DMP LT-1232CAN Canadian Series Control Panel Installation Guide

June 8, 2024

PROGRAMMING GUIDEDMP LT 1232CAN Canadian Series Control Panel -


LT-1232CAN Canadian Series Control Panel

Contains programming Instructions for use with the Model XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Control Panels.
When using the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian panel for any listing organization’s approved methods, refer to the Compliance Listing Guide (LT-1330). This document outlines the installation and programming requirements of all applications for which XR150/XR550 Series Canadian control panels are approved.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
© 2021 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
Information furnished by DMP is believed to be accurate and reliable.
This information is subject to change without notice.


1.1 Before You Begin
This guide provides programming information for the DMP XR150/XR550 Series Canadian panel. After this Introduction, the remaining sections describe the functions of each programming menu item along with the available options. Before starting to program, we recommend that you read through the contents of this guide. The information contained here allows you to quickly learn the programming options and operational capabilities of the panel.
In addition to this guide, you should also read and be familiar with the following documents:

  • XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN)
  • XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Programming Sheet (LT-1234CAN)
  • XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN)

XR Series panels with Version 193 firmware and higher ship with a unique four- digit default master code. This master code is generated using an algorithm based off of the last four digits of the serial number to ensure that it cannot be duplicated. This code can be modified or deleted. In order to revert back to the default code 99, use the
initialize code option found in panel programming.
Internal Programmer
The panel contains all of its programming information in an on-board processor and does not require an external programmer. You can perform all programming tasks through a 32-character DMP alphanumeric keypad set to address one.
Programming Information Sheet
Included with each panel are the Programming Information Sheets. These list the various programming prompts and available options for programming the panel. Before starting to program, we recommend you completely fill out each sheet with the programming options you intend to enter into the panel.
Having completed programming sheets available before entering data helps prevent errors and can shorten the time you spend programming. Completed sheets also provide you with an accurate panel program record you can keep on file for future system service or expansion. The remainder of this Introduction provides instructions for starting
and ending a programming session using the alphanumeric keypad.
1.2 Getting Started
Ground Yourself Before Handling the Panel! Touch any grounded metal, such as the enclosure, before touching the panel to discharge static.
Remove All Power From the Panel! Remove all AC and battery power from the panel before installing or connecting any modules, cards, or wires to the panel.
Before starting to program the panel, make sure the panel is properly grounded and AC and battery power is applied to the appropriate panel terminals. All wiring connections and grounding instructions are detailed in the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN).
Program from any Keypad Address
You can program the panel from any 32-character wireless keypad or hardwired keypad connected to the panel’s keypad data bus. See the XR150/XR550 Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN) for keypad addressing and installation information for hardwired keypads.
Wireless Keypad Association
To enable wireless keypad association operation on a LCD Wireless keypad (Models 9060 and 9063), press and hold the Back Arrow key and CMD until SET BRIGHTNESS displays. Enter the code 3577 (INST) and press CMD. Press KPD RF to start the RF survey communication. The keypad displays its wireless serial number and RF SURVEY.
To enable association operation on a Wireless Graphics Touchscreen keypad (Model 9862), access the Options menu through the carousel menu. While in the Options display, press the Installer Options icon. Enter the code 3577 (INST) and press CMD. Press KPD RF to start the RF survey communication. The keypad displays its wireless serial number and RF SURVEY.
To enable wireless keypad association operation on the XR150/XR550 Canadian panel reset the panel three times allowing the keypad bus transmit light to begin flashing between each reset. See Figure 1. For 60 seconds the panel listens for wireless keypads that are in RF Survey mode and have not been programmed or associated into another panel. When the keypad associates with the panel the keypad logo LED turns from Red to Green.DMP LT 1232CAN
Canadian Series Control Panel - fig3

Wireless keypads are assigned to the first open device position in Device Setup automatically based upon the order in which they are detected.
Accessing the Programmer

  1. Momentarily place the Reset jumper over both of the RESET pins to reset the panel.
  2. Enter the code 6653 (PROG) and press CMD.
  3. The keypad displays: PROGRAMMER.

1.3 Encrypted Communications (XR550 with Encryption only)
Some installations require secure data communications. Use a unique passphrase to enable encrypted communications and provide a secure means for data communications. See Network Options.
An XR550 panel with encryption communicates using 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption. If you currently have an XR550 panel with network installed, you may purchase a separate feature key to activate encrypted communications using the Feature Upgrade process. Encrypted communication cannot be enabled on a standard XR550 panel. For more information on the Feature Upgrade process see Section 21 in this document.
1.4 Programmer Operation
There are 19 programming sections to choose from:

Programming Item| Section in This Manual| Programming Item| Section in This Manual
Initialization| 2| Output Groups| 12
Communication| 3| Menu Display| 13
Network Options| 4| Status List| 14
Device Setup| 5| PC Log Reports| 15
Remote Options| 6| Area Information| 16
System Reports| 7| Zone Information| 17
System Optionss| 8| Stop| 18
Bell Options| 9| Set Lockout Code| 19
Output Options| 10| Feature Upgrade| 20
Output Information| 11|  |

To choose a section for programming, press any select key or area when the keypad displays the name of that section. Sections 2 through 20. contain detailed instructions for each programming step.
1.5 Programmer Lockout Codes
The panel allows you to enter the programming function without entering a lockout code using steps 1 to 4 listed in Getting Started. We recommend, however, that you install a Lockout Code to restrict programming to only those persons your company authorizes. You can do this by using the SET LOCKOUT CODE feature in the Programmer. The Lockout Code restricts any unauthorized panel programming.
After resetting the panel and entering the code 6653, the keypad displays PROGRAMMER. Press CMD to advance through the programming sections until SET LOCKOUT CODE displays (after STOP). Press any select key or area. The keypad displays ENTER CODE: – . Enter a 3 to 5 digit Programmer Lockout Code and press CMD. The keypad displays ENTER AGAIN followed by ENTER CODE: –. Enter the same 3 to 5 digit code a second time and press. The keypad displays CODE CHANGED.
Note: The panel does not accept a 5-digit Lockout Code higher than 65535.
Before accessing programmer functions enter the new code number. Write the Lockout Code number down and keep it in a secure place with access limited to authorized persons only. Lost Lockout Codes require the panel to be sent back to DMP for repair. You may cancel a Lockout Code by entering 00000 at the Set Lockout Code command.
1.6 Reset Timeout
The panel has a feature that requires you to enter the Programmer within 30 minutes of resetting the panel. After 30 minutes, if you attempt to program by entering the 6653 (PROG) code, the keypad displays: RESET PANEL. You must reset the panel and enter the program code then begin programming within the next 30 minutes.
If you are already in the Programmer and do not press any keys on the programming keypad for 30 minutes, the panel terminates programming. All data entered up to that time is not saved unless you run the Stop routine.
Note: Use the Stop routine to exit panel Programming. Ensure the keypad displays “SAVING PROGRAM” to save all programming changes entered.
1.7 Power Up
When the panel is powered up after an AC power failure, any zone transitions are not recognized for 60 seconds.
Normal zone processing resumes at the end of the 60 seconds.
1.8 Keypads
DMP offers multiple keypads in a variety of styles that provide programming capabilities. Each keypad and its operation are shown and described in the following sections. See Figures 2 through 4.DMP LT 1232CAN Canadian Series
Control Panel - fig4

1.9 Special Keys
The following special keys/areas are common to all DMP keypads.
Pressing CMD allows you to go forward through the programming menu and through each step of a programming sec tion. As you go through the programming, the keypad display shows any current programming already stored in the panel memory. If no change is required for an option, press CMD to advance to the next step.
CMD is also used to enter information into the panel’s memory such as phone numbers or zone names. Press CMD after entering information.
Back Arrow ( <—) Key
Use the Back Arrow key to back up one step while programming. The Back Arrow key is also used when an error is made while entering in formation. Press the Back Arrow key once to erase the last character entered.
Select Keys or Areas
The top row of keys are called the select keys on Thinline and Aqualite keypads or select areas on Graphic Touchscreen keypads. Each time you need to press a select key or area, the keypad displays the function or options above one of the keys or in the select area. Displaying choices above individual select keys or in select areas allows
them to be used for many different applications. For example, you can enter AM or PM when programming the automatic test time or answer YES or NO for a system option.
During programming, the select keys or areas also allow you to change infor mation currently in panel memory by pressing the appropriate select key or area under or on the display. You then enter the new information using the keypad data entry digit keys.
When there are more than four re sponse options avail able, press CMD to display the remaining options. Pressing the Back Arrow key allows you to review the previous four choices.
The select keys or areas are also used for choosing a section from the pro gramming menu. Press any select key or touch the select area when the programming section name you want displays.
Note: On Wireless, Thinline and Aqualite keypads, when instructed to press the first select key, press the far left select key; the second select key is the second from the left; third select key is second from the right; and the fourth select key is the far right key. See Figure 6.
On Graphic Touchscreen Keypads, when instructed to press the first select key, touch select area 1; the second select key touch select area 2; third select key touch select area 3; and the fourth select key touch select area 4. See Figure 6.
1.10 Entering Alpha CharactersDMP LT 1232CAN Canadian Series Control
Panel - fig5

Some options during programming require you to enter alpha characters. To enter an alpha character, press or touch the key that has that letter written below it. The keypad displays the number digit of the key. Next, press the select key or area that corresponds to the loca tion of the letter under the key. Pressing a different select key
or area changes the letter. When an other digit key is pressed, the last letter displayed is retained and the process starts over.
1.11 Entering Non-Alpha Characters
To enter a space in an alpha entry, press the 9 digit key followed by the third select key or area. The three characters on the 9 digit key are Y, Z, and space. You can also enter the following characters: – (dash), . (period),

  • (asterisk), and # (pound sign) using the 0 (zero) key and the four select key or area from left to right. For example,  to enter a – (dash), press the 0 (zero) key and then the left select key or area. A dash now appears in the keypad display. The table below shows the character locations for DMP keypads.

Key Number| Select Key or Area 1| Select Key or Area 2| Select Key or Area 3| Select Key or Area 4
1| A| B| C| (
2| D| E| F| )
3| G| H| I| !
4| J| K| L| ?
5| M| N| O| /
6| P| Q| R| &
7| S| T| U| @
8| V| W| X| ,
9| Y| Z| space| _
0| –| .| *| #

1.12 Keypad Displays Current Programming
Each programming option displayed at the keypad shows the currently selected option in the panel memory. These options are either shown as a number, a blank, or a NO or YES. To change a number or blank to a new number, press
any select key or touch any select area. The current option is replaced with a dash.
Press the number(s) on the keypad you want to enter as the new number for that option. It is not necessary to enter numbers with leading zeros. The panel automatically right justifies the number when you press CMD. To change a programming option that requires a NO or YES response, press the select key or touch the select area
for the response not selected. See Figure 7.
For example, if the current option is selected as YES and you want to change it to NO, on Thinline or Aqualite keypads press the third select key. On Graphic Touchscreen keypads touch select area 3. The display changes to NO. Press CMD to display the next option.

DMP LT 1232CAN Canadian Series Control Panel - fig6

1.13 Multiple Displays
For many programming and user options, such as Area selections, Menu Displays, and Status Lists, there are several displays containing programming. For example, when programming Menu Displays, keypads 1 through 16 display on two separate displays. First, keypads 1 through 8 display. Press CMD to display keypads 9 through 16. This same scheme is used for areas 1 through 32.
Note: Areas not pre-programmed at installation to display at this keypad cannot be viewed.
1.14 Asterisks in Programming
Asterisks display next to a programming option that is already selected. As shown in the example, options that are selected to display the current programming selection have an asterisk next to the number. Those that are not selected simply display the number. In the Devices example, keypads 3, 8, 9, and 15 are not selected. In the Areas
example, areas 3, 8, 9, 15, 19, 23, 25, and 31 are not selected. In both examples the numbers with asterisks are selected.DMP LT 1232CAN Canadian
Series Control Panel - fig7

To select or deselect a number, simply enter the number using the digit keys on the keypad. This same scheme is used when viewing the panel armed status and other programming and operational functions. Remember to press CMD to display the rest of the device or area numbers.
1.15 Compliance Instructions
This product incorporates field-programmable software. Refer to the XR150/XR550 Compliance Listing Guide (LT-1330) for additional compliance information.
NOTE: When any panel programming is changed, the STOP function must be performed and SAVING PROGRAM must display on the keypad in order ot save the programming changes. See Stop.
2.1 Initialization INITIALIZATION This function allows you to clear selected parts of the panel program back to the factory defaults. DMP LT
1232CAN Canadian Series Control Panel - fig8

2.2 Clear All Memory  NO – Leaves existing programming intact then displays Clear All Codes. YES – Clears all memory then displays Reset Panel. Reset the panel by shorting RESET and re-enter programming mode to continue.

2.3 Clear All Codes
NO – Leaves existing codes intact.
YES – Clears the user code and user profile memory and assigns user code number 99 to the highest user position.
Note: The user name for the default user code is created using the current programmed primary user language.

2.4 Clear All Schedules
NO – Leaves existing schedules intact.
YES – Clears all shift, and output schedules.

2.5 Clear Display Events Memory
NO – Leaves existing event memory intact.
YES – Clears the events memory.

*SURE? YES NOClear Zone Information
NO – Leaves existing zone information intact.
YES – Clears the zone information for all zones. All zones are marked

  • and must
    be renamed before being able to display on any system keypad.**

2.7 Clear Area Information
NO – Leaves existing area information intact.
YES – Clears the area information for all areas. All areas are marked * UNUSED

  • and must be renamed before being able to display on any system keypad.

2.7 Clear Area Information
NO – Leaves existing area information intact.
YES – Clears the area information for all areas. All areas are marked * UNUSED

  • and must be renamed before being able to display on any system keypad.

SURE? YES NO Clear Output Information
NO – Leaves existing output information intact.
YES – Clears all programmed Output names and any output cutoff assignment.

SURE? YES NOClear Communication and Remote Options
NO – Leaves existing communication and remote options intact.
YES – Reset communication and remote options programming to factory defaults.

2.10 Clear Wi-Fi
NO – Leaves existing Wi-Fi programming intact.
YES – Reset Wi-Fi programming to factory defaults.

2.11 Set to Factory Defaults
NO – Leaves existing panel programming intact.
YES – Sets the panel’s programming back to factory default selections. Selecting YES does
not clear the panel’s event memory, zones, user code information, or schedules.
Note: Sets the Programming and User language to English.



Configure the communication options for the panel. The information you program varies with the Communication Type you select.
3.2 ACCOUNT NO: 12345Account Number
The Account Number is a 1 to 5 digit number used to identify which panel is sending a message. Enter the account number sent to the SCS-1R or SCS-VR Receiver. Messages may be sent to a central station or via PC Log Reports to a PC. The default is 12345.
NET, CELL, and DD – The range of valid account numbers for a panel is 1 to 65535. For accounts of four digits or less, do not enter leading zeros.

3.3 XMIT DELAY: 30Transmit Delay
Enter the number of seconds (15 to 45) the panel waits before sending burglary zones (Night, Day, or Exit) reports to the receiver. Other zone type reports are sent immediately. Alarm bells and relay outputs are not delayed during this period. Program Burglary Outputs for pulsed or steady, and set Abort Reports to YES if Opening and Closing reports are not being sent. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this function. The default is 30. If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed during the Transmit Delay time, only an Abort Report (S45) message is sent to the receiver. If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed after the alarm message is sent to the receiver but before the Bell Cutoff time expires even if the alarm was silenced, an Alarm Cancelled (S49) message is sent. Otherwise the alarm is sent at the end of the delay. The Alarm Cancelled report cannot be disabled.
3.4 PATH: -Communication Path
Up to eight communication paths may be programmed. Each path is designated as a primary or backup communication route. Path 1 is always Primary but other paths may be programmed as additional primary or backup.
Each primary path establishes a new path group. A path group is made up of the primary path and its subsequent backup paths. Typical communication takes place on the primary path with backup paths being used only when the primary path fails or when the backup path is programmed to duplicate messages. There is no option to backup path 8.

3.5 COMM TYPE: NONECommunication Type
Specifies the communication method the panel uses on this path to report system events to DMP SCS-1R, SCS-VR Receivers or non-DMP receivers. Default is NONE for Path 1, and NONE for Path 2-8.
NONE – For local systems. Selecting NONE ends communication programming. DD – Digital Dialer communications to a DMP SCS-1R Receiver.
NET – Network communication using the panel onboard network connection. The DMP
Network/Output reporting format is transmitted over a data network to the SCS- 1R or SCSVR Receiver.
CID – This option allows the panel to communicate to  DMP receivers using the Contact ID format.
CELL WIFICELL – This option allows communication over the cellular network using cellular communicators.
WIFI – Network communication to DMP Model SCS-1R or SCS-VR Receivers.
The Path Type defines if the path is Primary or Backup. Because Path 1 is Primary, this option only displays for paths 2-8. Default is BACKUP.
Note: If the Primary Communication Type is CELL, then the backup Communication Type can only be NET.
Test Report determines if test reports are sent on this path. Reports are sent according to the programming in Test Frequency and Test Time. Default is YES.
Select YES to allow the programmed test report to be sent on the path currently being programmed.
Select DEFER to not send a test report if the panel communicates any message to the receiver within the time set in Test Frequency. Select NO to not send test reports on this path.
3.8 TEST FREQ: 1 DY Test Frequency
Test Frequency determines the frequency of the test report. Enter a number from 1 to 60 and select DY (Day) or HR (Hour) by pressing the far right select key or area. Default is 1 Day.
Test Day
Use this option to set the day of the Test Report. This option appears only when Test Report is Yes, Test Frequency is Day and a multiple of seven. Press CMD to display the first four days of the week. Press CMD to display the last three days. Select the day of the week to send the test report. Default is SUNDAY.
3.10 TEST TIME: 0:00 AM

Test Time
Use this option to select the time of day for Test Reports. Select the hour, minute and AM/ PM. Enter 0:00 AM to disable this feature. Default is 0:00 AM.
Check In
This option displays if the COMM TYPE is NET or CELL. Check-in reports are a method of supervising the panel for communication with the receiver. For NET the default is YES. For CELL the default is YES.
Select RND (Random) for the panel to check-in at random times from 6 to 60 minutes when all areas are disarmed. If any area is armed a check-in is sent every 6 minutes.
Select ADPT (Adaptive) for a backup path to adapt to the check-in programming from this groups primary path if the primary path becomes unavailable. Check- in programming includes Check-in and Fail Time.
CHECKIN: ADP3Select ADP3 (Adaptive 3) for a backup path to adapt using a 3 minute Check-in and Fail Time if the primary path becomes unavailable. This option also indicates a Communication Trouble (S10) if the cell tower is unavailable for 3 minutes.
CHECKIN MINS: 200When YES is selected, enter the number of minutes between check-in reports, from 2 to 240 for NET or 3 to 240 for CELL, when the panel is armed or disarmed. For CELL the default is 0. For NET the default is 200.
3.12 Fail Time
This option displays if CHECKIN is set to YES. Entering a FAIL TIME allows the receiver to miss multiple check-ins before logging that the panel is missing. The maximum fail time is 240 minutes. For example, if CHECKIN is 10 and FAIL TIME is 30, the receiver only indicates a Panel Not Responding after 30 minutes. The FAIL TIME must be equal to or greater than the CHECKIN time. Default is equal to CHECKIN for CELL. Default is 240 for NET.
NO 128 256  Encryption (XR550 with Encryption only)
This option displays only if the Communication Type is NET or CELL. Select 128 or 256 to enable the encryption level for the path currently being programmed. Default is NO. Note: 256-bit encrypted messages to the SCS-1R receiver only communicate when using SCS-104 Receiver Line Cards with Version 102 or higher software.
3.14 USE IPV6: NO YESIPV6 Address
This prompt determines if the network path uses IPV6 for communication.
3.15 RECEIVER IP Receiver IP
This option displays only if the Communication Type is NET or CELL. Enter the Receiver IP address where the panel sends network messages. The Receiver IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. If IPV6 is selected the receiver IP will need to be an IPV6 address. If changing from IPV6 YES to IPV6 NO, you will need to modify thier IP address to IPV4.
3.16 RECEIVER PORT  2001
Receiver Port
Enter the receiver port number. Valid range is 1 to 65,535. Default is 2001.
First Telephone Number
This option displays only if the Communication Type is DD or CID.
This is the first number the panel dials when sending reports to the receiver. Phone numbers can have two lines of 16 characters each to equal up to 32 characters.
Enter P to program a three-second pause in the dialing sequence. The P character counts as part of the 32 allowable characters.
Enter R as the first character for rotary (pulse) phone function. The R character counts as part of the 32 allowable characters.
Call Waiting: You can place the “ 7 0 P” (Star, Seven, Zero, Pause) in the telephone number first position to cancel Call Waiting. For example, program NET with second line DD and phone number 70P555-1212, and you have NET with Call Waiting cancelled on the second line.
Caution: A call waiting cancel programmed on a non-call waiting telephone line would prevent communication to the central station.

3.18 Second Telephone Number
The panel dials the second number when two successive tries using the first number fail. If the panel cannot reach the receiver after two attempts using the second number, it returns to the first number and makes two additional attempts. A total of ten dialing attempts are made using the first and second phone num bers.
Each number can be up to 32 characters in length in cluding any P or R char acters entered for pause or rotary connections or call waiting cancel option.
Should all ten attempts fail, the panel continues to attempt sending the message using the next programmed path. If all programmed communication paths fail, the panel clears the communication buffer and makes one communication attempt each hour to send a TRANSMIT FAILED (S87) report to the receiver. Access the User Menu Display Events feature to view the report information not sent to the receiver or download the report with DMP Remote Link™ software.
3.19 Advanced Programming
Select Yes to enter the Advanced Programming menu for the communication path currently being programmed.

3.20 APN
Enter the APN (Access Point Name). This allows an access point for cellular communication and is used to connect to a DNS network. The APN may contain two lines of 16 characters to equal 32 characters. Default is set to NMRX.CA.APN.
3.21 Fail Test Hours
This option sets the frequency for a Backup or Adaptive path to send a test report when the closest previous path fails within its path group.
For example, if a backup path is programmed to send a weekly test report and the Fail Test Frequency is set to 2 hours, when the previous path fails within its group, the backup path starts sending a test every 2 hours until the previous path restores. If Fail Test Frequency is set to 0, test reports are sent only according to Test Report programming. Range is 0 to 24 hours. Default is 0.
3.22 Protocol PROTOCOL: TCP
This option displays only when Communication Type is NET.
Select TCP to communicate over the network using TCP protocol. Select UDP to communicate using UDP protocol. Default is TCP.
3.23 Retry Seconds
This option displays for NET Communication.
Enter the number of seconds (between 6 and 15) the panel should wait before retrying to send a message to the receiver if an acknowledgment was not received. The panel retries as many times as possible for a period of one minute before sending a network trouble message. For example, if retry time is set to 15, the panel retries four times.
The default Retry Time is 6 seconds.

3.24 Substitution Code
This option displays when the Communication Type is NET or CELL. The Panel Substitution Code increases the level of security by helping to ensure that the panel sending the message to the receiver has not been substituted by another panel. The default is NO. Select YES to send a substitution code with every message.
Select SHARED (SHR) to use the same substitution code as operating in the previous path.
3.25 893A
893A: NO YES

This option displays when the Communication Type is DD or CID.
The 893A option allows reports to be sent to the receiver on a second DD line using the 893A module. Default is NO.
When using this option, Test Report messages (S07 Automatic Recall Test or S88.
Unrestored System Recall Test) are sent to the receiver at the frequency programmed in Test Frequency, alternating between the first and second phone line.
For example, a DD path with an 893A module set for daily test report frequency sends a test report through phone line 1 one day and phone line 2 the next day.
If the 893A option is set to YES, enter up to a 3-digit prefix to be dialed before the second phone number. If no prefix is entered, the second phone number is dialed as originally entered.
Alarm Switch
This option displays for DD or CID Communication Types.
Enter the number of attempts to send an alarm message before switching to the next path. Range is from 1 to 10. All non-alarm messages are sent for 10 attempts on the dialer before a switch is initiated. If the path immediately following this channel is not a backup path, this option has no effect. Default is 1.

