Jan Baby Carrier Ergonomic Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

Jan Baby Carrier Ergonomic Owner’s Manual
Jan Baby Carrier Ergonomic


  • A. Padded straps with the vertical belts inside.

  • B. Zipped pocket to put the hood in.

  • C. Wide body of the baby carrier for its ergonomic function.
    Fits the wearer’s stomach like a second skin.

  • D. Abdominal belt with safety buckle.

  • E. Abdominal belt strap with opening buckle.

  • F. Front pocket.

  • G. Fastening press studs to attach the inner leg insert.

  • H. Rear middle belt that balances and joins the straps together.

  • I. Central inner leg insert (for use during the baby’s first few months).

  • J. Inner pocket to store the leg insert when not in use.

  • K. Belts with transversal straps to adjust the position.

  • L. Headrest – neck protector (when the hood is inside).

  • M. Hood straps to fit the baby snugly.

  • N. Hood fastening button.




Weight| Opening legs position| Max. 9 Kilos| 100% ALGODON COTTON
| |


LIKE is the new baby carrier from JANÉ that has the latest technology used in ergonomic baby carriers and guarantees optimal freedom of movement for the wearer when carrying the baby.
This generation of baby carriers “hug” the wearer’s body like a second skin and creates a comfortable, cosy nest for the baby, strengthening the bond between mother and baby.
Like lets you carry your child and can be used as a baby backpack and a baby carrier for all stages and in three positions (front, back and side). Suitable for use from birth until the baby weighs 18 kilos.
This baby carrier complies with safety standard UNE EN 13209-2: 2016 (Baby carrier backpacks) and also with the document regulating the use of “Children’s slings” CEN/TR 16512.

What do you want when looking for a baby carrier for you and your child?

  1. If you’re looking for a baby carrier that is COMFORTABLE FOR THE WEARER, LIKE is designed to be comfortable for the adult as it distributes the weight evenly thanks to its extensive fabric across the stomach and wide back belt, which means that the weight is not all concentrated on the back as it is with a normal papoose.

  2. If you’re looking for a baby carrier that can be used FROM BIRTH…. Like is fitted with head and neck protection to carry your baby right from when you leave hospital.
    This support will protect the baby while you walk, while the baby is unable to support the weight of his head. And the leg insert
    fits the height and width of your baby’s body in line with the regulations for baby carriers used with babies weighing less than 2.5 kg.

  3. If you’re looking for an ERGONOMIC BABY CARRIER…. The LIKE has been designed to carry the baby in the best position right from his first few months.
    This means the leg opening has been designed so that the baby’s legs are in the frog position, which ensures the child’s hips develop correctly and prevents hip dislocation.
    This position is highly recommended by pediatricians to strengthen the hip area and help correct maturation until the child starts walking.
    What is congenital hip dislocation?
    Congenital hip dislocation (CHD) also known as developmental dysplasia of the hip, is the most common severe orthopedic malformation of the hip joint.

  4. If you’re looking for a baby carrier that is QUICK TO PUT ON AND EASY TO CHANGE POSITION, the LIKE has a full opening system, so it is very easy to get the baby out to change his position whenever you want.
    It is so easy to put on, with just two clicks of the buckles, and the layout of the straps and belts mean you can change the position quickly and safely.

    Can I carry my baby on my back?? Or on my hip??
    You Like baby carrier has been designed and made so that you can carry your child in all his stages and in the three most comfortable positions for you and your child: on your chest, on your back and on your hip, provided that your child is facing you.
    But as the LIKE is an ergonomic baby carrier, it is not possible to carry your child facing outwards like the option offered by some of our other Jané baby carriers (Kangaroo, Travel Dual….)

    Like has been designed so you can carry your baby while he is asleep.
    The option of the hood which can be taken out of the front pocket will help you to protect the child so he can carry on sleeping peacefully, and it can also be used as a headrest until the child can support his head unaided.

