Litokam D1 Smart Camera Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

D1 Smart Camera

S18tus Doorbell stelUs
Slow bhnkl119 Wa.1 ror Wi-Fl COM«llon
A.luA FAAI bllnloog Wt-Fl Ql>nNl'”.t,<)n l•llfd
Ekealhil1g Video call

1.Doorbell Overview

0 –

Dlwli1llllebn .,-..,….
I’ -”




Doorbell Indicator status
Indicator~ S18tus Doorbell stelUs
Slow bhnkl119 Wa.1 ror Wi-Fl COM«llon
A.luA FAAI bllnloog Wt-Fl Ql>nNl'”.t,<)n l•llfd
Ekealhil1g Video call & PIR detection
Solid When uslng lhe charger IO ct,.,rge lhe doolben
OFF When the doo<bel was fuly charged
Sink allcmellliy DoootNIII firmware upgrade
111ue and green
Solid IJGvlco maffunctlon
Introduction to the use of doorbell button&
Button Fundlon Usage
Powe,oo Long p,ess for 3 seoonds
Power button Poweioff Pr-ess the button 3 umes with111 2 seoonds
Restore Long press for 5 seoonds when powered on lactOl)I setlll1gs
‘{estart button Restart Press the Restart Button using ltie reset pin
2.0oorbell Network Settings
• After receiving lhe doorbel, please use lhe inCM!ed dlarglng cable lo fuly
charge lhe docxbell.
, w …
CII (~1,0 J
The dOOfbell battery has slight deviallons due 10 different usage. NonnaUy. the
dooftlell reconls 10 events pet day, and each ‘”‘°”‘ Is recorded for 20 seconds.
Undef these condtliOns. the doo<bel can last up to 6 rronths whell roly chalged.
• Sean the codG, download ond on1tal the “Lllll<llf SmM” APP. &rid use you, email
acldress lo regist9< an account;
,,,, Google Play
• Conneel your mobile !)l>One to a 2.4GHz WI-Fi netwO<t<.
• After the d-bel Is fully charged, loog prl)$$ the””-‘ Button for 3 s800n<ls ID
lum hon. During the p,ocess of wm,ng on the doort>••• the LEO Indicator will slowly
flash blue and have a -Oovce Power on” promc)t 111811sag<>.
• Wlll!II u,. duulbHI plays u,. “Ruatfy lo W IIIIUCt” prurnpt ll1tlSS”9U, )’00 car, slall lu
conllguro the networtt for the doortJel. If tne – does not play this prompt,
please long pn1ss tho Power Burton for 5 seconds IO restore the facto,y sellin~
A. Quickly configure the network for the doorbell

  1. Log In to the “U!tletf Smart’ APP, ,urn on the Bluetoolh on your mobile phooe.
    and grant Iha corresponding pe,rnlstion ID the ,Jlllelf Smart” APP.


  2. Click the •Add· button in tho dialOIJ bo>. If the dialog box does not pop up, you
    can d ick the • • · Icon or· Add Device” buu.on on the home page. and lhe dOOrbell
    Wtll be searched: lhen dick the ‘ +” Icon et the and ol lhe doolt>ell ID add,
    – • – — H — – I — ➔ – -•· – -• • • •
    • • -‘
    • • ! • • 0
  3. Enter WI-Fl passwoo! end dlc:lt ‘Next” (Doorbell only suppo,ts 2.4GHz).
  4. wall IOI Ule dooel 10 &Olomatieally COM:>11!18 nelw0/1< COofigUtalion.
  5. Wall lot Ille dootbel 10 eutomallcetly COffllllete nelwork oonllguratlon en<I
    di()k •0one•
    • — —
    ·- I .. I•.
    B. Configure doorbell network using QR code
  6. On the home pago of Linlelf Smatt APP. dlclt the •+• or· Acid Device” button,
  7. SeleCI doobell IYl)Q ·o,·.
  8. Conflffl’I U>e dooo1>ell in<lle&!Or s18tvs ancl clicl< “Next•.
    ” 0
    ….. .. …
    • n -·n -··- --. .· --
    -_·--. …. .. -. …. .,…,_ –
  9. Enter Wl-1’1 P”””””‘° llOd dick “N””I” (Doorbell only supporb 2AGHt),
    S)Aim the OR code geflefll!ed on Ille pllooe screen at I/le camera (lro<n 15-20cm
    away). After hearing •5can code &K:Cess’°, clicl< “Hea, the beep” .
  10. Wad tor the doori>eH to aulomabcally complete nelwori< conhg,Jralk>n and
    -z.-•—“– — –
    Chime configuration
  11. In tho devl<:O ht lnlerlOOII, click the doo,t,eg ·o, • IO onter the dcxxbell INe
    broaclcast lruerface, select Sealngs/Chlme Semngs/Connoct Chime. Seled
    “Connecl” In the dialog llOx that Is displayed.
    .. -• ·-I •

