HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor Instruction Manual

June 10, 2024

HYTROL logo 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor
Instruction Manual
HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller

190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor

Use code HYPMANUAL for free shipping on your first order at HytrolParts.com
Do not start conveyor until personnel are clear.

  • Warning Signs
    In an effort to reduce the possibility of injury to personnel working around HYTROL conveying equipment, warning signs are placed at various points on the equipment  to alert them of potential dangers. Please check equipment and note all warning signs. Make certain your personnel are alerted to and obey these warnings. Shown below are typical signs that are  attached to this equipment.

Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 7


This manual provides guidelines and procedures for installing, operating, and maintaining your conveyor. A complete parts list is provided with recommended spare parts highlighted in gray. Important safety information is also provided throughout the manual.
For safety to personnel and for proper operation of your conveyor, it is recommended that you read and follow the instructions provided in this manual.
● Receiving and Uncrating

  1. Check the number of items received against the bill of lading.
  2. Examine condition of equipment to determine if any damage occurred during shipment.
  3. Move all crates to area of installation.
  4. Remove crating and check for optional equipment that may be fastened to the conveyor. Make sure these parts (or any foreign pieces) are removed.

NOTE: If damage has occurred or freight is missing, see the “Important Notice” attached to the crate.


● Installation Safety Precautions for Conveyors and Related Equipment

Interfacing of Equipment. When two or more pieces of equipment are interfaced, special attention shall be given to the interfaced area to insure the presence of adequate guarding and safety devices. Guarding Exceptions. Wherever conditions prevail that would require guarding under these standards, but such guarding would render the conveyor unusable, prominent warning means shall be provided in the area or on the equipment in lieu of guarding. Guarded by Location or Position. Where necessary for the protection of employees from hazards, all exposed moving machinery parts that present a hazard to employees at their work station shall be mechanically or electrically guarded, or guarded by location or position. When a conveyor passes over a walkway, roadway, or work station, it is considered guarded solely by location or position if all moving parts are at least 8 ft. (2.44 m) above the floor or walking surface or are otherwise located so that the employee cannot inadvertently come in contact with hazardous moving parts. Although overhead conveyors may be guarded by location, spill guard, pan guards, or equivalent shall be provided if the product may fall off the conveyor for any reason and if personnel would be endangered.
When conveyors are installed above exit passageways, aisles, or corridors, there shall be provided a minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) measured vertically from the floor or walking surface to the lowest part of the conveyor or guards. Where system function will be impaired by providing the minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) through an emergency exit, alternate passageways shall be provided. It is permissible to allow passage under conveyors with less than 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) clearance from the floor for other than emergency exits if a suitable warning indicates low headroom.
● Support Installation

  1. Determine primary direction of product flow. Figure 5A indicates the preferred flow as related to the drive.
  2. Refer to “Match-Mark” numbers on ends of conveyor  sections. (Figure 6A).
  3. Attach supports to both ends of drive section and to one end of intermediate or tail sections (Figure 6A).  Hand tighten bolts only at this time.
  4. Adjust elevation to required height.
    HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 8

● Ceiling Hanger Installation
If conveyors are to be used in an overhead application, ceiling hangers may have been supplied in place of floor supports.
Figure 7A shows how a ceiling hanger mounts to a conveyor section. Ceiling hangers should  be mounted at section joints.  For safety information concerning conveyors mounted overhead, refer  to “Installation Safety Precautions” on Page 5.
NOTE: When installing ceiling hanger rods in an existing building, all methods of attachment must comply with local building codes.HYTROL 190LR
Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 9 ● Conveyor Set-Up

  1. Mark a chalk line on floor to locate center of the conveyor.
  2. Place the drive section in position.
  3. Install remaining sections placing end without support on extend support of previous section (Figure 6A and 9A). Check “Match Mark” Numbers to see that adjoining sections are in proper sequence
  4. Fasten sections together with butt couplings and pivot plates (Figure 9B). Hand tighten bolts only at this time.
  5. Insure that conveyor is level across width and length of unit. Adjust supports as necessary.
  6. Insure that all bed sections are square. Refer to Page 20 for Instructions on How To Square The Beds.
  7. Tighten all butt coupling and support mounting bolts and lag conveyor to floor.
  8. Install electrical controls and wire motor. See Page 10.
  9. Install and track belt per instructions on Page 18.
  10. Install tread rollers (See Page 23)

HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 10 ● Electrical Equipment
Electrical controls shall be installed and wired by a qualified electrician. Wiring information for the motor and controls are furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
Electrical Code: All motor controls and wiring shall conform to the National Electrical Code (Article 670 or other applicable articles) as published by the National Fire Protection Association and as approved by the American Standards Institute, Inc.
A) Control stations should be so arranged and located that the operation of the equipment is visible from them, and shall be clearly marked or labeled to indicate the function
B) A conveyor which would cause injury when started shall not be started until employees in the area are alerted by a signal or by a designated person that the conveyor is about to start.
When a conveyor would cause injury when started and is automatically controlled or must be controlled from a remote location, an audible device shall be provided which can be clearly heard at all points along the conveyor where personnel may be present. The warning device shall be actuated by the controller device starting the conveyor and shall continue for a required period of time before the conveyor starts. A flashing light or similar visual warning may be used in conjunction with or in place of the audible device if more effective in particular circumstances. Where system function would be seriously hindered or adversely affected by the required time delay or where the intent of the warning may be misinterpreted (i.e., a work area with many different conveyors and allied devices), clear, concise, and legible warning shall be provided. The warning shall indicate that conveyors and allied equipment may be started at any time, that danger exists, and that personnel must keep clear. The warnings shall be provided along the conveyor at areas not guarded by position or location.
C) Remotely and automatically controlled conveyors, and conveyors where operator stations are not manned or are beyond voice and visual contact from drive areas, loading areas, transfer points, and other potentially hazardous locations on the conveyor path not guarded by location, position, or guards, shall be furnished with emergency stop buttons, pull cords, limit switches, or similar emergency stop devices.
All such emergency stop devices shall be easily identifiable in the immediate vicinity of such locations unless guarded by location, position, or guards. Where the design, function, and operation of such conveyor clearly is not hazardous to personnel, an emergency stop device is not required. The emergency stop device shall act directly on the control of the conveyor concerned and shall  not depend  on the stopping  of any other equipment. The emergency stop devices shall be installed so that they cannot be overridden from other locations.
D) Inactive and unused actuators, controllers, and wiring should be removed from control stations and panel boards, together with obsolete diagrams, indicators, control labels, and other material which serve to confuse the operator.
A) All safety devices, including wiring of electrical safety devices, shall be arranged to operate in a “Fail-Safe” manner, that is, if power failure or failure of the device itself would occur, a hazardous condition must not result.
B) Emergency Stops and Restarts. Conveyor controls shall be so arranged that, in case of emergency stop, manual reset or start at the location where the emergency stop was initiated, shall be required of the conveyor(s) and associated  equipment to resume operation.
C) Before restarting a conveyor which has been stopped because of an emergency, an inspection of the conveyor shall be made and the cause of the stoppage determined. The starting device shall be locked out before any attempt is made to remove the cause of stoppage, unless operation is necessary to determine the cause or to safely remove the stoppage.
Refer to ANSI Z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection – Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources – Minimum Safety Requirements and OSHA Stan dard Number 29 CFR 1910.147 “The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout).”


