DETECTO 750C Clinical Weight Indicator with WiFi Bluetooth User Manual

June 4, 2024

DETECTO 750C Clinical Weight Indicator with WiFi Bluetooth

750C Clinical Weight Indicator with WiFi Bluetooth


This manual is furnished for the 750C Clinical Weight Indicator with the Redbird Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless transmitter inside the weight indicator enclosure. It has been supplied in addition to the 750 Weight Indicator Owner’s Manual, 8555-M483-O1, and should be consulted for guidance through setup and operation of the Redbird Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (BLE) wireless transmitter.

All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without expressed written permission, of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the Seller assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. All instructions and diagrams have been checked for accuracy and ease of application; however, success and safety in working with tools depend to a great extent upon the individual accuracy, skill and caution. For this reason, the Seller is not able to guarantee the result of any procedure contained herein. Nor can they assume responsibility for any damage to property or injury to persons occasioned from the procedures. Persons engaging the procedures do so entirely at their own risk.

Contains FCC ID: 2ADHKWINC3400

  1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
    (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
    (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

  2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment must be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and user body.


The wireless transmitter inside the 750C weight indicator enclosure can easily be enabled and configured for use on a Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi Features
  • Soft Access Point (AP) for setting credentials for Wi-Fi module
  • Setup option to select static or dynamic IP address
  • Built-in web server to display weight, height, and BMI
  • TCP/IP connection for continuous output of weight, height, and BMI


Enable and Configure Wi-Fi Networking

The 750C allows you to view and change network settings without having to perform setup using the calibration switch. The operational settings are entered using the keypad.

  • When a prompt is displayed, press the key to view the current setting.
  • To retain the setting and proceed to the next prompt, press the key.
  • To change a setting, press the a or b keys to select a new setting, and then press the key to save it. NOTE: Holding the a or b key down will rapidly increase or decrease the setting displayed.

NOTE: Factory Network Settings are: , and , (  = Off and = On).
To enable and configure Wi-Fi networking:

  1. With the indicator turned Off, press and hold the key and then press the key to turn the indicator on.

  2. The indicator will perform a lamp test, display the model number and software revision, and then display the = prompt.

  3. When the is display showing =, release the key.

  4. Next, press the key until the prompt  is displayed.

  5. With the display showing  press the key to view the current setting. Press the or keys to select (1 = On), and then press the key to save it.

  6. The display will change to . Press the key to view the current setting. If it is acceptable, press the key again. Otherwise, press the or keys to select a new setting and then press the key to save it.
    Allowable settings are: ( = Off) or  ( = On).
    NOTE: Select ( = Off) to use a static IP address or select ( = On) to use a dynamic IP address assigned by a DHCP server. Consult with your network administrator for the proper selection.

  7. The next prompt will be , the first octet of the static IP address.
    a. If was set to (1 = On), nothing needs to be entered here. Press the key until the prompt is displayed.
    b. If was set to (0 = Off), press the key to view the current setting of ) , the first octet of the static IP address. For example, if the static IP address is “”, press the or key until the display shows 192, and then press the key.
    c. The next three prompts will be , , and for the remaining three octets of the IP address. Press the key to view the current setting of each octet of the IP address. Next, press the or key until the display shows the correct setting for the octet, and then press the key. Repeat this for each octet.

  8. The next prompt will be , the first octet of the network subnet mask.
    a. If was set to (1 = On), nothing needs to be entered here. Press the key until the prompt =`7/9> is displayed.
    b. If 3$> was set to (0 = Off), press the key to view the current setting of *<2 >, the first octet of the network subnet mask. Press the or key until the display shows the correct setting for the octet, and then press the key.
    c. The next three prompts will be , , and for the remaining three octets of the subnet mask. Press the key to view the current setting of each octet of the subnet mask. Next, press the a or b key until the display shows the correct setting for the octet, and then press the key. Repeat this for each octet.

  9. The next prompt will be , for the first octet of the network gateway’s IP address.
    a. If was set to (1 = On), nothing needs to be entered here. Press the key until the prompt is displayed.
    b. If was set to (0 = Off), press the key to view the current setting of , the first octet of the network gateway’s IP address. Press the or key until the display shows the correct setting for the octet, and then press the key.
    c. The next three prompts will be , , and for the remaining three octets of the gateway’s IP address. Press the key to view the current setting of each octet of the gateway’s IP address. Next, press the or key until the display shows the correct setting for the octet, and then press the key. Repeat this for each octet.

