intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide

June 9, 2024

FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores

Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Updated for Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite: 20.3

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ID: 683490 Version: 2020.10.05

1. Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores……………………………………………………………….. 5
2. LPM_COUNTER (Counter) IP Core……………………………………………………………………….. 7 2.1. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………………7 2.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………….. 8 2.3. VHDL Component Declaration……………………………………………………………………….8 2.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 9 2.5. Ports……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 2.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
3. LPM_DIVIDE (Divider) Intel FPGA IP Core………………………………………………………….. 12 3.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 3.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 12 3.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 13 3.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 13 3.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 3.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
4. LPM_MULT (Multiplier) IP Core…………………………………………………………………………. 16 4.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 4.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 17 4.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 17 4.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 17 4.5. Signals………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 4.6. Parameters for Stratix V, Arria V, Cyclone V, and Intel Cyclone 10 LP Devices…………… 18 4.6.1. General Tab…………………………………………………………………………………18 4.6.2. General 2 Tab……………………………………………………………………………… 19 4.6.3. Pipelining Tab……………………………………………………………………………… 19 4.7. Parameters for Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX Devices……….. 20 4.7.1. General Tab…………………………………………………………………………………20 4.7.2. General 2 Tab……………………………………………………………………………… 20 4.7.3. Pipelining……………………………………………………………………………………21
5. LPM_ADD_SUB (Adder/Subtractor)…………………………………………………………………… 22 5.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22 5.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 23 5.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 23 5.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 23 5.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 5.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
6. LPM_COMPARE (Comparator)…………………………………………………………………………… 26 6.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26 6.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 27 6.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 27 6.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 27 6.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 6.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide 2

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7. ALTECC (Error Correction Code: Encoder/Decoder) IP Core…………………………………… 30
7.1. ALTECC Encoder Features…………………………………………………………………………..31 7.2. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_ENCODER)……………………………………………………. 32 7.3. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_DECODER)……………………………………………………. 32 7.4. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_ENCODER)……………………………………………33 7.5. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_DECODER)……………………………………………33 7.6. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 33 7.7. Encoder Ports………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 7.8. Decoder Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………34 7.9. Encoder Parameters………………………………………………………………………………… 34 7.10. Decoder Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………… 35
8. Intel FPGA Multiply Adder IP Core……………………………………………………………………. 36
8.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37 8.1.1. Pre- adder………………………………………………………………………………….. 38 8.1.2. Systolic Delay Register………………………………………………………………….. 40 8.1.3. Pre-load Constant………………………………………………………………………… 43 8.1.4. Double Accumulator……………………………………………………………………… 43
8.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 44 8.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 44 8.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………. 44 8.5. Signals………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 8.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 47
8.6.1. General Tab…………………………………………………………………………………47 8.6.2. Extra Modes Tab………………………………………………………………………….. 47 8.6.3. Multipliers Tab…………………………………………………………………………….. 49 8.6.4. Preadder Tab………………………………………………………………………………. 51 8.6.5. Accumulator Tab………………………………………………………………………….. 53 8.6.6. Systolic/Chainout Tab……………………………………………………………………. 55 8.6.7. Pipelining Tab……………………………………………………………………………… 56
9. ALTMEMMULT (Memory-based Constant Coefficient Multiplier) IP Core…………………… 57
9.1. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57 9.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………… 58 9.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………….. 58 9.4. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 9.5. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………… 59
10. ALTMULT_ACCUM (Multiply-Accumulate) IP Core……………………………………………… 61
10.1. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 62 10.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………..62 10.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 63 10.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………63 10.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 63 10.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………. 64
11. ALTMULT_ADD (Multiply-Adder) IP Core…………………………………………………………..69
11.1. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71 11.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………..72 11.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 72 11.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………72

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Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide 3

11.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 72 11.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………. 73
12. ALTMULT_COMPLEX (Complex Multiplier) IP Core……………………………………………… 86 12.1. Complex Multiplication……………………………………………………………………………. 86 12.2. Canonical Representation………………………………………………………………………… 87 12.3. Conventional Representation……………………………………………………………………. 87 12.4. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 88 12.5. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………..88 12.6. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 89 12.7. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………89 12.8. Signals………………………………………………………………………………………………. 89 12.9. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………. 90
13. ALTSQRT (Integer Square Root) IP Core……………………………………………………………92 13.1. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 92 13.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………..92 13.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 93 13.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………93 13.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 93 13.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………. 94
14. PARALLEL_ADD (Parallel Adder) IP Core………………………………………………………….. 95 14.1. Feature……………………………………………………………………………………………….95 14.2. Verilog HDL Prototype……………………………………………………………………………..95 14.3. VHDL Component Declaration…………………………………………………………………… 96 14.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration…………………………………………………………………96 14.5. Ports…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 96 14.6. Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………. 97
15. Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide Document Archives………………………………… 98
16. Document Revision History for Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide…. 99

Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide 4

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1. Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores

You can use the Intel® FPGA integer IP cores to perform mathematical operations in your design.

These functions offer more efficient logic synthesis and device implementation than coding your own functions. You can customize the IP cores to accommodate your design requirements.

Intel integer arithmetic IP cores are divided into the following two categories: · Library of parameterized modules (LPM) IP cores · Intel-specific (ALT) IP cores

The following table lists the integer arithmetic IP cores.

Table 1.

List of IP Cores

IP Cores

LPM IP cores




Intel-specific (ALT) IP cores ALTECC

Function Overview Counter Divider Multiplier
Adder or subtractor Comparator
ECC Encoder/Decoder

Supported Device
Arria® II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone® IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP,
Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX® II, MAX V, MAX 10, Stratix® IV, Stratix V
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX II, MAX V, MAX 10, Stratix IV, Stratix V, Intel Stratix 10
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX II, MAX V, MAX 10, Stratix IV, Stratix V, Intel Stratix 10
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, MAX 10, MAX
II, MAX V, Stratix IV, Stratix V
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, MAX 10, MAX
II, MAX V, Stratix IV, Stratix V
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V,Intel Cyclone 10 LP, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX II, MAX V, MAX
10, Stratix IV, Stratix V continued…

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

ISO 9001:2015 Registered

1. Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores 683490 | 2020.10.05


Function Overview Multiplier-Adder
Memory-based Constant Coefficient Multiplier
Multiplier-Accumulator Multiplier-Adder
Complex Multiplier
Integer Square-Root
Parallel Adder

Supported Device
Arria V, Stratix V, Cyclone V, Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, Intel Cyclone
10 GX
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10 (Intel Quartus® Prime Standard Edition), Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Cyclone V, Intel
Cyclone 10 LP, MAX II, MAX V, MAX 10, Stratix IV, Stratix V
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, MAX 10, MAX II, MAX V, Stratix IV
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,Intel Cyclone 10 LP, MAX 10, MAX II, MAX V, Stratix IV
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Intel Arria 10, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX, Cyclone V, Intel
Cyclone 10 GX, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, MAX 10, Stratix V, Intel Stratix 10
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX II, MAX V, MAX
10, Stratix IV, Stratix V
Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Intel Arria 10, Cyclone IV E, Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V, Intel Cyclone 10 LP,Intel Cyclone 10 GX, MAX II, MAX V, MAX
10, Stratix IV, Stratix V

Related Information
· Intel FPGAs and Programmable Devices Release Notes
· Introduction to Intel FPGA IP Cores Provides more information about Intel FPGA IP Cores.
· Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide Provides more information about Intel FPGA Floating-Point IP cores.
· Introduction to Intel FPGA IP Cores Provides general information about all Intel FPGA IP cores, including parameterizing, generating, upgrading, and simulating IP cores.
· Creating Version-Independent IP and Qsys Simulation Scripts Create simulation scripts that do not require manual updates for software or IP version upgrades.
· Project Management Best Practices Guidelines for efficient management and portability of your project and IP files.
· Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide Document Archives on page 98 Provides a list of user guides for previous versions of the Integer Arithmetic IP cores.

Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide 6

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2. LPM_COUNTER (Counter) IP Core

Figure 1.

The LPM_COUNTER IP core is a binary counter that creates up counters, down counters and up or down counters with outputs of up to 256 bits wide.

The following figure shows the ports for the LPM_COUNTER IP core.



ssclr sload sset data[]




aclr aload aset

clk_en cnt_en cin

2.1. Features
The LPM_COUNTER IP core offers the following features: · Generates up, down, and up/down counters · Generates the following counter types:
— Plain binary– the counter increments starting from zero or decrements starting from 255
— Modulus–the counter increments to or decrements from the modulus value specified by the user and repeats
· Supports optional synchronous clear, load, and set input ports · Supports optional asynchronous clear, load, and set input ports · Supports optional count enable and clock enable input ports · Supports optional carry-in and carry-out ports

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

ISO 9001:2015 Registered

2. LPM_COUNTER (Counter) IP Core
683490 | 2020.10.05
2.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module lpm_counter ( q, data, clock, cin, cout, clk_en, cnt_en, updown, aset, aclr, aload, sset, sclr, sload, eq ); parameter lpm_type = “lpm_counter”; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_modulus = 0; parameter lpm_direction = “UNUSED”; parameter lpm_avalue = “UNUSED”; parameter lpm_svalue = “UNUSED”; parameter lpm_pvalue = “UNUSED”; parameter lpm_port_updown = “PORT_CONNECTIVITY”; parameter lpm_hint = “UNUSED”; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; output cout; output [15:0] eq; input cin; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input clock, clk_en, cnt_en, updown; input aset, aclr, aload; input sset, sclr, sload; endmodule
2.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) LPM_PACK.vhd in the librariesvhdllpm directory.
component LPM_COUNTER generic ( LPM_WIDTH : natural; LPM_MODULUS : natural := 0; LPM_DIRECTION : string := “UNUSED”; LPM_AVALUE : string := “UNUSED”; LPM_SVALUE : string := “UNUSED”; LPM_PORT_UPDOWN : string := “PORT_CONNECTIVITY”; LPM_PVALUE : string := “UNUSED”; LPM_TYPE : string := L_COUNTER; LPM_HINT : string := “UNUSED”); port (DATA : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0):= (OTHERS =>
‘0’); CLOCK : in std_logic ; CLK_EN : in std_logic := ‘1’; CNT_EN : in std_logic := ‘1’; UPDOWN : in std_logic := ‘1’; SLOAD : in std_logic := ‘0’; SSET : in std_logic := ‘0’; SCLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; ALOAD : in std_logic := ‘0’; ASET : in std_logic := ‘0’; ACLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; CIN : in std_logic := ‘1’; COUT : out std_logic := ‘0’; Q : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); EQ : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end component;

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2.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY lpm; USE lpm.lpm_components.all;

2.5. Ports

The following tables list the input and output ports for the LPM_COUNTER IP core.