3.27 Duplicate Alarms
This option displays for BACKUP paths. If Yes is selected, the current backup path duplicates all alarms occurring on its group primary path. Default is NO.
Alarm Reports
This option displays when the Path Type is Primary. All backup paths within the group follow the same programming for Alarm Reports. Default is YES.
When YES is selected, the following reports are sent to the receiver for all zone types:

  • Alarm

  • Bypass

  • Reset

  • Restore
    When FIRE is selected, the following reports are sent for Fire, Fire Verify and Supervisory

  • Alarm

  • Bypass

  • Reset

  • Restore

Supervisory/Trouble Reports
This option displays when the Path Type is Primary. All backup paths within the group follow the same programming for Supervisory/Trouble Reports. Default is YES.
NO YES FIRE When YES is selected, the following reports are sent for all zone types:

  •  Trouble

  • Low Battery

  • Missing

  •  Fault

  •  Restorals

  • System Troubles

  • System Restoral
    When FIRE is selected, the following reports are sent for Fire, Fire Verify, and Supervisory

  • Trouble

  •  Low Battery

  • Missing

  • Fault

  • Restorals

  • System Troubles

  • System Restoral
    Serviceman reports are sent regardless of the selection made for Supervisory/Trouble reports.

Opening/Closing and User Reports
This option displays when the Path Type is Primary. All backup paths within the group follow the same programming for Opening/Closing and User Reports. Default is YES. When YES is selected, the following reports by user are sent to this receiver.

  • Opening
  • Code changes (including adding, deleting, changing)
  • Closing
  •  Schedule changes (temporary, permanent, shift)
  • Bypass
  • Holiday date changes
  •  Reset

NO YES DENYDoor Access Report
This option displays when the Path Type is Primary. All backup paths within the group follow the same programming for Door Access Reports. Default is DENY.
Select YES to enable Door Access Granted and Denied reports to this receiver whenever a door access is granted to a user. The Door Access Granted report is only sent if the keypad number has also been selected in Access Keypads under the SYSTEM REPORTS programming.
Select DENY to enable Door Access Denied reports only to this receiver when a door access is denied to a user.

Panic Test (Network only)
YES allows the panic zone test verification and failure results to be sent to the central station receiver. NO disables the panic test report. The default setting is NO. The system test start, stop, panic zone verification, and panic zone failure messages sent to the central station and the trips count operation are the same as used under the Walk Test. See Using the Walk Test section in the Appendix.
3.33  SEND COMM TRBL:  NO YESSend Communication Trouble This option displays for each path and determines if and how communication trouble on
the path is sent to the receiver. A trouble message indicates both the path number and communication type that failed. Default is YES.
Send Path Information
This option displays for each path and if YES, each panel message includes path information such as path number, communication type, and path type. Default is NO.

Network Options

Network Options are provided to define the network configuration for the panel. This information will be used during communication of messages via network.
Note: Wi-Fi must be selected as Communication Type in the Communication section for Wi-Fi Setup to display. Note: IP addresses and port numbers may need to be assigned by the network administrator. When entering an IP, Gateway, or Subnet Mask address be sure to enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, IP address is entered as 192168000250.
Network Options
This option is for configuring the desired network settings. Press any select key or area to select.
Wi-Fi Setup
This option is for connecting to the desired Wi-Fi network and will display only when Comm Type is set to Wi-Fi. Press any select key or area to select.
WPS LIST MANUAL displays. Press the first select key or area to choose WPS to automatically connect to a WPS enabled router. Press the second select key or area to
choose LIST and see the name and signal strength of any Wi-Fi routers in range. P ress the third or fourth select key or area to choose MANUAL and enter the name of the Wi-Fi router you wish to connect to. Pressing CMD displays TEST. To select TEST press the first select key or area to verify connection of your system to the Wi-Fi network.
When WPS is selected, SEARCHING displays. Press the WPS button on the Wi-Fi network router to which you are attempting to connect. SEARCHING displays for up to two minutes or until connected to the WPS enabled router. Refer to the router’s instruction manual for sending a security key to the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian panel.
If the panel fails to connect to the WPS enabled router, WPS FAILED RETRY? NO YES displays. Press the fourth select key or area to RETRY or press the third select key or area to display WPS LIST MANUAL.

**4.2.2 List
When LIST is selected, SEARCHING displays until any Wi-Fi networks are found in range.
Once available Wi-Fi networks are found the keypad displays the name of the SSID (Wi-Fi Network name) and signal strength of each network. Press CMD to scroll through the list of available Wi-Fi networks. When the desired network is displayed, press any select key or area to connect.
Note: If the panel is unable to detect the security type, W/L SECURITY with the default security type WPA-PSK displays. If a different security type is required, press CMD and WEP WPA NONE displays. Press the select key or area of the desired security type to choose. When connecting to the Wi-Fi network the panel also detects the security type in use and W/L KEY: *** displays.
Enter the W/L KEY and the panel performs a connection test and CONNECTING displays. When successful, CONNECTED displays on the keypad. If the panel does not connect to the Wi-Fi network, NOT CONNECTED displays. Press CMD to return to the Wi-Fi SETUP main screen.**

4.2.3WPS LIST MANUAL WIFI SETUP ENTER SSIDManual This option allows you to enter the desired network name using the keypad. When MANUAL is selected, the current settings display. Press CMD to continue with no change. SecureCom is the default.
Use the number keys on the keypad to enter a new or different SSID (Wi-Fi Network name), there is no need to press the select keys or areas. Once the SSID is entered, press CMD and SEARCHING displays.
SSID: SSID FOUND When an SSID is entered for the first time or changed, the panel searches for the SSID entered to ensure communication. The keypad displays SSID FOUND or SSID NOT FOUND. When the SSID is found, the security type is also detected.
Note: Depending on the security type, the SSID might take several seconds to process. Enter up to 32 characters for the SSID from the network router to identify the network LAN. The SSID is blank by default. Use the chart below to enter lowercase or special characters. Each successive press of the select key or area gives additional options. For example, to enter Me5%, you would press key # 5, select key or area 1 (M); press key # 2, select key or area 2 twice (e); press key # 5 (5); press key # 7, select key or area 4 twice (%).

Key Number| Select Key or area 1| Select Key or area 2| Select Key or area 3| Select Key or area 4| ****

Note: When

\ is entered, the keypad displays ¥. When ~ is entered, -> displays.

1| A, a,| B, b| C, c| (, [, {
2| D, d| E, e| F, f| ), ], }
3| G, g| H, h| I, i| !, ^, ~
4| J, j| K, k| L, l| ?, “, |
5| M, m| N, n| O, o| /, \, `
6| P, p| Q, q| R, r| &, $
7| S, s| T, t| U, u| @, %
8| V, v| W, w| X, x| , =
9| Y, y| Z, z| space, :| _, ;
0| -, +| ., ‘| *, <| #, >

While searching, SEARCHING displays on the keypad. If the 763 is unable to connect to the desired network and SSID NOT FOUND displays, press CMD to return to the main menu and WPS LIST MANUAL displays. Press CMD again to display TEST.
Enter the Wireless Network Key for the network and press CMD to save the key.
4.2.4 Test
TEST Press the first select key or area to select TEST and the 763 will attempt to verify connection of your system to the desired Wi-Fi network.
W/L SECURITY: WEP WPA NONE Wireless Security Type When successful, W/L SECURITY displays. Select the security type based on the network router programming. The default network security type is WPA-PSK. Press any select key or area to display the other security options. The available options are WEP, WPA, and NONE. Press the first select key or area to choose WEP, press the second select key or area for WPA, press the third select key or area for NONE.

4.4 W/L KEY:

W/L KEY: -Wireless Network Key
This option displays only if Comm Type is set to Wi-Fi and Security option is not set to NONE. Enter the key provided from the network router’s programming. WEP requires a network password of 10 characters (WEP64) or 26 characters (WEP128), using a combination of the number 0-9 and the letters A-F (See the chart above to enter lowercase or special characters).
WPA/WPA-PSK uses a custom key that allows 8 to 32 characters. Note: Depending on the security type, the key might take several seconds to process.
At the IPV6 prompt, select YES to use an IPV6 address. The default is NO. IPV6 is DHCP only.
Note: Depending on the security type, the key might take several seconds to process.
If the panel uses a dynamic IP address select YES. When set to YES, the panel operates using DHCP and does not use the Local IP Address number. When the DHCP option is set to NO, the panel uses the IP address entered in Local IP Address. The default value for DHCP mode is YES.

Local IP Address
Enter the local IP address. The Local IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated. The default local IP address is
Gateway Address
Enter the local gateway address. The Gateway IP Address is needed to exit your local network. The default gateway address is

Subnet Mask
Enter the local subnet mask assigned to the panel. The default subnet mask address is

DNS Server
Enter the IP address of the DNS (Domain Name System) used by the panel to resolve domain names into IP addresses. The default address is
On systems with hardwired network connection, the DNS address can be changed even if the panel has DHCP enabled.
4.11 Passphrase (XR550 with Encryption only) PASSPHRASE –
To enable encryption type an 8 to 16-character Passphrase using alphanumeric characters.
If you leave the Passphrase blank, the panel communicates with the SCS-1R Receiver, but the data is not encrypted. The Passphrase is blank by default.
An XR550 panel with encryption is capable of communicating 128-bit or 256-bit encrypted data to an SCS-104 line card installed at the receiver. The XR550 panel with encryption and the receiver SCS-104 line card must have the same password called a Passphrase. Note: DO NOT LOSE THE PASSPHRASE. A lost or forgotten Passphrase requires that the XR550 panel and every SCS-104 line card at the receiver be individually reprogrammed with a new passphrase.
Note: An XR550 panel with encryption communicates using AES encryption. If you currently have an XR550 panel with network installed, you may purchase a separate feature key to activate encrypted communications using the Feature Upgrade process described in the Feature Upgrade Section. Encrypted communication cannot be enabled on a standard XR550 panel. 256-bit encrypted messages to the SCS-1R receiver only communicate when using SCS-104 Receiver Line Cards with Version 102 or higher software.
4.12 PORT: 734N Listen Port 2002  Enter the port number that the 734N/734N- POE, 714N-POE, or the 7463 Network Keypad will use to send communication to the panel. This must be the same port that is programmed in Panel IP Port within the 734N/734N-POE, 714N-POE, or 7463 Communication programming menu.
Note: The Listen Port cannot be the same as the panel network programming port.
4.13 734N Passphrase
– Enter an 8 to 16-character Passphrase to encrypt communication with the 734N /734N-POE module. The 734N Passphrase must match the 734N Passphrase entered in
Communication programming of the 734N. The Passphrase is blank by default.
Note: A passphrase is required for operation.

Device Setup

5.1 Device Setup
DEVICE SETUP This section allows you to define the panels physical configuration. You can install and address up to sixteen supervised devices on the keypad data bus.
Custom Card Definitions  Select the slot number (1-8) that you would like to program a custom non-DMP card format into. The format that is programmed into slot 1 is the default format. In the event that a card with an unrecognized format is used, that card will be read in the format that is programmed in slot 1. To restrict card reads to specific formats, only program slots 2-8. For a chart of commonly used card formats and their defaults, refer to the 734 Installation Guide (LT-0737) or 734N/734N-POE Installation Guide (LT-1197). If you select slot 1 and are updating an XR with firmware Version 182 or earlier, Format Name will automatically be named Single Card Format and Wiegand Code Length will default to 45.
Wiegand Code Length
When using a custom credential, enter the total number of bits to be received in Wiegand code including parity bits.
Press any select key or area to enter a number between 1-255 to equal the number of bits. Default is 26 bits.
Typically, an access card contains data bits for a site code, a user code, and start/stop/ parity bits. The starting position location and code length must be determined and
programmed into the 734/734N/734N-POE Module.
Site Code Position
Enter the site code start position in the data string. Press any select key or area to enter a number between 0-255. Default is 1.
Site Code Length
Enter the number of characters the site code contains. Press any select key or area to enter a number between 1-24. Default is 8.
User Code Position
Define the User Code start bit position. Press any select key or area to enter a number between 0-255. Default is 9.
5.2.5 User Code Length USER CODE
Define the number of User Code bits. Press any select key or area to enter a custom number. On a 734 module, custom numbers can only be between 16-64.
On a 734N/734N-POE module, custom numbers can be between 0-255. The default is 16.
Require Site Code NO YES
Press the select key or area under YES to use a site code. In addition to User Code verification, door access is only granted when any one site code
programmed at the SITE CODE ENTRY option matches the site code received in the Wiegand string.
5.2.7 Site Code Display
SITE CODE 1: – 734 Module: You can program up to 8 eight-digit site codes. Site code range is 0-16,777,214. Any previously programmed site codes display. Dashes represent blank site codes. Default is blank.
SITE CODE 1: (0-16,777,214) 127
734N/734N-POE Module: You can program up to 8 eight-digit site codes. Site code range is 0-16,777,214. Any previously programmed site codes display. Site Code 1 defaults to 127. Site Codes 2-8 default to blank. Dashes represent blank site codes. Site Code 1 displays first. Enter a site code number followed by the CMD key to advance to the next option, Site Code 2. To delete an existing site code, press any select key or area. Either enter a new site code followed by CMD, or press CMD to leave blank and continue to the next site code. Repeat these steps to change, delete, or add up to 8 site codes.
5.2.8 Number of User Code Digits
The 734 and 734N/734N-POE modules recognizes user codes from 4-12 digits in length. Press NO. OF USER CODE
any select key or area to enter a user code digit length. This number must match the user code number length being used by the panel. Default is 5. For an Area System, use 4 to 12 digits (typically 5).
For all other systems and panels, use 4 digits.
Any selection above 5 digits require entry of the custom card definitions with custom site and user code positions for the Wiegand string. When searching the bit string for the user code, the digits are identified and read from left to right.

Device Number
Enter the address of the device you are programming. If using a wireless keypad, program the device number in the Status List Auxiliary 1 Zones programming option to display wireless keypad troubles. After you program each option for the first keypad, repeat these programming steps for each additional keypad. The valid range for KEYPAD, FIRE, and EXPANDER type devices is 1 -16. The valid range for DOOR type devices is 1 – 16 and 501 – 961. See the AX Bus Addresses and 734 Zone Numbers chart on the previous page. Wireless keypads and network door controllers are not able to occupy address 1.
DOOR Device Type
The XR550 provides the ability to program an additional 16 doors of access to the system using 734, 734N, and 734N-POE Wiegand Interface Modules connected to any of the XR550’s LX-Bus headers. This can be combined with the 16 doors of access available from the keypad bus for a total of 32 doors.
Door capacity can be increased to a maximum of 64 or 96 by applying purchased feature keys. Feature keys are purchased through DMP Customer Service and entered into the panel using a keypad or Remote Link. Call DMP Customer Service at 1-866-266-2826 for purchasing information.
Programming and Operation
Once a 734 address has been programmed for the bus, the LX-Bus is automatically converted from a hardwire zone expansion bus to a hardwire Access Expansion Bus (AX-Bus ) and the bus begins to operate as shown below.

  • Each 734 module provides one door relay and four protection zones to connect switches such as door and window contacts.

  • 16 doors of access can be programmed per AX-Bus to a maximum of eighty (80) 734 modules. Please see the table below for available addresses.

  • Any unused AX-Bus zone numbers may be programmed as wireless zones. Hardwired zone expansion modules such as the 711, 714/714N-POE, 715-16 and others are
    incompatible with bus operation and cannot be used.

  • Device Setup programming for AX-Bus address are automatically programmed as a door type. Device Type, Communication Type and Display Areas are not shown. Only 734 module programming is shown.
    Note: An AX-Bus operation is compatible with 734, 734N, and 734N-POE modules and XR550 Series Canadian control panels. Keypads must only be used on the keypad bus. AX-Bus operation is not available with XR150 Series Canadian control panels.

Device Addresses and 734, 734N, and 734N-POE Zone Numbers

Keypad Bus LX/AX Bus
Device/ Door Zones
Door** Zones
Zones Device/ Door
1 11-14
2 21-24
3 31-34
4 41-44
5 51-54
6 61-64
7 71-74
8 81-84
9 91-94
10 101-104

11| 111-114| 541| 541-544| 641| 641-644| 741| 741-744| 841| 841-844| 941| 941-944
12| 121-124| 545| 545-548| 645| 645-648| 745| 745-748| 845| 845-848| 945| 945-948
13| 131-134| 549| 549-552| 649| 649-652| 749| 749-752| 849| 849-852| 949| 949-952
14| 141-144| 553| 553-556| 653| 653-656| 753| 753-756| 853| 853-856| 953| 953-956
15| 151-154| 557| 557-560| 657| 657-660| 757| 757-760| 857| 857-860| 957| 957-960
16| 161-164| 561| 561-564| 661| 661-664| 761| 761-764| 861| 861-864| 961| 961-964

5.4 Device Name UNUSED
A device name must be given to each device in the system. To add a device name, press any select key or area. The default device name (DEVICE X) displays. Select CMD to
accept the default name or press any select key or area to enter a new name up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Press CMD.
To remove a device from the system, delete the device name by pressing any select key or area, then press CMD. The panel automatically programs the name as UNUSED .5.5 TYPE: KEYPAD DOOR KPD FI EXP
Device Type
This section allows you to select a device type for the selected device number.
KEYPAD – The device type is a non-fire, non-access keypad.
DOOR – The device is an access control device and is either a keypad using door strike functions or a Wiegand Interface Module. Devices with an address higher than 16 are
automatically assigned as a DOOR device type.
FIRE – The device is a 630F Remote Annunciator.
Note: See Fire Device Remote Programming in the XR550 Series Compliance Guide (LT-1330) for instructions on how to allow remote panel programming.
EXPANDER – The device is a Zone Expansion Module.
Device Communication Type
KEYPAD – Select KPD for devices that are connected to the keypad bus. Select AX-BUS for addresses 501-964.
WIRELESS – Select WLS for wireless communication.
NETWORK – Select NET for devices that communicate over a network connection.
Serial Number
Note: This option only displays if Device Type is KEYPAD and Device Comm Type is WIRELESS.
Enter the eight-digit serial number found on the wireless keypad.
5.7.1 SUPRVSN TIME: 240
Supervision Time
0 60 240 Note:
This option only displays if Device Type is KEYPAD and Device Comm Type is WIRELESS. Press any select key or area to select the supervision time required for the device. Press CMD to accept the default time. Default is 240 minutes.
Press the select key or area under the required number of minutes. The device must check
ACCESS AREAS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Access Areas
Press CMD to program Access Areas. To select an area, enter the area number using the digit keys on the keypad. When an area is selected, an asterisk appears next to the area number. Enter the number again to deselect the area. Press CMD to display the next set of areas. Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document. Users must have matching access area numbers assigned to their code to receive a door access at this device.
If you do not enter any area numbers, all users with Door Access authority receives a door access without regard to schedules. If the user code is programmed for Anti-Pass YES, then the user is logged into all matching areas. This user is not allowed to access these areas again until they have egressed the area. See Egress Areas.
When all areas accessed by a door are armed, the door is locked by the panel. Note: For an All/Perimeter, Home/Sleep/Away, or Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system,
Access Areas should be left at factory default settings.

Egress Areas
Press CMD to program Egress Areas. To select an area, enter the area number using the digit keys on the keypad. When an area is selected, an asterisk appears next to the area number. Enter the number again to deselect the area. Press CMD to display the next set of areas. Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document. Note: For an All/Perimeter, Home/Sleep/Away, or Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system, Egress Areas should be left at factory default settings.
Note: If an area is programmed as an access area, it cannot be programmed as an egress area and therefore does not display during Egress Areas programming.
Use this option to detect Anti-passback violations. Anti-passback requires a user to properly exit (egress) an area they have previously accessed. If users fail to exit through the proper card reader location they are not granted access on their next attempt. Users must have matching access area numbers assigned to their profile, to receive a door
access at this device. If the user is programmed for Anti-Pass YES, then the user is logged out of all matching areas. This allows the user to again access the area. See Access Areas section.


If you do not enter any area numbers, all users with Door Access authority receives a door access without regard to schedules. If you are not using the Anti-Pass feature leave Egress Areas blank.
Display Areas
Press CMD to program Display Areas. To select an area between 1 to 32, enter the area number using the keypad digit keys. When an area is selected, an asterisk appears next to the area number. Enter the number again to deselect the area. Press CMD to display the next set of areas. Default is all area numbers. Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document.
Display Areas allows the panels burglary activities to be segmented so that only specific area(s) and their associated operation appear at a particular keypad. Area number(s)
selected in this field affect the way users interact with the system from this particular device. For example: Program Device 1 to show only the zone activities and armed status of Area 1.
Enter the area number(s) that this keypad is to display. This allows specific area control from specific keypads, as well as annunciation of zones assigned to those area(s). When Display Areas is left defaulted (all areas selected), Menu Display and Status List items determine whether zone alarms and troubles display at this device, regardless of area assignment.
Also, all system areas may be armed and disarmed from this device. Note: For an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, Display Areas should be left at
factory default settings. For Home/Sleep/Away with Guest arming systems, the Display Areas selection determines which system the keypad arms and disarms. With areas 1, 2 or 3 being the first areas selected, the keypad is assigned to the Main system. With area 4, 5 or 6 being the first areas selected, the keypad is assigned to the Guest 1 system. With area 7, 8 or 9 being the first areas selected, the keypad is assigned to the Guest 2 system (Guest 2 only applies to XR550 systems). Keypads can have additional areas assigned for Event Display.
User Action Allowed
When an area(s) is selected, the following user actions are allowed:

  • Arming or Disarming of the area(s) selected from the ARM or DISARM menu

  • Alarm Silence for the area(s) selected

  • Zone Bypass of zones assigned to the area(s) selected

  • Zone Monitor of zone assigned to the area(s) selected

  • Shift schedule changes allowed for the area(s) selected

  • Closing Check Schedule Extend is allowed for the area(s) selected

  • Door Schedules changes are allowed for devices that have a matching area(s) as defined in Device Access Areas

  • Door On/Off Menu operation is allowed for devices that have a matching area(s) as defined in Device Access Areas
    Note: The previous user actions also require the matching area(s) be programmed in User Profile: Arm/Disarm area(s).
    Status Display Allowed
    When an area(s) is chosen, the following displays are allowed:

  • Armed Status of the selected area(s)

  • Zone Alarms and troubles for burglary (NT, DY, EX, A1, A2) type zones assigned to the selected area(s)

  • Late to Close status of the selected area(s)

  • Zone Status (normal/fault) of zones that are assigned to the selected area(s)
    Options and Actions Not Affected
    The following options are not affected by the Display Areas operation. The User Code authority level controls access to these items.

  • Sensor Reset Menu

  • Outputs On/Off Menu

  • System Status Menu

  • System Test/Panic Test

  • User Profiles

  • Forgive Anti-Passback

  • Service Request

  • Set System Time and DatE

  • Fire Drill

  • Display Events

  • 24-hour zones display at keypads based on Status List programming only
    Note: A common area and its operations cannot be assigned to a specific keypad.
    Display Areas example: When Device 1 has Display Areas set to 20, 21, and 22, it annunciates troubles and alarms only for zones assigned to those areas. When arming/
    disarming from Device 1, only areas 20, 21, and 22 may be armed/disarmed, even when the User Profile has authority to arm/disarm other system areas.
    Exception: Disarming of other areas not selected in Display Areas can be accomplished by presenting a card that has disarming authority and matching profile areas with areas assigned in Device Access Areas.