Carrying Instruction

Carrying Instruction

Carrying Instruction


From birth, your baby will go through several stages until he is able to walk by himself. LIKE will help you carry your child throughout all these stages until your child starts walking.
LIKE, can be used as a baby carrier or a baby sling.
The difference is based on the child’s age.
From newborn up until about 3 ½ months, it is advisable to use the baby carrier with the leg insert option (See page 3 with the parts list) as the baby is very small and his body as well as his legs need to be protected in the baby carrier.
The leg insert will prevent the baby from slipping through any of the side openings while helping to protect his body so he is correctly positioned in the LIKE baby carrier.
During this first stage of your baby you should only use the front position carrying your child on your chest (facing you).
This will strengthen the bond between you and your baby while providing maximum protection and heat.
During this first stage, the straps of your LIKE play a very important role.
You can wear them vertically or crossed over.


Straps Parallels
Straps Crossed


To position the baby in the insert, follow the steps below and see the diagrams above as a guide:

  • STEP 1: First put the baby carrier on fastening the abdominal belt buckles and then pull the straps to tighten the belt until it fits you correctly making it safe for your baby.
    You will hear the buckle click when fitted correctly. Make sure that the buckles are securely fastened and roll the surplus section of the strap up in the elastic band so it does not hang down and get in your way.

  • STEP 2:  Check that the buckles on the straps of the baby carrier are all fastened and that they are straight and vertical, parallel to your arms.
    Straps Parallels

  • STEP 3:  Take the leg insert of your LIKE out of the inner pocket and pull it towards you.
    Straps Parallels

  • STEP 4: Pick your baby up. Sit down and spread the LIKE out with one hand, then lie your baby down face up as if you were going to change his nappy.
    Next, pull the insert up between the baby’s legs with one hand and hold your baby’s body with the other hand.

  • STEP 5: Fasten the insert with the press stud (one of the two on the front part of the baby carrier) to secure the baby’s leg so he can’t slip behind the leg opening of the Like.
    Repeat the same step on the other side. Make sure that these press studs are securely fastened.

  • STEP 6: As your baby grows you will find you no longer need to use the insert. Gradually his feet will stick out at first, then his legs right up to his knees.
    When this happens you can stop using the insert. Make sure that the child’s feet NEVER get caught between the abdominal belt and your waist.
    Straps Parallels

  • STEP 7: Put your arm through one of the straps while holding the child with the other hand.
    Then switch hands and put your other arm through the strap making sure you continue to hold the child securely against your chest.
    Straps Parallels

  • STEP 8: Lastly, fasten the buckle on your back to join the straps together to make sure they don’t slip down your shoulders and to keep them perfectly balanced.

  • STEP 9: Check that your shoulders are at the same height and that the central straps are not too close to your neck, they should be in the middle of your back, just below the shoulder blades.
    STEP 10:  Adjust the height and width of the straps simply by pulling them. Enjoy the comfort of the LIKE and the way it protects your child.
    Straps Parallels


  • STEP 1: First put the baby carrier on fastening the abdominal belt buckles and then pull the straps to tighten the belt until it fits you correctly making it safe for your baby.
    You will hear the buckle click when fitted correctly.
    Make sure that the buckles are securely fastened and roll the surplus section of the strap up in the elastic band so it does not hang down and get in your way.

  • STEP 2: Unfasten all the buckles on the straps of the baby carrier so that it is completely open.

  • STEP 3:  Take the leg insert of your LIKE out of the inner pocket and pull it towards you.
    Straps Crossed
    STEP 4: Pick your baby up. Sit down with the abdominal belt in place and lie the baby face up on the baby carrier as if you were going to change his nappy.
    Next, pull the insert up between the baby’s legs with one hand and hold your baby’s body with the other hand.

  • STEP 5: Fasten the insert with the press stud (one of the two on the front part of the baby carrier) to secure the baby’s leg so he can’t slip behind the leg opening of the Like.
    Repeat the same step on the other side.
    Make sure that these press studs are securely fastened.