  10. The display will prompt . This is the prompt to clear the Wi-Fi credentials (SSID and password).
    a. To clear the credentials, press the or key until (1 = On) is displayed and then press the key. The credentials will be cleared. The indicator will reset and then display weight. Proceed to the Configure Wi-Fi Network Module section.
    b. To retain the credentials, press the or key until (0 = Off) is displayed and then press the key. The credentials will be retained. The indicator will reset and then display weight. Proceed to the Configure Wi-Fi Network Module section.

Configure Wi-Fi Network Module

Without Wi-Fi credentials, the Wi-Fi module will enter listening mode, in which it functions as a Wi-Fi access point. The SSID of the AP is of the form “REDBIRD_WIFI_XX:XX”, where XX:XX is the last 4-digits of the MAC address. Use a Wi-Fi device, such as a Smartphone, tablet, or laptop to connect to the indicator. If the connection fails, try moving the indicator to another location or turn the indicator off and back on.

When the connection has been made, open a web browser and go to the location The “Configure Wi-Fi” page should appear.

Click on the Scan button to see a list of available Wi-Fi networks.

Enter the Network Name (SSID), Password, and Device Name (optional) for the network you wish to connect to. Note that the Device Name can be anything. Click on the Connect button and the module should try to connect to that network. This may take several seconds. The module will store these network credentials and connect to this network each time the indicator is turned on.

Changing the Network Credentials

To change the network credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. With the indicator turned Off, press and hold the key and then press the key.
  2. The indicator will perform a lamp test, display the model number and software revision, and then display prompt.
  3. Release the key, and then press the key until the prompt is showing.
  4. Press the key once again.
  5. Next, press the or key until (1 = On) is displayed.
  6. Press the key. This will clear the network credentials.
  7. Repeat the steps in the previous paragraph to set the new network credentials.


Web Server

While the indicator is connected to a network you can access the hosted web page. To view the web page, proceed to the IP address of the Redbird module with “/webserver.html” added to it. For example, if the IP address is “”, enter and a page like the following should appear.

TCP/IP Connection

Continuous output is available by TCP/IP connection to the indicator’s IP address at port 10001.

  • The indicator will transmit a single set of weight data each time the SMA weight request W is received.
  • Each time the SMA weight request R is received, the indicator will transmit weight data continually until another SMA command is received.

SMA format for both command W and R.



LF = Line feed (hex 0A) = Start of response message
s = Scale Status definition
  Z = Center of Zero <>= 0.000
  O = Over Capacity <>= +weight
  U = Under Capacity <>= -weight
  E = Zero Error (clears when condition clears)
  = None of the above conditions

NOTE: For “E” error condition <>= ————— (center dashes) and “Z”, “O”, “U” is overridden
r =| Range (“1”, “2”, “3”, etc.) always “1” for single range
n =| Mode of Operation (Gross/Net status)
 | G = Gross normal weight
 | T = Tare weight (in response to “M” command)
 | N = Net normal weight
 | g = gross weight in high-resolution
 | n = net weight in high-resolution
m =| Motion status
 | M = Scale in Motion
 | = Scale not in Motion
f =| Future = Reserved for future or custom use =| Weight with decimal point if necessary
uuu =| Units = e. g. lb, kg
CR =| Carriage Return (hex 0D) = End of response message

SMA Commands

Once a TCP/IP connection has been made to the indicator, you can issue SMA commands to it. The indicator will respond to the SMA commands in the format shown in the Response column of the WI-FI AND BLUETOOTH SMA COMMANDS table on pages 11 and 12 of this manual.


The wireless transmitter inside the 750C weight indicator enclosure can easily be enabled and configured to connect to a Bluetooth-capable device using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). When possible, BLE standard specifications are used (those that are adopted by the Bluetooth SIG).
Custom services were created to request indicator and scale information whose communication protocol was developed by the Scale Manufacturers Association (SMA).

Features Available via BLE
  • Device Information Service
    o Manufacturer Name
    o Model Number
    o Software Revision

  • Battery Service
    o Battery Level Percentage

  • Weight Scale Service
    o Weight Measurement
    o Weight Scale Feature

  • Custom Services
    o Detecto SMA Service

Enable Bluetooth (BLE) Networking

NOTE: Factory Network Settings are: , , and , ( = Off and = On).

