Dante Univox® 7-Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop Installation Guide

June 4, 2024

7-Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop
Installation Guide

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop


Univox® 7-Series
Univox® 7-Series drivers combine 50 years of experience with the newest electronic design to deliver unrivaled quality in a compact stylish housing Developed on Univox linear switching technology the 7-Series provides extraordinary sound clarity, power, and performance as well as outstanding features such as low weight, size, and exceptionally high efficiency. Overall performance with the high voltage available follows the latest demands of the IEC 60118-4 and IEC 60498-1 standard, giving high-quality sound for music as well as for speech Univox PLS-7 and its phased array sibling SLS-7 are powerful induction loop amplifiers designed for very large-area loop installations PLS-7  delivers up to 100 Vpp/20Arms while the SLS-7 drives up to 100 Vpp and 10 Arms per channel
With wide dynamic response from complementary balanced outputs, PLS/SLS-7 drivers provide excellent dynamics with top audio quality Our ground-breaking filter bank
eliminates any Class-D associated non-linearity or interference. Due to Class D low heat dissipation, the drivers claim no extra ventilation space in your AV-rack

SLS system
SLS system is based on overlapping loops, providing a more controlled field strength distribution with less overspill. Any size venue can be covered and transmission is secured in several directions. The mute effect that occurs when a hearing aid wearer is tilting their head, common for standard loop systems, is efficiently eliminated.
Detailed information about SLS design, with several different approaches and visualized in 3-D simulation for a comprehensive understanding, can be accessed in Univox Loop  Designer (ULD).

Included in package

  • Loop driver
  • DC Power Supply
  • Power cable
  • 3 pcs of phoenix screw terminals
  • 4 pcs of rubber feet (preassembled)
  • T-Sign according to ETSI-standard
  • Rack mounting plate with 8 screws
  • Certificate/Measuring protocol
  • Installation guide

Connections and controls PLS-7 Overview

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop -

  1. Input level potentiometers
  2. Input level LED bar graph
  3. Parametric MLC control
  4. Parametric MLC knee point switch
  5. System diagnostics switch and LEDDante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview 2

13. DC supply input
14. Loop connector
15. Monitor volume control for both headphones and speaker output
16. Connection to Dante-interface (Univox® PLS-7D, part no 217710)
17. Monitor speaker connector
18. Auxiliary DC power output
19. Loop fault connector
20. Phoenix screw terminal (Unbalanced)
21. Unbalanced RCA
Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview
36. Loop current potentiometer
7. Loop current LED bar graph
8. Peak LED
9. Temp LED
10. Loop fault LED
11. Loop monitor headphones socket
12. Power LED

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview

22.  Speech enhancement switch (Flat/Speech)
23. 50-100 V Line switches On/Off
24. Override switch On/Off (Input 3)
25. Phoenix screw terminal (Balanced)
26. Speech enhancement switch (Flat/Speech)
27. Line/Mic sensitivity switches
28. Phantom power voltage switch On/Off
29. Balanced XLR


  1. 2. Input level should be set to 0 dB (ie the 0 dB LED should be lit most of the time during the audio program The +12 dB LED indicator should not be lit at any time) 3-4 Parametric MLC control makes it possible to fine-tune the frequency response, compensating for the effects of different metal types and configurations. There are 4  parametric curves starting from;
  2.  kHz, 1 kHz, 500 Hz, and 100 Hz These set the frequency at which the metal loss correction control starts to compensate The function is powerful, however, excessive  compensation can lead to a signal to limit in the treble range If signal limiting occurs the red peak LED illuminates
    5. System Diagnostics verify the integrity and function of the loop driver – inputs, output, and the loop condition
    Use: Set the switch on the front panel to the right position A built-in 16 kHz signal pulses at 2-second intervals at 0 dB, regardless of the adjusted sensitivity.
    If input and output LEDs flash in unison, the loop driver functions are verified.
    If only the input LEDs flash it indicates that the loop is not connected or the current potentiometer needs to be readjusted. Switch to the left position Off, for normal use
    6. The loop current control sets the output current, ie the field strength of the loop. The combined Master/ Loop knob controls the output current for both master and slave at  the same time
    7.  Loop current LED bar graph indicates the level of the loop current, not the field strength The field. The SLS version has two bars for master and slave. The PLS  version has one single bar. Strength is measured using a Field Strength Meter, like Univox FSM
    8. Peak (clip) LEDs illuminate when there is insufficient voltage to maintain a constant loop current. Momentary short-term voltage clipping is not audible in hearing aids. Compensation from the parametric MLC control may increase the risk of clipping
    Note: Use ULD for simulation guidance before installation and commissioning
    9. Temp LED, Automatic system protective mode activated. Refer to the Troubleshooting section.
    10. Loop Fault LED, remote output monitor connection; Relay output to a PA system. Monitors the function of the system. Refer to the Troubleshooting section.
    11. Loop Monitor, supports headphones (10) and speaker outputs (14) representing the sound quality of the loop. Volume control for both headphones and speakers, is set  by the potentiometer (15)
    12. Power LED verifies power supply connection
    13. 4-pin DC Supply socket for secure connection of Univox-approved power supplies 90-260VAC, 50-60Hz.
    Only connect the power to the amplifier before connecting to the network, otherwise, there is a risk of sparking.
    14.  Loop skew terminals (PLS) for Master and Slave loop connection (SLS)
    15. Monitor volume control for both headphones and speaker output
    16. Connection to Dante-interface (Univox® PLS-7D/SLS-7D part no 217710/227010)
    17. Monitor speaker connector Pin 1+2 (2=GND), speaker output 8-32 Ω
    18. Auxiliary DC power output 15 V-24 V depending on model Pin 3+2 (2=GND), DC 12-18 V output, 100 mA
    19. Loop Fault – remote output monitor connection; Monitors the function of the system. Whenever there is an inconsistency of the system a fault signal triggers relay  contacts to:
    CLOSED RELAY (short circuit) = OK