● Operation Safety Precautions
A) Only trained employees shall be permitted to operate conveyors. Training shall include instruction in operation under normal conditions and emergency situations.
B) Where employee safety is dependent upon stopping and/or starting devices, they shall be kept free of obstructions to permit ready access.
C) The area around loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of obstructions which could endanger personnel.
D) No person shall ride the load-carrying element of a con- veyor under any circumstances unless that person is specifically authorized by the owner or employer to do so. Under those circumstances, such employee shall only ride a conveyor which incorporates within its supporting structure, platforms or control stations specifically designed for carrying personnel. Under no circumstances shall any person ride on any element of a vertical conveyor. Owners of conveyors should affix warning devices to the conveyor reading Do Not Ride Conveyor.
E) Personnel working on or near a conveyor shall be instructed as to the location and operation of pertinent stopping devices.
F) A conveyor shall be used to transport only material it is capable of handling safely.
G) Under no circumstances shall the safety characteristics of the conveyor be altered if such alterations would endanger personnel.
H) Routine inspections and preventive and corrective maintenance programs shall be conducted to insure that all safety features and devices are retained and function properly.
I) Personnel should be alerted to the potential hazard of entanglement in conveyors caused by items such as long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry.
J) As a general rule, conveyors should not be cleaned while in operation. Where proper cleaning requires the conveyor to be in motion and a hazard exists, personnel should be made aware of the associated hazard.
● Conveyor Start-Up
Before conveyor is turned on, check for foreign objects that may have been left inside conveyor during installation.
These objects could cause serious damage during start-up. After conveyor has been turned on and is operating, check motors, reducers, and moving parts to make sure they are working freely.
Because of the many moving parts on the conveyor, all personnel in the area of the conveyor need to be warned that the conveyor is about to be started.


● Maintenance Safety Precautions
A ) Maintenance, such as lubrication and adjustments, shall be performed only by qualified and trained personnel.
B ) It is Important that a maintenance program be established to insure that all conveyor components are maintained in a condition which does not constitute a hazard to personnel.
C ) When a conveyor is stopped for maintenance purposes, starting devices or powered accessories shall be locked or tagged out in accordance with a formalized procedure
designed to protect all person or groups involved with the conveyor against an unexpected start.
D ) Replace all safety devices and guards before starting equipment for normal operation.
E ) Whenever practical, DO NOT lubricate conveyors while they are in motion. Only trained personnel who are aware of the hazard of the conveyor in motion shall be allowed to lubricin ate
Maintain all guards and safety devices IN POSITION and IN SAFE REPAIR .
Maintain all warning signs in a legible condition and obey all warnings. See Page 3 of this manual for examples of warning signs.
● Lubrication
The drive chain is pre-lubricated from the manufacturer by a hot dipping process that ensures total lubrication of all components. However, continued proper lubrication  will greatly extend the useful life of every drive chain.
Drive Chain lubrication serves several purposes including:

  • Protecting against wear of the pin-bushing joint
  • Lubricating chain-sprocket contact surfaces
  •  Preventing rust or corrosion

For normal operating environments, lubricate every 2080 hours of operation or every 6 months, whichever comes first. Lubricate with a good grade of non- detergent  petroleum or synthetic lubricant (i.e., Mobile 1 Synthetic). For best results, always use a brush to generously lubricate the chain. The proper viscosity of lubricant greatly affects its ability to flow into the internal areas of the chain. Refer to the table below for the proper viscosity of lubricant for your application.

Ambient Temperature Degrees F SAE ISO
20-40 20 46 or 68
40-100 30 100
100-120 40 150

The drive chain’s lubrication requirement is greatly affected by the operating conditions. For harsh conditions such as damp environments, dusty environments, excessive speeds, or elevated temperatures, it is best to lubricate more frequently. It may be best, under these conditions, to develop a custom lubrication schedule for your specific application. A custom lubrication schedule may be developed by inspecting the drive chain on regular time intervals for sufficient lubrication. Once the time interval is determined at which the chain is not sufficiently lubricated, lubricate it and schedule  the future  lubrication  intervals accordingly.
● Racked Sections
It is important that each bed section be checked for an outofsquare condition. If conveyor is not square, tracking problems will result. Figure 17A indicates a racked section.

  1. Locate points on corners of section and measure distance “A” & “B”. If the dimensions are not equal, the section will need to be squared. (Figure 17B).
  2. Use crossbreeding supplied on underside of conveyor to square each section. Adjust turnbuckle until Dimensions “A” & “B” are equal.
  3. After all bed sections have been checked and corrected for “racked condition”, tighten all butt couplings and pivot plate bolts.
  4. Make final check to see that all conveyor sections are level across width and length. If entire conveyor is level, supports can be lagged to floor.

