HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor Instruction Manual

June 10, 2024

HYTROL Logo ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor
Installation and Maintenance Manual with Safety Information
Effective April 2015
(Supersedes October 2005)
HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation
ConveyorHYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed
Sortation Conveyor - Logohttps://hytrolparts.com/


This manual provides guidelines and procedures for installing, operating, and maintaining your conveyor. A complete parts list is provided with recommended spare parts highlighted in gray. Important safety information is also provided throughout the manual. for safety to personnel and for proper operation of your conveyor, it is recommended that you read and follow the instructions provided in this manual.
Receiving and Uncrating

  1. Check the number of items received against the bill of lading.
  2. Examine condition of equipment to determine if any damage occurred during shipment.
  3. Move all crates to area of installation.
  4. Remove crating and check for optional equipment that may be fastened to the conveyor. make sure these parts (or any foreign pieces) are removed.
    NOTE: If damage has occurred or freight is missing, Contact your Hytrol Integration Partner.

How to Order Replacement Parts
Included in this manual are parts drawings with complete replacement parts lists. minor fasteners, such as nuts and bolts, are not included.
When ordering replacement parts:

  1. Contact dealer from whom conveyor was purchased or nearest HYTROL Integration Partner.
  2. Give Conveyor model Number and Serial Number or HYTROL factory Order Number.
  3. Give Part Number and complete description from Parts List.
  4. Give type of drive. Example—8” End drive, 8” Center drive, etc.
  5. If you are in a breakdown situation, tell us.

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor -

HYTROL Serial Number
(Located near drive on Powered models).


Interfacing of Equipment. When two or more pieces of equipment are interfaced, special attention shall be given to the interfaced area to insure the presence of adequate guarding and safety devices.
Guarding Exceptions. Whenever conditions prevail that would require guarding under these standards, but such guarding would render the conveyor unusable, prominent warning means shall be provided in the area or on the equipment in lieu of guarding.
Guarded by Location or Position. Where necessary for the protection of employees from hazards, all exposed moving machinery parts that present a hazard to employees at their work station shall be mechanically or electrically guarded, or guarded by location or position.

  • Remoteness from frequent presence of public or employed personnel shall constitute guarding by location.
  • When a conveyor passes over a walkway, roadway, or work station, it is considered guarded solely by location or position if all moving parts are at least 8 ft. (2.44 m) above the floor or walking surface or are otherwise located so that the employee cannot inadvertently come in contact with hazardous moving parts.
  • Although overhead conveyors may be guarded by location, spill guards, pan guards, or equivalent shall be provided if the product may fall off the conveyor for any reason and if personnel would be endangered.


  • When conveyors are installed above exit passageways, aisles, or corridors, there shall be provided a minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) measured vertically from the floor or walking surface to the lowest part of the conveyor or guards.
  • Where system function will be impaired by providing the minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) through an emergency clearance, alternate passageways shall be provided.
  • It is permissible to allow passage under conveyors with less than 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) clearance from the floor for other than emergency exits if a suitable warning indicates low headroom.

A) Only trained employees shall be permitted to operate conveyors. Training shall include instruction in operation under normal conditions and emergency situations.
B) Where employee safety is dependent upon stopping and/or starting devices, they shall be kept free of obstructions to permit ready access.
C) The area around loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of obstructions which could endanger personnel.
D) No person shall ride the load-carrying element of a conveyor under any circumstances unless that person is specifically authorized by the owner or employer to do so. Under those circumstances, such employee shall only ride a conveyor which incorporates within its supporting structure platforms or control stations specifically designed for carrying personnel. Under no circumstances shall any person ride on any element of a vertical conveyor.
E) Personnel working on or near a conveyor shall be instructed as to the location and operation of pertinent stopping devices.
F) A conveyor shall be used to transport only material it is capable of handling safely.
G) Under no circumstances shall the safety characteristics of the conveyor be altered if such alterations would endanger personnel.
H) Routine inspections and preventive and corrective maintenance programs shall be conducted to insure that all safety features and devices are retained and function properly.
I) Personnel should be alerted to the potential hazard of entanglement in conveyors caused by items such as long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry.
J) Conveyors shall not be maintained or serviced while in operation unless proper maintenance or service requires the conveyor to be in motion. In this case, personnel shall be made aware of the hazards and how the task may be safely accomplished.
K) Owners of conveyor should insure proper safety labels are affixed to the conveyor warning of particular hazards involved in operation of their conveyors.
CAUTION! Because of the many moving parts on the conveyor, all personnel in the area of the conveyor need to be warned that the conveyor is about to be started.

  • All maintenance, including lubrication and adjustments, shall be performed only by qualified and trained personnel.
  • It is important that a maintenance program be established to insure that all conveyor components are maintained in a condition which does not constitute a hazard to personnel.
  • When a conveyor is stopped for maintenance purposes, starting devices or powered accessories shall be locked or tagged out in accordance with a formalized procedure designed to protect all persons or groups involved with the conveyor against an unexpected start.
  • Replace all safety devices and guards before starting equipment for normal operation.
  • Whenever practical, DO NOT lubricate conveyors while they are in motion. Only trained personnel who are aware of the hazard of the conveyor in motion shall be allowed to lubricate.

Safety Guards
Maintain all guards and safety devices IN POSITION and IN SAFE REPAIR.
Safety Labels
In an effort to reduce the possibility of injury to personnel working around HYTROL conveying equipment, safety labels are placed at various points on the equipment to alert them of potential hazards. Please check equipment and note all safety labels. make certain your personnel are alerted to and obey these warnings. See Safety manual for examples of warning labels.
REMEMBER do not remove, reuse or modify material handling equipment for any purpose other than it’s original intended use.



  1. Determine direction of product flow. figure 4A indicates the flow as related to the drive.
  2. Refer to “matchmark” numbers on ends of conveyor sections. (figure 4A). Position them in this sequence near area of installation.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION

Conveyor Set-Up

  1. Mark a chalk line on floor to locate center of the conveyor.

  2. Attach supports and vibration pads to all conveyor sections shown in figures 4A and 4B. Adjust elevation to required height. Hand tighten bolts only at this time.

  3. During installation, check to make sure each bed section is square. measure the diagonals from corner to corner of the frame. If they are not equal the frame must be squared. Attach a come-along or some other suitable pulling device across longest corners and pull until the section is square.

  4. Place the infeed (tail) section in position. Locate the (2) provided threaded rods (on the infeed or discharge end). Use these rods to pull together each section during installation.

  5. Install remaining sections, placing end without support on extended pivot plate of previous section (figure 4A).

  6. fasten sections together with splice plates and pivot plates. (figure 4B). Hand tighten bolts only at this time.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION 1HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION 2

  7. Check to see that conveyor is level across the width and length of unit. Adjust supports as necessary.

  8. After all sections have been squared and levelled, tighten all splice channels and support mounting bolts and lag support to the floor.

  9. Check alignment of wearstrip at all section joints. Sand wearstrip as necessary to provide a smooth wear surface (figure 4B).

  10. Starting on the infeed end, fasten bearing profile to wearstrip guide using rubber mallet to force the profile edge under the wearstrip (figure 4B). Glue infeed end of profile to the support angle with loctite # 401 or 454 adhesive.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION 3

  11. Fasten 1/2” main air line to bottom of conveyor channel with cable ties (figures 4d & 5C). Connect 3/8”air lines at divert switches as shown in figures 5A & 5B.

  12. Connect main air line to the filter/Regulator, (figure 5C) Set regulator to working pressure of 60 P.S.I. Install low pressure switch, at farthest point from regulator (figure 5A).HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION 4

  13. Install electrical controls and wire motor. Verify correct motor rotation at this time. See Page 5 & 6 for electrical control information.

  14. Check each divert switch to see that it is operating properly. This must be done before carrying chains are installed. See instructions on Page 9 & 10.

  15. Check proximity switch clearance at each internal safety switch (figure 5E). Adjust if necessary.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - INSTALLATION 5

  16. Install carrying chains per instructions on Page 9 & 10.

  17. Adjust pop-up roller assembly at discharge end to optimize transition of packages from the ProSort to the take away conveyor. Set pop-up roller proximity switch per figure 5d.

  18. Install chain oiler at infeed and connect to oil lines as shown in figure 5f. Refer to the Lubrication section, page 6, for type of oil required. After mounting, the oiler will need to be adjusted for proper oiling of mounting chains. Adjustment may be made using a combination of solenoid activation time and flow adjustment screws. (A good rule of thumb for solenoid adjustment is to turn the oiler on for one complete chain revolution for every 2 hours of sorter operation.) Typically, the chain on the divert side will need slightly more oil; the flow adjustment screws can be altered to achieve volume.
    CAUTION: do not allow oil to drip on floor.