5.11 Strike Time STRIKE TIME: 5 Enter a door access time, between 1 and 250 seconds, during which a keypad or access control device relay is activated. Magnetic locks or electric door strikes are connected to the relay and released for the length of the strike time. Default is 5 seconds. Enter 0 (zero) to activate the device relay with a toggle action. This allows the user to activate or deactivate the device relay each time a valid user code is entered. The device relay is activated or deactivated until a user code is entered again. Note: The Request to Exit door access time of a keypad or Model 734/734N Wiegand Interface Module is not affected by this selection. It remains at 5 seconds.
5.12 Strike Delay STRIKE DELAY: 0 Enter the number of minutes, 0 to 9, to delay a door strike after a valid code is entered or a card read occurs. When a valid code or card read or code is received, the activation of the door strike is delayed for the number of minutes programmed. The standard door strike message is sent to the Central Station receiver and logged in the Display Events at the time of card read or code entry and is not delayed. During this delay, all subsequent codes entered or cards presented to the reader for a door strike are ignored and no record of the attempt is stored. Enter 0 (zero) to disable. Default is 0 (zero).
5.13 Fire Exit Release FIRE EXIT NO YES Select YES to allow the door access relay at this address to be released whenever Fire panic keys are pressed or a Fire or Fire Verify zone alarm is in the Status List. The relay is reset whenever a Sensor Reset is performed to remove all Fire and Fire Verify zone alarms from the Status List. Select NO to not allow the door access relay at this address to be released.
5.14 Public Door PUBLIC DR NO YES Select YES to allow the door access relay at this address to be locked whenever the Lockdown command is issued from the keypad User Menu or remote command. Select NO to not allow the door access relay at this address to be released. Default is NO.
5.15 Private Door PRIVATE DR NO YES
Select YES to assign this address as a private door, which will not be assigned to an access area. The private door can then be added to a profile. Up to four private doors can be assigned to an individual profile.
Select NO to not allow a door to be designated as a private door. Default is NO.
5.16 OUT GROUP NO YES Output Group Select YES to allow the output group (relays) assigned to the user profile to turn ON when the device relay is activated for the programmed strike time. This could be used to operate an elevator control. Default is NO. See the User Profiles section in the Appendix of this document for more information about profiles.
5.17 Schedule Override OVERRIDE NO YES Use this option to allow door ON/OFF schedules to be overridden by the armed condition of the system. Selecting YES causes the on time for a door schedule to be ignored when all areas assigned to Access Areas for this device are armed. Should any area become disarmed after the door schedule on time, the device output turns on. A door output which is on during a disarmed period automatically turns off when all access areas assigned to the device become armed, even if the scheduled off time has not been reached. This feature can be used to keep doors locked when a factory opens late, or is forced to close early, due
to a snow storm or other cause. Select NO to allow door schedules to operate independent of system armed status.
Note: When OVERRIDE is YES and there are no areas programmed in ACCESS AREAS, the door schedule for that device does not work. Either set OVERRIDE to NO or enter an area number in ACCESS AREAS.
Auto Force Arm Device?
Select YES to have all Display Areas assigned to this keypad automatically arm and force arm faulted zones at arming. The user is not prompted to select areas to arm or force arm faulted zones after choosing ARM at the keypad. If Closing Code is programmed as YES, only the matching areas between the Display Areas and the User Code’s authorized areas arm. Also, when YES is selected, the user is not prompted to select areas to disarm after entering a code at Entry Delay or after choosing Disarm at the keypad. All matching areas assigned to the User Code and to this keypad are automatically disarmed. When NO is selected, the user is prompted to select areas (ALL NO YES) and choose to force arm or bypass at arming and disarming. Default is NO.
5.19 Door Real-Time Status?
Select YES to have real-time door status messages sent to PC Log reporting and Entré reporting for this device. Messages are sent anytime the panel turns the door relay on or off. Default is NO.

5.20 Send Door Forced Message?
Select YES to have the panel send a real-time door status message of Forced Open (FO) to PC Log reporting and Entré reporting when the door relay is off, but the door zone has transitioned from its normal state. Default is NO.
5.21 Program 734/734N Options
Select YES to program a 734 or a 734N/734N-POE Wiegand Interface Module. The options displayed for a 734 or 734N are the same.
To program the 734, the Device Type must be set to DOOR and the Device Communication Type must be set to KPD-BUS.
To program the 734N/734N-POE, the Device Type must be set to DOOR and the Device Communication Type must be set to NETWORK.
5.21.1 Card Options
Select DMP to allow only the DMP card format for access. The menu advances to REQUIRE SITE CODE.
Select CUSTOM to disable DMP format and program slots 1-8 as needed. The menu advances to FORMAT NO. The format that is programmed into slot 1 is the default format. In the event that a card with an unrecognized format is programmed when adding a credential, that card will be read in the format that is programmed in slot 1. To restrict card reads to specific formats, only program slots 2-8.
Select ANY to allow all Wiegand card reads to activate the door strike relay. The relay is activated for the length of time programmed in ZN 3 REX TIME. No user code information is sent to the panel. The menu advances to NO COMM WITH PNL.
5.21.2 Activate Zone 2 Bypass  ACTIVATE ZONE 2 BYPASS? NO YES
Select YES to activate the Bypass option.
Selecting NO allows standard zone operation on Zone 2 and displays the ACTIVATE ZONE 3 REX option. Default setting is NO.
If the door being released by the 734/734N/734N-POE module is protected (contact installed), you can provide a programmable Bypass entry/exit timer by connecting its contact wiring to the 734/734N/734N-POE module Zone 2. When the on-board Form C relay activates and the user opens the door connected to Zone 2, the zone is bypassed for the number of seconds programmed in ZONE 2 BYPASS TIME allowing the user to enter/exit. If Zone 2 does not restore (door closed) within the programmed bypass time, the 734/734N/734N-POE piezo pulses during the last ten seconds. If Zone 2 restores prior to the end of the programmed time, the piezo silences. If the zone does not restore before the programmed time, the 734/734N/734N-POE ends the bypass and indicates the open or short zone condition to the panel.
5.21.3 ZONE 2 BYPASS TIME: 40
Zone 2 Bypass Time
Enter the number of Bypass seconds to elapse before the Bypass timer expires. Range is from 20 to 250 seconds. Press any select key or area to enter the number of seconds. If the door remains open when the timer expires a zone open/short is sent to the panel for Zone 2. The default is 40 seconds.
Relock on Zone 2 Change?
Selecting NO leaves the relay on for the door access time when Zone 2 restores. Selecting YES turns the 734/734N/734N-POE relay off and relocks the door when Zone 2
changes state. The default is NO.
Activate Zone 3 Request to Exit
Selecting YES activates the Zone 3 Request to Exit (REX) option.
Selecting NO allows standard zone operation on Zone 3 and displays the ACTIVATE ONBOARD SPEAKER option. Default setting is NO.
Optionally connect a PIR (or other motion sensing device) or a mechanical switch to Zone 3 to provide REX capability to the system. When Zone 3 shorts, the on-board Form C relay activates for the programmed number of seconds. During this time, the user can open the protected door to start the programmed Bypass entry/exit timer. After the programmed number of seconds, the relay restores the door to its locked state.
The 734/734N/734N-POE module provides a bypass-only option for REX on Zone 3. When Zone 3 opens from a normal state, only a bypass occurs: the on-board relay does not activate. This bypass-only option uses two methods of REX. The first REX device provides the programmed Bypass entry/exit timer. The second REX device, or manual device such as a door knob, unlocks the door.
An example of the bypass-only configuration is a door to an office that is locked 24 hours a day. Users pass a REX motion detector positioned by the door to begin the programmed exit timer. Within the programmed number of seconds the user must then manually activate a second device, such as a REX device or manual door knob, to unlock the door. If the door is opened after the programmed number of seconds, the zone goes into alarm.

5.21.6 Zone 3 REX Strike Time ZN 3 REX STRIKE
TIME: Enter the number of REX seconds to elapse. Range is from 5 to 250 seconds. Press any select key or area to enter the number of seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
5 5.21.7
Activate Onboard Speaker
Select YES to enable the onboard piezo speaker for local annunciation. Select NO to turn the piezo off for all operations. This does not affect remote annunciator open collector (RA) operation. The default is NO.
No Communication with Panel This option defines the relay action when communication with the panel has not occurred for approximately ten seconds. Press any select key or area to display relay action options. Press the Back Arrow key to return to the NO OF USER CODE DIGITS:. Choose the action required:

Press the first select key or area to choose OFF [Default] (Relay Always Off) — The relay does not turn on when any Wiegand string is received. Off does not affect any REX operation.
Press the second select key or area to choose SITE (Accept Site Code) — Door access is granted when the Wiegand site code string received matches any site code programmed at SITE CODE ENTRY. For details refer back to the REQUIRE SITE CODE option.
Press the third select key or area to choose ANY (Any Wiegand Read) — Door access is granted when any Wiegand string is received.
Press the fourth select key or area to choose ON (Relay Always On) — The relay is always on.
Press CMD to display the next action.
Press the first select key or area to choose LAST (Keep Last State) — The relay remains in the same state and does not change when communication is lost.
After choosing the action, the NO COMM WITH PNL option and the newly defined action display. Programming is now complete. Press CMD to display DEVICE NO.

Remote Options

6.1 Remote Options
This section allows you to enter the information needed for Remote Command/Remote Programming operation.
6.2 Remote Key
REMOTE KEY: This option allows you to enter a code of up to 16 characters. The Remote Link™ program must give the correct key to the panel before being allowed any remote functions. All panels are shipped from the factory with the key preset as blank. To enter a remote key or change the current one, press a select key or area and enter any combination of up to 16 digits. Press CMD. The current key displays as asterisks.
6.3 Remote Disarm
YES allows the panel to be disarmed remotely. NO disables remote disarming.Default is YES.
6.4 Armed Answer Rings
RINGS: Enter the number of rings the panel counts before answering the phone line when all system areas are armed. Any number from 0 to 15 can be entered. If 0 (zero) is entered, the panel does not answer the phone when all system areas are armed.
The default is 8 (eight). Answering machine bypass procedure: Entering a number greater than 0 (zero) into either
Armed Rings or Disarmed Rings, allows a central station operator to connect remotely with  8 the panel.
How it works: The operator calls the panel, allows the telephone to ring one time, and then hangs up. The panel stores this as an attempt to communicate. The operator
then calls back within 30 seconds. The panel seizes the telephone line to allow remote programming.
Note: This feature does not interfere with the normal operation of the Arm Rings or Disarm Rings functions.
6.5 Disarmed Answer Rings
RINGS: Enter the number of rings the panel counts before answering the phone line while any system areas are disarmed. Any number from 0 to 15 can be entered. If 0 (zero) is entered, the panel does not answer the phone when any system area is disarmed. The default number is 8 (eight).  8

YES allows the panel to answer the telco link and connect with Remote Link through the PC Modem at 2400 baud. NO disables PC Modem communication.
6.7 Alarm Receiver Authorization ALR RCVR NO YES
Select YES to enable remote commands and programming to be accepted from the alarm SCS-1R Receiver. The Remote Key option can also be required.
With YES selected, the panel requests the receiver key during its first communication with the first SCS-1R Receiver. The panel retains this alarm receiver key in memory and allows remote commands to be accepted from the alarm receiver. If an alarm occurs during a remote connect, the alarm report is immediately sent to this receiver only.
When NO is selected, remote commands and programming are not accepted from the alarm SCS-1R Receiver.
6.8 Service Receiver Authorization
YES enables remote commands and programming to be accepted from a secondary service receiver other than the alarm SCS-1R Receiver. The Remote Key option can also be required.
With YES selected, the panel requests the service receiver key the first time it is contacted by the service receiver. The panel retains this service receiver key in memory and accepts remote commands from the service receiver.
If an alarm occurs during a remote connect, the panel disconnects from the service receiver and calls the alarm receiver. Alarm reports are only sent to the alarm receiver.
It is important that the alarm receiver key and the service receiver key programmed  at the central station are NOT the same so the panel can determine the difference between receivers. When NO is selected remote commands and programming are not accepted from a secondary service receiver.
6.9 Manufacturer Authorization
Select YES to allow DMP Technical Support technicians to access the panel during system service or troubleshooting. This authorization automatically expires within one hour. DMP remote service is provided on a read only basis: DMP technicians can look at the system programming and make suggestions only. Alterations can only be accomplished by installing company service personnel.
6.10 Allow Network Remote ALLOW NETWORK REMOTE? NO YES
This option displays only if the panel has network capability. YES allows remote programming over the network. Changing this option does not change any other network
programming options. Default is YES.
6.10.1 Network Programming Port NETWORK PROG PORT: 2001
Enter the programming port number. The programming port identifies the port used to communicate messages from the panel. The default Programming Port setting is 2001.
Encrypt Network Remote
YES encrypts data sent over network. Default is NO.
Allow Cellular Remote
YES allows remote programming using cellular connection. Default is YES.

Enter the first APN (Access Point Name). This allows an access point for cellular
communication and is used to connect to a DNS network. The APN may contain two lines of
16 characters to equal 32 characters. Default is set to NMRX.CA.APN.
Encrypt Cellular Remote
YES encrypts data sent over a cellular connection. Default is NO.
6.12 ENTRE
Entré Connection
This option displays if the panel has network or cellular capability. Select NET to allow a dedicated network connection with Entré. Options are NONE, NET, or CELL. Default is NONE.
6.12.1 Entré Incoming TCP Port  ENTRE INCOMING
TCP PORT: 2011
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the Entré connection. Enter the programming port number for the incoming Entré connection. The programming port identifies the port used to communicate messages to and from the Entré software. This port cannot be the same port as programmed in Network Programming Port. The default Programming Port setting is 2011.
6.12.2 Entré IP Address
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the Entré connection. Enter the Entré IP address where the panel sends network messages. The Entré IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display
automatically. Default is
6.12.3 Entré Outbound TCP Port
TCP PORT: 2001
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the Entré connection. Enter the programming port number for the outbound Entré connection. The programming port identifies the port used to communicate messages to the Entré software. Default is 2001.
6.12.4 Entré Backup Connection
This option displays if NET or CEL is chosen for the Entré connection. Enter the backup address where the panel sends network messages if the first Entré connection fails. The Entré connection must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. If the backup connection is NET, enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP NONE NET CEL address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. Default is
6.12.5 Entré Backup TCP Port
This option displays only if NET or CELL is chosen for the Entré connection. Enter the backup programming port number for the outbound Entré connection in case the
connection to the primary IP fails. Default is 2001.
6.12.6 Entré Reports ENTRE REPORTS
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the Entré connection. Choose which types of system reports are sent to Entré. Press CMD to view all of the Entré report options. Choose YES to enable arming/disarming, zone, user code, door access, or supervisory message reports. All Entré reports default to YES.
Arm and Disarm Reports
Sends arming, disarming and Late to Close events. Includes the area number, name and action, the user number and name, and the time and date.
Zone Reports
Sends changes in the status of active zones. Includes the zone number, name, type, the action (alarm, trouble, bypass, etc.), user number (if applicable), and area name. For a
Walk Test, Verify and Fail messages are sent for each zone.
User Command Reports
Sends user code changes, schedule changes, and door access denied events.
Door Access Reports
Sends door access activity: door number, user number and name, and time and date.
Supervisory Reports
Sends system monitor reports, such as AC and battery, and system event reports.
Supervisory Reports also sends the following reports:

  • Abort
  • Exit Error
  • Ambush
  • System Recently Armed
  • Alarm Bell Silenced
  • Unauthorized Entry
  • Late to Close*
  • Only sent as a Supervisory Report if Area Schedules is not enabled, Closing Check is enabled, and an opening/closing schedule has been programmed.
    Note: To send these reports to the PC Log, you must enable SUPV MSG.

VIDEO: Video Reports
Enabling this feature will allow the panel to send video system reports to Entré when an OpenEye event message has been received from a camera.
6.12.7 ENTRE CHECKIN MINUTES: 0 Entré Checkin
Select the rate at which check-in messages are sent over the Entré connection. Select 0

6.12.8 Entré Passphrase
– To enable encryption enter an 8 to 16-character Passphrase using alphanumeric characters.
If you leave the Passphrase blank, the panel communicates with Entré, but the data is not encrypted. The Passphrase is BLANK by default.
Integrator Connection
This option displays if the panel has network or cellular capability. Select NET to allow a dedicated network connection with Entré. Options are NONE, NET, or CELL. Default is NONE.
6.13.1 Integrator Incoming TCP Port
TCP PORT: 2011
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the integrator connection. Enter the programming port number for the incoming Entré connection. The programming port
identifies the port used to communicate messages to and from the integrator software. This port cannot be the same port as programmed in Network Programming Port. The default Programming Port setting is 8011.
6.13.2 Integrator IP Address
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the integrator connection. Enter the IP address where the panel sends network messages. The IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. Default is
6.13.3 Integrator Outbound TCP Port
TCP PORT: 2001
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the integrator connection. Enter the programming port number for the outbound connection. The programming port identifies the port used to communicate messages to the integrator software. Default is 8001.
6.13.4 Integrator Backup Connection
This option displays if NET or CEL is chosen for the integrator connection. Enter the backup address where the panel sends network messages if the first connection fails. The integrator connection must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. If the backup connection is NET, enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. Default is .0.0.0
6.13.5 Integrator Backup TCP Port
PORT: 2001
This option displays only if NET or CELL is chosen for the integrator connection. Enter the backup programming port number for the outbound connection in case the connection to the primary IP fails. Default is 8001.
6.13.6 Integrator Reports
This option displays only if NET is chosen for the integrator connection. Choose which types of system reports are sent to the integrator. Press CMD to view all of the report options. Choose YES to enable arming/disarming, zone, user code, door access, or supervisory message reports. All integrator reports default to YES.
Arm and Disarm Reports
Sends arming, disarming and Late to Close events. Includes the area number, name and action, the user number and name, and the time and date.
Zone Reports
Sends changes in the status of active zones. Includes the zone number, name, type, the action (alarm, trouble, bypass, etc.), user number (if applicable), and area name. For a
Walk Test, Verify and Fail messages are sent for each zone. User Command Reports
Sends user code changes, schedule changes, and door access denied events.
Door Access Reports
Sends door access activity: door number, user number and name, and time and date.
Supervisory Reports
Sends system monitor reports, such as AC and battery, and system event reports.
Supervisory Reports also sends the following reports:

  • Abort
  • Exit Error
  • Ambush
  • System Recently Armed
  • Alarm Bell Silenced
  • Unauthorized Entry
  • Late to Close*
  • Only sent as a Supervisory Report if Area Schedules is not enabled, Closing Check is enabled, and an opening/closing schedule has been programmed.
    Note: To send these reports to the PC Log, you must enable SUPV MSG.

VIDEO: Video Reports
Enabling this feature will allow the panel to send video system reports to the integrator when an OpenEye event message has been received from a camer
6.13.7 Integrator Passphrase
– To enable encryption enter an 8 to 16-character Passphrase using alphanumeric characters.
If you leave the Passphrase blank, the panel communicates with the integrator, but the data is not encrypted. The Passphrase is BLANK by default.
6.14 Send Local Changes
This option allows the panel to automatically update Remote Link at the central station with any changes made to the panel.
Select NET or DD to send local programming changes or User Menu changes to user codes, user profiles, schedules, or holiday dates to Remote Link after exiting the programming or User Menu. If NET is selected, changes are sent using Network. If DD is selected, changes are sent using Dialer. Default is NO to disable this feature.
6.14.1 Remote Change IP
This option displays when NET is selected for Send Local Changes. Enter the IP address containing up to 12 digits. The Net IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. Default is
6.14.2 Remote Change Port
PORT: This option displays when NET is selected for Send Local Changes. Enter the Port number. Valid numbers are from 0 to 65535. Default is 2002.
2002 6.14.3
Remote Telephone Number
This option displays when DD is selected for Send Local Changes. Press CMD to enter the phone number the panel dials when sending programming changes. After entering
a phone number, the panel sends any panel changes to Remote Link. The phone number can have two lines of 16 characters each to equal 32. Enter a P to
program a two second pause in the dialing sequence. The P character counts as part of the 32 allowable characters. Enter 70P as the string first characters to cancel call waiting. Dial tone detect is an automatic panel function.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415*16
6.15 App Key
APP KEY: Enter the 8-digit App Key obtained in your Dealer Settings tab at
This option is a security feature of the Virtual Keypad iPhone/Android App used only when your Dealer Settings at have “EASYconnect” set as the Communication Type.
This communication option is only available for panels with onboard network and is used to eliminate the need for a static IP address programmed in Network Options. To enter a new App Key, press any select key or area and enter any combination of 8 digits. Press CMD. The default for this option is BLANK.

System Reports

7.1 System Reports
Select specific system reports the panel sends to the receiver.
7.2 VIDEO: Video Reports
Enabling this feature will allow the panel to send video system reports to Entre when an OpenEye event message has been received from a camera.
7.3 Abort Report
YES allows the panel to send an alarm abort report to the receiver any time an area is disarmed during Transmit Delay before an alarm report is sent and the Bell Cutoff Time has not expired. After disarming an area, if any other area remains armed and has zone(s) in alarm, the alarm abort report is not sent.
If the communication type is set to DD, a Warning: Alarm Bell Silenced report is also sent if the alarm bell is silenced.
Note: Abort Reports are not sent for Fire, Fire Verify, or Supervisory type zones.
7.4 Restoral Reports
This option allows you to control when and if a zone restoral report is sent to the central station receiver. Press any select key or area to display the following options:
NO – Disables the zone restoral report option. Zones continue to operate normally but do not send restoral reports to the receiver.
YES – Enables the zone restoral report option. Zone restorals are sent whenever a zone restores from a trouble or alarm condition.
DISARM – Causes the panel to send restoral reports for a non-24-hour zone whenever a zone that has restored from a trouble or alarm condition is disarmed. All 24-hour zones send restoral reports as they restore.
7.5 Bypass Reports
BYPASS NO YES YES allows the panel to send all zone bypasses, resets, and force arm reports to the receiver. The bypass report includes the zone number, zone name, and the user name and number of the individual operating the system. Reports are only sent if O/C User in Communications is set YES for Receiver 1 or Receiver 2.
7.6 Schedule Change Reports SCHD CHG NO YES
YES allows the panel to send all schedule changes to the receiver. The report includes the day, opening time, closing time, extend schedule time, and the user name and number of the individual making the change. Schedule changes made through Remote Link™ are not sent to the printer or Display Events.
7.7 Code Change Reports CODE CHG NO YES
YES allows the panel to send all code additions, changes, and deletions to the receiver. The code change report includes the user name and number added or deleted and the user name and number of the individual making the change. Code changes made through Remote Link™ are not sent to the printer or Display Events. Reports are only sent if O/C User in Communications is set YES for Receiver 1 or Receiver 2. The default setting is YES.
7.8 Access Keypads ACCESS KEYPADS:
Select the keypad addresses (1 through 16) that send door access reports to the receiver. Enter the keypad number using the digit keys. An asterisk next to the number indicates that the keypad is selected. Press CMD to display the next set of keypads. A report is sent with each door access made from the selected keypads. Keypads at
addresses not selected still operate the door relay but do not send access reports. The report includes the user number, user name, keypad address, and device name.
7.9 Ambush
YES allows an ambush report to be sent anytime user code number 1 is entered at a keypad. NO disables the ambush report and allows user number 1 to operate the same as
all other codes.
7.10 Late To Open
Enter 1-240 as the number of minutes to elapse that the system may remain armed LATE TO OPEN
after the opening time of a schedule without sending a Late To Open message. If the system continues to be armed after the Late to Open minutes expire, a Late To Open
message is sent to the central station. Default is 0, which disables the Late To Open option.
7.11 Early To Close
Enter 1-240 as the number of minutes that the system can be armed prior to the EARLY TO CLOSE
scheduled closing time. If the system is armed prior to the Early to Close minutes, an Early To Close message is sent to the central station. Default is 0, which disables the
Early to Close option.

