intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor User Guide

June 9, 2024

intelbras LOGO IVP 8000 PET
User guide

IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor

Infrared passive sensor
Congratulations, you have just purchased a product with Intelbras quality and security.
The passive infrared sensor IVP 8000 PET has passive infrared detection technology, adopting an advanced signal analysis technology, avoiding false triggers, it also has an integrated temperature sensor to offer the same detection sensitivity in several environments (from -10 °C to +50 °C), low consumption circuit, providing a long battery life and tamper key for violation protection, making your environment even safer. The IVP 8000 PET sensor is suitable for indoor environments with the presence of pets up to 20 kg.
Read the product introductory information carefully for the correct use of the sensor.

Care and security

  • Follow all instructions in the manual for product assembly and installation.
  • LGPD – General Personal Data Protection Law: Intelbras does not access, transfer, capture, or perform any other type of processing of personal data from this product.
  • This motion sensor is intended for indoor environments.
  • Do not use the sensor in areas with sudden temperature changes, near air conditioners, heaters, fans, refrigerators and ovens.
  • Do not expose the sensor directly to sunlight.
  • Do not install the sensor facing glass windows and doors.
  • Do not touch the surface of the infrared (PIR) sensor. If necessary, use a soft cloth for cleaning.
  • Do not exceed the maximum installation height of the sensor (2.20 m).
  • Do not place objects in front of the sensor. To ensure the detection area, avoid curtains, screens, folding screens, or any object that blocks the scan. Do not exceed the installation height of the sensor (2.2 m).
  • The sensor should be installed where a possible intruder is easily detected, i.e. where a person makes transverse movements to the sensor beams as much as possible when entering the environment (see figure below).intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE 1
  • It is important to stress that the Pet function is designed for crawling animals, so if the animal is not on the ground but on a bench, for example, it can be detected  hereby bypassing the pet function, as can be seen in the image below.

intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

Note: before starting the installation, it is necessary to define the height at which the sensor will be positioned, which can vary from 1.80 to 2.2 m according to the table in item 7. Installation of this manual.
1.1. Scan (upper view)

intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

1.2. Detection range (side view)

intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

Technical specifications

Operating voltage 3 Vdc
Operating current 20 uA
Frequency band 915 MHz to 928 MHz
Modulation DSSS BPSK 40 kbps
Maximum transmission power 11 dBm
Battery LITHIUM CR123A 3 V
Angle of detection 90°
Detection range 12 m
Method of detection PIR
Animal immunity Up to 20 kg
Startup time 60 seconds
Operating temperature -10 °C ~ +50 °C
RF Range 600 meters without barrier
Dimensions (W × H × L) 68 × 55 × 120


  • Microcontrolled sensor.
  • Sensor operation adjustment through the AMT Remote Mobile application.
  • Automatic real time temperature compensation.
  • White light immunity up to 20,000 lux.
  • High RFI/EMI immunity.
  • Highly effective algorithm against false trigger.
  • Pets immunity up to 20 kg.
  • Anti-violation key for front cover and product base.
  • Easy installation.
  • Communication status check via LED.
  • Wireless communication with range of up to 600 m with direct open field view.
  • Supervised wireless communication.
  • Encrypted transmission.


intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

1. Antenna
2. Screw for fixing the board
3. PIR sensor
4. Blue LED
5. Synchronism key
6. Sync LED
7. Battery location| 8. Tamper key
9. Front upper cover
10. Fresnel lens
11. Lower front cover
12. Product base
13. Bracket
14. Fixing screw location

Registering the IVP 8000 PET sensor

To register the IVP 8000 PET sensor code in the AMT 8000 alarm center follow the procedure:

  1. Insert the batteries of LITHIUM 3 Vdc – CR123 A in the sensor, the LED will flash for a few seconds (stabilization time), when it goes off, register the code of the IVP 8000 PET sensor in the alarm center AMT 8000 as follows:
    1.1. Press the synchronization key of the AMT 8000 alarm center (the Blue LED will be On) then press the synchronization key of the sensor observing if the LED located on the front of it will flash green indicating the correct register. If the LED flashes red, the registration has not been performed and the procedure must be repeated;
    Note: after pressing the synchronization key of the alarm center, the Blue LED indicating the center unit will remain on for approximately 3 minutes after the last registration made, after this time it will turn off automatically and it will not be possible to make new registrations until the synchronization key is pressed again. If no device is registered, the LED indicating the center unit will go off automatically after 3 minutes.