20. Unbalanced Line: -24 dBu (30 mVrms) to +16.2 dBu (5 Vrms)
21. Unbalanced RCA left/right

Switchable between line and 50-100 V speaker line input Note: The speaker line MUST be balanced at the Phoenix connector (connect (+) and (—) terminal) Use earth ONLY for free-floating screen or leave unconnected
22. Speech filter. Low cut filter 130-170 Hz On/Off Speech Enhancement (Flat/Speech) attenuates low frequencies (<150 Hz) increasing speech intelligibility for microphone use Note: When commissioning field strength level and frequency response this feature must be switched to Flat postilion
23. Speaker 50-100 V balanced Line, sensitivity On/Off Caution! 50-100 V/Line must be set prior to any further settings
24. Override/Priority function mutes inputs and is typically used for voice alarm systems. Signals higher than -6 dB on input 2 activate the priority function
25. Balanced Line: -15 dBu (50 mVrms) to +20.6 dBu (8.3 Vrms)

Balanced XLR. Switchable between Line and Mic sensitivity and with or without Phantom voltage
Note: With an unbalanced connection (not recommended) the pin not used should be grounded.
26. Speech filter. Low cut fitter 130-170 Hz, On/Off Speech Enhancement (Flat/Speech) attenuates low frequencies (<150 Hz) increasing speech intelligibility for microphone use
Note: When commissioning field strength level and frequency response this feature must be switched to a Flat position
27. Line/Mic sensitivity switches: -55 dBu (1.5 mVrms) to +10 dBu (2.6 Vrms)
28. Phantom voltage, On/Off
29. Balanced XLR

Connections and controls SLS-7 Overview

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop -

  1. Input level potentiometers
  2. Input level LED bar graph
  3. Parametric MLC control
  4. Parametric MLC knee point switch
  5. System diagnostics switch and LEDDante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview 2

13. DC supply input
14. Loop connector
15. Monitor volume control for both headphones and speaker output
16. Connection to Dante-interface (Univox® PLS-7D, part no 217710)
17. Monitor speaker connector
18. Auxiliary DC power output
19. Loop fault connector
20. Phoenix screw terminal (Unbalanced)
21. Unbalanced RCA
Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview
36. Loop current potentiometer
7. Loop current LED bar graph
8. Peak LED
9. Temp LED
10. Loop fault LED
11. Loop monitor headphones socket
12. Power LED

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - Overview

22.  Speech enhancement switch (Flat/Speech)
23. 50-100 V Line switches On/Off
24. Override switch On/Off (Input 3)
25. Phoenix screw terminal (Balanced)
26. Speech enhancement switch (Flat/Speech)
27. Line/Mic sensitivity switches
28. Phantom power voltage switch On/Off
29. Balanced XLR


Calculations for coverage area, metal loss, signal sources, power outlets, dissipating heat and ventilation for loop driver placement, and other practical installation issues, must be done prior to the on-site installation. Please refer to www.univox.eu/planning 
Use Univox Loop Designer (ULD), a free, web-based project planning and design software for easy and accurate assistance in designing loop systems.


