AMEWi AFX4 R3D Single Rotor Helicopter with 3D Roll Performance Instruction Manual

October 30, 2023


AMEWi AFX4 R3D Single Rotor Helicopter with 3D Roll Performance


Product Information: Amewi AFX4 R3D Helicopter
The Amewi AFX4 R3D Helicopter is a remote-controlled plane that should not be considered a toy. It requires four 1.5V AA batteries for the remote control and comes with a 3.7V Li-Po battery for the car. The manufacturer confirms that all limit values were taken care of during manufacturing based on RoHS labeling. The product complies with strict performance guidelines and safety standards. It is not suitable for children under 14 years of age.

Product Usage Instructions

  • Read the instruction manual carefully before using the product and keep it for future reference.
  • Ensure that the batteries are installed in the remote control and car correctly.
  • Avoid touching the drive parts and other moving parts while operating the model to avoid injury.
  • Allow the motor to cool for 10-15 minutes after use before touching it to avoid burn injuries.
  • Do not disassemble or modify the product in any way.
  • Operate the product safely and responsibly, avoiding abnormal parts, excessive wear, and tear, improper assembly, or operation.
  • Avoid using the product in rain, snow, or thunderstorms as the liquid can damage the electronics irreparably.
  • Avoid using the product in an environment where you cannot see as signal interference can cause the model to go out of control.
  • Avoid using the product near crowds or in public places, rivers, ponds, or lakes.

Welcome to AMEWI
The Amewi Trade GmbH is an international import- and wholesale company for R/C models, toys, and creative items, located in Borchen near Paderborn, Germany. Our product range includes over 10,000 items. Above all, this includes remote- controlled cars, helicopters, boats, and tank models as well as a wide range of accessories and all necessary spare parts. Our sales network includes over 700 specialist dealers and online retailers across Europe. The company AMEWI Trade GmbH is a pure wholesale company. We only sell our products to retailers. When you purchase AMEWI products as an end consumer, you are entering into a contract with the retailer. Please always contact your dealer in warranty cases.


This product has been manufactured according to actual technical standards. The product is matching the requirements of the existing European and national guidelines. The Declaration of Conformity has been proofed. AMEWI Trade GmbH declares that this product is matching the basic requirements and remaining regulations of the guideline 2014/53/EU {RED). The declarations and documents are stored at the manufacturer and can be requested and applied there. For additional questions about the product and conformity please contact Amewi Trade GmbH Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 18, 33178 Borchen Germany or website

For damage, caused by disregarding the manual, the warranty expires. We are not liable for secondary failures, material, or personal damage, caused by proper usage or disregarding the security notices. Based on security and registration (CE) reasons, it is forbidden to modify the product personally. Do not disassemble the product. Small parts. The danger of suffocation or risk of injury caused by small parts. Suitable for people aged 14+! The product is not allowed to get moist or wet. The product is only allowed to be used on flat and clean surfaces. Even a drop-down from a small height can cause damage to the product.


Attention! The battery does not belong in the hands of children. A change of the battery must be done by an adult person. Never mix rechargeable batteries with non-rechargeable batteries. Never mix fully charged batteries with almost empty batteries. Never mix batteries of different capacities. Never try to charge dry batteries. Take care of the correct polarity. Defective batteries belong to special waste. Never leave a charging battery unattended. For questions about the charging time please read the manual or ask the manufacturer. Read the safety instructions and warnings before using or charging the Li-Ion battery. Stop using or charging it immediately if it leaks, has a temperature above 70° C or anything else unusual occurs.

Use only a qualified and specific Li-Po/Li-Ion charger. Never charge the battery unattended. Do not charge the battery if the charge exceeds 4.2 V / cell. Do not charge the battery with a charging current above 2C. Please check and ensure that you are using a qualified charger. An unqualified charger may cause a fire. Do not discharge the battery with a current exceeding the maximum discharge current. Otherwise, this will cause the battery to overheat. This may result in bursting, fire or explosion. Never disassemble puncture, knock, drop, short circuit, and/or throw the battery into a fire. Improper use such as short-circuiting, or overcharging may result in an explosion or fire. Keep the battery in a safe place that babies or children cannot reach. The above indicates the danger of using the battery. The user assumes full responsibility for the outcome of using the battery.


