saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen User Manual

June 13, 2024

Translation of the original instructions in Italian

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen -

UM500008 – 08/2019

Dear Customer,
thank you for choosing us. We are certain that this appliance will satisfy your needs and live up to your expectations.
We kindly ask you to read this Use and Maintenance Manual carefully in order to be able to use the appliance to its full potential. For any further information regarding use and maintenance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to answer any
questions you may have.


Warning on the ownership of information

  • In order to foster its policy of continual development and updating of the product, the Manufacturer reserves the right to make any modifications necessary to improve its basic features without having to give notice and without being under any obligation to do so. If the modifications do not change any safety aspects, the Manufacturer is not obliged to give notice of them in this document attached to the appliance.
  • The Manufacturer also reserves ownership of this document and strictly forbids its reproduction or disclosure to third parties without prior authorization.
  • Any illustrations or drawings in this document are merely simplified representations of the appliance; on the basis of any improvements and modifications made, they may not correspond to the actual appliance.

Updating procedure

  •  Updating and/or drafting of a new version of the above-mentioned document will only be carried out if the functional or safety aspects of the appliance are modified.

Original version

  • This document was originally issued in Italian. In the event of any controversy arising due to the translation of the same, even if carried out by the Manufacturer, the reference text will be the Italian version alone.
  • Reproduction of this document, either in total or in part, is forbidden without prior written consent by the Manufacturer, who reserves the right to modify it without any obligation to give notice, unless this represents a safety risk.
  • Drafted by: VEGA srl


1-1 Purpose and description of the manual
This manual is an integral part of the appliance and aims to provide all the information necessary to:

  • make operators fully aware of any safety issues;

  •  guarantee correct installation;

  •  ensure full understanding of its operating principles and correct, safe use;

  • carry out any maintenance correctly and safely;

  • dispose of the appliance safely and in compliance with applicable legislation concerning health and safety and environmental protection.
    Correct operation of the appliance is guaranteed only if these regulations are complied with.
    The Manufacturer declines any responsibility for: damage resulting from poor maintenance, incorrect use, tampering with or any use which does not comply with the terms and conditions indicated in this manual.
    The Manufacturer reserves the right to modify any drawings, texts and technical specifications without prior notice or responsibility and without any obligation to update this manual each time.
    In the event of problems in understanding this manual, please contact the Manufacturer.
    This manual is divided into the following sections:

  • Section 1 contains information regarding consultation of this manual and the data necessary to correctly identify the manufacturer and appliance.

  • Section 2 contains general information, essential for knowing all about the appliance and its main parts, its permitted uses, its technical specifications, etc.

  • Section 3 is dedicated to user safety.

  •  Section 4 addresses the user and contains instructions for correct use of the appliance.

  •  Section 5 contains information about maintenance, describing operations the user needs to carry out and those which must be carried out by a fitter or authorized technician. It also contains a chapter dedicated to troubleshooting, identifying the cause of problems and possible solutions.

  •  Section 6 is intended for qualified fitters and concerns correct installation of the appliance.

  • Section 7, if present, contains tables and annexes.

1.1.1 Symbol used
During machine use, it is possible to face situations for which special considerations and adequate close examinations are needed.
The following “graphic safety symbols” are used in this manual. They aim to highlight risks or important information:

Draws attention to actions which, if not correctly carried out, may cause serious injury or death or may be a health risk for people and the environment.
Draws attention to operations, procedures or actions which, if not carefully carried out, may cause serious damage to the appliance or product.
Draws attention to technical information or practical recommendations that ensure efficient and economical use of the appliance. Failure to comply with this information may void the warranty.

