ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect Installation Guide

June 15, 2024

ZEBRA - logo PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect
Installation Guide

PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect

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The support of a shared device model for Workforce Connect (WFC) products focuses on AD/ADFS (Active Directory / Active Directory Federated Services) using the OAuth2 protocol. The widespread adoption of PTT Pro and Profile Manager has created the need to support SAML 2.0 (SAML2) as an authorizing protocol.
Keycloak adds the support of SAML2 without changing the current product support of OAuth2. The SAML2 capability is provided by the WFC Authentication Connection Service (WFC-ACS), which brokers access authorization between the SAML Identity Management infrastructure and the OAuth2 authorization capabilities of Workforce Connect.
This guide describes how the WFC-ACS architecture is positioned in the WFC environment and how to configure the connection services of the PTT Pro and Profile Manager OAuth authorization services into the SAML2 Identity Management (IdP) infrastructure.
Document Layout
This guide includes the following sections.
Solution Components and Architecture
Provides a high-level overview of the components, from the mobile device to the IdP server. This section also includes detailed communication flows identifying each component’s task and the sequence in which these tasks must occur.
Configure WFC-ACS
Describes the ACS configuration process and illustrates the WFC to OAuth configuration as well as the SAML2 to IdP configuration elements.
Configure Workforce Connect
This section describes the system from an operational perspective. Here the configurations of the mobile device, Profile Manager, and PTT Pro server are described. The mobile device configuration should be reviewed and adjusted as necessary to produce a smooth user experience.
This section describes issues that can be encountered during the configuration process.
Solution Components and Architecture
WFC-ACS provides the ability for existing WFC systems to authorize services from a SAML IdP. With the ACS service, no software changes are required to the WFC systems or to the SAML infrastructure.
NOTE: WFC-ACS is based on a customized open source Key cloak environment. The off-the-shelf Key cloak system does not provide the capabilities described in this document.
WFC-ACS Component Diagram
The figure below includes WFC products, including Telephony Manager, which is not involved with OAuth or SAML. Both the PTT Pro and Profile Manager Server use OAuth for user authorization. The ACS server is the broker between the WFC OAuth services and the customer’s SAML IdP infrastructure.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - WFC Communication User Authorization Diagrams
The following ladder diagrams illustrate the sequence of authentication events and which component performs which function.
The first illustration shows the existing PTT Pro OAuth sequence to an AD/ADFS infrastructure. This is provided for the administrator to understand operations before introducing WFC-ACS.
After the administrator understands the AD/ADFS (Active Directory / Active Directory Federated Services) operations, the next diagram introduces WFC-ACS and how the flow of authorization is transferred, or converted from OAuth to SAML. Both PTT Pro and Profile Manager servers are shown.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - WFC CommunicationOnce an understanding of the AD/ADFS (Active Directory / Active Directory Federated Services) is developed, the following diagram shows the introduction of WFC-ACS and in a standalone PTT Pro configuration.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Shared
DeviceThe following ladder diagram describes the flow of authorization in a deployment with Profile Manager servers.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Profile


The WFC Authentication Connection Service (WFC-ACS) is supported for the software versions listed below. In addition, it requires TCP port 443.
Minimum WFC software versions

  • PTT Pro server v4.7.3.1
  • PTT Pro client v3.2.10084
  • Profile Manager client v 2.0.19406
  • Voice Client v9.0.19409 (The Voice client does not require OAuth or SAML for authentication.)
  • Profile Manager server v1.14.34

Firewall ports
The WFC-ACS is a cloud service that requires access to the following ports.

  • TCP port 443 for the URL to the WFC-ACS service
  • Web browser access to the WFC-ACS service

Configure WFC-ACS
You configure the WFC-ACS service by developing a configuration for OAuth communications and a configuration for SAML connectivity.
Create a Realm
The configuration requires creating a realm that contains both the Oath configuration and the SAML configuration. The Oath configuration is used by Workforce Connect applications and the SAML configuration is used to connect to the SAML server.
Configure the realm with two endpoints:

  • OpenID Endpoint (OAuth): from the ACS service perspective this is called the Client.
  • SAML2.0 IdP Endpoint: from the ACS service perspective this is called the Identity Provider.

Create the OAuth Client
The OAuth client communicates with the PTT Pro server and the Profile Manager using the OAuth protocol.

  1. Configure the Client ID, Protocol (OAuth), Access Type (Confidential), and Redirect URI.
  2.  Configure the credentials. Select a client authentication of Client ID and secret (automatically generated), which correspond to the PTT Pro JSON parameters of OClientId and oAuthClientSecret.
  3. Map the username parameter to unique_username, which is what the WFC system uses.