8.1 System Options
This section allows you to select system-wide parameters.
8.2 VIDEO:
Video Reports
NO YES Enabling this feature will allow the panel to send video system reports to Entre when an OpenEye event message has been received from a camera.
8.3 System
This option allows you to program how the areas operate for arming and disarming. The options you can choose are listed below:
AREA – All 32 areas can be programmed and operated independently.
ALL/PERIMETER – Area 1 is the Perimeter and Area 2 is the Interior.
HOME/SLEEP/AWAY – Area 1 is the Perimeter, Area 2 is the Interior, and Area 3 is the Bedrooms. With the HOME/SLEEP/AWAY option, the user can:

  1. Select HOME to arm just the perimeter.
  2. Select SLEEP to arm the perimeter and interior (non bedroom areas).
  3. Select AWAY to arm all three areas.
    Note: A Home/Sleep/Away system can be configured to use all three areas or only use the Home and Away areas.
    HOME/SLEEP/AWAY WITH GUEST- This allows the alarm system to be divided into a main house HOME/SLEEP/AWAY system and two other guest houses that also are set up as HOME/ SLEEP/AWAY systems.
    Areas 1, 2, and 3 are the Perimeter, Interior, and Bedrooms for the Main house system.
    Areas 4, 5, and 6 are the Perimeter, Interior, and Bedrooms for the Guest 1 house system.
    Areas 7, 8, and 9 are the Perimeter, Interior, and Bedrooms for the Guest 2 house system.
    These areas are automatically assigned per system and cannot be changed. See Display Areas in Device Setup to assign keypads to a system. Zones are assigned to a system by assigning the system’s area numbers to the zone in Zone Information programming. When either All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away is selected, the area names are automatically assigned and cannot be modified.
    Note: Areas 3-32 in an All/Perimeter system, areas 4-32 in a Home/Sleep/Away system, and areas 9-32 in a Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system are not available for use and are initialized.

8.4 Instant Arming
When YES is selected, the arming keypad displays INSTANT for selection during the exit countdown delay when arming fewer than all areas of the system. At the time instant arming is selected, any entry and exit delays programmed for the areas being armed are ignored. The entry delay for previously armed areas is not affected by instant arming.
When NO is selected, INSTANT does not display during arming. Default is NO for an Area System, and YES for an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system.
8.5 Closing Wait
When YES is selected, the keypad displays ONE MOMENT… while waiting for an acknowledgement from the receiver before arming the selected area(s) and performing a
Bell Test (if selected). Exit delays begin after the Closing Wait. Opening/Closing reports must be YES to enable Closing Wait.
8.6 ENTRY DLY 1: 30
Entry Delay 1
Enter the Entry Delay time for all Exit type zones programmed to use Entry Delay 1. When an armed Exit type zone is faulted, the keypad prewarn tone begins sounding. All keypads programmed to prewarn for that zone display ENTER CODE:- and the name of the zone causing the entry delay. When the first digit of a code is entered, the prewarn tone stops at that keypad. If an invalid code is entered, the prewarn tone begins sounding again. The area must be disarmed before the delay expires or an alarm report is sent to the receiver and an alarm sounds. All zones in that area are delayed along with the Exit zone. Entry Delay times can be from 30 to 250 seconds. Repeat the above for each entry delay being used in the system.
Note: Specific Exit Error operation is based on the Entry Delay used (1-4) with an EX type zone. See Exit Delay.
Note: For UL Installations, the combined Transmit Delay (Abort Window) and Entry Delay
must not exceed one (1) minute.
ENTRY DLY 4: 120
8.7 Cross Zone Time CRS ZONE TM:
4 Enter the time allowed between zone faults. When zones are cross zoned, the same zone or a second cross zoned zone must fault within this time in order for an alarm report for both zones to be sent to the receiver. If the cross zone time expires without the second zone faulting, only a zone fault from the first zone is reported. Cross-zone time can be from 4 to 250 seconds. Entering 0 (zero) disables this function. Default is 4. See the Appendix.
8.8 Zone Retard Delay
Enter the retard time assigned to Fire, Supervisory, Auxiliary 1, Auxiliary 2, Arming, and Panic type zones. The retard delay only functions when the zone is shorted. The zone must remain shorted for the entire length of the Retard Delay before being recognized by the panel. The Zone Retard Delay can be from 1 to 250 seconds. Entering a 0 (zero) disables this function.
8.9 Power Fail Delay PWR FAIL HRS:
1 This option tracks the duration of an AC power failure. When the AC power is off for the length of the programmed delay time, an AC power failure report is sent to the receiver. The delay time can be from 1 to 15 hours. Entering a 0 (zero) sends the power failure report after a 15-second delay. The default setting is 1.
8.10 Swinger Bypass Trips SWGRBYPS TRIPS: 2
Enter the number of times (1-6) a zone can go into an alarm or trouble condition within one hour be fore being auto matically bypassed. Bypassed zones are auto matically reset when the area they are assigned to is disarmed. All 24-hour zones are reset when any area of the system is dis armed. A programming Stop operation restores a bypassed zone. Entering 0 (zero) disables this function. Default is 2.
How it works
The panel hour timer starts at 59 minutes past the hour. If the hour timer expires before the trip counter is exceeded, the trip counter returns to 0 (zero). If the trip counter is
exceeded before the hour expires, the zone is auto matically bypassed by the panel. A Bypass Re port is sent to the receiver if Bypass Re ports is YES.
8.11 Reset Swinger Bypass RST SBYP NO YES
When YES is selected, an auto matically bypassed zone is reset if it remains in a normal condition for one complete hour after being bypassed. A report of the automatic reset is sent to the receiver if Bypass Reports has been se lected as YES. Default is NO.
8.12 Zone Activity Hours ZN ACTY HRS: 0
This option provides supervision of a person living alone for non-activity. Enter the number of hours, 0 to 9, allowed to elapse without a disarmed zone being tripped before a message is sent to the receiver. Default is 0 (zero). When the system is disarmed, the timer begins to countdown the number of hours
programmed. Each time activity occurs, the timer restarts the countdown. Before the countdown time expires, the keypad sounds a tone and PRESS ANY KEY displays
to allow the user to restart the activity timer. The duration of the tone is the number of seconds programmed for Entry Delay 2.
Select the SUPV/TRBL receiver option in communication programming to send S93 ALARM: User Activity Not Detected, S94 Alert: Activity Check Enabled, and S95 Alert: Activity Check Disabled messages.
When an open/close schedule is programmed, the timer only counts down during the scheduled open period. Also, when a schedule is programmed, if the timer is counting down and the scheduled open time occurs, the timer resets and begins the countdown again.
8.13 Time Zone Changes TIME CHG NO YES
This function allows the panel to request automatic time changes from the DMP SCS-1R Receiver on Path 1. For the receiver to send time changes, it must be programmed to send time changes and must be receiving time change updates from the network automation computer at least every 24 hours. Default is YES.
When time zone is programmed YES, enter the number (0-23) that indicates the difference between the Greenwich Time zone (GMT) and where the panel is located. The default is 6.

GMT City/Time Zone   GMT City/Time Zone
0 London, Monrovia, Lisbon, Dublin, Casablanca, Edinburgh 13 New Cadelonia
1 Cape Verde Island, Azores 14 Guam, Sydney
2 Mid-Atlantic, Fernando de Noronha 15 Tokyo, Seoul
3 Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro 16 Hong Kong,

4| Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz, Santiago| 17| Bangkok, Hanoi
5| Eastern Time (US, Canada) Bogota, Lima, Arequipa| 18| Dhaka, Almaty
6| Central Time (US, Canada), Mexico City, Saskatchewan| 19| Islamabad, Karachi
7| Mountain Time (US, Canada), Edmonton| 20| Abu Dhabi, Kazan
8| Pacific Time (US, Canada), Tijuana| 21| Moscow, Bagdad
9| Alaska| 22| Eastern Europe
11| Midway Island, Samoa, Hawaii*| 23| Rome, Paris, Berlin
12| Fiji, Marshall Island, Wellington, Auckland, Kwajalein, Kamchatka|  |

8.14 Latch Supervisory Zones
Selecting YES latches supervisory zone alarms on the keypad display until the sensor reset operation is performed. Selecting NO automatically clears the alarm from the keypad display when the supervisory zone restores to a normal condition. Default is YES.
8.15 Programming Menu Language PROG LANGUAGE
Press CMD to select the programming language. Any changes in PROG LANGUAGE do not take effect until the STOP routine completes.
The current primary programming language displays. The default language is English. Press a Select key to change the primary programming language.
Select the primary programming language.
ENG = English (ENGLISH)
SPN = Spanish (ESPANOL)
CZE = Czech (CESKY)
DUT = Dutch (NEDER)
The current secondary programming language displays. Selecting a secondary language allows the installer to view programming in English, Spanish, or French. When the
Programming Menu is accessed, the installer is prompted to choose the programming display language. If SEC LANG: is set to NONE, the option to choose a language does not display. To select a secondary language, press the select key or area below the language. Default is NONE.
Select the secondary programming language.
NONE = No secondary language options are displayed
ENG = English (ENGLISH)
SPN = Spanish (ESPANOL)
CZE = Czech (CESKY)
DUT = Dutch (NEDER)
8.16 User Menu and Status List Language USER LANGUAGE Press CMD to select User language.
The current primary user language displays. The default language is English. Press any select key or area to change the primary User language.
Select the primary user language.
ENG = English (ENGLISH)
SPN = Spanish (ESPANOL)
CZE = Czech (CESKY)
DUT = Dutch (NEDER)
The current secondary user language displays. Selecting a secondary user language allows the user to view the User Menu and Status List text in English, Spanish, or French. When the User Menu is accessed, the user is prompted to choose the display language. Status List text displays in the selected language until another language is chosen. If
SEC LANG: is set to NONE, the option to choose a language does not display. To select a secondary language, press the select key or area below the language. Default is NONE. For example, when Spanish is selected at a keypad, the User Menu and Status List text display in Spanish at that keypad. When the user later accesses the keypad, pressing CMD once displays the option for English, Spanish, or French. Pressing CMD again continues to display the Status List text in Spanish. Later on, if English or French is selected at that keypad, the User Menu and Status List text display in the selected language at that keypad.
Select the secondary user language.
NONE = No secondary language options are displayed
ENG = English (ENGLISH)
SPN = Spanish (ESPANOL)
CZE = Czech (CESKY)
DUT = Dutch (NEDER)
8.17 Bypass Limit BYPASS LIMIT 0 Enter the maximum number of zones (0 to 8) that can be bypassed in any single area when that area is being armed at a keypad. If more zones than the limit are in a non-normal state or already bypassed at arming, arming does not occur and Arming Stopped displays. The Bypass limit does not affect auto arming, keyswitch arming, or remote arming. Entering 0 (zero) allows no limit. Default is 0 (zero).

HOUSE CODE: House Code
When using a DMP wireless system, enter a house code between 1 and 50. See Wireless programming in Zone Information. Default is 0 indicating no wireless system is being used. The DMP house code identifies the panel, DMP receiver, and DMP transmitters to each other. When operating, the DMP receiver listens for transmissions that have the programmed house code and transmitter serial number.
Note: The flexibility of DMP two-way wireless operation allows an existing house code to be changed in the panel at any time. The transmitters may take up to two minutes to learn the new house code and continue operation. When any wireless zone programming is changed in the panel, wireless receiver zone programming is updated. At that point, all wireless zones display as normal for approximately 1 minute, regardless of the actual state of the zone.
Wireless Encryption
Encryption allows the panel to communicate with encrypted 1100 Series wireless devices. Select ALL to to allow encryption for all the wireless devices programmed into the panel. Select BOTH to allow encryption for selected wireless devices programmed into the panel. Select NONE to don’t allow encryption for wireless devices programmed into the panel. The default is NONE.
8.20 1100 PASSPHRAS E

Enter Passphrase
ENTER PASSPHRASE displays if you select ALL or BOTH for wireless encryption. In order for the panel to support encrypted 1100 Series wireless devices, a passphrase must be entered. The passphrase must be an 8-digit hexadecimal number which determines the system’s encryption key.
Detect Wireless Jamming
This option displays when the House Code entered is for a DMP 1100 Series Wireless system (1-50). When enabled and the wireless receiver detects jamming, a trouble or alarm message displays in the Status List and is sent to the central station receiver. Select YES to enable jamming messages to display in the Status List. Select NO to disable jamming messages. Default is NO.
8.22 Trouble Audible Annunciation
This option allows you to choose when trouble audibles will annunciate from the keypad.
Press any top row key to select the keypad buzzer annunciation method for wireless low battery and missing messages.
Select ANY to enable annunciation anytime.
Select DAY to enable annunciation except during sleeping hours (9 PM to 9 AM).
Select MIN (minimum) to annunciate only Fire and CO zones during daytime hours (9 AM to 9 PM). Default is DAY.
8.23 Enable Keypad Panic Keys
This option allows the two-button panic key operation selected at the keypad to send the Panic, Emergency, or Fire message to the central station receiver. Select YES to enable the two-button panic operation to operate. To disable the two-button panic operation, select NO. Default is YES.
8.24 Occupied Premises OCCUPIED
For All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away systems, select YES to allow the panel to automatically disarm the interior area(s) when arming all areas and a perimeter zone is not
tripped during the exit delay. This False Alarm Reduction feature will keep a user from arming the entire system when  they do not exit and remain in the premise. Select NO to not automatically disarm interior area(s). Default is YES Select NO to disable this feature. Default is YES. Note: With a Home/Sleep/Away with Guest arming system, this feature only applies to the main system.
8.25 Enhanced Zone Test ENHANCED ZONE
Select YES to allow enhanced zone test operation for Walk Test (8144), Panic Test, and Burglary Zone Test in the User Menu. The default is NO.
Enhanced operation allows:

  • A Verify message to be sent each time a zone is tested. If a zone is tripped multiple  times, a Verify message is sent for each trip. This allows the Central Station to record the number of devices per zone.
  • The Verify message for each zone test to be sent at the time the trip occurs instead of at the end of Walk Test.
  • The System Test Begin and System Test End Central Station messages indicate the type of zone being tested. The System Test Begin message also includes the user name and number.

Select YES to enable the use of dual 1K EOL resistors on panel zones one to eight. This zone operation is used for medium or high risk ULC Listed applications. Select NO to disable this feature. Default is YES. Note: If using a 714/714N-POE, 714-8, or 714-16 for dual zone protection, program two zones as the same name or equivalent and connect to the contact in the protected area. Refer to the Dual Zone Protection diagram in the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN) for complete details.

Send 16 Character Names
This option allows central stations to select being sent either the first 16 characters of the name field or the entire programmed name, up to 32 characters, for user name, user
profile, zone name, area name, output name, and group name. Select YES to have the first 16 characters of the name field sent to the central station.
Select NO to send the exact number of characters entered in the name field from 1 up to the maximum of 32 characters. Default is YES.
Note: Using 32 character names increases the length of the DMP Serial 3 message from the panel to the receiver. The SCS-1R receiver does not require an update to pass these messages to the Host Automation System of the Central Station. Before using names longer than 16 characters, determine whether the Host Automation System of your Central Station can accept 17 to 32 character names. If not, only use 16 character names.
This option displays only when using an Area system. Press any top row key to select the operation of the Armed LED on the keypad. Select ALL to require all keypad display areas to be armed before the keypad Armed LED turns on. Select ANY to turn on the keypad Armed LED when any keypad display area is armed. Default is ALL.
Use False Alarm Question
This option allows users to investigate a burglary alarm prior to disarming the system and send an Alarm Verified or Alarm Cancelled message to the Central Station.
Select YES to display IS THIS A FALSE ALARM? NO YES when a burglar alarm occurs .
Select NO to display CANCEL VERIFY. Default is YES.
When a burglar alarm occurs in an area system and a user code is entered at a keypad Status List, keypads programmed as KPD in Device Setup display IS THIS A FALSE ALARM? NO YES or CANCEL VERIFY. The option is not displayed at devices programmed as DOOR. Selecting NO or Verify sends an alarm message to the Central Station. Selecting YES or CANCEL sends an alarm cancelled message to the Central Station and disarms the areas that the user has the authority to disarm. This display remains on the keypad until a selection is made, the Back Arrow is pressed, or the internal system bell cutoff timer expires.
Allow Own User Code Change
This option allows users without user code authority to change their own user code. When YES is selected,the User Code menu displays USER CODE: ***** at the keypad to allow that user to change their own code. If NO is selected, the user cannot change their personal user code. Default is NO.
8.31 Panic Supervision PANIC SUPRVISION:
Select YES to enable a 30 day supervision of the Model 1145-1-B-PSV key fob. Default is NO. This option allows a key fob that is lost or has a dead battery to be identified at the Central Station host automation system as a missing transmitter, without the need to apply a supervision time in zone information programming. SCS-VR Version 1.3.6 or higher is required to receive 1145-1-B-PSV supervision messages through the XR550 panel. The 1145-1-B-PSV key fob supervision message is communicated to SCS-VR using all XR550 communication paths where Panic Test is YES within Advanced Communication programming. A supervision message is automatically sent from the key fob to SCS-VR every four hours, resetting the 30 day countdown timer for that key fob serial number. If the 30 day timer expires for a key fob serial number, SCS-VR will generate a zone missing message to the host automation system. For the application where the key fob is programmed into several XR550 Version 210 or higher panels, a supervision message sent through any
XR550 into which the key fob is programmed will satisfy the 30 day timer. The SCS-VR zone missing message to host automation will be for the last panel account number where the key fob successfully communicated a supervision message to SCS-VR. The key fob MISSING is not displayed or recorded at the XR550 control panel.
In addition, this option allows for manual testing of 1145-1-B-PSV key fobs during Walk  Test (8144) or Panic Test from the User Menu. A key fob that is successfully activated during these test modes will cause an increment to the keypad display TRIPS counter and
a Verify message is sent to SCS-VR for that zone. For those 1145-1-B-PSV key fobs that are programmed into the panel but not manually tested, a Fail message is NOT displayed at the keypad and is not sent to SCS-VR.
8.32 Weather Zip Code  ENTER WEATHER ZIP CODE:
This option allows local U.S.A. weather updates to display on the keypad. Enter the zip code of the user at this option. When no number is entered weather conditions are not
0 displayed. Default is 0 (zero).
If using a 7800 or 9800 Series keypad, the current weather conditions and the next day’s forecast display as graphics on the Main Screen. All other DMP keypads display the weather information in the Status List.
8.33  Celsius Temperature Option
This option determines whether the panel should use Celsius Units for displayed
temperatures and for sending temperatures to Z-Wave thermostats. The default is NO.

Bell Options

9.1 Bell Options
This section allows you to program the panel bell output functions.
Bell Cutoff Time
Enter the maximum time from 1 to 99 minutes the Bell Output remains on. If the area is disarmed, the cutoff time resets. Enter 0 (zero) to provide continuous bell output. The default is 15 minutes.
Note: To support the Alarm Verify feature on an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, set the Bell Cutoff Time to greater than 0.
Automatic Bell Test
Select YES to turn on the Bell Output for 2 seconds each time the system is com pletely armed from a keypad. This test is delayed until the Closing Wait acknowledge is received (if programmed). If the Closing Wait acknowledge is not received within 90 seconds, the bell test does not occur. Arming performed from an Arming zone or from Remote Link™ does not activate the Bell Test. BELL TST NO YES
9.4 Bell Output
Enter the output/Favorite number when needed to follow the panel Bell Output operation for all action and off conditions. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
Note: When BELL ACTION is set to T for Temporal Code 3, the Bell Output action for an LXBus output is pulse.
Note: Bell Output should not be programmed for a Model 1135 Wireless Siren when programmed in Output Information to Trip with Panel Bell.

9.5.1 Fire Bell Action
Defines Bell Action for Fire Type zones. The default is T.
9.5.2 Burglary Bell Action
Defines Bell Action for Burglary Type zones and Exit Error output. The default is S.
9.5.3 Supervisory Bell Action
Defines Bell Action for Supervisory Type zones. The default is N.
9.5.4 Panic Bell Action
Defines Bell Action for Panic Type zones. The default is N.
Emergency Bell Action
EMERGNCY TYPE: Defines Bell Action for Emergency Type zones. The default is N.
N 9.5.6
Auxiliary 1 Bell Action
Defines Bell Action for Auxiliary 1 Type zones. The default is N.
Auxiliary 2 Bell Action AUXLRY 2 TYPE:
Defines Bell Action for Auxiliary 2 Type zones. The default is N. N
9.5.8 Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Defines Bell Action for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Type Zones. The default is set at 4.
9.5 Bell Action
BELL ACTION . . . . .
This section defines the type of Bell Output for zone alarms. Press CMD to display the default Bell Output for each zone type. Press any select key or area and enter S for a
Steady Bell Output, P for a Pulsed output, T for a Temporal Code 3 output,4 for a Temporal Code 4 output, and N for no Bell Output (default). Enable this feature to latch a bell action to a keypad for Panic zones.
Note: Trouble conditions do not activate the Bell Output.

Output Options

Output Options
This section allows you to program panel output options. The panel provides two Form C relays (1 and 2) and four switched ground (open collector) outputs numbered 3 to 6. Expand the system up to 500 additional relay outputs using any LX-Bus on the panel, or multiple 716 Output Expander Modules. In addition, 45 wireless outputs are available when using the 1100X Series wireless receiver. Refer to the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT- 1233CAN) for complete information.
Select from the following output numbers:

  • 1 to 6
  • 450 to 474 — Slow response time* wireless outputs (activates within 15 seconds)
  • 480 to 499 — Fast response time* wireless outputs (activates within 1 second)
  • 500 to 999 — LX-Bus output, Relay output, Zone expansion output
  • D01 to D16 — Keypad door strike relay for addresses 1-16
  • F1 to F20 — To activate Z-Wave Favorites
  • G1 to G20 — Output group
  • The response time of a wireless output is the time it takes for a wireless output to activate once the panel event occurs. You determine whether a wireless output is a slow
    or fast response based on the output number assigned. A slow response output number extends battery life, but response time may be up to 15 seconds. A fast response output number responds within 1 second, but reduces battery life. Refer to the specific wireless output installation guide to determine battery life.

10.2.1 Cutoff Output CO OUTS: – – – – – –
Outputs 1 to 6 can be entered here to turn off after a time specified in CUTOFF TIME. To disable this option, press any select key or area to clear the display then press CMD. The Cutoff Output displays dashes when no outputs are selected.
10.2.2 Output Cutoff Time CUTOFF TIME: 0
If a Cutoff Output (1-6) is assigned, enter a Cutoff Time of 1 to 99 minutes for the output to remain on. Enter 0 (zero) for continuous output.
10.3 Communication Trouble Output COM FAIL OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when a DD system fails to communicate on three successive dial attempts or if the backup communication line transmits a report. The Communication Trouble Output also turns on when NET is selected as the primary communication method and NET communication fails after one minute. When NET communication is restored the Communication Trouble Output automatically turns off. To manually turn the output off, disarm any area or select Off for the output number in the User Menu Outputs On/Off section. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output.
10.4 Fire Alarm Output FIRE ALR OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when a fire type zone is placed in alarm. The output is turned off using the Sensor Reset option while no additional fire type zones are in alarm. Enter 0 (zero) to disable. This output is not compatible with Cutoff Outputs.
10.5 Fire Trouble Output FIRE TRB OUT: 0
Enter the output number to turn on when a fire type zone is placed in trouble, when a supervisory type zone is placed in trouble, or when any system monitor (AC, Battery, Phone Line 1 or Phone Line 2) is placed in trouble. The output turns off when all fire and supervisory type zones, or system monitors are restored to normal. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output. This output is not compatible with Cutoff Outputs. This output can be connected to a lamp, LED, or buzzer using the DMP Model 716 Output Expansion Module.
10.6 Panic Alarm Output PANIC ALM OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when any Panic type zone is placed in an alarm condition. The output is turned off after all Panic zones are restored from an alarm condition and a Sensor Reset is performed. Enter 0 (zero) to disable. Wireless Outputs

  • The Panic Alarm is compatible with the Model 1118 Wireless Remote Indicator Light and the Model 1116 Wireless Relay Output connected to a Model 572 Indicator LED.
  • When a Panic Alarm occurs, the LED turns on steady for five minutes and then turns off.
  • When a Panic Test is initiated from the keypad, the LED flashes quickly for five minutes.
  • For a Panic Alarm, a fast response wireless output number is recommended.