1.1.2 Abbreviations used

Ref. Description
Ann. Annex
Chap. Chapter
Fig. Figure
Max. Maximum
Min. Minimum
Mod. Model
Page Page
Par. Paragraph
Ref. Reference
Tab. Table
U.m. Units of measurement

Tab. 1 Abbreviations used
1-2 Correct manual storage
This manual must be handled with care and clean hands and it should never be placed on dirty surfaces. It should be stored in a cool, dry place.
No part of the manual should be removed, torn out or arbitrarily changed.
This manual is an integral part of the appliance and must be kept until final disposal of the same.
1-3 Identification data
Check that the instruction manual corresponds to the appliance being referred to.
In the event of any request for information or technical assistance, it will be necessary to specify the model and type of appliance, as well as its serial number.
1.3.1 Appliance type and model
The appliance type and model are indicated on the identification plate.
1.3.3 Identification plate
The identification plate shown is applied directly to the appliance.
It includes all appliance and manufacturer identification data and the CE mark of conformity.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig1

1.3.4 Identification plates of the main components
The plates of all the commercial components not produced by the Manufacturer are applied directly to the relevant components, where their respective manufacturers originally placed them.
1.3.5 CE mark of conformity
The CE mark applied on the identification plate confirms th at the appliance co mplies with the safety requirements specified in the following directives:
Directive 2014/35/EU (Low voltage)
Directive 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic compatibility)
Regulation 2023/2006/EU (Materials intended to come into contact with food)
1-4 Requests for assistance
– As stated in the sales terms and conditions, the appliance is covered by a warranty. If during the validity  period of the same any faults or breakages covered by the warranty should occur, the Manufacturer will repair or replace faulty parts after carrying out the necessary checks.
– Any modifications carried out by the user without express written authorization by the Manufacturer shall void the warranty and relieve the Manufacturer of any responsibility for damage caused by the faulty appliance. This also applies when non-original spare parts are used.
– For all of the above reasons, in the event of an emergency, we recommend contacting the Manufacturer’s Technical Assistance Department directly.
For any type of service request it is necessary to specify the data on the identification plate and the type of fault.


2-1 General description of the appliance
2.1.1 Intended uses
The appliance has been designed and manufactured for the professional catering sector.
The appliance is suitable for frying in oil (or fat), chips and battered vegetables (either fresh or deep-frozen), breaded cutlets, fish fillets.
The appliance operating principle is cooking food inside baskets in boiling oil (or grease), heating is ensured thanks to heating elements located inside the cooking tank.
In order to use the appliance safely, it is essential to install it according to the laws, regulations and specifications applicable in the country where the appliance is to be installed.
2.1.2 Improper use
Improper use means any use of the appliance following criteria that do not comply with the instructions in this manual and that, as a result, may endanger safety.
The Manufacturer shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by improper use of the appliance.
Do not use the appliance other than for the use intended by the Manufacturer.
Improper use is forbidden.

2.1.3 Main appliance parts
The picture and descriptions show the appliance fitted with all possible accessories.
Depending on the model chosen, your appliance may be different.
A. Cooking tank
B. Heat extraction grille
C. Control panel
D. Opening door
E. Adjustable feet
F. Tank discharging tap (inside the appliance)
G. Safety thermostat (inside the appliance)
H. Residue-collecting basket

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig2

2.1.4 Structural features
The main structure of the appliance is made in stainless steel 18/10 and stands on four height-adjustable feet.
The structural features of the main elements that make up the appliance are described below:
– Upper top with large spillover area;
– Stainless steel anti-corrosion tank with a cold area to allow the cooking residues to settle without getting burnt;
– Cool-grip knobs.
The appliance is equipped with a safety thermostat that automatically cuts power off if the heating element temperature is higher than the set limit value (this condition may occur if the appliance is started without oil inside the cooking tanks).

2.1.5 Accessories supplied
The following accessories are supplied with the appliance:

  1. Oil-collecting tray with filter
  2. Small basket for “1/2 tank”
  3. Big basket for “entire tank”
  4. Tank cover

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig3

All baskets are made of stainless steel and are fitted with a heat-resistant handle.
The various combinations of baskets can be chosen by the user.


3-1 Safety

  •  Use the appliance only for the purposes intended by the Manufacturer.

  • Improper use of the appliance may result in a risk to the health and safety of people, as well as economic damage.