  19. Locate spurs per instructions on Page 10.

  20. Remove threaded rods before start-up.

Electrical Equipment
WARNING! Electrical controls shall be installed and wired by a qualified electrician. Wiring information for the motor and controls are furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
Electrical Code: All motor controls and wiring shall conform to the National Electrical Code (Article 670 or other applicable articles) as published by the National Fire Protection Association and as approved by the American Standards Institute, Inc.
A) Control stations should be so arranged and located that the operation of the equipment is visible from them, and shall be clearly marked or labeled to indicate the function controlled.
B) A conveyor which would cause injury when started shall not be started until employees in the area are alerted by a signal or by a designated person that the conveyor is about to start.
When a conveyor would cause injury when started and is automatically controlled or must be controlled from a remote location, an audible device shall be provided which can be clearly heard at all points along the conveyor where personnel may be present. The warning device shall be actuated by the controller device starting the conveyor and shall continue for a required period of time before the conveyor starts. A flashing light or similar visual warning may be used in conjunction with or in place of the audible device if more effective in particular circumstances.
Where system function would be seriously hindered or adversely affected by the required time delay or where the intent of the warning may be misinterpreted (i.e., a work area with many different conveyors and allied devices), clear, concise, and legible warning shall be provided. The waning shall indicate that conveyors and allied equipment may be started at any time, that danger exists, and that personnel must keep clear. The warnings shall be provided along the conveyor at areas not guarded by position or location.
C) Remotely and automatically controlled conveyors, and conveyors where operator stations are not manned or are beyond voice and visual contact from drive areas, loading areas, transfer points, and other potentially hazardous locations on the conveyor path not guarded by location, position, or guards, shall be furnished with emergency stop buttons, pull cords, limit switches, or similar emergency stop devices.
All such emergency stop devices shall be easily identifiable in the immediate vicinity of such locations unless guarded by location, position, or guards. Where the design, function, and operation of such conveyor clearly is not hazardous to personnel, an emergency stop device is not required.
The emergency stop device shall act directly on the control of the conveyor concerned and shall not depend on the stopping of any other equipment. The emergency stop devices shall be installed so that they cannot be overridden from other locations.
D) Inactive and unused actuators, controllers, and wiring should be removed from control stations and panel boards, together with obsolete diagrams, indicators, control labels, and other material which serve to confuse the operator.
A) All safety devices, including wiring of electrical safety devices, shall be arranged to operate in a “fail-Safe” manner, that is, if power failure or failure of the device itself would occur, a hazardous condition must not result.
B) Emergency Stops and Restarts. Conveyor controls shall be so arranged that, in case of emergency stop, manual reset or start at the location where the emergency stop was initiated, shall be required of the conveyor(s) and associated equipment to resume operation.
C) Before restarting a conveyor which has been stopped because of an emergency, an inspection of the conveyor shall be made and the cause of the stoppage determined. The starting device shall be locked out before any attempt is made to remove the cause of stoppage, unless operation is necessary to determine the cause or to safely remove the stoppage.
Refer to ANSI z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection – Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources – minimum Safety Requirements and OSHA Standard Number 29 CFR 1910.147 “The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout).”


  • Conveyor Start-Up
    Before conveyor is turned on, check for foreign objects that may have been left inside conveyor during installation. These objects could cause serious damage during start-up.
    After conveyor has been turned on and is operating, check all moving parts to make sure they are working freely.
    CAUTION! Because of the many moving parts on the conveyor, all personnel in the area of the conveyor need to be warned that the conveyor is about to be started.


  • Lubrication
    A) NO GREASE FITTING – Prelubricated – No lubrication required.
    B) WITH GREASE FITTING – Relubricate approximately every 10 to 12 weeks with lithium base grease suitable for ball bearing service.
    A good grade of clean non detergent petroleum or synthetic oil is recommended. See chart for proper viscosity. Ambient Temperature degrees F| SAE| ISO
    40-100| 20
    30| 46 or 68

See recommendations by manufacturer.

Controlling the ProSort
A good software package is essential for the proper operation of the ProSort sorter. With proper controls, the sorter will provide accurate, efficient, reliable sorting for many years. Inadequate controls, however, may result in poor sorter performance and other mechanical failures of the sorter itself, including “crashes”. Hytrol recommends using the Hytrol Pro-Logix software package.
Every sortation system is different, which means that the controls for the system are custom and unique to that system. These custom controls are provided either by Hytrol, the Hytrol Integration Partner or a third party.
Hytrol has built into the sorter some of the controls necessary to operate the divert switches, eliminating the need to control this function externally. Other electrical control components are provided with the sorter to allow the external controls to monitor critical items and to provide an interface between the electrical controls and the mechanical sorter. Still other control components must be provided by the supplier of the custom controls package to insure proper sorter operation.
This section of the manual includes the following information for the custom controls provider:

  1. A description of the divert switch control components supplied, their function, and how to interface with them.
  2. A description of the other control components provided with the sorter and their intended function.
  3. A description of control components that are not included with the sorter that must be provided by the controls supplier.
  4. Some control do’s and dent’s to assist in the design and installation of the controls package.

Please read this section thoroughly and share this information with the controls provider.

Proper control of the divert switch is critical to the safe and reliable operation of the sorter. failure to properly control the divert switch is one of the most common causes of switch damage and can cause “crashes.”
The divert switch functions similar to a switch on a train track to cause the divert shoes to travel either in a straight-through, “non-divert” track or diagonally across the sorter along a “divert track” to push product off of the sorter. When the switch is in the “home” position, the divert shoes travel through the switch along the straightthrough track. When the switch is in the “divert” position, the shoes are caused to move along the divert track.
The transition of the switch between the “home” and “divert” positions must be accurately timed to prevent sorter crashes. Just as a train track switch cannot be safely operated while a train is passing through the switch, the divert switch cannot be safely operated while a divert shoe is passing through the switch. If the movement of the switch mechanism is not timed to occur only when no shoe is present in the switch, the guide pin of the shoe may collide with the point of the divert block, resulting in damage to the switch and potentially costly downtime.
The ProSort has two control components at each divert switch that work together to accurately time the divert switch movement or operation, eliminating the need for the controls provider to do so. These components are the smart prox and the high-speed solenoid air valve.
The “smart prox” is a special inductive proximity sensor developed exclusively for Hytrol that has the “intelligence” needed to control the switch timing built-in. The prox plugs to the y-cable. See figure 6A.
Y Cable
The y-cable is used to connect the smart prox, solenoid air valve and the system controls. The male micro cord set from the smart prox connects to the terminal #1 of the y-cable. The pico pigtail, of the y-cable, connects to the male plug on the solenoid air valve at divert switch. The micro cord set with female end, plugs to terminal #2 of the y-cable. The leads from the terminal

2 cord set have the following functions (fig. 6A). NOTE: Y-cable not used on

dual divert sections.
Brown —+24VdC power input to the prox.
Blue —Ground (-) lead for the prox.
Gray —divert enable input lead for the prox. When a 24VdC (high) signal is given to this lead by the system controls, the prox waits for the next time it detects a divert shoe, at which time it provides a 24VdC output through the y-cable to the high speed solenoid air valve. The solenoid air valve then causes the switch to move to “divert” position. All shoes traveling through the switch will then follow the divert track as long as the enable signal is active (held high). When the divert signal is removed (taken low) the prox waits for the next time it detects a divert shoe, at which time it will turn off the output to the solenoid air valve. The switch then returns to the “home” position, and subsequent shoes will follow the “non-divert” track. The enable signal to this lead is the only signal that the system controls must provide to control divert switching.

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - SMART

Black —Standard prox output lead. This lead provides a 24VdC (high) signal each time the prox detects a divert shoe. This is an optional output and is to be used at the discretion of the controls provider.
The solenoid air valve is used to receive the smart prox output signal and provide air to the proper end of the divert switch cylinder to move and hold the switch in either the “home” or “divert” positions. The valve used is specially designed for the high speed operation necessary for proper divert switch timing.
The two inputs of the solenoid are non-polarized, allowing either lead to be used as input or ground for the valve. The solenoid requires 24VdC, 4W to operate.
The solenoid air valve is controlled directly by the smart prox. direct control of this valve by the controls package is not required or advised.
Other Control Components Supplied with the Conveyor
The variable frequency drive (VFD) is a motor controller that has three functions:

  1. It provides a smooth acceleration of the drive motor, allowing the sorter to slowly “ramp up” to full speed. This protects the sorter components from the stress of a full-speed start up.
  2. It allows the speed of the sorter to be adjusted to match speed requirements of the system. Also, it allows the sorter to be operated at a very slow speed during installation “debugging” and when certain mechanical components are checked after servicing.
  3. It allows the sorter to be operated at a slower speed during “off-peak” seasons, reducing energy consumption, noise, and wear.

