CHAUVIN ARNOUX C.A 1725 Tacho Meter User Manual

June 17, 2024


CHAUVIN ARNOUX C.A 1725 Tacho Meter


Product Information


  • Model: C.A 1725, C.A 1727
  • Language: English



The tachometer is a device used to measure the rotational speed or frequency of an object. It is equipped with various features and controls for efficient measurement and operation.

Display Unit

The display unit of the tachometer provides visual feedback of the measured values and allows for programming and customization of settings. It includes the following keys:

  1. Key 1: To recall the last digital value displayed and disable automatic stop.
  2. Key 2: For programming: shift the selection of the active digit or decimal point to the right (only on C.A 1727).
  3. Key 3: Smooths the measurements (only on C.A 1727).
  4. Key 4: Activates the audible and visual alarms and allows programming of alarm thresholds (only on C.A 1727).
  5. Key 5: Command recording of the measurements in memory and program the recording rate (only on C.A 1727).
  6. Key 6: USB output connector for data transfer (only on C.A 1727).
  7. Key 7: Connector for external input.
  8. Key 8: Rotary switch for selection and adjustment.
  9. Key 9: Programming and initialization of program memory (only on C.A 1727).
  10. Key 10: Event counter (only on C.A 1727).
  11. Key 11: Program the scale factor coefficient K (only on C.A 1727).
  12. Key 12: Manual or automatic change of range and extension of measurement range at low frequency.
  13. Key 13: For programming: decrement the digit (only on C.A 1727).
  14. Key 14: Record minima and maxima and disable the buzzer (only on C.A 1727).
  15. Key 15: For programming: shift the selection of the active digit or decimal point to the left (only on C.A 1727).

Product Usage

Contact-Free Measurements

To perform contact-free measurements using the tachometer, follow these steps:

  1. Place the tachometer in a suitable position near the rotating object.
  2. Ensure that the optical sensor is aligned with the rotating target.
  3. Turn on the tachometer and select the desired measurement range using the rotary switch.
  4. Read the measured speed or frequency value from the display unit.

Measurements with Contact

To perform measurements with contact using the tachometer, follow these steps:

  1. Attach the tachometer’s external input connector to the contact measurement device.
  2. Connect the contact measurement device to the rotating object.
  3. Turn on the tachometer and select the appropriate measurement range using the rotary switch.
  4. Read the measured speed or frequency value from the display unit.

Measurements with External Input

To perform measurements with an external input using the tachometer, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the external input connector to the desired external input source.
  2. Turn on the tachometer and select the appropriate measurement range using the rotary switch.
  3. Read the measured speed or frequency value from the display unit.


To ensure proper functioning and longevity of the tachometer, follow these maintenance guidelines:

  • Regularly clean the optical sensor and external input connectors to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Avoid exposing the tachometer to extreme temperatures or humidity.
  • Store the tachometer in a dry and safe place when not in use.
  • Refer to the user manual for any specific maintenance instructions or recommendations.


General Characteristics

  • Model: C.A 1725, C.A 1727

Metrological Characteristics

The metrological characteristics of the tachometer include:

  • Measurement range: Varies based on the selected model and range settings
  • Accuracy: Depends on the specific model and measurement conditions
  • Resolution: Varies based on the selected model and range settings

Characteristics of the Sensor

The sensor characteristics of the tachometer include:

  • Type: Optical sensor

Characteristics of the Adapter and its End Fittings

The adapter and end fittings characteristics of the tachometer include:

  • Not specified in the provided text

To Order

For information on how to order the tachometer or any related accessories, refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer.


  • Q: What is a tachometer?
    • A: A tachometer is a device used to measure the rotational speed or frequency of an object.
  • Q: What are the different keys and their functions on the tachometer?
    • A: The tachometer includes various keys for different functions such as recalling values, programming settings, activating alarms, recording measurements, and more. Refer to the user manual for detailed information on each key’s function.
  • Q: How can I perform contact-free measurements using the tachometer?
    • A: To perform contact-free measurements, place the tachometer near the rotating object, align the optical sensor with the target, select the desired measurement range, and read the measured value from the display unit.
  • Q: Can I perform measurements with contact using the tachometer?
    • A: Yes, you can perform measurements with contact by attaching the external input connector to a contact measurement device and connecting it to the rotating object. Select the appropriate range and read the measured value from the display unit.
  • Q: How do I perform measurements with an external input using the tachometer?
    • A: Connect the external input connector to the desired external input source, select the appropriate measurement range, and read the measured value from the display unit.
  • Q: What maintenance should I perform on the tachometer?
    • A: Regularly clean the optical sensor and external input connectors, avoid extreme temperatures and humidity, and store the tachometer in a dry and safe place when not in use. Refer to the user manual for specific maintenance instructions.


C.A 1725 C.A 1727


User’s Manual


C.A 1725 and C.A 1727 tachometers, specially designed for industrial applications, measure the speed of rotation of any moving part at a distance or by contact. CHAUVIN ARNOUX tachometers provide many possibilities in addition to the usual functions: – Direct reading of the measurement – Measurement of period, of frequency, of duty cycle, of linear speed – Measurement by external sensor – Special functions: smooth, range, hold, etc. – Dual display: 100,000-point digital and bargraph. – The C.A 1727 can be parameterized and has a USB link; associated with its specific software, it provides an extensive range of measurement, acquisition, processing, and data analysis possibilities.



