EXIT TOYS 12.95.06 Silhouette Ground Trampoline User Manual

June 4, 2024

EXIT TOYS 12.95.06 Silhouette Ground Trampoline


Congratulations on choosing an EXIT Silhouette Trampoline!

Have fun, be active and play outdoors
That’s what keeps driving us to develop innovative, quality toys for cool kids. We do everything possible to develop safe products for children. As our products are classed as toys, we comply with the toughest consumer safety regulations. Before launching our products onto the market, we have independent tests carried out for certification. We also continuously test our production runs and periodically have independent tests performed again as a further check. Only products which live up to the highest EXIT Toys standard are marked with and recognized by the EXIT-brand. “We want to thank you for your custom and your confidence in this product. We’re sure your kids will have as much fun as we did during development. Being open-minded, we really appreciate all comments and ideas which will help us improve our products or develop new ones. You are invited to send your ideas to us at info@exit- toys.com”.

Please visit www.exittoys.com and discover more cool new products.
The EXIT Toys team.

Guidelines for safe use

Using your product as instructed in this manual will eliminate virtually all hazards. However, please bear in mind that children have a natural urge to play and that this may lead to unforeseen dangerous situations for which the manufacturer cannot be held responsible. Teach your children how to use the product and point out possible dangers to them.

Before assembling and using the product, please read and observe these main warnings:

To avoid serious injury:

  • Read and understand the manual before use.
  • WARNING : For domestic and outdoor use only.
  • WARNING : CHOKING HAZARD! – Small parts. Not for Children under 3 years old.
  • WARNING : Only one user at a time; the danger of collision!
  • WARNING : Do not perform summersaults or other difficult jumps!
  • WARNING : Empty pockets and hands before jumping!
  • WARNING : Continuous adult supervision is required.
  • WARNING : Don’t use the trampoline when it’s wet.
  • WARNING. The trampoline shall be assembled by an adult in accordance with the assembly instructions and thereafter checked before the first use.
  • WARNING : Do not eat while jumping.
  • WARNING : Always jump in the middle of the mat.
  • WARNING : Installation of the trampoline requires a hole to be dug in the ground. If you are not sure about the groundwork, please contact a professional.”
  • WARNING : Always close the net opening before jumping.
  • WARNING : Do not use in strong wind conditions and secure the trampoline. WARNING: Do not exit by a jump.
  • WARNING : Limit the time of continuous usage (make regular stops) WARNING: Jump without shoes
  • Max. User weight:
    • 12.95.06: 50 kg
    • 12.95.08: 50 kg
    • 12.95.10: 100 kg
    • 12.95.12: 120 kg
    • 12.95.14: 120 kg
    • 12.95.57: 100 kg
    • 12.95.70: 120 kg
    • 12.95.82: 120 kg
Warnings for safe use
  • BEFORE YOU BEGIN USING YOUR TRAMPOLINE: Read and understand the infor-mation provided in this manual. As with all physical sports and activities there is the risk of participants receiving an injury. To ensure your future enjoyment and the prevention of injury, be sure to follow appropriate safety rules and tips.
  • Retain this manual for future reference; contains important information.
  • Stop exercising immediately should you feel unwell or if you feel pain in your joints and muscles. Dizziness is a sign of fatigue and you should stop bouncing and lay down on the ground should you feel dizzy.
  • When using this trampoline ensure appropriate clothing is worn, preferably sportswear and socks.
  • Please be warned that the trampoline is spring based and will allow the user to jump to a greater height than that on the ground, so please bear this in mind and ensure that you are comfortable bouncing at low heights first.
  • Proper assembly, care, and maintenance of the product, safety tips, warnings, and proper techniques for jumping on your trampoline are included in this manual for your safety and an extended product life span. All users and supervisors should therefore familiarize themselves with these instructions. Anybody who chooses to use the trampoline must be aware of their own limitations with regard to performing skills on this trampoline.
  • The trampoline should be assembled on grass or BSI-approved safety matting. Shall neither be installed over concrete, asphalt or any other hard surface nor at the proximity of other conflicting installations (e.g. paddling pools, swings, slides, climbing frames)
  • Moving the Trampoline. If the trampoline and enclosure need to be moved, it should be moved by two persons, kept horizontal, and lifted slightly. If necessary, the trampoline and enclosure can be taken apart for moving. To take the trampoline apart, follow the assembly steps in reverse order.
  • Place the trampoline on a level surface at least 2 m from any structure or obstruction such as a fence, garage, house, overhanging branches, laundry lines or electrical wires.
  • In case of missing or broken parts, please contact the place of purchase for assistance.
  • Modifications made by the consumer to the original trampoline (e.g. the addition of an accessory) shall be carried out according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
  • The hole should not accumulate water (so drainage is necessary) and it should be possible to clean during maintenance.
  • We are not liable for any injuries that may occur when using the trampoline.
Use of the trampoline

Initially, you should get accustomed to your trampoline and understand how much spring is in each bounce. The focus at this point should be body position and technique until each skill can be completed with ease and control.