Refer to the VFD manufacturer’s installation manual, provided with the sorter, for wiring and adjustment instructions.
The air pressure switch (fig. 5A) is used to detect low operating air pressure. Operation of the sorter at air pressures under 50 PSI can cause erratic switching and potential switch damage. If air pressure falls below this level, the sorter must be shut down until the cause of the pressure drop has been found and remedied. The pressure switch provides a contact-type output which closes at pressures at or above about 48 PSI and opens below that air pressure. The system controls provider should use this switch to monitor air pressure at the sorter and should shut down the sorter if an open (low) output is detected from the pressure switch.
Refer to the pressure switch manufacturer’s installation manual, provided with the sorter, for wiring instructions.
There are safety switch devices located at various locations in the sorter to indicate when a divert shoe is out of place, an obstruction has entered the sorter, or when some other event has occurred that could cause damage to the sorter or danger to personnel. These safety switches use normal inductive proximity switches as the electrical interface to the system controls.
There are two types of safety switches in the sorter:

  1. Shoe position safety switches are switch mechanisms inside the sorter that trip if a divert shoe passes them that is not in its proper track. They are also used to detect foreign objects that might fall between the slats and enter the interior of the sorter. They are made to detect problems on both the upper and return portions of the sorter.
    There is one shoe position safety switch located at the infeed end and one at the discharge end of the sorter. There are additional switches included for every 30 feet of sorter length after the first 30 feet. for example, a sorter 50 feet long will have a total of 3 switches, a sorter 80 feet long will have a total of 4 switches and so on. These additional switches are spaced evenly along the sorter’s length.

  2. The pop-up transition roller safety switch is used to detect when the transition rollers on the discharge end of the sorter are in the “up” position. These rollers are designed to pop up if a stray divert shoe or a foreign object makes contact with them.
    The normal state of the output of the safety proximity switch is ”on” (high). If a switch detects a problem the signal is changed to “off” (low). The system controls must be configured to go to an “emergency stop” condition and shut down the sorter and related equipment when a problem is detected. Restart must not be possible until the problem is corrected and the safety switch that detected the problem is again “on” (high).

Refer to the proximity switch manufacturer’s installation manual, provided with the sorter, for wiring instructions.
The catenary take-up photo-eye monitors the amount of chain sag occurring in the drive’s catenary area. The photo-eye is a retro-reflective, light-operated type, positioned in the catenary so that if the carrying chains allow the slats to sag below a certain level, the beam of the eye is blocked.
The system controls must be configured to stop the sorter when the photo-eye beam is blocked (photo-eye output is “off” or “low”) and provide an indication to the sorter operator that the chains must be taken up or shortened before operating the sorter further.
Refer to the photo-eye manufacturer’s installation manual, provided with the sorter, for wiring instructions.
An encoder is included with the sorter to provide a pulse signal to be used for product tracking. The encoder provides a square-wave pulse signal of 30 pulses per revolution of the sorter infeed shaft. This equates to one pulse for every 1.75 inches of sorter travel.
The encoder requires 24VdC power, and provides a 24VdC pulse output.
Refer to the encoder manufacturer’s installation manual provided with the sorter, for wiring instructions.
The chain oiler is used to provide automatic lubrication of the carrying chains during sorter operation. When the oiler solenoid valve is energized, oil is allowed to gravity feed from the oiler reservoir, through metering valves, to brushes located above the return chains in the sorter.
The system controls should be configured to activate the chain oiler solenoid for a duration equal to one complete revolution of the carrying chains about every two hours of operation. The actual amount of oil applied to the chains is controlled by the metering screws (see “Conveyor Set-up” section of this manual). The chain oiler solenoid requires 24VdC power to operate.
The missing bearing block is used to detect a bearing missing from a divert shoe. A divert shoe that does not have a bearing on the bottom can cause damage to the sorter. The missing bearing block uses two proximity switches located in the return section of the sorter to detect the presence of a bearing on the shoe. If one prox detects a bearing being present but the other does not, the block removes its output to indicate a missing bearing was detected. See figure 8A for location of missing bearing prox switches.
The missing bearing block requires 24VdC power to operate. The prox switches are plugged into the left two ports in no particular order. A reset signal of 24VDC is needed to clear the missing bearing error in the block. The output from the block is “on” or “high” when no error is detected.
Control Components Not Supplied with the Conveyor
In addition to the control components supplied with the ProSort sorter, there are several components that must be supplied by the system control provider. Hytrol recommends the following control components be used to protect the sorter from damage due to product jams or other problems.
Instantaneous overloads provide protection against sorter “hang-ups” by turning off the drive if a sudden increase in motor current is detected. By adjusting the overload limit to slightly above the power required to operate the sorter, any extra load on the motor, such as would be caused by a product jam or switch malfunction, would cause the sorter to stop, possibly before significant damage is done to the equipment.
The instantaneous overloads should be installed in the control panel for the sorter and sized for the proper power requirements.
Photo-eyes are common components in systems controls. Hytrol recommends that photo-eyes be installed at the following locations to perform listed functions. These are, of course, in addition to other photo-eyes needed in the system.
Induction Photo-eye —A photo-eye mounted at the infeed point of the sorter. This eye is used to perform the following functions:
ProSort 421 (22° diverts)
0” < W ≤ 13” Minimum gap = 10”
13” < W ≤ 26” Minimum gap = 16”
26” < W ≤ 40” Minimum gap = 20”

*W = Package Width
Note: When sorting to both sides, the minimum gap from the above charts must be increased by 6 in.

  1. Signal the system controls that a particular package has entered the sorter. from this point forward, the package must be tracked using the encoder pulses to determine when it reaches the proper divert location.
  2. Measure the length of the package so that the system controls may assign the proper number of divert shoes to the package for diverting. Note: Shoes are to be assigned for the entire length of the package plus one extra shoe is to be assigned to the trailing end of the package.
  3. Check for the proper gap between packages for safe sorting. It is important to check for the proper gap here, even if it has been set prior to this point, to insure that the packages are truly spaced properly. Attempting to sort packages with too little gap between them can cause jams.
    Note: The minimum gap necessary for sorting a package is a function of the width of the package. The charts below should be used in checking for proper gap.

Jam/Confirmation Photo-eye —Photo-eyes mounted on each take-away spur of the sorter, as close to the sorter as possible. These eyes perform two functions:

  1. Detect a product jam at the sorter “exit point.” If a package blocks this photo-eye for a longer time than it would take for the package to travel past the photo-eye normally, this indicated that the package is jammed. The sorter should be stopped and the jam cleared before restarting the sorter.
  2. Divert confirmation. If a divert signal is given to a particular divert point, and no package is detected by the associated jam/confirmation photo-eye, an error has occurred. The sorter should be stopped and the error found and corrected before restarting the sorter.

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - ADJUSTABLE

Full Line Photo-eye —Photo-eyes mounted on each divert lane from the sorter, near the infeed end of that lane. These eyes are used to signal the system controls that a particular divert lane is full. The controls should then send any further packages assigned to that lane to the recirculation line until the full line photo-eye on that lane no longer indicates the full condition.
Some Control Do’s and Dont’s
The following are recommendations to assist in the design and installation of system controls that are interfacing with ProSort sorters.

  • Do not place 24VDC control wires in the same wireway with AC power wires, especially if the AC power exceeds 240 volts. “Noise” produced in the control wires by the power wires may produce undesirable effects.
  • Do not use optional “standard prox output” of the smart prox as a substitute for an encoder. The five inch spacing between divert shoes does not provide enough tracking resolution to accurately sort packages.
  • Do not use manual override operator of the solenoid air valve to operate a divert switch while the sorter is running. doing so bypasses the switch timing controls and may cause switch damage or a sorter crash.
  • Do treat the tripping of any safety switch, motor overload, or low air pressure signal as an emergency stop. Inspect the safety switch and other parts of the sorter to be sure everything is in good working order before starting or restarting the sorter.

Pneumatic Divert Switch Checklist
After all ProSort sections are installed and aligned, each divert switch should be checked for proper operations as follows:

  1. Before air pressure is supplied to the divert switch solenoid air valve, manually pivot the switch back and forth between the non-divert and divert position checking for a free and smooth pivoting movement. determine and remedy the cause of any switch binding. for proper switch alignment see figures 8B & 8C. If switch adjustment is necessary, loosen the jam nut on the cylinder rod. Screw cylinder rod into or out of rod end to adjust the switch and retighten jam nut.
  2. Turn air pressure on and verify that each divert switch is in, or moves to, the home (non-divert) position (figure 8B).
  3. Check to insure that the smart prox is set properly. The face of the prox should be set just out of the shoe pin guide path in the switch guide (figure 9A).

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - ADJUSTABLE

Electric Divert Switch Checklist
NOTE: All electric divert servo motors are paired with the associated drives at the factory. Connecting motors to the wrong drive may have an adverse effect on the divert operation and could result in physical damage to the sorter. Always connect the drives to the factory paired motors to prevent damage.

  1. Before running the sorter, apply power to the electric switch system and verify that the diverts are fully in either the home or diverted position. divert function was tested at the factory to ensure proper operation. If the diverts are in the diverted position, they can be returned to the home position by removing the enable signal to the Smart Prox and then flagging the Smart Prox to trigger a move operation.
  2. Check to ensure that the Smart Prox is set properly. The face of the prox should be set just out of the shoe pin guide path in the switch guide (figure 9B).