Being out of level width of conveyor can cause package drift on long conveyor lines.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
11“Racked” conveyor sections will cause package to travel toward side of conveyor.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller
Conveyor - fig 12 ● Belt Installation
The conveyor drive belt has been pre-cut and the proper lacing attached at the factory. Before attempting to install the belt, its top and bottom sides must be determined. One side of the belt has a “Friction Surface” and the other has a “PVC Embossed Cover”. The belt should be installed with the Embossed Cover side up on the Model LR and with the Friction Surface side up on the Model ACZ. The bottom side of the belt will be marked “THIS SIDE DOWN”. Thread belt through conveyor. (Figure 19B). Pull belt ends together and insert lacing pin. (Figure 19A).
NOTE: If belt ends cannot be pulled together by hand, it may be necessary to loosen take-ups (at tail pulley, etc.), minimum position or use a belt puller so lacing pin can be easily inserted.
For maximum efficiency, maintain enough belt tension so drive pulley will not slip when carrying the rated load. Belt tension should first be adjusted with the take-up pulley or tail pulley. (Figure 19B).
Keep pulleys square with bed by moving both take-up bolts and equal amount.
Excessive slippage will reduce belt life and damage drive pulley lagging. Never apply more tension than is needed.
Over-tension will cause extra wear to belt and bearings and will require extra power from drive.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
13 ● Belt Tracking
IMPORTANT: The drive belt should be checked for proper tracking prior to installing tread rollers. This will allow easy access to items that might need adjusting.

Before attempting to physically track the belt:

  1. Make sure all bed sections are square. See information on “Racked Sections”, Page 16.
  2. Make sure conveyor is level across the width and length of unit. Adjust supports as necessary.
  3. Make sure all pulleys, return idlers, and snub idlers are square with conveyor bed. (Figures 20A thru 21B). Dimension “A” should be equal on both sides of unit.
  4. Make sure belt has been properly threaded through conveyor. See “Belt Installation”, Page 18.

HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 14HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
Only trained personnel should track conveyor belt which must be done while conveyor is in operation.
IMPORTANT: When belt tracking adjustments are made, they should be minor (1/16 in. at a time on idlers, etc., should be sufficient.). Give the belt adequate time to react to the adjustments. It may take several complete revolutions around the conveyor for the belt to begin tracking properly on long, slow conveyor lines. A) Stand at tail pulley looking toward drive and note what direction belt is traveling. B) Having observed belt and determined tracking problem, follow procedures in “How to Steer The Belt”, See Figure 22A.
Condition 1. . .When the belt is running in the direction (FLOW) with the arrow, but tracking (drifting) towards Side “X”, move the Snub Idler nearest the INFEED end of Side “Y” towards the DISCHARGE end of the conveyor.
Condition 2. . . When the belt is running in the direction (FLOW) with the arrow, but tracking (drifting) towards Side “Y”, move the Snub Idler nearest the INFEED end of Side “X” towards the DISCHARGE end of the conveyor. If Belt Direction (FLOW) is reversed, all the above conditions will remain the same as in Figure 22A, except you are now viewing the conveyor from the opposite end. If belt continues to track improperly, re-check all items covered in “Pre- Tracking Inspection” and make corrections as necessary.HYTROL 190LR Belt
Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig 16 NOTE: In all conditions, you are viewing the Conveyor Belt from the INFEED end. All corrections will be made from the INFEED end of conveyor.
● Tread Roller Installation
The Model “LR” & “ACZ” conveyors are equipped with “pop-out” tread rollers that are removed before installation. After the belt has been installed and tracked properly, the tread rollers must be re-installed.
On all but three rollers at either end of unit, they are simply dropped into the slots in the frame channels.
To drive the end rollers, they are connected with “O”-Rings as shown in Figure 23A. Note that the center roller has two grooves and the others have only one.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
17 ● Tracking the Package
Unsquared Tread Rollers can cause a package to track improperly. Check to make sure the Tread Rollers are square with the conveyor side channels as shown in Figure 24A.
If the Tread Rollers are not square, refer to the installation segment titled “Racked Sections” on Page 16.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor -
fig 18 ● Pressure Adjustment
MODEL 190-LR (Figure 27A)
The Model 190-LR is equipped with Pressure Adjustment Angles that support the pressure rollers and hold the drive belt in contact with the tread rollers. To adjust the driving pressure, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Loosen bolts in Pressure Adjustment Angles.
  2. Raise Pressure Adjustment Angles, both sides of conveyor, until proper force is obtained to drive the product. Be sure to keep angles as near level as possible.
  3. Retighten  bolts.