    — (.f —-
    —– — I
    —·- – —
  12. Plug lhe Chime lnlo the socke~ and 11 w,11 aulomaticaly Lum on wllh a start bel
    and ill lndica10r W1II OMh white. Soled “Hur Ille Clume Ring and lndk:ator w\11 llash
    w1111e • and dlcl< “Nexr. If the Chir!1e does not flash wlme llght, please “”‘9 press th•
    Ring Buttcn on Iha Chime for 5 secon<ls unrll k rings.
  13. PreAA the “t::>ood:M!II'” button on the docwbQII, when _you hear 1he ChKne ring, ~J
    “Hear the Chlmo Rlng”, and elide the “Send Pairing Code” button.
  14. Press 1110 ·0oort,etr bu110n on 1he doo<bell again to c:onnm, wllttlher the Chime
    rings; ii it rings, click “Done· 10 complete lhe pairlll!I- If It… Chime does not ring, dick
    -Chime ooes not ring’ end make the maldl again acoo,d,ng to lhe p,ompl
    I • — .. ………………… ….
    .., ___ — — – –♦–I’- •
    0oott>ell saWng compleled •
    ., S orl:– “le hod;; ::::,
    There are two options for video storage:
    A . Cloud storage
    ._.,…. –
    You can follow the steps below lo subscrt>e lo the doud storage package. After
    enabl!ng the cloud 110f8QB funcllon, lhe doorbell wil aulOmatlcolly save the video
    lu lhw cluuu, IIAJ U’R:11 you utll VitM’ 11111 vilh:,u 11:KUtJ ¥elytiOtl YIM.I a1ywhtn11
    Ill · o –
    -6 -“-‘ -•
    • 0 • …
    B. SO Card storage (local storage)
    Alt SO ~,ti It t<1qulr!'(I to, 1″””1111″”‘9• ln~ri 111$ $n C:Md “”~MWft In lho
    following figvrB. After lhe dootbeD ldenDfles Iha so C&td, lhe reootded video will
    be s10recl In uie SO Cenf.
    4.Doorbell Mounting
    • If you don’I have a wlmd dOOtbell, °’ you don, want to inslall lhls dOOtbell In
    your extStlng doorbell location. please refer to the Installation steps of
    “Battery Powered’.
    • If you want to instaB this doorbell 8\ an emllnv d<Mbell locatio!I. pleaM rete,
    lo the i11S1al!all0<1 sleps of -Usmg lhe EXJSt~ Doorbell Wores to Pow… the
    Ooolller. (Nole· Doorbell required vol,age: 6-2◄V AC).
    Select the doorbell mounting spot
    Place the d00<bell where you want 10 ln~II n and wow lhe live image via 1he
    -Uttlelf sman· Aw “‘ olller to find lhe best mounting spot for lhe doorbell.
    Consider the following1 when installing1 the doorbell:
    • Crieck ~i,eaner el!:i:Slltt I h.Oles ,n walls or door frame& cart be re~t1.
    • If you wallt ‘to put ·tha doorbell cl’ose to the wan, make sure U.t tile wall side will
    not al)J)Qar In the monitoring field of view. Olherwlse, lnkared mode 1(nlgh1 vision
    mOd J, ~nd 1nrr:ired Uglrn mfract_i,tt mul iple nm~s may cause a bltmed n1gn1 vl~ion
    • ll is rooommended’ that ‘I.ho d’Oolbell1 be instaileel at a1 t,mgltl of 48eJ 1.2m (tom ‘O,B
    groiJnd 10, reduce lhe monitoring bUnd area balWeen tho ground and Iha comer,
    • ilf you want ta Wle the doorbell o monitor YGur pacic;ag,es. rt ~s recommended to
    [JJ’laoo lt!1m package rack 0.5 metcis away from the wa IL • Tha parJ<aye deleCtlcn
    function O&el’fs m be purd’lased for an addilional fee. l
  15. rnstaU doorbel I bracket
    A. If y0u want to mo,.mt ’tile doorbeU 0(11 a ~n 1surfei:e (door rrame,). you
    don’t need lo pre-drill hales. Use a screwdr11’er to tighten lhe scn!!ws 10 &ec;us;e
    the d0oroe111 bracket lo ltie Mounting ·spot(Use Ule doorbell djsas.semtily ReetUe to
    remove the doorbell bracket on ,tie unit)
    . ~
    ~ -~ l
    Whal is required· screwdriver, saew (Included) ,Ooorbflll d15a11embly “”8ch,
    dooo1>ell bracl<eL

    \. -~ [ I
    0ooro-t1~,,e,r~ Scrowdrtve< Sctew (included
    B. 11 you want to moool ltllt doort>el on a hard material surfaco, such as bnck, 00ooete,
    or stucco, pleaM follOW lho stops below·
    • PaSle the posl110nlng ca«I IO lhe doortlell mounung spot.
    • Use a 15/64″ (6 mm) drlll ll<l lo dnU holes according 10 Ille sc:n:w holes on the
    pos,llonlng card,
    • lnson the anchors into the hale$, lhan use a screwdriver lo lighten the SCtUW5 10
    secure the dOOlbeH bracl<et to Ille mounting spol.
    Whal is l’llq\Jlred. aloctrlc drll, 6mm drill b”, mounllng btecl<ot. screw pack
    – ~
    L ~
    I .mm.
    • 411\l’t:
    Electric dnU 6mmdnlbd Mounting Saewpack
  16. Mount the doorbell on the doorbell bracket
    Align the bottom or the doorbell with the fixed position on the bracket al1d
    press the lap um,I “clict.s into place.
    Ooorbell mou,u,r,g CIOITll)leled.
    Note: ~fore mounlin!I the doorbell, pleau c,ompk>te !he n<‘lwork C<lflfigunuion
    to, the cloOtbe” end keep the doolbet on.
  17. Detach the doorbell from doorbell bracket
    If you want to remove o, cr,arge the OOO<bell, please refer 10 the following slel)S:
    ln$cn lhe doort>cll d1$DS$Cfflbly needle Into the removal hole cbove lhc doorbell,
    an<l press down finnly; the doorbell WIii automatically pop out of the bracket and
    then VoU can remOYe the dcolbel
    What is “‘aulred: doolb~fl disassembly needle