To enable Bluetooth (BLE) networking:

  1. With the indicator turned Off, press and hold the key and then press the key to turn the indicator on.
  2. The indicator will perform a lamp test, display the model number and software revision, and then display the prompt.
  3. When the is display showing , release the key.
  4. Next, press the key until the prompt is displayed.
  5. With the display showing press the key to view the current setting. Press the a or b keys to select (1 = On), and then press the key to save it.
  6. Press the key repeatedly until the indicator resets and displays weight. The indicator is now ready to pair with a Bluetooth-capable device.

| IMPORTANT! If an attempt is made to turn the Bluetooth (BLE) off when a device is connected to the indicator, the display will show an error message . Before the Bluetooth (BLE) can be turned off, the device must be disconnected from the indicator or the indicator must be turned Off and back On.

Bluetooth Pairing

To pair a Bluetooth-capable device with the indicator, select the name of the indicator from the list of available connections: 750 Scale XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. Note that the X’s represents the MAC address of the BLE wireless transmitter in the indicator.

NOTE: If there are multiple indicators in close proximity, press and hold the ► key for about 5 seconds until the display shows the prompt . Next, press the key until the display is showing , the Bluetooth (BLE) advertisement data. Press the key again and the BLE advertisment data will scroll across the display. Note that the colons between the MAC address will not be shown.

When a stable reading is achieved, and the indicator is paired with a Bluetooth-capable device, the reading will transmit when the connected device sends a request to receive data.


NOTE: 16-bit (4-digit) UUID’s are adopted standards. 128-bit (32 digit) UUID’s are custom services or characteristics.

Standard Services per Bluetooth SIG
Reference adopted specifications at

Device Information Service (0x180A)

Characteristics Number Value(s) Attributes
Manufacturer Name String 0x2A29 “Detecto” READ
Model Number String 0x2A24 “750-C” READ
Software Revision String 0x2A28 “1.0.XX” software of indicator READ

Battery Service (0x180F)

Characteristics Number Value(s) Attributes
Battery Level 0x180F 0x00 – 0x64 (uint16), represents 0 – 100 percent READ

Weight Scale Service (0x181D)

Characteristics Number Value(s) Attributes
Weight Measurement 0x2A9D <8bit Flag>

Supported Flags:
Flag bit0: 0 = SI, 1 = Imperial
bit3: 0 = BMI and Height not present
1 = BMI and Height present
bit4: 0 = Not below zero
1 = Below zero

Wt is KG with resolution 0.0005 Ht is meters with resolution 0.001

Wt is lbs with resolution 0.01 Ht is inches with resolution 0.1

Weight Scale Feature| 0x2A9E| NOT YET IMPLEMENTED|

  • If the weight is below zero (0), the weight you will see is zero (0).
  • If the weight is below zero (0), bit 4 of Weight Measurement will be set to 1, otherwise bit 4 is set to zero (0).

NOTE: Maximum weight value displayed is 655.35 in both pounds (lb) and kilograms (kg).


Bluetooth Characteristic – Weight_Measurement: 0x2A9D
Widely accepted BLE GATT profiles are used to transmit data to other devices/software that have implemented these profiles. Data is passed via BLE using GATT characteristic “Weight Measurement” (0x2A9D) as defined by Bluetooth SIG. Refer to the data table below about Weight Measurement Characteristics.