10.7 Ambush Output AMBUSH OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when an Ambush code is entered at a keypad. The output is turned off using the Sensor Reset option. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
10.8 Entry Output ENTRY OUT: 0 Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on at the start of the entry delay time. The output turns off when the area is disarmed or the entry delay time expires. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.

10.9 Begin Exit Output
This output/Favorite turns on any time an exit delay time starts. The output turns off when the system arms or when the arming has been stopped. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
10.10 End Exit Output END EXIT OUT: 0
This output/Favorite turns on any time an exit delay time ends. The output turns off when the system disarms. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
10.11 Armed Output ARMED HOME: 0
The entered output turns on any time the system is armed. The keypad display is dependent on the system’s arming type.
ARMED SLEEP: 0 For Home/Away systems, only the HOME and AWAY screens display. If a Bedroom area is programmed into the panel, the SLEEP screen also displays. For All/Perimeter systems, the ALL and PERIM screens display. For Area systems, the ARMED OUT screen displays.
ARMED AWAY: 0 ARMED ALL: 0 All options are defaulted to 0 (zero). The output turns off when the system completely
disarms. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output.
10.12 Ready Output READY OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when all disarmed burglary zones are in a normal state. The output is turned off when any disarmed burglary type zone is in a bad state. Enter 0 (zero) to disable. This output is not compatible with Cutoff Outputs.
10.13 Disarmed Output DISARMED OUT: 0
This output/Favorite turns on when all areas of the panel are disarmed. The output turns off when an area is armed.
10.14 Telephone Trouble Output PH TRBL OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when the phone line monitor on the panel phone line is lost. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output.
10.15 Late To Close Output LATE CLS OUT: 0
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on at the expiration of a Closing schedule. The output activates simultaneously with the CLOSING TIME! keypad display. The output is turned off when the area is armed, the Closing is extended, or the schedule is changed. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output.
10.16 Device Fail Output DVC FAIL OUT: 0 Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when an addressed device fails to respond to polling from the panel. A Missing Device report is sent to the receiver. The output is turned off when the device responds to polling or is removed from programming in the system. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output and LX-Bus™ device fail reporting to the receiver. If any addressed device is unsupervised, this output cannot be used.
10.17 Sensor Reset Output SNSR RST OUT: Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when a Sensor Reset is performed at a keypad. The output turns off automatically 5 seconds later. This function can be used to reset smoke detectors that are operated by an external power supply through a Model 716 Output Expander Module. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this output. 0
10.18 Closing Wait Output CLS WAIT OUT: 0 Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on for approximately four (4) seconds when Closing Wait is programmed as YES and the panel successfully communicates the closing  message at arming. If the closing message does not communicate successfully, this outputdoes not turn on.
10.19 Arm-Alarm Output ARM-ALARM OUT: 0 Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on steady when any area of the system is armed. If an alarm occurs causing the keypads to turn Red, this output pulses and continues to pulse for approximately five (5) minutes after the panel is disarmed. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
Wireless Outputs

  • The Arm-Alarm Output is compatible with the Model 1117 Wireless LED Annunciator and the Model 1116 Wireless Relay Output connected to a Model 572 Indicator LED.
  • When the Model 1117 is battery operated, the LED is off when the system is armed to conserve battery life. If an alarm occurs, the output flashes quickly.
  • When using the Model 1116 connected to a Model 572, the LED is on when the system is armed. If an alarm occurs, the output pulses.
  • To operate the Arm-Alarm output within one second, program a fast response number from 480 to 499. Fast response operation reduces overall wireless output battery life.
  • To operate the Arm-Alarm output within 15 seconds, program a slow response number from 450 to 474. Slow response operation increases overall wireless output battery life.

10.20 SUPV ALM OUT: 0
Supervisory Alarm Output
Enter the output/Favorite number to turn on when a supervisory zone type is placed into an alarm. The output turns off when all supervisory type zones are restored to normal.
Enter 0 (zero) to disable. Default is 0. 10.21
Heat Saver Temperature
Enter the desired temperature setting for all Z-Wave thermostats when the system is armed ALL or AWAY. When the system is disarmed the thermostats return to their
previous settings. The range is 1-99 degrees. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
10.22 Cool Saver Temperature COOL SAVER TEMPERATURE: 0
Enter the desired temperature setting for all Z-Wave thermostats when the system is armed ALL or AWAY. When the system is disarmed the thermostats return to their
previous settings. The range is 1-99 degrees. Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
10.23 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Output
This output turns on any time a Carbon Monoxide Zone (CO) is placed in alarm. The output is turned off using Sensor Reset option while no additional CO type zones are in alarm.
10.24 Lockdown Output Alarm Output
This output turns on any time a Lockdown Output Zone is placed in alarm. The output is turned off using Sensor Reset option while no additional CO type zones are in alarm.

Output Information

Output Information
This section allows you to program wireless outputs and name wired outputs.
11.2 OutputNumber
Enter an output number. Entry range is 1 to 6, 450 to 474, 480 to 499, 500 to 999. In order for wireless output troubles to display at a keypad, the keypad address must be
specified at the Auxiliary 1 Zones option in the Status List programming. OUTPUT NO. X X X
11.3 Output Name OUTPUT NAME
This section allows you to define a 32 character alphanumeric name for any output numbers. The name can display on the keypad when a user performs the browser feature
at Outputs On/Off. See the XR150/XR550 User’s Guide (LT-1278CAN) Appendix for browser operation.
11.4 Output Real-Time Status
Selecting YES allows Real-Time Status reports of a hardwire device, such as Output ON, OFF, PULSE, or TEMPORAL to be sent using PC Log reports. Selecting NO disables Real-Time Status for this output device. Default is NO.
11.5 Serial Number
This option and the next option only display when the output number entered is for a wireless output. Enter the eight-digit serial number found on the wireless device.
This message displays when the serial number is already programmed for another output.
The programmed output number displays.
11.6 Supervision Time
SUPRVSN TIME: 240 0 3 60 240
Press any select key or area to select the supervision time required for the wireless output. Press CMD to accept the default time. Default is 240 minutes.
Select the required number of minutes. The transmitter must check in at least once during this time or a missing condition is indicated for that zone. 1100 Series transmitters
automatically check in based on the supervision time selected for the wireless zone, no additional programming is needed. Zero (0) indicates an unsupervised transmitter.
The 3 minute supervision time is only available if using an 1135 Wireless Siren. Note: When the panel is reset, a receiver is installed or powered down and powered up, or
programming is complete, the supervision timer restarts for all wireless outputs.
11.7 Trip with Panel Bell Option
This option displays when the wireless device is an 1135 wireless siren. Select YES to have the 1135 wireless siren follow the panel’s bell output cadence for the zone type and bell cutoff time up to 15 minutes. Default is YES.

Output Groups

12.1 Output Groups
This function allows you to assign outputs to groups. Output groups can be assigned to other areas of programming such as Output Options or Alarm Action of Zone Information, just like single outputs are assigned. This allows the entire group of outputs to turn on and off as required by the programming option.
12.2 Group Number
GROUP NO: – Enter a group number from 1 to 20. Up to 20 different groups may be assigned.
12.3 Group Name
The group name displays. To change the default name, press any select key or area then enter up to 32 characters for the group name. Press CMD to enter the outputs to be
assigned to the group.
12.4 Output Number
OUTPUT NO 1: 0 Enter the Output number. Entry range is 1 to 6, 450 to 474, 480 to 499, 500 to 999 (outputs), F1 to F20 (Favorites), D01 to D16 (doors), and G1 to G20 (groups). The maximum number of outputs that can be assigned to a specific group is eight.
An output group may be assigned as one of the output numbers in another output group.
Example: Output Group 1 consists of only four assigned outputs. Output Group 1 could be assigned as one output in Output Group 2. Output Group 2 could still have 7 other outputs assigned to that group. When Output Group 2 is turned on, 11 outputs can be turned on.
This allows Output Groups to be assigned within other Output Groups.
Output groups 1 to 10 can be assigned by a user profile for applications such as elevator
OUTPUT NO 8: 0 control. See the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN) Output Group section for additional information.
Output groups 11 to 20 cannot be assigned to a profile and are available for installation applications such as special lighting, etc. To assign these groups to a profile, use Remote Link™ or System Link™ software from DMP.

13.1 Menu Display
Menu Display allows you to select at which keypad addresses the user can access the following functions.
To select a keypad, enter the device number (keypad address) using the digit keys on the keypad. When a keypad is selected, an asterisk appears next to the keypad address. Enter the number again to deselect the keypad. Press CMD to display the next set of keypads (9 through 16). Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document.

13.2 Armed Status
Enter the keypad addresses (1 through 16) that show the armed areas. The User Menu Armed Areas function also displays the custom area name you enter in Area Information. When only areas one to eight are used, the Armed Status display is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. When areas nine or higher are used the system Armed Status display reads ALL SYSTEM ON or SYSTEM ON. Press CMD to display additional areas. Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document and in the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT1278CAN).

13.3 Time
Enter the keypad addresses that can display the time and day of the week. Rthe Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document and in the XR150/XR550
Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN).

13.4 Arm/Disarm
Enter the keypad addresses from which users can arm and disarm areas. Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document and in the XR150/XR550
Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN).

Status List

14.1 Status List
This function allows you to select the zone alarms and troubles, and system monitor troubles displayed at the keypads. The Status List function operates automatically when
the keypad is not performing any other function.
The keypad stays in the Status List until the user arms or disarms or selects a menu option.
Status List al ternates with the Armed Status on keypad addresses selected in the Menu Display – Armed Status section. You can choose to have Sys tem Monitor troubles placed in the list, the differ ent zone types placed in the list, and at which keypad addresses they display.
To select a keypad, enter the device number (keypad address) using the digit keys on the keypad. When a keypad is selected, an asterisk appears next to the keypad address. Enter the number again to deselect the keypad. Press CMD to display the next set of keypads (9 through 16).
Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document.
14.2 Display Keypads DISPLAY KEYPADS:
This option defines which keypad ad dresses display the various status information. Any combina tion of addresses can be en tered to display the status items that follow. If you do not want a particular status item to dis play, do not enter any ad dresses.


System Monitor Troubles
Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where any trouble on a System Monitor dis plays. The System Monitors include the following:

  • AC Power
  • Battery Power
  • Closing Check
  • Panel Box Tamper
  • Phone Line 1
  • Phone Line 2 (requires the 893A Dual Phone Line Module)
  • Wireless Receiver Trouble
  •  Wireless Jamming Trouble or Alarm
    The System Monitor name is placed in the Status List and the keypad steady trouble buzzer sounds. The buzzer remains on until any select key or area is pressed. The name remains in the list until the condition is re stored. The buzzer sounds at 10:00 am daily until the system trouble is cleared from the Status List.

14.4 Fire Zones
FIRE ZONES: Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all fire zone alarms and troubles display. The zone name displays and, if it is a trouble condition, the keypad steady trouble buzzer sounds. The buzzer remains on until any select key or area is pressed and a user code is entered. If a trouble condition remains in the display, the buzzer sounds at 10:00 am daily until the trouble is cleared from the Status List.
When using LCD Keypads, the panel provides distinct speaker tones from the keypad for Fire:
On – Fire zone alarm and Bell Output or Fire Bell Output is ON.
Off – Alarm Silence
14.5 Burglary Zones
Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all burglary zone alarms and troubles display. Bur glary zones in clude Night, Day, and Exit type zones. Burglary zone troubles remain in the list until the zone restores. All keypads are selected by default.
For zone alarms, only the last burglary zone tripped re mains in the list. The alarm remains in the list un til another burglary zone goes into alarm, any area of the system is dis armed, or 10 minutes elapse without an alarm. This ensures that if a bur glary is in progress the last zone tripped remains in the list even if the zone is restored.
The keypad buzzer sounds for one second on bur glary alarms.
When using LCD Keypads, the panel provides distinct speaker tones from the keypad for Burglary:
On – Burglary zone alarm and Bell Output or Burglary Bell Output is ON.
Off – Alarm Silence.
You can further define which keypad address shows a Burglary Zone event by entering that area number in the Display Areas menu during Device Setup.
14.6 Supervisory Zones
SPRVISORY ZONES: Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all su pervisory zone alarms and troubles display. Supervisory zones are entered in the sta tus list and sound the keypad buzzer until a valid user code is entered at any keypad address. If a trouble condition remains in the display, the buzzer sounds at 10:00 am daily until the supervisory trouble is cleared from the Status List.
14.7 Panic Zones
Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all panic zone alarms and troubles display. The name of the zone remains in the list until a Sensor Reset is performed. The keypad will sound if the Bell Action is enabled in Bell Options.
14.8 Emergency Zones
Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all emer gency zone alarms and troubles display. The name of the zone remains in the list until the zone re stores. The
keypad buzzer does not sound for emer gency alarms or troubles.
14.9 Auxiliary 1 Zones
AUX 1 ZONES: Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all Aux iliary 1 zone alarms and troubles display. The name of the zone remains in the list until the zone restores. The keypad buzzer does not sound for Auxiliary 1 alarms or troubles.
You can further define which keypad address shows an Auxiliary 1 Zone event by entering that area number in the Display Areas menu during Device Setup.
14.10 AUX 2 ZONES: Auxiliary 2 Zones
Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all Aux iliary 2 zone alarms and troubles display. The name of the zone remains in the list until the zone restores. The
keypad buzzer does not sound for Auxiliary 2 alarms or troubles. You can further define which keypad address shows an Auxiliary 2 Zone event by entering
that area number in the Display Areas menu during Device Setup.
14.11 Carbon Monoxide Zones CO ZONES: Specifies the keypad addresses (1 through 16) where all carbon monoxide zone alarms and troubles display. carbon monoxide zones are entered in the sta tus list and sound the keypad buzzer until a valid user code is entered at any keypad address. If a trouble condition remains in the display, the buzzer sounds at 10:00 am daily until the carbon monoxide trouble is cleared from the Status List
14.12 Communication Trouble
Specifies when communication troubles are displayed on keypads that are programmed to display System Monitor Troubles. Default is NO.
Select YES to display communication trouble when any communication path fails.
Select ALL to display communication trouble only when all paths have failed.

PC Log Reports

15.1 PC Log Reports
This section allows you to program the types of PC Log Reports the panel sends through the ETHERNET Port directly on the panel. The reports include information such as the type of activity, time and date of the activity, and user name and number. These data reports can  be accessed from a PC using the Advanced Reporting Module. See the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN) for detailed Ethernet setup information or the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN)) for more information. Note: The network connection that sends PC Log Reports is not monitored for network trouble. The PC Log Reports option should NOT replace the primary communication method or act as a backup communication method.
If there is trouble with the network connection, the panel continues to attempt to send the PC Log Reports until the connection is reestablished. The panel then sends the reports. A Network Trouble message is NOT sent if the connection is lost since this report tool is not designed to be monitored by a receiver. The PC Log Reports have the lowest priority of panel reports sent.
Note: The PC Log Address String entered CANNOT be the same as that entered in Communication.
This option displays when the Communication Type for PC Log Reports is NET. Enter the IP address containing up to 16 characters. The Net IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as 192168000250. The periods display automatically. The default is and turns the output off.
15.3 Net Port NET PORT 2001
This option displays when Communication Type for PC Log Reports is Net. Enter the Port number. Valid numbers are from 0 to 65535. Default is 2001.
15.4 Arm and Disarm Reports
Sends arming, disarming and Late to Close events. Includes the area number, name and action, the user number and name, and the time and date.
15.5 Zone Reports
Sends changes in the status of active zones. Includes the zone number, name, type, the action (alarm, trouble, bypass, etc.), user number (if applicable), and area name. For a
Walk Test, Verify and Fail messages are sent for each zone.
15.6 User Command Reports
Sends user code changes, schedule changes, and door access denied events.
15.7 Door Access Reports
Sends door access activity: door number, user number and name, and time and date.
15.8 Supervisory Reports
Sends system monitor reports, such as AC and battery, and system event reports. Supervisory Reports also sends the following reports:

  • Abort
  • Exit Error
  • Ambush
  • System Recently Armed
  • Alarm Bell Silenced
  • Unauthorized Entry
  • Late to Close*
  • Only sent as a Supervisory Report if Area Schedules is not enabled, Closing Check is enabled, and an opening/closing schedule has been programmed.
    Note: To send these reports to the PC Log, you must enable SUPV MSG.

15.9 PC Log Real-Time Status
Select YES to send Real-Time Status reports for zones, doors, and outputs. The specific reports must also be selected by individual zone or output. The Real- Time Status messages are sent to a PC running a graphic display software. Default is NO.
The messages that can be sent are:

  • Door Open with zone number
  • Door Closed with zone number
  • Door Open with door number
  • Door Closed with door number
  • Output On
  • Output Off
  • Output Pulse
  • Output Temporal

Area Information

16.1 Area Information
Allows you to assign functions to the different areas in the system. All non-24-hour zones must be assigned to an active area. See Zone Information.
You activate an area by assigning it a name. See Area Name. A name is given to each active area in place of a number to assist the user during arming and disarming.
When only areas one to eight are used, the Armed Status display is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. When areas nine or higher are used the system Armed Status display reads ALL SYSTEM ON or SYSTEM ON. Press CMD to display additional areas.
Refer to the Multiple Displays section at the beginning of this document and in the XR150/ XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN).
60  Exit Delay
Enter the exit delay time for all Exit type zones in this area. When the exit delay time starts, all activity on that zone and other non-24-hour zone types in the area is ignored until the exit delay expires. The keypad displays the Exit Delay time countdown and annunciates the Exit Delay tone at 8 second intervals until the last 10 seconds when annunciation is at 3 second intervals.
The exit de lay can be from 30 to 250  sec onds. Default is 60seconds.
During Exit Delay, if an exit zone trips, then restores, and trips again, the Exit Delay timer restarts.
This restart can occur only once. Exit Error
Operation: At  arming, when an entry/exit zone (EX) is faulted at the end of the exit delay then one of two sequences occur:
For Entry Delay 1 EX type zones:

  • the bell sounds for the length of time set in Bell Cutoff programming.

  • the Entry Delay operation starts requiring code entry to disarm

  • if not disarmed, a zone alarm and an exit error are sent to the receiver.
    For Entry Delay 2-4 EX type zones:

  • the zone is force armed and a zone force arm message is sent to the receiver an Exit Error is sent to the receiver

  • the bell sounds for the length of time set in Bell Cutoff programming

16.3 Burglary Bell Output
Enter the output number (0 to 6, 500 to 999, G1 to G20, D01 to D16, or F1 to F20) that is turned on any time a Burglary type zone is placed in alarm. The output is turned off when you disarm any area and no other Burglary type zones are in alarm. The output can also be turned off using the Alarm Silence option in the User Menu or by entering a user code with the authority to silence alarms. The duration of this bell output follows the time entered in the System Options>Bell Cutoff Time option. See the Output Options – Bell Cutoff Time section. If Bell Test is selected YES, the Burglary Bell Output entered here is turned on for two seconds each time the system is armed.
16.4 Opening/Closing Reports
This option allows an Opening/Closing report to be sent to the receiver when this area is disarmed or armed.
16.5 Closing Check
Select YES to enable the panel to verify that all areas in the system are armed after permanent or extended sched ules ex pire. If the Clos ing Check finds any areas disarmed
past the sched uled time, the keypads selected to display System Trouble Status displays CLOSING TIME! and emits a steady beep. When Area Schedules is set to YES in Area Information, the specific area and name display followed by — LATE.
When Auto Arm is NO, if within ten minutes the system is not armed or if the schedule is not extended, a Late to Close report is sent to the SCS-1R Receiver. When Auto Arm is YES, the area arms. See Automatic Arming section.
If the area becomes disarmed outside of any schedule, the Closing Check sequence occurs after the Late Arm Delay time. See Late Arm Delay.
When Closing Check is NO and Auto Arm is YES, the system immediately arms when the schedule expires. No warning tone occurs.
In addition, when Closing Check is NO, the option to extend a schedule does not display when the schedule expires.
16.6 CLS CODE NO YES Closing Code
When YES is selected, a code number is required for system arming. If NO is selected, a code number is not required for system arming.
16.7 Any Bypass
When YES is selected, zones can be bypassed without a code number during the arming sequence. A code number is always required to use the Bypass Zones option from the menu.
16.8 Area Schedules
Select YES to allow each area to follow individual sets of area schedules programmed in the User Menu. Select NO for all areas to follow only one set of schedules in the User Menu. See the panel User Guide to add schedules to the panel.
Note: Area Schedules are not designed to operate with All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away systems.
16.9 Early Morning Ambush (Network panels only)
Enter the number of minutes (1 to 15) before a silent alarm (Early Morning Ambush S33) is sent to the central station using the area 1 account number. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this option.
When a user code is entered to disarm area 1 at a keypad or reader with Access Areas assigned to area 1, the same or different user code must be entered within the
programmed number of minutes to prevent an ambush message from being sent to the receiver. The second user code also must have authority to disarm area 1.
In addition, a zone activation with Alarm Action Message C also cancels the Early Morning Ambush timer and stops an Ambush message from being sent to the receiver. See Report to Transmit section in Zone Information.
The keypad does not display any indication that the ambush timer is running. Indications can be provided by assigning an output number to Entry Out and Ambush Out
in Output Options. Entry Out turns on one minute before the timer expires and turns off at expiration. Ambush Out turns on at the timers’ expiration and turns off when Sensor reset is performed.
16.10 Area Number
AREA NO: – Enter the number of the area to program. After entering the area number, press CMD to enter the area name. Only Area systems allow the area name to be changed. Note: When All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away is selected as the system type, the Area Number does not display.
16.10.1 All/Perimeter Programming INT
When All/Perimeter is selected as the system type, program the Interior and Perimeter areas as needed.
Home/Sleep/Away Programming
When Home/Sleep/Away is selected as the system type, program the Interior, Bedroom, and Perimeter areas as needed.
16.11 Area Name

    The area name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. To add an area name to the system, press any select key or area and then enter up to 32 characters for the new area name. Press CMD to continue. For instructions on entering alphanumeric characters see section 1.7 Entering Alpha Characters. Inactive areas are marked
    UNUSED . Only systems programmed for Area arming have the option available to change the area name.
    To mark an active area unused, press any select key or area to delete the old name, then press CMD. The programmer automatically programs the name as
    UNUSED. If you have already cleared Area Information during Initialization, all areas are marked UNUSED *See  Initialization section.
    Home/Sleep/Away with Guest systems display the area name, but the names cannot be changed. The following are the display names that appear on the keypad:

Area| Display|  | Area| Display|  | Area| Display
1| Perimeter| 4| Guest1 Perimeter| 7| Guest2 Perimeter
2| Interior| 5| Guest1 Interior| 8| Guest2 Interior
3| Bedrooms| 6| Guest1 Bedrooms| 9| Guest2 Bedrooms

