Danfoss OPTCI VACON NXP Air Cooled Installation Guide

June 16, 2024

Danfoss OPTCI VACON NXP Air Cooled


Product Information


  • Product Name: AC Drives
  • Option Type: Optci Modbus TCP
  • User Manual: NCDrive / NCIPConfig Interface
  • Supported Functions: Parameter, Slow rate actual values, Trends, Fault history
  • Connectivity: Ethernet switch
  • Compatible with: PLC or Programmable Controller
  • Real-Time Control Features: Start/Stop, Direction, Reference, Feedback

Product Usage Instructions

Connecting the AC Drive:

To use the AC Drive with the Optci Modbus TCP option, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the AC Drive is powered off and disconnected from the power source.
  2. Locate the Ethernet switch and connect one end of an Ethernet cable to it.
  3. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the AC Drive.
  4. If using a PLC or Programmable Controller, connect it to the same Ethernet switch using another Ethernet cable.
  5. Once all connections are made, power on the AC Drive and the PLC or Programmable Controller.

Configuring the AC Drive:

To configure the AC Drive with the Optci Modbus TCP option, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the NCDrive software or NCIPConfig interface installed on your computer.
  2. Launch the NCDrive software or open the NCIPConfig interface.
  3. Connect your computer to the same Ethernet switch as the AC Drive.
  4. In the software or interface, locate the AC Drive and establish a connection to it.
  5. Once connected, you can access and modify parameters, view slow rate actual values, trends, and fault history.
  6. Make the necessary changes and save the configuration.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: How can I find my nearest Vacon office?
    A: You can find your nearest Vacon office by visiting the Vacon website at www.vacon.com.

  • Q: Who should I contact for manual authoring?
    A: For manual authoring inquiries, please contact documentation@vacon.com.

Additional Information:

  • Vacon Plc. Runsorintie 7 65380 Vaasa Finland
  • Document ID: [Document ID]
  • Rev. B Sales code: DOC-OPTCI+DLUK


Vacon NXAC drives can be connected to Ethernet using an Ethernet fieldbus board OPTCI.
The OPTCI can be installed in the card slots Dor E.
Every appliance connected to an Ethernet network has two identifiers; a MAC address and an IP address. The MAC address [Address format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx] is unique to the appliance and cannot be changed. The Ethernet board’s MAC address can be found on the sticker attached to the board or by using the Vacon IP tool software NCIPConfig. Please find the software installation at www.vacon.com
In a local network, IP addresses can be defined by the user as long as all units connected to the network are given the same network portion of the address. For more information about IP addresses, contact your Network Administrator. Overlapping IP addresses cause conflicts between appliances. For more information about setting IP addresses, see Section 3, Installation.


Internal components and circuit boards are at high potential when the AC drive is connected to the power source. This voltage is extremely dangerous and may cause death or severe injury if you come into contact with it.
If you need further information related to Mod bus TCP, please contact ServiceSupportVDF@vacon.com.

NOTE! You can download the English and French product manuals with applicable safety, warning and caution information from www.vacon.com/downloads.



LED indicationsDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-

Common use-cases of Ethernet – devices are ‘human to machine’ and ‘machine to machine’. Basic features of these two use-cases are presented in the pictu res below.

  1. Human to machine !Graphical User interface, relatively slow communication)Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(2\)
    Note! NCDrive can be used in NXS and NXP drives via Ethernet. In NXL drives this is not possible.

  2. Machine to machine (Industrial environment, fast communication)Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(3\)

Connections and Wiring

The Ethernet board supports 10/100Mb speeds in both Full and Half-duplex modes. The boards must be connected to the Ethernet network with a shielded CAT-5e cable. The board will connect the shield to its ground. Use a so-called crossover cable [at least CAT-5e cable with STP, Shielded Twisted Pair] if you want to connect the Ethernet option board directly to the master appliance.
Use only industrial standard components in the network and avoid complex structures to minimize the length of response time and the amount of incorrect dispatches.