    DoOrtlo.l. d.l……… …,bly
    Method 2: Installation steps for powering a doorbell
    using the existing doorbell wires:
  18. Check whether the existing doorbell wires are
    working properly.
    • Press Ille doattJel button or the existing doo!bell to check -.ilelher n Is wo,lang
    p,operty. tr the dooltlell does not ring, the doorbell power wltes may be doledl\lo.
    Please inslal your new doorbell using the bauo~ melhod or consult an
    electnaan to repair the w,nng
    • If lho cloorbell rings property. shut oil the powe, lo the existing cloorbell on the
    CltCU~ b<eakef.
    • The voltllge requu-ed for the doorbell: 6-24V AC, please confirm that the extstlng
    doorbell wires rneel this requlremeo~ d your existing doo<beN has an 8V power
    supply, use the PIOV>ded ‘jumper cable” to oonnect me rwo tenn,nals In ‘JOAJf exlsi,ng
    doorbell chime.
    • Be careful when handling wv-es dumg the lnstallallon process. If you’re not
    comfortable lnstalUng It yourself, have an eleetriaan do IL
  19. Detach the existing doorbell
    Use • wewdnver to delaeh lllo Histing doorlleli, Wilen detadling tho OXllhng
    dootbeN, pay attention to lhe p0wer wires on tt>e bec:k ol iL
    • Remove tho power wires from lhe back ol u,e doolbell using a acrewdrtver
    • Check whether the power wires are damaged or aging.
    What Is reQl.llred. screwdnve,
  20. Install doorbell bracket
    A. Ir I””‘ wMI ., mount lhA doort.,ll on• waodM surfaca (-frame), I””‘ don,
    need lo pre-drll hola. Use a screwdriver to lighten lllo screws to seaJre Iha
    doo!lloR bracket ID the mOYnting spot.(Uao the doorbol dlsauembly needle 10
    remove tho d0o<1>ell bracl<el on tho untt) –

    What Is required: screwdnver, saew (Included) ,DoorbeU disassembly needle,
    dOOtbel b<ackel.
    – “‘ I I ..
    Ooottltllll dlllll…, -· Ooort>ell B,a<:ltflt
    B. If you want 10 mount the doorbel on a herd material aurface, IUCII as btk:k, conctote,
    01′ swcco, please follow the steps below:
    • Paste the posltooolng card to the doo,t,et mounting spoi.
    • Use a 15154• (6 mm) <Ifill brt to dnll hclies accord«ng to the $Crew holes on the
    pos.llon,ng cant
    • lnsef1 I/le anchonl onto U,e holes, then use a saewdnve< lo tighteo t/1e screws lo
    S<X:We lhe doorbell b<11el<el IO U’,Q l’IO<llll!ng $J)Ol,I
    .. tmn
    Whal 15 requored; elecmc dnl, 6mm drill bi~ mounting bracl<e~ i;,:rew pad<
    0 ~
    I ~
    • ,Ql\1′,
    Ele<:llio dnll 6mm drill bot Mountjog Saewpaclt
  21. Connect the doorbell wi res
    Loosen Ille screw on lhe AC power POrt on the back or the doorbell, connect the
    wire on the wall to !he power port on the back or lhe doomel, and liglltan tho saew.
    The doolbeU AC P()We< terminals do not diSt>ngulsll between PO!lftlV8 and negative
    poles and can bo connected In any order.I
    • The doorbell AC powe< tannlnals do not dlSbngulsh between positive and negative
    poles and can Dfl connected In any order.
    • To prevent shon.<l.raJits, make sure the positive and negative poles of the wires
    are not U>Uch,ng eeoh other.
    • If lhe w,ros are 100 anon. use Illa extension wires and .,,,. nuts plOl/idad to make
    lllam longer. Use electrical wiring tape instead if lhera is no more space on Ille wan
    for wire nulS.