  • As the appliance is used to prepare food for human consumption, special attention should be paid to everything related to hygiene and to keeping the appliance and surrounding area clean at all times.

  •  The appliance must be used by personnel trained on the appliance characteristics and functioning.
    Please refer to this manual. In case of more than one operator, consider handing out a copy of this manual to each one of them.

  • Any maintenance operations requiring technical know-how or specific skills must be carried out exclusively by qualified personnel, properly trained in the specific field.

  • To maintain hygiene and protect food from contamination, clean elements that come into direct or indirect contact with food and the surrounding areas thoroughly. Carry out these operations using only detergent products for food use and do not use flammable materials or materials containing substances that are harmful to people’s health.

  • In the event of long periods of inactivity, besides disconnecting all the power supplies, clean all internal and external parts of the appliance and the surrounding area thoroughly.

3.1.1 Safe use of the appliance
Since this appliance has been designed exclusively for professional use, it must only be used by qualified personnel.

  • Before filling the cooking tank it is necessary to ensure that the discharging tap is closed.
  • Always ensure that the oil level is between the maximum and the minimum level (indicated by the relief marks on the inside of the tank, see Fig. 5 Tank maximum/minimum filling level);
  • Add oil whenever it drops below the minimum level.
  • If oil is used for too long, there may be a risk of fire, therefore it is necessary to replace it completely with new one.
  • Before starting the frying, it is necessary to remove humidity as much as possible from products in order to avoid excessive hot oil squirting and overflowing due to the formation of foam.
  • The introduction of an excessive amount of product in the hot oil may cause the production of too much foam.
  • Do not put the food directly in the cooking tank but use the suitable baskets.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig4

  • Never leave the appliance unsupervised when it is on.
  • Do not leave any flammable objects, such as paper, plastic, rags, polystyrene, etc., near the appliance when it is on as they may start a fire.
  • Keep the work area clean: do not leave any objects lying around the room as they might make it unsafe for personnel to move around.
  • Do not obstruct air intake or heat extraction openings.

In event of fire, NEVER use water to extinguish it. RISK OF EXPLOSION!
It is strictly forbidden to modify or carry out any type of intervention on the appliance, except those related to routine maintenance.
Any modification not explicitly approved by the Manufacturer will automatically void the warranty and the appliance conformity to the directives.

3.1.2 Safety instructions in the event of malfunctioning
In an emergency:

  • Turn the electricity off.
  • Contact the Manufacturer’s Customer Care Service or a specialized technician.

Turn off the appliance if any faults or malfunctioning occur.
3.1.3 Appliance disposal
The appliance has been manufactured using recyclable raw materials and does not contain any harmful or toxic substances.
All materials must be disposed of in compliance with the regulations applicable in the country of use of the appliance.
Always comply with environmental protection regulations.


4-1 First use
Clean the appliance thoroughly when using it for the first time.
Remove all packing materials from the appliance and carefully clean the tank and the baskets removing the industrial protective grease as described below.

  • fill the tank until the edge with water and normal cleaner, start the heating and bring to the boil for a few minutes;
  • discharge water through the relevant tap and rinse the tank with plenty of clean water;
  • close the tap and pour frying oil until the minimum level at least and not beyond the maximum level.

Then, clean the appliance using hot water and a sponge. Stainless steel parts must be cleaned with a nonabrasive detergent specifically designed for cleaning  suchsurfaces.  (seepar. Useful tips for stainless steel care on page 32); After cleaning the appliance, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a cloth.
Do not use water jets to clean the appliance.
Before putting the basket with the food to be fried inside the tank, wait for the oil to reach the correct temperature.

It is strictly forbidden to start the appliance when there is no oil in the cooking tank.
Always ensure that the oil level is between the maximum and the minimum level indicated by the relief marks on the inside of the tank (See Fig. 5 Tank maximum/minimum filling level);

4-2 Tank filling and emptying
To fill the tank proceed as shown.

  • Close the discharging tap;
  • Pour oil in the tank until reaching the maximum level indicated by the relief mark.

To empty the tank proceed as shown.

