is changed from other controllers, the operation status shown on the screen will not be updated while the screen is open.
[1] Air conditioning unit group

Set temperature Group name
Operation mode
Interlocked LOSSNAY ON/OFF
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Air Direction Hold


Prohibit Remote Controller Operation

Fan Speed

Fan speed of interlocked LOSSNAY

Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Filter Sign Reset Click to reset the filter sign.

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode
Set temperature
Air Direction Fan Speed

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Click the desired operation mode. [Cool], [Dry], [Fan], [Heat], [Auto], [Setback]

Select an operation mode.

Note: When the operation mode signals from the cooling/heating switchover model of units are mixed (Cool and Heat), the operation mode will not change and the selected operation mode will blink.

Note: The Setback mode can be selected on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Depending on settings values resulting from restrictions by device functions and set temperature range restriction functions, temperature settings ranges may be restricted.

Note: For the same indoor unit, when changing operation mode and set temperature from multiple operation devices (system controllers, remote controllers), display of outside the allowable settings range may occur.

Adjust the set temperature with
the buttons.

Note: Depending on the unit model, setting in 0.5°C units and 1°C units is possible.
Note: If the indoor unit supports the dual-set-point function in the Auto mode and when the operation mode above is set to Auto or Setback, two set temperatures for Cool mode and Heat mode can be set.
Note: When the indoor units that support the dual-set-point function and the indoor units that do not support the dual-set-point function exist in the same group, only one set temperature can be set in the Auto mode.
Note: Set the outlet air temperature for the outlet air temperature control units.

Note: The set temperature is not displayed when the operation group contains both free-plan units and outlet air temperature control units.

Adjust the air direction with the




Adjust the fan speed


with the




Item Interlocked LOSSNAY ON/OFF Fan speed of interlocked LOSSNAY

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the interlocked LOSSNAY units (ventilator).

Select [High] or [Low].

Switches the fan speed of the interlocked LOSSNAY units (ventilator).

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note: When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set. Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will not be disabled.

Enables/Disables the Hold function. When the Hold function is enabled, the scheduled operations are disabled.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will also be disabled.
Note: [Hold type] can be specified in the [Advanced] screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Filter Sign Reset

Select [Reset] and click [Send].

Resets the filter maintenance icon [ ] and the cumulative operation time that is used to determine the display timing of the icon. When resetting, ensure the check mark is displayed as ” “.
Note: Reset the filter sign after cleaning the filter.
Note: After the filter sign is reset, it takes up to an hour to clear the filter sign display on the local remote controllers.
Note: Refer to 2-1-6 “Resetting the cumulative filter usage time” for how to reset the cumulative filter usage time.

Prohibit Remote Controller Operation
Send Close

Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”.
Click [Send]. Click [Close].

The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers and when the Integrated Centralized Control Web is logged in with general user privileges: ON/OFF, Operation mode, Set temperature, Filter Sign Reset, Air Direction, Fan Speed, and Timer.

: Permit

: Prohibit

Note: If “Timer” operation is prohibited, scheduled operations set on the local remote controller will be disabled.
Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list.
Click to return to the group list without making any changes.

  • After [Send] is clicked, it takes a while for the status of the LOSSNAY unit group icons to be updated. * If a LOSSNAY unit is interlocked with the operation of indoor units in multiple groups, the LOSSNAY unit may be in operation, even when
    the LOSSNAY unit is displayed as “stopped”.



For building managers Chapter 2

Note: When the indoor units support a dual-set-point function, two different set temperatures (one for cooling and the other for heating) can be set for the Auto mode. When this function is used, indoor units automatically switch over between cooling and heating, based on the room temperature, to maintain the room temperature within the two predetermined temperatures. The graph below shows an example of operation patterns of units operated in the dual- set-point mode.

Set temp. (Cool)

Operation patterns in the dual-set-point mode
Room temperature fluctuates in response to changes in outdoor temperature.

Set temp. (Heat)




Automatically switches over between cooling and heating, based on the room temperature, to maintain the room temperature within the two predetermined temperatures.

Room temp.

