Hilife Seat Cushion Feedback Five User Guide

June 9, 2024

Seat Cushion Feedback Five
User Guide

Seat Cushion Feedback Five


– Enjoy hassle-free replacem ent: If your Hilife garm ent steam er is defective or dam aged,  we will ship you a new one Totally free.
– For fast and knowledgeable service, please contact one of our custom er service specialists today!
– Contact Hilife Direct directly through Am azon for any assistance. W e are here to help.
– Go to Am azon’s product list and select Hilife Direct.
– Select the Ask a Question button.
– Write and send your m essage. We will reply you within 24 hours.
– Or click the button below


– Consider steam ing on the fabric’s reverse side and consult the care instructions for advice. Always check the item ‘s care label to see if it can be ironed and whether there is a recom m ended tem perature.
– You can steam m ost cottons, silks, wools, and polyesters. Avoid steam ing leather, suede, and m aterials that m ight m elt, such as waxed clothing.
– Be careful when handling delicate fabrics. Silk, chiffon and velvet can be steam ed, but need to be treated carefully. Keep the steam nozzle away from the fabric to prevent dam age.

Ask a Question

  1. Our Hilife garm ent steam er is designed for use with 110V-120 volt outlets and is available in the United States and Canada. However, if the power supply is not 120V, we recom m end using an adapter.
  2. The best way to keep your steam er in top condition is to use only distilled water. We do not recom m end adding liquids other than water to the kettle.
  3. When ironing extrem ely wrinkled clothing, please iron from the inside or underneath. The weight of the fabric against the steam helps rem ove wrinkles faster.
  4. After re-steam ing, let the garm ent rest for 5-10 m inutes before wearing or hanging in the closet. This will give your clothes enough tim e to dry.
  5. After re-steam ing, let the garm ent rest for 5-10 m inutes before wearing or hanging in the closet.
  6. Always em pty the water canister after use to prevent m old growth.
  7. Make sure the water level in the tank is below the m ax line.


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