BROAN MD6TU Automatic Make-Up Air Damper Installation Guide
- June 9, 2024
- Broan
Table of Contents
- Equalize indoor air pressure for a well-balanced home and budget.
- Causes of unbalanced air pressure
- MD6TU/8TU/10TU Universal Design
- Easy installation with no direct wiring required
- Tools for installers and consumers
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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BROAN MD6TU Automatic Make-Up Air Damper Installation Guide
Equalize indoor air pressure for a well-balanced home and budget.
Providing make-up air for exhaust devices is now easier than ever. Broan® Automatic Make-Up Air Dampers synchronize with kitchen, bath, and whole-house ventilation products to keep your home breathing easy. Installation requires no special wiring, and built-in intelligence ensures optimum performance in any application. Rely on our online “Range Hood Make-Up Air Specifier” to guide the design process and deliver the right make-up air system for any home.
- 6″, 8″ and 10″ duct options work with any ventilation product
- Synchronize with more than one Broan or BEST ventilation product
- Opens automatically to replace exhaust air
- Closes tightly and prevents excess air from entering to reduce energy consumption
- Meets IRC make-up air code requirements for range hoods >400 CFM
Causes of unbalanced air pressure
When ventilation fans and range hood exhaust polluted indoor air to the outside, negative air pressure develops unless fresh outdoor air is brought in. Supply ventilation systems push air into the home causing positive pressure.
Effects of Positive Air Pressure (supply systems)
- Forces warm/humid air into wall cavities causing mold/mildew and structural issues
- Unconditioned air is pushed into the home resulting in increased energy costs
Effects of Negative Air Pressure (exhaust systems)
- Exhaust fans unable to work at full, rated capacity
- Unconditioned air is pulled into the home, resulting in increased energy costs
- Hot/humid air is drawn inside, causing mold/mildew and structural damage
Optimal Balanced Air Pressure
- Air intake and exhaust are equalized
- Ventilation devices function properly, as rated
- Maintains the home’s integrity
- Enhances energy efficiency
MD6TU/8TU/10TU Universal Design
Works with any BEST® or Broan® range hood over 300 CFM. No direct wiring between the range hood and the damper is needed.
System Features
- Heavy-duty galvanized steel construction
- Normally closed rugged, motorized damper
- Air flow sensor assembly, low voltage switch and 24VAC transformer
- Available duct options:
- 6″ round (MD6TU)
- 8″ round (MD8TU)
- 10″ round (MD10TU)
Installation (see below)
- Fresh air inlet models 641FA (6″), 643FA (8″) or 610FA (10″), bring outdoor air in
- Works with 6″, 8″ or 10″ duct running from an exterior wall to the cold air return of a forced-air system
- If there is no forced-air return, run to a wall or ceiling register that minimizes concerns about drafts and maintains a 5′ separation from the cooking appliance or hood
- Gang damper assemblies for high-volume applications—open and close simultaneously
- Install the low-voltage sensor on any exposed section of the exhaust duct without interfering with the backdraft damper
Easy installation with no direct wiring required

Tools for installers and consumers
Make-Up Air Damper Application Guide Learn about make-up air and how the
damper works with range hoods. Download at: home
/customer-service/catalogs Range Hood Make-Up Air Specifier Specifying the
right make-up air damper system by state. A simple form gathers all details
and delivers specific product and installation results. Download at:
Broan-NuTone® is America’s leading brand of residential ventilation products
including range hoods, ventilation fans, fresh air systems, and automated
whole home indoor air quality monitoring and ventilation system.
TEL: 800-558-1711 |
- BEST: Make-Up Air Specifier Tool
- Broan-NuTone | Better Air. Better Life.
- Broan-NuTone - Residential exhaust ventilation and air quality products
- Specifier Tools
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