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Switch

Carrying Chain Installation
The carrying chains are shipped on marked spools, cut to proper length for each ProSort conveyor. Steps for installing are as follows:

  1. Disconnect electrical power to drive motor to prevent accidental start up.
  2. Remove the plug from the motor fan guard, exposing the hex on the motor shaft. Use this shaft to rotate the motor manually.
  3. Check alignment of chain guides by using two short pieces of chain with slat/shoe assemblies and bearings assembled to pins. This chain/slat/shoe assembly should slide freely through chain guides in direction of travel for entire length of conveyor.
  4. Install carrying chains to both sides of conveyor with pins pointed inward. make sure the pins of each chain are directly opposite each other. It will be helpful while installing chains to install one slat/shoe assembly every 4 feet to hold chain in guides.
  5. Fasten ends of both chains with connector links as shown in figure 9E.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Chain Installation
  6. Install slat/shoe assemblies onto the extended chain pins on one side of conveyor – being careful to keep the beveled face of the shoe toward the discharge end and the side with the rubber insert toward the spur side of conveyor (See figure 9F). Lift opposite chain out of chain guide (so chains may be spread apart) and insert extended chain pins into opposite end of slat/shoe assemblies.
  7. After all slat/shoe assemblies are installed, tighten carrying chains with take-up bolts at drive shaft. Be sure drive and tail shafts are square. Retighten all drive take-up plate mounting bolts. See figure 10A for proper slack in chains.
  8. Manually crank entire carrying chain assembly through the conveyor to see that it operates freely and nothing has been dropped into the conveyor during installation. Also inspect divert shoes to make sure all of them have been installed on the correct centers. If chains are ever shortened it must be in increments of five inches.
  9. Replace motor fan guard plug.
  10. Reconnect electrical power to drive motor.

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Chain Installation

Install Guard Rails at Divert Locations
If guard rails are to be installed on the spurs and/or the spur side of the sorter, care should be taken to insure that the guard rails do not interfere in any way with the boxes being diverted. Particularly, guards should not be installed in a way that produces a sharp edge or point in the divert area.
Locating the Spurs
The take-away spurs must be mounted properly on the divert sections of the ProSort to insure proper diverting of product. The following installation guidelines apply to both powered and gravity spurs.

  1. Attach spurs to the sorter by bolting the spur attachment bracket to the spur mounting nuts in the Unistrut channel on the sorter side channel (figure 10B). Support the spurs as required. Hand-tighten bolts only at this time.
  2. manually place 3 or more shoes along the divert angle as shown. Place a straight-edge against the shoes to determine the location of the “divert line”. Verify that the distance between the “divert line” and the “BR” of the spur is 2 to 3 inches as shown (figure 10C).
  3. Position spur vertically so that the spur rollers/skate wheels are level with the slats on the sorter. Tighten mounting bolts.
  4. JackbooLt Assembly supplied with spur.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Locating the Spurs

Pneumatic Divert Switch Removal Procedure
The ProSort is designed for easy removal of the divert switch assembly for maintenance or replacement. In order to remove the electric switch assembly follow the following steps.

  1. Unplug the elbow from the fitting on the solenoid air valve by pushing in the red flange of the fitting and then pulling on the elbow.
  2. disconnect prox switch cord set from y-cable connector (figure 6A).
  3. Remove the cover located on the side of the sorter under the divert switch assembly by lifting and rotating down and out of the way (figure 10d).
  4. By reaching through the uncovered hole in the side channel remove the two nuts at the back side of the switch assembly channel. Then remove the two bolts on the outside of the sorter channel which hold up the front side of the switch assembly channel (figure 10E).
  5. The front side of the switch assembly channel may then be lowered and the entire assembly may be removed through the opening in the sorter channel.
  6. Check the new switch assembly according to the “divert Switch Checklist” on page 8.
  7. Install the new divert switch assembly by reversing the procedure by which the old assembly was removed. HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Pneumatic Divert Switch

Electric Divert Switch Removal Procedure
The ProSort is designed for easy removal of the divert switch assembly for maintenance or replacement. In order to remove the electric switch assembly follow the following steps.

  1. Turn off all power going into the panel connected to the divert that is needing to be removed. This includes turning the disconnect on the front of the panel to the Off position and disconnecting the 3-Phase supply power and control power.
  2. Wait at least 90 seconds after removing all power to allow the power to fully dissipate to a safe level.
  3. After waiting 90 seconds, remove the cover located on the side of the sorter under the divert switch assembly by lifting and rotating down and out of the way. Next remove the orange power cable and the green encoder cable from the servo motor mounted to the switch. Also remove the 5-wire m12 cable that is connected to the Smart Prox.
  4. By reaching through the uncovered hole in the side channel, remove the two nuts at the back side of the switch assembly channel. Then remove the two bolts on the outside of the sorter channel which hold up the front side of the switch assembly channel (figure 11A).
  5. The front side of the switch assembly channel may then be lowered and the entire assembly may be removed through the opening in the sorter channel.HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Electric Divert Switch

Electric Switch Homing Procedure

  1. Turn off all power going into the panel connected to the divert that is needing to be homed. This includes turning the disconnect on the front of the panel to the Off position and disconnecting the 3-Phase supply power and control power.
  2. Wait at least 90 seconds after removing all power to allow the power to fully dissipate to a safe level.
  3. After waiting 90 seconds, remove the cover located on the side of the sorter under the divert switch assembly by lifting and rotating down and out of the way. Next remove the orange power cable and the green encoder cable from the servo motor mounted to the switch. Also remove the 5-wire m12 cable that is connected to the Smart Prox.
  4. By reaching through the uncovered hole in the side channel, remove the two nuts at the back side of the switch assembly channel. Then remove the two bolts on the outside of the sorter channel which hold up the front side of the switch assembly channel.
  5. The front side of the switch assembly channel may then be lowered and the entire assembly may be removed through the opening in the sorter channel.
  6. Remove the nut on the bottom of the switch gate. After the nut is removed, pull the switch gate out of the assembly. The servo motor shaft and cam should now be visible.
  7. Connect the orange power cable and the green encoder cable.
  8. Turn the cam by hand until the motor key is facing the outside mounting plate of the switch assembly.
  9. Turn the homing key on the servo drive enclosure on.
  10. Apply power to the servo drive enclosure and allow for the drive to power up completely.
  11. Turn off power and remove the homing key.
  12. If you reapply power at this point the cam should move to the home position. You can reinstall the switch gate and check for correct position in both the home and diverted positions.
  13. Turn off enclosure power and reinstall the electric switch assembly.

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Switch Homing

Trouble Shooting

The following charts list possible problems that may occur in the operation of the ProSort.


Conveyor will not start or shuts off
automatically during operation.| 1) Jam eye blocked
2) Tripped internal safety switch.
3) Pop-up rollers “UP”.
4) Proximity switch for internal safety switch or pop-up
rollers mis-adjusted or defective.
5) Low air pressure.
a) Regular set low.
b) Air line restricted or broken.
c) Air filter clogged.
d) Compressor problem.
e) Lockout closed.
6) Electrical circuits.
7) Variable speed drive mis-adjusted or defective.
8) drive motor defective.| 1) Unblock jam eye.
2) determine cause of tripping: foreign debris, mislocated divert shoes, etc.,
and correct problem.
3) determine reason for rollers popping up and correct problem.
4) Adjust or replace proximity switch.
5) determine reason for low air pressure and correct problem.
6) Check power and wiring.
7) Refer to variable speed drive manufacturer’s manual for trouble shooting.
8) Replace motor.
Conveyor takes long time to reach
speed or conveyor jerks when starting.| 1) Variable speed drive mis-adjusted or defective.| 1) Refer to variable speed drive manufacturer’s manual for trouble shooting.
divert shoes “jump” during diverting.| 1) divert shoe tight on slats.
2) Slats dirty.
3) Slats bent.
4) Switch mis-adjusted.| 1) Replace slat/shoe assembly.
2) Clean surface. (Refer to Preventive maintenance details)
3) Replace slat/shoe assembly.
4) Refer to divert Switch Checklist, Page 8 & 9.
Inoperative divert switch.| 1) No air pressure to cylinder.
2) Lockout closed.
3) Air solenoid valve defective.
4) Proximity switch mis-adjusted or defective.| 1) Check air line and filter regulator. Replace if necessary.
2) Open lockout.
3) Replace.
4) See page 8 & 9 for proper adjust or replace.
All divert switches inoperative.| 1) Loss of power to air solenoid valves.
2) Controls failure.| 1) Correct problem.
2) Trouble shoot control system.
Inoperative electric divert switch| 1) No power to electric switch.| 1) Check 3-Phase power to the servo drive enclosure.