  • STEP 6: Place one strap over your shoulder and fasten it with the buckle of the strap on the other side, while holding your child securely against your chest with your other hand.
    Repeat this step with the other arm.
    Straps Crossed

  • STEP 7:  Check that the straps are crossed over on your back and are not twisted and do not slide down your shoulders.
    Straps Crossed

  • STEP 8: Adjust the height and width of the straps simply by pulling them.
    Enjoy the comfort of the LIKE and the way it protects your child.
    Straps Crossed
    Straps Crossed


Three Positions


Hip Carrying

In a few months you’ll see that your child is no longer a newborn baby and is starting to gain some control over his body, although he still won’t be able to support his head (this happens when the baby is about five or six months old), and your child may have grown so much that you do not need the leg insert any more.
However, the neck support should still be used at this stage.
It is advisable to make sure that the neck protector always has the hood inside it so it is padded and firm enough to be used as a headrest.
The hood is stored in the front inner pocket with the zip closed, as it should not be used until the child reaches the second stage.


At around five or six months old, your child will be able to support his head by himself and will be more interested than ever in exploring his surroundings.
Now is the time to store the leg insert inside the Like.
The baby’s bottom will fill the baby carrier better, you will be able to use all the positions offered by the LIKE and you will also be able to use the inner hood of the LIKE when your baby is sleeping or if it is cold… etc.
To use the hood, simply undo the zip of the baby carrier on the top front part and take the hood out.
Remember that using the hood means the neck protector does not work.
Always make sure that your child can support his head unaided.
To fit the hood fasten the strips to the buttons on your shoulder straps.
There are three positions to choose from so your baby’s head is at the right height.
If you are carrying your child on your back, you can open the hood by reaching round and undoing the zip, taking the hood out and fastening it to your shoulder straps.
The side strips on the hood are fastened to one of the three press studs on your shoulders.
At this stage, you can carry your child in any of the three positions.


Remember that your baby should be carried in the frontal position (on your chest) mainly when he is newborn or under three months old.
And you will need to check whether you still need to use the leg insert and/or the neck protector or support that the baby carrier has, so it is not possible to use the hood during this first stage.

Remember that for this position your child needs to be able to support his head unaided and must not need the leg insert any more. So, the child will be at least five or six months old.

  • STEP 1: Fasten the abdominal belt and unfasten all he vertical opening and closing buckles and leave the baby carrier hanging from your waist.
    Hip Carrying

  • STEP 2: Now connect the opening buckle part to the closing buckle on the opposite side.
    Hip Carrying
    For example, if you want to carry the child on your left hip, connect the right strap to the left side.

  • STEP 3: Move the baby carrier turning it slightly towards the hip where you want to carry the child, and pass the strap over your head and shoulders.
    Hip Carrying

  • STEP 4: Pick the child up and start to place him in the baby carrier.
    Support your child’s head on your free shoulder and gently slide his body down into the carrier until the child’s bottom is firmly supported by the bottom of the baby carrier.
    Make sure there is no gap between the baby carrier and your child’s bottom.
    Hip Carrying

  • STEP 5: Next, take hold of the strap that is loose on your back and bring it forward while turning your baby’s bottom to position him comfortably on your hip.
    Fasten the buckle on the other side.

The straps should be gently crossed over your kidneys.

  • STEP 6: Lastly, adjust the strap to the required length. Now you can let go of your child.

Remember that for this position your child needs to be able to support his head unaided and must not need the leg insert any more. So, the child will be at least five or six months old. Steps to follow

  • STEP 1: Fasten the abdominal belt (this is always the first step for all the positions).
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 2: Check that all the strap buckles of the baby carrier are fastened and are vertical, parallel to your arms.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 3: Position your child so he is facing you and lift him high up onto your chest so he is in the middle of the baby carrier.
    The child’s forehead should be level with your chin.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 4: Raise the back part of the baby carrier and hold it snugly against your child’s back.
    Warning: Do not let go of your child and make sure he is always held securely in your arms.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 5: Hold your child with one hand and put your other arm through the strap.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 6: Hold the strap you have put on with one hand while supporting your baby’s body with your other hand.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 7: Move the child and the baby carrier to your back while using your other hand to gently turn the abdominal belt in the same direction until the baby is positioned on the middle of your back.
    IMPORTANT: Keep hold of the baby firmly at all times during this step.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 8: While holding the baby with the arm that has the strap on, put your other arm through the other strap and hold it firmly on your shoulder so the weight does not make it slip down your arm.
    Keep holding the baby securely with your other hand.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 9:  Lastly, fasten the back straps that should now be on the middle of your chest.
    Back Carrying

