Spectrum BB24V1U CyberPower Power Bank User Manual

June 13, 2024

Spectrum logo BB24V1U BatterySpectrum BB24V1U CyberPower Power
Bank User Manual

BB24V1U UPS is designed to provide a local power solution for cable telephony, wireless local loop (WLL) and fiber to the home (FTTH) broadband equipment.


This manual has important instructions oninstalling and operating this device.
Before you attempt to unpack, install or operate this device, thoroughly read this manual.

  • Even when the AC input power isdisconnected, the battery can till energize hazardous live parts nside of i
  • To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, install the battery in a temperature- and humidity-controlled indoor area, free from conductive contaminants. To find the acceptable temperature and humidity ranges, please refer to the device specifications,
  • To reduce the risk of electric shock, keep the cover on. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the unit, including the battery. Please contact us or our dealer for service.
  • When replacing batteries, the replacement should have the same rating: ListedCertfied Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery, 12V, max. 10Ah,
  • Before replacing batteries, remove conductivejewelry, such as chains, watches and fings, and use tools with insulated handles. High energy passed through conductive materials can cause severe burns
  • Don’t disposeof batteries in a fire. Batteries may explode if improperly disposed. Recycle batteries in accordance with local regulations.
  • Don’t open or mutilate batteries. Battery material s harmiul to the skin and eyes. It may be toxic.
  • The UPS battery capacity can vary depending on storage time and temperature.
  • The UPS battery is charging whenit’s connected to utiity power. The battery is charging during it first 24 hours of normal operation. Dort expect full battery capacity during this initial charging period.


Spectrum BB24V1U CyberPower Power Bank - Overview

Number Discription
1 LED indicator
2 Button
3 ACpower cable connector
4 DC power cable connector
5 UART serial communications (USC) connector
6 Battery cover



  1. Using a screwdriver, remove the screw on the bottom of BB24V1U.
  2. Slide off the battery cover and connect the battery wires.
  3. Replace the battery cover and tighten the screw.
  4. Plugthe AC power cable intoan electrical outlet.
  5. Install the USC cable (TRS jack) and DC power cable (DC jack).

Wall Mount: STEP 1:
Connectthe AC cable to an electrical outlet. STEP 2:
Connect the USC cable and DC power cable between BB24V1U and eMTA devices. STEP 3:
Use the wall mount template and a screwdriver to position screws on a wall. Hang BB24V1U on the screws.
Recommended Screw Dimension

Battery Replacement (Technician Reference Only)
Aslongas utility power is on, you can leave BB24V1U and other connected equipment powered on while replacing a battery. STEP 1:
ALoosenthe screw from the enclosure. STEP 2:
ASlide off the battery cover on the back of the BB24V1U. STEP 3:
A Remove the battery from the enclosure.
B Disconnect both battery cable connectors. STEP 4:
A Install anewbattery by connecting the red wire to positive terminal and the black wire tothe negative terminal.
B lnsert the battery into BB24VIU. STEPS 5:
A Replace the battery cover to resume normal operation.
B Tightenthe screw into the enclosure.

LED Indicator

Indicator Color Condition
Status BLUE/RED Battery charging mode: The Status LED is easing BLUE. The

battery level is between 1%-99%.
Battery mode: Indicates
the battery capacity.
1 Battery capacity > 20%: BLUELED is on.
2 Battery capacity between 10% and 20%: RED LED is on, and alarm beeps
4 times per minute
3 Battery capacity = 10%: RED LED blinks, and alarm beeps 4 times per minute.
USC cable loss: The Status LED is easing between BLUE and RED for 120 seconds.
Note: After 120 seconds, the Status LED retums to ts normal operational state (Battery charging/Battery mode).
Fail| RED| Battery replacement required. Alarm beeps once every 15 minutes. The LED aso iluminates ‘when the battery is absent or when battery isin protection state then turn off the output power.
Mute| BLUE| Press and hold the “Mute” button for 5 secondsto silence the audible alarm.
The LED will be on.

Button-Alarm Silence
When BB24V1U is operating under battery mode, or its battery power is low, the audible alarm is turned on.

  1. Pressand hold the button for 5 seconds. BB24V1U will beep once to confirm that audible alarms have been disabled permanently.
  2. Torestorethe audible alarm, pressand hold the button for 5 seconds. BB24V1U will beep twice to confirm that audible alarms have been turned on.