1 Optical sensor


Tore last digital value displayed. Disable automatic stop.

key on the C.A 1727 only : – For programming : shift the selection of the active digit or of the decimal point to the right.

3 –

key Smooth the measurements.

key on the C.A 1727 only :

– For programming : increment the active digit.


key on the C.A 1727 only :
Activate the audible and visual alarms. Program the alarm thresholds.

5 –

key on the C.A 1727 only : Command recording of the measurements in memory.

key on the C.A 1727 only :
– Program the rate at which the measurements are recorded in memory. 6 USB output connector, on the C.A 1727 only. 7 Connector for external input. 8 Rotary switch.


9 –
10 –


key on the C.A 1727 only : Programming. Initialize the program memory.
key on the C.A 1727 only : Event counter.
key on the C.A 1727 only : Program the scale factor : coefficient K.
key Manual or automatic change of range. Extend the measurement range at low frequency.
key on the C.A 1727 only : For programming : decrement the digit.
key Record minima and maxima. Disable the buzzer.
key on the C.A 1727 only : For programming : shift the selection of the active digit or of the decimal point to the left.



1 Programming mode, on the C.A 1727 only. 2 Low threshold crossed, on the C.A 1727 only. 3 Full-scale coefficient K, on the C.A 1727 only. 4 Low threshold function, on the C.A 1727 only. 5 Memory write function, on the C.A 1727 only. 6 High threshold function, on the C.A 1727 only. 7 High threshold crossed, on the C.A 1727 only. 8 Rate of recording of measurements function, on the C.A 1727 only. 9 Transmission or reception in progress, on the C.A 1727 only. 10 Flashing indicator of operation of the infrared sensor. 11 Full-scale value of the bargraph (from 2 to 200 x 1000). 12 Analogue display by bargraph. 13 Arrowhead(s) indicating overshoot of end of scale. 14 Speed of rotation – Revolutions per minute 15 Revolutions: count of number of revolutions, on the C.A 1727 only. 16 metres per minute: linear speed. 17 Hertz: frequency. 18 Digital display, 5 digits. 19 Measurements in smoothed values. 20 Frozen display of the last measurement. 21 Recording paused. 22 Device in permanent operation. 23 Battery charge indicator. 24 MIN/MAX recording. 25 Buzzer active indicator. 26 Reading of MAX memory. 27 Measurement range extended to 0.1 Hz. 28 Reading of MIN memory. 29 Disable automatic change of range. 30 Counting function, on the C.A 1727 only. 31 Millisecond: period. 32 Duty cycle. 33 · ft/min: feet per minute – linear speed (in English).
· tr/min: revolutions per minute – speed of rotation. 34 Graduated fixed scale. 35 Measurement by external connector. 36 Optical transmitter in action.



The contact-free measurement is made by the optical sensor built into the device. This sensor, placed in the front of the device, comprises a frequency- modulated infrared transmitter.
Before making any measurement, it is necessary to prepare the revolving target of which the speed is to be determined. Check that the surface sighted is free of spurious reflections that might be counted in addition to the pulses from the reflecting adhesive. Proceed as follows: before applying the adhesive used to make the measurement, turn the target and check that when it is sighted the reading remains at —. If not, it will be necessary to cover the entire surface of the target with a mat black medium. When the target is correct, apply a reflecting adhesive tape on it, along the longest available radius. On small targets, the area covered by the adhesive tape must be less than 50% of the total area of the rotating part. Start the target turning, aim the front of the device at it, and check that the measurement OK symbol flashes regularly. The distance between the sensor and the target must be between 1 and 50cm. The measurement angle of 30° (15° on either side of the perpendicular to the target) is convenient for aiming purposes. During measurements of low speeds, very small movements of the device may make the measurement unstable: if this happens, we recommend placing the device on a stable support. There is a nut on the underside of the device for attachment to a tripod or similar support.
The mechanical adapter and its 3 end fittings allow measurement by contact on a shaft end or on a surface in linear motion. It is placed in front of the sighting window of the optical sensor and accepts one of the following 3 end fittings:
– An elastomer cone with a tip that can be used for shaft end measurements (minimum diameter: 5mm).
– An elastomer cylinder that can be used for measurements on shafts with flat ends or shafts smaller than 5mm.
– An elastomer wheel for linear speed measurements (1 revolution of the wheel = 0.1m).
The end fitting must be pressed against the moving part just hard enough to drive it without slippage.
The adapter is attached to the front of the tachometer housing, in front of the sighting window. It automatically locks in position when pushed home.
– Fitting To attach the adapter, align the three lugs on the inside of the adapter with the three recesses of the sighting window of the housing and turn anticlockwise.
– Removal To remove it, pull the adapter outward until the locking tabs are clear, then turn clockwise.


The device has a 4-contact connector that can be used to connect an external source of which you wish to measure the speed, the frequency, the period, the duty cycle, etc. In order to inform the tachometer that the measurement is available on the external input, it is necessary to short-circuit contacts 1 and 4. Operation using the external input is indicated on the display unit by the extinction of the transmission


and the display of EXT.