    Whal is required: saew<frivef, Video doort>ell and AC – extension cord
    ,0~ . …
    0 –
    Screwdrtwer Video cloorl>ell
    AC Power
    extaosion cord
  22. Mount the doorbell on the doorbell bracket
    Align the bottom al Ille doomel with the fixed posllion on the bracket and pmss Ille
    top until h cllcks lnlO place.
    Ooor!>ell mow,l1ng tompleled.
    Noce Balore mounllng the doori)el, please ccmi>lete the netw0f1< c:onllguraUon fo,
    the doorbell and keeO the dootbell on.
  23. Tum on the doorbell power switch on the circuit breaker
    Tlvough 111e UtdelfSmartAPP, tum on the d00<bell moni!Ollng sc,een 10 oonrwm
    whether !he doort>cA Is c:t,argtng. If II is displayed on dlarge. the dOO!bell instatlauon
    is complel«I, If not. check the power wires.
    5.Common Problem
    Q1: The doorbell doesn’t turn on
  24. Lang press lhe doorbell Power 8<Jllon for 3 seconds 8″d mal<e sure lhal lhe P-.r
    8utton Is p,eued.
  25. Use lhe Type-C USB cable lo charve the doorbell, wait about 3 minutes and checl<
    whether lhe LEO Vldlclllof on lhe doorbell ‘5.lj111en. II the LEO Indicator on the doortel
    is In 9Qlld green, It meens lhal lhe doof1>81I ballery Is insufficient and canno« be turned
    on, please fuly charge lhe doolbel. tr 1110 LEO lndoca10r on the doort>en ~as n01 been
    111, ploasa try 10 use anoCllor Type.C use cable or charger to charge ii; the charger
    needs to suppon 5V/ 1.~.
  26. Put tile doorboll lnd0or11 beforo pressing lhe powllf button to 1um It on to 8’0/llid 1118
    doorbell failing 10 cum on due to lhe low outdoor 1e~ra1ure. Doorbell 01)8fatmg
    lemperalu<e ls-4’F to 122•FJ-20•c ro 50-C.
    Q2: Doorbell network conflguraUon failed.
    If lhe doOtbel Indicator flashes btue and lhe doorbell eounds •Ready lo connect·
    afler beln9 t1Jmed on. lhe doorbell can normal), configure lhe network. If lhe
    doorbell lndi<:olor flashes In au. forms, please ln>Ublesl>Oot lhe dOOfbel 8$ folows:
    , ) Res1ora factory se1tlr>Q$ for the door1>ell. (Rese, me1hod: lot\g p,ess the Power
    Button for G 58COnds when powered on),
  27. Unplug the use charging Cilblo, the ln<foc;ator wm llash green when the doort>eQ
    ,. chl!IVing.
  28. Check whether the router password ,s correct. (Wi-fi paSSWOfd, not APP aC00<1nl
  29. ClleCk wt,etJ,e, lhe Wl-fl signal or )'()<Jr muier Is 2.4 GHZ. If your muter os sec up
    10 share a WI-A accoun1 for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. please configure 2.4GHz and
    5GHz noiwonc accounts for )'(lOJr rooter iespectivoly (For how to set up d1o router.
    refer to the router manual).
  30. Check Illa! Ille WI-A connecied 10 Ille phono ts 2.4 GHz.
    Q3: Utt!etf Smart APP home page shows doorbe!! offllne.
  31. Ad)Ust tho position of the rauler to ensure that the roulllr signal is strong aod stable
    at u,o location where the doorbell m inlllllled.
  32. Confirm thel Ille Wl,Fl signal from the router can eocess lhe network normally,
    6.Technical Specifications
    Opera1<n11 t~ffll)<>l’ll”‘””20″c-5Q•C, Oper11Ung hun,lo<ly 10M5% No QOll<Mlt!Rlioll
    NOllce. The maximum nonnal eondobon operating temperature Is defined as +so•c
    exceplbattery a,aig,ng condltlons. The maximum bauery charger tempe1e11Jre Is
    defined as ~5•c.
    Frequency Range: 2.412-2.472 GHz, RF0Utpu1 Povier’ 17.5 dam
    Power. 8-241/- 50/60Hz SOmA Or 5V 1A
    Operating Tempera1ute-10″C ID 4S’C;
    Opemtlng 11umldff)’ <90o/o al 40’C:
    Comm<Jn~t,on· RF ◄ 33Ml1z;
    Power. 100-240V • 50/liOHz;
    Syn1bal means altemalJnQ ament Indoor use. balllroom exduded; Symbol means for
    lndoOf use only Symbol means Class II produd·Oouble Insulated -No earih requln,d,
    7.Notification of Compliance
    FCC Compliance Statement
    This de111<l8 a,mplles with Part 15 ol lhe FCC Rules. OperabOn IS subjeet to the
    lolowlng two conditions.
    Thls device may noc cause hann!IJ4 lntorfernnce, and this devloe must aocept any
    ln-ence receiYed, including lnterlerance that may calJSe undesired operallon.
    Note This oqulpmonl has been testod and rouno to oomply with tho limits for a Class
    B cligilal device, ptJ<liUant lo pa,115 of \hi, FCC Rules. These Nmits ere designed 10
    provide reasonable protection against harm!IJ4 lnterfeieooe ln a residential lnslalletion.
    Thls oquipmenl genef8tos uses and can radiale radoo frequency energy Md. if noc
    installed and used in acx:ordance with die m&tructions, may cause harmful interference
    to rad,o communications, However, there rs no guarantee that lnterfereoce wll not
    OOC\Jr on a particular installallon.11 this equipmenl does cause harmful interference
    lo radoo Of televlsJon recep!IOn, whacl1 can be delefm,ned by !Urning lho equipment
    off and on. the user ii enoou,aged 10 1ry ID correct IM lntarferonce by ono or more
    or the lollowing measu-:
    -Raoriant or n,tocato Ille rece,ving antenna
    -Increase the separalion b&IWeen the equJpmenl and ,ece,;M.
    ~necl lhe equipment Into an outlet on a cira,Jt dlfferont from that 10 which the
    rtceiver ls connected.
    ~ t’>e ~m~ o• •~ ~xperten~ ….i1oi TV 1,x,1,~ rt”~~
    warning. Change.• o, modificaUons not expressiy approved by the party respon,s,ble
    lor COtnpl@noe oould void tile usefs eulhotity 10 operate lhe equipment
    FCC RF Exposure Warning Statements
    This equ-1 00mplles with FCC radiation eap0$w-e limi1S set forth for an
    unconuolled environment This equlpmenl shall be lnstoled and ope,a.led with
    minimum dlslance 20cm bet,,Mn the rodia10t & body.
    CE EU Declaration of Conformity
    Lltokam declares lhol tM doorbell ls in compiance with the °”””!Jal requirements
    and Olhor relevanl proYillons ol Oirecllve 2014/53/EU.
    This product must not be dilpOsed of as normal household waste, In 8CC0<dance
    with EU ditecdve for waste eleelrical and eloctionic equipmenl (WEEE- 2012/19/EU~
    Instead, k should be disposed ol by rewrn,ng ~ to the po,nt ol s.ale, or to a munldpal
    recydlng colleclion point. The device could be used with a aeparation distance ol
    20an to the human body.
    This device contains hcen….,,empt tra”””ltter(s)lre08Mlr(a) that comply w,lh
    Innovation, Saence end Economic Development Canoda’s l10ense-e,empt
    RSS(s). Operatlon 1$ subject to the folowlng two condlllOns:
  33. This device may not cause lntetfere<>ce.
  34. This device must aC0epl any lnterfel\lnce, includi’lg lnterferera lha1 may
    cause undesired operation of the davioo.
    0 …. 1 ul,.c1r.1 …, .. .,.Jr .. et Care
    FAQs and Guide Video· available on tne Lrttletf Smart app or
    olf,cial website. (Scan Ille rode on the right side for quid< access}