  2. The sensors will be addressed according to the sequence performed. Example: the first sensor will be registered in zone 1, the second sensor in zone 2, the third sensor in zone 3 and so on;

  3. To register other sensors through keyboard commands and more information, please check the complete manual of the AMT 8000 center.

5.1. Deleting the sensor register
Caso deseje apagar o cadastro do sensor basta pressionar e segurar a chave de sincronismo do sensor por aproximadamente 10 segundos, observando o LED indicador até piscar duas vezes na cor vermelha.

Identifying the best location for installation

The IVP 8000 PET sensor has communication signal level indications with the AMT 8000 center, this will help you choose the best installation location. Follow the procedure:

  1. Once properly registered, take the sensor to the environment you wish to protect;
  2. Check the position where the sensor can cover the whole environment, respecting the installation height, according to the table in item 7. Installation
  3. Once chosen, position the sensor in the exact place where it will be installed and perform a transmission through a detection or tamper opening;
  4. Observe the color that the LED will light up and check in the following table if the sensor can be installed in this location;
    LED Status| Communication level
    Green| Excellent signal level (recommended installation site)
    Orange| Regular signal level (location not recommended for installation, communication failure may occur)
    Red| No communication (do not install on site)
  5. If the signal level is not excellent, reposition the sensor and perform the procedure again.


Before starting the installation, it is necessary to set the height of the sensor installation. We recommend that this sensor be installed according to the following table:

intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

Distance (d) Pet Installation height (h)
Less than or equal to 4 m With the presence of a pet 1.8 to 2 m

Without the presence of a pet
Over 4 m to 12 m| With the presence of a pet| 2.1 to 2.2 m
Without the presence of a pet| 1.8 to 2.2 m

The IVP 8000 PET sensor has no articulator. Therefore for its installation follow these steps:

  1. Remove the lower front cover from the sensor;
  2. Separate the sensor base from the bracket;
  3. If the installation is done directly on the wall, use the bracket screw location as shown below;
  4. If the installation is done at the corner of the wall, use the bracket screw location as shown below.

Configuring the IVP 8000 PET sensor

The sensor settings can be adjusted in two ways: via keyboard and via application. In order to pro¬gram the detection sensitivity, LED operation and operating mode of the sensor, it is necessary to trigger the sensor tamper, trigger or press the sensor synchronization button. The following is a step- by-step presentation of each of the settings.
8.1. Configuring the sensor through the keyboard
Using the keyboard of the AMT 8000 alarm center, go into the programming mode with the installer password, then type the following command:

intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE

8.2. Information on sensor settings
Sensitivity adjustment table

Level Condition
0 Minimum sensitivity
1 Normal sensitivity (factory default)
2 Intermediate sensitivity
3 Maximum sensitivity

Information on LED operation and operating mode

  • Off: with the LED off option marked, the sensor will only light the LED for the first 15 minutes after battery insertion. Factory default.
  • On: with the LED on option marked, the sensor will light the LED in all motion detection.

Operation mode

  • Economy: in Economy mode, the sensor detects and once the sensor has triggered, it is necessary to wait two minutes without movement for it to detect again.
    For a better understanding of the Economy mode, please observe the following timeline.

  • Advantage of the Economy mode: in environments where there is a great circulation of people, the Economy mode will reduce the excessive consumption of the battery.intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor - FIGURE 8

  • Continuous: in Continuous mode the sensor detects continuously, as in wired sensors, that is, once configured, exit the programming mode and check if the sensor is detecting in the whole area that you want to protect, if not, repeat the procedure by adjusting the sensitivity until the whole area is protected.

Factory default operating mode: Economy mode.
8.3. Configuring the sensor through the application
After the application is properly connected to the alarm center, select Configure center on the main screen of the APP;

Configure Center  >
Online >
Events  >

After that, select sensors;

General >
Zones >
Passwords >
Communication >
Event codes >
IP monitoring >
Ethernet/Wi-Fi >
Programed activation/deactivation >
 Sensors >

Once you have done this, select the sensor you wish to configure, for example:
Sensor 1

Sensor 1 >
Sensor 2 >
Sensor 3 >
Sensor 4 >
Sensor 5 >
Sensor 6 >
Sensor 7 >
Sensor 8 >
Sensor 9 >
…Sensor 64 >

After selecting the sensor, the following adjustment screen will open.
Sensor 1

Level 0 (minimum sensitivity)|
Level 1 (normal sensitivity, factory default)|
Level 2 (intermediate sensitivity)|
Level 3 (maximum sensitivity)|

LED**** Always Off|
On when triggered|

Operation mode

Economy mode|
Continuous mode|
Discard changes|  Save

Note: for configuring the settings, check the sensitivity table, the explanations of LED operation and the Operation mode in item 8.2. Information on the sensor settings.