Connector of the tachometer seen from contact side

1- earth 2- measurement input (± 20VC max.) 3- see below 4- to be short- circuited with contact no.1

Connecting 1 to contact 3 makes it possible to adapt the triggering threshold to the nature of the signals.

Contacts 1 and 3 not connected

For operation with 0 – 5V TTL signals. The triggering threshold is +1.1V (at 1kHz). To avoid the problems due to noise often present in an industrial environment, the threshold has a hysteresis of 250mV.

Contacts 1 and 3 connected

For operation with signals balanced with respect to earth. This function allows direct measurement using a variable-reluctance magnetic sensor or the output of an alternator. The triggering threshold is 300mV (at 1kHz), with a hysteresis of 250mV. The residual noise superimposed on the signal to be measured must be less than 250mV so as not to interfere with the measurement when the threshold is crossed.

The maximum voltage to input no. 2 must not exceed ± 20Vp. The earth of the external input connected is electrically connected to the earth of the USB digital output.
The external input must be used for the measurement of slow signals, from 0.1Hz. The table below sums up the characteristics of this input.


Measurement frequency range
Functions available Accuracy Input impedance Balanced signals mode
Thresholds Hysteresis TTL signals mode Thresholds Hysteresis Maximum voltage Acceptable overload (1second)

from 1Hz to 10kHz from 0.1Hz to 10kHz in expanded range same as optical sensor same as optical sensor 75k 300mV ± 90mV at 1kHz 600mV ± 160mV at 10kHz 250mV ± 80mV 1.1V ± 150mV to 1kHz 2.2V ± 300mV to 10kHz 250mV ± 80mV ± 20V peak 250Vrms

Example of DUTY CYCLE Measurement on EXTERNAL INPUT
When the external input is used, the FRB connector provided with the device must be connected to the source of the signal to be measured, then to the connector marked EXT. Consider a signal like the one shown in the figure below:

Here, the frequency of the signals is given by the formula :


f =


T = 5 x 1ms = 5ms


so f =

= 200Hz



The duty cycle is given by :

t1 Duty =

t1 + t2 t1
or, in %. Duty % =

x 100

t1 + t2 Here, we have :


Duty % =

x 100 = 60%

3 + 2

To make this measurement with the C.A 1725 or C.A 1727 tachometer, you must:

  1. Check the amplitude of the input signal to the device. This serves to determine what threshold must be set. Here, the amplitude is greater than +1.1 V, so contacts 1 and 3 of the FRB connector must not be interconnected. 2) Switch the tachometer on by setting the rotary switch to “%”. 3) The display unit indicates directly the result mentioned above.
    If there is no reading on the display unit, check that the amplitude of the signal to be measured is above the triggering threshold.



The table below indicates the display capacity for each function.

Function tr/mn or RPM m/mn (K = 0.1) ft/mn (K = 0.328) Hz Period (ms) Duty cycle % Counter

Display 60.000 to 99999 6.0000 to 99999 19.680 to 99999 1.0000 to 9999.9 0.1000 to 999.99 0.1 to 99.9 0 to 99999

In a measurement extended to 0.1Hz using the Ext input, the minimum values are divided by 10.
On/Off function: If this function is not overridden when the device is switched on (see below), the device is switched off automatically if one of the following has not occurred during the last 5 minutes:
– Press of a key, – Or change of setting of the rotary switch, – Or interrogation of the digital output. Before switching off automatically, the tachometer emits an audible beep.



Special functions : The following special functions are obtained when a key is kept pressed when the device is switched on:

KEY No key pressed

FUNCTION Switched on for 5 minutes
Switched on for an indefinite duration

appears on the display unit

Switched on without buzzer


symbol does therefore not appear

Initialization of all values contained in the program memory. The display unit indicates ,,Init”

Measurement down to 0.1Hz SLOW lights on the display unit.


The recording function can be used to store the minimum and maximum values of the measurements.

Pressing the

key switches the device into recording mode. The RECORD and

are displayed. The automatic switching off function is disabled.


MIN value

Initially, the value store is OL (OVER LOAD). When the

key is pressed, the value displayed

is stored in the MIN register. Whenever a value below the value storedd in the register is measured, it is transferred to the MIN register and 1kHz audible beep is emitted.

MAX value The value stored at the start is zero. A measured value greater than the value stored in the register leads to an update. Each time the content of the MAX memory is modified, a 2 kHz audible beep is emitted.

Reading of the MIN/MAX memories The values contained in the MIN and MAX registers can be displayed by successive presses



The circular display indicates in turn the MAX, the MIN and the current measurement value.

Recording continues during the reading; the bargraph indicates the instantaneous measurement. NB: if the “SMOOTH” function is activated, the MAX and MIN are determined from the smoothed values.

Stopping the MIN/MAX recording function The recording function is stopped either by a long press on the

key or by turning the switch.

Remark : The MIN/MAX functions is not available in counting mode.



