VEVOR 10LX2 Frozen Drink Machine Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
Table of Contents
VEVOR 10LX2 Frozen Drink Machine
- Place the machine on a flat surface Leave at least 25cm on all sides for air circulation to avoid overheating.
- Optimum room temperature range: 25 °C-32°C.
- Never turn the machine on without the produet in a bowl or with only water in a bowl.
- Pour product into a bowl to mar” line [never add a hot product].
- Do not let the product go below the “min” line keep it at least above the cylinder at all times Refill with the refrigerated product when the level is halfway between min and mat levels.
- This way there will always be frozen products available for customers),
- Pay attention to the voltage, Be sure there is a ground pole, Do not plug more than one machine into one socket, and Extension cords are not recommended.
- Mix the product in a separate container if your product is a liquid concentrate, or powder, to be mixed with water, do not dilute more.
- There must be at least 13% sugar content to avoid breakage of the ice scraper blade.
- Adjustment for slush consistency, The machine has been adjusted for fruit granitas (normal).
- For products containing milk, or other products that may take longer to freeze, adjust” +” as showm in the picture.
- A) Main power switch
- B) Main freeze/refrigeration switch -bowls upper agitator switch
- C) Light switch
- D) Individual bowl freeze/refrigeration switch (Mod./2 and Mod./3]
- E) Freeze/refrigeration switch (Mod. 2 and Mod,/3)
- F) Geur motor switch,
- Plug in the machine and turn on the main power swich A), as in the case of Tum anger switches on for each bowl(F], as in the picture.
- Tum lower switches [B], [DJ and [E) to freeze position.
- As inpicture. To light up the lid, turn on the light switch [C), as in the picture. To turn the machine off, perfor steps in reverse order.
- Be sure the bowl closer to the switches is at the “max “level.
- If leaving the product in the machine evemight turn the main freeze switch To the night position as in the picture.
- This keeps the product refrigerated in a liquid state and extends the life of the complex.
- Attention! This machine is designed to make a liquid cold drink and granita simultaneously in one or all bowls.
- However, the bowl closer to the switches is the one capable of making the cold drink. To achieve this, turn the lower freeze switch (D) to the refrigeration position, as in the picture.
- To employ the bowl: turn the power off. Drain product. Fill a bowl with tepid water. Let stand for 15 minutes
- To remove bowl for thoroughly cleaning:
- Attention- Before raising the bowl make sure that it is empty, Drain the product, and Turn the power off. Raise the bowl at the front until the legs pop’ out, as shown in the picture.
- Remove the spiral blade, as shown in the picture, Remove the large gasket at the back of the machine, as shown in the picture. Wash parts with tepid water and disinfectant.
- Listing thumbs, press on both legs until they snap in place Replace lid.
- Daily, or after each thorough cleaning lubricate where indicated.
- Slowly remove the bowl, as shown in the picture. Wash parts with tepid water. Never use detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Replacing parts:
- Replace gasket. He is sure the seals are tight with no gaps against the back of the machine. Seal is best when starting at boltom+pressing with thumbs on each side towards the top;
- Replace auger.
- Replace bowl. Slide on and press against the gasket.
Remove the spout and separate the parts in the following order:
- Pin
- Handle
- Tap pin
- Tap spring Wash spout parts in warm water and disinfectant
Then lubricate the Tap.
Push the suction cap gasket into the spiral head deeply. Be sure that the cap gasket is properly positioned, as shown in the picture,
Every month check the following parts:
- 5.08 Tap o-ring
- 5.09 Lower gasket for tap
- 2,05 Suction cap gasket.
Basic Sanitizing operations
- Turn the power off. Fill the tank with tepid water and empty it just using the tap (see Pict.24 & 25)
- For an easy removal of the bowl. Please follow the instructions shown in Pictures 26 & 27.
- Place fingers under the front lower part ofthe bowl, near the tap, and push upwards until the legs pop out.
- Place fingers behind the bowl legs and pull the bowl onward slowly until it has been completely removed.
- ATTENTION: Place all the components in a safe place to be sure they are not lost. Clean the components with dishwashing soap and tepid water. Never use abrasive cleaners
- NOTE: Do not use too bot water to clean the plastic components.
- To remove the spiral blade put your fingers on the plate part of the spiral and pull it onwards gently as shown in Pier. 28 & 29.
- Once the spiral blade is removed completely remove the suction cap gasket from the front spiral as shown inPict. 30
- Remove the bowl gasket from the back part of the evaporator lube see Pic.31.)