Model ProSort 421 Parts Drawing

Catenary Divert and Drive Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Drive

Intermediate and Return Divert Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Intermediate and
Return Divert Section

Tail and Divert Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Tail and Divert

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Induction

Model ProSort 421 Parts List

1 WA-015050-L Drive Side Chnl Weldment – LH
2 WA-015050-R Drive Side Chnl Weldment – RH
3 Take-Up – Drive Side
WA-015252 Left Hand
WA-015064 Right Hand
4 Take-Up – Slave Side
WA-015120 Left Hand
WA-015254 Right Hand
5 WA-014976 Bed Spacer Assembly (Specify OAW)
6 MP-001196-012 Spur Mounting Channel
7 PT-053021 Pin Guide Support Plate
8 PT-052597 Top Stiffener Plate
9 Drive Shaft
PT-103580 KT77 Gearmotor (Specify OAW)
PT-103581 KT97 Gearmotor (Specify OAW)
10 B-23250 End Cover (Specify OAW)
11 WA-015169 End Plate Weldment (Specify OAW)
12 WA-015259 Slave Drive Guard
13 B-23258 Bearing Spacer
14 SA-037195 Transition Roller Assembly (Specify OAW)
15 PT-087686 Transition Drive Shaft (Specify OAW)
16 PT-052599 Catenary Take-Up Wearstrip
17 B-23281 Support Weldment (Specify OAW)
18 B-23285 Torque Arm Mounting Weldment for KT77 Gearmotor
19 1.9 Dia. Transition Roller
--- --- ---
SA-038920-240 30 in BR
SA-038920-288 36 in BR
SA-038920-336 42 in BR
SA-038920-384 48 in BR
SA-038920-432 54 in BR
20 PT-051623 Splice Channel
21 PT-11580-L Chain Wearstrip – LH
22 PT-11580-R Chain Wearstrip – RH
23 PT-052971 Chain Guide Mounting Angle
24 932.0079 Cushion Disk
25 B-17065 Pin Guide Spacer
26 SA-042719 Sprocket 100E42 W/Lagging
27 010.0021 Bearing – Cast Iron, 2-Bolt, 1″ Bore
28 010.2075 Bearing – Cast Iron, 4-Bolt, 2-15/16″ Bore
29 020.130 Sheave – 1A, 2.75″ OD x 1″ Bore (2.5″PD)
30 024.1615 Sheave – 1A, 12.25″ OD x 1″ Bore (12″PD)
31 32.2116 Proximity Switch – DC, Normally Open
32 941.423003 Cordset – 3M, Straight Female
33 042.664 3/8-16 x 2-3/4″ Lg Hex Skt Flt Hd Cap Screw
34 041.798 3/8-16 NC2B Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
35 040.504 5/8-11 x 4-1/2″ Lg Hex Head Cap Screw
36 041.503 5/8-11 NC2B Hex 2-Way Locknut – Regular
37 049.5205 5/8-18 x 6″ Lg Hex Head Bolt – Hardened
38 041.2021 5/8-18 NC2B Hex Jam Nut – Regular
39 040.700 7/8-9 x 2″ Lg Hex Head Bolt for KT77 Gearmotor
--- --- ---
40 040.701 7/8-9 x 6″ Lg Hex Head Bolt for KT97 Gearmotor
41 042.700 7/8-9 x 2-1/2″ Lg Hex Skt Flat Hd. Cap Screw
42 043.1059 7/8″ ID Flat Steel Washer
43 043.207 7/8″ ID Split Lockwasher
44 041.107 7/8-9 NC2B Hex Nut – Regular
45 090.2547 O-Ring – 13-1/2″ ID x 3/8″ Dia.
46 918.0056 Chain Guide Support Block – LH
47 918.0055 Chain Guide Support Block – RH
48 092.1813 Offset Pin Guide
49 092.1838 Catenary Block
50 033.2130 Photoeye – Retro-Reflective, 10-40 VDC
51 032.2185 Reflector – 3.30″ Dia.
52 042.1019 #10-24 x 3/4″ Lg Round Head Mach Screw
53 041.802 #10-24 NC2B Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
54 033.2131 Photoeye Mounting Bkt – Ball Swivel
55 032.21122 Cordset – for Photoeye
56 PT-098832-384 Brush – Drive
57 PT-057740 Brush Holder – Drive
58 098.1871 Collar – 2-15/16″ ID
59 PT-066395 Reinforcing Strap
60 090.2564 O-Ring – 5-3/8″ ID x 3/16″ Dia.
61 PT-083916 Intermediate Channel (Specify OAL)
62 MP-001196 Spur Mounting Channel – Intermediate (Specify OAL)
63 P-00447 Chain Guide Wearstrip (Specify OAL)
64 PT-052310 Chain Guide Mtg Angle – (Specify OAL)
65 PT-054987 Joint Plate
66 PT-066797 Joint Plate – Long
67 Switch Assembly, Pneumatic – See Page 33 & 34
SA-022167 Left Hand
SA-022196 Right Hand
68 Switch Assembly, Electric – See Page 35 & 36
SA-054961 Left Hand
SA-052517 Right Hand
69 EB-000011 Control Panel – Electric Divert Switch
70 PT-052309 Divert Channel – LH (Specify OAW and LH)
71 PT-052309 Divert Channel – RH (Specify OAW and RH)
72 WA-015033 Switch Mounting Channel Weldment
73 PT-054571 Divert Angle (Specify OAW)
74 Mounting Strap
P-01509-0494 33 in OAW
P-01509-0752 39 in OAW
P-01509-1011 45 in OAW
P-01509-1269 51 in OAW
P-01509-1528 57 in OAW
75 Divert Wearstrip
0110-0064-0988 33 in OAW
0110-0064-1505 39 in OAW
0110-0064-2022 45 in OAW
0110-0064-2539 51 in OAW
0110-0064-3056 57 in OAW
76 MP-001198 Spur Mounting Channel – 22 Deg Divert (Specify OAW)
77 PT-052312 Chain Guide Mtg Angle – 22 Deg Divert (Specify OAW)
78 PT-055292 Chain Guide Mtg Angle – 22 Deg Cat. Divert (Specify OAW)
79 PT-056365 Chain Guide Mtg Angle- End Divert (Specify OAW)
80 PT-67116 Return Y-Block Mtg Plate – 22 Deg
81 Return Y-Block – 22 Deg
092.179752 Left Hand
092.179751 Right Hand
82 PT-051905 Y-Block Mounting Plate
83 PT-052231 Cover Plate – Switch Side
84 PT-060165 Cover Plate – Spur Side
85 B-18446 Track Spacer
86 Y-Block – 22 Deg
092.17972 Left Hand
092.17971 Right Hand
87 042.914 Shoulder Bolt – ACC Suspension Angle
88 049.527 1/4-20 Small Flange Locknut
89 Shoe Assembly
092.18696 LH Shoe
092.18695 RH Shoe
90 SA-057188 Slat Assembly (Specify OAW)
91 Contact Factory Gear Motor
92 Contact Factory Variable Speed Controller Kit
93 Contact Factory Control Package
94 099.462 Aluminum Guide Rail Extrusion x 20′ Long
95 099.463 Special Shape UHMW Guide Rail x 20′ Long
96 069.751 Bearing Profile – Urethane
97 094.423 Chain Cover – Black PVC
--- --- ---
98 041.9069 Speed Grip Nut Retainer – 1/4-20
99 029.2657 #100XLO Riveted O-ring Chain W/D1 Att
100 029.2667 Connector Link – #100XLO W/1.75″ Lg D1 Att
101 082.4157 Channel Nut – 3/8-16 With Spring
102 096.114 Loctite Instant Adhesive – #401
103 WA-015017 Bed Spacer Weldment – Catenary (Specify OAW)
104 PT-051907 Safety Block Mounting Plate
105 092.1807 Safety Shoe Guide
106 PT-051908 Return Block Mounting Plate
107 092.1809 Return Sweep Block – 22 Deg
108 PT-053732-L Tail Channel – LH
109 PT-053732-R Tail Channel – RH
110 WA-015562 End Bed Spacer Weldment (Specify OAW)
111 PT-053737 Tail Pin Guide Mounting Plate
112 PT-115582-L Chain Wearstrip – LH
113 PT-115582-R Chain Wearstrip – RH
114 PT-053735 Chain Guide Mounting Angle – Tail
115 PT-053731 Shoe Guard Support Channel
116 SA-023332 Sprocket Idler 100B42 W/Lagging
117 PT-103582 Tail Shaft – Slave for Induction Conveyor (Specify OAW)
118 End Shoe Cover
B-23212 Left Hand for Left hand Drive Unit
B-23213 Right Hand for Right Hand Drive Unit
119 PT-057975 Bearing Spacer Angle
120 B-18469 Oiler Brush Bracket
121 B-18450 Oiler Mount Bracket
122 095.155 Shank Brush for Chain lubricator
123 095.150 Chain Lubricator W/2 Feeds, 24V DC
124 043.205 3/4″ ID Split Lock washer
125 042.581 3/4-10 x 2-1/2” Lg Carriage Bolt
126 041.106 3/4-10 NC2B Hex Nut – Regular
127 010.2076 Bearing – Cast Iron 4-Bolt, 2-15/16″ Bore
128 092.18101 Tail Pin Guide Block
129 PT-057731 Brush Mounting Bar – Tail
130 PT-057738 Brush Holder – Tail
131 PT-098832-288 Brush – Chain Cover, Tail
132 PT-063104 Belt Flap Mounting Angle
133 932.0076 Belt Flap for End Cover
134 PT-126624 Cover Plate
135 PT-063278-L Drive Side Plate – LH (Induction Unit)
136 PT-063278-R Drive Side Plate – RH (Induction Unit)
137 B-23159 Cover Assembly
138 B-23162 Pulley Plate Assembly
139 B-23165 8″ Drive Pulley (Specify OAW)
140 B-23575 2-1/4″ Dia Pulley (Specify OAW)
141 Slave Guard
PT-054187 Left Hand for Left Hand Drive Unit
PT-054252 Right Hand for Right Hand Drive Unit
142 PT-054188 Slave Guard Cover
143 PT-063281 Drive End Channel (Specify OAW)
144 PT-054189 Pulley Mounting Bracket
145 PT-054185 Induction Drive Channel
146 PT-062544 Slave Guard Mounting Bracket
147 B-23294 Bolt in Slider Pan (Specify OAW)
148 B-23295 Nip Point Guard (Specify OAW)
149 B-23296 6″ Take-Up Pulley (Specify OAW)
150 B-04161 Bearing Guide
151 B-09148 Bearing Guide Spacer
152 B-23297 Take-Up Plate Assembly
153 B-04842 11/16″ Hex Idler Bracket
154 2-1/2″ Roller – Conveyor Frame
B-15299-120 15″ BR
B-15299-168 21″ BR
B-15299-216 27″ BR
B-15299-264 33″ BR
B-15299-312 39″ BR
155 2-1/2″ Roller – Drive Shell
B-15299-240 30″ BR
B-15299-288 36″ BR
B-15299-336 42″ BR
B-15299-384 48″ BR
B-15299-432 54″ BR
156 B-23299-L Butt Coupling – LH
157 B-23299-R Butt Coupling – RH
158 B-23300 Top Drive Cover – Slave Side
159 B-23301 Lower Drive Guard (Specify OAW)
160 B-23302 Take-Up Bolt
161 B-23304 Idler Plate
162 B-23116 Top Drive Cover
--- --- ---
163 010.203 1-7/16” Bore 4-Bolt Bearing
164 010.2045 1-11/16″ Bore 4-Bolt Bearing
165 108.044327 44PTH8 – 35SD x 1-11/16″ Bore Timing Belt Sprocket
166 108.090332 90PTH8 – 35SF x 2″ Bore Timing Belt Sprocket
167 108.816003 1600PTH8M – 35 Timing Belt
168 P-01431 Side Channel Induction Unit (Specify OAL)
169 B-03916 Bed Spacer (Speify BR)
170 Bolt in Pan 18″ OAW
0265-084120 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108120 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132120 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144120 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156120 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168120 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172120 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174120 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180120 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186120 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188120 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192120 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196120 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198120 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204120 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210120 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212120 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216120 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220120 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222120 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228120 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240120 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252120 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 24″ OAW
0265-084168 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108168 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132168 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144168 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156168 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168168 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172168 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174168 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180168 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186168 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188168 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192168 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196168 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198168 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204168 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210168 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212168 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216168 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220168 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222168 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228168 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240168 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252168 31-1/2 in Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 30″ OAW
0265-084216 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108216 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132216 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144216 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156216 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168216 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172216 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174216 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180216 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186216 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188216 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192216 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196216 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198216 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204216 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210216 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212216 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216216 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220216 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222216 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228216 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240216 30 in. Long Pan
--- --- ---
0265-252216 31-1/2 in Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 36” OAW
0265-084264 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108264 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132264 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144264 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156264 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168264 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172264 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174264 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180264 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186264 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188264 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192264 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196264 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198264 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204264 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210264 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212264 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216264 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220264 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222264 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228264 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240264 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252264 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 42″ OAW
0265-084312 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108312 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132312 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144312 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156312 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168312 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172312 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174312 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180312 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186312 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188312 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192312 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196312 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198312 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204312 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210312 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212312 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216312 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220312 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222312 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228312 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240312 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252312 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
171 1.9 O.D. Galv. Roller Assy.
B-01982-120 15″ BR
B-01982-168 21″ BR
B-01982-216 27″ BR
B-01982-264 33″ BR
B-01982-312 39″ BR
172 2-1/8 ” Dia. Idler
B-03894-120 15″ BR
B-03894-168 21″ BR
B-03894-216 27″ BR
B-03894-264 33″ BR
B-03894-312 39″ BR
173 B-00944 7/16″ Hex Idler Bracket
174 B-23575 2-1/4″ Dia. Pulley (Specify BR)
175 B-23578 Pulley Mount
176 B-23579 Nip Point Guard (Specify BR)
177 B-23581-L Gussett Angle – LH
178 B-23581-R Gussett Angle – RH
179 B-03191 Butt Coupling
180 B-23585 Belt Kit (Specify Infeed Section Lgth and OAW)
181 SA-061960 Pull Assembly (Specify OAW) (Not Shown)
182 B-24596 Chain Pick-Up Tool – Flat (Not Shown)
183 B-24591 Chain Pick-Up Tool – Bent (Not Shown)
184 SA-023516 Safety Switch Assembly – See Page 37
185 032.293 Encoder – 30PPR (Not Shown)
186 042.49010 1/4 x 1-1/4 Lg Shoulder Bolt (Not Shown)
187 PT-093001 End Coder Cover (Not Shown)