Use only quality batteries with the correct sizing for the device, and with the typical use of the device, the battery life forecast is 3 to 5 years and can be influenced by the number of triggering, weather conditions and configuration mode.
The battery model should be CR123A 3 V, being used one (1) battery per sensor.


intelbras LOGO 2 05326-18-00160
This equipment is not entitled to protection against harmful interference and may not cause interference to duly authorized systems.
This is a product approved by Anatel, the approval number can be found on the product label, for queries, visit the website:
Warranty term
It is expressly stated that this contractual warranty is given subject to the following conditions:
Name of customer: ………….
Signature of the customer: ….
No. of the invoice: ……….
Date of purchase: ……….
Model: ……….
Serial No: ………
Reseller: ………

  1. All parts and components of the product are under warranty against possible manufacturing defects, which may present, for a period of one (1) year, – comprising 90 (ninety) days of legal warranty and 9 (nine) months of contractual warranty, –, counted from the date of purchase of the product by the Consumer, as stated in the invoice of purchase of the product, which is part of this Term throughout the national territory. This contractual warranty includes the express exchange of products that are defective in manufacture. In case no manufacturing defect is found, but flaw(s) from inappropriate use, the Consumer will bear these expenses.
  2. Product installation must be done in accordance with the Product Manual and/or Installation Guide. If your product needs to be installed and configured by a qualified technician, look for a suitable and specialized professional, and the costs of these services are not included in the value of the product.
  3. If the defect is found, the Consumer should immediately communicate with the nearest Authorized Service listed by the manufacturer, – only they are authorized to examine and remedy the defect during the warranty period provided herein. If this is not respected, this guarantee will lose its validity, as the violation of the product will be characterized.
  4. In the event that the Customer request home care, he/she should refer to the nearest Authorized Service for the technical visit fee. If the need for withdrawal of the product is found, the expenses arising, such as transportation and safety to and from the product, are under the responsibility of the Consumer.
  5. The warranty will totally lose its validity in the event of any of the following: a) if the defect is not of manufacture, but caused by the Consumer or by third parties alien to the manufacturer; b) if the damage to the product comes from accidents, claims, agents of nature (lightning, floods, landslides, etc.. ), humidity, mains voltage (overvoltage caused by accidents or excessive mains fluctuations), installation/use in disagreement with the user manual or due to natural wear of parts and components; c) if the product has been influenced by chemical, electromagnetic, electrical or animal (insects, etc.); d) if the product’s serial number has been tampered with or erased; e) if the device has been tampered with.
  6. This warranty does not cover loss of data, so it is recommended that the Consumer make a regular backup of the data on the product.
  7. Intelbras is not responsible for the installation of this product and also for any attempts of fraud and/or sabotage on its products. Keep software and application updates, if any, up to date, as well as network protections necessary to pro¬tect against hackers. The equipment is guaranteed against flaws within its normal conditions of use, and it is important to be aware that, since it is an electronic equipment, it is not free from frauds and scams that may interfere with its correct functioning.
  8. This product has an internal battery. After their useful life, the batteries must be delivered to an authorized technical assistance office at Intelbras or directly to the environmentally appropriate final disposal, avoiding environmental impacts and health. If you prefer, the battery, as well as other unused Intelbras electronics, can be disposed of at any Green Eletron collection point (electronic waste manager to which we are associated). In case of doubt about the reverse logistics process, please contact us by phone (48) 2106-0006 or 0800 704 2767 (Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and on Saturdays from 8 am to 6 pm) or through e -mail

Since these are the conditions of this complementary Warranty Term, Intelbras S/A reserves the right to change the general, technical and aesthetic characteristics of its products without prior notice.
All images in this manual are illustrative.

intelbras LOGO Talk to us
Customer Support:
(48) 2106 0006
Support via chat:
Support via e-mail:
Customer Service: 0800 7042767
Where to buy? Who installs it? 0800 7245115
Produced by: Intelbras S/A – Indústria de Telecomunicação Eletrônica Brasileira
Made in Brazil
Rodovia BR 459, km 124, 1325 – Distrito Industrial – Santa Rita do Sapucaí/MG – 37540-000
CNPJ 82.901.000/0016-03 – |

Documents / Resources

| intelbras IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor [pdf] User Guide
IVP 8000 PET Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor, IVP 8000 PET, Wireless Passive Infrared Movement Sensor, Passive Infrared Movement Sensor, Infrared Movement Sensor, Movement Sensor, Sensor


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