This operation must be carried out once the oil has sufficiently cooled down.

  • Ensure that the oil-collecting tray with filter is located under the discharging tap.
  • Open the discharging tap.

It is recommended to store oil in a fresh place, after having filtered it.

4-3 Complete layout of controls for standard versions
The pictures show the control panel configuration with all available accessories.
A. Cooking start and stop knob
B. Temperature setting knob
C. “Heating elements on” warning light (green)
D. “Reaching the set temperature” warning light (orange colour)

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig5

UM500008 – 08/2019
4-4 Appliance start and turning off – standard version
4.4.1 Appliance start

  • Turn the main switch on;
  • Turn knob (A) and take it to position 1;
  • Turn knob (B) and take it to the required temperature;
  •  The “Heating elements on” warning light (C) (green) turns on;
  • Warning light (D) for “Temperature reached” turns on (orange) to indicate that warm-up is in progress; warning light turns off when target temperature is reached.
Knob reference Oil temperature
105 105°C (min)
120 120°C
130 130°C
140 140°C
150 150°C
165 165°C
190 190°C (max)

Tab. 2 Oil temperature data
4.4.2 Appliance turning off

  • Take knob (B) to position 0;
  • Take knob (A) to position 0;
  • The warning lights (C) and (D) go off;
  • If appliance is not used, disconnect the omnipolar switch;
  • Install cover onto tank(s).

Comply with specified data, AVOID OIL OVERHEATING.

4-5 Complete layout of controls for “8+8 litres” versions
The pictures show the control panel configuration with all available accessories.
A. Temperature setting knob
B. “Heating elements on” warning light (green)
C. “Reaching the set temperature” warning light (orange colour)

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig6

4-6 Appliance start and turning off – “8+8 litres” version
4.6.1 Appliance start

  • Turn the main switch on;
  • Turn knob (A) and take it to the position corresponding to the required temperature.
  • The “Heating elements on” warning light (C) (green) turns on;
  • Warning light (D) for “Temperature reached” turns on (orange) to indicate that warm-up is in progress; warning light turns off when target temperature is reached.
Knob reference Oil temperature
105 105°C (min)
120 120°C
130 130°C
140 140°C
150 150°C
165 165°C
190 190°C (max)

Tab. 3 Oil temperature data
4.6.2 Appliance turning off

  • Take knob (A) to position 0;
  • The warning lights (C) and (D) go off;
  • If appliance is not used, disconnect the omnipolar switch;
  • Install cover onto tank(s).

Comply with specified data, AVOID OIL OVERHEATING.

4-7 Safety thermostat
The appliance is equipped with a safety thermostat for each heating element set; this device automatically cuts power off if the heating element temperature is higher than the set limit value (this condition may occur if the appliance is without oil inside the cooking tanks).
4.7.1 Safety thermostat reset
In case of safety thermostat activation, proceed as indicated.

  • Disconnect appliance from power supply by working the main switch.
  • Allow oil to cool down.
  • Open door to gain access to safety thermostat.
  •  Press reset button (G).
  • Close door and restore appliance electrical connection.
  •  Ensure oil level is between maximum and minimum level.
  •  Turn control knob to restore appliance operation; if safety thermostat triggers again, contact the Technical Service.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig7

4-8 Recommendations for use
All cooking must be carried out ensuring that the oil level is between the maximum and the minimum level.
Do not put the food directly in the cooking tank but use the suitable baskets.
Do not put large or not drained food inside the tank in order to avoid hot oil squirting or overflowing from the tank.
The old oil has a lower flash point and its foam tends to overflow.
The introduction of an excessive amount of wet food causes the formation of foam that may overflow.

  • Before putting the basket with the food to be fried inside the tank, wait for the oil to reach the correct temperature.
  •  If using solid fat, as an alternative to oil, it is necessary to melt it at the minimum temperature allowed.
  • Let oil temperature drop between one frying and the next.
  • Always add new oil to the one being used until reaching the maximum level indicated on the tank.
  • Filter oil every day, removing any food residues.
  • Reduce any excess humidity of the food to be fried, drying it thoroughly.
  • When the food is ready, lift the basket so as to strain the oil, slightly shake it and pour everything in a container or on a dish with suitable size.
  • Do not add salt to food during frying.
  • Cover the appliance when it is not used.