16.12 Account Number
Enter the account number to be sent to the receiver for this area. Choose an account number compatible with the Communication Type selected in Communications. The default Account Number is the one previously entered in Communications. This account number is used when sending area messages and events to the central station. See the Area Account Number Messages in the Appendix.
16.13 Automatic Arming
Select YES to allow this area to arm automatically according to permanent, temporary, or extended schedules. If no schedules are programmed, the area auto arms every hour. If closing check is selected as YES, the automatic arming function does not take place until the expiration of a ten minute Closing Check delay. See Closing Check. If the area has been disarmed outside of any permanent or temporary schedule, the closing check sequence occurs one hour after the area is disarmed.
At arming, bad zones are handled according to the option selected in section Bad Zones.
If a closing report is sent, the user number is indicated as SCH on the SCS-1R Receiver. NO disables automatic arming for this area.
Note: For ANSI/SIA CP-01 UL installations, Automatic Arming cannot be used for arming.
16.14 Bad Zones BAD ZONES: BYP
At the time of automatic arming, some zones in the area may not be in a normal condition. This option allows you to program the panel response to these bad zones. This option does not display if AUTO ARM is NO.
BYP – All bad zones are bypassed. A report of the bypass is sent to the receiver if Bypass
Reports is YES. The report indicates SCH as the user number.
FORC – All bad zones are force armed. Zones force armed in a bad condition are capable of restoring and reporting an alarm if tripped. A forced zone report is transmitted if Bypass
Reports is YES. The report indicates SCH as the user number.
REF – The automatic arming is refused and no arming takes place. A No Closing report is sent to the receiver regardless of the Closing Check selection.
16.15 Automatic Disarming
NO disables automatic disarming by schedule for this area. When YES is selected, the area automatically disarms according to permanent or temporary schedules. If an opening report is sent to the receiver, the user number is indicated as SCH.
16.16 Armed Output Number
Enter the output to turn on when this area is armed. If an exit delay is used for this area, the Armed Output turns on at the start of the exit delay. The output is turned off when this area is disarmed. The output cannot be turned on from the User Menu Outputs On/Off option.
16.17 Late Output Number
Enter the output to turn on when this area is not armed by its scheduled time and Area Late or Closing Time displays at a keypad and the keypad buzzer is on. The output is turned off when the keypad buzzer is silenced by pressing any key. Default is 0 (zero).
16.18 Late Arm Delay
Enter 4 to 250 minutes to delay before automatic re-arming occurs after the area becomes disarmed outside of schedules. See Closing Check. Default is 60 minutes.
Note: The Late Arm Delay can be superseded by the Re Arm Delay setting of the User Profile assigned to the user who disarmed the area. Refer to the Re Arm Delay section in the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN).
16.19 Bank Safe & Vault (XR550 with Network or Encryption only)
NO disables the Bank Safe & Vault feature for this area. When selected as YES, schedules set for any area and the time of day cannot be changed while the area is armed.
Program schedules before arming: A Bank Safe & Vault area can only be disarmed during scheduled times. If the area becomes armed before programming a schedule, the panel must be reset before the area can be disarmed from a keypad or the Bank Safe & Vault option in Area Information must be set to NO.
Zones assigned to Bank Safe & Vault areas cannot be bypassed or force armed. Do not assign Bank Safe & Vault area to an Arming zone. Arming zones can disarm Bank Safe & Vault areas outside of a schedule.
16.20 Common Area
Select YES to enable this area to operate as a common area. This area is armed when the last area in the system is armed and is disarmed when the first area in the system is
disarmed. You can have multiple common areas in each system. For the common area to work properly, do not assign the common area to any user code. When a user code can arm and disarm the common area from a keypad at any time, the common area does not function as a common area.
16.21 Arm First Area
Select YES to enable this area to operate as an Arm First area. This area is automatically armed when any non-Arm First area assigned to the same keypad is armed but does not disarm when other areas become disarmed. Assign areas to keypads using the Display Areas option in Device Setup programming. You can have multiple Arm First areas in a system and divide them among keypads if needed. If an Arm First area has faulted zones that cannot be bypassed, arming stops and the areas are not armed. Correct the problem with the Arm First area and then begin the arming process again. Default value is NO.
Note: The Arm First automatic arming only occurs when arming from a keypad. Arming from a zone, schedule, or remotely is not affected and Arm First areas do not automatically arm.
16.22 Dual Authority (XR550 with Network or Encryption only)
Dual Authority requires two user codes to be entered at a system keypad to disarm and/ or arm this area. Dual Authority must be enabled per user in User Profiles in order to use this feature. When a user presents a user code to a keypad requesting to disarm or arm this area, 2ND CODE displays and requires the entry of a different user code with at least the same authority. The second user code must be entered within 30 seconds.
Select ARM to require two user code entries in order to arm this area. Select DIS (disarm) to require two user code entries in order to disarm this area. Selecting the DIS option also enables Dual Authority for Access Control. Select ALL to require two user code entries in order to both arm and disarm this area, or select NO to disable Dual Authority for this area. The default is NO.
Card Plus Pin (XR550 with Network or Encryption only)
Card Plus Pin requires users to present both a credential and enter their 4-digit pin number to be granted access to specific areas. If Card Plus Pin is set to YES in an area and a profile, then the user is required to use card and pin to gain access. All areas are defaulted to YES, while all profiles are defaulted to NO.

Zone Information


Zone Information
Zone Information allows you to define the operation of each protection zone used in the system. All protection zones, whether located on a panel, Security Command keypad, or zone expander are programmed the same way.
17.2 ZONE NO: –
Zone Number
Enter the number of the zone you intend to program. Available zone numbers are shown in the table below. The keypad zone numbers begin with the keypad address and are followed by the particular zone from that keypad. For example, a 7073 at keypad address 7 would provide zones 71, 72, 73, and 74. Press CMD to enter a zone name.
Note: The available LX-Bus connections for the panels are:
XR550-LX500 through LX900

Address Programming Zone Number
Panel 1-10
1 11-14
2 21-24
3 31-34
4 41-44
5 51-54
6 61-64
7 71-74
8 81-84
9 91-94
10 101-104
11 111-114
12 121-124
13 131-134
14 141-144
15 151-154
16 161-164
1144 Series Key Fob 400-449
LX-Bus 500 500-599
LX-Bus 600 600-699
LX-Bus 700 700-799
LX-Bus 800 800-899
LX-Bus 900 900-999

Note: For 1144 Series Key Fob zones (400-449), programming continues at the 1144 Series
Key Fobs Section.

Zone Name
Zone names can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters. A name must be given to each zone in the system. The name can display at the keypads during arming and disarming so the user does not have to memorize zone numbers. Users can asso ciate a zone name with a particular protection point. A zone that is not part of the system must be marked unused. To add a zone name to the system, press any select key or area and then enter up to 32 characters for the new zone name. Press CMD to continue.
To mark a zone unused, de lete the old name by pressing any select key or area, then press CMD. The pro grammer auto matically pro grams the name as UNUSED . If you have already cleared Zone Information during Initialization, the zones is marked UNUSED .
Zone Type
The Zone Type defines the panel response to the zone being opened or shorted. This is called the Alarm Action. There are up to 13 possible alarm action responses depending on the zone type and any restrictions it may have. See the Zone Type chart in the Appendix. When you assign a Zone Type to a zone, automatic zone responses are made. There are 13 Zone Types to choose from. Application descriptions for each zone type can be found in the Appendix of this manual.
To enter a new Zone Type, press any select key or area. The display lists all of the available Zone Types four at a time.

– – NT DY EX

Blank, Night, Day, or Exit. Press CMD for additional zone types.
Fire, Panic, Emergency, or Supervisory. Press CMD for additional zone types.
Auxiliary 1, Auxiliary 2, Fire Verify, or Arming (keyswitch). Press CMD for additional zone types.
Carbon Monoxide (CO), Instant, or Doorbell.
If you select Blank, Night, Day, Exit, Auxiliary 1, Auxiliary 2, or Arming as the Zone Type, the zone must be assigned to an active area. If you select Fire, Fire Verify, Panic,
Emergency, Supervisory, or CO as the Zone Type, it is a 24-hour zone that is always armed and no area assignment is needed.
Zone Type Specifications
The panel contains 13 default zone types for use in configuring the system. These zone types provide the most commonly selected functions for their applications. All zone types except the Arming zone type can be customized by changing the options listed below. Arming zone type programming continues at Arming Zone Area Assignment.
17.5 Area Assignment Enter the area number where the Night, Day, Exit, Auxiliary 1, Auxiliary 2, or Instant zone is being assigned. For an Area system, area numbers 1-32 can be assigned. For a Home/Sleep/ Away with Guest system, area numbers 1-9 can be assigned. In an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, the currently selected area, Perimeter, Interior, Bedroom displays. On an All/Perimeter system, select INT to program zones for the interior area and select PERIM to program zones for the perimeter area. On a Home/Sleep/Away system, select INT to program zones for the interior area, select BDRM to program zones for the bedroom area, and select PERIM to program zones for the perimeter area. AREA NO: – AREA: PERIMETER INT PERIM INT BDRM PERIM

17.6 Fire Bell Output FIRE BELL OUT: 0 This output (1 to 6, 500 to 999, F1 to F20, G1 to G20, or D01 to D16) is turned on any time a Fire, Fire Verify, or Supervisory zone is placed in alarm. The output is turned off by any the following actions:

  • When the User Menu Alarm Silence function is performed.
  • When a valid user code is entered to silence the bell.
  • When the Silence key is pressed on the 630F Remote Fire Command Center.
  • Using the Outputs On/Off function in the User Menu.
  • The expiration of the Bell Cutoff time. This output can be connected to a lamp, LED, or buzzer using the DMP Model 716 Output Expansion Module.

17.7 Arming Zone Area Assignment In an Area or Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system, if the zone has been programmed as an Arming Type (AR), enter the areas that the zone controls. When the zone changes from normal to shorted, the programmed areas toggle between the armed or disarmed condition using the Style programming below. When restored to normal, no action occurs. When the zone is opened from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. When opened from a shorted (armed) state, an alarm is reported and the zone is disabled until you disarm the area(s) from either a keypad or Remote Link™ computer. To visually indicate the armed state of the area(s), you can assign an Armed Output to individual areas and use remote LEDs at the keyswitch. The LED turns on or off to indicate to the user the armed state of the area(s). ARM/DIS AREAS ARM AREAS: PERIM In an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, this option specifies the areas to be armed by the Arming Type zone. For All/Perimeter systems, choose PERIM or ALL, for Home/Sleep/Away or Home/Away systems, choose HOME, SLEEP, or AWAY. Perimeter/All – Specify whether the arming zone arms just the Perimeter (PERIM) or the Perimeter and Interior areas (ALL) for All/Perimeter systems. When disarming, all areas are disarmed. Home/Sleep/Away – Specify whether the arming zone arms the Perimeter (HOME), the Perimeter and Interior (SLEEP), or all three areas (AWAY). When disarming, all areas are disarmed. PERIM ALL HOME SLEEP AWAY Arming Zone Operation If any bad zones are present when the Arming zone is shorted, the LED delays lighting for 5 seconds. If during the 5-second delay the Arming zone is shorted again no arming takes place. If 5 seconds expire without the zone shorting again or restoring to normal, the areas arm and bad zones are force armed. To allow bad zones to be force armed, the Any Bypass option must b17.7 Arming Zone Area Assignment In an Area or Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system, if the zone has been programmed as an Arming Type (AR), enter the areas that the zone controls. When the zone changes from normal to shorted, the programmed areas toggle between the armed or disarmed condition using the Style programming below. When restored to normal, no action occurs. When the zone is opened from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. When opened from a shorted (armed) state, an alarm is reported and the zone is disabled until you disarm the area(s) from either a keypad or Remote Link™ computer. To visually indicate the armed state of the area(s), you can assign an Armed Output to individual areas and use remote LEDs at the keyswitch. The LED turns on or off to indicate to the user the armed state of the area(s). ARM/DIS AREAS ARM AREAS: PERIM In an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, this option specifies the areas to be armed by the Arming Type zone. For All/Perimeter systems, choose PERIM or ALL, for Home/Sleep/Away or Home/Away systems, choose HOME, SLEEP, or AWAY. Perimeter/All – Specify whether the arming zone arms just the Perimeter (PERIM) or the Perimeter and Interior areas (ALL) for All/Perimeter systems. When disarming, all areas are disarmed. Home/Sleep/Away – Specify whether the arming zone arms the Perimeter (HOME), the Perimeter and Interior (SLEEP), or all three areas (AWAY). When disarming, all areas are disarmed. PERIM ALL HOME SLEEP AWAY Arming Zone Operation If any bad zones are present when the Arming zone is shorted, the LED delays lighting for 5 seconds. If during the 5-second delay the Arming zone is shorted again no arming takes place. If 5 seconds expire without the zone shorting again or restoring to normal, the areas arm and bad zones are force armed. To allow bad zones to be force armed, the Any Bypass option must be set to YES. If Any Bypass option is set to NO, arming does not occur. See the Area Information – Any Bypass section. A priority zone cannot be force armed.e set to YES. If Any Bypass option is set to NO, arming does not occur. See the Area Information – Any Bypass section. A priority zone cannot be force armed.
17.8 Style STYLE: This option specifies the style for the arming/disarming operation. The default style is TGL (toggle). Press any select key or area to display the STYLE options. To view more style options press CMD. TGL (Toggle) – When the zone changes from normal to shorted, the programmed areas toggle between the armed or disarmed condition. When restored to normal, no action occurs. When the zone opens from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. When opened from a shorted (armed) state, an alarm is reported and the zone is disabled until you disarm the area(s) from either a keypad or Remote Link. ARM – When the zone is shorted, the programmed areas are armed. When restored to normal, no action occurs. When the zone is opened from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. When opened from a shorted (armed) state, an alarm is reported. DIS (Disarm) – When programmed, a short disarms the programmed areas. When restored to normal, no action occurs. When the zone is opened from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. STEP – A short arms the areas and beeps the keypads once. A normal condition causes no action. An open condition disarms the programmed areas and beep the keypads for one second. Note: This arming style is designed for wireless arming pendants. When using an arming/ disarming keyswitch locate the keyswitch within the protected area. MNT (Maintain) – When the zone is shorted, the programmed areas are armed. When restored to normal, the programmed areas are disarmed and any alarm bells are silenced. TGL ARM DIS STEP MNT When the zone is opened from a normal (disarmed) state, a trouble is reported. If opened from a shorted (armed) state, an alarm is reported and the zone is disabled until you disarm the area(s) from either a keypad or Remote Link.
17.9 Expander Serial Number EXP SN: If using a zone expansion module, enter the 10 character serial number found on the module. Press CMD to move to the next prompt. Already In Use displays when the serial number is already programmed for another zone. The programmed zone number displays.
17.10 Next Zone NEXT ZN? NO YES Select YES to terminate zone programming. The display returns to Zone Number, allowing you to enter a new zone number. Select NO to make alter ations to the Alarm Action for a zone. Alarm Action is defined beginning with section 18.12. To program zones for wireless operation, select NO at the NEXT ZONE – NO YES option. The WIRELESS NO YES option displays. If the zone you are programming is intended for wireless devices, select YES. Select NO to continue programming non-wireless zones in the 500 to 999 range. • Zones 400 to 449 can be programmed for 1144 Series Key Fobs. • Zones 500 through 999 can be programmed for DMP 1100 Series Wireless. XR150 Wireless Zones 500 – 599. XR550 Wireless Zones 500 – 999.
DMP Wireless
For a DMP 1100X Wireless Receiver set the House Code from 1 to 50. See House Code programming in System Options. Zones 500 through 999 can be programmed as Wireless zones. Briefly reset the panel using the RESET jumper to activate Wireless operation. Refer to the XR150/XR550 Series Canadian Installation Guide (LT-1233CAN). For an 1144 Series Key Fob see section
18.11. If using a 738T, follow the installation steps listed in the 738T Wireless Translator Installation Guide. (LT-1760) NOTE: All wireless programming is stored in the panel. The 1100X Wireless Receiver obtains the necessary programming information from the panel each time the receiver powers up, when the programmer STOP routine is selected or the panel is reset. The receiver memory refresh takes up to 10 seconds to complete depending on the number of wireless zones programmed and the Red LED remains on during this time. Normal receiver operation is inhibited during the memory refresh period.
17.11 Wireless ZONE INFORMATION Select YES to program this zone as a DMP wireless zone. You must program the wireless House Code prior to adding DMP wireless zones to the system. See House Code programming in System Options. Default is NO. WIRELESS? NO YES
17.11.1 Serial Number Entry TRANSMITTER SERIAL#: XXXXXXXX Enter the eight- digit serial number found on the wireless device. ALREADY IN USE displays when the serial number is already programmed for another zone. The programmed zone number displays.

17.11.2 TRANSMITTER CONTACT:XXXXXXXX Contact This option displays if the serial number entered is for an 1101, 1103, or 1106 Universal Transmitter or 1114 Wireless Four-Zone Expander. Press any select key or area to select the contact. This option displays when programming an 1101, 1103, or 1106 Transmitter. Select INT to use the internal reed switch contacts. Select EXT to connect an external device to the 1101, 1103, or 1106 terminal block. Default is INTERNAL. By allowing both of the transmitter contacts (INT and EXT) to be used at the same time, two zones may be programmed from one transmitter. When using both contacts, you must use consecutive zone numbers. Zones 531 and 532 or zones 890 and 891 are acceptable zone assignments. For example, program transmitter serial number 01345678 as Zone 521 with an INT contact type and Zone 522 with an EXT contact type. The same serial number is used for both zones. This option displays when programming the 1114 Wireless Four-Zone Expander with four input contacts. The same serial number is used for all four contacts. Select the contact number to program. When using the contacts, you must use consecutive zone numbers. Default is Contact 1. For example, use serial number 08345678 to program Contact 1 for Zone 561, Contact 2 for Zone 562, Contact 3 for zone 563, and Contact 4 for zone 564. A tamper on the 1114 is transmitted as the zone number assigned to Contact
1. TRANSMTR CONTACT INT EXT TRANSMTR CONTACT 1 2 3 4 This message displays when the Contact is already programmed for another zone. The programmed zone number displays. ALREADY IN USE ZONE NUMBER: XXX This option only displays when EXT is selected as the Contact type. For external devices connected to the 1101, 1103 or 1106 terminal block, select NO to use normally closed (N/C) contacts. Select YES to use normally open (N/O) contacts. Default is NO. ZONE INFORMATION NORM OPN NO YES 17.11.3 Supervision Time TRANSMITTER SUPRVSN TIME: 240 Press any select key or area to select the supervision time required for the wireless zone. Press CMD to accept the default time. Default is 240 minutes. Note: Refer to the Wireless Check-in and Supervision Time Definitions section of the Appendix for supervision information. Press the select key or area under the required number of minutes. The transmitter must check in at least once during this time or a missing condition is indicated for that zone. 1100 Series transmitters automatically checkin based on the supervision time selected for the wireless zone, no additional programming is needed. If two zones share the same transmitter, the last programmed supervision time is stored as the supervision time for both zones. Zero (0) indicates an unsupervised transmitter. The 3 minute supervision time is only available for zone types of Fire (FI), Fire Verify (FV), Supervisory (SV), and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Note: When the panel is reset or a receiver is installed or powered down and powered up, the supervision timer restarts for all wireless zones. SELECT MINUTES: 0 3 60 240
17.11.4 LED OPERATION LED Operation Select YES to turn on an 1142 Hold-up transmitter LED during Panic or Emergency operation. Select NO to turn the LED off during Panic or Emergency operation. The LED always operates when the transmitter case is open and the tamper is faulted. Default is YES. NO YES DISARM DISABLE 17.11.5 Disarm/Disable NO YES Select YES to disable the Zone Tripped message from 1101/1102/1106 Universal Transmitters (Version 108 of higher software), 1103 Universal Transmitters (Version 107 or higher software) or 1122/1126/1127 PIRs during the disarmed period. When disarmed, the transmitter or PIR only sends Supervision, Tamper, and Low Battery messages to extend transmitter battery life. For transmitters, a Zone Tripped message is sent if the zone remains tripped for 20 seconds. Select NO to always send Zone Tripped messages in addition to Supervision, Tamper, and Low Battery. Default is YES. WIRELESS PIR 17.11.6 PIR Pulse Count PULSE COUNT: 4 Select the number of infrared pulses (2 or 4) the 1122, 1126, or 1127 PIR should sense before sending a short message to the 1100X Series Receiver. Default is 4. 17.11.7 PIR Sensitivity WIRELESS PIR SENSITIVITY: LOW Select the sensitivity setting for an 1122, 1126, or 1127 PIR. Selecting LOW sets the PIR to operate at 75% sensitivity for installations in harsh environments. Selecting HIGH sets the PIR to maximum sensitivity. Default is LOW.

17.11.8 WIRELESS PIR PET IMMUNITY: NO YES Pet Immunity This option displays for the 1122 Wireless PIR Motion Detector. Select whether or not to enable pet immunity. Selecting YES allows pet immunity for animals up to 55 pounds. Default is NO. 17.11.9 Next Zone NEXT ZONE NO YES Select YES to return to the ZONE NO: – option to program a new zone. Select NO to display the Alarm Action option.
17.12 1144 Series Key Fobs For an 1144 Series Key Fob set the House Code from 1 to 50. See House Code programming in System Options. Only zones 400 to 449 can be programmed as 1144 Series Key Fob zones. Refer to the 1100 Series Key Fob Programming Sheet (LT-0706) supplied with the 1100X Series Wireless Receiver and the 1144 Series Key Fob Install Guide (LT-1449) as needed. To operate arming and disarming properly, the Key Fob should be assigned to a User Number with appropriate area assignments, however, the User Number does not have to exist at the time the Key Fob is programmed. The Key Fob User Number can be added later by the User. The following programming continues from the Zone Number section when zone 400-449 is selected.
17.12.1 Key Fob User Number KEY FOB USER NUMBER: XXXX Enter the User Number (1-9999) used to identify the key fob user and their arming and disarming authority. Default is blank. Displays when the User Number entered does not exist in User Code programming. The key fob can be added, but the user must eventually be added to cause the key fob to USER XXXX NOT IN USE operate.
17.12.2 Key Fob Serial Number TRANSMITTER SERIAL#: XXXXXXXX Enter the eight- digit serial number found on the wireless device.
17.12.3 TRANSMITTER SUPRVSN TIME: 0 Key Fob Supervision Time Press any select key or area to select the supervision time required for the key fob zone. Press CMD to accept the default time. Default is 0 for key fobs. Press the select key or area under the required number of minutes. The key fob must check in at least once during this time or a missing condition is indicated for that zone. 1144 Series key fobs automatically checkin based on the supervision time selected for the wireless zone, no additional programming is needed. Zero (0) indicates an unsupervised transmitter. Note: When the panel is reset or a receiver is installed or powered down and powered up, the supervision timer restarts for all wireless zones. SELECT MINUTES: 0 60 240
17.12.4 Number of Key Fob Buttons NO. OF KEY FOB BUTTONS: X Enter the number of buttons (1, 2, or 4) on the key fob being programmed. Note: If the key fob is a one-button model, programming continues at the Button Action section. Default button assignment for one-button key fobs is a Panic Alarm (PN) with no output assigned.
17.12.5 Key Fob Button Selection (Four Buttons) BUTTON: TOP BTM LFT RGT This option only displays if the key fob being programmed is a four-button model. Press the select key or area under the key fob button to program. The following list identifies the default button assignments: TOP Arming with no areas assigned BTM Disarming with no areas assigned LFT Panic Alarm (PN) with no output assigned RGT Arming with Area 1 assigned 17.12.6 Key Fob Button Selection (Two Buttons) BUTTON: TOP BTM This option only displays if the key fob being programmed is a two-button model. Press the select key or area under the key fob button to program. The following list identifies the default button assignments: TOP Arming with no areas assigned BTM Disarming with no areas assigned BUTTON ACTION
17.12.7 Button Action yyy: XXXXXXXX This option specifies the Button Action for an individual key fob button. The default action for the button selected is displayed. Press any select key or area to display the Button Action options. To view more options press CMD. yyy = the name of the button being programmed (TOP, BTM, LFT, RGT). BUTTON ACTION ARM DIS TGL STA ARM (Arm) – Arms selected areas and force arms bad zones. DIS (Disarm) – Disarms selected areas. TGL (Toggle Arm) – Toggles arm/disarm for selected areas and force arms bad zones when arming.