  • BEFORE YOU TRY TO JUMP TOO HIGH the technique for stopping should be learned as this will help prevent injury should you feel you are jumping out of control.
  • As the user lands on the bed, the knees should be bent so that they stop and absorb the spring in the mat. The position is shown in the image to the left. Arms are held out for an increased level of balance.
  • This skill is used when the trampoline user wishes to stop bouncing on the trampoline due to fatigue, loss of control, etc.

DO NOT PERFORM somersaults of any type (backward or forwards)on this trampoline.If you make a mistake when trying to perform a somersault, you could land on your head or neck. This will increase the chances of your neck or back is broken, which could result in death or paralysis.

DO NOT use the trampoline if there are pets, other people, or any objects underneath the trampoline. This will increase the chances of an injury occurring, DO NOT hold any foreign objects in your hand, and DO NOT place any objects on the trampoline while in use. DO NOT place the trampoline under overhanging objects like tree branches, wires, etc as these will increase your chances of being injured.

A trampoline in poor condition will increase your risk of being injured. Please inspect the trampoline before each use for bent steel tubes, torn mat, loose or broken springs and overall stability of the trampoline.

Warning. Do not use in strong wind conditions and secure the trampoline. Please be aware of the weather conditions when using the trampoline. Don’t use the trampoline when it’s wet. If it is too windy, the user could lose control.

When the trampoline is not in use, always store the access ladder in a secure place so that unsupervised children can not play on the trampoline.

Tips to reduce the risk of accidents


In order to reduce the risk of an accident the “TRAMPOLINE USER” should:

  • Always remain in control of their jumps and body position at all times.
  • Not attempt to perform skills that are beyond their own level of competence.
  • Read and understand the jump by taking off and landing in the middle of the trampoline.
  • Always control their jump by taking off and landing in the middle of the trampoline.
  • Warning. Always Jump in the middle of the mat. Always jump vertically and refrain from bouncing towards the springs in any direction.
  • Always consult a professional certified trampoline instructor before attempting anything beyond basic techniques.

In order to reduce the risk of an accident the “SUPERVISOR” should:

  • Fully understand and enforce all the safety rules and guidelines.
  • Advise the trampoline user and provide knowledge in what they are doing right and wrong to ensure safety of the trampoline user.
  • Be aware and advise the trampoline user of all the safety warnings.
  • Warning. Do not exit the trampoline by a jump.

If the Trampoline can not be supervised there should be a method for securing it and preventing anyone from using the product until supervision is available.

Trampoline Safety Instructions


  • Do not use trampoline if you have consumed alcohol or narcotic substances
  • You should climb on and off the trampoline in a controlled and careful manner. Never jump onto or off the trampoline and never use the trampoline as a means to bounce onto or into another object.
  • Always learn the basic bounce and master each type of bounce before trying more difficult types of bounces. Review the basic skills section to learn how to do the basics.
  • To stop your bounce, flex your knees when you land on your feet.
  • Always be in control when you are bouncing on the trampoline. A controlled jump is when you land at the same spot that you took off from. If at any time you feel out of control, stop bouncing immediately.
  • Do not jump or bounce for prolonged periods of time of too high for a number of jumps. Keep your eyes on the mat to maintain control. If you do not, you could lose your balance.
  • Never have more than 1 person on the trampoline at any time. Collision hazard.


Familiarise yourself with the basic jumps and safety rules. To prevent and reduce the risk of injuries, ensure that all safety rules are enforced and the new users learn the basic bounces before trying more advanced techniques.

  • ALL USERS need to be supervised, regardless of skill level or age.
  • Never use the trampoline when it is wet, damaged, dirty, or worn out. The trampoline should be inspected before use.
  • Keep all objects that could interfere during use away from the trampoline at all times. Be aware of what is overhead, underneath and around the trampoline.
  • To prevent unsupervised and unauthorized use, the trampoline should be secured at all times.

Accident classification & identification

Be very careful when getting on and off the trampoline. DO NOT mount the trampoline by grabbing the frame pad, stepping onto the springs, or jumping onto the mat of the trampoline from an object(eg. A deck, roof, or ladder ). This is considered highly dangerous. DO NOT dismount by jumping off the trampoline and landing on the ground. If small children are playing on the trampoline, they may need help in mounting and dismounting. USE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS:
DO NOT consume any alcohol or take any drugs (this includes medication that could affect the user’s coordination) when using this trampoline. This is considered highly dangerous since these foreign substances impair your judgments, reaction time, and overall physical coordination. MULTIPLE USERS:
Only one user at a time; the danger of collision! STRIKING THE SPRING FRAME:
When playing on the trampoline, STAY in the center of the trampoline mat. This will reduce the risk of being injured by landing on the spring frame. Always keep the frame pads covering the frame of the trampoline. DO NOT jump or step onto the frame pad directly since it is not intended to support the weight of a person. LOSS OF CONTROL:
DO NOT try difficult maneuvers until you have mastered the basics. If you do not follow these guidelines, you increase the risk of someone being injured. WARNING: Take a break every 10 minutes.

