FIRSTIME CO 31022 Executive Digital Atomic LCD Wall Tabletop Clock Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
Table of Contents
MANUAL 31022 Executive
Atomic LCD Wall/Tabletop Clock
- Overall dimensions: 11.5 x 7.5′
- Atomic time with month / day / date with a manual setting
- Continental US Time Zones and 12/24 selectable settings
- Automatically updates for Daylight Savings Time
- Displays indoor temperature
- Alarm function
- Selectable wall mount or table stand
- Requires two ‘AA’ alkaline batteries (not included)
- One year limited warranty
Interference of the Atomic signal to the clock can occur.
- It is strongly recommended to start this clock during the night hours; this MI Mow the clock enough time to receive the signal. It is best to wait 24 hours for confirmation of setting.
- Always place this Clock away from other interfering electrical devices such as TVs, computers, MOOS, etc.
- Avoid placing the clock on or next to metal au-faces.
- Avoid pacing the dock in enclosed areas such as basements, airports, warehouses and factories.
- Do not start reception of the clock on anything in motion.
- If the LCD display is distorted after batteries are inserted, press the ‘RESET’ button (G).
- This clock reqJires two ‘M’ alkaline batteries (not included).
- To install the batteries, remove the battery cover (F) located on the back of the clock and insert batteries as indicated by the polarity symbols (+/-) marked on the inside of the battery compartment Once completed, cover with the battery cover (F).
- If the clock does not activate after inserting the bakeries, check to make sure the batteries are properly installed and are new. If the clock does not operate, steadily ID3C3 time, or the screen appears in distorted patterns, the the are low and should be replaced.
- Once batteries we inserted, all segment* an the clock will appear on the display within a few seconds.
- The LCD display will show time as 1200 ant. month and date as January 1st, 2009, and the’ 1 “icon will be flashing.
- When the j “Icon is flashing, the dock is searching for the radio controllec signal.
- If the radio controlled signal cannot be found, the clock will eventually stop searching for the signal; the’ “icon will disappear from the display and will not be flashing. However, the clock will periodically try to search for the radio controlled signal.
- If you would Ike to force the clock to search for the signal, this can be done manually. To force the radio signal, please see Radio Reception section.
- When the radio controlled signal has been found, the” ” Icon MU switch to the “* icon on the display and will begin to flash The flashing ” icon ricbcates clock has connected to the signal
- The clock’s ability to process the Information from the radio controlled signal may take some time; the ‘ ” loon will be flashing for a few minutes.
- Once the radio controlled signal has been received, the dock will atomatically display the correct time, month. date, day, year, and the solid ” icon will appear.
- This clock is automatically preset to the Pacific Time Zone. To receive the accurate time, the time zone on the clock will need to be changed to the tine zone in your area
- To change the tine zone, press the “RM.C.E /LIP’ button ( ). Tine Zones: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern will be indicated on the map located on the right side of the display
NOTE: In some cases, the clock may not receive a signal immediately. This is cue to atmospheric disturbances. The best reception often occurs during the night time.
• When the clock is in radio receiving mode, Incicated by the flashing 1 ” or ‘ ton, functions on the dock are not adlustable. Functions on the clock can only be setup after the signal has been received or when the radio signal is manually stopped. To manually stop the receiving of the signal, please see Radio Reception section.
• If the clock should have issues receiving the radio controlled signal, the time, date, day, and year can be setup manually. Please see the Setting the Clock Manually sections.
- To manually force the dock to search for the radio controlled signal, press the ‘WAVE” button (C). Once the button Is pressed the ” j ” icon will begin to flash on the display. if signal cannot be found, the” 1 ‘ icon will disappear from the display. However, the clock wil periodically look ‘or the radio controlled signal.
- To manually stop the recehnng 01 the radio signal, press the ‘WAVE’ button ( ). The signal Is off when the ” or’ * does not appear on tiro display.
NOTE: Every morning at 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., and 300 a m the dock will automatically accept the signal. In case the signal is not accepted, it will automaticaly receive the signal at 4:00 a.m. and 5.00 a T Astor entering the RCC reception, the icon ” “will flash in the Jpper right hand corner of tie display. When successfully accepted, the “ icon will display accordingly.