By a brief press on the HOLD key (when not in programming mode). Pressing HOLD freezes the digital display on the last measurement displayed; the bargraph continues to indicate the instantaneous measurement value. The display indicates HOLD. Pressing the HOLD key again restores the display of the instantaneous measurements, and HOLD disappears from the display unit.

in the ,,MIN/MAX” recording mode

When the

key is pressed while RECORD is displayed :

– The HOLD and PAUSE symbols are displayed. – Recording stops and the values contained in the MIN and MAX memories are the last values



– The digital display unit indicates the last measurement value, or else the MIN or MAX value if the device was reading them back.
– The bargraph continues to indicate the current measurement.

Pressing the

key again causes the recording of the MIN and of the MAX to resume :

– The HOLD and PAUSE symbols remain displayed. – The display unit indicates the measurement in progress or the content of the MIN/MAX memory
being read back. – The device is once again in MIN/MAX mode, but the memories have not been reset and they

contain the MIN and MAX values present before the


When the HOLD and RECORD – PAUSE symbols are displayed, it is always possible to display, in a circular manner, the values in the memories and the instantaneous measurement value, by brief

presses on the


HOLD memory HOLD



Instantaneous measurement RECORD PAUSE



The bargraph always indicates the current measurement value. Whatever display is in progress :

– A brief press on the

key restores recording without resetting the memories.

– A long press on the

key stops recording.



Application : When the tachometer is used in a place where it is difficult or impossible to read the display unit, the HOLD function can be used in conjunction with MIN/MAX recording to store the minimum and maximum values reached.


Pressing the

key starts the smoothing of the measurement (SMOOTH displayed). The digital

value indicated is then the sliding average of the last 10 measurements (approximately 5 seconds). The bargraph always indicates the instantaneous measurement. In MIN/MAX recording, if the SMOOTH symbol is displayed, the values recorded are the smoothed values. Activating or deactivating the SMOOTH mode during MIN/MAX recording cancels the MIN and MAX values already stored.

Remark: The SMOOTH function has no effect on the counting function.


When the device is switched on, or during a change of function, the device automatically selects the most appropriate measurement range. Each function has 4 or 5 ranges, except for the duty cycle function (2 ranges). In automatic operation, the digital display unit has a display capacity of 20,000 points and the possible full-scale values of the bargraph are 2, 20, 200, 2000, 20,000, and 200,000. In the automatic mode, the digital display unit switches to a higher range when 20,000 points is reached.

A first brief press (<2 s) on the

key freezes the current measurement range. RANGE

appears on the display unit. The digital indicator then has a display capacity of 100,000 points.

Each new press on the

key switches both displays (bargraph and digital) to the next

higher range. From the highest range (20,000) the

key switches the device to the 2 range.

To exit from the manual range change mode, press the

key for more than 2 seconds.

Remark: If the measurement value exceeds the display capacity, the display unit indicates OL and the range overshoot arrow appears to the right of the bargraph.

ATTENTION : The functions described in the paragraphs that follow are available only on the C.A 1727.


4.6 COUNTING (C.A 1727 ONLY)

Press the COUNT key to switch the device into the event counting mode. COUNT appears on the display unit and the measurement units are changed (see table below).

Measurements mode tr/min m/min RPM ft/min Hz ms Duty %

COUNT mode rev (revolution) m (metre) REV (revolution) ft (foot) / / /

The Hz, ms, and % symbols disappear. There is no longer a measurement unit displayed; the device simply counts the number of pulses received.

A press on the

key stops the counting. A second press causes the counting that was

paused to resume. When 99,999 events are reached, the display changes to OL.

To exit from the counting mode, simply press the

key again. The counter is reset by 2

successive presses on the


Remarks: – As standard, the device counts metres or feet, with a measurement resolution equal to the circumference of the end fitting used, 0.1m or 0.328ft. This resolution can be changed by changing the value of K. – In the counting mode, the recording, change of range, and smoothing functions are not available.



key can be used to record the value displayed.

with HOLD :

The record will be the last value displayed, preceded by HOLD.

with MIN/MAX recording :

When the device is in recording mode (RECORD, MIN or MAX on the screen), the PRINT command records the MIN, the MAX and the current measurement.

with record MIN MAX + HOLD :

In this mode (RECORD – PAUSE and HOLD symbols displayed), the PRINT command records the following four parameters:
– The HOLD value – The value contained in the MIN register – The value contained in the MAX register – The current measurement value.




The value recorded is then the smoothed value, when this function is displayed (SMOOTH).

For the entire duration of recording of the information, the PRINT and COM symbols are displayed.

When the Scanning function is programmed (see “Recording Interval”), pressing the


starts the measurement recording cycle according to the interval programmed. The SCAN symbol is displayed and remains displayed for the entire duration of the scanning operation. PRINT and COM are displayed each time data are transmitted to the memory.

A second press on the

key interrupts the scanning; the last data are transmitted and the

SCAN, PRINT, and COM symbols go off.

Further presses on the

key alternately start and stop the function.

4.8 ALARMS (C.A 1727 ONLY)

When thresholds have been programmed, a brief press on the croosing of these thresholds by the measurement.

key activates detection of the



symbol is displayed, or both, according to the type of threshold programmed.

The operation of the device is summed up in the table below.

Digital measurement > low threshold No action


Digital measurement < high

No action

threshold (HI AL)

Continuous buzzer at 1

Digital measurement < low threshold kHz

Display of

Digital measurement > high threshold

Continuous buzzer at 4 kHz
Display of

If the value of LO AL is greater than the value of HI AL, this

operation is reversed. The buzzer is triggered (at 2 kHz) in the

central zone between the HI AL and LO AL values.