Table 2.


Port Name





Parallel data input to the counter. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.



Positive-edge-triggered clock input.



Clock enable input to enable all synchronous activities. If omitted, the default value is 1.



Count enable input to disable the count when asserted low without affecting sload, sset, or sclr. If omitted, the default value is 1.



Controls the direction of the count. When asserted high (1), the count direction is up, and when asserted low (0), the count direction is down. If the LPM_DIRECTION parameter is used, the updown port cannot be connected. If LPM_DIRECTION is not used, the updown port is optional. If omitted, the default value is up (1).



Carry-in to the low-order bit. For up counters, the behavior of the cin input is

identical to the behavior of the cnt_en input. If omitted, the default value is 1




Asynchronous clear input. If both aset and aclr are used and asserted, aclr overrides aset. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).



Asynchronous set input. Specifies the q[] outputs as all 1s, or to the value specified by the LPM_AVALUE parameter. If both the aset and aclr ports are used and asserted, the value of the aclr port overrides the value of the aset port. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.



Asynchronous load input that asynchronously loads the counter with the value on the data input. When the aload port is used, the data[] port must be connected. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.



Synchronous clear input that clears the counter on the next active clock edge. If both the sset and sclr ports are used and asserted, the value of the sclr port overrides the value of the sset port. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.



Synchronous set input that sets the counter on the next active clock edge. Specifies the value of the q outputs as all 1s, or to the value specified by the LPM_SVALUE parameter. If both the sset and sclr ports are used and asserted,
the value of the sclr port overrides the value of the sset port. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).



Synchronous load input that loads the counter with data[] on the next active clock edge. When the sload port is used, the data[] port must be connected. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).

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2. LPM_COUNTER (Counter) IP Core 683490 | 2020.10.05

Table 3.

LPM_COUNTER Output Ports

Port Name





Data output from the counter. The size of the output port depends on the

LPM_WIDTH parameter value. Either q[] or at least one of the eq[15..0] ports

must be connected.



Counter decode output. The eq[15..0] port is not accessible in the parameter editor because the parameter only supports AHDL.
Either the q[] port or eq[] port must be connected. Up to c eq ports can be used (0 <= c <= 15). Only the 16 lowest count values are decoded. When the count value is c, the eqc output is asserted high (1). For example, when the count is 0, eq0 = 1, when the count is 1, eq1 = 1, and when the count is 15, eq 15 = 1. Decoded output for count values of 16 or greater require external decoding. The eq[15..0] outputs are asynchronous to the q[] output.



Carry-out port of the counter’s MSB bit. It can be used to connect to another counter to create a larger counter.

2.6. Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for the LPM_COUNTER IP core.

Table 4.

LPM_COUNTER Parameters

Parameter Name







Integer/ String


Integer/ String



Required Yes No No No
No No

Specifies the widths of the data[] and q[] ports, if they are used.
Values are UP, DOWN, and UNUSED. If the LPM_DIRECTION parameter is used, the updown port cannot be connected. When the updown port is not connected, the LPM_DIRECTION parameter default value is UP.
The maximum count, plus one. Number of unique states in the counter’s cycle. If the load value is larger than the LPM_MODULUS parameter, the behavior of the counter is not specified.
Constant value that is loaded when aset is asserted high. If the value specified is larger than or equal to , the behavior of the counter is an undefined (X) logic level, where is LPM_MODULUS, if present, or 2 ^ LPM_WIDTH. Intel recommends that you specify this value as a decimal number for AHDL designs.
Constant value that is loaded on the rising edge of the clock port when the sset port is asserted high. Intel recommends that you specify this value as a decimal number for AHDL designs.
When you instantiate a library of parameterized modules (LPM) function in a VHDL Design File (.vhd), you must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify an Intel-specific parameter. For example: LPM_HINT = “CHAIN_SIZE = 8, ONE_INPUT_IS_CONSTANT = YES”
The default value is UNUSED.
Identifies the library of parameterized modules (LPM) entity name in VHDL design files.

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Type String String

Required No No

This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes. This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes. The parameter editor calculates the value for this parameter.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the CARRY_CNT_EN parameter in VHDL design files. Values are SMART, ON, OFF, and UNUSED. Enables the LPM_COUNTER function to propagate the cnt_en signal through the carry chain. In some cases, the CARRY_CNT_EN parameter setting might have a slight impact on the speed, so you might want to turn it off. The default value is SMART, which provides the best trade-off between size and speed.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the LABWIDE_SCLR parameter in VHDL design files. Values are ON, OFF, or UNUSED. The default value is ON. Allows you to disable the use of the LABwide sclr feature found in obsoleted device families. Turning this option off increases the chances of fully using the partially filled LABs, and thus may allow higher logic density when SCLR does not apply to a complete LAB. This parameter is available for backward compatibility, and Intel recommends you not to use this parameter.
Specifies the usage of the updown input port. If omitted the default value is PORT_CONNECTIVITY. When the port value is set to PORT_USED, the port is treated as used. When the port value is set to PORT_UNUSED, the port is treated as unused. When the port value is set to PORT_CONNECTIVITY, the port usage is determined by checking the port connectivity.

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3. LPM_DIVIDE (Divider) Intel FPGA IP Core

Figure 2.

The LPM_DIVIDE Intel FPGA IP core implements a divider to divide a numerator input value by a denominator input value to produce a quotient and a remainder.

The following figure shows the ports for the LPM_DIVIDE IP core.



numer[] denom[] clock

quotient[] remain[]

clken aclr


3.1. Features
The LPM_DIVIDE IP core offers the following features: · Generates a divider that divides a numerator input value by a denominator input
value to produce a quotient and a remainder. · Supports data width of 1­256 bits. · Supports signed and unsigned data representation format for both the numerator
and denominator values. · Supports area or speed optimization. · Provides an option to specify a positive remainder output. · Supports pipelining configurable output latency. · Supports optional asynchronous clear and clock enable ports.

3.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module lpm_divide ( quotient, remain, numer, denom, clock, clken, aclr); parameter lpm_type = “lpm_divide”; parameter lpm_widthn = 1; parameter lpm_widthd = 1; parameter lpm_nrepresentation = “UNSIGNED”; parameter lpm_drepresentation = “UNSIGNED”; parameter lpm_remainderpositive = “TRUE”; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0;

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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3. LPM_DIVIDE (Divider) Intel FPGA IP Core 683490 | 2020.10.05

parameter lpm_hint = “UNUSED”; input clock; input clken; input aclr; input [lpm_widthn-1:0] numer; input [lpm_widthd-1:0] denom; output [lpm_widthn-1:0] quotient; output [lpm_widthd-1:0] remain; endmodule

3.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) LPM_PACK.vhd in the librariesvhdllpm directory.
component LPM_DIVIDE generic (LPM_WIDTHN : natural; LPM_WIDTHD : natural;
LPM_NREPRESENTATION : string := “UNSIGNED”; LPM_DREPRESENTATION : string := “UNSIGNED”; LPM_PIPELINE : natural := 0; LPM_TYPE : string := L_DIVIDE; LPM_HINT : string := “UNUSED”); port (NUMER : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHN-1 downto 0); DENOM : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHD-1 downto 0); ACLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLOCK : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLKEN : in std_logic := ‘1’; QUOTIENT : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHN-1 downto 0); REMAIN : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHD-1 downto 0)); end component;

3.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY lpm; USE lpm.lpm_components.all;

3.5. Ports

The following tables list the input and output ports for the LPM_DIVIDE IP core.

Table 5.

LPM_DIVIDE Input Ports

Port Name






Numerator data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTHN parameter value.
Denominator data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTHD parameter value.

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Port Name clock clken

Required No No

Clock input for pipelined usage. For LPM_PIPELINE values other than 0 (default), the clock port must be enabled.
Clock enable pipelined usage. When the clken port is asserted high, the division operation takes place. When the signal is low, no operation occurs. If omitted, the default value is 1.
Asynchronous clear port used at any time to reset the pipeline to all ‘0’s asynchronously to the clock input.

Table 6.

LPM_DIVIDE Output Ports

Port Name





Data output. The size of the output port depends on the LPM_WIDTHN

parameter value.



Data output. The size of the output port depends on the LPM_WIDTHD

parameter value.

3.6. Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for the LPM_DIVIDE Intel FPGA IP core.

Parameter Name







Specifies the widths of the numer[] and

quotient[] ports. Values are 1 to 64.




Specifies the widths of the denom[] and

remain[] ports. Values are 1 to 64.


String String


Sign representation of the numerator input.

Values are SIGNED and UNSIGNED. When this

parameter is set to SIGNED, the divider

interprets the numer[] input as signed two’s



Sign representation of the denominator input.

Values are SIGNED and UNSIGNED. When this

parameter is set to SIGNED, the divider

interprets the denom[] input as signed two’s





Identifies the library of parameterized

modules (LPM) entity name in VHDL design

files (.vhd).




When you instantiate a library of

parameterized modules (LPM) function in a

VHDL Design File (.vhd), you must use the

LPM_HINT parameter to specify an Intel-

specific parameter. For example: LPM_HINT

= “CHAIN_SIZE = 8,


default value is UNUSED.




Intel-specific parameter. You must use the

LPM_HINT parameter to specify the


VHDL design files. Values are TRUE or FALSE.