4-9 What to do in the event of long periods of inactivity
If the appliance is not to be used for a certain period of time, it is necessary to:

  •  disconnect the electricity supply;
  • clean and dry the alliance;
  • after cleaning and drying the appliance, protect it with a film of a suitable product (for example, Vaseline oil spray or a similar product);


5-1 Maintenance recommendations
Keeping the appliance working to maximum efficiency, also thanks to scheduled maintenance recommended by the Manufacturer, will guarantee optimal performance, a longer lifespan and maintenance of all the safety requirements.
After each use or whenever necessary, clean the external parts of the appliance and surrounding area.
At least twice a year, have an authorized technician check the appliance; it would be advisable to enter a maintenance contract.
Before cleaning, switch appliance off and cut power supply (by disconnecting the power cable), allow oil to cool down and drain the tanks.
Cleaning must be carried out once the appliance has cooled down.
5-2 Ordinary cleaning
Thorough daily cleaning of the appliance after use ensures perfect operation and a long lifespan. Clean using a damp cloth, water and soap or detergents and avoid abrasive or acidic products; these must not be used even to clean the floor near the appliance as the vapours may deposit on and deteriorate the steel. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry. Never use direct water jets so as not to cause infiltrations that may be harmful to the appliance.

Description Products
For washing and cleaning Room temperature drinking water
For cleaning and drying A non-abrasive cloth that does not leave any residues
Recommended detergent products Detergents containing:

– caustic potash at 5% (max)
– caustic soda at 5%
Products for eliminating unpleasant smells| Rinse-aid products containing:
– citric acid
– acetic acid

Tab. 4 Table of cleaning products

5.2.1 Cleaning the tank
Clean tank as follows:

  • Drain oil from tank(s) and let it flow out through drain cock into oil collector tank;
  • Remove baskets and mesh located above the heating elements;
  • Turn the heating element;
  • Tank thorough cleaning is possible with the heating elements in a vertical position.

5.2.2 Recommendations for cleaning the oil-collecting tank
Ensure, at regular intervals, that the oil level does not reach the oil- collecting container edge and that the filter is free from any residue.
Empty and clean the filter at regular intervals.

A pull-out handle on the upper edge of the tray makes it easier to grab it.

5.2.3 Main causes of deterioration or corrosion of stainless steel
This list shows the main causes of deterioration or corrosion of stainless steel.

  • Use of abrasive or acid detergents, especially with a chlorinated base, such as hydrochloric acid or sodium hypochlorite (bleach); therefore, before purchasing a detergent product, ensure it does not cause steel corrosion;
  • Stagnation of ferrous deposits (such as those produced by the rust present in the water that runs through the pipes, especially after a certain period of inactivity); such stagnation must thus be avoided. Also avoid using iron wool to remove food residues that are hard to eliminate; instead, use scourers or spatulas made of stainless steel or softer materials but, in any case, non-ferrous materials;
  • Stagnation of acidic substances, such as vinegar, lemon juice, sauces, salt, etc. Do not allow such substances to stay in contact with the steel parts of the appliance for long periods. The evaporation of saline solutions on the surfaces is particularly harmful for them.
    See also par. Useful tips for stainless steel care.