Button-Cold Start
Cold start uses battery power when BB24V1U is powered off, and no utility power is available.
Before using the cold start feature, make sure the battery is properly charged and installed.
To turn on the cold start feature, press and hold the button until 3 LED indicators are on.

Communication Signals

The UART communication signals of BB24V1U are isolated from its internal circuitry via photo-coupler to transmit and receive signals.
“SIG RTN” (Signal Return) is a common return point for all communication signals. In a typical application, the equipment digital ground should be connected to Signal Return.Spectrum BB24V1U CyberPower Power Bank -

PIN Signal Massage
1 TX UART DATA transmission
2 RX UART DATA receive
3 SIG RTN Signal return

Maxsignal voltage: 3.3V
Maxsignal current: SmA


Model BB24V1U

Voltage Range| 100Vac – 240Vac
Frequency Range| 50-60Hz
On Battery Output Voltage| 12vdc
Continuous Power Capability| 36W
Efficiency (Max Load)| 280%
Battery Type| Sealed, Maintenance Free Lead-Acid Battery
Numbers of Battery| 12Vde / 10Ah x 1
Typical Recharge Time| 24 Hours
Replaceable| Yes
Surge Protection andFiltering
Lighting / Surge Protection| Yes
Battery Auto-Charge| Yes
Dimensions (LxWxD)| 18.5cm x 8.5cm x
Weight (Net)| 4.05kg (with 10Ah battery)
Operating Temperature| 32°F-104% (0°C-40°C)
Operating Humidity| 0-95% non-condensing within enclosure
Max Operating Elevation| 13123t (4,000m)
Max Storage Elevation| 50,000ft (15,240m)
Storage Temperature| -4°F -140° F (:20°C – 60°C)

Limited Warranty

Charterwarants o you, the el Puchaser,thatthe Poductwillbe free from defects n materialand werkmanship or ene yearfromthe ateoforiginal purchase, subjec o the e ms fthis Linited Warranty. ThsLimited Warraty gives you spcifi rights,andyou may hve otherrights, which vary from State to State or Province to Province.
Any Implied Warranty of Merchantability or for Fitness for a Particular Purpose, if applicable  to the Product,is imited in duration to one  year. This provision shall NOT create any Implied Warranty or Merchantability or of Fitness for a Particular Purpose that would not otherwise applyto the Product. NOTE: Some States and Provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above.
limitation may not apply to you.
To be covered you must still e the owner o the Product atthe time of the faiure that resuts inthe claim made underthis Limited Warranty Your sole and exclusive remediesare those provided by this Limited Warranty. This exclusion o other express warranties applies to written and oral express warranties. Charter excludes any labiltyfor personal injury. Charter excludes any labilty for irect, ndirect, special, incidentl,or consequential damaes, whether for damage to orlss of roperty, loss of rofits, business iterruption,  nformation ordata This exclusion applies even though damage oross is caused by negligence orather faut. NOTE: Some States or Provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
Charterdoes not el the PRODUCT foruse n high-risk activites. The PRODUCT is not designed orintended for use n hazardous environments requiring fail-safe prformance, ncluding the operation ofnuclear faciltes, aircrat navigation or communication systems, aitrafic control weapons systems, Ife support or mecical applications orforuse n any circumstance n which the falure of the PRODUCT could lead directly to death, personalinjury, o severe physical or property damage, or that would affect operation or safety of any medical To lite support device (collectively, “High Risk Activities”). Charter expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. Charter does not authorize use of any PRODUCT in any High Risk activiies.
The Limited Warranty is governed by the laws of the United Sates, without reference to conflctofaw principles. The application o the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with he imits for Class B igital device, pursuant to part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limitsare cesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmfulnterferenceina residentialnstalation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate raio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these nstructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. Howerer, there s no guarantee that nterference willnot occurina particular nstallation Ifthis equipment does cause harmfulnterference to racio o television rece ption, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by one or more of the fllowing messures: (DRecrient   relocate the receiving. antenna. (2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receivr. (3) Connect the equipment into an outleton a circuit iffrent from that to which the receiver is connected. (4) Consultthe dealer oran experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Shielded signal cables must be used with this device to ensure compliance with Class B FCC limits.
CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Charter could void the authority granted by the FCC tooperate this equipment D spant bateries t 3 recyclingfacilty r $hp tothe manufscturer n the replacementbattery packing material For more nformation, please contact Charter Communications, Inc. 400 Atatic Stret Stamford Connecticut 06901, United States Of America http://www.charter.com 

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