If this parameter is set to TRUE, then the

value of the remain[] port must be greater


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Parameter Name







String Integer

Required No
No No No

than or equal to zero. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then the value of the remain[] port is either zero, or the value is the same sign, either positive or negative, as the value of the numer port. In order to reduce area and improve speed, Intel recommends setting this parameter to TRUE in operations where the remainder must be positive or where the remainder is unimportant.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the MAXIMIZE_SPEED parameter in VHDL design files. Values are [0..9]. If used, the Intel Quartus Prime software attempts to optimize a specific instance of the LPM_DIVIDE function for speed rather than routability, and overrides the setting of the Optimization Technique logic option. If MAXIMIZE_SPEED is unused, the value of the Optimization Technique option is used instead. If the value of MAXIMIZE_SPEED is 6 or higher, the Compiler optimizes the LPM_DIVIDE IP core for higher speed by using carry chains; if the value is 5 or less, the compiler implements the design without carry chains.
Specifies the number of clock cycles of latency associated with the quotient[] and remain[] outputs. A value of zero (0) indicates that no latency exists, and that a purely combinational function is instantiated. If omitted, the default value is 0 (nonpipelined). You cannot specify a value for the LPM_PIPELINE parameter that is higher than LPM_WIDTHN.
This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes. The parameter editor calculates the value for this parameter.
Allows for more efficient fractional bit division to optimize logic on the leading bits by providing the number of leading GND to the LPM_DIVIDE IP core. Specify the number of leading GND on the quotient output to this parameter.

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4. LPM_MULT (Multiplier) IP Core

Figure 3.

The LPM_MULT IP core implements a multiplier to multiply two input data values to produce a product as an output.

The following figure shows the ports for the LPM_MULT IP core.

LPM_Mult Ports

LPM_MULT clock dataa[] result[] datab[] aclr/sclr clken

Related Information Features on page 71

4.1. Features
The LPM_MULT IP core offers the following features: · Generates a multiplier that multiplies two input data values · Supports data width of 1­256 bits · Supports signed and unsigned data representation format · Supports area or speed optimization · Supports pipelining with configurable output latency · Provides an option for implementation in dedicated digital signal processing (DSP)
block circuitry or logic elements (LEs) Note: When building multipliers larger than the natively supported size there may/
will be a performance impact resulting from the cascading of the DSP blocks. · Supports optional asynchronous clear and clock enable input ports · Supports optional synchronous clear for Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10 and Intel Cyclone 10 GX devices

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

ISO 9001:2015 Registered

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4.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module lpm_mult ( result, dataa, datab, sum, clock, clken, aclr ) parameter lpm_type = “lpm_mult”; parameter lpm_widtha = 1; parameter lpm_widthb = 1; parameter lpm_widths = 1; parameter lpm_widthp = 1; parameter lpm_representation = “UNSIGNED”; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = “UNUSED”; input clock; input clken; input aclr; input [lpm_widtha-1:0] dataa; input [lpm_widthb-1:0] datab; input [lpm_widths-1:0] sum; output [lpm_widthp-1:0] result; endmodule
4.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) LPM_PACK.vhd in the librariesvhdllpm directory.
component LPM_MULT generic ( LPM_WIDTHA : natural; LPM_WIDTHB : natural; LPM_WIDTHS : natural := 1; LPM_WIDTHP : natural;
LPM_REPRESENTATION : string := “UNSIGNED”; LPM_PIPELINE : natural := 0; LPM_TYPE: string := L_MULT; LPM_HINT : string := “UNUSED”); port ( DATAA : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHA-1 downto 0); DATAB : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHB-1 downto 0); ACLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLOCK : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLKEN : in std_logic := ‘1’; SUM : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHS-1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => ‘0’); RESULT : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHP-1 downto 0)); end component;
4.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY lpm; USE lpm.lpm_components.all;

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4.5. Signals

Table 7.

LPM_MULT Input Signals

Signal Name





Data input.

For Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX devices, the size of the input signal depends on the Dataa width parameter value.

For older and Intel Cyclone 10 LP devices, the size of the input signal depends on the LPM_WIDTHA parameter value.



Data input.

For Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX devices, the size of the input signal depends on the Datab width parameter value.

For older and Intel Cyclone 10 LP devices, the size of the input signal depends

on the LPM_WIDTHB parameter value.



Clock input for pipelined usage.

For older and Intel Cyclone 10 LP devices, the clock signal must be enabled for LPM_PIPELINE values other than 0 (default).

For Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX devices, the clock signal must be enabled if Latency value is other than 1 (default).



Clock enable for pipelined usage. When the clken signal is asserted high, the

adder/subtractor operation takes place. When the signal is low, no operation

occurs. If omitted, the default value is 1.

aclr sclr


Asynchronous clear signal used at any time to reset the pipeline to all 0s,

asynchronously to the clock signal. The pipeline initializes to an undefined (X)

logic level. The outputs are a consistent, but non-zero value.


Synchronous clear signal used at any time to reset the pipeline to all 0s,

synchronously to the clock signal. The pipeline initializes to an undefined (X)

logic level. The outputs are a consistent, but non-zero value.

Table 8.

LPM_MULT Output signals

signal Name





Data output.

For older and Intel Cyclone 10 LP devices, the size of the output signal depends on the LPM_WIDTHP parameter value. If LPM_WIDTHP < max (LPM_WIDTHA + LPM_WIDTHB, LPM_WIDTHS) or (LPM_WIDTHA + LPM_WIDTHS), only the LPM_WIDTHP MSBs are present.

For Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10 and Intel Cyclone 10 GX, the size of the output signals depends on the Result width parameter.

4.6. Parameters for Stratix V, Arria V, Cyclone V, and Intel Cyclone 10 LP Devices

4.6.1. General Tab

Table 9.

General Tab



Multiplier Configuration

Multiply ‘dataa’ input by ‘datab’ input

Default Value


Multiply ‘dataa’ input by ‘datab’ input

Select the desired configuration for the multiplier.

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How wide should the ‘dataa’ input be? How wide should the ‘datab’ input be? How should the width of the ‘result’ output be determined? Restrict the width

Multiply ‘dataa’ input by itself (squaring operation)
1 – 256 bits

Default Value


8 bits

Specify the width of the dataa[] port.

1 – 256 bits

8 bits

Specify the width of the datab[] port.

Automatically calculate the width Restrict the width
1 – 512 bits

Automaticall y calculate the width

Select the desired method to determine the width of the result[] port.

16 bits

Specify the width of the result[] port.
This value will only be effective if you select Restrict the width in the Type parameter.

4.6.2. General 2 Tab

Table 10. General 2 Tab



Datab Input

Does the ‘datab’ input bus have a constant value?

No Yes

Multiplication Type

Which type of


multiplication do you want? Signed


Which multiplier implementation should be used?

Use the default implementation
Use the dedicated multiplier circuitry (Not available for all families)
Use logic elements

Default Value



Select Yes to specify the constant value of the

`datab’ input bus, if any.


Specify the representation format for both dataa[] and datab[] inputs.

Use the default implementat ion

Select the desired method to determine the width of the result[] port.

4.6.3. Pipelining Tab

Table 11. Pipelining Tab


Do you want to pipeline the No




Create an ‘aclr’

asynchronous clear port

Default Value



Select Yes to enable pipeline register to the

multiplier’s output and specify the desired

output latency in clock cycle. Enabling the

pipeline register adds extra latency to the



Select this option to enable aclr port to use asynchronous clear for the pipeline register.

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Create a ‘clken’ clock enable clock
What type of optimization do you want?

Value —
Default Speed Area

Default Value



Specifies active high clock enable for the clock port of the pipeline register


Specify the desired optimization for the IP core.
Select Default to let Intel Quartus Prime software to determine the best optimization for the IP core.

4.7. Parameters for Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX Devices

4.7.1. General Tab

Table 12. General Tab



Default Value


Multiplier Configuration Type
Data Port Widths

Multiply ‘dataa’ input by ‘datab’ input
Multiply ‘dataa’ input by itself (squaring operation)

Multiply ‘dataa’ input by ‘datab’ input

Select the desired configuration for the multiplier.

Dataa width

1 – 256 bits

8 bits

Specify the width of the dataa[] port.

Datab width

1 – 256 bits

8 bits

Specify the width of the datab[] port.

How should the width of the ‘result’ output be determined?


Automatically calculate the width
Restrict the width

Automaticall y calculate the width

Select the desired method to determine the width of the result[] port.


1 – 512 bits

16 bits

Specify the width of the result[] port.
This value will only be effective if you select Restrict the width in the Type parameter.

Result width

1 – 512 bits

Displays the effective width of the result[] port.

4.7.2. General 2 Tab

Table 13. General 2 Tab


Datab Input

Does the ‘datab’ input bus have a constant value?

No Yes


Default Value



Select Yes to specify the constant value of the

`datab’ input bus, if any.


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Any value greater than 0

Multiplication Type

Which type of


multiplication do you want? Signed

Implementation Style

Which multiplier implementation should be used?

Use the default implementation
Use the dedicated multiplier circuitry
Use logic elements

Default Value



Specify the constant value of datab[] port.


Specify the representation format for both dataa[] and datab[] inputs.

Use the default implementat ion

Select the desired method to determine the width of the result[] port.

4.7.3. Pipelining

Table 14. Pipelining Tab



Do you want to pipeline the function?


No Yes

Latency Clear Signal Type

Any value greater than 0.

Create a ‘clken’ clock

enable clock

What type of optimization do you want?


Default Speed Area

Default Value



Select Yes to enable pipeline register to the multiplier’s output. Enabling the pipeline register adds extra latency to the output.
Specify the desired output latency in clock cycle.
Specify the type of reset for the pipeline register. Select NONE if you do not use any pipeline register. Select ACLR to use asynchronous clear for the pipeline register. This will generate ACLR port. Select SCLR to use synchronous clear for the pipeline register. This will generate SCLR port.
Specifies active high clock enable for the clock port of the pipeline register


Specify the desired optimization for the IP core.
Select Default to let Intel Quartus Prime software to determine the best optiomization for the IP core.

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5. LPM_ADD_SUB (Adder/Subtractor)

Figure 4.

The LPM_ADD_SUB IP core lets you implement an adder or a subtractor to add or subtract sets of data to produce an output containing the sum or difference of the input values.