    Available via aw. telephone. and website during the folowing hours:
    PT 08.00-10.00/17:30-20:00/21 :30-08:00
    Uttlelf Smart APP Live chal
    Website~ r11
    Tel. US&Canada Toll Free PT 1 (866)722-6296 ( Mon-Sun: 11 :00 AM- 8:30 PM)
    • • • • • ® Oa
    1. 30-day return pcltcy and 12-monlh limllad war,anly.
    2. Llfellme proless,or,al tech suppart provided by Lllol(am.
    1.Einfuhrung in die Turklingel

    f tOl”I\
    0 –

    d,I –
    Ar. _ ….
    =i r

    Status der Tiirkllngelanzeige mi
    Farbe de$ An•””ners Bllllkond@f Status Slahls dor T!Jtt<flngol
    Langsames Warton auf W,-FI.Verb!ndung
    91Au ~”.,.~~ e1.. …. W’-“l.V,ir!)in,jl1ng A~!vor.Mn
    Almen Vldeoantuf & PIR-Etkennung
    Wenn das ladegerat zum Aufladen der
    Turkllngel verwend<>t wlrd
    AIIS wenn die TOrklir>gel vol!SIAnd,g eurgeIaden wuroe
    Bllnken Aktualisierung der Turktingel-Flrmwam
    Blau und grun a-…ind Felllfunktion des Gerits
    Elnfiihrung in die Verwendung der Tiirkllngeltasten
    Ta!ite Funkllol1 11<,nutzung
    Elnschallen Langos Orucken fur 3 Selcunden
    Eln>C11aluas1e Auscllallen Oruc:ken Sie d• Taste 3 Mol lnneffllllb von
    W”’11seonotelli.r1gen leng&s Orilck”” filr S S<!kunden helm Eln5dlalten
    Neuslart-Tasle Neustart Drudten Sie d., Ruckselzlast m~ dern Resel-Sbfl
    • Wom Sie dJe TOrklif196I erhalten. ve,wenden Sie botte das m1rgelieferle Ladel<abel,
    um die TurklJngel vollstand,g aufzuladen.
    Ole Battene der Tilrkllngel welst aufgrund unle<scllledUc:ller Nutzi.r,g
    lolchte Abweichungen auf. Normalerwelse zeichnat die T0rklingel 10 Erelgnlsse
    pro Tag auf, und )edes Eteignls wird 20 Selwnden lang aufgezelchl1eL Unle<
    diesen Bedlngungen kenn dio Tilrkllngol bel valor L8dung bis zu 6 Monate halen.
    • Scannen Sie don Code, laden Slo dlo ‘1Uleff Smart• APP herunl<lr und lns1a111eten
    Sle s.e, und Y91″Wenden Sie lhre E.Mall-Adresse, um eln Konto zu registrieren;
    GET ff ON
    ,; Google Play
    Oowntoad on thl
    ~ App Store
    • Vei1)1i’IOen Sle 11\f MOl>oltelelOi’I m~ e<neM 2,4GHt w..ic1 Nelzwejl(:
    • Naehde<n die TOl1<hogel \/Cllsland,g aul;ietaden isl. dNCl<en Sie dle Eonschalttasle
    • Scltunden lang, um sio elnzusdu,ll@n. WAlvend des E’111sdlallens def Til11<llngel
    bllnkl die LEO-Anzelge langsam bfau und es enchelnt die Mel<lung “Gerit
    • Wenn die Tundw,gel die AulfOtderung “Ready to ainnect• absplelt, kannen S• mlt
    der Kot>figurafj()n des Netzwerl<s filr die Tiil1<1if1get ~ lmen Wem d,e TO<tdlnget
    dlese Au11orden.lng nicht absplea, l\alten Sle botle dio Elnschalttaste 5 Sekunden
    fang gedrucl<L um die Workaelnstoll””!I•• wlederhot?u .. ellen •
    • •
    A. Schnelles Konfigurieren des Netzwerks fur die
    I) Loggen Sie slch in die “Lilllelf Smatl” APP 8111, scl1alten Sie Blu8100Ch auf lhram
    Mobillelelon e,n und eru,llen Sie der 1.llllelf Smart” APP die MISO<echeode Ertaubrns;
    ..,.. .,,.,
  35. Klicl<an Sie auf dle Schaldliiche “Hinzurugen• Im Olalogfensler. Wem das
    Olalogfeld nldll erscholnl, k6nnen Sie auf der Startselte auf das “+”-Symbol oder
    die Sd1alt11Ache ‘Geril hlnni@gen” ldlcken und die Tilrtdlngel wtrd gesudl~ klicl<en
    Sie dann auf das ·•··Symbol am Endo d..- TOrtltingel. um ate twnzuzufugen.
    • 0 C — H — ·-
    CII — ➔-:- • •
    ‘ • •
    • • )
    • • !
    ” 0
  36. Geben Sie das WI-FI-Pali$W0<1.., und klld<en $,o “”‘ “Watte(” (<f,a Tu!ltl”‘9″1
    unlel’Slilttt nur 2 .4Gtu)
  37. War10n Sio, b~ dlo Tilrldingol dio NOIZW011<k011figurallon oU10matisoh
    abgeschlossen hat.
    5)W811en Ste, bis die TO!ltl,ngel d1& Netzwerlckonfiguratlon aulQf’llaUIICh
    ebgeschlossGII ha~ und kficQn sre -., “F,a,ilg” — —
    • I • , ..
    B . Konflgurieren Sle das Turkllngelnetzwerk mlt dem QR-Code
    I) Klod<en Slo 11<1! der SIMaello dor Liltlall $marl APP eul d,o Schallfl6che “+’
    Oder “Ger3t hlnzulugen·;
  38. Wlhlen Sle den T01llllnoe1typ -o,·:
  39. Beslatigen s.e oon Status der TOrld,ngelan…tge und kl- $,e auf -We,tel'”
    • ., — e H — ·— I ._-..-, -I– – –·—,.–.-,-.- ———– ---- ·- .__ . …., —·———-
    —–·– ft 0
  40. Geben S… das WI-I-I f-‘a=-orl aln und klicken s.e au! “Weiter”
    (TOrtdlngel unle<SIUIZI nur 2,4GHz)
  41. Rlchlen Sie den auf dem Telelond,sptay angezeigten OR-Code auf d,e
    l<timero (eu. 1>20 cm Enlfemung), NIIClldem Sie “Code erfolgreic:h scennen·
    gehiift t!Bben, klicken Sie auf ·signallon horen·
  42. watten Sie, bis .,;e TOrtdingej ooe Nel%wef1<kontigurallon automatiS<;h
    abgeschlo!lsen haL und kllcl\en Sie aur “Fertlg”.