NOTE: Over-adjustment will raise tread rollers shafts out of their seat causing them to be unstable.
MODEL 190-ACZ (Figure 27B)
The Model 190-ACZ is similar to the LR, except the suspension angles are spring-loaded. Knurled nuts allow the conveyor to be finely adjusted for minimum pressure accumulation.
To make this adjustment, follow the steps listed below.

  1. With conveyor running, reduce pressure on all tread rollers to zero by loosening the knurled adjustment nuts (both sides of conveyor).
  2. Place heaviest item to be conveyed on infeed end of conveyor. Increase pressure under the item by tightening the knurled nuts. Apply only enough pressure to barely move the item.
  3. As the item moves, continue adjustment ahead of item until it moves the entire length of conveyor.
  4. Return item to infeed end of unit. It should now travel the entire length of conveyor. If not, repeat the adjustment procedure in the problem area.

NOTE: Do not apply more pressure than necessary to move the heaviest package.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
19 ● Drive Chain Alignment and Tension
The drive chain and sprockets should be checked periodically for proper tension and alignment. Improper adjustment will cause extensive  wear to the drive components.

  1. Remove chain guard.
  2. Check sprocket alignment by placing a straightedge across the face of both sprockets (Figure 29A). Loosen set screws and adjust as needed. Re-tighten set screws.
  3. To adjust chain tension, loosen bolts that fasten motor base to mounting angles, both sides of the conveyor.
  4. Tighten take-up bolts until desired chain tension is reached. (Figures 29B & 29C). Re-tighten mounting bolts.
  5. Lubricate chain per lubrication instructions.
  6. Replace chain guard so that it does not interfere with drive.

Never remove chain guards while the conveyor is running. Always replace guards after adjustments are made.HYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor -
fig 20

Trouble Shooting

The following charts list possible problems that may occur in the operation of the conveyor.

Conveyor will not start or motor quits frequently. 1)Motor is overloaded
2)Motor is drawing too much current. 1)Check for overloading of conveyor.

2)Check heater or circuit breaker and change if necessary.
Drive chain and sprockets wear excessively.| 1)Lack of lubrication on chain causing chain stretch which creates improper chain to sprocket mesh.
2)Sprockets are out of alignment.
3)Loose chain.| 1)Replace chain and sprockets. Provide adequate lubrication.
NOTE: If problem reoccurs, a chain take-up may be required.
2)Align sprockets. See “Drive Chain Alignment and Tension”.
3)Tighten chain.
Loud popping or grinding noise.| 1)Defective bearing.
2)Loose set screws in bearing.
3)Loose drive chain.| 1)Replace bearing.
2)Tighten set screw.
3)Tighten chain.
Motor or reducer overheating.| 1)Conveyor is overloaded.
2)Low voltage to motor.
3)Low lubricant level in reducer.| 1)Check capacity of conveyor and reduce load to recommended level.
2)Have electrician check and correct as necessary.
3)Relubrication per manufacturer’s recommendations. For HYTROL reducer, refer to separate manual.
Belt does not move, but drive runs.| 1)Conveyor is overloaded.
2)Belt is too loose
3)Lagging on drive pulley is worn.| 1)Reduce load.
2)Use belt take-up to tighten belt.
3)Replace drive pulley lagging and tighten belt.
Belt moves, but tread rollers do not.| 1) Not enough pressure between tread rollers and drive belt.| 1) Adjust pressure rollers (See “Pressure Adjustment”).