The following figure shows the ports for the LPM_ADD_SUB IP core.


LPM_ADD_SUB add_sub cin


clock clken datab[] aclr

result[] overflow cout


5.1. Features
The LPM_ADD_SUB IP core offers the following features: · Generates adder, subtractor, and dynamically configurable adder/subtractor
functions. · Supports data width of 1­256 bits. · Supports data representation format such as signed and unsigned. · Supports optional carry-in (borrow-out), asynchronous clear, and clock enable
input ports. · Supports optional carry-out (borrow-in) and overflow output ports. · Assigns either one of the input data buses to a constant. · Supports pipelining with configurable output latency.

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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5.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module lpm_add_sub ( result, cout, overflow,add_sub, cin, dataa, datab, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = “lpm_add_sub”; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_direction = “UNUSED”; parameter lpm_representation = “SIGNED”; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = “UNUSED”; input [lpm_width-1:0] dataa, datab; input add_sub, cin; input clock; input clken; input aclr; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; output cout, overflow; endmodule
5.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) LPM_PACK.vhd in the librariesvhdllpm directory.
component LPM_ADD_SUB generic (LPM_WIDTH : natural;
LPM_DIRECTION : string := “UNUSED”; LPM_REPRESENTATION: string := “SIGNED”; LPM_PIPELINE : natural := 0; LPM_TYPE : string := L_ADD_SUB; LPM_HINT : string := “UNUSED”); port (DATAA : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); DATAB : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ACLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLOCK : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLKEN : in std_logic := ‘1’; CIN : in std_logic := ‘Z’; ADD_SUB : in std_logic := ‘1’; RESULT : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); COUT : out std_logic; OVERFLOW : out std_logic); end component;
5.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY lpm; USE lpm.lpm_components.all;
5.5. Ports
The following tables list the input and output ports for the LPM_ADD_SUB IP core.

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Table 15. LPM_ADD_SUB IP Core Input Ports

Port Name





Carry-in to the low-order bit. For addition operations, the default value is 0. For

subtraction operations, the default value is 1.



Data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.



Data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.



Optional input port to enable dynamic switching between the adder and subtractor

functions. If the LPM_DIRECTION parameter is used, add_sub cannot be used. If

omitted, the default value is ADD. Intel recommends that you use the

LPM_DIRECTION parameter to specify the operation of the LPM_ADD_SUB function,

rather than assigning a constant to the add_sub port.



Input for pipelined usage. The clock port provides the clock input for a pipelined

operation. For LPM_PIPELINE values other than 0 (default), the clock port must be




Clock enable for pipelined usage. When the clken port is asserted high, the adder/

subtractor operation takes place. When the signal is low, no operation occurs. If

omitted, the default value is 1.



Asynchronous clear for pipelined usage. The pipeline initializes to an undefined (X)

logic level. The aclr port can be used at any time to reset the pipeline to all 0s,

asynchronously to the clock signal.

Table 16. LPM_ADD_SUB IP Core Output Ports

Port Name





Data output. The size of the output port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter




Carry-out (borrow-in) of the most significant bit (MSB). The cout port has a physical

interpretation as the carry-out (borrow-in) of the MSB. The cout port detects

overflow in UNSIGNED operations. The cout port operates in the same manner for

SIGNED and UNSIGNED operations.



Optional overflow exception output. The overflow port has a physical interpretation as

the XOR of the carry-in to the MSB with the carry-out of the MSB. The overflow port

asserts when results exceed the available precision, and is used only when the


5.6. Parameters

The following table lists the LPM_ADD_SUB IP core parameters.

Table 17. LPM_ADD_SUB IP Core Parameters

Parameter Name LPM_WIDTH

Type Integer

Required Yes

Specifies the widths of the dataa[], datab[], and result[] ports.




Values are ADD, SUB, and UNUSED. If omitted, the default value is DEFAULT, which directs the parameter to take its value from the add_sub port. The add_sub port cannot be used if LPM_DIRECTION is used. Intel recommends that you use the LPM_DIRECTION parameter to specify the operation of the LPM_ADD_SUB function, rather than assigning a constant to the add_sub port.

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Type String Integer String String String Integer

Required No No No No No No

Specifies the type of addition performed. Values are SIGNED and UNSIGNED. If omitted, the default value is SIGNED. When this parameter is set to SIGNED, the adder/subtractor interprets the data input as signed two’s complement.
Specifies the number of latency clock cycles associated with the result[] output. A value of zero (0) indicates that no latency exists, and that a purely combinational function will be instantiated. If omitted, the default value is 0 (non-pipelined).
Allows you to specify Intel-specific parameters in VHDL design files (.vhd). The default value is UNUSED.
Identifies the library of parameterized modules (LPM) entity name in VHDL design files.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the ONE_INPUT_IS_CONSTANT parameter in VHDL design files. Values are YES, NO, and UNUSED. Provides greater optimization if one input is constant. If omitted, the default value is NO.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the MAXIMIZE_SPEED parameter in VHDL design files. You can specify a value between 0 and 10. If used, the Intel Quartus Prime software attempts to optimize a specific instance of the LPM_ADD_SUB function for speed rather than routability, and overrides the setting of the Optimization Technique logic option. If MAXIMIZE_SPEED is unused, the value of the Optimization Technique option is used instead. If the setting for MAXIMIZE_SPEED is 6 or higher, the Compiler optimizes the LPM_ADD_SUB IP core for higher speed using carry chains; if the setting is 5 or less, the Compiler implements the design without carry chains. This parameter must be specified for Cyclone, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices only when the add_sub port is not used.
This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes. The parameter editor calculates the value for this parameter.

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6. LPM_COMPARE (Comparator)

Figure 5.

The LPM_COMPARE IP core compares the value of two sets of data to determine the relationship between them. In its simplest form, you can use an exclusive- OR gate to determine whether two bits of data are equal.

The following figure shows the ports for the LPM_COMPARE IP core.















6.1. Features
The LPM_COMPARE IP core offers the following features: · Generates a comparator function to compare two sets of data · Supports data width of 1­256 bits · Supports data representation format such as signed and unsigned · Produces the following output types:
— alb (input A is less than input B) — aeb (input A is equal to input B) — agb (input A is greater than input B) — ageb (input A is greater than or equal to input B) — aneb (input A is not equal to input B) — aleb (input A is less than or equal to input B) · Supports optional asynchronous clear and clock enable input ports · Assigns the datab[] input to a constant · Supports pipelining with configurable output latency

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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6.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module lpm_compare ( alb, aeb, agb, aleb, aneb, ageb, dataa, datab, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = “lpm_compare”; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_representation = “UNSIGNED”; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = “UNUSED”; input [lpm_width-1:0] dataa, datab; input clock; input clken; input aclr; output alb, aeb, agb, aleb, aneb, ageb; endmodule
6.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) LPM_PACK.vhd in the librariesvhdllpm directory.
component LPM_COMPARE generic (LPM_WIDTH : natural;
LPM_REPRESENTATION : string := “UNSIGNED”; LPM_PIPELINE : natural := 0; LPM_TYPE: string := L_COMPARE; LPM_HINT : string := “UNUSED”); port (DATAA : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); DATAB : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ACLR : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLOCK : in std_logic := ‘0’; CLKEN : in std_logic := ‘1’; AGB : out std_logic; AGEB : out std_logic; AEB : out std_logic; ANEB : out std_logic; ALB : out std_logic; ALEB : out std_logic); end component;
6.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY lpm; USE lpm.lpm_components.all;
6.5. Ports
The following tables list the input and output ports for the LMP_COMPARE IP core.

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Table 18. LPM_COMPARE IP core Input Ports

Port Name





Data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.



Data input. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.



Clock input for pipelined usage. The clock port provides the clock input for a pipelined

operation. For LPM_PIPELINE values other than 0 (default), the clock port must be




Clock enable for pipelined usage. When the clken port is asserted high, the

comparison operation takes place. When the signal is low, no operation occurs. If

omitted, the default value is 1.



Asynchronous clear for pipelined usage. The pipeline initializes to an undefined (X) logic

level. The aclr port can be used at any time to reset the pipeline to all 0s,

asynchronously to the clock signal.

Table 19. LPM_COMPARE IP core Output Ports

Port Name





Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is less than input B.



Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is equal to input B.



Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is greater than input B.



Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is greater than or equal to input




Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is not equal to input B.



Output port for the comparator. Asserted if input A is less than or equal to input B.

6.6. Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for the LPM_COMPARE IP core.

Table 20. LPM_COMPARE IP core Parameters

Parameter Name




Integer Yes





Integer No




Specifies the widths of the dataa[] and datab[] ports.
Specifies the type of comparison performed. Values are SIGNED and UNSIGNED. If omitted, the default value is UNSIGNED. When this parameter value is set to SIGNED, the comparator interprets the data input as signed two’s complement.
Specifies the number of clock cycles of latency associated with the alb, aeb, agb, ageb, aleb, or aneb output. A value of zero (0) indicates that no latency exists, and that a purely combinational function will be instantiated. If omitted, the default value is 0 (nonpipelined).
Allows you to specify Intel-specific parameters in VHDL design files (.vhd). The default value is UNUSED.

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Type String String

Required No No

Identifies the library of parameterized modules (LPM) entity name in VHDL design files.
This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes. The parameter editor calculates the value for this parameter.
Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the ONE_INPUT_IS_CONSTANT parameter in VHDL design files. Values are YES, NO, or UNUSED. Provides greater optimization if an input is constant. If omitted, the default value is NO.

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7. ALTECC (Error Correction Code: Encoder/Decoder) IP Core

Figure 6.

Intel provides the ALTECC IP core to implement the ECC functionality. ECC detects corrupted data that occurs at the receiver side during data transmission. This error correction method is best suited for situations where errors occur at random rather than in bursts.

The ECC detects errors through the process of data encoding and decoding. For example, when the ECC is applied in a transmission application, data read from the source are encoded before being sent to the receiver. The output (code word) from the encoder consists of the raw data appended with the number of parity bits. The exact number of parity bits appended depends on the number of bits in the input data. The generated code word is then transmitted to the destination.