If the indoor units of the selected unit group support the dual-set-point function, two different set temperatures (one for cooling and the other for heating) can be set.
(1) Temperature setting for a group in which all indoor units support dual- set-point mode

Set temperature for cooling
Set temperature for heating

(2) Temperature setting for when the groups that support the dual-set-point mode and the groups that do not are selected together

Set temperature for cooling
Set temperature for heating

Set temperature (singleset-point) for groups that do not support the dualset- point mode



[2] LOSSNAY unit (ventilator) group

Group name ON/OFF

Fan Speed Hold


Prohibit Remote Controller Operation

Ventilation mode
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Filter Sign Reset Click to reset the filter sign.

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Ventilation mode
Fan Speed
Humidify Schedule
Filter Sign Reset
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation Send Close

Operation method


Turns on or off the units.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: If the units are turned off during the Night Purge operation, the Night Purge

operation will not be performed until the next day.

Select a ventilation mode.

Click the desired ventilation mode. [Bypass], [Heat Recovery], [Auto] Note: This item will not appear during the Night Purge operation.


Adjust the fan speed with the

Note: During the Night Purge operation, the fan speed can be adjusted but


not be displayed.

Select [ON], [OFF], or [Auto].

Switches the operation status of the humidification function. Note: This item will not appear during the Night Purge operation.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note: When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Enables/Disables the Hold function. When the Hold function is enabled, the scheduled operations are disabled.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will also be disabled.
Note: [Hold type] can be specified in the [Advanced] screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Select [Reset] and click [Send].

Resets the filter maintenance icon [ ] and the cumulative operation time that is used to determine the display timing of the icon. When resetting, ensure the check mark is displayed as ” “.
Note: Reset the filter sign after cleaning the filter.
Note: After the filter sign is reset, it takes up to an hour to clear the filter sign display on the local remote controllers.
Note: Refer to 2-1-6 “Resetting the cumulative filter usage time” for how to reset the cumulative filter usage time.

Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”.

The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers and when the Integrated Centralized Control Web is logged in with general user privileges: ON/OFF and Filter Sign Reset.

: Permit

: Prohibit

Click [Send]. Click [Close].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list. Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



For building managers Chapter 2

[3] Air To Water (PWFY) unit group

Group name
Operation mode

Set temperature Hold

Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Send Click to reflect the changes made.


Prohibit Remote Controller Operation

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode Set temperature
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select an operation Click the desired operation mode.


[Heating], [Heating ECO], [Hot Water], [Anti-freeze], [Cooling]

Adjust the set temperature with
the buttons.

The settable temperature ranges depend on the operation mode and the unit model.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note: When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Enables/Disables the Hold function. When the Hold function is enabled, the scheduled operations are disabled.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will also be disabled.
Note: [Hold type] can be specified in the [Advanced] screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”.

The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers and when the Integrated Centralized Control Web is logged in with general user privileges: ON/OFF, Operation mode, and Set temperature.

: Permit

: Prohibit

Click [Send].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list.

Click [Close].

Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



[4] HWHP (QAHV, CAHV, CRHV) unit group

(1) QAHV unit group
Group name ON/OFF

Mode settings Operation ON sensor, Operation OFF sensor, Operation ON differential
Set temperature

Operation mode


Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Fan Mode
Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Error Reset

Prohibit Remote Controller Operation
Send Click to reflect the changes made. Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode
Mode settings
Set temperature
Fan Mode
Error Reset
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select an operation Click the desired operation mode.


[Mode 1]

Displays the selected mode setting (Operation ON sensor, Operation OFF sensor,


Operation ON differential).

Note:The setting can be made for each operation mode on the AE-200 LCD.


The settable temperature ranges depend on the operation mode and the unit model.

Select [Normal] or [Snow].
Select [Available] or [Not Available].
Select [Reset] and click [Send]. Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”. Click [Send]. Click [Close].

