FLEXIT 119721 Robot Vacuum Cleaner With Mopping Function User Manual

June 13, 2024


FLEXIT 119721 Robot Vacuum Cleaner With Mopping Function


Product Information

  • Product Name: cvROBO Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Mopping Function
  • Product Model: ART.NO. 119721

General Information:

  • Safety and Intended Use
  • Battery and Charging

Material Provided:

  • Charging Dock
  • Charging Dock Charger
  • Tank with Water Dispenser
  • Spare Parts: Brush Cleaning FRPE, GHOLPLWDWLRQ PDJQHWLFEDUULHU, +(3$OWHU, VSRQJHOWHU, RRUPRS, Edge-sweeping Side Brushes

Description of the Components:

  • Side Sensor
  • Push Button Panel
  • Filter Compartment
  • Dust Container
  • Tank with Water Dispenser
  • Main Brush Cover
  • Suction Channel
  • Front Swiveling Wheel
  • Rear Wheel with Shock Absorber
  • Anti-fall Sensors
  • Collision Guards and Sensor
  • Charging Dock Connector for Connecting the Self-cleaning Base
  • Sensor for FRPPXQLFDWLRQ with cvROBO
  • Charging Contacts

Technical Specifications:

  • MotorPower: 25 Watts (W)
  • Frequency: 50/60 Hz
  • Lithium Battery: 2600 mAh
  • Height: 8.5 cm
  • Diameter: 35 cm
  • Sound Power Level:** dB

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Place the charging dock in a convenient location.
  2. Connect the charging dock charger to the charging dock.
  3. Ensure the tank with water dispenser is filled with water.
  4. Attach the edge-sweeping side brushes to the robot vacuum cleaner.
  5. Press the cvROBO push button panel to turn on the robot vacuum cleaner.
  6. Place the robot vacuum cleaner on the floor and let it navigate and clean the area.
  7. After cleaning, empty the dust container and clean the filter compartment.
  8. If using the mopping function, attach the mop to the bottom of the robot vacuum cleaner.
  9. For maintenance and replacement of parts, refer to the spare parts provided.

General infomation


  • Read the following manual before using cvROBO. Observe all the instructions on safety, use and maintenance. Store this manual for future reference. Observe all the audio warnings uttered by cvROBO, besides the advice concerning the battery and the charging dock.
  • cvROBO must not be used by children aged 8 years or younger and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities. Non-expert or untrained persons may only use cvROBO if supervised by a person responsible for their safety.
  • This robot is not a toy. Supervise or keep away small children and domestic animals when cvROBO is operating.
  • Do not leave the robot’s electrical parts, battery or charging dock exposed. Make sure that the domestic mains voltage matches the rated voltage of the charging dock supplied.
  • cvROBO was designed exclusively for being used in indoor domestic environments. Do not use cvROBO to collect burning materials or ash.
  • Do not use cvROBO to vacuum liquids, detergents, solvents or other chemical substances, except those indicated in the “Routine maintenance” chapter. Do not use the tank with the water as they could hamper or prevent the regular cleaning cycle of cvROBO.
  • Do not leave power cords running connected to them that could by dragged by cvROBO or damaged by tipping over or falling.
  • Do not place anything on top of cvROBO – neither objects nor animals.
  • Do not spray or pour liquids on cvROBO.
  • If there is an access to a balcony in the cleaning zone, use the virtual magnetic barrier to prevent the robot from entering it and thus guarantee its safe operation.
  • cvROBO does not contain any components that can be repaired by the end user.


  • Only use the original battery charger to charge cvROBO. The product cannot be used with any other type of charger. The use of other battery chargers will immediately void the warranty.
  • If the charger has a damaged cord or plug, it must be replaced with an original spare part.
  • Only use original batteries for cvROBO TR800.
  • The charging dock must only be installed in environments protected against rain or thunderstorms.
  • In case of thunderstorms, protect the charging dock against current overloads.
  • Never touch the charging dock with wet hands.
  • Make sure that the voltage of the domestic power network matches the rated voltage of the battery charger supplied.
  • Move cvROBO from the charging dock before performing cleaning and maintenance.
  • Prior to each use, check the battery and verify whether there are any signs of damage or leakage. Do not charge batteries that are damaged or show signs of leakage.
  • The battery must be removed before disposing of cvROBO.
  • Do not place the battery near sources of heat.
  • Do not immerse the battery in a liquid.
  • Technical assistance must be carried out by authorised personnel. cvROBO does not contain any components that can be repaired by the end user.