AMEWI is registered below the Bat-Reg.-No. DE 77735153 and WEEE-Reg.-No. 93834722 at the foundation EAR and recycles all used electronic parts properly. Electric and electronic products are not allowed to be put in household garbage. Please dispose of the product at the end of its life according to the actual laws. You as a customer are responsible by law for the return of all used batteries, a disposal of household garbage is forbidden! Batteries containing hazardous substances are marked with alongside symbols, which point to the prohibition of disposal in household garbage. Additional notations for the critical heavy metal are Cd=Cadmium, Hg=Quicksilver, Pb=lead {Label is placed on the batteries, for example below the bottom left trash symbols). Based on RoHS labeling the manufacturer confirms, that all limit values were taken care of at the time of manufacturing. Batteries labeled with the recycling symbol can be put into a used battery collecting tank.(Most supermarkets have)

They are not allowed to be put into local household garbage. AMEWI Trade GmbH is involved in the dual system for boxing over the company Landbell AG. All used boxes are collected from partner companies (waste disposal contractors) at private customers (local households), sorted, and properly utilized. The involvement in Dual Systems helps to save C02 Emissions.

Thank you for purchasing the Amewi AFX4 R3D helicopter. Please read the instruction manual carefully and keep it for future reference.

WARNING This remote-controlled plane is not a toy. It consists of many small parts and is not suitable for children under 14 years. Four 1.5V AA batteries are required for the remote control. A 3,7V Li-Po battery is used for the car (included). Always keep your fingers away from the drive parts and other moving parts to avoid injury. The model’s motor gets very hot. To avoid burn injuries, allow the motor to cool for 10-15 minutes after use before touching it.

Please do not disassemble or modify the model in any way. Please do not use this product improperly or illegally and do not operate it in a manner that could endanger others or yourself.

Note: This product is manufactured according to strict performance guidelines and complies with safety standards and requirements. This product is not suitable for children under 14 years of age. The manufacturer is not liable for any injury or accident caused by using abnormal parts, excessive wear, and tear, improper assembly, or operation. Please operate this product safely and responsibly.


Please read the following safety information before using the model. Please do not use the model in rain, snow, or thunderstorms. If liquid enters the electronics, they may be irreparably damaged. Please do not use the model in an environment that you cannot see. Signal interference can cause the model to go out of control. Please do not use the model in the following places:


Please do not operate the model if you are tired or unwell, have drunk alcohol, or have taken drugs – this may cause injury to yourself or others. To avoid burns, never touch drive parts and motors during or immediately after use as they can be very hot. Incorrect operation of the transmitter can cause injury to you or others. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the operation before using the model. Check the model and the remote control before use. Check the screws to make sure they are tight. When you have finished using the model, always switch off the model first and then the remote control. Otherwise, the model may get out of control. If the model gets out of range, it may get out of control. Please always stay close to the model with the transmitter.


  • Be sure to read thoroughly the manual before you begin.
  • As the product contains small parts, keep it away from small children.
  • Never reverse connection / disassemble the battery.
  • Do not operate the model on public roads or crowded places.


Länge 268mm Length
Höhe 80mm Hight
Gewicht 52g Weight
Propeller Länge 249mm Propeller length
Heckrotor Durchmesser 37mm Tail rotor diameter
Akku Kapazität 300mm Battery Capacity
Flugzeit Max. 15min Flight time
Hautpmotor 8520 Main motor
Heckmotor 0615 Tail motor
Ladezeit Max. 75min Charging time



  1. Helicopter
  2. Remote control
  3. LiPo Battery
  4. USB Charger
  5. Screwdriver + Hex wrench
  6. Propeller / Tail rotor
  7. Instruction manual



Press the button and hold and switch on the remote control to change from Mode 2 to Mode 1.







Connect the USB charger with USB-Port on a computer, laptop, USB power supply, or power bank. Connect the battery with a USB charger. A red light on means it is charging, red light out means charging completely.


  1. Make sure that the batteries in the remote control are new and the battery is charged.
  2. make sure you have enough space. Keep away from traffic, other people, electrical lines, pools, and ponds.
  3.  DO NOT over-tighten the screws on the rotor blade brackets. The rotor blades must be able to swing freely.
  4.  Should an emergency arise where you are unable to control the helicopter, press the auto start/land button for three seconds to shut down the engine? Please note that the helicopter may then crash and be damaged.



  1. Switch on the remote control and place it near the helicopter.
  2. Connect the battery to the helicopter.
  3. The indicator lights on the helicopter and on the remote control will flash. Push the throttle up and down once. The remote control beeps, the LEDs on the helicopter and remote control light up, and the connection is established.
  4. Pull both levers outwards and downwards to start the helicopter. Alternatively, press the auto-start button to let the helicopter take off directly.
  5. Keep the nose of the helicopter pointed forward and fly at enough distance to yourself and others.
  6. To land, pull the throttle down and hold it there for two to three seconds. Release it as soon as the rotor has stopped spinning. Alternatively, you can press the auto-landing button.