The fan can be set to keep rotating even while the unit is stopped to avoid snow accumulation on the fan guard during the winter. Select [Normal] to stop the fan while the unit is stopped. Select [Snow] to operate the fan even while the unit is stopped.
Enables/Disables the schedules. Note:When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.
Resets the error. When resetting, ensure the check mark is displayed as ” “.
The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers: ON/OFF

: Permit

: Prohibit

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list. Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



For building managers Chapter 2

(2) CAHV/CRHV unit group
Group name ON/OFF
Operation mode
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Set temperature Hold


Prohibit Remote Controller Operation

Fan Mode
Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Error Reset

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode Set temperature
Error Reset
Fan Mode
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select an operation Click the desired operation mode.


[Heating], [Heating ECO], [Hot Water], [Anti-freeze]

Adjust the set temperature with
the buttons.

The settable temperature ranges depend on the operation mode and the unit model.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note:When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Enables/Disables the Hold function. When the Hold function is enabled, the scheduled operations are disabled.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will also be disabled.
Note: [Hold type] can be specified in the [Advanced] screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Select [Reset] and click [Send].

Resets the error. When resetting, ensure the check mark is displayed as ” “.

Select [Normal] or [Snow].

The fan can be set to keep rotating even while the unit is stopped to avoid snow accumulation on the fan guard during the winter. Select [Normal] to stop the fan while the unit is stopped. Select [Snow] to operate the fan even while the unit is stopped.
Note: The fan mode for CRHV units cannot be operated.

Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”.

The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers and when the Integrated Centralized Control Web is logged in with general user privileges: ON/OFF, Operation mode, and Set temperature.

: Permit

: Prohibit

Click [Send].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list.

Click [Close].

Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



[5] Chiller unit group
Group name ON/OFF
Operation mode
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Set temperature


Prohibit Remote Controller Operation

Fan Mode
Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode
Set temperature
Fan Mode
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select an operation Click the desired operation mode.


[Cooling], [Heating], [Heating ECO], [Anti-freeze]

Adjust the set temperature with
the buttons.

The settable temperature ranges depend on the operation mode and the unit model.

Select [Normal] or [Snow].

The fan can be set to keep rotating even while the unit is stopped to avoid snow accumulation on the fan guard during the winter. Select [Normal] to stop the fan while the unit is stopped. Select [Snow] to operate the fan even while the unit is stopped.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note:When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Click the operation item to switch the setting between “Prohibit” and “Permit”.

The following operations or setting change can be prohibited from the local remote controllers and when the Integrated Centralized Control Web is logged in with general user privileges: ON/OFF, Operation mode, and Set temperature.

: Permit

: Prohibit

Click [Send]. Click [Close].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list. Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



For building managers Chapter 2

[6] MEHT-CH&HP unit group
Group name ON/OFF
Operation mode

Set temperature

Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Send Click to reflect the changes made. Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Operation mode
Set temperature
Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select an operation Click the desired operation mode.


[Cooling], [Heating]

Adjust the set temperature with
the buttons.

The settable temperature ranges depend on the operation mode and the unit model.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note: When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Click [Send].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list.

Click [Close].

Click to return to the group list without making any changes.



[7] Other equipment group
Group name ON/OFF



Close Click to close the settings screen without making any

Send Click to reflect the changes made.

Send Click to reflect the changes made.
Close Click to close the settings screen without making any changes.

Item ON/OFF Schedule
Send Close

Operation method


Select [ON] or [OFF]. Turns on or off the units.

Select [Available] or [Not Available].

Enables/Disables the schedules. Note: When [Not Available] is set, the scheduled operations are disabled even if schedules are set.

Enables/Disables the Hold function. When the Hold function is enabled, the scheduled operations are disabled.

Select [ON] or [OFF].

Note: The operations that have been scheduled on the remote controller will also be disabled.
Note: [Hold type] can be specified in the [Advanced] screen in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for details.

Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.

Click [Send].

Click to reflect the changes made and return to the group list.

Click [Close].

Click to return to the group list without making any changes.

Note: General equipment whose prohibition setting is enabled (“Allow operations” is set to [No operations] on the group settings screen
in the initial settings) cannot be operated and an operation prohibition mark is displayed. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.