    1 I Klicken Slo in de< Genitellstonober11ache auf die TOMo\glll “01”, um dle
    Uve-Obertragoogsoberflaclle der Til!1dlngel aulzw\Jfen, und walllen Sle
    &lstelungen/ Cltlme-Elnstelungen / Chime verbonden wilhlen. W6hlen Sle ,m
    angezelgten Olalogleld fur dle • Vlfbinclen •
    — -•- ‘ .. — — II
    … __ ‘ —

    ‘ — ~,roa t n
    c. I
  43. Slecken Sle den Chime in die Stod<dose, und er acrniltel al<:h autometisdi mil
    einem Startgong .,;,,, und seine Anzeige bllnkt wei&. Wahlen Sie • Horen Sie den
    Glocl<enton und die Anzelge bllnkt weiB. • und kllcken See auf “We,tet’. Wenn der
    Kllngelton nlchl we,(I blinkt, drilcken Slo bille 5 Sekunden tang die Kl,ngeltaste am
    Klmgelton, bis er klingelt:
  44. O<Oclcen Sie die “Tilrl<llngel”-Taste an derrurldingel, wenn Sie den K6ngelton
    hOren, wAhlen Sle i<lingellon hbten” und kUd<en Soe auf die Schaltnadie
    “Kopptungscode -·:
  45. ClfOcken Sle die Taste ‘Turkllnger an lie< Tilrl<lingel emoul. um l\J betllilioon,
    ob der Klingelton klingell; -mer klingell, khcken Sie aul “Fertlg”, um die Kopplung
    abzus<:hie&en. Wenn der Kllngelton nlcht Ululet, kllcken Sle aur “Kllngelton lllutet
    nichr und stolen Sie doe Vert>lndung gem4ll der Auffordel\Ulg emeut her;
    — -- —— .,. _ .. —–

    – —
    Elnslellung der Tu<tdlngel &t,gesclllossen.
    -•- –
    Es gibt zwei Optionen fur die Vldeospeicherung:
    A . Cloud-Speicher
    Sie l<oonen die lolgenden Schl111e belolgen, um dos Clouo-Spe;c:t,erpakel zu
    abonnleren. Nachdem Sie die CIOud-Speichem,nkllOn ekllv,ert llaben. spelcheol
    d,e TOrldlnget das Video 11111omaUSC1> ill cter Cloud, so dats Sle die
    Videoautzelchnung jedorzell und ObettlU ensehen kbtlnen.

    .-.0- .-. •-
    I ~
    Dd’i –
    • 0 ., • •• ..
    B. SD•Karten-Spelcher (lokaler Speicher)
    Fur die lokale Speicheru”ll wml eine SD-Kar1e benotigt. l”llen Sie doe SD- Karle
    – in der falgeflden Abbildung gezelgt eo,. Nathdem d,e TOrldingel die SO-Karle
    eoo,nnt 11111. wiro das 8Uf992eicnnete Video auf oer SD-K1111e gespeto,en.
    4 Morit::tae der Turklinqel
    • Wenn S… kemo kabelgebundeoe Turkrr,gel haboo oder d,ase Turldlngol nichl an
    de< YO<hendenen Tllncllngel ins18111aren mclcllten, loson Sle blUe die IM1all&llonsachntta
    von -Satlerlebetrleben·.
    • Wenn SJe dieso TOrl<ingel an elne< boreits vomandonen Tl11ld1ngel lnstaleren
    rn6chten, lesan Sie blue die lnstallallonsschritte unter “1/et’WMdung de< vomanclonen
    TOrkllngetdrAhte zur S1tom”””””9ung de< TOrldlngel”. (Hlnwels: Etfordetllche
    Sp/JMUng ro, die Tllrldinget 8-24V AC)