5-3 Useful tips for stainless steel care
Stainless steel is defined as such because it owes its resistance to corrosion to a thin oxide protective film which forms at a molecular level on its surface; it is created by the oxygen absorbed by exposure to the air of the metal itself. It is clear therefore, that anything that prevents the formation of this film and its permanence on the surface, such as foreign materials on it, food or salt residues, etc. reduce the resistance of stainless steel to corrosion.
Its resistance and duration, however, is also directly related to good maintenance during use and in choosing suitable materials and products for such maintenance.
Before using any detergent product for cleaning stainless steel, as well as for the floor underneath or near the appliances, ask your usual detergent supplier about the most suitable product to ensure this product cannot cause corrosion.
Daily cleaning: clean the surfaces thoroughly and frequently using a damp cloth. You can also use water and soap or common detergents that do not contain abrasive or coloured substances. Wipe only in the direction of the satin finish. Rinse with plenty of clean water and dry thoroughly.
Food stains or hardened leftovers: Wash any food stains using hot water before they harden. If they have  already hardened, use water and soap or non- abrasive detergents, using a wooden spatula or soft stainlesssteel scourer. Rinse with plenty of water and dry well.
Limescale deposits: Limescale deposits on cookware bottoms, tanks, etc. must be removed using descaling products.
Scratches on the surfaces: If scratches or lines are detected on the surfaces, smooth them using very fine stainless steel wool or synthetic fibre abrasive felt pads, wiping in the direction of the satin finish. Rinse well and dry.
Elimination of possible fading of the steel caused by food stains or burns or heat stains: Use smooth stainless steel wool or synthetic fibre abrasive felt pads, wiping in the direction of the satin finish. Rinse well and dry. Take care not to scratch the surface.
Rust: If rust stains are detected, contact manufacturers of industrial detergents for a product capable of removing the stains. For this purpose, you can also use industrial products for removing limescale. After use and after rinsing with clean water, it may be necessary to use an alkaline detergent to neutralize the acid compounds still on the surface.
After cleaning the stainless steel, especially the external surfaces of the appliance, and once they are completely dry, protect them with products commonly found on the market. Besides eliminating marks or rings, they also restore the shine to the steel and prevent the infiltration of humidity and dirt, which cause corrosion.

5.3.1 Products that must not be used on stainless steel

  • Never use chlorinated products, for example bleach, hydrochloric acid or any other solutions deriving from the same. These products quickly attack stainless steel, causing irreversible corrosion.
  • To clean the floors underneath and near the appliances, never use the products mentioned above, since vapours or drops that may fall on the steel produce similar corrosive effects to those described above.
  • Never use iron scouring pads or leave them on the surfaces, since small deposits may remain on it and lead to the formation of rust; use a soft stainless steel wool or synthetic fibre abrasive felt pads, always wiping in the direction of the satin finish and taking care not to scratch the surfaces, then rinse and dry.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig8

5.3.2 Some useful tips

  • The pipes that supply water for use in pots, sinks, kitchens, washing machines, etc. inevitably surrender some rust, especially when taps are turned on after a period of inactivity or in case of new systems. Take care to prevent these oxides or ferrous deposits from coming into contact with the stainless steel for a long period of time, since they produce corrosion. It is always advisable to use galvanized pipes and to let the water run until it is perfectly clean.
  • Avoid letting saline solutions evaporate, dry or stay in contact with stainless steel surfaces. For pots, never use coarse kitchen salt, which stays on the bottom and due to its weight cannot circulate and dissolve completely; this undissolved salt can cause corrosion. Therefore, it is advisable to crush it and add it to the pots when the water is boiling; if this is not possible and the salt is coarse, dissolve it in a separate container first. Avoid putting salt in pots of cold water or without water.
  • When pots, washing machine compartments, bain-marie recipients, sinks, etc. are not used, they should preferably remain uncovered in order to keep the passivation film protecting the stainless steel stable and prevent it from coming into contact with possible aggressive agents.

5-4 Troubleshooting
Prior to start-up, the appliance has been tested by qualified personnel. The information contained in the following table is intended to help find and fix possible failures and faults that may occur during use.
Some of these problems can be solved by the user, whilst all others require specific technical know-how and skills and must therefore be solved by qualified and expert personnel.