Material provided

After opening the packaging, check that the following components – all supplied with cvROBO – are present:


Description of the components
\(2\) FLEXIT-119721-Robot-Vacuum-
Cleaner-With-Mopping-Function- \(3\)


Charging dock charger Volts (VAC) AC 100–240 V DC 24–1 A
Motor power Watts (W) 25
Frequency Hz 50/60
Lithium battery mAh 2600
Height cm 8.5
Diameter cm 35
Sound power level** dB <65
Charging system automatic, via the charging dock
Dust container emptying automatic, via the docking station

manual, by extracting the container
Compatibility with operating systems| iOS | Android
Compatibility with voice assistance devices| Amazon Echo| Google Home
Voice messages| In English only
WiFi frequency| 2,4 GHz

** in conditions of maximum suction during floor cleaning


Domestic environmental conditions
For optimal results, the temperature of the domestic environment must be between 10°C and 40°C.

Please note! Prevent direct sunlight from reaching the charging dock as it may interfere with the communication and hamper the regular operation of cvROBO.

Installing the charging dock without the docking station
Position the charging dock at least 100 cm away from stairs, empty zones and walls, so that cvROBO can leave the charging dock freely the rear part of the self-cleaning base on which the robot is inserted touches the wall.
Make the electrical connection to power the charging dock as shown in the picture.


Activating/deactivating the automatic self-cleaning function
The self-cleaning function can only be performed with the self cleaning charging base and simultaneously press and hold for 3 seconds the button and the front collision guard, or disable it via the cvROBO app.

Installing the charging dock with the docking station
In this solution, the docking station is connected to a central vacuum unit to eliminate the dust collected by cvROBO without the user’s direct intervention.



Charging the battery

First cvROBO charge  place it on the charging dock until the battery is fully charged blue light on the push-button panel becomes steady.

Warning! Leave cvROBO to charge on the charging dock until the flashing blue light turns off.

Total charging time  roughly 2 hours to charge completely.

Low battery level
If the battery level is below 20%, cvROBO will not be able to function.
In such case, it must be placed manually on the charging dock and left there until the battery charges fully.

Once cvROBO has been fully charged, it enters the STAND-BY mode.
To reactivate cvROBO, press the button .

Battery replacement
When the battery is exhausted, it must be replaced with a new original one. The instructions for replacing the battery are included in the spare part’s package.

Please note!
If prolonged periods of non-use are expected, charge the battery fully, remove it and store it in a cool and dry place.
Lithium batteries constitute special solid waste that must be disposed of according to the applicable regulations.

Tips for use   the areas involved beforehand and prepare them as follows:

  • Clear the surfaces of the home from any obstacles that can be struck during cleaning, move any objects lying in the way such as electrical cables, shoes, handbags with straps, magazines and newspapers, remove light rugs, vases and fragile furnishings, toys scattered ? tables, raise curtains or sofa covers with  for pet food.
  • Be careful with objects in precarious balance that can be struck by the robot directly or indirectly. Check that any open doors are not closed after colliding with cvROBO, preventing it from returning to the charging dock.
  • cvROBO performs its cleaning cycle regularly even if domestic animals are present. Any zones of the home to be excluded from cvROBO’s path can be delimited using the magnetic barrier accessory (supplied).
  • If the cvROBO is cleaning in a working area larger than 80 square meters (not divided by any magnetic barriers), it may be that the cvROBO goes too far away from its charging base, and it may happen that batteries go empty before stops. If this happens carry it back and place it in the docking station.
  • Anti-fall sensors emit infrared light  risk, eg a staircase. Dark surfaces with misinterpret the surface.


Anti-fall sensors

  • cvROBO is equipped with anti-fall sensors to stop it in presence of Stairs with very rounded protrusions can create anti-fall sensors malfunction, in this case we recommend to use the delimitation magnetic barrier.
  • Anti-fall sensors do not guaranty that cvROBO stops in the presence  compulsory to use a magnetic barrier (ATR802) or an adequate mechanical protection.