    Plalaieron Sia die Tiir1clingel an dam Or1, 80 de<n Ste Sia Wlllalil”110 mOchlen,
    und – Sie • lch dll llv..Slld Ober dla “-lldelf M\Art• ..App an, UM den bMIAn
    Monlageort rur dle Tur1cllngel zu linden,

    • Check vlhelher existing holes In wells or do« frames can be reused.
    • u you want IO pul Iha dool1>ell clo$e lo lhe wall, make aure lhat lhe wall side wlll not
    oppeor in lllo monilotlng field of Yiew. Otherwioe. infrared mode (night vblon mode)
    and Infrared lighl refmaed multiple bmes may cause a blurred nlgt,1 vision enoe1.
    • II ls recommoridad that thedootbel be Installed 918 heigh! ol 48″11.Zm from lhe
    ground 10 reduce 1he monllOring l>llnd area balween the ground and the oomar.
    • u you wanl IO USO Iha doortel IO monitor your peokages. rt IS recommended lo place
    Iha pack”!jO t9d< 0.5 meters away rrom tile wal. (The pac”-9e detec:c,on lunCIIOn
    needs 10 be purchased for an additional fee.)

    Methode 1: Schritte fur die batteriebetriebene Installation
  46. Tiirklingelhalterung installieren
    A.Wann Sle dle TOttdlngel an el””‘ hlllzemen OberMche (lOrrahmen) monlleren
    m&hlen mOssen Sw, kelne Lllcher votbohren, Zlahftn S/o die Sct’N’auben mil elnem
    Schraubenllohe< M , wn die Kllngelhalterung an der Monlageatelle zu befutigen.
    (Abnehmen der Tilrtdlngelhalte<uf1Q votn Gellause mil de< TOrtdk\gel- Oemonlagenedel)
    ~ 1 F ,. – ~ 0
    ‘ –
    – v
    llefloelgl wernoo: Sdiraubondttther, Sdvaube (,m uororumtang colhalten)
    TO~•Oemoniagenade/ und TOndil)gelhallenmg

    ,.-.,, ,. 1 1r • • a111 SchtaubeM””1et
    T urklongel,ali«ung
    -,, uererurnla”II
    8.Wenn S,e doe T(lrtdlngel aul elnor hatlOn Obe<ftache, wte z. B. Zlog<!l. Boron
    ode< Sluck. moolleren m<ichten belolgen Sio bI1i,, die lolgendcn Sc:tvllle:
    • Kleben Slo die Poli\lonioNnr,skatte aur den Belest1Qu119,ounkl der TOl1<Jin9el;
    • Bohren Slo mil 1tlnem 15164″-Bohrer (6 mm) Ulcher entsprechend den
    Schraut>onlOchorn ouf de< Posllionlerunglkarfe.
    • Setzen SIG die DObel In d,e Lllchet !!!11 und :tlehen Sia dllnn dMI Sdlrauben mol
    elrieni Setva
    ubenZl-lea~ um <fie Til!lll,ngett,alieNng ao der Monl&ge$lelle
    zu beles gen.
    Ben6tlgt we,oen: Elektrltche Bolwmaschloe. Eknm-8ohrer, Hollening.

    Halterung Schraubenpeke
  47. Montieren Sle die Tilrklingel an der Tilrkllngelhalt.erung
    RJchlen Sie die Unterselte der Tun<J,nget mtt der festen Pos,llon auf der Hanerung
    au• UM druoken S… d’8 OblltSo,19. bill ua Mrastat.
    O.o Monwge <Jot Tilf1<ingef 1st at>gesehlossen.t
    H,nwe,s Bevor Sle die TOrtlhngel monUeren. sehlleBen Sle bitte CIJ8
    Ne12W9rt<kon0guratlon filr die TOrt(Jlngel ab u’1d lassen Sle die T011d1ngel
  48. Losen Sie die Turkllngel von der Tilrklingelhallerung
    Wom s.e d,e T0r1<hoge! eottemen oder aulladen m6chten, beachlen Sle blue
    d<C lolgendon Schmto
    S:ecken Sle die Tiir1cllng81-0emontagenadel in das En”‘8hmeloch oberhalb der
    Turidingel und drOdlen Sle IMt nach unien; die TDll<llngeJ gptlngt aulomauscl1
    eus der Haherung het&1Ja und Sle kollnen die Tur1dingel dann “’11fe111811.
    Bonotigt wlftl: Tiirldlngel-Oemontagenadel