Belt creeps to one side at tail pulley. 1) Tail pulley, return idler, or snub

idler near
tail pulley not properly aligned or square with bed.| 1) Adjust as necessary. See “Belt Tracking Pre-Tracking Inspection” in this manual for details.
Entire belt creeps to one side.| 1)Conveyor not straight.
2)Conveyor not level.
3)Material build-up on rollers, pulleys, or idlers.| 1)Re-align bed sections as necessary.
2)Correct as necessary.
3)Remove residue and install belt cleaners or scrapers if possible.


Cartons will not accumulate with minimum pressure. 1) Spring tension adjusted
too lightly. 1) Adjust knurled nuts on both sides of conveyor to loosen

spring tension on rollers.
Carton will not move on conveyor.| 1)Not enough tension or pressure on drive belt.
2)Drive belt too loose.| 1)Increase spring tension on pressure rollers.
2)Use belt take-up to tighten belt.

● Planned Maintenance Checklist
The following is a general maintenance checklist which covers the major components of your conveyor. This will be helpful in establishing a standard maintenance schedule.

COMPONENT on wow- nrs5 circler at alit SUGGL ICC Alton nan SCOOPIECULE
” Week Month Quality
Check teepee Sure
MOTOR Check teepee Sure
Check Maureen Elul ‘.
Check Noise
REDUCER Check Termeretre
Check Cil Lecel
Check Tension
Check for ‘Abe
SPROCKETS Check br Wen
Check Set Screws &Keys
Check Tracking
D ELT Check Tension
Check Lade
0 EAR114GS Check Noise
Pulleys & Rolas) Check MountingRohs
Check Torreon
V-BELTS Check for Wear
Check S heave Alignment
STRUCTURAL Gergel Check: A.II locate bens. etc.

NOTE: Check Set Screws after the first 24 Hours of operation.
● How to Order Replacement Parts
Included in this manual are parts drawings with complete replacement parts lists. Minor fasteners, such as nuts and bolts, are not included.
When ordering replacement parts:

  1. Contact Dealer from whom conveyor was purchased or nearest HYTROL Distributor.
  2. Give Conveyor Model Number and Serial Number or HYTROL Factory Order Number.
  3. Give Part Number and complete description from Parts List.
  4. Give type of drive. Example—8” End Drive, 8” Center Drive, etc.
  5. If you are in a breakdown situation, tell us.  . .

Model 190- LR Parts DrawingHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller
Conveyor - fig 22 ● Model 190-LR Parts ListHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig
23 See Page 32 for Information on How To Order Replacement Parts
Recommended Spare Parts Highlighted in Gray

BR 13″ 15″ 17″ 19″ 21″ 23″ 25″ 27″ 31″ 33″ 37″ 39″
BELT WIDTH 6″ 6″ 8″ 8″ 8″ 12″ 12″ 12″ 16″ 16″ 16″ 16″
OAW 16″ 18″ 20″ 22″ 24″ 26″ 28″ 30″ 34″ 36″ 40″ 42″c
Ref. No. Part No. Description
--- --- ---


—| —

B-05732| Drive Assembly (See pages 38 & 39)
Frame Channel
4 ft. Long
5 ft. Long
6 ft. Long

3| B-05733
B-03191| 7 ft. 6 in. Long
8 ft. Long
9 ft. Long
10 ft. Long
Butt Coupling Plate
9| B-03916
B-21914| Bed Spacer (Specify BR)
Threaded Section Spacer (Specify BR)
1.9 in. Dia. Galvanized Roller (Specify BR)
1.9 in. Dia. Galv. Roller—One Groove (Specify BR)
1.9 in. Dia. Galv. Roller—Two Grooves (Specify BR)
—| 090.255

B-06771| 0-Ring
2-1/8 in. Dia. Snub Roller (Specify BR)
7/16 in. Hex Idler Bracket
Pressure Adjustment Angle
19 in. Long