If no threshold value has been programmed, an audible beep is emitted when the pressed and the command is not accepted.

To stop the Alarm function, press the

key again.

key is



The device lets you program four values to define: – A low alarm threshold (LO AL). – A high alarm threshold (HI AL). – A multiplier coefficient (K). – A recording interval (SCAN).

A press on the

key switches the C.A 1727 into programming mode; PRGM is displayed.

In the programming mode, the C.A 1727 no longer makes measurements; the bargraph is off, the optical transmitter is off. The functions of the keys become those indicated in yellow above each key.

Functions of the keys in measurement mode

Functions of the keys in pogramming mode
Shift left

Shift right

Increment active digit

Decrement active digit Program scanning Program threshold Program coefficient K

Procedure The explanations below describe the procedure to follow to program the various memories of the C.A 1727. These stages are common to all functions: scanning, thresholds, and coefficient K. The “Alarm thresholds” to “Recording interval” paragraphs describe the features specific to each function. Before switching the C.A 1727 to programming mode, you must choose, on the rotary switch, the function of which you wish to program the values.

Pressing the

key displays the PRGM symbol, switches off the bargraph, and displays “—–“.

The second stage is choosing the function to be programmed, by pressing





The digital display unit then indicates the value contained in the memory, or “—–” if nothing has yet been programmed (when programming for the first time, or if the last programming disabled this function). At the same time, the left-hand digit (or dash) flashes.

Programming is on 100,000 points (0 to 99,999), and there are 5 possible positions of the decimal point for the alarm thresholds (the decimal point is fixed for K and the SCAN interval has no decimal point). A value is entered in memory as follows:
A/ writing of all digits of the desired value, without taking account of the decimal point. B/ positioning of the decimal point.



A/ Writing of a number without a decimal point: When the dashes are displayed, pressing a horizontal shift key replaces the dashes by zeros, by the value previously recorded, or by the extreme value possible compatible with the function. The value of

the active digit (flashing) is incremented or decremented by pressing the



key, respectively. Increasing a digit from 9 to 0 automatically increments the digit (or digits) to the left of it, while decreasing a digit from 0 to 9 automatically decrements the digit (or digits) to the left of it.

Example :

  1. Display
  2. Key
  3. Display

If during the incrementation or decrementation operations the maximum display capacity is exceeded, the display unit reverts to displaying five dashes.



keys are used to shift the active digit (flashing), the one to be programmed,

to the left or to the right, respectively.

When the left-hand digit is active, pressing the dashes or of the value previously recorded in memory.

key causes the appearance of the five

Validation is effected by pressing the

key or another programming key (e.g. SCAN).

Validating “—–” stops and cancels all programming.

B/ Positioning of the decimal point: To activate the decimal point, you must press the

key until the right-hand digit flashes.

Pressing the

key again activates the shifting of the decimal point. The



key can then be pressed to set the dcimal point to desired position.

Example :

  1. Display
  2. Key
  3. Display
  4. Key
  5. Display

When the decimal point is located on the left or right side of the display unit, pressing



key, respectively, causes the appearance of ,,—–“.



To return the decimal point to the display unit, simply press the


key, depending

on whether the decimal point exited on the left or right, respectively. Because there are five possible positions of the decimal point, the resolution of the programming may be finer than the resolution of the measurement. When this is the case, the crossing of the alarm thresholds is still determined according to the true measurement resolution. To exit from the programming mode, and to validate:

Either press the

. You leave the programming mode and PRGM goes off.

– Or switch to another programming function by pressing




– Or turn the switch to any other position except “OFF”. The device then returns to measurement mode (switching to “OFF” disables validation and entails the loss of the current values; the values previously recorded remain valid).
The information contained in memory is read back in the same way as it is programmed, except that





keys must not be used.

Alarm thresholds (C.A 1727 only)

Two thresholds can be set. To program these values, press the mode.

key when in programming

A first press on the

key results in the display of and lets you program the low threshold.

A second press on the

key validates the low threshold (LO AL), displays

prigram the high threshold (HI AL).

and lets you

When a threshold is programmed and the ALARM function is activated, the corresponding symbol appears on the display in measurement mode and the measured value is compared to this value at all times. An overshoot of the threshold results in the display of the corresponding symbol and activates the buzzer (see the use of this function in the “ALARM” section).

When one or both alarm thresholds have been programmed and activated, it or they appear on the bargraph in reverse video (with respect to the measurement): black if the deviation is below the threshold, white if the deviation is above the alarm threshold, flashing (4 Hz) if the measurement is equal to the threshold value.

Coefficient K (C.A 1727 only) Coefficient K is a multiplier applied to the raw measurement value in order to obtain a display that can be used as is. Examples:
– Programming of a gearbox ratio. This makes it possible to display, directly, the output speed of a reduction gear while measuring the input speed.
– Flow measurements. A flow meter delivers one pulse every 2 m3. Setting a coefficient of K = 2 makes the reading in Hz equal to the flow rate in m3 per second. The COUNT function delivers, in addition, the total volume that has flowed through the pipe.