The receiver receives the code word and decodes it. Information obtained by the decoder determines whether an error is detected. The decoder detects single-bit and double-bit errors, but can only fix single-bit errors in the corrupted data. This type of ECC is single error correction double error detection (SECDED).

You can configure encoder and decoder functions of the ALTECC IP core. The data input to the encoder is encoded to generate a code word that is a combination of the data input and the generated parity bits. The generated code word is transmitted to the decoder module for decoding just before reaching its destination block. The decoder generates a syndrome vector to determine if there is any error in the received code word. The decoder corrects the data only if the single-bit error is from the data bits. No signal is flagged if the single-bit error is from the parity bits. The decoder also has flag signals to show the status of the data received and the action taken by the decoder, if any.

The following figures show the ports for the ALTECC IP core.

ALTECC Encoder Ports








Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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Figure 7. ALTECC Decoder Ports


data[] clock clocken

q[] err_detected err_corrected



7.1. ALTECC Encoder Features

The ALTECC encoder IP core offers the following features: · Performs data encoding using the Hamming Coding scheme · Supports data width of 2­64 bits · Supports signed and unsigned data representation format · Support pipelining with output latency of either one or two clock cycles · Supports optional asynchronous clear and clock enable ports

The ALTECC encoder IP core takes in and encodes the data using the Hamming Coding scheme. The Hamming Coding scheme derives the parity bits and appends them to the original data to produce the output code word. The number of parity bits appended depends on the width of the data.

The following table lists the number of parity bits appended for different ranges of data widths. The Total Bits column represents the total number of input data bits and appended parity bits.

Table 21.

Number of Parity Bits and Code Word According to Data Width

Data Width

Number of Parity Bits

Total Bits (Code Word)
















The parity bit derivation uses an even-parity checking. The additional 1 bit (shown in the table as +1) is appended to the parity bits as the MSB of the code word. This ensures that the code word has an even number of 1’s. For example, if the data width is 4 bits, 4 parity bits are appended to the data to become a code word with a total of 8 bits. If 7 bits from the LSB of the 8-bit code word have an odd number of 1’s, the 8th bit (MSB) of the code word is 1 making the total number of 1’s in the code word even.
The following figure shows the generated code word and the arrangement of the parity bits and data bits in an 8-bit data input.

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Figure 8.

Parity Bits and Data Bits Arrangement in an 8-Bit Generated Code Word



4 parity bits

4 data bits



The ALTECC encoder IP core accepts only input widths of 2 to 64 bits at one time. Input widths of 12 bits, 29 bits, and 64 bits, which are ideally suited to Intel devices, generate outputs of 18 bits, 36 bits, and 72 bits respectively. You can control the bitselection limitation in the parameter editor.

7.2. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_ENCODER)
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module altecc_encoder #( parameter intended_device_family = “unused”, parameter lpm_pipeline = 0, parameter width_codeword = 8, parameter width_dataword = 8, parameter lpm_type = “altecc_encoder”, parameter lpm_hint = “unused”) ( input wire aclr, input wire clock, input wire clocken, input wire [width_dataword-1:0] data, output wire [width_codeword-1:0] q); endmodule

7.3. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_DECODER)
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the edasynthesis directory.
module altecc_decoder #( parameter intended_device_family = “unused”, parameter lpm_pipeline = 0, parameter width_codeword = 8, parameter width_dataword = 8, parameter lpm_type = “altecc_decoder”, parameter lpm_hint = “unused”) ( input wire aclr, input wire clock, input wire clocken, input wire [width_codeword-1:0] data, output wire err_corrected, output wire err_detected, outut wire err_fatal, output wire [width_dataword-1:0] q); endmodule

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7.4. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_ENCODER)
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) altera_mf_components.vhd in the <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>librariesvhdlaltera_mf directory.
component altecc_encoder generic ( intended_device_family:string := “unused”; lpm_pipeline:natural := 0; width_codeword:natural := 8; width_dataword:natural := 8; lpm_hint:string := “UNUSED”; lpm_type:string := “altecc_encoder”); port( aclr:in std_logic := ‘0’; clock:in std_logic := ‘0’; clocken:in std_logic := ‘1’; data:in std_logic_vector(width_dataword-1 downto 0); q:out std_logic_vector(width_codeword-1 downto 0)); end component;
7.5. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_DECODER)
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) altera_mf_components.vhd in the <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>librariesvhdlaltera_mf directory.
component altecc_decoder generic ( intended_device_family:string := “unused”; lpm_pipeline:natural := 0; width_codeword:natural := 8; width_dataword:natural := 8; lpm_hint:string := “UNUSED”; lpm_type:string := “altecc_decoder”); port( aclr:in std_logic := ‘0’; clock:in std_logic := ‘0’; clocken:in std_logic := ‘1’; data:in std_logic_vector(width_codeword-1 downto 0); err_corrected : out std_logic; err_detected : out std_logic; q:out std_logic_vector(width_dataword-1 downto 0); syn_e : out std_logic); end component;
7.6. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY altera_mf; USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;
7.7. Encoder Ports
The following tables list the input and output ports for the ALTECC encoder IP core.

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Table 22. ALTECC Encoder Input Ports

Port Name





Data input port. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_DATAWORD

parameter value. The data[] port contains the raw data to be encoded.



Clock input port that provides the clock signal to synchronize the encoding operation.

The clock port is required when the LPM_PIPELINE value is greater than 0.



Clock enable. If omitted, the default value is 1.



Asynchronous clear input. The active high aclr signal can be used at any time to

asynchronously clear the registers.

Table 23. ALTECC Encoder Output Ports

Port Name q[]

Required Yes

Encoded data output port. The size of the output port depends on the WIDTH_CODEWORD parameter value.

7.8. Decoder Ports

The following tables list the input and output ports for the ALTECC decoder IP core.

Table 24. ALTECC Decoder Input Ports

Port Name





Data input port. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_CODEWORD parameter value.



Clock input port that provides the clock signal to synchronize the encoding operation. The clock port is required when the LPM_PIPELINE value is greater than 0.



Clock enable. If omitted, the default value is 1.



Asynchronous clear input. The active high aclr signal can be used at any time to asynchronously clear the registers.

Table 25. ALTECC Decoder Output Ports

Port Name q[]

Required Yes

Decoded data output port. The size of the output port depends on the WIDTH_DATAWORD parameter value.

err_detected Yes

Flag signal to reflect the status of data received and specifies any errors found.

err_correcte Yes d

Flag signal to reflect the status of data received. Denotes single-bit error found and corrected. You can use the data because it has already been corrected.



Flag signal to reflect the status of data received. Denotes double-bit error found, but not corrected. You must not use the data if this signal is asserted.



An output signal which will go high whenever a single-bit error is detected on the parity


7.9. Encoder Parameters
The following table lists the parameters for the ALTECC encoder IP core.

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Table 26. ALTECC Encoder Parameters

Parameter Name





Integer Yes

Specifies the width of the raw data. Values are from 2 to 64. If omitted, the default value is 8.


Integer Yes

Specifies the width of the corresponding code word. Valid values are from 6 to 72, excluding 9, 17, 33, and 65. If omitted, the default value is 13.


Integer No

Specifies the pipeline for the circuit. Values are from 0 to 2. If the value is 0, the ports are not registered. If the value is 1, the output ports are registered. If the value is 2, the input and output ports are registered. If omitted, the default value is 0.

7.10. Decoder Parameters

The following table lists the ALTECC decoder IP core parameters.

Table 27. ALTECC Decoder Parameters


Type Integer




Specifies the width of the raw data. Values are 2 to 64. The

default value is 8.




Specifies the width of the corresponding code word. Values are 6

to 72, excluding 9, 17, 33, and 65. If omitted, the default value

is 13.




Specifies the register of the circuit. Values are from 0 to 2. If the

value is 0, no register is implemented. If the value is 1, the

output is registered. If the value is 2, both the input and the

output are registered. If the value is greater than 2, additional

registers are implemented at the output for the additional

latencies. If omitted, the default value is 0.

Create a ‘syn_e’ port



Turn on this parameter to create a syn_e port.

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8. Intel FPGA Multiply Adder IP Core

Figure 9.

The Intel FPGA Multiply Adder (Intel Stratix 10, Intel Arria 10, and Intel Cyclone 10 GX devices) or ALTERA_MULT_ADD (Arria V, Stratix V, and Cyclone V devices) IP core allows you to implement a multiplier-adder.

The following figure shows the ports for the Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD IP core.

Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD Ports

Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD

dataa[] signa datab[] signb datac[] coefsel0[] coefsel1[] coefsel2[] coefsel3[] addnsub1 addnsub3 aclr/sclr[] scanina[] clock0 clock1 clock2 ena0 ena1 ena2 sload_accum
accum_sload chainin[]

scanouta[] result[]

aclr0 aclr1

A multiplier-adder accepts pairs of inputs, multiplies the values together and then adds to or subtracts from the products of all other pairs.
If all of the input data widths are 9-bits wide or smaller, the function uses the 9 x 9 bit input multiplier configuration in the DSP block for devices which support 9 x 9 configuration. If not, the DSP block uses 18 × 18-bit input multipliers to process data with widths between 10 bits and 18 bits. If multiple Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD IP cores occur in a design, the functions are distributed to as

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many different DSP blocks as possible so that routing to these blocks is more flexible. Fewer multipliers per DSP block allow more routing choices into the block by minimizing paths to the rest of the device.
The registers and extra pipeline registers for the following signals are also placed inside the DSP block: · Data input · Signed or unsigned select · Add or subtract select · Products of multipliers
In the case of the output result, the first register is placed in the DSP block. However the extra latency registers are placed in logic elements outside the block. Peripheral to the DSP block, including data inputs to the multiplier, control signal inputs, and outputs of the adder, use regular routing to communicate with the rest of the device. All connections in the function use dedicated routing inside the DSP block. This dedicated routing includes the shift register chains when you select the option to shift a multiplier’s registered input data from one multiplier to an adjacent multiplier.
For more information about DSP blocks in any of the Stratix V, and Arria V device series, refer to the DSP Blocks chapter of the respective handbooks on the Literature and Technical Documentation page.
Related Information AN 306: Implementing Multipliers in FPGA Devices
Provides more information about implementing multipliers using DSP and memory blocks in Intel FPGA devices.
8.1. Features
The Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD IP core offers the following features: · Generates a multiplier to perform multiplication operations of two complex
numbers Note: When building multipliers larger than the natively supported size there may/
will be a performance impact resulting from the cascading of the DSP blocks. · Supports data widths of 1­ 256 bits · Supports signed and unsigned data representation format · Supports pipelining with configurable input latency · Provides an option to dynamically switch between signed and unsigned data support · Provides an option to dynamically switch between add and subtract operation · Supports optional asynchronous and synchronous clear and clock enable input ports · Supports systolic delay register mode · Supports pre- adder with 8 pre-load coefficients per multiplier · Supports pre-load constant to complement accumulator feedback

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8.1.1. Pre-adder
With pre-adder, additions or subtractions are done prior to feeding the multiplier.
There are five pre-adder modes: · Simple mode · Coefficient mode · Input mode · Square mode · Constant mode


When pre-adder is used (pre-adder coefficient/input/square mode), all data inputs to the multiplier must have the same clock setting. Pre-adder Simple Mode

In this mode, both operands derive from the input ports and pre-adder is not used or bypassed. This is the default mode.