For building managers Chapter 2

2-1-6. Resetting the cumulative filter usage time
The filter usage time can be reset after cleaning filters on the air conditioning units.
Note: This function is available only when logged in with building manager privileges. Note: The filter usage time can also be reset for the air conditioning unit group whose filter sign is not turned on. Note: Cumulative filter usage time can also be reset by displaying a list of air conditioning unit groups on which the filter sign is
displayed. To display the list, click [Filter sign] under the [Notice] menu. Refer to 2-4-4 “Filter sign”.
[1] Selecting unit group(s)
In the Floor Layout screen or group list, select the icons corresponding to the group or groups whose filter usage time is to be reset.
Note: When filter cleaning was performed on some or all groups on a given floor, click [Select all] on the Floor Layout screen to select all groups on the floor, and then reset the filter usage time.

Floor Layout

Group list

Advanced settings
[2] Resetting the cumulative filter usage time Click [Advanced] to open the operation settings window for the selected group. Click Filter Sign Reset to display the check mark, and click [Send].
Advanced settings
Filter Sign Reset

Advanced settings

Note: The filter signs in each group will be reset if they are displayed. Note: The cumulative filter usage time in each unit will be reset if no filter signs are displayed. Note: If there are groups with filter signs and no filter signs, a dialog will appear asking to choose between resetting the
cumulative filter usage time for the unit group whose filter sign is turned on or resetting the cumulative filter usage time for all selected unit groups.



2-1-7. Operation suspension function
When an emergency stop signal is received through an external contact or from the building management system (BACnet®) or while the 30-minute operation suspension is executed by the Peak Cut function (energy-save control function), the operation control status will be indicated with an icon and a message. While this indicator is displayed, the status cannot be changed from [OFF] to [ON].
Note: Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for receiving an emergency stop signal through an external contact. Note: Refer to Instruction Book (BACnet® function) for receiving an emergency stop signal from BACnet®. Note: Refer to Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for information about the Peak Cut function (energy-save control function). Note: Equipment connected to a DIDO controller (PAC-YG66DCA) are excluded from the operation suspension function.
[1] Floor Layout screen or group list
When a given group of air conditioning units has made an emergency stop or is stopped under Peak Cut control, the icon [ ] will appear and all the units in the group will stop or remain stopped.

Floor Layout

Group list

[2] Quick access on the task bar
When a group is selected whose operation is under suspension, its operation status will appear as [OFF], and this status cannot be changed from the task bar.



For building managers Chapter 2

Advanced settings screen

When a given group of air conditioning units has made an emergency stop or is stopped under Peak Cut control, the icon [ ] will appear next to the [ON/OFF] button and next to the [ON/OFF] button under “Prohibit Remote Controller Operation.” While this icon is displayed, the operation status cannot be changed. The type of operation suspension function will appear in the top center of the window.

ON/OFF OFF will be highlighted while the group is under operation suspension.
“Operation suspended” icon

“Operation suspended” icon

Type of operation suspension function (Emergency stop or Energy-save)

Prohibit Remote Controller Operation The ON/OFF button will be grayed out and not available for selection.

“Operation suspended” icon
Prohibit Remote Controller Operation


The operation status cannot be changed from [OFF] to [ON] while the group is under operation suspension.

The icon [ ] appears while the group is under operation suspension.

When an emergency stop signal is received through an external contact or from the building

management system (BACnet®), [

] will appear.

While the 30-minute operation suspension is executed by the Peak Cut function,


] will appear.

When the group is under operation suspension, the ON/OFF button under “Prohibit Remote Controller Operation” will be grayed out and not available for selection.



2-2. Energy management
The energy-control-related status, such as electric energy consumption, operation time, and outdoor temperature, can be displayed in a graph. Also, preset target value of the electric energy consumption can be checked.
Note: Energy use status data and ranking data can be output in a CSV format. Note: Output to CSV is only possible on a PC. Output from tablet (Android, iOS tablet) is not possible and the [Download] button is
not displayed. Note: File names, as well as date formats, delimiter characters, and temperature units (°C, °F) within the files output as CSV will
use formats set as initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods. Note: For the file name and AE No. within the files output as CSV, refer to 4 “Name Display” in Chapter 1. Note: Energy management function cannot be used on HWHP, chiller units, and MEHT-CH&HP units.
Important Energy management settings and measurement settings are required beforehand to display a graph. Refer to the Instruction
Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.
2-2-1. Energy Use Status
On the Energy Use Status screen, the energy-control-related status, such as electric energy consumption, operation time, and outdoor temperature, can be displayed in a graph. Operators can check the detailed status of given indoor units by specifying the date to display the data per unit address, group, block, or energy management block. Also, the status of other indoor units can be displayed at the same time for comparison. Displaying energy-control- related status of each hour, day, and month in a graph visualizes the energy- saving status. Click [Energy Management] in the menu, and then click [Energy Use Status] to access the Energy Use Status screen.
(1) Click [Edit] to set the display items.