Problem| Likely cause| What should the user do| What should authorizedpersonnel do
The heating elements do not heat| Fuses have tripped| Check that the fuses of the electrical system have not tripped. If the fuses trip repeatedly, contact an electrician.| –
Safety thermostat activated| Contact a qualified technician.| Reset the safety thermostat.
A temperature is set but the appliance cannot be
turned on| Faulty operating thermostat| Contact a qualified technician.| Replace the thermostat.
Insufficient voltage| Contact a qualified technician.| Check the electrical system and if it complies with appliance requirements.
One or more faulty heating elements| Contact a qualified technician.| Replace the heating elements.
The appliance does not come on| Missing power supply| Ensure that the appliance is electrically powered| –
The temperature has not been adjusted using the knob| Turn the knob and select the cooking
temperature.| –

Tab. 5 Problems associated with the electrical system


6-1 General information
The system and installation of the appliance must comply with existing UNI-CIG 8723 regulations and Italian Ministerial Decree dated 12 April 1996.
Appliance installation and maintenance must be carried out by qualified and authorized personnel, who must comply with the safety regulations applicable in the country where the appliance is to be installed.
6-2 Storage
If the appliance is stored in a warehouse at temperatures below 0°C, bring it to a temperature of at least +10°C before use.
6-3 Packaging
The appliance is usually packaged and shipped with all parts already assembled; therefore, when delivered, assembly is not necessary. The stainless steel parts and all framework panels are protected by an adhesive, scratch- resistant film.
The appliance is packed inside a box and placed on a pallet.
The packed appliance must be handled with care  and kept in the correct position, according to thesymbols present on the packaging.
During unpacking, ensure the appliance is in order and has all its components. When removing the scratch-resistant film, take care not to leave pieces of adhesive film on the panels.
It is advisable not to remove the packaging until the appliance is to be used so as to guarantee preservation of the same.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig9

Do not use cutters or any other sharp tools when unpacking. They may scratch the appliance surfaces irreparably.
Packaging materials must be disposed of in compliance with the regulations applicable in the country where the appliance is to be installed. The various types of material must be separated and taken to special collection centres.
Always comply with environmental protection regulations.

6-4 Technical specifications
6.4.1 Composition and power of the appliance

Model| Description| External
| Weight (kg)| Tank
| Electric
| Electric
power (kW)
FRE1V17| Electric
Fryer| 400x900x850
mm| –| 17 Lt.| 400V/3N
50/60 Hz| 16,5| –
FREI V21| Electric
Fryer| 400x900x850
mm| –| 21 Lt.| 400V/3N
50/60 Hz| 20,0| –
LQ/ FRE2V8| Electric
Fryer| 400x900x850
mm| –| 8+8 Lt.| 400V/3N
50/60 Hz| 14,0| –
FRE2V17| Electric
Fryer| 800x900x850
mm| –| 17+17 Lt.| 400V/3N
50/60 Hz| 33,0| –
FRE2V21| Electric
Fryer| 800x900x850
mm| –| 21+21 Lt.| 400V/3N
50/60 Hz| 40,0| –

6.4.2 Dimensions

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig10

6-5 Positioning and installation
The installation area must be equipped with all necessary power supply, ventilation, air intake and extraction connections, it must be properly illuminated and must comply with all health and safety requirements, in compliance with applicable laws, in order to avoid food contamination.
Ensure that the floor or support surface is flat and solid so that the base of the appliance is level and stable.
The Manufacturer shall not be held responsible for any damage to people or objects caused by installation errors or by an inappropriate use of the appliance.
Any fault caused by wrong installation shall automatically void the warranty.
The system and installation of the appliance must comply with existing UNI-CIG 8723 regulations and Italian Ministerial Decree dated 12 April 1996.
Appliance installation and maintenance must be carried out by qualified and authorized personnel, who must comply with the safety regulations applicable in the country where the appliance is to be installed.
6.5.1 Positioning of the appliance
The appliance must be installed at least 200 mm from flammable walls. This distance may be lower when the walls are fireproof or protected by heat insulating material.
The appliance is not suitable for built-in systems.
Ensure that, once installed, the appliance can easily be reached by technical service personnel in the event of any fault occurring.