Figure 10. Pre-adder Simple Mode
a0 b0


result Pre-adder Coefficient Mode
In this mode, one multiplier operand derives from the pre-adder, and the other operand derives from the internal coefficient storage. The coefficient storage allows up to 8 preset constants. The coefficient selection signals are coefsel[0..3].
This mode is expressed in the following equation.

The following shows the pre-adder coefficient mode of a multiplier.

Figure 11. Pre-adder Coefficient Mode







coefsel0 coef

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8. Intel FPGA Multiply Adder IP Core 683490 | 2020.10.05 Pre-adder Input Mode In this mode, one multiplier operand derives from the pre-adder, and the other operand derives from the datac[] input port. This mode is expressed in the following equation.

The following shows the pre-adder input mode of a multiplier.

Figure 12. Pre-adder Input Mode
a0 b0




c0 Pre-adder Square Mode This mode is expressed in the following equation.

The following shows the pre-adder square mode of two multipliers.

Figure 13. Pre-adder Square Mode
a0 b0



result Pre-adder Constant Mode
In this mode, one multiplier operand derives from the input port, and the other operand derives from the internal coefficient storage. The coefficient storage allows up to 8 preset constants. The coefficient selection signals are coefsel[0..3].
This mode is expressed in the following equation.

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The following figure shows the pre-adder constant mode of a multiplier.

Figure 14. Pre-adder Constant Mode



8.1.2. Systolic Delay Register
In a systolic architecture, the input data is fed into a cascade of registers acting as a data buffer. Each register delivers an input sample to a multiplier where it is multiplied by the respective coefficient. The chain adder stores the gradually combined results from the multiplier and the previously registered result from the chainin[] input port to form the final result. Each multiply-add element must be delayed by a single cycle so that the results synchronize appropriately when added together. Each successive delay is used to address both the coefficient memory and the data buffer of their respective multiply-add elements. For example, a single delay for the second multiply add element, two delays for the third multiply-add element, and so on.
Figure 15. Systolic Registers
Systolic registers

x(t) c(0)

S -1

S -1


S -1

S -1


S -1

S -1


S -1

S -1

S -1

S -1 y(t)

x(t) represents the results from a continuous stream of input samples and y(t)
represents the summation of a set of input samples, and in time, multiplied by their
respective coefficients. Both the input and output results flow from left to right. The c(0) to c(N-1) denotes the coefficients. The systolic delay registers are denoted by S-1, whereas the ­1 represents a single clock delay. Systolic delay registers are added at
the inputs and outputs for pipelining in a way that ensures the results from the
multiplier operand and the accumulated sums stay in synch. This processing element
is replicated to form a circuit that computes the filtering function. This function is
expressed in the following equation.

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N represents the number of cycles of data that has entered into the accumulator, y(t) represents the output at time t, A(t) represents the input at time t, and B(i) are the coefficients. The t and i in the equation correspond to a particular instant in time, so to compute the output sample y(t) at time t, a group of input samples at N different points in time, or A(n), A(n-1), A(n-2), … A(n-N+1) is required. The group of N input samples are multiplied by N coefficients and summed together to form the final result y.
The systolic register architecture is available only for sum-of-2 and sum-of-4 modes. For both systolic register architecture modes, the first chainin signal needs to be tied to 0.
The following figure shows the systolic delay register implementation of 2 multipliers.
Figure 16. Systolic Delay Register Implementation of 2 Multipliers









The sum of two multipliers is expressed in the following equation.
The following figure shows the systolic delay register implementation of 4 multipliers.

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Figure 17. Systolic Delay Register Implementation of 4 Multipliers

















The sum of four multipliers is expressed in the following equation. Figure 18. Sum of 4 Multipliers
The following lists the advantages of systolic register implementation: · Reduces DSP resource usage · Enables efficient mapping in the DSP block using the chain adder structure

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8.1.3. Pre-load Constant
The pre-load constant controls the accumulator operand and complements the accumulator feedback. The valid LOADCONST_VALUE ranges from 0­64. The constant value is equal to 2N, where N = LOADCONST_VALUE. When the LOADCONST_VALUE is set to 64, the constant value is equal to 0. This function can be used as biased rounding.
The following figure shows the pre-load constant implementation.
Figure 19. Pre-load Constant

Accumulator feedback










accum_sload sload_accum

Refer to the following IP cores for other multiplier implementations: · ALTMULT_ACCUM · ALTMEMMULT · LPM_MULT
8.1.4. Double Accumulator
The double accumulator feature adds an additional register in the accumulator feedback path. The double accumulator register follows the output register, which includes the clock, clock enable, and aclr. The additional accumulator register returns result with a one-cycle delay. This feature enables you to have two accumulator channels with the same resource count.
The following figure shows the double accumulator implementation.

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Figure 20. Double Accumulator

Dou ble Accu mulator Register

Accu mulator feedba ck








Output result Output Register

8.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
You can find the Intel FPGA Multiply Adder or ALTERA_MULT_ADD Verilog HDL prototype file (altera_mult_add_rtl.v) in the <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>librariesmegafunctions directory.
8.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the altera_lnsim_components.vhd in the librariesvhdl altera_lnsim directory.
8.4. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY altera_mf; USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;

8.5. Signals

The following tables list the input and output signals of the Multiply Adder Intel FPGA IPor ALTERA_MULT_ADD IP core.

Table 28. Multiply Adder Intel FPGA IPor ALTERA_MULT_ADD Input Signals







Data input to the multiplier. Input port [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_A – 1 … 0] wide

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Signal datab_0[]/datab_1[]/ datab_2[]/datab_3[] datac_0[] /datac_1[]/ datac_2[]/datac_3[] clock[1:0] aclr[1:0] sclr[1:0] ena[1:0] signa
scanina[] accum_sload

Required Yes No
No No No No No
No No

The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals,the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Data input to the multiplier. Input signal [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS WIDTH_B – 1 … 0] wide The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Data input to the multiplier. Input signal [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS
WIDTH_C – 1, … 0] wide Select INPUT for Select preadder mode parameter to enable these signals. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Clock input port to the corresponding register. This signal can be used by any register in the IP core. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Asynchronous clear input to the corresponding register. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Synchronous clear input to the corresponding register. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value X to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals
Enable signal input to the corresponding register. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to these signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Specifies the numerical representation of the multiplier input A. If the signa signal is high, the multiplier treats the multiplier input A signal as a signed number. If the signa signal is low, the multiplier treats the multiplier input A signal as an unsigned number. Select VARIABLE for What is the representation format for Multipliers A inputs parameter to enable this signal. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Specifies the numerical representation of the multiplier input B signal. If the signb signal is high, the multiplier treats the multiplier input B signal as a signed two’s complement number. If the signb signal is low, the multiplier treats the multiplier input B signal as an unsigned number. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Input for scan chain A. Input signal [WIDTH_A – 1, … 0] wide. When the INPUT_SOURCE_A parameter has a value of SCANA, the scanina[] signal is required.
Dynamically specifies whether the accumulator value is constant. If the accum_sload signal is low, then the multiplier output is loaded into the accumulator. Do not use accum_sload and sload_accum simultaneously.

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Signal sload_accum
chainin[] addnsub1
coefsel0[] coefsel1[] coefsel2[] coefsel3[]

Required No
No No
No No No No

The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Dynamically specifies whether the accumulator value is constant. If the sload_accum signal is high, then the multiplier output is loaded into the accumulator. Do not use accum_sload and sload_accum simultaneously. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Adder result input bus from the preceding stage. Input signal [WIDTH_CHAININ – 1, … 0] wide.
Perform addition or subtraction to the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 1 to addnsub1 signal to add the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 0 to addnsub1 signal to subtract the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Perform addition or subtraction to the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 1 to addnsub3 signal to add the outputs from the second pair of multipliers. Input 0 to addnsub3 signal to subtract the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Coefficient input signal[0:3] to the first multiplier. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Coefficient input signal[0:3]to the second multiplier. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Coefficient input signal[0:3]to the third multiplier. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Coefficient input signal [0:3] to the fourth multiplier. The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to this signal. When you provide X value to this input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.

Table 29. Multiply Adder Intel FPGA IP Output Signals




result []


Multiplier output signal. Output signal [WIDTH_RESULT – 1 … 0] wide

The simulation model for this IP supports undetermined output value (X). When you provide X value as the input, the X value is propagated on this signal.

scanouta []


Output of scan chain A. Output signal [WIDTH_A – 1..0] wide.

Select more than 2 for numbers of multipliers and choose Scan chain input for What is the input A of the multiplier connected to parameter to enable this signal.

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8.6. Parameters

8.6.1. General Tab

Table 30. General Tab


IP Generated Parameter


What is the number of multipliers?

number_of_m 1 – 4 ultipliers

How wide should the A width_a input buses be?

1 – 256

How wide should the B width_b input buses be?