Installing the Ethernet Option Board in a Vacon NX Unit

\(4\) Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-


  • NC Drive software can be used with the Ethernet board in NXS and NXP drives.
  • NOTE! Does not work with NXL NC Drive software is recommended to be used in LAN [Local Area Network) only.
  • NOTE! If the OPTCI Ethernet Option board is used for NC Tools connection, like NCDrive, the OPTD3 board cannot be used.
  • NOTE! NCLoad does not work via Ethernet. See NC Drive help for further information

IP Tool NCIPConfig

  • To begin using the Vacon Ethernet board, you need to set an IP address. The factory default IP address is Before connecting the board to the network, its IP addresses must be set according to the network. For more information about IP addresses, contact your network administrator.

  • You need a PC with an Ethernet connection and the NCIPConfig tool installed to set the Ethernet board’s IP addresses. To install the NCIPConfig tool, start the installation program from CD or download it from www.vacon.com website. After starting the installation program, follow the onscreen instructions.

  • Once the program is installed successfully, you can launch it by selecting it in the Windows Start menu. Follow these instructions to set the IP addresses. Select Help –> Manual if you want more information about the software features.

  • Step 1. Connect your PC to the Ethernet network with an Ethernet cable. You can also connect the PC directly to the device using a crossover cable. This option may be needed if your PC does not support Automatic crossover fun action.

  • Step 2. Scan network nodes. Select Configuration–> Scan and wait until the devices connected to the bus in the tree structure are displayed to the left of the scr een.
    Some switches block broadcast messages. In this case, each network node must be scanned separately. Re a d th e manua l un d er H e l p menu.1 Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(6\)

  • Step 3. Set IP addresses. Change the node’s IP settings according to the network IP settings. The program will report conflicts with a red color in a table cell. Read the manual under Help menu!Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(7\)

  • Step 4. Send the configuration to boards. In the table view, check the boxes for boards whose configuration you want to send and select Configuration, then Configure. Your changes are sent to the network and will be valid immediately.
    NOTE! Only A-Z, a-z and 0-9 symbols can be used in the drive name, with no special characters, or Scandinavian letters (a, o, etc.]! The drive name can be freely formed using the allowed characters.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-
Air-Cooled-fig- \(8\)

Update OPTCI Option Board program with the NCJPConfig Tool

In some cases, it may be necessary to update the option board’s firmware. Differing from other Vacon option boards, the Ethernet option board’s firmware is updated with the NCIPConfig tool.
NOTE! The IP addresses of the PC and the option board must be in the same area when the software is loaded.
To start the firmware update, scan the nodes in the network according to the inst ructions in section Error! Reference source not found .. Once you can see all nodes in the view, you can update the new firmware by clicking the VCN packet field in NCIPCONFIG ‘s table view on the right.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-
NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(9\)
After clicking the VCN packet field, a file open window where you can choose a new firmware packet is displayed.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-
Send the new firmware packet to the option board by checking its box in the ‘VCN Packet’ field at the right corner of the table view. After s electing a ll nodes to be updated by checking the boxes, send the new firmwa re to the board by selecting ‘Software ‘ then ‘Download’.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-
Cooled-fig- \(11\)


Do not do a power-up cycle within 1 minute after downloading the option board software. This may ca us e the option board to go to “Safe Mode” . This s ituat ion can only be s olved by re-download ing the software. The Safe Mode triggers a fault code [F54]. The Board slot error F54 may also appear due to a faulty board, a temporary malfunction of the board or disturbance in the environment.

Configure Option board parameters
These features are available from NCIPConfig tool version 1.6.
In the tree-view, expand the folders until you reach the board paramete rs. Slowly do uble-click the parameter [Comm. Time-out in figure below] and enter new value. New parameter values are automatically sent to the option board after the modification is complete.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-

NOTE! If the field bus cable is broken at the Ethernet board end or removed , a field bus error is immediately generated


The Vacon Ethernet board is commissioned with the control keypad by giving values to appropriate parameters in menu M7 [or with NCIPConfig tool, read chapter IP Tool NCIPConfigl. Keypad commissioning is only possible with NXP- and NXS-type AC drives, not possible with NXL-type AC drives.