Pressing the

key in the PRGM mode lets you program the value of coefficient K.

When a coefficient other than the initial value has been programmed, the symbol K appears on the display unit in the measurement mode. The digital display and the bargraph then both apply multiplier coefficient K.



The K symbol can be made to disappear only by reprogramming the original value of coefficient K (see the table below). The programming of K is limited to values between 99.999 and 0.010. No other values are accepted.

Measurement K in tr/mn K in m/min K in RPM K in ft/min K in kHz, ms, %

Counting K in revolutions K in m K in REV K in ft K in pulse count

Original K 1 0.1 1 0.328 1

Programming a coefficient K does not change the maximum measurement and display limits (0.1 to 10,000Hz and 0 to 99,999 points). The table below indicates the frequency limits as a function of the programmed value of coefficient K (it is assumed that the external input connector is used). Beyond these limits, the display indicates “OL” for an overshoot and “—–” for an undershoot.

Measurement unit

Programmed coefficient K



MAX input freq.,



giving a MAX

display of




MIN input freq.,



giving a MIN

display of



tr/min or RPM

MAX input freq., giving a MAX display of

10.000Hz 6000.0pts

16.666Hz 99999pts


MIN input freq., giving a MIN display of

0.1Hz 0.0600pts

0.1Hz 59999pts

Measurement unit
1ft = 0.3048cm 1m = 3.281ft

MAX input freq., giving a MAX display of
MIN input freq., giving a MIN display of

Programmed coefficient K












Recording interval (C.A 1727 only) The scanning function is used to make measurements at a preset rhythm and automatically record the results. It is possible to store up to 4000 points.

This function is programmed by pressing the displayed.

key in PRGM mode. The SCAN symbol is

The value programmed is the number of seconds between two successive records. The limits are 10 seconds minimum and 99,999 seconds maximum (approximately 27 hours).

In measurement mode, recording is started (stopped) by pressing the

key; the display of the

PRINT and SCAN symbols confirms that recording is in progress (see “RECORDING”). If the recording interval exceeds five minutes, the optical transmitter of the device is switched off

between measurement ( symbol off on the display unit), then switched back on 2 seconds before
the next measurement. The automatic stop function of the C.A 1727 is disabled for the duration of the scanning function. The
symbol is displayed.

TACHOGRAPH software can be used for two-way management of the data contained in the C.A 1727. It allows the acquisition, processing, and analysis of the measurements made by the C.A 1727 tachometer, and the transfer of results files to the hard disc of a PC. It can be used to translate them into a format compatible with EXCEL, to allow the end user to perform any desired digital processing of the results. It allows the transfer and display of the programming parameters of the device. Digital processing of the results, such as calculation of the mean value, of the integral (position), or of the derivative (acceleration), and the corresponding display in graph form are included in the TACHOGRAPH software.
The editing functions available in the graph window are: – Addition of Min + text1, addition of Max + text2, rename the graph.
The display functions available for each graph are: – Parameterizing of the scale, of the colours, addition of the grid (reticule), of two cursors, of a key with display of the delta between the cursors, of the Zoom + and – function.
The parameterizing functions for the start of acquisition are: – Parameterizing of the RS232 communication interface, of the Scan or rate of reading of the measurement, of the recording thresholds, of the alarms.
Example of menu on the screen of the PC: The File menu


Example of menu on the screen of the PC : The help menu (?)


The tachometer requires no special maintenance other than changing the battery and cleaning the housing. – Adjustments The device has no internal adjustments. Measurement accuracy is ensured by a highly stable crystal oscillator. – Cleaning the housing Clean with a cloth moistened with soapy water, then plain water. A dirty sighting window can severely impair the sighting characteristics, making any measurement impossible or unstable. – Cleaning the mechanical kit Clean with a cloth moistened with soapy water, then plain water. The use of alcohol or of another solvent might irreversibly damage the mechanical adapter by degrading its lubrication. – Replacement of the battery When the battery symbol appears on the display unit, the battery must be replaced. Set the switch to “OFF”. – Open the battery compartment, located on the back of the device. Unscrew the screw using a tool (coin, etc.) – Remove the battery and insert a new one in its place, taking care with the polarity. Use a 6LF22 or similar alkaline battery. – Close the cover of the compartment and tighten the screw moderately. – Storage For extended periods of non-use, we recommend removing the battery from the device and storing it separately. – Metrological check Like all measuring or testing devices, the instrument must be checked regularly. This instrument should be checked at least once a year. For checks and calibrations, contact one of our accredited metrology laboratories (information and contact details available on request), at our Chauvin Arnoux subsidiary or the branch in your country.

– Repair For all repairs before or after expiry of warranty, please return the device to your distributor.
– Warranty Our warranty is valid, except as otherwise expressly stipulated, for twelve months, counting from the date on which the equipment is made available (extract from our General Terms of Sale, communicated on request). The warranty does not apply following:
– inappropriate use of the equipment or use with incompatible equipment; – modifications made to the equipment without the explicit permission of the manufacturer’s
technical staff; – work done on the device by a person not approved by the manufacturer; – adaptation to a particular application not anticipated in the definition of the equipment or not
indicated in the operating instructions; – damage by shocks, falls, or floods.