Tools required
Copper tape tools, e.g. crimping tool, double-sided adhesive tape, printed warning tape
General audio installation tools, e.g. Ohmmeter
Field strength meter, e.g. Univox FSM
Listening device, e.g. Univox Listener

Loop cable
Always conduct a loop design before installation. Use the same type of wire for the loop as specified in the design. Use a feed cable (twisted or twin wire) between the junction box and the loop driver, as well as between the loop figuration and the junction box or loop driver.

Placement of the driver
Univox SLS-7/PLS-7 loop drivers will not generate any excessive heat and can be mounted in 19” racks on top of or below other rack components (check that these don’t generate excessive heat), on a wall or another flat surface. In a rack system, it is often practical to attach the external power supply to the supporting metallic construction using straps. For wall mounting, you need to open the chassis to access the mounting holes.
Use general basic audio practice while installing and mounting units and wiring, including loop cables. Avoid feedback interference between analog signal source cables and loop cables. The loop cable must not be placed closer than 30cm (12in) to a parallel microphone or mixer cable. The crossing is allowed.

Placement of the microphones
Microphone placement and proximity between the microphone and mouth are crucial for improved speech intelligibility. Use the shortest distance possible between the microphone and mouth/sound source.

Commissioning and certification
Check the system when the installation is completed. Properly installed systems should meet the requirements for field strength, consistency, and frequency response according to the international standard IEC 60118-4.
A guide on how to commission a loop system to the IEC performance standard can be found in the user guide for the Univox FSM field strength meter and in the Univox® Certificate of Conformity available at www.univox.eu/certify.

Maximum recommended segment size (to comply with IEC 60118-4)

environment| Basic level
(1000Hz)| IEC level
(1600Hz)| Field Strength Attenuation| Important notes/requirements
No metal| 22 m/70 ft| 22 m/70 ft| 0|
Standard reinforced
concrete| 7 m/23 ft| 5 m/16 ft| 3.5-6 dB power| Increased current, voltage and
Heavily reinforced
concrete| 5 m/16 ft| 4 m/13 ft| 3.5-6 dB power| Increased current, voltage and
Suspended ceiling| 4.8 m/16 ft| 3.6 m/12 ft| 4-10 dB| The conductor must be centered in the suspended  ceiling framework (longest distance to metal)
Increased current
Steel deck/Metal system
floor| 4 m/13 ft| 3 m/10 ft| 6-10 dB| Increased current
Iron bar construction| 3 m/10 ft| 2 m/6.5 ft| 4-12 dB| Medium/strong damping, depending on the  placement of wire (avoid placement along metal bars)

System setup

Start-up procedure

  1. Each loop must be securely isolated (particularly to safety-ground and other loop connections). Verify the resistance of each loop (approximately 1-3 0)

  2. Connect the input (21/25/29) and output (14) connections
    • SLS model: Connect Master and Slave loop cables. The Master loop cable connects to loop terminal screws 1 and 2. The slave loop connects to terminal screws 3 and 4
    • PLS model: The loop cable connects to loop terminal screws 1 and 4

  3. Set all level controls to minimum setting:
    • System Diagnostics (5) = Off
    • Parametric MLC (4) = 2 kHz

  4. Connect the Power supply (13) and verify the Power LED indication (12)

  5. Activate System Diagnostics. Input level bar graph peaks (2) to 0 dB. Output bar graph (7) does not indicate.
    NOTE: The Loop Fault LED (10) will be lit during this setup to verify the feature function. SLS-model: If both Master and Slave loops are not connected the Loop Fault LED will be lit.

  6. Adjust the output level Input and output bar graphs indicate in unison. Loop Fault LED will go out.
    NOTE: 2-turn loop is often more efficient, see the Output connections and adjustments section. In some installations, field strength adjusted to -12 dB in coverage and frequency test measurement during commissioning, might trigger the Loop Fault LED due to low output current When adjusting the current and magnetic field to 0 dB in further commissioning steps the Fault LED will go out.

  7. Check the field strength with a field strength meter, e.g. FSM for all loop segments. Verify low field strength directly above wires and high in between segments (peaks to approximately -2 dB). If not there might be a local short circuit between the wires

  8. The basic function of the loop system is now verified. Turn System Diagnostics off and proceed with Input adjustments
    Input connection and adjustments

  9. Set all level controls to minimum setting:
    • System Diagnostic (5) = Off
    • Parametric MLC (4) = 2 kHz

  10. Connect the main audio source to the input of the amplifier (B, C, or D)

  11. Adjust input level (1) to 0 dB at input bar graph (2). If using a 1 kHz pulsed sine wave signal, simply set it to 0 dB.
    Output connection and adjustments

  12. Field strength setting: Start with the highest efficiency connection, I) 2-turn serial connection. For loop, the connection uses a junction box, see the diagram below.