Weight_Measurement: 0x2A9D

Flags| Mandatory| 8bit| N/A| N/A| BITFIELD
Bit| Size| Name| Definition
Kev| Value| Requires
0| 1| Measurement Units| 0| SI (Weight a1d Mass inUnits ofKilogram(kg) and Height in Unitsof Meter)| Cl
1| Impeiral (Weight and Mass in Units of P,) und (lb)and Heiaht inUnits ofinch (in )| C2
1| 1| TimeStamp Present| 0| False|
1| True| C3
2| 1| User ID Present| 0| False|
1| True| C4
3| 1| BMl and Height Present| 0| False|
1| True| C5
4| 1| BelowZero| 0| Not BelowZero|
1| t:lelowLero
Weight- SI| Cl| uint16| N/A| N/A| Information: Unit is in kilograms with a resolution of 0.005 and is determined when bit 0 of the Flaai field is set to 0
Unit: org.bluetooth.unit.mass.oound
Exponent: Decimal, -3
Multiplier: 5
Weight- Imperial| C2| uint16| N/A| N/A| Information: Unit is in pounds with a resolut ion of 0.01 and is determinedwhen bit 0 of the Flaqs field is set to 1
Unit: org.bluetooth.unit.mass.oound
Exponent: Decimal, 02.
Time Stamp| C3|  | N/A| N/A| Information: Smallest unit in seconds
User ID| C4| uint8| N/A| N/A| The special value of OXFF (255 Decimal) for User D represents “unknown user”.
Information: Unit is unitless with a resolution of 1
 | Key| Value
255| Unknown user
Unit: oro.bluetooth.unit.unitless
Exponent: Decimal, 0
BMI| C5| uint16| N/A| N/A| Infor mation: Unit is unitless ‘Mith a resolution of 0.1
Unit: oro.bluetooth.unit.unit ess
Exoonent: Decimal, -1
Height- SI| Cl
C5| uint16| N/A| N/A| Information: Unit is in meters with a resolution of 0.001 and is determined when bit 0 of the Flaas field is set to 0.
Unit: orq.bluetooth.unit.length.meter
Exponent: Decimal, -3
Height- Imperial| C2
C5| uint16| N/A| N/A| Information: Unit is in inches with a resolution of 0.1 and is determined when bit 0 of the Flaas field is set to 1.
Unit:: ora.bluetooth.unit.length.inch
Exponent: Decimal, 0-1

Custom Services

Detecto SMA Service (0x907a0000-8699-47dd-ab30-d7aad5f83e54)
All custom characteristics have the same base number of the Service UUID 0x907aXXXX8699-47dd-ab30-d7aad5f83e54 where the XXXX part distinguishes the service.

Characteristics Sub Number Value(s) Attributes
Rx Cmd 0001 SMA string received by indicator (up to 20 chars) WRITE
Tx Cmd 0002 SMA string sent by indicator (up to 20 chars) NOTIFY
SMA Commands

The SMA commands shown in the WI-FI AND BLUETOOTH SMA COMMANDS table on pages 11 and 12 of this manual can be sent using the Detecto SMA Service’s Rx Cmd characteristic (0x907a0001-8699-47dd-ab30-d7aad5f83e54).

Responses will put out a notification on the Tx Cmd characteristic (0x907a0002-8699-47ddab30-d7aad5f83e54).


The format used to send SMA commands to the indicator is: command


Where “command” is the ASCII letter(s), or the Hex Rep. listed in the table below. For example, Z or 0A5A0D would send the command to zero the scale. Note that the response of each command is listed under the Response column of the table.

| Any invalid command sent will return a question mark for a response. For example, sending a XZ will return 0A 3F 0D (?).
Command| Hex Rep.| Response
Z – zero scale| 0A5A0D| None. You should see scale zero itself.
D – scale diagnostics| 0A440D| 0A 20 20 20 20 0D = means there are no errors, EEPROM error will show an E in the second space and C will show in the third space if there is a calibration error. 20 = SPACE
W – request weight| 0A570D| 0A 5A 31 47 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 2E 30 30 6C 62 0D = Z1G 000000.00lb
H – request high resolution weight| 0A480D| 0A 5A 31 67 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 2E 30 31 6C 62 0D = Z1g 000000.01lb
A – about scale first line| 0A410D| 0A 53 4D 41 3A 32 2F 31 2E 31 0D = SMA:2/1.1
B – about scale scroll| 0A420D| Each time sent you will get the next line of information until there is no longer any information.
1. 0A 4D 46 47 3A 44 65 74 65 63 74 6F 0D = MFG:Detecto
3. 0A 4D 4F 44 3A 37 35 30 2D 43 0D = MOD:750-C
3. 0A 52 45 56 3A 58 2E 58 2E 58 58 0D = REV:X.X.XX
5. 0A 45 4E 44 3A 0D = END:
6. If B is sent again you will get the unknown command response until the A command is sent again. 0A 3F 0D = ?
I – scale information| 0A490D| 0A 53 4D 41 3A 32 2F 31 2E 31 0D = SMA:2/1.1
Command| Hex Rep.| Hex Rep Response
N – scale information scroll| 0A4E0D| Each time sent you will get the next line of scale information until there is no longer any information.
1. 0A 54 59 50 3A 53 0D = TYP:S
2. 0A 43 41 50 3A 20 6C 62 3A 36 30 30 2E 30 3A 32 3A 31 0D = CAP: lb:600.0:2:1, this depends on the settings of the indicator.
600.0 – Capacity, 2 – Interval, & 1 – Decimal 3. 0A 43 4D 44 3A 48 52 49 4E 58 0D = CMD:HRINX
4. 0A 45 4E 44 3A 0D = END:
5. If N is sent again you will get the unknown command response until the I command is sent again. 0A 3F 0D = ?
R – Repeat Displayed Weight Continuously| 0A520D| 0A 5A 31 47 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 2E 30 30 6C 62 0D = Z1G 000000.00lb, you should get this continuously until another SMA command is received.
XB – battery level percentage| 0A58420D| 0A 38 36 2E 32 35 0D = 86.25