1 – 256

How wide should the ‘result’ output bus be?


1 – 256

Create an associated clock enable for each clock

gui_associate On d_clock_enabl Off e

8.6.2. Extra Modes Tab

Table 31. Extra Modes Tab


IP Generated Parameter


Outputs Configuration

Register output of the adder unit

gui_output_re On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_output_re gister_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_output_re gister_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_output_re gister_sclr


Adder Operation

What operation should be performed on outputs of the first pair of multipliers?

gui_multiplier 1_direction


Default Value 1

Number of multipliers to be added together. Values are 1 up to 4. Specify the width of the dataa[] port.


Specify the width of the datab[] port.


Specify the width of the result[] port.


Select this option to create clock enable

for each clock.

Default Value


Off Clock0

Select this option to enable output register of the adder module.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the clock source for output registers. You must select Register output of the adder unit to enable this parameter.
Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the adder output register. You must select Register output of the adder unit to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the adder output register. You must select Register output of the adder unit to enable this parameter.


Select addition or subtraction operation to perform for the outputs between the first and second multipliers.
· Select ADD to perform addition operation.
· Select SUB to perform subtraction operation.
· Select VARIABLE to use addnsub1 port for dynamic addition/subtraction control.

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IP Generated Parameter


Register ‘addnsub1’ input

guiaddnsub On multiplier_reg Off ister1

What is the source for clock input?

guiaddnsub multiplier_reg ister1_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

guiaddnsub multiplier_aclr 1


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

guiaddnsub multiplier_sclr 1


What operation should be performed on outputs of the second pair of multipliers?

gui_multiplier 3_direction


Register ‘addnsub3’ input

guiaddnsub On multiplier_reg Off ister3

What is the source for clock input?

guiaddnsub multiplier_reg ister3_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

Default Value
Off Clock0

When VARIABLE value is selected: · Drive addnsub1 signal to high for
addition operation. · Drive addnsub1 signal to low for
subtraction operation. You must select more than two multipliers to enable this parameter.
Select this option to enable input register for addnsub1 port. You must select VARIABLE for What operation should be performed on outputs of the first pair of multipliers to enable this parameter.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to specify the input clock signal for addnsub1 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub1’ input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the addnsub1 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub1’ input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the addnsub1 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub1’ input to enable this parameter.
Select addition or subtraction operation to perform for the outputs between the third and fourth multipliers. · Select ADD to perform addition
operation. · Select SUB to perform subtraction
operation. · Select VARIABLE to use addnsub1
port for dynamic addition/subtraction control. When VARIABLE value is selected: · Drive addnsub1 signal to high for addition operation. · Drive addnsub1 signal to low for subtraction operation. You must select the value 4 for What is the number of multipliers? to enable this parameter.
Select this option to enable input register for addnsub3 signal. You must select VARIABLE for What operation should be performed on outputs of the second pair of multipliers to enable this parameter.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to specify the input clock signal for addnsub3 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub3′ input to enable this parameter.

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What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

IP Generated Parameter


guiaddnsub multiplier_aclr 3


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

guiaddnsub multiplier_sclr 3


Polarity Enable `use_subadd’

gui_use_subn On



8.6.3. Multipliers Tab

Table 32. Multipliers Tab


IP Generated Parameter


What is the


representation format ation_a

for Multipliers A inputs?


Register `signa’ input

gui_register_s On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_register_s igna_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_register_s igna_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_register_s igna_sclr


What is the


representation format ation_b

for Multipliers B inputs?


Register `signb’ input

gui_register_s On



Default Value NONE

Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the addnsub3 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub3’ input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the addnsub3 register. You must select Register ‘addnsub3′ input to enable this parameter.


Select this option to reverse the function

of addnsub input port.

Drive addnsub to high for subtraction operation.

Drive addnsub to low for addition operation.

Default Value


UNSIGNED Specify the representation format for the multiplier A input.


Select this option to enable signa


You must select VARIABLE value for What is the representation format for Multipliers A inputs? parameter to enable this option.


Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the input clock signal for signa register.
You must select Register `signa’ input to enable this parameter.


Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the signa register.
You must select Register `signa’ input to enable this parameter.


Specifies the synchronous clear source for the signa register.
You must select Register `signa’ input to enable this parameter.

UNSIGNED Specify the representation format for the multiplier B input.


Select this option to enable signb



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IP Generated Parameter


Default Value

What is the source for clock input?

gui_register_s ignb_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2


What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_register_s ignb_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_register_s ignb_sclr


Input Configuration
Register input A of the multiplier
What is the source for clock input?

gui_input_reg On



gui_input_reg ister_a_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

Off Clock0

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_input_reg ister_a_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_input_reg ister_a_sclr


Register input B of the multiplier
What is the source for clock input?

gui_input_reg On



gui_input_reg ister_b_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

NONE NONE Off Clock0

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_input_reg ister_b_aclr



What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_input_reg ister_b_sclr



What is the input A of the multiplier connected to?

gui_multiplier Multiplier input Multiplier


Scan chain input input

You must select VARIABLE value for What is the representation format for Multipliers B inputs? parameter to enable this option.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the input clock signal for signb register. You must select Register signb’ input to enable this parameter. Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the signb register. You must select Registersignb’ input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the signb register. You must select Register `signb’ input to enable this parameter.
Select this option to enable input register for dataa input bus.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the register input clock signal for dataa input bus. You must select Register input A of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Specifies the register asynchronous clear source for the dataa input bus. You must select Register input A of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Specifies the register synchronous clear source for the dataa input bus. You must select Register input A of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Select this option to enable input register for datab input bus.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the register input clock signal for datab input bus. You must select Register input B of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Specifies the register asynchronous clear source for the datab input bus. You must select Register input B of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Specifies the register synchronous clear source for the datab input bus. You must select Register input B of the multiplier to enable this parameter.
Select the input source for input A of the multiplier.

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IP Generated Parameter


Scanout A Register Configuration

Register output of the scan chain

gui_scanouta On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_scanouta _register_cloc k

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_scanouta _register_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_scanouta _register_sclr


8.6.4. Preadder Tab

Table 33. Preadder Tab


IP Generated Parameter


Select preadder mode

preadder_mo de


Default Value

Select Multiplier input to use dataa input bus as the source to the multiplier. Select Scan chain input to use scanin input bus as the source to the multiplier and enable the scanout output bus. This parameter is available when you select 2, 3 or 4 for What is the number of multipliers? parameter.

Off Clock0 NONE NONE

Select this option to enable output register for scanouta output bus.
You must select Scan chain input for What is the input A of the multiplier connected to? parameter to enable this option.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the register input clock signal for scanouta output bus.
You must turn on Register output of the scan chain parameter to enable this option.
Specifies the register asynchronous clear source for the scanouta output bus.
You must turn on Register output of the scan chain parameter to enable this option.
Specifies the register synchronous clear source for the scanouta output bus.
You must select Register output of the scan chain parameter to enable this option.

Default Value

Specifies the operation mode for preadder module. SIMPLE: This mode bypass the preadder. This is the default mode. COEF: This mode uses the output of the preadder and coefsel input bus as the inputs to the multiplier. INPUT: This mode uses the output of the preadder and datac input bus as the inputs to the multiplier. SQUARE: This mode uses the output of the preadder as both the inputs to the multiplier.

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IP Generated Parameter


Select preadder direction

gui_preadder ADD,



How wide should the C width_c input buses be?

1 – 256

Data C Input Register Configuration

Register datac input

gui_datac_inp On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_datac_inp ut_register_cl ock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_datac_inp ut_register_a clr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_datac_inp ut_register_sc lr


How wide should the coef width be?


1 – 27

Coef Register Configuration

Register the coefsel input

gui_coef_regi On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_coef_regi ster_clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

Default Value

CONSTANT: This mode uses dataa input bus with preadder bypassed and coefsel input bus as the inputs to the multiplier.
Specifies the operation of the preadder. To enable this parameter, select the following for Select preadder mode: · COEF · INPUT · SQUARE or · CONSTANT
Specifies the number of bits for C input bus. You must select INPUT for Select preadder mode to enable this parameter.


Select this option to enable input register for datac input bus. You must set INPUT to Select preadder mode parameter to enable this option.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to specify the input clock signal for datac input register. You must select Register datac input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the datac input register. You must select Register datac input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the datac input register. You must select Register datac input to enable this parameter.


Specifies the number of bits for

coefsel input bus.

You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.

On Clock0

Select this option to enable input register for coefsel input bus. You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to specify the input clock signal for coefsel input register. You must select Register the coefsel input to enable this parameter.

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What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

IP Generated Parameter


gui_coef_regi ster_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input

gui_coef_regi ster_sclr


Coefficient_0 Configuration

coef0_0 to coef0_7

0x00000 ­ 0xFFFFFFF

Coefficient_1 Configuration

coef1_0 to coef1_7

0x00000 ­ 0xFFFFFFF

Coefficient_2 Configuration

coef2_0 to coef2_7

0x00000 ­ 0xFFFFFFF

Coefficient_3 Configuration

coef3_0 to coef3_7

0x00000 ­ 0xFFFFFFF

8.6.5. Accumulator Tab

Table 34. Accumulator Tab


IP Generated Parameter


Enable accumulator?



What is the accumulator operation type?

accum_directi ADD,



Default Value NONE
0x0000000 0
0x0000000 0
0x0000000 0
0x0000000 0

Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the coefsel input register. You must select Register the coefsel input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the coefsel input register. You must select Register the coefsel input to enable this parameter.
Specifies the coefficient values for this first multiplier. The number of bits must be the same as specified in How wide should the coef width be? parameter. You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.
Specifies the coefficient values for this second multiplier. The number of bits must be the same as specified in How wide should the coef width be? parameter. You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.
Specifies the coefficient values for this third multiplier. The number of bits must be the same as specified in How wide should the coef width be? parameter. You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.
Specifies the coefficient values for this fourth multiplier. The number of bits must be the same as specified in How wide should the coef width be? parameter. You must select COEF or CONSTANT for preadder mode to enable this parameter.