NOTE : Beginners should pay attention to the direction of the flight. Keep the head forward to avoid causing injury.


To enter the 3D roll mode, the helicopter must be brought to a height of more than 3 meters. At this time, the helicopter indicator light flashes rapidly several times to perform the 3D roll action.






  • If the helicopter drifts in the air, land it and calibrate the gyro first. When calibrating the gyro, the helicopter must be on a level surface.
  • The indicator light flashes quickly during the calibration process and stops when it is finished.


  • If the helicopter drifts to one side and the gyro is already calibrated, use the trim buttons to hover the helicopter on one spot. Press the fine-tuning button in the opposite direction until the helicopter hovers.AMEWi-AFX4-R3D-Single-Rotor-Helicopter-with-3D-Roll-Performance-fig-12


Problem Mögliche Ursache Lösung
Die LED am Helikopter blinkt. Keine Reaktion auf den Sender. Sender und
Empfänger sind nicht verbunden. Binden Sie Sender und Empfänger neu.
The LED on the helicopter flashes. No reaction to the transmitter. The
helicopter without bind with the transmitter. Bind the transmitter again.
Der Helikopter reagiert nicht wenn der Akku angeschlossen wird. Akku leer,
Akku ist nicht korrekt verbunden. Prüfen Sie die Akkuspannung, Laden Sie den


Stecken Sie den Akku ein.

The helicopter does not respond when the battery is connected.| Battery empty,

Battery is not connected correctly.

| Check the battery voltage. Charge the battery.

Plug in the battery.

Der Gashebel wird nach oben geschoben

aber der Motor reagiert nicht, die Kontrollleuchte am Sender blinkt.

| Der Akku ist leer, der Akku hat keine Verbindung.| Prüfen Sie die Akkuspannung, Laden Sie den Akku.

Stecken Sie den Akku ein.

The throttle is pushed upwards but the motor does not react, the indicator light on the transmitter flashes.| The battery is empty, the battery has no connection.| Check the battery voltage. Charge the battery.

Plug in the battery.

Der Motor startet aber der Helikopter hebt nicht ab.| Der Akku ist leer, das Hauptzahnrad oder die Rotorwelle sind lose.| Laden Sie den Akku

Prüfen Sie die Motorwelle und das Hauptzahnrad auf ihren festen Sitz.

The engine starts but the helicopter does not take off.| The battery is empty, the main gear or rotor shaft are loose.| Charge the battery

Check the motor shaft and the main gear on its fixed seat.

Der Helikopter vibriert sehr stark

| Rotoren sind zu fest angeschraubt. Rotorwelle ist verbogen.

Der Heckrotor ist deformiert.

| Lösen Sie die Schrauben an den Rotorblättern etwas.

Tauschen Sie die krumme Welle aus. Tauschen Sie den Heckrotor aus.

The helicopter vibrates very strongly

| Rotors are screwed too tightly. Rotor shaft is bent.

The tail rotor is deformed.

| Loosen the screws on the rotor blades slightly.

Replace the crooked wave. Replace the rear rotor.

Der Helikopter dreht nach links, wenn er startet.

| Der Heckmotor hat zu wenig Leistung Der Heckrotor sitzt nicht fest.

Heckmotor ist defekt

| Prüfen Sie den Heckmotor und Heckrotor auf festen Sitz.

Tauschen Sie den Heckmotor bzw. den Heckrotor aus.

The helicopter turns left when it takes off.

| The rear engine has too little power The rear rotor is not fixed.

Rear engine is defective

| Check the rear engine and rear rotor on a fixed seat.

Replace the rear engine or the rear rotor.

Der Helikopter driftet in eine Richtung.


Der Helikopter ist zu nah am Boden. Trimmung wurde nicht ausgeführt.

| Bringen Sie den Helikopter auf eine Höhe von einem Meter

Führen Sie die Trimmung wie in der Anleitung beschrieben aus.

The helicopter is drifting in one direction.


The helicopter is too close to the ground. Trim was not performed.

| Bring the helicopter to a height of one meter

Run out the trim as described in the manual.

Der Helikopter driftet stark ab und kann nicht durch die Trimmung korrigiert werden.|

Servo defekt


Tauschen Sie defekte Servos aus.

The helicopter drifts off strongly and cannot be corrected by the trim.| Servo defective| Replace defective servos.


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