The 750C Clinical Weight Indicator allows you to easily view the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Settings without having to perform a calibration switch setup. To display the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Settings, follow the steps below:

  1. With no weight on the scale, press and hold the ► key for about 5 seconds until the display shows the prompt .

  2. With the display showing press the key to view the Redbird software revision, and then press the key to view the next setting.

  3. If Wi-Fi is enabled , the following settings will be shown:
    a. With the display showing , press the key. The Wi-Fi status Connected or Disconnected ( connect or diSCon ) will be displayed. Press the key to view the next setting.
    b. The next four prompts will be , , , and , the four octets1 of the IP address. Press the key to view the setting of each octet of the IP address. After viewing the setting for 55 1d = , press the key to view the next setting.
    c. The next prompt will be 55 1d = , the network name. Press the key to view the **)> setting, and then press the key to view to the next setting.

  4. The next prompt will be Ad , the Bluetooth (BLE) advertisement data. Press the key. The Bluetooth (BLE) advertisement data 750 Scale XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX will scroll across the display. Note that the X’s represents the MAC address and that the colons between the MAC address will not be shown.
    NOTE: The factory setting for Bluetooth (BLE) is On, (1 = On). If Bluetooth (BLE) has been turned Off, (0 = off), the Bluetooth (BLE) advertisement setting will not be displayed.

  5. When the display stops scrolling, press the key. The display will change back to showing live weight.

  6. The indicator is now ready for normal operation.

If the Wi-Fi is Disconnected ( d , 5C on ), and a scan of the Wi-Fi networks shows “REDBIRD_WIFI_XX:XX” AP, then the Wi-Fi module is in listening mode. Refer to the Configure Wi-Fi Network Module section for the procedure to set the Wi-Fi credentials.


Detecto Scale warrants its equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship as follows: Detecto warrants to the original purchaser only that it will repair or replace any part of equipment which is defective in material or workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of shipment. Detecto shall be the sole judge of what constitutes a defect.

During the first ninety (90) days Detecto may choose to replace the product at no charge to the buyer upon inspection of the returned item.

After the first ninety (90) days , upon inspection of the returned item, Detecto will repair or replace it with a remanufactured product. The customer is responsible for paying for the freight both ways.

This warranty does not apply to peripheral equipment not manufactured by Detecto; this equipment will be covered by certain manufacturer’s warranty only.

This warranty does not include replacement of expendable or consumable parts. This does not apply to any item which has deteriorated or damaged due to wear, accident, misuse, abuse, improper line voltage, overloading, theft, lightning, fire, water or acts of God, or due to extended storage or exposure while in purchaser’s possession. This warranty does not apply to maintenance service. Purchased parts will have a ninety (90) day repair or replacement warranty only.

Detecto may require the suspect product to be returned to the factory; item(s) must be properly packed and shipping charges prepaid. A return authorization number must be obtained for all returns and marked on the outside of all returned packages. Detecto accepts no responsibility for loss or damage in transit.

Conditions Which Void Limited Warranty
This warranty shall not apply to equipment which:
A.) Has been tampered with, defaced, mishandled or has had repairs and modifications not authorized by Detecto.
B.) Has had serial number altered, defaced, or removed.
C.) Has not been grounded according to Detecto’s recommended procedure.

Freight Carrier Damage

Claims for equipment damaged in transit must be referred to the freight carrier in accordance with freight carrier regulations.

This warranty sets forth the extent of our liability for breach of any warranty or deficiency in connection with the sale or use of the product. Detecto will not be liable for consequential damages of any nature, including but not limited to, loss of profit, delays or expenses, whether based on tort or contract. Detecto reserves the right to incorporate improvements in material and design without notice and is not obligated to incorporate improvements in equipment previously manufactured.

The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied including any warranty that extends beyond the description of the product including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This warranty covers only those Detecto products installed in the forty-eight (48) contiguous continental United States.

8555-0547-0M Rev B y 750C Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Manual


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