  13. Set field strength (6) in the range -3 dB to 0 dB at the peaks. If Peak (8) LED flickers occasionally the connection is acceptable. If the Peak LED is lit continuously, try with the following loop figurations by switching the connections in the junction box: II) one wire single turn and then III) two parallel wires single turn. With this procedure, the unit will operate with the highest output possible without generating any heat.Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop - adjustments Note: To quickly set up the field strength for program material, a PPM instrument, like the Univox Listener can be helpful. The Univox Listener has a calibrated level indicator that quickly detects the highest peak.
    Note: The field strength peaks should be adjusted to -2 dB field to suit dynamic headroom in various hearing aids

  14. Check basic frequency response according to IEC 60118-4, using a field strength meter, e.g FSM. If necessary, follow the Frequency adjustment procedure (see page 12).

  15. Check the sound quality by using an external listening device (Univox Listener or FSM), Monitor speaker connector (17), or Monitor (11) for headphones (volume control on rear panel Monitor (15)). When operating at maximum output on low impedance, i.e single-turn loops, the automatic limit protection circuit may cut program peaks.  This can be avoided by changing to a 2-turn loop or reducing the output current setting.

  16. Start the Commissioning process to certify the installation (see page 9).

Metal Loss Correction frequency setting

The degree of compensation for metal loss is adjusted with the MLC potentiometer (3).
The start/break frequency is set with the Parametric MLC knee point switch (4) marked:
100 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz.

  1. Start with the break frequency set to 2 kHz
  2. Adjust the level to -12 dB. If this is not sufficient, move to the next lower frequency and repeat as required.
  3. Verify that the loop driver’s voltage does not saturate, i.e. that the peak indicator (8) only flickers occasionally.

MLC function in maximum position

Dante Univox 7 Series Ring loop amplifier Super Loop -


Symptom Possible cause Solution
General malfunction Check the system with the start-up procedure. See page
  1. Loop fault LED On| No input signal No output signal
    Loop is not connected properly| Check the input signal
    Both master and slave loops must be connected
    Check the loop connection
    The power LED is off| Power supply not connected Power supply faulty| Connect the power supply correctly Replace the power supply
    Input and output LEDs flash on and off| System Diagnostics turned on| Turn System Diagnostics off
    Temp LED On| Excessive heat| Disconnect the supply voltage. Verify the loop connection: Slave and Master loops must be insulated, and must not be short- circuited to safety ground. Reconnect the supply voltage. If the error signal remains, contact Univox support.
    Audio quality is poor, peak LED is off, and sound quality using headphones is also poor| Input signal set too high Audio source is of poor quality| Reduce the input signal level and check the Line/Mic level setting
    Change/adjust the audio source
    Audio quality is poor, peak LED indicates| The malfunction loop cable Loop impedance is too high
    Loop current set too high Parametric MLC set too high| Repeat the start-up procedure (page 10) Change the loop: use twin cores in parallel or use a cable with a larger cross-section
    Turn loop current down Turn down Parametric MLC
    Output current LEDs are off input LEDs are on| Loop current turned down| Adjust Loop Current
    Output and input LEDs are off, power LED is on| No input signal
    Input signal set too low| Check if the input signal is present Adjust the level of the input signal
    The Intelligibility of sound from the microphone is poor| Low-frequency masking
    Poor microphone user techniques| Turn the speech enhancement filter on
    Instruct user/reduce the speaking distance
    Microphone connected,
    input LEDs are off| Phantom power not turned on
    Input level too low
    Microphone needs higher
    phantom voltage
    faulty| Turn phantom power on
    Increase input level/reduce the speaking distance
    Use a valid microphone or connect a microphone  mixer (amplifier) Exchange faulty  part
    Alarm/priority signal is not clear| Override DIL switch not set to
    allow this function| Set the DIL switch to the correct position
    Cannot achieve required frequency response at 100 Hz| Speech enhancement filter
    turned on| Turn the speech enhancement filter off
    Cannot achieve required frequency response at 5 kHz| Parametric MLC not set correctly
    Frequency-dependent losses
    too high for parametric
    compensation| Set Parametric MLC to the correct level
    Use smaller/multiple loops


The equipment should be installed by an audio-visual technician observing ‘good electrical and audio practice’ at all times and following all the instructions within this document.