Create the Identity Provider
The identity provider communicates with the SAML server using the SAML protocol.

  1. • Obtain the SAML descriptor file.
    • Configure the Single Sign-On Service URL.
    • Configure security settings such as Signature Validation (enable), the Signature Algorithm (RSA256), and the Validating x 509 Certificate.
    • Map the User ID entity from the IdP (SAML protocol) to the client (OAuth protocol).
    • Create a default authentication to automatically launch the IdP authentication.

  2.  Export certificates to the IdP and to the PTT Pro server.
    • Export the ACS SAML certificates to the SAML server.
    • Copy the certificate into a .pem file to the SAML server.
    • Import the .pem file into SAML server.
    • Export the ACS Realm certificate to the PTT Pro server and copy the certificate into the PTT Pro OAuth configuration.

Creating a Realm

Create a realm to contain the Oauth configuration and the SAML configuration. The Oauth configuration is used by Workforce Connect applications and the SAML configuration is used to connect to the SAML server.

  1. Browse to the assigned WFC-ACS service and sign in.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - assignedExisting realms are shown in the right pane. There will always be at least one Master realm.
  2. Create a new realm by clicking Select Realm in the left pane and then clicking on Add Realm.
  3.  Configure the realm.
    a) Enter the Realm name in the Name field.
    b) Set Enabled to ON.
    c) Click Create.
    The new realm should automatically be selected in the left pane and additional tabs will appear. It is important to ensure you have switched to the correct realm in the left pane realm drop-down to prevent the configuration of the Master realm.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Master

C reating the Clients
Create the OAuth client used by the PTT Pro and Profile Manager servers.
When you select Clients, the right pane displays the default client listing for the Realm. The Client ID column shows that the account and security-admin- console fields are automatically populated with the URL for the Realm.

  1. Click Create to display the Add Client dialog.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Add Client
  2. Configure the client.
    a) Enter a name in the Client ID field. This name is used in the PTT Pro client configuration JSON file as the value for the oAuthClientID parameter.
    b) Select openid-connect from the Client Protocol drop-down menu.
    c) Click Save.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Click
SaveThe Endpoint Settings tab appears.

Configuring the Endpoint Settings
Configure the settings for the OAuth client endpoint.

  1. Set Enabled to ON.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Endpoint Settings

  2. Select Confidential from the Access Type drop-down menu.

  3.  Enter https://localhost.com in the Valid Redirect URI field.
    This field is required but is not used for this implementation. It enables Keycloak to call back to its resource manager.

  4.  Click Save to display the Credentials tab.

Configuring the Endpoint Credentials
Configure the endpoint credentials to create the secret key.

  1. Select Client ID and Secret from the Client Authenticator drop-down menu. This generates a random secret key.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - secret key
  2. Copy the values of the client name and the client secret key to configure the PTT Pro client. The secret key, along with the client name must be configured in the JSON configuration file of the PTT Pro client.

ExampleZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect -

Configuring the Endpoint Mappings
Map the Oauth username to the SAML username.

  1. Select the Mappers tab and click on Add Builtin.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Mappers

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click on username and select Add Selected.
    The username field is added to the Mappers tab.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager
Workforce Connect - Mappers tab

  3. Click on username to edit and enter the following fields:
    a) Enter openid-protocol in the Protocol field.
    b) Enter username in the Property fied.
    NOTE: This value might be different based on your implementation.
    c) Change the Token Claim Name field to unique_name. from to ‘Unique_name’ The default is preferred_username.
    d) Enable the Add to ID token, Add to access token, and Add to userinfo.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Add to ID

  4. Click Save.
    The SAML username is returned as the OAuth Name in each user definition of the PTT Pro server.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - SAML
Descriptor File

SAML Descriptor File

The SAML Descriptor file provides information needed to configure the WFC-ACS servic.
A sample SAML Descriptor file is shown below. You can also view a sample file at the Sample Descriptor File link.
You can access the Descriptor file from the Keycloak user interface. Navigate to the Realm Settings >
General tab. Click on the SAML 2.0 IdP Metadata field under Endpoints to reveal the descriptor file.)
In the example Descriptor file below, the following lines contain the information needed to configure the WFC-ACS service.

  • The tag on line 10 contains the x509 certificate to import into the WFCACS service to provide access to the IdP.
  • The tag on line 15 contains the URL to be copied into the SAML Single Logout Service URL in the WFC-ACS service.
  •  The tag on line 29 contains the URL to copy into the SAML Single Sign-On Service URL in the WFC-ACS service.

ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - SAML Descriptor File
1 Configuring the Identity Provider
Use the information from the SAML Descriptor file to configure the Identity Provider.

  1. Click on Identity Providers in the left pane of the Keycloak user interface.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Identity Providers

  2. Select SAML v2.0 from the Add Provider drop down menu.

  3. Configure Oauth.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Configure Oautha) Enter the redirect URL in the Redirect URI field.
    The Redirect URI entry is constructed as follows: https://wfc- keycloak.pttpro.zebra.com/auth/realms/<realm- name>/broker//endpoint
    The is a convenient label. Change it to an appropriate value. In this example, the alias is WFC-SAML-Auth that results in the following redirect URI: https://wfc-keycloak.pttpro.zebra.com/auth/realms/WFC-SAML-Test- Realm/broker/WFC-SAML-Auth/endpoint
    b) Set Enable to on.

  4. Configure SAML.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Configure SAMLa) Enter the single sign-on URL in the Single Sign-On URL Service field.
    The Single Sign-On Service URL can be copied from the paramter in the SAML Descriptor file. In this example it is:https://wfc- keycloak2.pttpro.zebra.com/auth/realms/WFC-SAML-Test-Realm/protocol/saml
    b) Enter the single logout service URL in the Single Logout Service URL field.
    The Single Logout Service URL can be copied from the parameter in the SAML Description file.
    c) Enable Validate Signature.
    d) Enable HTTP-POST Binding Response.
    e) Enable HTTP-POST Binding for AuthnRequest.
    f) Enable HTTP-POST Binding Logout.
    g) Enable Want AuthnRequests Signed.
    5. Click Save.
    Entering these URLs causes the WFC-ACS service to read the descriptor file and populate the x509 Certificate and the Signature Algorithm fields.

Mapping the User Name from the IdP
WFC-ACS uses the user name for the roles and profile assignments in the WFC environment. The user name is mapped to the correct profile on the device when the user signs in.

  1. Select the Mappers tab.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Mappers tab
  2. Enter username in the Name field.
  3.  Enter ${Attribute.name} in the Template field.
    This enables the name field from the IdP to pass to the OAuth services. The attribute name comes from the IdP and may be different in your environment.

Auto Launching the SAML Login
Configure SAML to automatically launch the SAML login page when the mobile device connects to the WFC-ACS.

  1. Navigate to the Authentication view.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Authentication

  2. Select the Flows tab.

  3. Select Browser from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select Config from the Actions drop-down menu in the Identity Provider Redirector row.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Identity Provider Redirecto

  5. Enter a name in the Alias field.

  6. Enter the client string of the Identity Provider in the Default Identity Provider field.
    See Configuring the Identity Provider on page 17 for the client string. In this example, the client string is WFC-SAML-Auth.

  7. Click Save and then Close.

Exporting the WFC-ACS Certificate to SAML
Establish trust from the WFC-ACS to the SAML server.

  1. Navigate to the Identity Providers view.
  2.  Click Export to display the descriptor file from the ACS instance.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Certificate
  3. Copy the x509 Certificate and paste into a text file with a file extension of .pem.
  4. Import .pem into the SAML server.

Exporting the WFC-ACS Certificate to PTT Pro
Export the WFC-ACS certificate to the PTT Pro server. The PTT Pro server requires a certificate for the OAuth connection to Keycloak.

  1. Navigate to the Realm Settings and select the Keys tab.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Realm Settings

  2. Click on Certificate in the RS256 row.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Certificate

  3. Copy the certificate to the Oauth definition in the PTT Pro portal as shown below.
    NOTE: The CR/LF characters are critical for the server to properly digest the certificate.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Click

  4. Click Submit.

Configure Workforce Connect
After you have configure the WFC-ACS service, configure the Workforce Connect servers and clients.
This section describes the configuration of:

  • Profile Manager
  • PTT Pro Server
  • PTT Pro for Android
  •  Profile Client

Configure Profile Manager
The Profile Manager server requires four configuration elements to connect to an OAuth server because the Profile Manager uses OAuth to authorize users. Using WFC-ACS requires that the Profile Manager use the Keycloak server instead of an ADFS server.
The four configuration elements you need to configure Profile Manager administrator are:

  • Authentication URL
  • Access Token URL
  • Client ID
  •  Client secret

Authentication URL and Access Token URL
The Authentication URL and the Access Token URL are obtained by clicking on the OpenID Endpoint Config under the General tab in the Realm Settings.ZEBRA
PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Token URLThe Authorization Endpoint is copied to the OAuth URL in the PTT Pro server and provided to the Profile Manager administrator.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - URLThe Token Endpoint URL is copied to the Access URL in the PTT Pro server must be provided to the Profile Manager administrator.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - URL 1 Client ID
The Client ID is the name of the clients in the configured realm. In this example the Client ID is WFC-SAMLtest. The Client ID must be provided to the Profile Manager administrator and included in the PTT Pro JSON configuration file.
ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Client
ID Client Secret
The client secret is also found in the Clients definition. Open the Clients definition of the realm and navigate to the Credentials tab to reveal the Secret. The secret must be provided to the Profile Manager administrator and included in the PTT Pro client JSON configuration file.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile
Manager Workforce Connect - Client Secret Configure the PTT Pro Server
The customer profile in the PTT Pro server supports an OAuth connection. Modify the configuration to use Keycloak for user authorization.
The configuration of the PTT Pro server requires:

  • OAuth URL
  • Access URL
  •  OAuth Certificate

ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - OAuth
ConfigurationIf you are using a shared device model using OAuth:

  • The device serial numbers must be provisioned in the server.
  • The User definition requires that the Oauth Name field is populated correctly, as shown below. The Oauth name must match the username in the SAML server.
    ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - SAML

Obtain the OAuth and Access URLs
You can find the OAuth and Access URLs in the Keyloak server or from a URL.
To find the URLs through the KeyCloak user interface, navigate to Realm Settings and click on OpenID Endpoint Configuration under Endpoints.ZEBRA
PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Endpoint
ConfigurationTo find the URLs through a web link, substitute with the name of the Realm in the following URL:
https://wfc-keycloak.pttpro.zebra.com/auth/realms/<WFC-SAML-Test- Realm>/.wellknown/openid-configuration The output from the Keycloak user interface and the URL are shown below.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager
Workforce Connect - URL FieldZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Access URL Obtain the OAuth Certificate
See Exporting the WFC-ACS Certificate to PTT Pro on page 22 for the process of exporting the OAuth certificate to the PTT Pro server.
Configure the PTT Pro Client
The PTT Pro client is configured through the WFCPTTProDefault.json file. The file contains many elements, but the operation of the OAuth services to support the shared device model requires two parameters.

  • oAuthClientID
  • oAuthClientSecret

The oauthClientID field is obtained from the WFC-ACS service and is the value of the Client ID field in the Settings tab of the Clients view.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - oAuthClientID ValueThe oAuthClientSecret is also obtained in the Clients configuration. Navigate to the Credentials tab to reveal the secret.ZEBRA
PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect -Figure 14 oAuthClientSecret
ValueCopy and paste this information in to the WFCPTTProDefault.json file for the PTT Pro client:ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - PTT Pro
clientImport the JSON file into the device and consume the configuration with an intent.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile
Manager Workforce Connect - JSON file

Configure the Profile Client
The configuration of the Profile Client requires two parameters.

  • Customer ID
  •  Server URL

ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Profile Client
ConfigurationFor the Customer ID, use the Tenant ID assigned by the Zebra Administrator in the Profile Manager. The Server URL is the URL of the Profile Manager server configured to support OAuth.
Device Operation
After you configure the servers and the mobile devices, launch the Profile Client to log in.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - Profile
Client Log In ScreenThe device connects to Profile Manager which redirects the client to authenticate to the SAML IdP through the WFC-ACS service. If the user is properly authenticated the username is returned through the network to the device and provisioned with the correct PTT Pro profile for the user.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - WFC Client

Troubleshooting the Client Error Message: ADFS Error

After completing the user login sequence, the mobile device stalls trying to connect to the PTT Pro server. The certificate in the PTT Pro server OAuth configuration is malformed and needs to be correctly loaded. Check the certificate configuration in the PTT Pro server. The format rendering of the imported certificate looks correct.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce
Connect - Copy the certificateCopy the certificate to the clipboard.ZEBRA PTT Pro
Profile Manager Workforce Connect - clipboardThe certificate still looks right.
View the certificate with Notepad++ with the view set to show all characters.ZEBRA PTT Pro Profile Manager Workforce Connect - ertificate
still looks rightThe PTT Pro server displayed the certificate so that it looked like there is a CR/LF after the —–Begin Certificate—– statement. Examining the certificate in Notepad++ revealed that CR/LF was missing.
NOTE: You can verify a certificate at the website https://jwt.io
Revision History
Changes to the guide are listed below:

Change Date Description
MN-004608-01 Rev A Sep-22 First version.

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