- To set the time zone, press the “P.M.C.E /UP” button (D); the default time zone on this clock is the Pacific Time Zone. Time Zones. Pacific. Mountain, Central. and Eastern will be indicated on .ho map located on the right side of the display.
- Please note that the atomic function will only work in the continental United States. It will not work In Alaska and Hawaii.
- If the cluck has issues receiviny the radio controlled signal, the time, date, day, arid year can be setup manualy.
- To set the clock manually, the radio controlled signal will need to be timed off. To stop the receiving of the signal, please see the Racio Reception section.
- To set the desired lour format, press and hold the ‘SET’ button (A) for two seconds. The clock will beep and the “12HR” will begin to flash on the display. Press the “UP” button (D) or “DOWN” button (E) to select the desired format. Vtrhen completed, press the “SET’ button (A).
- After the 12 HR/24 HR format has been set, this will switch the clock to the setting the t me format and the hour digits will begin to flash on the display. To set the hour, press the “UP” button (D) or “DOWN” button (E). When completed, press the ‘SET” button (A). Next, the minute digits will begin to flash. Press the button (D) or “DOWN’ button (E) to set the correct minutes. When completed, pross the “SET’ button (A).
- Once the time has been set, this will switch the clock to the setting the year format and the year digits will begin to flash on Me display. To set the year, press the “UV button (D) or ‘DOWN” button (E). When completed, press the “SET” button (A)
- After the year has been set, this will switch the clock to the setting the month & date format and the month digits will begin to flash on the display. To set the month, press the ‘UP” button (D) or “DOWN’ button (E). When completed, press the “SET button (A), Next, the date digts will begin to flash. Press the “UP’ button (D) or ‘DOWN” button (E) to set the date. When completed, r•ness the “SET button (A). • Once the date has been set, this will switch the clock to the setting the DST format, the “ON” and “DST’ icons will be on the display. To set the daylight saving function, press the “UP” buttor (D) or ‘DOWN” button (E) to turn the setting ON or OFF. When competed, press the “SET” button (A). °C AND °F To change the type of temperature reading on the display, press the ” °C / / DOWN ” button (E) to switch from °C or ‘F. The measurable temperature range is: – 9 °C to 50 °C (15.8 °F to 122’F). If the temperature exceeds – 9 t (15.8 eF), the icon will display “WC’. If the temperature is over 50 cC (122 °F), the icon will appear ‘HH .H7
- To set the alarm, press and hold the “ALARM’ button (B) for two seconds. The clock will beep and the hour digits will begin to flash. ‘AL” will also appear on the bottom right caner of the display.
- When the hour digits begin to flash, press the ‘UP’ button (D) or the ‘DOWN” Dutton (E) to set the desired alarm hour. When Completed, press the ‘ALARM” button (B). The minute digits will begin to flash, press the “UP” button (D) or the “DOWN” button (E) to set the desired alarm minutes. When completed, press the ‘ALARM” button (B).
- To turn the alarm ON, cross the ‘ALARM” button (B) after the alarm t mo has boon sot. Whon the alarm is ON, the boll icon ’43 “will appoar on the display. Tho alarm will now sound at the pre-set time The alarm will sound for two minutes and can be stopped by pressing any button on the back of the clock.
- To turn the alarm OFF, press the °ALARM” button (B) again. When the alarm is OFF. the bell icon ” ” will no: appear on the display
- This clock is automatically set with the DST function turned on. In the spring, the time will advance one hour and in the fall the time will reset one hour earlier. Please make sire that the clock is set to your correct time zone. This will ensure that the time will set accurately based on your time zone.
- If you live in an area that does not recognize Daylight Savings Time, you must set the DST function to OFF.
This product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 1 year from the date of sale to the customer. Warranty will not apply to defects resulting from abuse, accidents, or misuse. If a defect that is covered by this warranty arises during the warranty period, promptly return the clock (postage prepaid) with proof of purchase showing the date the clock was purchased to the following address.
FirsTime & Company Ls) 2350 S. 170th Street. New Berlin,
WI 53151 Service
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FIRSTIME CO 31022 Executive Digital Atomic LCD Wall Tabletop
[pdf] Instruction Manual
31022 Executive Digital Atomic LCD Wall Tabletop Clock, 31022, Executive
Digital Atomic LCD Wall Tabletop Clock, Atomic LCD Wall Tabletop Clock, Wall
Tabletop Clock, Tabletop Clock, Clock
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