Carrier MAQB12B1 40MAQ High Wall Ductless Split System Instructions

June 3, 2024

MAQB12B1 40MAQ High Wall Ductless Split System

~~;A~all Ductless Split System
Sizes 09 to 36 Carrier
turn to the experts
Owner’s Manual
A NOTE ABOUT SAFETY …… • … • .. •• .. • … • .. •. .. • … • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • …… • … • .. •• .. • … • …… . . . . 2
GENERAL . . . . . …. . . . . . …. . . . . . .•.. . • . . . . . . • . . …. • . . . • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • …. . . . . . .•.. . • . . . . . . • . . …. . . . . 2
PART NAMES . . …. . . . . • … • . . …. • . . . • …… • . . …. • . . . • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • … • . . …. • . . . • …… • . . …. . . . . 3
DISPLAY PANELS .. . . . . • … • . . . . . . • . . . • …. . . • . . . . . . • . . . • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • … • . . . . . . • . . . • …. . . • . . . . . . . . . . 4
REMOTE CONTROL . . . . . …. . . …. • .. •• .. • … • .. •. .. • … • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • …… • … • .. •• .. • … • .. •. .. . . . . 5
REMOTE CONT ROL FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . …………. . . . . • …. . . • . . … . • . . . • … • . . • . . . • . . . • …… • …… . . . . 6
CLEANTNG, MAfNTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . • …. . . • . . …. • . . . • … • . . . . . . • .. . • . . . . . . • . . …. . 8 – 9
Please read this Owner’s lnforma n I ~{fil!y b1 oo sta1Jing and using this appliance
and keep this manual for future r e . I ;;;J ■
For your convenience, please record the model and serial numbers of your new equipment in the
spaces provided. This information, along with the installation data and dealer contact information,
will be helpful should your system require maintenance or service.
Model# ————-
Seri a I # ————-
Date Installed __ _
Company Name: ___
Address: —————
Phone Number: ————-
Technician Name: ————
Any time you see this symbol & in manuals, instructions and on
the unit, be aware of the potential for personal injury. Titere are
three levels of precaution:
DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in
severe personal injury or death.
WARNING signifies hazards that could re.~ult in personal injury or
CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which could resu lt
in minor personal inj ury or product and property damage.
NOTE is used 10 highlight suggestions which will result in
enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Failure Lo follow this warning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service,
maintenance, or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock,
or other conditions which may cause personal injury or
property damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency,
or your distributor or branch for information or assistance. The
qualified installer or service agency must use
factory-authorized kits or accessories when modifying this
Read and follow all instructions and warnings, including labels
shipped with or attached to unit before operating your new air
The high wall fan coil unit provides quiet, maximum comfort. In
addition to cooling and/or heating, the high wall fan coil unit
matched with an outdoor condensing unit filters and dehumidifies
the air in the room to provide maximum comfort.
IMPORTANT: The high wall fan coil unit s hould be installed by
authorized personnel only; using approved tubing and accessories.
If technical assistance, service or repair is needed, contact the
The high wall fan coil unit can be set up and operated from the
remote control (provided). If the remote is misplaced, the system
can be operated from the “Auto” setting on the u nit.
Operating Modes:
The high wall fan coil unit has five operating modes:
• Fan only
• Auto
• Heating (heat pump models only)
• Cooling
• Dehumidification (DRY)
Fan Only
In Fan Only mode, the system filters and circulates the room air
without changing room air temperature.
In Auto mode, the system automatically cools or heat~ the room
according to the user-selected set point.
In Heat ing mode, the system heats and filters the room air.
In Cooling mode, the system cools, dries and filters the room air.
ehu i tier ion mode, the system dries, filters and slightly
s■1 a ir temperature. This mode prioritizes air
dehu midiucation but it does 1101 take the place of a dehumidifier.
Wireless Remote Control
The remote control transmits commands to set up and operate the
system. The control has a window display panel that displays the
current system status. The control can be secured to a surface when
used with the mounting bracket provided.
Wired Remote Control (Optional)
■ Indoor
■ Outdoor
1. Front panel
2. Air Inlet
3. Display
4. Air Filter
5. Horizontal airflow grille
6. Vertical air flow louver
7. Interconnecting tubing
8. Control and power wiring to indoor unit
9. Service valves
10. Remote control
11. Remote control bracket
12. Self-tapping screws
f ig. I – Indoor/Outdoor Unit
&UP ) ( S,t,NJ caE.CT)
( ft.NO IUClr,w) I.
. r-cu.GW”II)
Fig. 2 – Remote Controller
.,.. ..
Unit Display
:1:1: c.> C9
•l•I• DEFROST indicator
• • , Illuminates when the coil is wanning up to prevent
cold blow or when the unit goes into defrost mode.