    – – t
    li’il .. i)ID ‘ • 9
    Methode 2: lnstallationsschritte fur die Stromversorgung
    elner TOrkllngel unter Verwendung dor vorhandonen
  49. Prufen Sie, ob die vorhandenen Turkllngeldrilhte
    ordnungsgemilB funktionieren
    • Oruc:ken Sie den Kllngellmapr der “””‘■ndonen Tur1d,ngel, “”‘ zu prllfen, ob
    ,.. oronungsgemAB funkllOnle<t. Wenn en Tilrklongel nid1t lautet, &ind
    mogloche,weise die Slromkabel der Turkllngel d81ek1, lrstalleren Sle live
    neue TOrtlingel mil der Batteriesliommelhode oder wenden Sie sid> an elnen
    Eleklnkar, um doe Verkabelu11Q zu N1p3rlernn,
    • Wenn d,e TOrld1nQel 0<dnungsgemliB laulet, sd’laHen Sle den-SIIOm Wt die
    ‘IOlhandene TOrtdlngel am Schutzscl\aller eus.
    Hlnwels: mi
    • Oie rur die Turklongel ertorde~- Spannung: 8-24V AC, bftte bestJllgen Sie,
    dass die vomandenen Turldingeldrante dlese Anrorde,ung erfuJlen, weon lhre
    vorhandene TOt1dlnget elna SV.Stronwersorgung hat, 1191W8nden 5., das
    rrutgellelert11 ·Ot,urt,ruckunguebel”. urn di• btiiden KlllflltneJ1 In lhnlr
    V0mandenen Turk~ngel zu veroinden.
    • ~n ~-v~ld\llg Mtffl l J~ng mh tWI ~hAln \lllt;:ltvNld d~
    1ns1allatlonsprouao&. Wenn Sia die Installation nrcht selb&l V01nehmen moehton.
    !assen s.o ale “°” elnem Elaktrlker durehruhren
  50. Entfernen Sle die vorhandene Ti.irklingel
    • Ve,wenden Sie einen Schraubendteher, un, die
    V0rflandetie ro,1<11nge1 zu entfernen. Achlen Sie belm
    _,,men dor vomnndonen TOrtlllngel 11<1r dlo
    Stromkilbej auf der Rucklelte der Klif1gel.
    • En«ernan Sl8 die SlfOITlkabel an Iler Rucksooe <lei
    T0r1dingel fflll olt\etn Schraubendrehet;
    • Prufon SW., ob doe Stromkabel boschiidigt oder
    veraltel sllld.
    Notwolldig Schraubondr91lor
  51. Tiirkllngelhalterung lnstallleren
    A.Wenn S., die TOl1dingel an einerllolzemen Clbef1Ui<:he (Tilrrahmen) montieren
    mochlen, mOssen Sie keone Locher vortohren, Ziehen S., d,e Schrauben mrt etne<n
    Schraut>enz;leher an, um die KJ,ngelhetlefung an de< Monlageslelle zu befes11gen,
    (Abrulhmen der TOrkllngelnaltcNng vom Geoauie mn der Tllr1d1ngol- Demontagenadet)

    Ben61lg1 werden: Scllraubendreher, Sclmlube (Im Llelerumfang entl,allen)
    TOrkbngel-Oemoniagen&del und Tllr1dlngelhal:erung
    – ,;;-
    I I •
    0 ~(] ‘–‘ Sctvaube
    hi I a • ……. Schraubendl1,tw,, T0rl<lnge4hallerung
    on 1Jefen1mfeng
    B.Wonn s., a. Tilrkhnget au! elnor harten Oberllael>O, w,o z. B Ziegel, Be10n
    oder Stuck. rnonlJeran m6chlen belolger, Sle bllta die folgenden Schrlna.
    • Kleben Sie dlo Posillonlorungsl<arto 1111 den Befesi,gungapunkl der Turkling<II,
    • Boh”‘n Sle mit einem 15164″-Botw-er (6 mm) Llicher entsprechend den
    Schraubenlochem auf der Posil>Onietungskarte,
    • Setzen Sie die Dubel fn d”‘ Locher em und zlehen Sle dann d,e Schrauben
    mil alnem Schrnuberweher lest um d,e Tiirklongethal!erung an lier
    Monu,gestelle zu befesllgen.
    iBenciigl wmden- Etektrfscfle Boltmnaschio.e, 6-mm•Botirer, Halterung.
  52. AnschlieBen der Turkllngeldriitirte
    Ldsan Se Clre SO!raube am Netzanschluss auf der Ru~kselte de, Turkllngel,
    schtreBelil Sie da:a Ka’be1 an der Wand Bil den Netzansctiluss aor der ROckselte
    d’er Turklmgel an untl zietien Sie die ScPiraube rest. 1DJe AC,Sb’Ornansditusse
    der Tu11dini:;ie1 Uf’ltersche1deri niclil zwi5chen .P[L.)5,,- ,IJTld Mlriuspoten urtd ~Ofilnen
    11111 beUetiiger Relllenfo’lge ange5’0hlos5ai werelen.
    • OJe Wechsel’s:trornkfemrnen der TLirkl ngel unter.rchelden nictit zwJsciien
    Prus- und Mlnugpolen und ktlinnen In bejlleb5ger Aefhenfolge angescWlos-sen
    .. Um Kur.zsehlOsse zu •e,ma1den 1 achten S rlarauf, dass s1ch dlfi! Plus- und
    Mlnuspole do:r Drahte nicht berilhm1111,
    • Wonn die Orlitne zu lkurz sind. verw,endon s· cfle mitgelklfer1.en
    ‘Verffiogerungsdrahte um;I Orehbnuttem~ um sie langer ZIJ machen.
    Veflr\ieflden S3e 61ilttdessen efoktrisches Klebeband, wenn an der wand
    k n Ptatt m hrr filr Drah~muttsm VQrhancten 1st.
    Benofigt warden· Schmullendrerer, VJdeo–Tu:rkJl11g-eJAC PDWflf” Vertange11.1.ngskabel.
    Schraubel’\drehe Vrdeo-Turldmgel AC Power
    \lat1 Ill~
  53. Montieren Sie ,die Tilrklingel ,an der Tiilrklrilngelhaltenung
    Ritblan 53 ,cft Un rse te der Tilr1(1lngel m11 der ‘fester,’lion aur d r t-fallerurw9
    U!li und drnkke-n Sis d ‘0bersofU!i, bis sre elnra-met..
    Dre Montage derTurkl ngel isl abQescli~
    HilWIC s… B~o, Sie d 11 Turklln9ol mrintlemn. sch:lieBen Sic r, tts. die
    Natzwerkkonfigwatton mr d TOrknnsel ab und lassen S]e ar Turldlr11gel eill’lgesc~au:e
  54. Schalten Sie den NetzschaHer der Turklingell ,auf dem
    Schutzschalter eini

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