– Device:

Tachometer with optical sensor, external input, and USB input / output (C.A 1727 only).

– Functions: Measurements of rpm, m/min, Hz, ms, and duty cycle.

– Recording : 4000 points, recording interval from 10 to 99 999s.

– Housing: Polycarbonate, sensor lens made of methacrylate.

– Dimensions: 21 x 72 x 47mm

– Mass:

Approximately 250g.

– Tightness: IP51 as per standard IEC 60529 (Ed 92).

– Electromagnetic compatibility: In conformity with EMC requirements as per NF EN 61326-1 (Ed

    • A1 (Ed 98) + A2 (Ed 2001)

– Safety:

in conformity with IEC 61010-1 Ed.2 2001

– Power supply:

– 6LF22 or equivalent 9V alkaline battery.

– Mean battery life: – 250 5-minute measurements with optical sensor.

– 600 5-minute measurements with external input.

– Environment:

– Storage: -20 to +70°C / 95% RH max without condensation.

– operation: 0°C to +55°C / 90% RH without condensation.



– Reference conditions

Quantity of influence Ambient temperature Relative humidity Ext. magnetic field Electric field Battery voltage

Reference conditions 23°C 45% to 75% HR < 40A/m to 50 or 60Hz < 1V/m to 50 or 60Hz 9V

Tolerances ± 3k
± 0,5V

Use in the reference range – Optical sensor: matte target (one that produces no measurement in rotation without reflecting adhesive). – External connector: standardized 0 – 5V TTL signal.
– RPM function

Range * rpm






Measurement time 11s > t > 7s










0.0006tr/min 0.0006tr/min 0.0006tr/min 0.0006tr/min

1.10-4 of reading ± 6 points

7s > t > 1s

1s > t > 1s

< 0,5s

± 6 points

  • from 6 to 60rpm: usable only with the external input. Use up to 10,000rpm with the mechanical adapter.
    – HZ function At frequencies above 10kHz (upper limit of the range of use), the device may indicate erroneous values.

Range * Hz
Resolution Accuracy Measurement time Stability

0.1000 –
9.9999 0.0004Hz
11s > t > 0,5s










4.10-5 of reading ± 4 points

< 0,5s

± 4 points

  • from 0,1 to 1Hz : usable only with the external input.


– Linear speed function Mechanical adapter with wheel 3.1813cm in diameter giving K = 0.1 for m/min and K = 0.328 for ft/ min.

Range* m/min
Range ft/min
Accuracy not counting sensor Measurement time Stability Accuracy of the sensor

0.60000 –
9.9999 1.9680
9.9999 0.0006m/min 0.0006ft/min













0.006m/min 0.06m/min


0.006ft/min 0.06ft/min


1.10-4 of reading ± 1 resolution step in m/min

3.10-4 of reading ± 1 resolution step in ft/min


< 0,5s

± 1 resolution step


10000 –
59999 10000
59999 6m/min 6ft/min

  • from 0.6 to 6m/min and above 999.99m/min (from 1.968 to 19.680ft/min and above 3200ft/min), usable only with the external input.
    – Period meter function

Range * ms
Resolution Accuracy Measurement Stability










1.10-4 of reading ± 5 points

11s>t>1,5s 1,5s>t>1,5s


± 1 resolution step

9.9999 –
0.1000 0.0005ms

  • from 100.0 to 9999.9ms : usable only with the external input.


– Duty cycle function

Range %
Resolution Accuracy
Frequency range Measurement time Stability









0.1% of full scale from 0.2Hz to 50Hz 1% of full scale

0.2% of full scale from 50Hz to 125Hz

0.2 to 125Hz

1 to 125Hz

125 to 500Hz



< 0.5s

± 1 point from 0.2Hz to 50Hz

± 1 point

± 2 points from 50Hz to 125Hz

  • Usable only with the external input.

– Event counter function

Measurement range
Counting frequency range Accuracy of count

from 0 to 99999 events
from 1Hz to 10kHz
from 0.1Hz to 10kHz with
external input in expanded range ± 1 event


– Measurement conditions – Optical sensor
Reflecting area: from 10 to 90% of the area of the target. Surface of the target: in the absence of the reflecting adhesive, the device must not be able to make a measurement. Measurement distance: from 1 to 50cm. The maximum distance is valid for a reflecting adhesive tape having an area of at least 10cm². Measurement angle: ± 15° from the perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
– variation in the range of use

Quantity of influence Ambient temperature Humidity
Power supply

Limit of the range


of application


-10 to + 70°C

Any quantity


10% to 90% HR

Any quantity

without condensation measured

7 to 10V

Any quantity


Typical variation ± 30ppm < 1.10-5

Max. variation ± 50ppm not significant not significant


– optical sensor

Transmission wavelength: 890 nm.

Luminous power transmitted: depends on sighting distance ;

at 1cm => 0,5mW/cm²

at 50cm => 2mW/cm


Minimum luminous power received: 10µW/cm2.

Ratio of reflecting area to target area: > 5%.

Detection distance: from 1 to 50cm.

Sighting angle from the perpendicular to the target: 0° ± 15°.