  • Remove the appliance from its packaging and position it where it is to be used.
  • Adjust the feet so that the appliance is level.
  • Remove the transparent adhesive protective film from the surfaces, detaching it slowly to avoid leaving glue residues on the appliance.
  • Connect the appliance to the premises electric network (chap. Mains Electricity Connection on page 43);

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig11

6.5.2 Ventilation of the installation premises and extraction of cooking heat and steam
The premises where the appliance is installed must have air intakes to ensure the correct functioning of the appliance and proper air exchange.
Air intakes must be of a suitable size, must be protected by grilles and must be placed in such a way that they cannot be obstructed.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig12

To guarantee the complete extraction of heat and steam produced during water warm up, the appliance must be installed in well-ventilated premises (possibly under an extraction hood) in compliance with applicable regulations.
In case of installation under a hood (see Fig. 19 Extraction through hood) , the final part of the appliance extraction duct must be about 1.8 m from the appliance support surface; the outlet of the extraction duct must be placed within the basic perimeter of the hood.

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig13

6-6 Mains Electricity Connection
All electrical operations necessary to install the appliance and the supply cable must be carried out by qualified electricians or technicians in compliance with applicable regulations.

  • The appliance is designed to operate at the voltage indicated on the identification plate; before connection of the appliance to power mains, check that the voltage of the mains supply in the premises complies with the data indicated on the identification plate.
  • The supply cable can only be installed by the Manufacturer or by a qualified operator.
  • The supply cable must be made of rubber, with a quality level of at least H07RN-F and conductors with a cross-section of 5G4.
  • The supply cable must not be exposed to direct sources of heat; once installation and connection are complete, the supply cable should be placed in such a way that no part of it reaches a temperature that is 50°C higher than room temperature.
  • The electrical safety of this appliance is guaranteed only when it is correctly connected to an efficient earthing system; it is necessary to check this essential safety requirement and if in doubt, ask qualified personnel to carry out a thorough check of the system.

Connect the appliance to an efficient earthing system!
The Manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage caused if the system is not earthed.

  • An efficient omnipolar circuit breaker with a contact opening of at least 3 mm must be installed in the electrical supply system, fitted upstream of the appliance; automatic circuit-breaker switches can be used for this purpose.
  • The omnipolar circuit breaker should be close to the appliance and easily accessible once installation is complete.
  • The yellow-green earth cable must not be interrupted by the switch.

It is advisable to insert an integrated circuit-breaker switch with fuses.
6.6.1 Connection of the power supply cable
Connect the power supply cable (supplied) in compliance with applicable regulations; the power supply cable must be blocked using a cable clamp mounted on the appliance in order to prevent the risk of breakage.
The earth cable must be longer (about 2 cm more) than the other conductor cables.
In the event of strong traction of the cable or breakage of the cable clamp, the earth cable must be disconnected after the other conductors.

6-7 Maintenance to be carried out by a fitter or qualified technician
The following maintenance operations must be carried out at least once a year:

  • Check the efficiency of the thermostatic solenoid valve and of the safety thermostat;
  • Check the efficiency of the cooking heat and steam extraction system (if any);
  • Check adjustment device efficiency.


7-1 Wiring diagrams
7.1.1 1-tank models

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig14

F1 – Operating thermostat
FS1 – Safety thermostat
H1 – Voltage ON green warning light
H2 – Heating orange warning light
KR – Electromagnetic switch
R – Heating element (230V)
S1 – Main switch
M1 – Heating element tilting microswitch
7.1.2 2-tank models

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig15

F1 – Operating thermostat
FS1 – Safety thermostat
H1 – Voltage ON green warning light
H2 – Heating orange warning light
KR – Electromagnetic switch
R – Heating element (230V)
S1 – Main switch
M1 – Heating element tilting microswitch
7.1.3 2-tank models

saro 1001 Electric Fryer Lady Queen - fig16

F1 – Operating thermostat
FS1 – Safety thermostat
H1 – Voltage ON green warning light
H2 – Heating orange warning light
KR – Electromagnetic switch
R – Heating element (230V)
S1 – Main switch
M1 – Heating element tilting microswitch

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