STA (Status) – Causes the key fob LED to indicate the arm/disarm status of the system. PN (Panic) – Triggers a Panic zone type alarm with no restoral. PN2 (Panic 2) – Triggers a Panic zone type alarm with no restoral when pressed simultaneously with any other Panic 2 button. No action occurs when pressed alone. EM (Emerg) – Triggers an Emergency zone type alarm with no restoral. EM2 (Emerg 2) – Triggers an Emergency zone type alarm with no restoral when pressed simultaneously with any other Emergency 2 button. No action occurs when pressed alone. OUT (Output) – Causes an output to turn on steady, pulse, momentary, toggle or off. RST (Sensor Reset) – Causes the panel to perform a standard Sensor Reset. UN (Unused) – The button is not used and performs no action. BUTTON ACTION PN PN2 EM EM2 BUTTON ACTION OUT RST UN 17.12.8 Button Press Time BUTTON PRESS TIME: XXXXX This option specifies the amount of time (SHORT or LONG) the user must press the button before the key fob sends a message to the wireless receiver. The default press time displays. Press any select key or area to set the Button Press Time for Arm, Disarm, Toggle, Status, Output, and Sensor Reset. Note: The Button Press Time is not programmable on Panic (PN or PN2), Emergency (EM or EM2) or Unused (UN) zones. For those zones the button press time is always two (2) seconds. SHORT – Press the button for one-half (1/2) second to send the message to the wireless receiver. LONG – Press the button for two (2) seconds to send the message to the wireless receiver. PRESS TIME: SHORT LONG
17.12.9 Arm/Disarm Area Selection ARM/DIS AREAS: In an Area system or Home/Sleep/Away with Guest system, this specifies the areas to be armed/disarmed by the Key Fob button being programmed. To select an area between 1 and 32, enter the area number using the keypad digit keys. Default is no areas enabled. In order to arm or disarm selected areas, the Profile assigned to the User Number needs to have the same area numbers selected. Any area may be selected at Arm/Disarm Areas but only matching area numbers are armed or disarmed when the specific button is pressed. For example, in Areas selection, areas 1, 3, and 7 are selected. In the User Profile Arm and Disarm Areas, areas 1, 2, 4, and 7 are selected. When the user presses the button to Arm or Disarm area(s), only matching areas 1 and 7 Arm/Disarm. Note: When more areas are selected at Arm/Disarm Areas than are authorized in the User Profile, in the future the user can be given access authority to additional areas through the User Profile without requiring additional panel programming to select Arm/ Disarm Areas. See User Profiles in the Appendix or refer to the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT-1278CAN). In an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system, this specifies the area to be armed by the Key Fob button being programmed. For All/Perimeter systems, choose PERIM or ALL, for Home/Sleep/Away or Home/Away systems, choose HOME, SLEEP, or AWAY. Note: Areas 3 and higher in an All/Perimeter system, and areas 4 and higher in a Home/ Sleep/Away system are not available for use. After selecting the areas, for one-button key fobs the Zone No.: option displays. For two-button or four- button key fobs, the Key Fob Button Selection option displays to program additional buttons. ARM AREAS: PERIM
17.12.10 Output Number OUTPUT NO: XXX You can specify any relay output/Favorite to operate when OUT (Output), PN (Panic), PN2 (Panic 2), EM (Emergency), or EM2 (Emergency 2) is selected for a key fob Button Action and the button is pressed. Valid range is 1 to 6, 500 to 999, D01 to D16, F1 to F20, or G1 to G20. For an output turned on by a PN, PN2, EM, or EM2 button action, the output turns off when any area is disarmed. To enter an output/ Favorite number, press any select key or area followed by the output/Favorite number. Press CMD.
17.12.11 OUTPUT ACTION: yyy: XXXXXXXX Output Action This option allows you to define the output action (STD, PLS, MOM, TGL, OFF) for the selected output number. The default is Steady. yyy = the name of the button being programmed (TOP, BTM, LFT, RGT). xxxxxxxx = the currently defined output action. STD (Steady) – The output is turned on and remains on. PLS (Pulse) – The output alternates one second on and one second off. The pulsing rate for a Model 716 relay attached to the LX-Bus is 1.6 seconds. Note: Pulse is not available for key fob button output programmed D1 to D16 or G1 to G20. MOM (Momentary) – The output is turned on only once for one second. TGL (Toggle) – The output alternates between the on state and off state. Each button press toggles the output state. Note: Toggle is not available for key fob button output programmed G1 to G20. OUTPUT ACTION? STD PLS MOM TGL OFF (Off) – The output is turned off. If programmed, the output was turned on by some other means such as another button press, a zone action, or a schedule. OUTPUT ACTION? OFF Note: When the output is assigned to PN/PN2 or EM/EM2 button action and is turned on, the output turns off when any area is disarmed. When the output action is steady, pulse or toggle and the output is turned on, the output remains on until: — the output cutoff time expires — the output is reset from the keypad menu — toggled off
17.12.12 NEXT ZONE NO YES Next Zone Select YES to return to the ZONE NO: – option to program a new zone. Select NO to display the Alarm Action option. Note: All wireless programming is stored in the panel. The 1100X Wireless Receiver obtains the necessary programming information from the panel each time the receiver powers up, when the programmer STOP routine is selected or the panel is reset. The receiver memory refresh takes up to 10 seconds to complete depending on the number of wireless zones programmed and the Red LED remains on during this time. Normal receiver operation is inhibited during the memory refresh period. You must also make these selections for the Disarmed Short, Armed Open, and Armed Short zone conditions. Press CMD to continue.
17.13 ALARM ACTION . . . . Alarm Action This option allows you to change any Zone Type standard definitions. When the Zone Type is specified, the Alarm Action for that zone is stored in memory. If the Zone Type is Blank, Night, Day, Exit, Auxiliary 1, Auxiliary 2, or Instant it is a non-24-hour zone and the Alarm Action programing begins with Disarmed Open. If the Zone Type is Fire, Panic, Emergency, Supervisory, or CO it is a 24-hour zone that is always armed and the Alarm Action programming begins with Armed Open. The Fire Verify Zone Type functions the same as Fire Type, with the following exceptions: When a Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm, the panel performs a Sensor Reset. If any Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm within 120 seconds after the reset, an alarm is indicated. If an alarm is initiated after 120 seconds, the cycle is repeated and a zone fault report is sent to the receiver. Do NOT program Fire Verify Zone Types for Zone Retard.
17.14 Disarmed Open DISARMED OPEN Defines the action taken by the panel when the zone is opened while the area is disarmed. There are three actions to define: Report to transmit, Relay Output to activate, and Relay Output action. You must also make these selections for the Disarmed Short, Armed Open, and Armed Short zone conditions. Press CMD to continue. 17.15 Report to Transmit MSG: TROUBLE Press any select key or area to display the following report options: A, T, L, S, C, and – (dash). ALARM – Select A to send an alarm report to the receiver and activate the bell output according to zone type. The zone name appears in the panel alarmed zones and status lists. TROUBLE – Select T to send a trouble report to the receiver. The zone name appears in the panel alarmed zones and status lists. Note: UL requirements prevent the Alarm (A) and Trouble (T) action for Fire (FI), and Fire Verify (FV) zone types from being changed. LOCAL – When you select L, an alarm report is NOT sent to the receiver. The bell output activates and the zone name appears in the panel alarmed zones and status lists. – (Dash) – When you select a – (dash), reports are NOT sent to the receiver. The bell output does not activate and there is no display in the panel alarmed zones or status list. Only the relay output selected in the next section operates. DOOR PROPPED – Selecting D allows the ENTRY DLY 4 in the System Option section to begin to count without displaying on keypad. Following operation, the time programmed into ENTRY DLY 4 in the System Option section begins to count without displaying on keypad. If the time expires and the zone has not returned to normal, the keypad trouble buzzer starts and CLOSE THE DOOR appears on the keypads programmed into the PREWARN ADDRESS section. The time programmed into ENTRY DLY 4 begins to count down again internally. If the time expires a second time, and the zone has not returned to normal, the output (if programmed in zone information) triggers and a fault report is sent to the receiver and the zone name – OPEN message displays on the keypads until a code is entered. The bell output does not activate for the Door Propped operation. SENSOR RESET – When the zone state changes, the bell is silenced, a Sensor Reset is performed and a Alarm Bell Silenced Message (S34) is sent. A T L – D S C CANCEL AMBUSH – Select C for the zone to cancel the Early Morning Ambush timer and stop an Ambush message from being sent to the receiver. Faulting the zone takes the place of a second user code being entered at the keypad and is only available for Digital Monitoring Productsnon-fire type zones. Area assignment for the zone does not affect this option. See Early Morning Ambush in Area Information programming .
17.16 OUTPUT NO: Output Number 0 You can specify any of the Relay Outputs on the panel to be activated by a zone condition (1 to 6, 500 to 999 if Model 716 used, D01 to D16, G1 to G20). The output can be activated regardless of the report to transmit or whether or not the zone is programmed as local. An output activated by an armed zone is turned off when the zone area is disarmed by a user. To enter an output number, press any select key or area followed by the output number. Press CMD. 17.17 Output Action OUTPUT: NONE Entering an Output Number displays this option. This option allows you to assign an output action to the relay: Steady, Pulse, Momentary, or Follow. Note: Some wireless devices whether powered using an AC adaptor or a battery, ignore some output action programming. STEADY – The output is turned on and remains on until the area is disarmed, an output cutoff time expires, or the output is reset from the keypad menu. PULSE – The output alternates one second on and one second off. Note: The pulsing rate for a Model 716 relay attached to the LX-Bus is 1.6 seconds. MOMENTARY – The output is turned on only once for one second. FOLLOW – The output is turned on and remains on while the zone is in an off normal, or bad condition. When the zone restores, the output is turned off. Note: For Day Zone types, when an output is turned on, a user code with silence authority can turn the output off. After you make the three selections in the sections above, the display prompts for the same three selections for Disarmed Short, Armed Open, and Armed Short conditions. If the zone is a 24-hour type, only the Armed Open and Armed Short conditions display. When you have programmed all of the zone conditions, the Swinger Bypass selection then displays. STD PLS MOM FOLW 17.18 Swinger Bypass SWGR BYP NO YES Selecting YES allows the zone to be swinger bypassed by the panel according to the specifications pro grammed in Swinger Bypass Trips and Reset Swinger Bypass. The Bypass condition displays in the keypad Status List. Selecting NO disables swinger bypassing for this zone. If within one hour, a zone trips the total number of times as specified in Swinger Bypass Trips, the panel bypasses it until the following conditions occur; the area in which the zone is assigned is disarmed, the zone is manually reset through the Bypass Zones? keypad User Menu function, the zone remains normal for one hour and the Reset Swinger Bypass is YES. If the zone trips fewer than the specified times within one hour, the bypass trip counter returns to 0 (zero) and the process must be repeated. A report of the swinger bypass is sent to the receiver if Bypass Reports is YES. 17.19 Prewarn Keypad Addresses PREWARN KEYPADS: At the entry delay start, all keypad addresses selected here dis play ENTER CODE:-. If you want the prewarn to sound at all 16 addresses, leave the default setting. To delete an address, press the matching number on the keypad. To disable prewarning at all keypads, press any select key or area to clear the addresses shown. Press CMD when the address selection is com plete. The prewarn tone stops at the keypad where the first user code digit is entered. If no keys are pressed for five seconds or an invalid user code is entered, the prewarn tone resumes at that keypad.
17.20 Chime CHIME: DOORBELL Option is only shown for Night, Exit, and Instant zones. Select either NONE, DB (doorbell), ASC (ascend), or DSC (descend) to assign that tone to a zone. Default is DOORBELL for Exit zones and NONE for Night zones. NONE DB ASC DSC 17.21 ENTRY DELAY: 1 Entry Delay Select the entry timer for this zone. Entry timers 1 to 4 are programmed in System Options.
17.22 Zone Retard Delay RETARD NO YES When you select YES, the zone operates with the zone retard delay. The retard func tions only in zone short condi tions. The zone must re main shorted for the full length of the re tard de lay before the panel recognizes its condition. If you select NO, the zone operates without a retard delay.
17.23 Presignal Keypad Addresses PRESGNL KEYPADS: You can enable any combina tion of keypad addresses to sound a presignal tone during the time a zone is in retard delay. The presignal tone si lences when the zone restores or the re tard delay expires. the keypad address. You can enable the presignal for all 16 keypad addresses. To disable a presignal address press the matching number digit again. Press CMD when the address selection is complete. The Presignal option is only displayed when Retard is selected as YES.
17.24 FAST RSP NO YES Fast Response Select YES to provide a zone response time of 167ms. Select NO to provide a normal zone response time of 500ms. Zones 500 to 999 have a fixed response time and do not display this option.
17.25 Cross Zone CRS ZONE NO YES Select YES to enable cross zoning for this zone. Cross zoning requires one or more armed zones to fault within a programmed time before an alarm report is sent to the receiver. When the first cross zoned zone trips, the cross zone time specified in System Options begins to count down. When a second cross zoned zone trips or the first zone trips a second time before the end of the count down, the bell action assigned to the zone activates and the panel sends an alarm report for both zones. If no other cross zoned zone trips before the cross zone time expires, the panel sends only a zone fault report to the receiver. Cross zoning is not compatible with all zone types: You can not enable cross zoning for Fire verify zones or for any Fire zones that have Retard Delay enabled.
17.26 Priority PRIORITY NO YES Select YES to provide additional protection for the premises by requiring this zone to be in a normal condition before its assigned area can be armed.
17.27 Fire Panel Slave Input FIRE PANEL SLAVE INPUT: NO YES This option is available on Fire Zones (FI) only and allows a fire zone the ability to provide slave communication operation for a separate fire alarm control panel. If YES, this zone will transmit a restoral immediately when restored by the fire panel being monitored. A sensor reset is not required to generate the restoral message. If NO, this zone will operate as a standard fire type zone and a sensor reset is required before the zone will return to normal. Default is NO.
17.28 Area Follower FOLLOW AREA: 0 Allows Night, Day, Aux 1, or Aux 2 burglary zones to be delayed by following any exit or entry delay that is currently running in the area that is specified. Default is 0.
17.29 Zone Real-Time Status ZONE REAL-TIME STATUS NO YES Selecting YES allows Real-Time Status reports, such as Door Open or Closed with zone number, to be sent using PC Log reporting. Selecting NO disables Real-Time Status for this zone. Default is NO.
17.30 Traffic Count TRAFFIC COUNT This option is only displayed for NT, EX, and IN type zones. Select YES to provide reporting to the receiver of the number of zone trips while in a disarmed state. The number of trips will be included with the area closing message and reported to the central station automation system. Traffic Count data for the 10 lowest numbered zones with Traffic Count set to YES is also sent to the Virtual Keypad NO YES TM App if enabled at Default is NO.
17.31 Zone Audit Days ZONE AUDIT DAYS: Enter the number of days (0 to 365) allowed to elapse without the zone being tripped before a fault message is sent. The message is sent to the receiver(s) programmed to receive Supervisory/Trouble Reports at 10:00 am following the expiration of the timer. Each time the zone is tripped, the Zone Audit Days timer restarts and begins to countdown the number of days programmed. After the countdown expires, a fault message is sent and the Zone Audit Days timer restarts and begins to countdown the number of days programmed. Available for all zone types except fire and fire verify. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this function. Default is 0 (zero).
17.32 Report with Account Number for Area REPORT WITH ACCT NO. FOR AREA: 0 This option is only available for 24-hour zone types (Fire, Fire Verify, Panic, Emergency, or Supervisory). Enter the area number (1-32) to assign as a 24-hour zone type. This option sends the account number of the programmed area with messages. If the entered area number does not exist or is not valid, the account number programmed in the Communication section is sent. Select 0 (zero) to have the report sent with the account number programmed in Communication. Default is 0.


18.1 Stop STOP Save Programming WHEN ANY PANEL PROGRAMMING IS CHANGED, THE STOP ROUTINE MUST BE RUN AND ‘SAVING PROGRAM’ MUST DISPLAY ON THE KEYPAD IN ORDER TO SAVE THE PROGRAMMING CHANGES. At the STOP option, pressing any select key or area allows you to exit the Programmer function of the panel. When selected, the panel performs an internal reset and exits the programmer. The STOP routine causes the following conditions to occur: • All 1100 Series DMP Wireless transmitters are reset to NORMAL • The panel Status List is cleared During the reset, all keypad displays are momentarily blank for two seconds. After the reset, the programming function terminates and the keypads return to the status list display. The STOP option does not disarm the system. Any new areas or zones that were added during programming are not armed until the system is disarmed and armed again. Missing LX-Bus™ Modules Displayed The Programmer includes a feature following the STOP routine that displays the name of any programmed LX-Bus module not currently connected to the panel. Power Up When the panel is powered up after an AC power failure, any zone transitions are not recognized for 60 seconds. Normal zone processing resumes at the end of the 60 seconds.

Set Lockout Code

19.1 Set Lockout Code SET LOCKOUT CODE Pressing CMD at the STOP option displays SET LOCKOUT CODE. This allows you to program a code that is then required to gain access to the panel internal Programmer through the keypad. You can change this code at any time to any combination of numbers from three to five digits long. You do not need to enter leading zeros when using the lockout code. Initializing the panel does not clear a Lockout Code. Lockout Codes can be changed through Remote Link. Once you have changed the code, it is important to write it down somewhere and store it in a safe place. Lost Lockout Codes require the panel to be sent back to DMP for repair. You may cancel a Lockout Code by entering 00000 at the Set Lockout Code command. Lockout Code restriction Do not set a Lockout Code higher than 65535.

Feature Upgrade

20.1 Feature Upgrade FEATURE UPGRADE In the Programming Menu, pressing CMD at the SET LOCKOUT CODE option displays FEATURE UPGRADE. This allows you to enable additional features in the panel. Press any select key or area to display the first available feature. ENABLED or DISABLED displays indicating whether this feature is currently used in this panel. Press CMD to display additional feature(s). To enable a feature, press any select key or area anywhere in the features list to display the ENTER KEY option. Enter the factory-supplied feature key for the specific panel and press CMD. The feature specific to the key displays as ENABLED. If the feature key entered is not accepted, the ENTER KEY option displays again. Re-enter the feature key and press CMD. ENTER KEY –
20.1.1 Encryption ENCRYPTION DISABLED Enable this feature to provide 128-bit or 256-bit AES data encryption. This feature upgrade can only be enabled on an XR550 panel with network. For installations where an XR550 panel is installed, it is recommended the XR550 be replaced with an XR550 panel with encryption. To verify encryption installation, access System Status in the User Menu to verify the encryption status (OFF, ON). If the status displays OFF, a Passphrase has not been entered in Network Options and data transmissions are not encrypted. See Network Options to set up a Passphrase.
20.1.2 All No Yes Option ALL NO YES OPTN DISABLED This feature offers the ability to disable the ALL NO YES option at arming or disarming. When this feature is enabled, the ALL NO YES option does not display at any system keypad during arming or disarming. Each area assigned to the user profile is chosen to be armed or disarmed independently. 20.1.3 SVC USER AUTH DISABLED Service User Authentication This feature offers the ability to authenticate service personnel before allowing access to panel programming or performing any user operations. When this feature is enabled and a valid Service User code is entered for system operation or 6653 is entered for programming, the Service Code entry option displays. When the service person enters the Service Code, the panel authenticates the code with the Service Code preprogrammed in the SCS-1R receiver, and access to panel programming or the User Menu is granted. The Service Code can be used for system operation for 30 minutes before authenticating again. If the code entered is not validated, access to programming or the User Menu using the Service User code is denied. Note: The Service User code is user number zero (0) and can only be created in the panel remotely. The SCS-1R receiver must have firmware version 902 or higher to authenticate service personnel. 20.1.4 32 DOOR ADD ON A DISABLED 32 Door Add On A/ 32 Door Add On B This feature upgrade is only compatible with the XR550 Series Canadian panels operating with Version 111 firmware or higher. Enable this feature to increase the door capacity for a maximum of 64 or 96 doors by applying purchased feature keys. XR150 Series Canadian control panels are incompatible with this feature upgrade. 32 DOOR ADD ON B DISABLED 32 Door Add On A adds 32 more doors available on the AX-Bus for a total of 64 doors. 32 Door Add On B adds another 32 doors to the AX-Bus for the maximum of 96 doors. See Device Setup for more detailed information. Purchasing Feature Upgrades If you would like to purchase a feature upgrade, the authorized purchasing agent for your company may contact DMP Customer Service in writing via e-mail (CUSTOMERSERVICE@DMP.COM) or call 866-266-2826 from 8 AM to 5 PM central standard time. Include the upgrade feature(s) to enable and the panel serial number(s) on the request. A separate feature key is issued for each panel. The feature key only enables the requested feature on the specified panel. The panel serial number can be located in several different ways: Printed on a label located on the right side of the PCB. • Using panel diagnostics. See the Appendix. • Using Remote Link™ (version 1.18 or greater). See the Remote Link User’s Guide (LT-0565). — Initial Panel Connection screen — System Information screen.


21.1 False Alarm Reduction System Recently Armed report The System Recently Armed report (S78) is sent to the receiver when a burglary zone goes into alarm within two minutes of the system being armed. 21.2 Diagnostics Function The panel contains a Diagnostics function that allows you to test the communication integrity of the LX-Bus™, identify individual zones, and also display the present electrical state of any zone. The Diagnostics function also allows you to test the integrity of the cellular communication, cellular signal, and Email communication. To use Diagnostics, reset the panel, enter the Diagnostics code 2313 (DIAG), and press CMD. Test LX-Bus This function allows you to test the ability of the panel to communicate with zone and output expander modules connected to the LX-Bus circuits. To continue, press any select key or area. The keypad displays LX-BUS:. Using the digit keys, enter the LX-Bus number, 1 to 5, to test that LX-Bus circuit. The keypad now displays ADDRESS: – . Enter a 2-digit LX-Bus device address and press CMD. When testing LX-Bus devices, enter only the addresses to which the modules have been set. Press any select key or area when TEST LX-BUS displays. Important Note: A device address is not the same as a zone number. If you are testing 714/714N-POE or 715 Zone Expander Modules, which each contain four zones, the device address is the first zone number. When the panel polls a 714 on the LX-Bus, it recognizes it as a four zone device and does not poll the remaining three zones. The 714 module internally polls the remaining zones and transmits any status changes to the panel. This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes the panel to poll all LX-Bus devices. The keypad next displays TESTING . . . STOP during the device testing. At any time, you can select STOP to end polling. The panel records the number of no responses from the device. If all polls are received back by the panel correctly, the keypad displays 00000/65535 FAIL. If one or more polling attempts fail, the keypad displays *

      • /65535 FAIL with the representing the number of failed polling attempts. A display of 65535/65535 FAIL indicates a problem with the interface card or its LX-Bus wiring such as a bad or broken wire, harness not properly connected, or excessive noise or distance. It can also mean that a zone number was entered that did not match a device address. Press the Back Arrow key to enter a new device address or press CMD to exit the TEST LX-BUS. Zone Finder The second Diagnostic function is the Zone Finder. Press CMD to display ZONE FINDER. This function allows you to identify individual zones on devices connected to the LX-Bus of an interface card, the panel, or any zones on the keypad data bus. To use ZONE FINDER, press any select key or area. The display changes to FAULT ZONE. The next zone on the system that changes from a normal to an open or shorted state is displayed as ZONE NO: *. To continue, press the Back Arrow key. Zone State Press CMD to display the third Diagnostic function: ZONE STATE. This function allows you to enter any zone number and check its current electrical state (Normal, Open, or Shorted). Press any select key or area. The display changes to ZONE NUMBER: _ . Enter in the zone number you want to check and press CMD. The panel displays the current state of the zone as NRML (normal), OPEN, or SHORT. LX-Bus Status The fourth Diagnostic function is the LX-BUS STATUS. This function allows the panel to poll all devices connected to the LX-Bus of an interface card and check for any Overlapped, Missing, or Extra addresses. Below is a description of each status item: Overlap – An overlap occurs when one device address is the same as any of the last three zones on another 714/714N-POE or 715. The overlap feature cannot determine when two devices have the same address. Example: Model 714 Address 00 = Zones 500 501 502 503, and the Model 711 Address 02 = Zone 502. Zone 502 would report as an Overlap because both the 714 and 711 have devices set to 502. Missing – A missing occurs when a zone between 500 and 999 has been programmed in ZONE INFORMATION and no device with that zone address has been installed on the LX-Bus. To correct the problem, check your zone programming and zone expansion module addressing. Extra – A device is installed on the LX-Bus but none of its zones are programmed into the system. MAC Address Short for Media Access Control address. This hardware address uniquely identifies each network node. Not to be confused with an IP address, which is assignable. In the Diagnostics function, the MAC address is the panel on-board network hardware address. Press any select key or area to display the panel MAC address. Press CMD to view the next option.
        Serial Number
        This number is the network communicator serial number. Reference this number for communicator date-ofmanufacture, hardware version, etc.
        Press any select key or area to display the Serial
        Number. Press
        CMD to view the next option.
        Loader Version
        This display is for factory use only. Press any select key or area to display the factory Loader Version. Press CMD to view the next option.
        Current Flash
        This option displays Flash 1 or Flash 2 indicating which physical flash chip the panel is currently using. Press select key or area to display the current flash information. Press CMD to view the next option. Communication Status
        This option tests the individual components of cellular or network communication. The displayed results are shown below.
        Cellular Results:
Successful Display Failure Display

This displays the cellular signal strength of the nearest tower for the SIM card carrier.
The ▐’s represent the signal strength 0-7. Select YES to continue through the remaining component tests. Select NO to stop testing and return to the COMM STATUS option. SIGNAL: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐

Successful Display Failure Display


Network Results:

Successful Display Failure Display


Cellular Signal Strength (CELL SIGNAL)
This option provides a way to test the cellular signal strength of the nearest tower for the SIM card carrier. Press any select key or area to display cell signal strength. The X’s
represent the numerical value of the cell signal strength in -dBm. The ▐’s represent the signal strength 0-7.
-XX dBm
SIGNAL: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
Wi-Fi Signal Strength (Wi-Fi SIGNAL)
This option tests the signal strength of the selected SSID. Press any select key or area to display Wi-Fi signal strength. The▐’s represent the signal strength 0-7.