Trampoline techniques

Basic Skills

BASIC SKILL 1: The basic bounce

  • Start from a standing position, with feet shoulder width apart head up, and eyes on the trampoline bed.
  • Swing arms forward and up above the head in a circular motion.
  • Bring legs and feet together in mid-air position and point toes.
  • Land back on the mat with feet shoulder width apart (same as start position).
  • Why not try moving on to the next skill once comfortable and proficient?

BASIC SKILL 2: The Knee Drop

  • Start with a low basic bounce (as detailed in BA-SIC SKILL 1).
  • Land on knees shoulder width apart, keeping back straight and a strong body position using arms out to the side or in front to maintain balance.
  • Bounce back to the basic bounce position by using bounce momentum and swinging arms above head.
  • Once mastered at this height try bouncing a little higher, but remember to always stay in control of your height.

BASIC SKILL 3: The Seat Drop

  • Start with a low basic bounce (BASIC SKILL 1) in the normal position.
  • Land with legs out straight in front of you, with hands on either side of your hips and back straight in a strong body position.
  • Use the bounce momentum aided with a push from hands to return to a standing position.
  • Once mastered at this height try bouncing a little higher, but remember to always stay in control of your height.

Please consult a trained trampoline instructor before attempting any more advanced skills to ensure the highest possible safety levels are maintained.

Advanced Skills

ADVANCED SKILL 1: The basic bounce

  • Start with a low basic bounce (BASIC SKILL1) in the normal position.
  • Land on your hands and knees at the same time, and ensure that your back is horizontal to the bounce mat and your hands & legs are shoulder width apart also.
  • Use the momentum of bounce and push off hands to regain the standing position.
  • Once mastered at this height try bouncing a little higher, but remember to always stay in control of your height.
  • Try moving on to the next skill once comfortable and proficient.

ADVANCED SKILL 2: Hands and Knees to Front Drop

  • Land on your hands and knees at the same time, ensure the back is horizontal to the bounce mat and hands & legs are shoulder width apart also.
  • Maintain a strong body position with the back horizontal to the mat and straighten your legs behind and fold your arms in front of your face in mid-air ready to land on the mat in a lying down position.
  • Ensure the landing is done with all of the body touching the mat at the same time.
  • Push off your hands and recover the standing position.
  • Once mastered at this height try bouncing a little higher, but remember to always stay in control of your height. Trying moving on to the next skill once comfortable and proficient.

ADVANCED SKILL 3: The Front Drop

  • Start with a low basic bounce (BASIC SKILL 1) in the normal position.
  • Maintain a strong body position with the back horizontal to the mat and straighten your legs behind and fold your arms in front of your face in mid-air ready to land on the mat in a lying down position.
  • Ensure the landing is done with all of the body touching the mat at the same time.
  • Push off your hands and recover the standing position.
  • Once mastered at this height try bouncing a little higher, but remember to always stay in control of your height.

Should you wish to progress any further and learn more advanced techniques for a trampoline, please consult a qualified and registered instructor.

General Information

  • Self-securing nuts and screws are suitable only for one-time setting-up and must be replaced after the breakdown of the trampoline and/or safety net.
  • The SafetyNet has limited durability, replace it after 2 years of use.
  • It is recommended to place the trampolines on a flat and level surface with at least 2 m distance to other superstructures, or barriers, e.g. fence garage, house, tree branches, washing lines, or electrical cables.
  • The trampoline shall not be placed over hard surfaces like asphalt, concrete etc.
  • Exchange defective parts according to the supplier’s recommendation.
  • Changes to the trampoline (e.g. addition of an accessory) must be done according to the supplier’s instructions.

Trampoline Assembly


Only assembled by an adult
To assemble this trampoline all you need is our special spring loading tool provided with this product. During periods of non-use, this trampoline can be easily disassembled and stored. Please read the assembly instructions before beginning to assemble the product. Please refer to the table for part descriptions and numbers. The assembly instruction uses these descriptions and numbers as references.

Make sure you have all parts listed. If you are missing any parts, please contact the place of purchase. Please use gloves to protect your hands from pinch points during assembly. When you are ready to start, make sure that you have plenty of space and a clean dry area for assembly. You can find the assembly steps in chapter 5.0.

STEP 1EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 2EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 3EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 4EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 5EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 6EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 7EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 8EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 9EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 10EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 11EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

STEP 12EXIT-TOYS-12.95.06-Silhouette-Ground-Trampoline-

Congratulations! Your trampoline is now fully assembled (put together).