Default Value NO

Select YES to enable the accumulator. You must select Register output of adder unit when using accumulator feature.
Specifies the operation of the accumulator: · ADD for addition operation · SUB for subtraction operation. You must select YES for Enable accumulator? parameter to enable this option.

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Preload Constant Enable preload constant

IP Generated Parameter


gui_ena_prelo On



What is the input of accumulate port connected to?

gui_accumula ACCUM_SLOAD, te_port_select SLOAD_ACCUM

Select value for preload loadconst_val 0 – 64



What is the source for clock input?

gui_accum_sl oadregister clock

Clock0 Clock1 Clock2

What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_accum_sl oadregister aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_accum_sl oadregister sclr


Enable double accumulator

gui_double_a On



Default Value



Enable the accum_sload or

sload_accum signals and register input

to dynamically select the input to the


When accum_sload is low or sload_accum, the multiplier output is feed into the accumulator.

When accum_sload is high or sload_accum, a user specified preload constant is feed into the accumulator.

You must select YES for Enable accumulator? parameter to enable this option.


Specifies the behavior of accum_sload/ sload_accum signal.
ACCUM_SLOAD: Drive accum_sload low to load the multiplier output to the accumulator.
SLOAD_ACCUM: Drive sload_accum high to load the multiplier output to the accumulator.
You must select Enable preload constant option to enable this parameter.


Specify the preset constant value.

This value can be 2N where N is the preset constant value.

When N=64, it represents a constant zero.

You must select Enable preload constant option to enable this parameter.


Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to specify the input clock signal for accum_sload/sload_accum register.
You must select Enable preload constant option to enable this parameter.


Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the accum_sload/sload_accum register.
You must select Enable preload constant option to enable this parameter.


Specifies the synchronous clear source for the accum_sload/sload_accum register.
You must select Enable preload constant option to enable this parameter.


Enables the double accumulator register.

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8.6.6. Systolic/Chainout Tab

Table 35. Systolic/Chainout Adder Tab

Parameter Enable chainout adder

IP Generated Parameter


chainout_add YES,



What is the chainout adder operation type?

chainout_add ADD,



Enable `negate’ input for chainout adder?



Register `negate’ input? negate_regist er


What is the source for asynchronous clear input?



What is the source for synchronous clear input?



Systolic Delay
Enable systolic delay registers

gui_systolic_d On



What is the source for clock input?

gui_systolic_d CLOCK0,



Default Value

Select YES to enable chainout adder module.


Specifies the chainout adder operation.
For subtraction operation, SIGNED must be selected for What is the representation format for Multipliers A inputs? and What is the representation format for Multipliers B inputs? in the Multipliers Tab.


Select PORT_USED to enable negate input signal.
This parameter is invalid when chainout adder is disabled.


To enable the input register for negate input signal and specifies the input clock signal for negate register.
Select UNREGISTERED if the negate input register to is not needed
This parameter is invalid when you select:
· NO for Enable chainout adder or
· PORT_UNUSED for Enable ‘negate’ input for chainout adder? parameter or


Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the negate register.
This parameter is invalid when you select:
· NO for Enable chainout adder or
· PORT_UNUSED for Enable ‘negate’ input for chainout adder? parameter or


Specifies the synchronous clear source for the negate register.
This parameter is invalid when you select:
· NO for Enable chainout adder or
· PORT_UNUSED for Enable ‘negate’ input for chainout adder? parameter or


Select this option to enable systolic mode. This parameter is available when you select 2, or 4 for What is the number of multipliers? parameter. You must enable the Register output of the adder unit to use the systolic delay registers.
Specifies the input clock signal for systolic delay register.

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IP Generated Parameter



What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_systolic_d elay_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_systolic_d elay_sclr


Default Value

You must select enable systolic delay registers to enable this option.
Specifies the asynchronous clear source for the systolic delay register. You must select enable systolic delay registers to enable this option.
Specifies the synchronous clear source for the systolic delay register. You must select enable systolic delay registers to enable this option.

8.6.7. Pipelining Tab

Table 36. Pipelining Tab

Parameter Pipelining Configuration

IP Generated Parameter


Do you want to add pipeline register to the input?

gui_pipelining No, Yes

Default Value

Please specify the


number of latency clock


Any value greater 0 than 0

What is the source for clock input?

gui_input_late ncy_clock


What is the source for asynchronous clear input?

gui_input_late ncy_aclr


What is the source for synchronous clear input?

gui_input_late ncy_sclr



Select Yes to enable an additional level of pipeline register to the input signals. You must specify a value greater than 0 for Please specify the number of latency clock cycles parameter.
Specifies the desired latency in clock cycles. One level of pipeline register = 1 latency in clock cycle. You must select YES for Do you want to add pipeline register to the input? to enable this option.
Select Clock0 , Clock1 or Clock2 to enable and specify the pipeline register input clock signal. You must select YES for Do you want to add pipeline register to the input? to enable this option.
Specifies the register asynchronous clear source for the additional pipeline register. You must select YES for Do you want to add pipeline register to the input? to enable this option.
Specifies the register synchronous clear source for the additional pipeline register. You must select YES for Do you want to add pipeline register to the input? to enable this option.

Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide 56

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683490 | 2020.10.05 Send Feedback

9. ALTMEMMULT (Memory-based Constant Coefficient Multiplier) IP Core


Intel has removed the support of this IP in Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition version 20.3. If the IP core in your design targets devices in Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition, you can replace the IP with LPM_MULT Intel FPGA IP or re- generate the IP and compile your design using Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition software.

The ALTMEMMULT IP core is used to create memory-based multipliers using the onchip memory blocks found in Intel FPGAs (with M512, M4K, M9K, and MLAB memory blocks). This IP core is useful if you do not have sufficient resources to implement the multipliers in logic elements (LEs) or dedicated multiplier resources.
The ALTMEMMULT IP core is a synchronous function that requires a clock. The ALTMEMMULT IP core implements a multiplier with the smallest throughput and latency possible for a given set of parameters and specifications.
The following figure shows the ports for the ALTMEMMULT IP core.

Figure 21. ALTMEMMULT Ports


data_in[] sload_data coeff_in[]

result[] result_valid load_done


sclr clock

Related Information Features on page 71

9.1. Features
The ALTMEMMULT IP core offers the following features: · Creates only memory- based multipliers using on-chip memory blocks found in
Intel FPGAs · Supports data width of 1­512 bits · Supports signed and unsigned data representation format · Supports pipelining with fixed output latency

Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

ISO 9001:2015 Registered

9. ALTMEMMULT (Memory-based Constant Coefficient Multiplier) IP Core 683490 | 2020.10.05
· Stores multiples constants in random-access memory (RAM)
· Provides an option to select the RAM block type
· Supports optional synchronous clear and load-control input ports
9.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) altera_mf.v in the eda synthesis directory.
module altmemmult #( parameter coeff_representation = “SIGNED”, parameter coefficient0 = “UNUSED”, parameter data_representation = “SIGNED”, parameter intended_device_family = “unused”, parameter max_clock_cycles_per_result = 1, parameter number_of_coefficients = 1, parameter ram_block_type = “AUTO”, parameter total_latency = 1, parameter width_c = 1, parameter width_d = 1, parameter width_r = 1, parameter width_s = 1, parameter lpm_type = “altmemmult”, parameter lpm_hint = “unused”) ( input wire clock, input wire [width_c-1:0]coeff_in, input wire [width_d-1:0] data_in, output wire load_done, output wire [width_r-1:0] result, output wire result_valid, input wire sclr, input wire [width_s-1:0] sel, input wire sload_coeff, input wire sload_data)/ synthesis syn_black_box=1 /; endmodule
9.3. VHDL Component Declaration
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) altera_mf_components.vhd in the <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>librariesvhdlaltera_mf directory.
component altmemmult generic ( coeff_representation:string := “SIGNED”; coefficient0:string := “UNUSED”; data_representation:string := “SIGNED”; intended_device_family:string := “unused”; max_clock_cycles_per_result:natural := 1; number_of_coefficients:natural := 1; ram_block_type:string := “AUTO”; total_latency:natural; width_c:natural; width_d:natural; width_r:natural; width_s:natural := 1; lpm_hint:string := “UNUSED”; lpm_type:string := “altmemmult”); port( clock:in std_logic; coeff_in:in std_logic_vector(width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => ‘0’); data_in:in std_logic_vector(width_d-1 downto 0);

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load_done:out std_logic; result:out std_logic_vector(width_r-1 downto 0); result_valid:out std_logic; sclr:in std_logic := ‘0’; sel:in std_logic_vector(width_s-1 downto 0) := (others => ‘0’); sload_coeff:in std_logic := ‘0’; sload_data:in std_logic := ‘0’); end component;

9.4. Ports

The following tables list the input and output ports for the ALTMEMMULT IP core.

Table 37. ALTMEMMULT Input Ports

Port Name





Clock input to the multiplier.



Coefficient input port for the multiplier. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_C parameter value.



Data input port to the multiplier. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_D parameter value.



Synchronous clear input. If unused, the default value is active high.



Fixed coefficient selection. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_S

parameter value.



Synchronous load coefficient input port. Replaces the current selected coefficient value with the value specified in the coeff_in input.



Synchronous load data input port. Signal that specifies new multiplication operation and cancels any existing multiplication operation. If the MAX_CLOCK_CYCLES_PER_RESULT parameter has a value of 1, the sload_data input port is ignored.

Table 38. ALTMEMMULT Output Ports

Port Name





Multiplier output port. The size of the input port depends on the WIDTH_R parameter value.



Indicates when the output is the valid result of a complete multiplication. If the MAX_CLOCK_CYCLES_PER_RESULT parameter has a value of 1, the result_valid output port is not used.



Indicates when the new coefficient has finished loading. The load_done signal asserts when a new coefficient has finished loading. Unless the load_done signal is high, no other coefficient value can be loaded into the memory.

9.5. Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for the ALTMEMMULT IP core.

Table 39.

Parameter Name

Type Required


Integer Yes

Specifies the width of the data_in[] port.

Integer Yes

Specifies the width of the coeff_in[] port. continued…

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Parameter Name WIDTH_R WIDTH


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