Wi-Fi Signal Strength

Number of Bars| Indication

Good Signal (Excellent for consistent operation)


Average Signal (Expect consistent operation)

1| Weak Signal (Will not operate reliably. Relocate Wi-Fi equipment or add a Wi-Fi extender for better reception.)
0| No Signal

PC Programming This allows the user to Remote Program the panel using a 399 cable attached to LX500. When the select key or area is pressed, the panel displays PROGRAMMING… at this time the panel does not communicate with any LX bus attached to LX500, and the 399 cable can be used to connect via Remote Link. PROGRAMMING… will display at the keypad for the duration of the Remote Session. Once the session has ended, or if no Remote Link connection has been established after one minute, the keypad displays RECONNECT LX BUS. From this point, if the LX500 bus should be connected within one minute. When using the 399 cable to program the panel, the connection type should be “Direct” and the baud rate set to 38400. This connection may be used for all Remote Programming, including Remote Update. Z-Wave Information This option allows the installer to view the hardware and software level of the 738Zplus that is connected to the system. Test Z-Wave Option This feature allows the installer to test panel communication with Z-Wave devices. A successful test indicates a response from a device. Press any select key or area to view the Z-Wave Device List. Press CMD to advance through each Z-Wave device and press any select key or area to begin the test on the device displayed. The name of the device displays above the device number. The current number of successful communications followed by the total number of attempts displays to the right of the device number. The test stops after 99 attempts. Press CMD to view the final number of successful communications. Exiting the Diagnostics program Press CMD until STOP displays. Press any select key or area. The keypad returns to the Status List display. 21.3 Using the 984 Command Function This feature allows connection to connect to a service receiver, which is used primarily to bring a new account online and upload panel programming completed in Remote Link™. Note: When not in the Programming Menu, the function 984 + CMD can be entered at the keypad, and a remote options menu appears. This menu contains the following options: NUMBER: Enter a phone number into the keypad for the panel to dial. Enter any required prefixes and area codes. After completing panel programming in Remote Link, set a trap to seize the panel when it calls. Traps are set by selecting Panel > Trap. Refer to the Remote Link User’s Guide (LT-0565), or the Remote Link Help File. Then, from the panel, enter 984 and press CMD, while the panel is in the Status List. The keypad display changes to NBR TEST PICKUP. Press the select key or area under NBR. Enter the phone number for the service receiver connected to the Remote Link computer. Press each number key slowly and deliberately. The panel dials each number as it is pressed. If you make a mistake, press the Back Arrow key. The panel stops dialing and return to the Status List. You can enter up to 32 characters for the phone number. Once you have entered 16 characters the LCD display is full: Press CMD to enter the final 16 characters. To enter a # (pound sign) press the ‘0’ then the fourth (far right) select key or area, and to enter an (asterisk) press the third select key or area. Program a pause by entering the letter P. Program CID message communication by entering the letter T in the first position. Cancel call waiting by entering 70P as the first characters. These characters are counted as part of the allowable 32 characters. Press CMD after you enter the phone number. The panel calls the receiver connected to Remote Link to download the new programming. Remote Link then traps the panel. Note: The panel makes ten attempts to reach the receiver. While attempting to contact the receiver, if the panel needs to send an alarm report, the panel stops dialing and uses the phone line to send its report. TEST: The panel allows you to perform a Communication Status Test on each component of the panel’s cellular or network communication paths. While the Status List displays, enter 984 and press CMD. The keypad display changes to NBR TEST PICKUP. Press the select key or area under TEST to allow the panel to perform a Communication Status Test. The display prompts the user for a user code to be entered. The user code must have the authority to perform a System Test. Upon entry of a Cell or Network path when prompted, the test runs and the results display on the keypad. See Diagnostic Functions section for a description of the Communication Status results. PICKUP: The panel picks up the phone line when Remote Link™ calls in. The phone must be ringing before selecting PICKUP. After completing panel programming in Remote Link, connect to the panel by selecting Panel > Connect. Refer to the Remote Link User’s Guide (LT-0565), or Help File for complete information about connecting to panels. While the panel displays in the status list and the telephone line at the panel rings, enter 984 and press CMD. The keypad display changes to NBR TEST PICKUP. Press the select key or area under PICKUP to allow the panel to seize the line. The panel immediately seizes the phone line and sends a carrier tone to the receiver. A verification process occurs and, if successful, the panel grants remote access to its programming and Event Buffer. After the panel has seized the line, send the file from Remote Link by selecting Panel > Send. Remote Link then uploads the new programming into the panel. You may also Request Events by selecting Panel > Request Events in

Remote Link and finishes by sending the last event or access that occurred on or before the end date specified by Remote Link. If necessary, a Request Events upload in progress can be cancelled. Keypad Displays When the PICKUP option is used, the keypad displays LINE SEIZED. This indicates that the panel has seized the line and is executing its program. If the line cannot be accessed, or if the PICKUP option is used before all connect attempts are made, the keypad displays SYSTEM BUSY. 21.4 Using the Walk Test The panel provides a walk test feature that allows a single technician to test the protection devices connected to zones on the system. Conduct the Walk Test within 30 minutes of resetting the panel. The Walk Test automatically ends if no zones are tripped for 20 minutes. TEST IN PROGRESS displays at all keypads programmed with the same Display Areas features. When five minutes remain, TEST END WARNING displays. The Walk Test only tests zones assigned to the areas programmed into the keypad in Display Areas. If any areas are armed the Walk Test does not start and SYSTEM ARMED displays. Note: If the Panic Supervision option is enabled in SYSTEM OPTIONS, the panic button on any programmed key fob can be tested during the Walk Test. When the panic button is pressed a verification message is sent by the receiver. Walk Test WALK TEST To conduct the Walk Test, reset the control panel by momentarily placing a jumper on RESET. From the keypad, enter the code 8144. The keypad displays WALK TEST for four seconds. If the system is monitored and the communication type is DD or NET, the system sends a System Test Begin report to the central station. After four seconds, the keypad displays the zone type choices for testing. Zone Types BG FI PN SV Select the zone type you want to test. An asterisk next to the zone type indicates the zone type chosen for testing. Press the select key or area again to deselect the zone type. When you have selected all the zone types you want for testing, press CMD to display the next Walk Test option. Pressing the Back Arrow key exits the Walk Test. Note: For the Wireless Test, make sure no zone types are selected and press CMD. Pressing the Back Arrow key exits the Walk Test. BG (Burglary zones) – Select BG to test burglary zones. Includes all NT, DY, EX, A1, and A2 zones. FI (Fire zones) – Select FI to test fire zones. Includes all FI and FV zones. PN (Panic zones) – Select PN to test panic zones. Includes all PN and EM zones. SV (Supervisory zones) – Select SV to test supervisory zones. Includes all SV zones. Note: During the Walk Test, trip each zone device or button on the system for 1 to 2 seconds. You do NOT have to hold the zones for 2 seconds in normal mode for PN type zones. You are only required to hold the panic during the Walk Test because the zone takes additional time to report when the system is in test mode. WLS PIR WLS (Wireless Test) – Select WLS to automatically test wireless transmitter communications. Includes all wireless devices except key fobs and transmitters programmed for a supervision time of 0 (zero). PIR (Wireless PIR Walk Test) – The PIR Walk Test allows the installer to verify the 1126, 1127, or 1128 operation. When enabled, the PIR LED flashes each time motion is detected for up to 30 minutes. This is a local test only and no messages are sent to the Central Station. BELL NO YES PULS Bell Action This option selects the bell output action when a zone under test faults. This option allows the panel bell, and/or burglary bell, and/or fire bell to turn ON and then OFF each time a zone is tripped (opened or shorted). NO – Select NO for no bell output action during Walk Test. YES – Select YES to turn on any bell output for 2 seconds during Walk Test. PULS – Select PULS to turn on any bell output for 1/4 second during Walk Test. Any LX-Bus device output turns on for 1.6 seconds due to the polling cycle. Trip Counter For Walk Test TRIPS: XXX END Once in the Walk Test, walk around and trip each protective device. Continue tripping devices until the entire system is tested. With each zone trip during the Walk Test: • Keypad display increments each time a selected zone is opened or shorted • The keypad buzzes for two seconds • The panel sounds the alarm bells as programmed in Bell Action • Each time a FI, FV, or SV zone trips, a Sensor Reset occurs.

If ENHANCED ZONE TEST is selected as YES: A Verify message is sent at the time the zone trip occurs instead of at the end of the Walk Test. For FI, FV, SV, or CO zone types, the Verify message is sent at the initial trip. For all other zone types, the Verify message is sent when the zone restores. This allows the Central Station to count the number of devices per zone. END – Select END to stop the Walk Test. When the Walk Test ends or a 20-minute time- out expires, a final Sensor Reset occurs. The System Test End message is sent to the receiver along with Verify and Fail messages for each zone under test. Faulted zones then display on the keypad. Trip Counter For DMP Wireless Test (WLS) IN PROGRESS XMIN CHKIN: cc/tt END Displays the number of wireless zones that automatically communicate a supervision checkin message. The test will run for a total of 5 minutes. During the 5 minutes the transmitters are being tested multiple times. At the end of the 5 minutes the results will be displayed. A timer will be displayed at the keypad to indicate that the test is in progress. In order for a transmitter to pass it must have checked in 3 or more times. The results will display which transmitters have failed the test. • The number of zones that check in. (XXX in the example). • The total number of wireless zones programmed for supervision that should check in. (ZZZ in the example). END – Select END to stop the Wireless Test. When the test ends or a 20-minute time-out expires, normal wireless zone processing returns. If all transmitters check-in, both numbers CKIN:XXX/ZZZ END match within three (3) minutes. If a transmitter has multiple zones (1101, 1114, etc.), all zones are included in the counts. Failed wireless zones display on the keypad. Test End Warning TEST END WARNING When five minutes remain on the 20 minute Walk Test timer, the keypad displays TEST END WARNING. If no additional test zone trips occur, the test ends and a final Sensor Reset automatically occurs. The System Test End message is sent to the receiver along with Verify and Fail messages for each zone under Walk Test. Faulted zones then display on the keypad. Note: Key fobs do not send failure messages in order to prevent functioning key fobs that are not present at the time of the test from being reported as MISSING. Failed Zones Display ZONE: 10 -FAIL SOUTH LOBBY For each zone that did not trip (failed), except key fobs, at least once during the Walk Test, all keypads with matching Display Areas programming display the zone name and number and buzz for one second. Any selected (FI PN CO SV) 24-hour zone that is faulted at the end of the Walk Test displays a trouble condition for that zone regardless of the message programmed for the open or short condition of the zone and a zone trouble is sent to the receiver. Press CMD to display the next failed zone. Note: For the Wireless Test, failed wireless zones display only on the keypad. Zone Verify/ Fail reports are not sent to the central station receiver for the Wireless Test. 21.5 Keypad Speaker Operation When using LCD Keypads, the panel provides distinct speaker tones from the keypad for Fire, Burglary, Zone Monitor, and Prewarn events. The list below details the conditions under which the speaker is turned on and off for each event. Fire On – Fire zone alarm and Bell Output or Fire Bell Output is ON. Off – Alarm Silence. Burglary On – Burglary zone alarm and Bell Output or Burglary Bell Output is ON. Off – Alarm Silence. Zone Monitor On – One time only when a monitored zone is tripped. Off – After one tone. CO On – CO zone alarm and Bell Ouput are ON. Off – Using Sensor Reset option while no additional CO type zones are in alarm. Prewarn On – During Entry Delay. Off – When Entry Delay expires.

21.6 Cross Zoning Caution must be taken when cross zoning devices to ensure that the Cross Zone Time is long enough to allow an intruder to trip both devices before it expires. A Cross Zone Time that is too short may allow an intruder to trip the devices and allow only a zone fault report be sent to the central station. When a Cross Zoned zone trips a FAULT report is sent to the SCS-1R or SCS-VR Receiver. When two Cross Zoned zones trip within the Cross Zone Time, both zones send ALARM signals to the receiver. For example, if zones 1 and 2 are Cross Zoned zones, and only zone 1 trips, a FAULT report is sent to the receiver for zone 1. If zone 1 trips and zone 2 trips within the Cross Zone Time, an ALARM report is sent to the receiver for zone 1 and zone 2. 21.7 Events Manager The Events Manager allows you to delay sending certain reports to the central station receiver. Reports can be kept in the panel memory until overwritten by new activity or held until the memory buffer reaches 50 events or 50 door access granted events. When the buffer is full, the panel automatically sends the stored reports to the central station receiver. The table lists the panel reports you can delay using the Events Manager option. See Figure 10. 21.8 User Profiles A profile defines the authority of each user code in the system. Profiles are programmed in the Keypad User Menu. Several characteristics associated with each User Profile define its authority within the system. To effectively program an XR150/ XR550 Series Canadian system, you must understand the interrelationship between profiles, devices, output groups, and areas. Below is a brief explanation of the User Profile elements. For more information about user profiles, refer to the User Profiles Record and the XR150/XR550 Canadian Users Guide (LT- 1278CAN). Note: Profiles cannot be changed via keypad in an All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away system. Use the default profiles 1 through 10. Profile Number – Each profile may be assigned a unique number from 1 to 99. Profile Name – Each profile may be assigned a 32-character name. The Profile Number is the default name. Area Number – Each profile may be assigned specific areas of the system for arming and disarming. When creating profiles 1 to 98, NO areas are assigned by default. The default for profile 99 is ALL areas assigned. Profile 99 is preprogrammed in the system at the factory. Access Area Number – Each profile may be assigned door access area assignments. Default for profile 1 to 98 is NO areas assigned. Default for profile 99 is ALL areas assigned. Profile 99 is preprogrammed at the factory. Output Group Assignment – Each profile may be assigned an output group number from 1 to 10. Default for profile 1 to 98 is NO output group assigned. Default for profile 99 is output group 10. Your system may by programmed to turn on an output group at certain keypads when door access occurs. User Menu Assignments – Each user profile may have any of the menus assigned to it as shown in the following User Profile Record. The User Profile Record lists the user menu profile assignments and the system functions users are allowed to access based on the profile numbers assigned to their codes. Always make sure that at least one administrator in your system has a profile with all authorities and areas. First Access/Second Access – Each profile may be assigned two schedules to allow or restrict access and disarming times. Inactive User Code Audit – This option allows you to choose the number of days a user code can remain unused before the panel sends an Inactive User Code message to the receiver and changes the user code to inactive. The range is 0-425 days. The default is 0. This feature is only available for XR550 Series panels.

21.9 User Profiles Record
This User Profiles Record can be used as a tool when programming Devices, Profiles, Areas, and Output Groups. Because these programming options are interrelated, use this sheet to plan the system before you begin the installation and  programming process.

21.10 Wireless Check-in and Supervision Definitions
DMP 1100 Series Supervision Time Explained
The supervision time programmed for DMP 1100 Series wireless is the number of minutes that must elapse before a transmitter missing message is generated for a transmitter that is not sending its automatically generated supervision message. The supervision time is programmable to 3, 60, 240 minutes. Selecting 0 (zero) disables supervision time.

21.11 Keypad Bus and LX-Bus Zone Type Descriptions This section describes applications for the default Keypad and LX-Bus zone types in Zone Information programming. — (Blank Zone) Customizable zone type. By default, no actions are programmed to occur with Blank Zone. A zone name must be entered to use this zone type: This zone type is not the same as an UNUSED zone. NT (Night Zone) Controlled instant zone used for perimeter doors and windows and interior devices such as PIRs and Glassbreak detectors. DY (Day zone) Used for emergency doors or fire doors to sound the keypad buzzer and display the zone name when the zone is faulted. Day zones also send alarm reports to the receiver during the system armed periods. EX (Exit zone) Initiates the entry delay timer when its assigned area is fully armed. Also, can initiate an exit delay timer to allow a user to exit an area after the arming process starts. PN (Panic zone) Used for connecting to mechanical devices that allow a user to signal an emergency alarm. Panic zones can provide either a silent or audible alarm with or without reporting to a central station receiver. EM (Emergency zone) These are used for reporting medical or other non-panic emergencies to the central station receiver. SV (Supervisory zone) Used to provide 24-hour zone supervision to devices associated with fire systems. Typical applications are tamper switches on Post Indicator Valves (PIVs), gate valves, and low and high temperature gauges. FI (Fire zone) Used for any type of powered or mechanical fire detection device. Typical applications are for smoke detectors, sprinkler flowswitches, manual pull stations, and beam detectors. Retard, cross zoning, and presignal options are available for the Fire zone type. FV (Fire Verify zone) Used primarily for smoke detector circuits to verify the existence of an actual fire condition. When a Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm, the panel performs a Fire Reset. If any Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm within 120 seconds after the reset, an alarm is indicated. If an alarm is initiated after 120 seconds, the cycle repeats. A1 and A2 (Auxiliary 1 and Auxiliary 2) These zones are similar to a Night zone and are typically used to protect restricted areas within a protected premises. AR (Arming zone) This zone allows you to connect a keyswitch to a zone and use it to arm and disarm one or more areas. CO (Carbon Monoxide) This output turns on any time a Carbon Monoxide Zone (CO) is placed in alarm. The output is turned off using Sensor Reset option while no additional CO type zones are in alarm. Instant (IN) – Controlled instant zone used for perimeter doors, windows, and interior devices such as PIRs and Glassbreak detectors. This will also cause an alarm if tripped during Entry/Exit delay. DB (Doorbell) – This zone type is intended for use for zones that are assigned to doorbells.

21.12 Common Keypad Messages
There are several common keypad messages that the keypad displays to inform the technician and end-user. The
common messages are described below. Possible solutions are also provided.

Message Meaning Possible Solutions


| The user has attempted a door access for an area they are not assigned.| Change the user access areas if access to the area is needed. If access is not needed, the user cannot enter the area.
INVALID CODE| The user code you entered is not recognized by the system.| Check the user code and try again.


| A user attempted a function that is outside of the

assigned profile.


Check the user profile settings.

INVALID TIME| A user code assigned to a specific schedule has

entered outside of the valid schedule.

| See Schedules and User Codes.
ENTER 2ND CODE| The area you are attempting to disarm or access is a Two Man Area.| A second and different user code must be



| The scheduled has expired but the area is not armed.| Users still on the premise should arm the system or extend the schedule to a later time.
LATE TO CLOSE| The system was not armed at its scheduled closing time.| Users still on the premise should arm the system or extend the schedule to a later time.


| A user assigned the anti-passback option has attempted to re-enter an area from which they did not exit properly.| The user must exit the area through the proper door. If not possible, your system administrator should select the Forgive option in the User Codes menu.
AC TROUBLE| The system AC is low or missing.| Check that all AC connections are good.
BATTERY TROUBLE| The System battery is either low or missing.| Check that the battery connections are good and the battery is still good.
PHONE LINE 1 TROUBLE| There is trouble with the phone line supervision.| Plug in the phone line.



There is a problem with one or more components in the system.

| Make sure the RESET jumper is removed from the panel. Make sure there is not a short or open condition on the green data wire to the keypad. You may also need to check that all of the keypads and expansion modules on the bus are good.



The system is performing another task with a higher priority.

| Wait a few moments for the system to complete the task. Make sure the RESET jumper is not

on the panel. If the message displays for a long period of time, the processor could be locked up.


| There is not a supervised device on the bus.| Program a device to be supervised.
There is low voltage or an open yellow wire.| Make sure all wires are connected.
Two devices share the same address.| Program one of the devices to a unique address.



The panel has attempted to communicate with the central station 10 times and has not succeeded.

| Verify your communication type, account number, and phone number. Make sure the telephone line is connected and working properly.
NON-POLLED ADDRESS| The device is not set to DOOR, KEYPAD or FIRE in Device Setup during programming.| Program the device as DOOR, KEYPAD or FIRE in Device Setup.

enter Programming)

| A lockout code has been programmed for the panel.| Enter the lockout code.


| The panel is unable to communicate with the wireless receiver.| Verify the receiver is properly connected to the panel. Verify the correct House Code is

programmed in System Options. Satisfy the front and/or rear tamper.

The wireless receiver’s tamper may be faulted.

21.13 Area Account Number Messages XR150/XR550 Canadian systems send an area account number instead of the system account number with the following panel messages/events based on the area assigned to the zone that initiated the alarm:

  • WARNING: Alarm Bell Silenced (S34)
  • Abort Signal Received (S45)
  • Cancel Signal Received (S49)
  • ALERT: System Recently Armed (S78)
  • ALERT: Exit Error (S80)
  • ALARM: Verify Signal Received (S96) (not currently sent on area arming systems) The panel has always sent the area account number for the following messages:
  • Zone event messages for all non-24 hour zones assigned to an area
  • Arming
  • Disarming The panel sends the following messages using the area account number based on the lowest area number in Display Areas programming from the keypad being used
  • User Code Add/Change/Delete
  • Door Access/Denied
  • User 1 Ambush and Early Morning Ambush
  • System Test Begin/End
  • Unauthorized Entry
  • Service Code and Service Request The panel sends the following messages using the area account number based on the area number:
  • Late to Arm for area schedules

Certifications Underwriters Laboratory of Canada (ULC) Listed • ULC S545 This Class A digital apparatus complies with Household Fire Canadian ICES-003 • ULC Subject-C1023 Household Burglar NIST Certificates of Validation 125-bit #2350 256-bit #2595 SIA Meets ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010 False Alarm • ULC/ORD-C1076 Proprietary Burglar • ULC S304-06 Central Station Burglar • ULC S559 Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems Reduction

LT-1232CAN © 2021 Digital Monitoring P
2500 North Partnership Boulevard
Designed, Engineered and
Manufactured in Springfield, Missouri
using US and Global components
Springfield, Missouri 65803-8877


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