Display target Comparison target
Graph region

Edit Click to change the display target and comparison target.
Display items for line graph
Detailed information Mousing over the graph area will display the values on the bar and line graphs.
Display items for bar graph

Download Click to output the data in a CSV format. (This button is not displayed on a tablet.)
Display target

Display range

Date to display the data

Display items for line graph

Display items for bar graph

Display range
Display items for line graph
Cancel Click to return to the graph screen without making any

Comparison target
Same as display target Check the checkbox to set the same date as the date selected in “Date to display the data”.
Comparison date
Display items for bar graph
OK Click to confirm the changes and return to the graph screen.



For building managers Chapter 2

Item Display range

Select [Block], [Group], [Address], or [Energy mgmt block] to display its data. Select a centralized controller, and then select a block, group, address, or energy management block to display its data.

Out of the units that are under the control of the centralized controller selected in [Centralized controller selection], only the blocks and energy management blocks to which the unit groups managed by tenant managers belong are displayed.
Target block selection

Centralized controller selection

Display target selection

Display target

Target group selection

Target address selection

Target energy management block selection

Note: When the name has not been registered, the display varies with the display range setting as follows.

Display range Block Group
Address *2
Energy management block

Name display “Block” + AE No. 1 + Block number “Group” + AE No. 1 + Group number <Built-in Pulse Input (PI)>
“Metering device” + AE No. 1
<Other than built-in Pulse Input (PI)> “Address” + AE No.
1 + Address number
“Energy mgmt block” + AE No. *1 + Energy management block number

1 For AE No., refer to 4 “Name Display” in Chapter 1. 2 There is no function to register a name per address.
Note: DIDO controllers (PAC-YG66DCA) are not displayed.




Description Click [Date] to specify a date to display the data. The date can be specified as daily, monthly, or yearly.

Year selection

Month selection

Date selection

Date to display the data

Note: The storage period of the energy use status data is as follows.

Date selection Year Month Date

Data storage period The last 3 years including the current year The last 25 months including the current month The last 25 months including the current month

Comparison target
Comparison date

Select a block name, group name, address number, or energy management block name to display the comparison data. (The comparison target selection screen is the same as the display target selection screen.)
Specify a date to display the comparison data. (The comparison date selection screen is the same as the display target date selection screen.)



For building managers Chapter 2



Select an item to display its data in the bar graph. Select a display range from [Block], [Group], [Address], or [Energy mgmt block] to display its data. The selectable items vary, depending on the display range. Only the items that can be displayed in the graph appear. Refer to the table below for details.