OPERATION indicator
C) TI1is indicator Oashes once per second a fter power is
on and illuminates when the un it is in operation.
(9 TIMER indicator
Illuminates during TIMER operation
Fig. 3 – Display Panel
Mode display
Displays the current operation mode. lncludlng
auto( c:..J). cool( · dry( t), heat( ,lJ{Not
applicable to cooling ooly mode-is), fa.n( ~
and back to auto( c:..J).
TransmissiOn Indica tor
This trammlssk>n lndlCiltOt Ughts when remote
controller trMsmits signals to the indoof unit
ON/OFF d isplay
I ~—-~ Displayed by pressing the ON/OFF button. .,..__ Press the ON/OFF bu’Wn again to remove.
; A: Oc:..J SET~ O • ~ ~;;E~Gset.
8 f ~~ ER OFF display I DRY ‘ 7 ; L Displayed when TIMER OFF time is s,t. ;~ :T! v ….. ~ ………. —~ —-~ L ~~~~:~•:de< sleeping operation.
L !: ~•~ ··.:.i-:.::.· :··~ IL Press the SLEEP button again to remove.
FOLLOW ME Oisplay(oo some models}
Displayed when FOl.lOW ME function is activated.
Temp/Timer dlsp~
Displays the temperature setting{62 f -86 F-1. When
you 5et the operating mode to FAN, no temperature
setting is displayed. And ifin the TIMER mode, shows
the ON and OFF S<ttlngs ol lhe TIMER
‘——Fan speed display
Displays the selected ran speed, AUTO(no display)
and three fan speed levels· XO.{LOWJ • X►>>>
(MED) ” X ►>-a- {HIGH) can be ;nc1;cated.
The fan speed is AUTO when the operating mode is
either AUTO or ORY.
All indicatoo shown in the figure are fo, the purpose
of dear presentation. But during the actual operation
onty the relative ful’M:tional signs are shown on the
display window.
Fig. 4 – Unit Display
□ 0 ..
~ “‘- ‘\__ –
Fig. 5 – Remote Control
Fai lure to follow this caution may result in equipment
Handle the control with care and avoid getting the control
IMPORTANT: The remote control can operate the unit from a
distance of up to 25 ft. (7.6 m) as long as there arc no obstructions.
When the timer function is used, the remote control should be kept
in the vicinity of the fan coil (within 25 ft. / 7.6 m).
The remote control can perform the following b ·cf
• Turn the system ON and OFF
• Select operating mode
c1ions: an • Adjust room air temperature set point and fan speed
• Adjust airOow direction
Refer 10 the Remote Comrol F1111ctio11 section for a detailed
description of all 1hc capabilities of the remote con1rol.
Battery Installation
Two AAA l.5 v alkaline batteries (included) arc required for
operation of the remote control.
To install or replace batteries:
l. Slide the back cover off the control to open the battery
2. Insert batteries. Follow the polarity markings inside the
battery compartment.
3. Replace the battery compartment cover.
1. When replacing batteries, do not use old batteries or a
different type battery. This may cause the remote control to
2. If the remote is not going 10 be used for several weeks,
remove the batteries. Otherwise battery leakage may
damage the remote control.
3. The average baucry life under normal use is about 6
4. Replace the batteries when there is no audible beep from the
indoor unit or if the Transmission Indicator fai ls to light.
5. When batteries are removed, the remote control erases all
programmed settings. The control must be reprogrammed
aft er insert ion of new batteries.
Remote Control Operation – Quick Start
NOTE: When transmitting a command from the remote control to
the unit, be sure 10 point the control toward the right side of the
unit. The unit confirms receipt of a command by sounding an
audible beep.
l. Turn the unit on by pushing the ON/OFF button.
2. If there is a preference for °C rather than °F (default), press
and hold the increase @ and decrease &, temperature set
point buuons together for approximately 3 seconds.
3. Select the desired mode by push ing the mode button.
r:AUTo-. cooL- ORY-.:i-iEA'(-+FAN7
I Fig. 6 – Modes 54. S4)c,fffl\ temperature set point by pointing the control
1 tcf,aV e unit and pressing the increase/decrease
temperature set point buuons until the desired temperature
appears on screen.
5. Select the desired fan speed by pressing the FAN button.
NOTE: If the unit is operating in DRY or AUTO mode, the fan
speed will be automatically set.
6. Set the airflow direction. When the unit is turned on, the
louvers default to the cooling or heating position. The user
can adjust the horizontal louver position by pushing the
DIRECT button or have continuous louver movement by
pressing the SWl NG bunon.