Expander board menu [M7]

The Expander board menu makes it possible for the user to see what expander boards are connected to the control board and to reach and edit the parameters associated with the expander board.
Enter the following menu level [G#] with the Menu button right. At this level, you can browse through slots A to E with the Browser buttons to see what expander boards are connected. On the lowermost line of the display you see the number of parameter groups associated with t he board. If you still press the Menu button right once you will reach the parameter group level where there are one group in the Ethernet board case: Parameters. A further press on the Menu button right takes you to Parameter group.

Modbus TCP parametersDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

IP Address
IP is divided to 4 parts. [Part= Octet] Default IP Address is

Communication timeout
Defines how much time can pass from the last received message from the Client Device before field bus fault is generated. Communication time out is disabled when given the va lue 0. Communication timeout value can be changed from the keypad or with NCIPConfig tool [read chapter IP Tool NCIPConfigl.

If fieldbus cable is broken from Ethernet board end, fieldbus error is generated immediately.
All Ethernet parameters are saved to the Ethernet board (not to the control board). If new Ethernet board is changed to control board you must configure the new Ethernet board. Option board parameters are possible to save to the keypad, with NCI PConfig tool or with NC Drive.

Unit Identifier
Modbus Unit Identifier is used to identify multiple endpoints at the Modbus server (i.e. gateway to serial line devices). As there is only one endpoint the Unit Identifier default is set to its nonsignificant value of 255 (0xFF). The IP address is used to ident ify the individual boards. It is however possible to change it with the NCIPConfig tool. When 0xFF value is selected, also 0 is accepted. If unit identifier parameter has different value than 0xFF, only th is value is accepted.

  • Default Unit Identifier changed from 0x01 to 0xFF in software version 10521V005.
  • Added possibility to change Unit Identifier with NCIPConfig (V1 .5] tool in software version 10521V006.



Modbus TCP is a variant of the MODBUS family. It is a manufacturer-independent protocol for monitoring and controlling automatic devices.
Modbus TCP is a client server protocol. The client makes queries to the server by sending ··request” messages to the server’s TCP port 502. The server answers client queries with response” messages.
The term ‘client’ can refer to a master device that runs queries. Correspondingly, the term ‘server’ refers to a slave device that serves the master device by answer ing its queries

Both the request and response messages are composed as follows:

  • Byte 0: Transaction ID
  • Byte 1: Transaction ID
  • Byte 2: Protocol ID
  • Byte 3: Protocol ID
  • Byte 4: Length field, upper byte
  • Byte 5: Length field, lower byte
  • Byte 6: Unit identifier
  • Byte 7: Modbus function code
  • Byte 8: Data [of variable length)

Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(13\)


  • Compared to the MODBUS RTU protocol, the MODBUS TCP differs mostly in error checking and slave addresses. As the TCP already includes an efficient error checking function, the MODBUS TCP protocol does not include a separate CRC field. In addit ion to the error checking functionality, the TCP is responsible for resending packets and for splitting long messages so that they fit the TCP frames.
  • The slave address field of the MODBUS/RTU is called unit identifier field in MOD BUS TCP.

Modbus UDP

  • In addition to TCP, OPTCI option board supports also UDP [since option board firmware version V018). It is recommended that UDP would be used when reading and writing rapidly and repetitively [cyclically] same data, like in case of process data. TCP should be used for single operations, like service data (e.g. reading or writing parameter values). Key difference between UDP and TCP is that when using TCP each and every Modbus frame needs to be acknowledged by the receiver [see figure below]. This adds extra traffic to the network and bit more load to the system (PLC and drives] because software needs to keep track of sent frames to make sure that they have reached their destination.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(14\)
  • Another difference between TCP and UDP is that UDP is connectionless. TCP connections are always opened with TCP SYN messages and closed with TCP FIN or TCP RST. With UDP first packet is already a Modbus query. OPTCI treats senders IP address and port combination as a connection. If port changes then it is considered as new connect ion or as second connect ion if both stay active.
  • When using UDP it is not guaranteed that the sent frame reaches its dest ination. PLC must keep track of the Modbus requests by using the Modbus transaction id-field. It actually must do this also when using TCP. If PLC does not receive response in time from dr ive in UDP connection, it needs to send the query again. When using TCP, the TCP/ IP sta ck will keep resending the request until it has been acknowledged by the receiver (see Figu re 5-3. Modbus TCP and UDP communication errors comparison]. If PLC sends new queries during this time, some of those may not be sent to network Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- (15) has been acknowledged. This can cause small packet storms when the connection is resumed between PLC and drive (see Figure 5-4. TCP retransmissions).Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(15\)Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(16\)
  • Losing one packet should not be a big issue because the same request can be sent again after timeout. In TCP packages always reach their destination but if network congestions cause retrans-missions those packages will most likely contain old data or instructions when they reach their destination.