– Mechanical adapter End fittings: elastomer, Shore hardness 80 Pressure exerted on the moving part: between 2 and 40N. Maximum speed: 10,000rpm. Life: approximately 1,000 hours at 3,000rpm at a pressure of 20N.
– Conical end fitting accessory This end fitting is used for a measurement by contact on the shaft end of a system in rotation. It is an elastomer cone (max. diameter 15mm) that fits onto the output shaft of the adapter, with quick locking. Minimum measurement shaft diameter: 5mm.
– Cylindrical end fitting accessory This end fitting is used for a measurement by contact on the shaft end of a system in rotation. It is an elastomer cylinder that fits onto the output shaft of the adapter, with quick locking. It is used to measure the speeds of shafts larger than 5mm in diameter or having flat ends.
– End fitting accessory with wheel This end fitting is used to measure a linear speed by direct contact with the moving part. It is a rigid elastomer wheel that fits onto the output shaft of the adapter, with quick locking. Diameter of the wheel: 30.183mm. Circumference of the wheel: 10cm ± 0.1mm.



TACHOMETER C.A 1725 ……………………………………………………………..P01174810
– Delivered in its carrying case with 1 FRB F connector, 1 9V battery, 1 set of 15 strips of retroreflecting film (length 0.1 m), 1 instruction manual on CD-ROM, and one Guide to getting started (printed).
– Mechanical accessories kit ………………………………………………………………………………… P01174902 comprising 1 mechanical adapter, 1 calibrated wheel, 1 conical end fitting, 1 cylindrical end fitting.
– End fittings (set of 3) …………………………………………………………………………………………. P01174903 comprising 1 calibrated wheel, 1 conical end fitting, 1 cylindrical end fitting. – 9V battery ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… P01100732 – Retroreflecting film (15 0.1ms strips) …………………………………………………………………… P01101797 – FRB F connector ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. P01101785
TACHOMETER C.A 1727 ……………………………………………………………..P01174830
Delivered in its carrying case with 1 FRB F connector, 1 9V battery, 1 set of 15 strips of retroreflecting film (length 0.1 m), 1 instruction manual on CD- ROM, TACHOGRAPH software on CD-ROM and a Guide to getting started (printed).
– Mechanical accessories kit ………………………………………………………………………………… P01174902 comprising 1 mechanical adapter, 1 calibrated wheel, 1 conical end fitting, 1 cylindrical end fitting – Software of TACHOGRAPH ……………………………………………………………………………….. P01174835 – USB-A cable <–> USB-B ……………………………………………………………………………………. P01295293
– End fittings (set of 3) …………………………………………………………………………………………. P01174903 comprising 1 calibrated wheel, 1 conical end fitting, 1 cylindrical end fitting. – 9V battery ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… P01100732 – Retroreflecting film (15 0.1ms strips) …………………………………………………………………… P01101797 – FRB F connector ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. P01101785

02 – 2010 Code 692670A00 – Ed.2

DEUTSCHLAND – Chauvin Arnoux GmbH Straßburger Str. 34 – 77694 Kehl / Rhein Tel: (07851) 99 26-0 – Fax: (07851) 99 26-60 ESPAÑA – Chauvin Arnoux Ibérica SA C/ Roger de Flor N° 293, Planta 1 08025 Barcelona Tel: 93 459 08 11 – Fax: 93 459 14 43 ITALIA – Amra SpA Via Sant’Ambrogio, 23/25 – 20050 Bareggia di Macherio (MI) Tel: 039 245 75 45 – Fax: 039 481 561 ÖSTERREICH – Chauvin Arnoux Ges.m.b.H Slamastrasse 29/2/4 – 1230 Wien Tel: 01 61 61 961-0 – Fax: 01 61 61 961-61 SCANDINAVIA – CA Mätsystem AB Box 4501 – SE 18304 TÄBY Tel: +46 8 50 52 68 00 – Fax: +46 8 50 52 68 10

SCHWEIZ – Chauvin Arnoux AG Einsiedlerstraße 535 – 8810 Horgen Tel: 044 727 75 55 – Fax: 044 727 75 56 UNITED KINGDOM – Chauvin Arnoux Ltd Unit 1 Nelson Court – Flagship Square-Shaw Cross Business Park DEWSBURY – West Yorkshire – WF12 7TH Tel. : 01628 788 888 – Fax : 01628 628 099 MIDDLE EAST – Chauvin Arnoux Middle East P.O. BOX 60-154 – 1241 2020 JAL EL DIB (Beirut) – LEBANON Tel: (01) 89 04 25 – Fax: (01) 89 04 24 CHINA – Shanghai Pu-Jiang – Enerdis Instruments Co. Ltd 3 F, 3 rd Building – N° 381 Xiang De Road – 200081 SHANGHAI Tel: +86 21 65 21 51 96 – Fax: +86 21 65 21 61 07 USA – Chauvin Arnoux Inc – d.b.a AEMC Instruments 200 Foxborough Blvd. – Foxborough – MA 02035 Tel: 508-698-2115 – Fax: 508-698-2118
190, rue Championnet – 75876 PARIS Cedex 18 – FRANCE Tél. : +33 1 44 85 44 85 – Fax : +33 1 46 27 73 89 – [email protected] Export : Tél. : +33 1 44 85 44 86 – Fax : +33 1 46 27 95 59 – [email protected]


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