Model ProSort 431 Parts Drawing

Catenary Divert and Drive Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Catenary

Intermediate and Return Divert Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor -

Tail and Divert Section

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Parts

Induction Unit

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Parts

1 WA-015050-L Drive Side Chnl Weldment – LH
2 WA-015050-R Drive Side Chnl Weldment – RH
3 Take-Up – Drive Side
WA-015252 Left Hand
WA-015064 Right Hand
4 Take-Up – Slave Side
WA-015120 Left Hand
WA-015254 Right Hand
5 WA-014976 Bed Spacer Assembly (Specify OAW)
6 MP-001196-012 Spur Mounting Channel
7 PT-053021 Pin Guide Support Plate
8 PT-052597 Top Stiffener Plate
9 Drive Shaft
PT-103580 KT77 Gearmotor (Specify OAW)
PT-103581 KT97 Gearmotor (Specify OAW)
10 B-23250 End Cover (Specify OAW)
11 WA-015169 End Plate Weldment (Specify OAW)
12 WA-015259 Slave Drive Guard
13 B-23258 Bearing Spacer
14 SA-037195 Transition Roller Assembly (Specify OAW)
15 PT-087686 Transition Drive Shaft (Specify OAW)
16 PT-052599 Catenary Take-Up Wearstrip
17 B-23281 Support Weldment (Specify OAW)
18 B-23285 Torque Arm Mounting Weldment for KT77 Gearmotor
19 1.9 Dia. Transition Roller
SA-038920-240 30 in BR
SA-038920-288 36 in BR
SA-038920-336 42 in BR
SA-038920-384 48 in BR
SA-038920-432 54 in BR
--- --- ---
20 PT-051623 Splice Channel
21 PT-11580-L Chain Wearstrip – LH
22 PT-11580-R Chain Wearstrip – RH
23 PT-052971 Chain Guide Mounting Angle
24 932.0079 Cushion Disk
25 B-17065 Pin Guide Spacer
26 SA-042719 Sprocket 100E42 W/Lagging
27 010.0021 Bearing – Cast Iron, 2-Bolt, 1″ Bore
28 010.2075 Bearing – Cast Iron, 4-Bolt, 2-15/16″ Bore
29 020.130 Sheave – 1A, 2.75″ OD x 1″ Bore (2.5″PD)
30 024.1615 Sheave – 1A, 12.25″ OD x 1″ Bore (12″PD)
31 32.2116 Proximity Switch – DC, Normally Open
32 941.423003 Cordset – 3M, Straight Female
33 042.664 3/8-16 x 2-3/4″ Lg Hex Skt Flt Hd Cap Screw
34 041.798 3/8-16 NC2B Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
35 040.504 5/8-11 x 4-1/2″ Lg Hex Head Cap Screw
36 041.503 5/8-11 NC2B Hex 2-Way Locknut – Regular
37 049.5205 5/8-18 x 6″ Lg Hex Head Bolt – Hardened
38 041.2021 5/8-18 NC2B Hex Jam Nut – Regular
39 040.700 7/8-9 x 2″ Lg Hex Head Bolt for KT77 Gearmotor
40 040.701 7/8-9 x 6″ Lg Hex Head Bolt for KT97 Gearmotor
41 042.700 7/8-9 x 2-1/2″ Lg Hex Skt Flat Hd. Cap Screw
42 043.1059 7/8″ ID Flat Steel Washer
43 043.207 7/8″ ID Split Lockwasher
44 041.107 7/8-9 NC2B Hex Nut – Regular
45 090.2547 O-Ring – 13-1/2″ ID x 3/8″ Dia.
46 918.0056 Chain Guide Support Block – LH
47 918.0055 Chain Guide Support Block – RH
48 092.1813 Offset Pin Guide
49 092.1838 Catenary Block
--- --- ---
50 033.2130 Photoeye – Retro-Reflective, 10-40 VDC
51 032.2185 Reflector – 3.30″ Dia.
52 042.1019 #10-24 x 3/4″ Lg Round Head Mach Screw
53 041.802 #10-24 NC2B Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
54 033.2131 Photoeye Mounting Bkt – Ball Swivel
55 032.21122 Cordset – for Photoeye
56 PT-098832-384 Brush – Drive
57 PT-057740 Brush Holder – Drive
58 098.1871 Collar – 2-15/16″ ID
59 PT-066395 Reinforcing Strap
60 090.2564 O-Ring – 5-3/8″ ID x 3/16″ Dia.
61 PT-083916 Intermediate Channel (Specify OAL)
62 MP-001196 Spur Mounting Channel – Intermediate (Specify OAL)
63 P-00447 Chain Guide Wearstrip (Specify OAL)
64 PT-052310 Chain Guide Mtg Angle – (Specify OAL)
65 PT-054987 Joint Plate
66 Switch Assembly, Pneumatic – See Page 33 & 34
SA-022167 Left Hand
SA-022196 Right Hand
67 Switch Assembly, Electric – See Page 35 & 36
SA-054961 Left Hand
SA-052517 Right Hand
68 EB-000011 Control Panel – Electric Divert Switch
69 PT-052308 Divert Channel – LH (Specify OAW and LH)
70 PT-052308 Divert Channel – RH (Specify OAW and RH)
71 WA-015033 Switch Mounting Channel Weldment
72 PT-054543 Divert Angle (Specify OAW)
73 Mounting Strap
P-01509-0354 33 in OAW
P-01509-0568 39 in OAW
P-01509-0783 45 in OAW
P-01509-0998 51 in OAW
P-01509-1212 57 in OAW
74 Divert Wearstrip
0110-0064-0708 33 in OAW
0110-0064-1137 39 in OAW
0110-0064-1567 45 in OAW
0110-0064-1996 51 in OAW
0110-0064-2424 57 in OAW
75 MP-001197 Spur Mounting Channel – 30 Deg Divert (Specify OAW)
76 PT-67117 Return Y-Block Mtg Plate – 30 Deg
77 Return Y-Block – 30 Deg
092.179756 Left Hand
092.179755 Right Hand
78 PT-051903 Y-Block Mounting Plate
79 PT-052231 Cover Plate – Switch Side
80 PT-060165 Cover Plate – Spur Side
81 B-18446 Track Spacer
82 Y-Block – 30 Deg
092.17974 Left Hand
092.17973 Right Hand
83 042.914 Shoulder Bolt – ACC Suspension Angle
84 049.527 1/4-20 Small Flange Locknut
85 Shoe Assembly
092.18696 LH Shoe
092.18695 RH Shoe
86 SA-057188 Slat Assembly (Specify OAW)
87 Contact Factory Gear Motor
88 Contact Factory Variable Speed Controller Kit
89 Contact Factory Control Package
90 099.462 Aluminum Guide Rail Extrusion x 20′ Long
91 099.463 Special Shape UHMW Guide Rail x 20′ Long
92 069.751 Bearing Profile – Urethane
93 094.423 Chain Cover – Black PVC
94 041.9069 Speed Grip Nut Retainer – 1/4-20
95 029.2657 #100XLO Riveted O-ring Chain W/D1 Att
96 029.2667 Connector Link – #100XLO W/1.75″ Lg D1 Att
97 082.4157 Channel Nut – 3/8-16 With Spring
98 096.114 Loctite Instant Adhesive – #401
99 WA-015017 Bed Spacer Weldment – Catenary (Specify OAW)
100 PT-051907 Safety Block Mounting Plate
101 092.1807 Safety Shoe Guide
102 PT-051908 Return Block Mounting Plate
103 092.18091 Return Sweep Block – 30 Deg
104 PT-053732-L Tail Channel – LH
105 PT-053732-R Tail Channel – RH
106 WA-015562 End Bed Spacer Weldment (Specify OAW)
107 PT-053737 Tail Pin Guide Mounting Plate
108 PT-115582-L Chain Wearstrip – LH
--- --- ---
109 PT-115582-R Chain Wearstrip – RH
110 PT-053735 Chain Guide Mounting Angle – Tail
111 PT-053731 Shoe Guard Support Channel
112 SA-023332 Sprocket Idler 100B42 W/Lagging
113 PT-103582 Tail Shaft – Slave for Induction Conveyor (Specify OAW)
114 End Shoe Cover
B-23212 Left Hand for Left hand Drive Unit
B-23213 Right Hand for Right Hand Drive Unit
115 PT-057975 Bearing Spacer Angle
116 B-18469 Oiler Brush Bracket
117 B-18450 Oiler Mount Bracket
118 095.155 Shank Brush for Chain lubricator
119 095.150 Chain Lubricator W/2 Feeds, 24V DC
120 043.205 3/4″ ID Split Lock washer
121 042.581 3/4-10 x 2-1/2″ Lg Carriage Bolt
122 041.106 3/4-10 NC2B Hex Nut – Regular
123 010.2076 Bearing – Cast Iron 4-Bolt, 2-15/16″ Bore
124 092.18101 Tail Pin Guide Block
125 PT-057731 Brush Mounting Bar – Tail
126 PT-057738 Brush Holder – Tail
127 PT-098832-288 Brush – Chain Cover, Tail
128 PT-063104 Belt Flap Mounting Angle
129 932.0076 Belt Flap for End Cover
130 PT-126624 Cover Plate
131 PT-063278-L Drive Side Plate – LH (Induction Unit)
132 PT-063278-R Drive Side Plate – RH (Induction Unit)
133 B-23159 Cover Assembly
134 B-23162 Pulley Plate Assembly
135 B-23165 8″ Drive Pulley (Specify OAW)
136 B-23575 2-1/4″ Dia Pulley (Specify OAW)
137 Slave Guard
PT-054187 Left Hand for Left Hand Drive Unit
PT-054252 Right Hand for Right Hand Drive Unit
138 PT-054188 Slave Guard Cover
139 PT-063281 Drive End Channel (Specify OAW)
140 PT-054189 Pulley Mounting Bracket
141 PT-054185 Induction Drive Channel
142 PT-062544 Slave Guard Mounting Bracket
143 B-23294 Bolt in Slider Pan (Specify OAW)
144 B-23295 Nip Point Guard (Specify OAW)
145 B-23296 6″ Take-Up Pulley (Specify OAW)
146 B-04161 Bearing Guide
147 B-09148 Bearing Guide Spacer
148 B-23297 Take-Up Plate Assembly
149 B-04842 11/16″ Hex Idler Bracket
150 2-1/2″ Roller – Conveyor Frame
B-15299-120 15″ BR
B-15299-168 21″ BR
B-15299-216 27″ BR
B-15299-264 33″ BR
B-15299-312 39″ BR
151 2-1/2″ Roller – Drive Shell
B-15299-240 30″ BR
B-15299-288 36″ BR
B-15299-336 42″ BR
B-15299-384 48″ BR
B-15299-432 54″ BR
152 B-23299-L Butt Coupling – LH
153 B-23299-R Butt Coupling – RH
154 B-23300 Top Drive Cover – Slave Side
155 B-23301 Lower Drive Guard (Specify OAW)
156 B-23302 Take-Up Bolt
157 B-23304 Idler Plate
158 B-23116 Top Drive Cover
159 010.203 1-7/16″ Bore 4-Bolt Bearing
160 010.2045 1-11/16″ Bore 4-Bolt Bearing