Only use the power adapter supplied with the unit. If the power adapter or cable is damaged, replace it with a genuine Univox part.
The power adapter must be connected to a mains outlet close to the amplifier and easily accessible. Connect the power to the amplifier before connecting to the network, otherwise, there is a risk of sparking.
The installer is responsible for installing the product in a way that may not cause risk of fire, electrical malfunctions, or danger for the user. Do not cover the power adapter or loop driver. Only operate the unit in a well- ventilated, dry environment.
Do not remove any covers as there is a risk of electric shock. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. Please observe that the product warranty does not include faults caused by tampering with the product, carelessness, incorrect connection/mounting, or maintenance.
Bo Edin AB shall not be held responsible or liable for interference to radio or TV equipment, and/or for any direct, incidental, or consequential damages or losses to any person or entity, if the equipment has been installed by unqualified personnel and/or if installation instructions stated in the product Installation Guide have not been strictly followed.


This loop driver is supplied with a 5-year (return to base) warranty.
Misuse of the product in any way including but not limited to:

  • Incorrect installation
  • Connection to the non-approved power adapter
  • Self-oscillation resulting from feedback
  • Force majeure e.g. lightning strike
  • Ingress of liquid
  • The mechanical impact will invalidate the warranty

Maintenance and care

Under normal circumstances, the product does not need any special maintenance.
Should the unit become dirty, wipe it with a clean damp cloth. Do not use any solvents or detergents.


Should the system not work as expected, please follow the Checklist for installation found on www.univox.eu/support or contact the local distributor for further instructions.
Before returning a product to us for service you will need a Service Number from your distributor. They will also send you a Service Report Form which must be completed and returned with the product.

Technical data

For additional information, please refer to the product data-sheet and CE certificate which can be downloaded from www.univox.eu/products. If required, other technical documents can be ordered from [email protected].


To prevent possible harm to the environment and human health, please dispose of the product responsibly by following statutory disposal regulations.

Measuring devices

Univox® FSM Basic, Field Strength Meter
A professional instrument for measurement and certification of loop systems in accordance with IEC 60118-4.

Univox® Listener, testing device
Loop receiver for a fast and simple check of the sound quality and basic level control of the loop.

Technical data

Technical data Univox PLS-7/PLS-7D Univox SLS-7/SLS-7D

Loop Output
Max Drive Voltage| 100 Vpp| 100 Vpp
Max Drive Current| 20 Arms| 2 x 10 Arms
Power supply| 110-240 VAC primary switched class VI electronic power supply;
Enhanced power connection with 4-pin DIN power connector
Input 1| Balanced XLR, Line/Mic; Phantom Power +12 VDC On/Off
Sensitivity -55 dBu (1.5 mVrms) to +10 dBu (2.6 Vrms)
| Dante RJ-45 ethernet input PoE (option)
Input 2| Balanced phoenix screw terminal block. Dip switch programmable: Low cut

filter@150 Hz – Flat/Speech; Line/50-100 V connection On/Off; Override On/Off
(Input 3 signals higher than -6 dB above AGC-knee overrides all other input signals)

Input 3| Unbalanced RCA or Phoenix Screw Terminal Block

Sensitivity: -24 dBu (30 mVrms) to +16.2 dBu (5 Vrms)

Monitor control| 10 W speaker and 3.5 mm front panel headphone output
Loop error| Speaker monitor output; 24 V power output; Relay output to the mixer
Frequency response| 75-6800 Hz
Distortion, Power Loop Driver| < 0.05 %
Distortion, system| < 0.15 %
Dual Action AGC| Dynamic Range: > 50-70 dB (+1.5 dB)
Attack time: 2-500 ms, Release time: 0.5-20 dB/s
Cooling| Fan-free convection cooling (chassis cooling)
IP class| IP20
Size| 1U/19 ” rack mount. WxHxD 430 mm x 150 mm x 44 mm (incl. rubber feet)
Weight (net)| 2.30 kg| 2.31 kg
Mounting options| Rackmount (brackets included), wall mount, or freestanding
Part No| 217700/217710 (Dante)| 227000/227010 (Dante)

The product is designed to meet the system requirements of IEC60118-4, when correctly designed, installed, commissioned and maintained. Specification data complied according  to IEC62489-1

(Univox) Bo Edin AB
Stockby Hantverksby 3,
SE-181 75 Lidingö, Sweden
+46 (0)8 767 18 18
[email protected]

Hearing excellence since 1965


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