  • STEP 10: If you want to use the hood undo the zip and take the hood out by reaching behind you and then fasten it to the most suitable press stud on the shoulder straps.
    Back Carrying



  1. Check that your child has enough air to breathe properly
    This issue can worry the person carrying the baby, and to make sure your child is getting enough oxygen when in the baby carrier you need to keep checking on him and you also need to check his position regularly.
    In terms of height, you should be able to kiss the top of his head easily.
    In terms of width, check that you fit two fingers between your child’s chin and your chest or back, and that his nose and mouth are not covered up by any material (See diagram 1).
    Safety Check

  2. Check that the hood is fitted correctly
    If you are using the hood, either because the child is asleep or it is cold…etc, always check that his nose and mouth are not covered up by the hood material or by any other garment that could prevent the child from breathing freely. If you are not using the hood put it away in the front pocket and zip it up so the hood doesn’t come out (See diagram 2).
    Safety Check

  3. Check that the baby’s legs are in the correct ergonomic position
    It is important to remember that the Like is an ergonomic baby carrier, therefore the baby’s legs should NEVER hang down like they would in a traditional baby carrier, but you shouldn’t force them to be fully open either.
    The ergonomic position of this baby carrier is for the baby’s legs to be in the “M” position.
    Remember that when the child is small his legs will be inside the baby carrier.
    As he grows his legs will start to stick out but make sure that your child’s feet never get caught between the belt and your body (See diagram 3).
    Safety Check

  4. Check the diameter of your baby’s legs in the insert
    Remember that the seat insert is used to prevent the child from slipping out by reducing the diameter of the leg holes at two heights.
    Make sure that the child’s feet never get caught between the abdominal belt and your body (See diagram 4).
    Safety Check

  5. Check the height of the back straps
    All the straps and belts should be fitted at the right height and width for your child’s age and weight and for the applicable stage.
    You also need to make sure that if you lean forward your child is still held securely against your body, in whichever position you are using.
    Check that the back strap never rides up to the bottom of your neck, it must ALWAYS be in the middle of your upper back, between your shoulder blades (See diagram 5).
    Safety Check

  6. Check the height of the baby carrier and the headrest
    To check that the baby carrier is fitted at the right height and the headrest is used correctly, make sure that the top part, where the headrest of your Like begins, comes up to the middle of your baby’s ear (See diagram 6).
    Safety Check

    JANÉ recommends placing the baby in the position facing the carer whenever possible, and only using the other positions for short
    periods of time



  • Read the instructions carefully before using this product and keep for future reference.


  • The child may be injured if these instructions are not followed.

  • Never leave the child unattended.

  • Do not use this product if any of the parts are missing, broken or in bad condition.

  • Keep away from fire or any source of flames or heat (electric or gas heaters etc…).

  • Only use the baby carrier when the adult is standing up or walking.

  • Remember that the baby will feel any changes in temperature before an adult will notice.

  • Check that all the parts of the baby carrier are correctly in place before positioning the child in it.

  • Intended for babies: +0 m. in age and up to 18 kilos.

  • WARNING – Your balance may be upset by your movement and that of your child.

  • WARNING – Be careful when bending down or leaning forward or to the side.

  • WARNING – This baby carrier is not suitable for use while taking part in sports.

  • Take care when putting the baby carrier on or taking it off. Make sure that none of the parts are missing or broken and/or worn out.

  • Avoid any serious injuries caused by the baby falling or slipping.
    You are responsible for your child’s safety.
    We cannot guarantee the safety of the baby carrier unless these instructions are followed.

  • WARNING! Check on your child constantly and make sure that his nose and mouth are not obstructed.

  • WARNING! Make sure that the baby’s chin is not resting on your chest, as this could impede his breathing and cause suffocation.