161 108.044327 44PTH8 – 35SD x 1-11/16″ Bore Timing Belt Sprocket
162 108.090332 90PTH8 – 35SF x 2″ Bore Timing Belt Sprocket
163 108.816003 1600PTH8M – 35 Timing Belt
164 P-01431 Side Channel Induction Unit (Specify OAL)
165 B-03916 Bed Spacer (Speify BR)
166 Bolt in Pan 18″ OAW
0265-084120 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108120 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132120 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144120 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156120 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168120 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172120 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
--- --- ---
0265-174120 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180120 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186120 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188120 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192120 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196120 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198120 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204120 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210120 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212120 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216120 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220120 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222120 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228120 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240120 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252120 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 24″ OAW
0265-084168 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108168 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132168 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144168 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156168 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168168 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172168 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174168 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180168 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186168 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188168 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192168 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196168 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198168 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204168 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210168 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212168 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216168 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220168 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222168 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228168 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240168 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252168 31-1/2 in Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 30″ OAW
0265-084216 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108216 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132216 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144216 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156216 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168216 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172216 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174216 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180216 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186216 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188216 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192216 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196216 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198216 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204216 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210216 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212216 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216216 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220216 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222216 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228216 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240216 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252216 31-1/2 in Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 36″ OAW
0265-084264 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108264 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132264 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144264 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156264 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
--- --- ---
0265-168264 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172264 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174264 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180264 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186264 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188264 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192264 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196264 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198264 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204264 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210264 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212264 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216264 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220264 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222264 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228264 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240264 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252264 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
Bolt in Pan 42″ OAW
0265-084312 10-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-108312 13-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-132312 16-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-144312 18 in. Long Pan
0265-156312 19-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-168312 21 in. Long Pan
0265-172312 21-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-174312 21-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-180312 22-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-186312 23-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-188312 23-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-192312 24 in. Long Pan
0265-196312 24-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-198312 24-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-204312 25-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-210312 26-1/4 in. Long Pan
0265-212312 26-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-216312 27 in. Long Pan
0265-220312 27-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-222312 27-3/4 in. Long Pan
0265-228312 28-1/2 in. Long Pan
0265-240312 30 in. Long Pan
0265-252312 31-1/2 in. Long Pan
167 1.9 O.D. Galv. Roller Assy.
B-01982-120 15″ BR
B-01982-168 21″ BR
B-01982-216 27″ BR
B-01982-264 33″ BR
B-01982-312 39″ BR
168 2-1/8 ” Dia. Idler
B-03894-120 15″ BR
B-03894-168 21″ BR
B-03894-216 27″ BR
B-03894-264 33″ BR
B-03894-312 39″ BR
169 B-00944 7/16″ Hex Idler Bracket
170 B-23575 2-1/4″ Dia. Pulley (Specify BR)
171 B-23578 Pulley Mount
172 B-23579 Nip Point Guard (Specify BR)
173 B-23581-L Gussett Angle – LH
174 B-23581-R Gussett Angle – RH
175 B-03191 Butt Coupling
176 B-23585 Belt Kit (Specify Infeed Section Lgth and OAW)
177 SA-061960 Pull Assembly (Specify OAW) (Not Shown)
178 B-24596 Chain Pick-Up Tool – Flat (Not Shown)
179 B-24591 Chain Pick-Up Tool – Bent (Not Shown)
180 SA-023516 Safety Switch Assembly – See Page 37
181 032.293 Encoder – 30PPR (Not Shown)
182 042.49010 1/4 x 1-1/4 Lg Shoulder Bolt (Not Shown)
183 PT-093001 End Coder Cover (Not Shown)