Indoor unit Display range

Display items for bar graph

Display item

3 4





1 2

Energy management block

PI controller5 8/Built-in Pulse Input (PI)6 8

Display range

Display item

Display items for bar graph Address

1 The electric energy (kWh) consumed by indoor units will appear in the graph. The values are apportioned based on the setting for “Indoor unit operation apportioning mode”. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for the “Indoor unit operation apportioning mode” setting.
2 A small amount of electric energy consumption (kWh) may appear in the graph even when no indoor units have been operated. This is because the standby electric energy is apportioned, which is normal.
3 The indoor unit’s cumulative operation time (minute) for the selected item will appear in the graph. · “FAN operation time” is the cumulative duration of time in which the indoor unit is ON. · “Thermo-ON time (Total/Cool/Heat)” is the cumulative duration of time in which the refrigerant is flowing into the indoor unit. (Cool: when the Cool mode is selected; Heat: when the Heat mode is selected; Total: when either mode is selected)
4 Only “FAN operation time” is displayed for LOSSNAY units.
5 Displays display item buttons for the name of the metering device connected to the PI controller. Names are those as set on the Measurement screen. If the name is not registered, then if the metering device units are kWh, this will display “Electric energy 1″­”Electric energy 4”, if the units are m3 “Water quantity 1″­”Water quantity 4”, and if the units are MJ “Heat quantity 1″­”Heat quantity 4”. If there are no metering device units “-“, then this will not be displayed. For how to register the names, refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings).
6 If using a Pulse Input (PI), the display item buttons for the name of the metering device connected to the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 CN7 will be displayed.
7 “Energy Management License Pack” is required. (AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E only)
8 If “Energy Management License Pack” has not been registered, only [Day] is available for selection as a Date range. To select [Month] or [Year], “Energy Management License Pack” is required.




Select an item to display its data in the line graph. Note: When the display range is [Block] or [Energy mgmt block], display items for line graph are not displayed.

Display items for line graph

Indoor unit Display range

Display item

1 5

1 5

1 5


1 2 3 6

Energy management block

AI controller 3 Display range

1 2 3 6

Display item

AHC Display range

Display item

Display items for line graph

Address *4

1 2 3 6

1 When [Day] is selected as a date, the temperature values obtained every hour and half hour will appear. When [Month] is selected, the average daily temperature values will appear. When [Year] is selected, the average monthly temperature values will appear.
2 [Outdoor Temp.] will appear only when the temperature sensor to measure the outdoor temperature is set in the Energy Management settings for the login destination centralized controller. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for settings methods.
3 Displays display item buttons for the name of the sensor connected to the AI controller (PAC-YG63MCA). Names can be registered in the initial settings. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for how to register sensor names.
4 “Energy Management License Pack” is required. (AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E only) 5 If “Energy Management License Pack” has not been registered, only [Day] is available for selection as a Date
range. To select [Month] or [Year], “Energy Management License Pack” is required.
6 [Outdoor Temp.] is a value measured by the device set as an outdoor temperature sensor.
Note: The background of the graph will appear in red when the temperature and humidity data of the AI controller (PAC-YG63MCA) are displayed and when the measurement value reaches the upper or lower alarm threshold value that has been set in the initial settings. The background will stay in red even when the measurement value becomes between the upper and lower threshold values. Refer to the Instruction Book (Initial Settings) for how to configure upper and lower alarm threshold values.

When the value reaches the upper alarm threshold value (in red)

When the value reaches the lower alarm
threshold value (in red)



For building managers Chapter 2

Note: By quickly switching to items displayed on a graph and dates, it is possible to confirm the energy usage status.

Display target

Date to display the data

Comparison target

Comparison date

(1) To switch the display target Click [Display target] or [Comparison target] to display the target selection screen, and switch to the items to display on a graph. It is not possible to switch to [Display target] and [Comparison target] that have a display range different from before switching.
(2) To switch the date Click [Date to display the data] or [Comparison date] to display the date selection screen, and switch to the dates to display on a graph. Ensure that the [Date to display the data] and the [Comparison date] units are the same.



(2) Click [OK] to return to the previous screen. The display target data and the comparison target data will appear in a bar graph and a line graph.


Bar graph/line graph Display target

Bar graph


Comparison target
(Light blue)

Target value *1

Graph region

Line graph



*1 The target values will appear in the graph when “Block” or “Energy management block” is selected as a display range and when [Electric Energy] is selected as a display item for bar graph.

Note: The data for a certain period of time may not appear if it does not exist due to the changes of the daylight saving time setting or current time setting. If the data overlap for a certain period of time due to the time overlap that was occurred when daylight saving ended or the current time setting was changed, the newer data will appear in the graph.
Note: When the date is specified as daily, the graph is shown in 30-minute increments.
Note: When the target value is set, areas exceeding the target value will be displayed in pink.

When exceeding target value

Remaining to target value

Portion exceeding target value Consumed amount

Portion remaining to target value
Target value
Consumed amount

Target value

Detailed information
Mouse over the graph area to display the values on the bar graph and line graph for the dates moused over on the graph area.