Cleaning programmes

After it starts, cvROBO automatically calculates the optimal cleaning route by choosing which path to take to cover all the accessible rooms. cvROBO travels through and cleans all rooms of the home without leaving any uncovered patches, guaranteeing thorough cleaning. By default it starts with the SMART program. Once cleaning terminates, cvROBO returns to its charging base, empties the dust container (if the self-cleaning base is mounted) and charges the battery automatically. These programmes can also be activated via the cvROBO app.

Smart programme
In this programme, the robot cleans along parallel lines.

Follow the wall programme
In this programme, cvROBO cleans the perimeter of the walls of the room where it is located.

Spot programme
In this programme, an area measuring roughly 2 m2 is cleaned rapidly in a circular direction, starting from a centre of rotation chosen by the user.

Place cvROBO manually in the centre of the spot to be cleaned and activate the cleaning cycle by pressing the button for 6 seconds. Once cleaning terminates, cvROBO will reposition itself in the centre of the cleaned area.

cvROBO control modes

cvROBO has two control modes: cvROBO push-button panel and cvROBO app
Operation with the push-button panel The push-button panel allows for using the following control modes:

Function Buttons on cvROBO

cvROBO switches on (check the battery charge as explained on page 7)| | press the button for 6 seconds
the SMART cleaning programme activates| | press the button briefly
puts the cleaning programme in pause/ restart mode| | press the button briefly
the robot returns to the charging base wherever it is located| | press the button briefly
(only with docking station)| | with cvROBO mounted on the self- cleaning base, press the button twice rapidly.
The central vacuum unit activates and the cvROBO dust container empties
SPOT CLEANING PROGRAMME| | press the button for 3 seconds
REPEAT CLEANING CYCLE| | press the button twice
SELF-CLEANING FUNCTION DISABLING / ENABLING the automatic self-cleaning function is disabled /enabled again| | simultaneously press and hold for 3 seconds the  button and the front collision guard
cvROBO switches off with any set cleaning programme| | press the button for 6 seconds

To use the cvROBO app with a smartphone/tablet, it is necessary to access the Internet through a Wi-Fi network. To access the cvROBO app for Android and iOS platforms, scan the adjacent QR code.
Register as requested by the procedure to complete credentials.  The cvROBO app allows for using the following control modes:

cvROBO app for Android and iOS platforms

Function Set up
On/Off On/Off
Start the cleaning cycle – SMART cleaning program SMART – intelligent mode
Automatic cleaning (docking station) Enable – Disable
Dust container emptying Start – cleaning on request
Return to the charging station Returns to recharge
Edge cleaning program – FOLLOW THE WALL FOLLOW THE WALL
SPOT cleaning program SPOT
Adjust suction power: min / medium / max Suction power
Stand by Stand by
Search for cvROBO Search for a device
Records the cleaning cycles history (cleaning time and m2) Record
Timer (daily or weekly cleaning schedule) Add schedule
Choice of water dosage level for floor washing MOP water quantity

Resetting the wi-fi configuration
If the smartphone or tablet does not connect to cvROBO  password or for other reasons, the Wi-Fi settings of cvROBO can be reset as explained below:
1 – simultaneously press the buttons until the following voice command is heard: Wi-Fi has been reset.

Cleaning modes

cvROBO has two cleaning modes: DUST REMOVAL (STANDARD) – FLOOR WASHING The modes are enabled automatically on the basis of the type of container/tank inserted on cvROBO.

Clean floor Using edge-sweeping side brushes and the main brush.
The dust collected is conveyed to the dust container which is then emptied automatically on the self-cleaning base, or manually by the end user.


Please note!
cvROBO will not start unless the dust container is mounted on it.


Water contained in the tank (S) and the moisture depending on how much water was dispensed by cvROBO.
With the cvROBO app and the remote control, it is possible to choose the level of water dispensed to the MOP.


Please note! WASHING mode, it is necessary to move the rugs along the cleaning route must be filled completely with water alone (at 30°C) as indicated; washing cycle, empty the tank of any residual water, wash the cloth used and mount the dust container back on.
Please note! With the water tank inserted, cvROBO collects dust with the brushes and conveys it to the suction channel without activating the suction turbine.