Manual Operation
If the remote control is lost, damaged, or the baucrics arc
exhausted, the MANUAL bunon can be used to run the unit.
When the MANUAL button is pressed once, the AUTO mode
takes affect (heal or cool). When this button is pressed twice, the
system enters the TEST mode and runs for 30 minutes in the
COOLING mode (it will run in the AUTO mode afterward).
When pressed three times, the system turns OFF.

Fig. 7 – Manual Button
The set conditions of manual operation are as follows:
• Preset set point: 76°F (24 °C)
• Fan speed: AUTO
• Dischaige air direction: Pre- set position based on operation in
“Cool”or “Heat” mode.
Pressing the On/Off Button
When 1he air condi1ioner is no1 in operation, the remo1e con1rol
displays lhe lasl sel poinl and mode.
• Press lhe On/Off butlon 10 s1ar1 the uni I.
– The unit s1ar1s in the las1 operating mode and SCI
poinl. The ON/OFF indica1or appears.
• Press the buuon On/Off 10 slop lhe uni I.
– All 1he ind icalor lighls on 1he unil go oul, and the remole
control displays the se1 poin1 and mode.
NOTE: If 1he On/Off button is pressed 100 soon afler a slop, lhe
compressor will no1 Slarl for 3 to 4 minutes due 10 the inherent
protection against frequent compressor cycling. The uni1 only
emi1s an audible beep when 1he signals arc received correc1ly.
Selecting an Operating Mode
Use the Opera1ing Mode but1on to select one or the available
Fig. 8 – Display
Setting the Room Temperature Set Point
Press 1he increase temperatu re set point@ and decrease$ buuons
10 raise or lower 1he 1empera1Ure.
The unit confirms lhe signal receipt with a beeM aon 1he se1 1empera1ure appears on 1he displ· n .tTI e
accordingly. The 1emperature can be set between 2°F 7 , n
86°F (30°C) in incremen1s of I °For I •c.
NOTE: In the Cooling mode, if 1he 1empcra1urc selcc1cd is higher
1han 1he room 1cmpcraturc, 1he uni1 will not starl. The same applies
for the Heating mode if the selecled temperature is lower than lhe
room 1emperaru re.
Selecting the Fan Speed
rAUTO LOW MED – • HIGH] A14362
Fig. 9 – Fan Speeds
The fan speed can be selec1ed by pressing the FAN bullon.
NOTE: When lhe unit is on, 1he fan runs conlinuously in cooling
or healing. When in healing, 1hcre might be si1ua1ions where 1he
fan will s low down or shu1 off 10 prevcn1 cold blow.
Selecting the Horizontal Direction Louver Position
To op1imize comfort, the horizontal louver opera1es in a preset
range as shown in the figure below.
Fig. 10 – Louver Position
The horizontal louvers (Vertical Swing) can be adjusted by
pressing the DIRECT button in the remote control and can be set
10 be sta1ionary or moving con1inuously pressing 1he SWING
button. The horizontal louver posil ion is s1ored in 1he settings,
however it is deac1i va1cd when the TURBO or MANUAL settings
are set, or when a power interruption takes place.
Air Direction
Press 1hc OffiECT button repeatedly 10 choose one of 1hc louver
positions. Every lime 1his buuon is pushed, the specific louver
swings by 6 degrees.
In the Cooling, Dehumidification, and Fan Only modes, the louver
swings in lhe cooling range. In the Healing mode, lhe louver
swings in 1he healing range.
NOTE: Always use lhe remole control lo adjusl lhe horizonlal
louver position, 01hcrwise abnormal operalion may occur. If 1he
horizontal louver is manually adjusted oul of its range, power 1he
unit off and 1hen back on again.
Auto Swing
For au1oma1ic horizon1al louver swing, push 1he SWING bunon.
Selecting Vertical Direction of the Louver
The vertical louvers can be adjusted manually 10 direc1 1he airtlow
to achieve optimal comfort in the space .

I –
Timer f unction
I- ~~ ” ~
Fig. 11 – Louver
ER i~art lhe unil) and TIMER OFF (to slop 1he unit)
be u ·ep a1ely or 1ogether. • Timer ON only
This func1ion allows the uni t 10 siart automa1ically al the sci time.
The TIMER ON can be set whi le the unit is on or off.
a. Pres.5 the TIMER ON@ buuon 10 ini1ia1e 1he au10-on 1ime
sequence. The set time is displayed in 1he rcmo1e con1rol
display. Every 1ime 1he TIMER ON bunon is pressed, 1hc
time increases by 30 minu1es, up 10 10 h. II increases by 60
minutes, afterwards, until 1hc time scuing reaches 24 h.
b. When 1he TIMER ON is set, 1he TIMER light on unit
illumina1es. The unil continues to run al lhe set time.
a. Sci 1he 1imer described in 1he UNIT ON scc1ion.
b. The unil SlarlS a11he SCI lime.