This trampoline was designed and manufactured with quality materials and craftsmanship. If proper care and maintenance is provided, it will provide all jumpers with years of exercise, fun, and enjoyment as well as reduce the risk of injury. Please follow the guidelines listed below:

This trampoline is designed to withhold a certain amount of weight and use. Please make sure that only one person at any one time uses the trampoline. Jumpers should either wear socks, and gymnastics shoes, or be barefoot when using the trampoline. Please be aware that street shoes or tennis shoes should NOT be worn while using the trampoline. In order to prevent the trampoline mat from getting cut or damaged please do not allow any pets onto the mat. Also, jumpers should remove all sharp objects from their person prior to using the trampoline. Any type of sharp or pointed objects should be kept off the trampoline mat at all times.

Maintenance instructions
Make sure to carry out checks and maintenance of the main parts (frame, suspension system, mat, padding, and enclosure) at the beginning of each season and also at regular intervals of every 2 weeks. If these checks are not carried out, the trampoline could become dangerous!

  • Make sure that the hook-and-loop fasteners are closed correctly during the use of the trampoline!
  • It is necessary to determine whether all nuts and bolts are tight, and if necessary they are tightened;
  • It shall be verified that all spring-loaded connections (locking pin) are undamaged and do not move while playing;
  • Any cover screws and sharp edges must be checked and replaced if necessary;
  • The maintenance manual shall be kept

Always inspect the trampoline before each use for worn, abused, or missing parts. A number of conditions could arise that may increase your chances of getting injured. Please be aware of:

  • Punctures, holes, or tears in the trampoline mat
  • Sagging trampoline mat
  • Loose stitching or any kind of deterioration of the mat
  • Bent or broken frame parts, such as the legs
  • Broken, missing, or damaged springs
  • Damaged, missing, or insecurely attached frame pad
  • Protrusions of any type (especially sharp types) on the frame, springs, or mat


In severe wind situations, the trampoline can be blown about. If you expect windy weather conditions, the trampoline should be moved to a sheltered area or disassembled. Another option is
to tie the ground, an outside portion (top frame) of the trampoline to the ground using ropes and stakes. To ensure security, at least three (3) tie- downs should be used.

If you need to move the trampoline, two people should be used. All connector points should be wrapped and secured with weather-resistant tapes, such as duct tape. This will keep the frame intact during the move and prevent the connector points from dislocating and separating. When moving, lift the trampoline slightly off the ground and keep it horizontal to the ground. For any type of another move, you should disassemble the trampoline.

In certain countries during the winter periods, the snow load and the very low temperature can damage the trampoline. It is recommended to remove the snow and store the mat and the enclosure indoors.


  1. After the date of the purchase invoice, the owner of the EXIT Silhouette trampoline has a:
    • 2-year warranty on the breaking of the frame
    • 1-year warranty on the springs
    • 1-year warranty on the protective surround pad and the jump mat.
    • 1-year warranty on the tearing of the net
  2. The warranty applies only to material and construction defects with respect to this product or its components.
  3. The warranty becomes defunct if:
    • This product is used incorrectly and/or carelessly and is used in such a way that it does not comply with its purpose.
    • This product is not assembled and maintained according to the instruction booklet.
    • Technical repairs to this product are not carried out professionally.
    • Parts, which are mounted afterward, do not comply with the technical specifications of the product concerned or are mounted incorrectly.
    • Defects are a result of climatic influences such as corrosion, UV rays or normal disintegration.
    • The product is rented out or made available to various unspecified persons in any other manner.
  4. EXIT Toys will repair or replace according to its choice all material and construction defects that have been ascertained by EXIT Toys during the warranty period.
  5. The owner of the EXIT Toys Trampoline is only entitled to the warranty by presenting the product for inspection at an EXIT Toys dealer. It should be handed to the EXIT Toys dealer, accompanied by the original purchase invoice.
  6. In case of material and construction defects that have been ascertained by EXIT Toys, the product or its components will be repaired or replaced – according to its choice – free of charge during the warranty period mentioned in Article 1.
  7. If the claim for warranty is not justifiable, all the costs are at the expense of the owner.
  8. This warranty cannot be transferred to third parties.
  9. The trampoline is designed for personal use. It is not permitted to rent out or place the trampoline in public areas like schools or daycare centers. The guarantee and any other liabilities shall expire if the playhouse is rented out or used in public areas.


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Contact Information:

Dutch Toys Group B.V.
P.O. Box 369, 7000AJ, Doetinchem, The Netherlands Edisonstraat 83, 7006RB Doetinchem, The Netherlands. +31 314 323 005 info@exittoys.com www.exittoys.com. EXIT Toys is a registered trademark of the Dutch Toys Group.


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