Pneumatic Divert Switch Assembly Parts Drawing

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Assembly

1 Switch Channel
PT-051011 Left Hand
PT-051456 Right Hand
2 PT-051013 Switch mounting Angle
3 Switch Plate Weldment
WA-014806 Left Hand
WA-014807 Right Hand
4 Prox Switch mounting Angle
PT-051422 Left Hand
PT-051466 Right Hand
5 PT-051468 Air Cylinder mounting Angle
6 092.1849 Lead-In Block
7 092.1847 Switch Block
8 divert Block
092.18492    Left Hand
092.18491    Right Hand
9 092.183 Switch Bearing
10 094.1213 Air Cylinder – 5/8” Stroke, 32 mm Bore
11 094.10795 4-Way Single Solenoid Air Valve – 1/8” NPT
12 032.2113 Smart Proximity Switch – 24 VdC, Custom
13 32.21121 Cordset – for Proximity Switch 032.2112
14 0923.0059 Muffler
15 094.14 Brass Conn-Straight male, 1/4” PLST – 1/8” NPT
16 094.1406 Plastic Elbow – male, 360° Swivel w/Ret
17 094.14015 Brass Conn-Straight male, 1/8” NPT – 3/8” PLST
18 094.14089 Plastic Union Tee – 1/2” PLST – 1/2” PLST
19 094.14083 Plastic Elbow – 3/8” PLST – 1/2” Push-In
20 094.1465 Plug-In Reducer – 3/8” PLST – 1/2” Push-In
21 094.1149 3/8” Od Polyurethane Tubing – Black
22 094.11481 1/4” Od Polyurethane Tubing – Green
23 032.21124 Y-Plug Cable Connector
24 019.2222 female Rod End – 3/8” Bore, 3/8-24 Rh Thrds
25 092.163 Rubber Vibration mount – 1 1/2” dia
26 040.303 3/8-16 x 1” Lg Hex Head Cap Screw
27 042.662 3/8-16 x 2” Lg Hex Skt flt Hd Cap Screw
28 042.664 3/8-16 x 2 3/4” Lg Hex Skt flt Hd cap Screw
29 041.798 3/8-16 NC2B Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
30 043.102 3/8” Id flat Steel Washer
31 041.1021 3/8-24 Nf2B Hex Nut – Regular Series
32 041.505 3/8-24 Nf2B hex 2-Way Locknut – Reg
33 040.1005 1/4-20 x 1/2” Lg Hex Head Cap Screw
34 042.653 1/4-20 x 1 1/4” Lg Hex Skt flt Hd Cap Screw
35 042.654 1/4-20 2” Lg Hex Skt flt Hd Cap Screw
36 041.800 1/4-20 NC2B hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
37 042.59025 #6-32 x 1 1/4” Lg Socket Head mach Screw
38 042.5902 #6-32 x 1” Lg Scoket Head mach Screw
39 041.8005 #6-32 Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
40 043.202 3/8” Id Split Lockwasher, medium

Electric Divert Switch Assembly Parts Drawing

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Assembly Parts

1 Switch Channel
PT-124169 Left Hand
PT-112230 Right Hand
2 Prox Mounting Angle
PT-124179 Left Hand
PT-116223 Right Hand
3 PT-117772 Switch Mounting Angle
4 PT-112229 Spacer Plate
5 PT-109968 Cam
6 WA-034602 Switch Pivot
7 941.810101 Baldor Servo
8 098.160 Spacer – .515 ID x .875 OD x .625 Lg
9 Divert Block
092.18492 Left Hand
092.18491 Right Hand
10 092.1849 Lead-in Block
11 092.1848 Switch Block
12 092.1832 Bearing Block
13 092.163 Rubber Vibration Mount
14 043.102 1/2 ID Flat Washer
15 042.6642 3/8-16 x 3 1/4” Lg Skt Flt Hd Cap Screw
16 042.663 3/8-16 x 2 1/2” Lg Skt Flt Hd Cap Screw
17 042.6535 1/4-20 x 1 3/4” Lg Hex Skt Flt Hd Cap Screw
18 042.59555 1/4-20 x 2 1/2” Lg Skt Hd Cap Screw
19 041.800 1/4-20 Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
20 041.7989 5/16-18 Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
21 041.798 3/8-16 Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
22 041.796 1/2-13 Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert
23 040.2031 5/16-18 x 2” Lg Hex Hd Cap Screw
24 040.1005 1/4-20 x 1/2” Lg Hex Cap Screw
25 032.2113 Smart Prox Switch
26 042.80526 M5-.8 x 25M Lg Hex Skt Hd Cap Screw
27 046.061 M5-.8MM Hex Locknut – Nylon Insert

Safety Switch Assembly

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor - Safety Switch

1 PT-054698 Switch Sensor Plate (Specify OAW)
2 PT-054699-L Mounting Bracket – LH, Safety Prox
3 PT-054669-R Mounting Bracket – RH, Safety Prox
4 Switch Sensor Belt
069.7161 33” OAW
069.7162 39” OAW
069.7163 45” OAW
069.7165 51” OAW
069.7166 57” OAW
5 032.2116 Prox Switch – DC, Normally Open
6 941.423003 Cable – 4 pin, 3m, Str Push F to Pigtail
7 041.100 1/4-20 Hex Nut – Semi-Fin, Regular
8 042.3027 1/4-20 x 1 3/4” Lg Truss Head Bolt
9 090.220 Red Vinyl Plastisol Cap
10 042.300 1/4-20 x 1/2” Long Tress Head Bolt
11 049.527 1/4-20 Small Flange Locknut
12 040.302 3/8-16 x 3/4” Lg Hex Head Cap Screw
13 049.5285 3/8-16 Small Flange Locknut

Preventive Maintenance Checklist **


Note: Check Set Screw for proper torque value after the first 24 hours of operation.
The following is a general maintenance checklist which covers the major components of your conveyor. This will be helpful in establishing a standard maintenance schedule.

Motor Check Noise
Check Temperature
Check Mounting Bolts
Reducer Check Noise
Check Temperature
Check Oil Level
Carrying Chains Check Lubrication
Check Tension
Carrying Chains Sprockets Check Alignment with Chain Guards
Slat/Shoe Assemblies Check Physical Condition
Check Operation
Carrying Chain Guides Check for Wear

Divert Switches

| Check Physical Condition| | |
Check Operation| | |
Chain Oiler| Check Oil Level| | |
Air Regulator| Check Pressure (60 P.S.I. Normal)| | |
Air Filter| Check Physical Condition| | |
Structural| General Check: Check All Loose Bolts, etc. tightened| | |
Divert Blocks| Check Physical Condition| | |
Divert Angles| Check Physical Condition| | |

HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor -
“Building Relationships One Conveyor Part at a Time” support@hytrolparts.com
Use code HYPMANUAL for free shipping on your first order at HytrolParts.com
“Building Relationships One Conveyor Part at a Time”

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| HYTROL ProSort 400 Elite High Speed Sortation Conveyor [pdf] Instruction Manual
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