Line graph value (display target, orange)
Bar graph value (display target, blue)
Target value

Line graph value (comparison target, blue)
Bar graph value (comparison target, light blue)



For building managers Chapter 2

(3) To output the displayed measurement data in a CSV format, click [Download]. The file name and file format will vary as shown below, depending on the selected date range.
Note: This function cannot be used on a tablet.

Item File name

<When any item in the “Comparison target” field is selected> Date range: Year EMAnnualTrend[yyyy][Display target][Bar graph type][Line graph type][YYYY][Comparison target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv
Date range: Month EMMonthlyTrend[yyyy]-[mm][Display target][Bar graph type][Line graph type][YYYY]-[MM] [Comparison target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv
Date range: Day EMDailyTrend[yyyy]-[mm]-[dd][Display target][Bar graph type][Line graph type][YYYY]-[MM][DD][Comparison target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv

<When no item in the “Comparison target” field is selected> Date range: Year EMAnnualTrend[yyyy][Display target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv
Date range: Month EMMonthlyTrend[yyyy]-[mm][Display target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv
Date range: Day EMDailyTrend[yyyy]-[mm]-[dd][Display target][Bar graph type]_[Line graph type].csv



Item File name


File-name contents


[yyyy] [mm] [dd] [Display target] *1
[Bar graph type] [Line graph type] [YYYY] [MM] [DD] [Comparison target] [Bar graph type] [Line graph type]

The year specified in the “Date to display the data” field

The month specified in the “Date to display the data” field

The date specified in the “Date to display the data” field


AE No. + “_” + “A” + M-NET address (001­050) + “_” + “00” AE No. + “_” + “A” + M-NET address (001­050) + “_” + Metering device No. (01­04) AE No. + “_” + “A” + “_” + Channel No. (01­04) AE No. + “_” + “A” + M-NET address (001­050, 201­250) + “_” + Sensor No. (01­02)


AE No. + “” + “G” + Group No. (001­050) + “” + “00”


AE No. + “” + “B” + Block No. (001­050, 999 *2) + “” + “00”


AE No. + “” + “E” + Energy management block No. (001­200) + “” +

management block “00”

B01: Indoor unit electric energy

B02: Fan operation time

B03: Thermo-ON time (Total)

B04: Thermo-ON time (Cool)

B05: Thermo-ON time (Heat)

B06: PI controller/Built-in Pulse Input (PI) electric energy

B08: PI controller/Built-in Pulse Input (PI) water quantity

B09: PI controller/Built-in Pulse Input (PI) heat quantity

B00: No selection

B000: Unregistered blocks

L01: Set temperature (Cool)

L02: Set temperature (Heat)

L03: Room temperature

L04: AI controller temperature

L05: AHC temperature

L06: Outdoor temperature

L08: AI controller humidity

L00: No selection

The year specified in the “Comparison date” field

The month specified in the “Comparison date” field

The date specified in the “Comparison date” field


Group Block

The same output format as for display target

Energy management block

The type of the item selected for the bar graph display item for comparison target

The type of the item selected for the line graph display item for comparison target

1 For AE No., refer to 4 “Name Display” in Chapter 1. 2 “B999” = Total of all blocks



For building managers Chapter 2

Item File format




1st File Type

2nd Date

Date range Year Month Day Year Month Day


Display target/ Comparison target *5









“Address” + AE No.*3 + “-” + M-NET address (001­050) “Address” + AE No.*3 + “-” + M-NET address (001­050) + “-” + Metering device No. (1­4) “Pulse input” + AE No.*3 + “-” + Channel No. (1­4) “Address” + AE No.*3 + “-” + M-NET address (001­050, 201­250) + “-” + Sensor No. (1­2)


Group name*2


Block name*2

All Blocks

“All Blocks”

Energy management block

Energy management block name*2

Date range: Year
“Month”, Display target (Bar), Comparison target (Bar), “Target electric energy[kWh]”*1, Display target (Line), Comparison target (Line)

Date range: Month
“Day”, Display target (Bar), Comparison target (Bar), “Target electric energy[kWh]”*1, Display target (Line), Comparison target (Line)