- ATTENTION: Place all the components in a safe place to be sure they are not lost, Clean the components with household bleach and tepid water, Never use abrasive cleaners.
- NOTE: Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components.
How to remove and clean the tap components
- Pull out the pin for handle fixing (see Pict. 32).
- Pull the handle from its place (see Pict: 33).
- Unthread the main tap pin by pulling it downwards (see Pict 34)
- Repeat the same operation for the tap spring (see Piet. 35)
- ATTENTION: Place all the components in a safe place to be sure they are not lost. Clean the components with household bleach and tepid water. Never use abrasive cleaners.
- NOTE: Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components.
How to clean each part
- Clean the sacred cap gasket as shown in Picture 36,
- Clean the tap o-ring on both sides as shown in Picture 37.
- Clean the lower gasket for the tap as shown in Picture 38.
- Clean the bowl gasket along all the edges as shown in Picture 39.
- ATTENTION: Clean the gaskets carefully. Do not use aggressive detergents or abrasive products. Softly wet the surfaces with the use of a brush It is recommended to proceed with the cleaning of all gaskets with abundant water
Reassembly of the parts removed during the cleaning. Before reassembling of parts, clean the evaporator tube and drip trays and grids without using abrasive cleaners. Before reassembling the bowl gasket rinse it with water to facilitate the assembly of the bowl.
Put the bowl gasket in its position on the back part of the evaporator tube. Once the howl gasket is in its right position press it with your thumbs first in the lower part and then progressively towards its upper part (marking a circle with your fingers); until it is correctly fixed in site (see Pict. 40 & 41).
Insert the suction cap gasket into the spiral blade by pushing it deeply (see Pict 42) Lubricate with water.
Insert the spiral blade by pushing it gently and deeply as indicated in Pict. 44a & 44b. After this, it is important to lubricate the head of the spiral (see Pict 43).
Before reassembling the tap components lubricate by water the tap siege as indicated in Pict. 45 and lubricate with abundant water the seals as indicated in it.47
Insert the tap spring and tap pin as indicated in Pic. 45 and 46
When inserting the main tap pin please be careful that the little square hole (sec Pic. 47) is placed right in front of you. Before inserting the tap pin lubricate with abundant water. Keep the tap pin pressed upwards until you can see the square hole where you will insert the handle (see Pict. 48). Insert the pin for handle fixing as indicated in Pict. 49.
Fit in the drip tray on the panel by inserting the hooks into the appropriate
slots. CONDENSER CLEANING Remove side panels, Clean condenser with a brush
every week.
Attention! A dirty condenser can cause compressor damage.
Fix the drip tray by inserting the hooking into the panel slots. Make sure that the discharge tube is placed correctly [1″). Push the drip tray downwards to fasten it in the panel bookings(2″)
Insert the grate as shown in the drawing (“1*) by placing the tongue first and then rotating it a bit until it is in the right position C”2″J.
CONDENSER CLEANING Remove side panels, Clean the condenser with a brush every
week. Attention! A dirty condenser can cause compressor damage.
- Fuse
- fan motor
- Gear motor 1
- Gear motor 2
- Transformer
- Compressor
- Thermostat 1
- Electro-valve 1
- Electro-valve 2
- Micro-switch
- Micro-switch 2
- Light
- Agitator motor 1
- Agitator motor 2
- Fuse
- Fuse
- A) Main power switch
- B) Individual bowl freeze refrigeration switch
- C) Main freeze/ refrigeration switch (Mod.32 and Mod./3) Switch
- D) Light switch
- G) Individual bowl freeze/refrigeration switch (Mod /2 € Mod_/3] El E2) Individual bowl agitator switch
- Fuse
- Fan motor
- Gear motor 1
- Clear motor 2
- Gear motor 3
- Transformer
- Compressor
- Thermostat I
- Electro-valve 1
- Electro-valve 2
- Electro-valve 3
- Micro-switch 1
- Micro-switch 2
- Micro-switch 3
- Light
- Agitator motor I
- Agitator motor 2
- Agitator motor 3
- Fuse
- Fuse
- A) Main power switch
- B) Individual bowl freeze/refrigeration switch
- C) Main freeze/ refrigeration switch (Mod 2 and Mod./31 DiLighsmich
- G) Individual bowl Freeze/refrigeration switch(Mod,/7 and Mod, 3] HI Individual bowl freeze! refrigeration switch (Mod./2 and Mod./31 E1-EZ-E31 Individual bowl agitator switch
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