19| B-03061
B-05743| 25 in. Long
33 in. Long
37 in. Long
Roller Bracket-3 in. Roller Centers
Cross Brace Rod-70 in. Long
Cross Brace Rod-6 in. Long
Take-Up Bracket Assembly—RH
Take-Up Bracket Assembly—LH
Ref. No.| Part No.| Description
24| 040.305
B-09800| Take-Up Bolt-3/8-16 x 1-1/2 in. Long.
Hex Jam Nut—Heavy-3/8-16
Pillow Block Bearing-1 in. Bore
4 in. Dia. Tail Pulley (Specify BR)
End Guard (Specify OAW)
28| —

B-00913| Belt-Black Ultimate 140 SD (Specify Width)

1 G Clipper Unibar Belt Lacing (Specify Length)

25 LUB Lacing Pin (Specify Length)

MS Type Pivot Plate-1-1/2 in. Flange
3-11/16 in. High


—| B-02112

B-12778| 1-9/16 in. High
Floor Support Frame
6 in. High (Specify OAW)
7 in. High (Specify OAW)
8 in. High (Specify OAW)

—| B-00915
B-00919| 9 in. High (Specify OAW)
11-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
14-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
18-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
22-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)

30| B-00921
B-00911| 32-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
44-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
56-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
68-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
78-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
90-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
Adjustable Foot Assembly (Specify Length)

● Model 190-ACZ Parts DrawingHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller
Conveyor - fig 24 ● Model 190-ACZ Parts ListHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig

BR 13” 15” 17” 19” 21” 23” 25” 27” 31” 33” 37” 39”
BELT WIDTH 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 12” 12” 12” 16” 16” 16” 16”
OAW 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” 34” 36” 40” 42”
Ref. No. Part No. Description
--- --- ---
1 Drive Assembly (See pages 38 & 39)
2 Frame Channel—3 in. Roller Centers
B-05730 4 ft. Long
B-05731 5 ft. Long
B-05732 6 ft. Long
B-05733 7 ft. 6 in. Long
B-05734 8 ft. Long
B-17619 9 ft. Long
B-05735 10 ft. Long
3 B-03191 Butt Coupling Plate
5 B-03916 Bed Spacer (Specify BR)
6 B-05477 Threaded Section Spacer (Specify BR)
7 B-01982 1.9 in. Dia. Galvanized Roller (Specify BR)
8 B-06535 1.9 in. Dia. Galv. Roller—One Groove (Specify BR)
9 B-21914 1.9 in. Dia. Galv. Roller—Two Grooves (Specify BR)
10 090.255 O-Ring
11 B-03894 2-1/8 in. Dia. Snub Roller (Specify BR)
12 B-00944 7/16 in. Hex Idler Bracket
13 Suspension Angle
B-05736 2 Roller
B-02448 3 Roller
B-02449 4 Roller
14 B-05588 Roller Bracket—3 in. Roller Centers
15 042.552 Carraige Bolt—1/4-20 x 4 in. Long
16 093.106 Roller Suspension Spring
17 043.400 Finishing Washer—#12
18 041.901 Knurled Adjusting Nut—1/4-20 x 4 in. Long
19 090.220 Red Vinal Plastisol Cap
20 042.914 Shoulder Bolt
21 044.120 Cross Brace Rod—70 in. Long
22 044.121 Cross Brace Rod—6 in. Long
23 049.308 Turnbuckle
24 B-05740 Take-Up Bracket Assembly—RH
25 B-05743 Take-Up Bracket Assembly—LH
Ref. No. Part No. Description
--- --- ---
26 040.305 Take-Up Bolt—3/8-16 x 1-1/2 in. Long.
27 041.300 Hex Jam Nut—Heavy—3/8-16
28 010.3011 Pillow Block Bearing—1 in. Bore
29 B-21185 4 in. Dia. Tail Pulley (Specify BR)
30 B-09800 End Guard (Specify OAW)
31 Belt-Black Ultimate 140 BOS (Specify Width)
32 U3-1 Clipper Unibar Belt Lacing (Specify Length)
33 #13 LUB Lacing Pin (Specify Length)
34 MS Type Pivot Plate—1-1/2 in. Flange
B-00913 3-11/16 in. High
B-02112 1-9/16 in. High
35 Floor Support Frame
B-00914 6 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-12777 7 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-12778 8 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00915 9 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00916 11-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00917 14-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-02098 18-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00919 22-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00921 32-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00923 44-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-00925 56-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-02107 68-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-02109 78-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
B-02111 90-1/2 in. High (Specify OAW)
36 B-00911 Adjustable Foot Assembly (Specify Length)