Ethernet Option Board’s Modbus Addresses
A Modbus TCP class 1 functionality has been implemented in OPTCI board. The following table lists supported MODBUS registers.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-
Air-Cooled-img- \(4\)

Supported Modbus Functions
Following table lists supporter MODBUS functionsDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-
Cooled-img- \(5\)

Coil Register
The Coil register represents data in a binary form. Thus, each coil can only be in mode “1” or mode “0”. Coil registers can be written using the MODBUS function ‘Write coil” (5] or the MODBUS function ‘Force multiple coils’ (16]. The following tables include examples of both functions.

Control Word {Read I Write)Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

The following table shows a MODBUS query that changes the engine’s rotation direction by entering “1” for control-word bit 1 value. This example uses the ‘Write Coil’ MODBUS function. Note that Control word is application specific and use of bits may vary depending on it.

0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x06, 0xFF,0x05,0x00,0x01, 0xFF,0x00Danfoss-
OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(7\)

Clearing trip counters
The AC drive’s operation day trip counter and energy trip counter can be reset by entering “1 .. as the value of the coil in request. When the value “1 .. is entered, the device resets the counter. However, the device does not change the Coil value after reset but maintains the “0” modeDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-
NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(8\)

The following table represents a MODBUS query that resets both counters simultaneously. This example applies the ‘Force Multiple Coils’ function. The reference number indicates the address after which the amount of data defined by the ‘Bit Count’ is written. This data is the last block in the MODBUS TCP messageDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(9\)

Input Discrete
Both the ‘Coil register’ and the ‘Input discrete register’ contain binary data. However, the difference between the two registers is that the Input register’s data can only be read. The Vacon Ethernet board’s MODBUS TCP implementation uses the following Input discrete addresses

Status Word {Read Only]Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

The following tables show a MODBUS query that reads the entire status word [8 input discretes] and the query response.

0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x06, 0xFF, 0x02,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x08Danfoss-
OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(11\)

0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x01, 0x41Danfoss-OPTCI-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(12\)

In the responses’ data field, you can read the bit mask (0x41] that corresponds to the read discrete status after shifting with the ‘Reference number’ field value (0x00, 0x00].Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

In this example, the AC drive is in the ‘ready’ mode because the first 0 bit is set. The motor does not run because the 6 bit is set.

Holding Registers
You can both read and write data from the MODBUS holding registers. The Ethernet board’s MODBUS TCP implementation uses the following address map .Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(14\)

Changed from 12 to 30 in firmware version V017.

Application ID
Application ID’s are parameters that depend on the frequency converter’s application. These parameters can be read and written by pointing the corresponding memory range directly or by using a so-called ID map (more information below]. It is easiest to use a straight address if you want to read a single parameter value or parameters with consecutive ID numbers. Read restrictions, possible to read 12 consecutive ID address.Danfoss-OPTCI-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(15\)

Using the ID map, you can read consecutive memory blocks that contain parameters whose ID’s are not in a consecutive order. The address range 10501 – 10530 is called ‘IDMap’, and it includes an address map in which you can write your parameter ID’s in any order. The address range 10601 to 10630 is called ‘IDMap Read/ Write,’ and it includes values for parameters written in the IDMap. As soon as one ID number has been written in the map cell 10501, the corresponding parameter value can be read and written in the address 10601, and so on.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-
Once the IDMap address range has been initialized with any parameter ID number, the parameter value can be read and written in the ID Map Read/ Write address range address IDMap address+ 100.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-
img- \(16\)
If the IDMap table has not been initialized, all fi elds show the index ·o·. If the IDMap has been initialized, the parameter ID’s included in it are stored in the OPTCI board’s FLASH memory.