Date range: Day
“Time”, Display target (Bar), Comparison target (Bar), Display target (Line), Comparison target (Line)

4th Measurement item

The bar and line graph items that can be output vary with the display target/ comparison target.
V: Item that can be output; ­: Item that cannot be output

Display target/Comparison target

Bar graph

Line graph

Indoor unit



Built-in Pulse Input (PI)




PI controller



AI controller







Block All Blocks





Energy management block







File format



Date range

4th Measurement item



Day Month Year


The format of the display target and comparison target to be output is as follows. Address

“Address” + “-” + AE No.*3 + “-” + Address number + “-” + Display item (Bar/ Line) “Address” + “-” + AE No.*3 + “-” + Address number + “-” + Metering device No. + “-” + Display item (Bar) “Pulse input” + “-” + AE No.*3 + “-” + Channel No. + “-” + Display item (Bar) “Address” + “-” + AE No.*3 + “-” + Address number + “-” + Sensor No. + “-” + Display item (Line)

Group Group name*2 + “-” + Display item (Bar/Line)

Block Block name*2 + “-” + Display item (Bar/Line)

All Blocks “All Blocks” + “-” + Display item (Bar)

Energy management block Energy management block name*2 + “-” + Display item (Bar/Line)

hh:mm, d, mm,

Data value (Bar), Comparison data value (Bar), Target electric energy value*1, Data value (Line), Comparison data value (Line)

1 “Target electric energy(kWh)” and the target electric energy value will appear only when the data is displayed in the graph.
2 If the group name has not been registered, [“Group” + AE No. + “-” + Group number] will appear. If the block name has not been registered, [“Block” + AE No. + “-” + Block number] will appear. If the energy management block name has not been registered, [“Energy mgmt block” + AE No. + “-” + Energy management block number] will appear.
3 For AE No., refer to 4 “Name Display” in Chapter 1. 4 The number of rows varies with the selected date range. (Day: 5th­52nd; Month: 5th­35th; Year: 5th­16th) *5 When no item is selected as a display item/comparison item, “Target None” will appear.

Date range: Year
413 2015:2014 Administration Dpt./Block01-1-03 Month,Administration Dpt. – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Block01-1-03 – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Target electric energy[kWh],Administration Dpt. – Outdoor Temp.[ºC],Block01-1-03 – Outdoor Temp.[ºC] 01,675.17,661.93,600,0.4,0.5 02,697.38,683.71,700,0.3,3.2 03,528.63,518.26,400,4.5,3.8 …

File sample (Display range: Block)

Date range: Month
412 2015/04:2014/04 Administration Dpt./Block01-1-03 Day,Administration Dpt. – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Block01-1-03 – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Target electric energy[kWh],Administration Dpt. – Outdoor Temp.[ºC],Block01-1-03 – Outdoor Temp.[ºC] 1,24.69,8.74,22,26.2,17.9 2,25.31,8.22,22,27,17.4 3,12.36,22.33,10,25.2,16.6 …

Date range: Day
411 2015/08/19:2014/06/01 Administration Dpt./Block01-1-03 Time,Administration Dpt. – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Block01-1-03 – Indoor Unit Electric Energy[kWh],Administration Dpt. – Outdoor Temp.[ºC],Block01-1-03 – Outdoor Temp.[ºC] 00:00,0.61,0.25,23.2,17.8 00:30,0.65,0.51,23.1,17.6 01:00,0.66,0.48,22.1,18.1 …



For building managers Chapter 2

2-2-2. Ranking
On the Ranking screen, the rankings in electric energy consumption, fan operation time, and Thermo-ON time (Total/ Cool/Heat) of given indoor units (connected to all centralized controllers that are under the control of the Integrated Centralized Control Web) can be displayed per block, group, unit address, and energy management block in descending order in the bar graph. Click [Energy Management] in the menu, and then click [Ranking] to access the Ranking screen.
Note: “Energy Management License Pack” is required to access the Ranking screen. (AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E only)
(1) Click [Display target] to set the display items.

Display target

Measurement unit/scale


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