Magnetic barrerier


Accessory supplied (1 barrier supplied)
It is used to exclude rooms or areas of the home from the cleaning route covered by cvROBO.
The sensor integrated on cvROBO detects the magnetic barrier and stops the robot from crossing it.
The supplied barrier is 1 m long.

Examples of use


With multiple magnetic barriers
Multiple magnetic barriers laid in series can be used to delimit special areas to be excluded from cvROBO’s path. If cvROBO is located far from the charging dock, it may lose the communication and continue cleaning the same zone without being able to return to the base, causing the battery to run out.

Routine maintenance

To guarantee optimal performances from cvROBO, complete the single routine maintenance operations listed in this chapter.
The maintenance intervals listed in the table are subject to change in relation to the type of domestic environment, the presence of pet animals and how frequently the robot is used.

Indicative routine maintenance schedule

Dust container| empty the dust container| With self-cleaning base| Without self-cleaning base
empties automatically when the robot returns to the self-cleaning base| after every use
self-cleaning base| clean thoroughly by removing dirt residues| every 10 cleaning cycles| —
primary filter HEPA filter sponge filter| clean each filter thoroughly by removing dirt residues, filters should not be washed| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary
side brushes left (L) – right (R)| clean thoroughly by removing hair, threads and residues using the comb supplied| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary
main brush| clean thoroughly by removing hair, threads and residues using the comb supplied| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary| weekly visual inspection and clean when necessary

charging dock

| clean the sensors on the front of the charging dock using a damp cloth| every 30 cleaning cycles| every 30 cleaning cycles
clean the contacts of the charring dock using a damp cloth| every 20 cleaning cycles| every 20 cleaning cycles
sensors| clean all sensors on cvROBO using a damp cloth| every 20 cleaning cycles| every 20 cleaning cycles
casters| clean thoroughly by removing hair, threads and dirt residues| every 10 cleaning cycles| every 10 cleaning cycles
tank with water dispenser| fill with water only| empty after every use|
MOP floor cloth| wash under running water| after every washing cycle|

People who are sensitive to contact with dust should always wear personal protective equipment (suitable face mask  brushes and dust container.

With docking station
The dust container is cleaned automatically when cvROBO returns to the docking station.


Periodic inspection of the dust container
We recommend periodically checking the dust container manually and clearing it thoroughly from any materials not sucked up by the central vacuum unit.

  1. Press the opening/closing lever (A) to remove the dust container from cvROBO.

  2. Open the dust container, empty it completely and clean it with a cloth.

  3. Press the lever (A) again and insert the container until you hear a CLICK.


Filters shall not be washed.

Hepa filter and sponge filter


  1. Remove the dust container and open the flap (S) of the filter compartment.
  2. Extract the HEPA filter (H) and the sponge filter (F).
  3. Clean each filter thoroughly by removing dirt residues.

Primary filter

  1. Open the dust container, empty it and clean it thoroughly.
  2. Extract the primary filter (G) by pulling the two rings on the side (W).
  3. Clean the filter thoroughly by removing dirt residues.


Wear personal protective garments before emptying the dust container or cleaning the filters and brushes.


We recommend using the comb (C) supplied with cvROBO.

Cleaning the main brush


  1. Open the cover (Q) using the two levers (L).
  2. Extract the main brush (R) from its housing.
  3. Thoroughly clean the bristles of the brush by removing hair, threads and residues with the comb (C) supplied.
  4. Put the brush back into its housing and close the cover.

Cleaning the edge-sweeping side brushes

  1. Extract the edge-sweeping brushes by simultaneously pulling the side bristles with your hands.
  2. Thoroughly clean the bristles by removing hair, threads and residues with the comb (C) supplied.
  3. Put the brushes back in place by applying pressure and observing the L (Left) and R (Right) positions indicated on the bristle supports.


Check the integrity of the brushes and replace them if they are broken.
Wear personal protective garments before emptying the dust container or brushes.

Use a damp cloth to clean all the sensors and indicated charging contacts on cvROBO and on the charging dock.
Do not use solvents or chemical products.