● 8” Center Drive Parts DrawingHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller
Conveyor - fig 26 8” Center Drive PartsHYTROL 190LR Belt Driven Live Roller Conveyor - fig

See Page 32 for Information on How To Order Replacement Parts
Recommended Spare Parts Highlighted in Gray

BR 13” 15” 17” 19” 21” 23” 25” 27” 31” 33” 37” 39”
BELT WIDTH 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 12” 12” 12” 16” 16” 16” 16”
OAW 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” 34” 36” 40” 42”
Ref. No. Part No. Description
--- --- ---
1 Motor—C-Face
030.7134 1/2 HP—230/460VAC—3 Ph.—60 Hz.—TEFC
030.7324 1 HP—230/460VAC—3 Ph.—60 Hz.—TEFC
030.7534 2 HP—230/460VAC—3 Ph.—60 Hz.—TEFC
2 Speed Reducer
R-00153-30R 4AC—RH—30:1 Ratio
R-00164-30R 5AC—RH—30:1 Ratio
3 Coupling Kit—Motor to Reducer
052.145 1/2—1 HP
052.146 2 HP
4 Sprocket—Reducer
028.133 50B14 x 1 in. Bore (4AC)
028.1342 50B16 x 1-1/4 in. Bore (5AC)
5 Sprocket–Drive Pulley
028.13832 50B28 x 1-3/16 in. Bore (4AC)
028.1115 50B32 x 1-3/16 in. Bore (5AC)
6 029.101 #50 Riveted Roller Chain
7 029.201 Connector Link–#50 Roller Chain
8 B-02021 8 in. Dia. Ctr. Dr. Pulley (Fully Lagged) (Sp. Dr. Width)
9 B-05961 Drive Plate Assembly–RH
10 B-05963 Drive Plate Assembly–LH
11 010.202 4-Bolt Flange Bearing–1-3/16 in. Bore
12 090.203 Shaft Key–1/4 in. Sq. x 1 in. Long
13 B-05946 Motor Base Support Angle Assembly
14 B-05943 Motor Support Assembly
15 B-06629 Motor Base Assembly (Specify Drive Width)
16 B-05965 Take-Up Bracket
17 040.307 Take-Up Bolt–3/8-16 x 2-1/4 in. Long
Ref. No. Part No. Description
--- --- ---
18 041.300 Hex Jam Nut–Heavy–3/8-16
19 B-05949 Chain Guard Assembly
20 040.3111 Hex Head Cap Screw—3/8-16 x 3-1/4 in. Long
21 041.919 Acorn Nut—3/8-16
22 B-04842 11/16 in. Hex Idler Bracket
23 B-17254 2-1/2 in. Dia. Heavy Duty Snub Idler (Specify BR)
24 B-03916 Bed Spacer (Specify BR)
25 040.411 Take-Up Bolt—1/2-13 x 9 in. Long
26 041.201 Hex Jam Nut—1/2-13
27 4 in. Dia. Take-Up Pulley
B-22323 16”and 18” OAW (Specify)
B-05904 20 in. thru 42 in. Drive Width (Specify)
28 010.102 3-Bolt Flange Bearing—1 in. Bore
29 B-05958 Take-Up Plate Assembly
30 B-05966 Upper Bearing Guide
31 B-04655 Bearing Guide Spacer
32 B-04161 Bearing Guide
33 B-08336 Rear Guard (Specify Drive Width)
34 B-08335 Bottom Guard (Specify Drive Width)
35 B-08337 Bottom Angle Guard (Specify Drive Width)
36 B-08338-R Side Guard—RH
37 B-08338-L Side Guard—LH
38 B-08339 Formed Clip
39 049.310 U-Type Speed Nut—1/4-20

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