DO NOT use the baby carrier as a fastening device for the child in a motor vehicle or as a car seat.
DO NOT use the baby carrier while taking part in strenuous activities, such as physical exercise or sport.
DO NOT bend over from the waist when bending down; bend your knees to make sur the baby stays safe in the baby carrier.
Always keep your trunk upright.
DO NOT clean, run, ski, cook, cycle, ride a horse or use any type of motorized vehicle, etc. while using this baby carrier.
DO NOT drink hot liquid or eat hot food while using this baby carrier

This product is subject to normal wear and tear over time.
The user should inspect this product before each use to check for signs of wear and tear, like rips or loose parts.
ALWAYS check that the seams are not torn, the straps are not broken, the fabric is not worn out and the physical support is not damaged before each use.
Keep the product out of the reach of children when not in use.

Lying down, leaning or tripping up may cause the baby to fall.
IMPORTANT! Keep this information for future reference.
Read all the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them carefully before using this article.
Not following the instructions may cause your baby serious harm or even death.
WARNING! To prevent the risk of falling, make sure that the child is positioned safely in the baby carrier (when not using the leg adjustment option).
The carer must be aware that the more active their movements are the greater the risk of the baby falling out of the sling.
Make sure that this baby carrier is fitted correctly and securely tied as instructed in the product information.
Only for use with babies weighing between 5-35 pounds (2.5-18 Kgs).
Maximum weight of the baby when using the insert is 9 Kgs.
Never carry the baby facing forwards.

| | | |
Chin up, face visible, nose and mouth free| Baby bent forwards with his chin against your chest| Baby’s nose pressed firmly against the carrier| Baby’s face covered| The baby is too low


  1. This baby carrier is designed to be used by adults only when they are walking.
    Check that all the buckles, clips, straps and fasteners are secure before each use.

  2. Always check that the baby’s nose and mouth are not obstructed by the baby carrier or any clothes to ensure he can always breathe easily.

  3. The baby should be facing you until he can hold his head upright by himself.

  4. Hold your baby securely until all the buckles and fasteners are closed and the straps have been fastened around the wearer’s body.

  5. Make sure that the baby’s body and skin does not get caught or pinched when closing the buckles or fasteners.

  6. Check on the baby regularly to make sure he is not too hot, that the straps are snug but not too tight and that he is held securely.

  7. If the baby falls asleep, turn his head to the side so his airway is clear with no obstructions. Fig. A

  8. There should always be enough space between your baby’s face and your chest to ensure correct ventilation.
    Follow these instructions to make sure that all the parts of the baby carrier are in the correct position before putting the child in the carrier.
    Always make sure there is enough space around the baby’s face for him to get enough air.
    Check that his nose and mouth are always clear and not obstructed by the baby carrier or any clothes to make sure he can always breathe easily.
    If using the baby carrier while breastfeeding, always move the baby’s face away from the breast after feeding.

  9. If the child weighs less than 4.5 Kg. you need to fasten the leg insert J (shown in the parts list on page 6) to one of the two press studs intended for this as shown on page 6 under letter G. Small children may slip through one of the leg openings.
    To prevent any falls or strangulation, ALWAYS adjust the leg openings to the smallest size to fit the child.
    Check that the baby’s extremities are not trapped and that his arms and legs are free.
    DO NOT use this baby carrier if it has been exposed to chemical substances or substances that are harmful to health.
    DO NOT use this baby carrier is the seams are loose, torn or if the baby carrier is damaged.
    DO NOT put sharp objects in the pockets of the baby carrier.
    NEVER leave a baby in a baby carrier that is not in use.
    NEVER use this baby carrier if the wearer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if the wearer is tired or in pain.
    NEVER use this baby carrier if the wearer has experienced back problems or physical problems.
    NEVER place more than one child in the baby carrier at any time.
    NEVER use/wear more than one baby carrier at any time.
    DO NOT put anything else in the baby carrier when the child is in it.
    DO NOT drink hot liquids or eat hot food while using the baby carrier.
    DO NOT lend the baby carrier unless it has been inspected by the manufacturer.

Washing instructions:

To keep the baby carrier in perfect condition for longer, we recommend you usually clean it by simply wiping any dirt off it with a damp cloth.
Only put it in the washing machine when strictly necessary.
Machine wash in cold water, on its own, on a delicate wash cycle.
Simply hang it out to dry.
Do not use bleach or fabric softener.
Do not tumble dry.
Do not iron.
Composition: 100% cotton twill.
Made in China – Designed in Spain.


Web: www.janeworld.com


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