Thoroughly clean the wheels by removing hair, threads and residues using the comb supplied.
Use a screwdriver to extract the front wheel and clean the residues properly, as shown in the picture.


Check the integrity of the brushes and replace them if they are broken.
Wear personal protective garments before emptying the dust container or brushes.

Before using the FLOOR WASHING mode, the tank with the water dispenser must be end of the washing cycle.

  1. Extract the dust container (A) to insert the tank with the water dispenser (B).
  2. Open the cap (T) located on the top side of the tank.
  3. Pour water into the tank using a suitable container (W) and close the cap.


Warning! The tank with dispenser must be filled with water alone (at 30°C).

Insert the tank again all the way down until you hear a CLICK.
cvROBO will now be ready to wash the ??????


Warning! Once the washing cycle terminates, empty the tank of any residual water and wash the micro-fibre cloth.
Please note! With the cvROBO app it is possible to choose the level of water dispensed to the MOP.



Problem Cause Action

cvROBO does not clean

| Main brush clogged| Check for any obstructions and clean the main brush
Main brush worn out| Replace the brush
Edge-sweeping side brushes worn out| Replace the brushes
Filters very dirty or damaged| Clean the filters or replace them
cvROBO does not wash the floors| Insufficient water| Check the water in the tank
Micro-fibre cloth worn out; with a worn cloth, water will not be dispensed evenly resulting in streaks and dripping| Replace the micro-fibre cloth
Limescale residues inside the floor mop tank| Replace the floor mop tank or remove the limescale
Other problem| Contact Flexit customer service

cvROBO blocks during cleaning

| Edge-sweeping side brushes blocked| Check whether any filaments or objects are blocking their rotation
Main brush blocked| Check whether any filaments or objects are blocking its rotation
The anti-fall sensor is dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
The side sensor is dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
The front sensor is dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
The front collision guard is jammed| Carefully strike the collision guard repeatedly to remove any debris
Side wheels blocked| Clear the side wheels from any dust or debris Push the wheels in and out and check that they turn freely

cvROBO does not return to its base

| The charging dock is not powered| Check the power supply connection
The communication sensor of the charging dock is dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
cvROBO communication sensor dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
Other problem| Contact Flexit customer service
With cvROBO on the docking station for emptying the dust container, the central vacuum unit does not start| Connection problem between the charging dock and docking station| Verify whether the connector is properly connected on the self-cleaning base
Connection problem between the vacuum socket and docking station| Check that the hose wall cuff is properly inserted on the vacuum socket
Connection problem regarding the central vacuum unit activation| If there is a wireless system
Verify whether the transmitter is correctly inserted on the docking station: at the start and end of the dust container emptying cycle, the transmitter’s LED flashes red
****| If there is a wireless system
Check the pairing configuration between the transmitter and receiver
Other problem| Contact Flexit customer service
During the automatic emptying of the dust container, the valve on the base fails to open| Connection problem between the charging dock and the docking station| Check that the charging dock and the docking station are properly connected to one another
Valve obstructed| Check for any debris on the valve and eliminate it
Other problem| Contact Flexit customer service
When cvROBO returns to the docking station, it does not auto- matically activate emptying of the dust container| The automatic cleaning function of the dust container is disabled| Enable the container’s automatic cleaning function (see instructions on page 6)
The communication sensor of the charging dock is dirty| Clear the sensor from any dust or debris
Other problem| Contact Flexit customer service


Warranty claims will only be valid if the instructions in the manuals have been followed.
Complaints about this product may be raised in accordance with the applicable terms of sale, provided that the product has been used and maintained correctly. The right of complaint may be voided
if the product is used incorrectly or maintenance is grossly neglected.
Complaints as a result of incorrect or defective installation must be submitted to the installation company responsible.
Filters, brushes, mop and battery are consumables.
Before contacting the vendor, check the designation label and note down the Flexit serial number. The designation label is located on the bottom side.
Our products are subject to continuous development and we therefore reserve the right to make changes.
We also disclaim liability for any printing errors that may occur.
Declaration of conformity is on the website, www.flexit.com

Flexit AS, Televeien 15, N-1870 Ørje


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