FB Process Data Out {Read)
The ‘Process data out’ registers are mainly used for controlling AC drives. You can read temporary values, such as frequency, voltage and moment, using the process data. The table values are updated every 10 ms.Danfoss-OPTCI-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(17\)

FB Status_ WordDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Meaning of the FB Status Word bits are explained in the next tableDanfoss-
OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(19\)

FB Process Data In (Read I Write]
The use of process data depends on the application. Typically, the motor is started and stopped using the ‘Control Word’ and the speed is set by writing a ‘Reference’ value. Through using other process data fields, the device can give other required information to the MASTER device, depending on the applicationDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

FB Control_ WordDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Meaning of the FB Control Word bits are explained in the next tableDanfoss-
OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(22\)

Measurement Table
The measurement table provides 25 readable values as listed in the following table. The table values are updated every 1 00ms. Read restrictions, possible to read 25 consecutive ID address.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Input Registers
The Input Registers include read only data. See below for a more specific description of the registersDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Operation Day Counter 1 – 5Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Resettable Operation Day Counter 101 – 105Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-
Cooled-img- \(26\)

Energy Counter 201 – 203
The last number of the ‘Format’ field indicates the decimal point place in the ‘Energy’ f field. If the number is bigger than 0, move the decimal point to the left by the number indicated. For example, Energy= 1200, Format= 5l. Unit=

  1. Energy= 12.00kWhDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-

Resettable Energy Counter 301 – 303Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-
img- \(28\)

Fault History 401 – 430
The fault history can be viewed by reading from the address 401 onward. The faults are l listed in chronological order so that the latest fault is mentioned first and the oldest is mentioned last. The fault history can contain 29 faults at any time. The fault history contents are represented as follows.Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(29\)

For example, the IGBT temperature fault code 41, sub-code 00: 2900Hex -> 41 00Dec. For complete list of fault codes please see AC drive·s manual

It is very slow to read whole fault history (401-430] at a time. It is recommended to read only parts of the fault history at a time.


Once the option board has been installed and configured, its operation can be verified by writing a frequency instruction and giving a run command to the AC drive via field bus.

AC drive Settings
Select field bus as the active control bus. (For more information see the Va con NX User · s Manual, section 7.3.3].

Master Unit Programming

  1. Write a FB ‘Control Word’ (Holding register address: 2001) of value 1 Hex
  2. The AC drive is now in the RUN mode.
  3. Set the FB ‘Speed Reference’ (Holding register address: 2003) value of 5000 ( 50.00%].
  4. The engine is now running at a 50% speed.
  5. Write a ‘FB Control Word’ (Holding register address: 2001) value of 0Hex·
  6. ollowing this, the engine stops.


AC drive Error Codes

To make sure that the board functions are correctly in all circumstances and that no errors occur, the board set the fieldbus error 53 if it doesn’t have a fun ctional connection to the Ethernet network or if the connection is faulty.
In addition, the board assumes that there is always at least one functional connection after the first Modbus TCP connection. If this is not true, the board will set the fi eldbus error 53 in the AC drive. Confirm the error by pressing the ‘reset’ button.
Card slot error 54 may be due to a faulty board, a temporary malfunction of the board or a disturbance in the environment.

Modbus TCP
This section discusses Mod bus TCP error codes used by the OPTCI board and possible causes of th e errorsDanfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img-


Process Data OUT {Slave to Master}
The Fieldbus Master can read the AC drive·s actual values using process data variables. Basic, Standard, Local/Remote Control, Multi-Step Speed Control, PIO control and Pump and Fan Control applications use process data as follows Danfoss-OPTCI-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-img- \(31\)

The Multipurpose Control application has a selector parameter for every Process Data. The monitoring values and drive parameters can be selected using the ID number [see NX All in One Application Manual, Tables for monitoring values and parameters]. Default selections are as in the table above.

Process Data IN {Master to Slave}

  • ControlWord, Reference and Process Data are used with All in One applications as follows.
  • Basic, Standard, Local/Remote Control and Multi-Step Speed Control applications

Multipurpose Control application

PIO control and Pump and fan control applications

License for LWIP

Copyright [cl 2001, 2002 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


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