Adjust the TIMER ON seuings to 0.0 10 cancel 1his oplion.
Timer OFF only
This funclion allows lhe unit 10 s lop automalically at 1he sel lime.
The timer can be set while lhe unit is on or while it is off.
a. Press the TIMER OFF® buuon 10 initiate the au10-off time
sequence. The sel time appears on the remote control display.
Every time lhe TIMER OFF button L5 pressed, the time
increases by 30 minutes, up 10 10 h. h increases by 60
minutes, afterwards, un1il the 1ime settings reach 24 h.
b. When the TIMER OFF is set, 1he timer light on the uni1
illuminates and the unit turns off automatically a1 the SCI time.
a. Set the TIMER off as described in the UNIT ON sect ion.
The TIMER display on the unil illuminates and the unit
remains off.
b. Adjust the TIMER ON sellings to 0.010 cancel this option.
Timer ON and Timer OFF
Use both functions to progmm the unit to turn on and shut off at
speci fied times.
a. Set TIMER ON as previously described.
b. Set TIMER OFF as previously described. The unit starts
automatically al the set TIME ON and turns off at the set
a. Set TIME OFF as previously described.
b. Set TIME ON as previously described. The unit turns off
automatically at the set TIME OFF and turns on at the set
Sleep Mode
SLEEP mode is used to conserve energy and can be used when the
unit is in the COOL, HEAT or AUTO mode only.
Cool Mode
a. Push the SLEEP button. After I hour die set point mises by
I .8°F ( I 0 C). After another hour, the set point raL5e5 by
another I .8°F (I 0 C) and die fan runs in a low speed. The
unit shut5 off 5 hours after scning the SLEEP mode. The
SLEEP mode cancels if either the “Mode”, “TEMP”, “Fan”,
“Timer”, or “On/Oil” bunons on the remote control is
Heal Mode
Same as cool ing mode however set points are ,
(1 •q .
Turbo Mode
Use the TURBO mode 10 cool or heat the room rapidly.
a. Press the TURBO button. An audible “beep” is heard if die
indoor unit supports this function. The fan runs on super high
speed. The TURBO mode tem1inates automatically 20
minutes after pushing the Turbo mode button. It can be
tenninated immediately by selecting the Turbo mode again.
When the Turbo mode is terminated, the unit reverts to the
orig.inal setting.
Self Clean Mode
Press the “Self Clean” button to activate or deactivate the
self-cleaning function. Under this function, the air conditioner
automatically cleans and dries the evapomtor. The cle-<111ing cycle
takes 30 minutes, after which the unit rums off automatically.
Pressing the SLC button on the middle of the cycle cancels the
operation and tum off the unit. This function can be activated only
on COOL or DRY mode.
Follow Me Mode
Press the “Follow Me” buuon 10 activate or deactivate this
function. Under this scning, the temperature that appears in the
remote control is the actual temperature at its location. The remote
control sends this signal to the air conditioner every 3 minutes.
This function is not available for DRY and FAN modes.
Freeze Protection Mode
Press the “FP” bunon for approximately 2 seconds to activate or
deactivate the freeze protect ion mode (heating set back). The
indoor unit displays “FP”.
NOTE: This function is only available in the heating mode.
Under this function, the unit operates at high fan speed and the coil
temperature automatically sets to 46°F (8°C). This mode can also
be deactivated by pressing the “On/Of:f’, “Sleep”, “Mode”, “Fan”,
or either “TEMP” buuons.
Silence Mode
Press the SLC buuon 10 activmc of deactivmc the Silence Mode.
Under this function, the compressor operates at low frequency and the
indoor unit produoes a faint breeze, which reduoes the noise to the
lowest level. Due 10 low the frequency operation of the compressor,
it may result in insufficient cooLing and heating capacity.
LED Light
Press the LED buuon to turn the display light on and off.
Reset.Hog the Remote Control
e batJnA he remote control arc removed, the current settings
~ c-,t~nd die control returns to the initial settings and will
n standby mode. Push the ON/OFF button to activate it.
Time Delay
If the On/Off button is pressed too soon after a stop, the
compressor will not start for 3 to 4 minutes due 10 the inherent
protection against frequent compressor cycling. The unit only
emits an audible beep when the signals are received correctly.
Heating Features
If the unit is in the heating mode, there is a delay when the fan
starts. The fan starts only after the coil is warmed up to prevent
cold blow.
Auto Defrost Operation
In heating mode, if the outdoor coil is frosted, the indoor fan and
outdoor fan turns off while the system removes the frost on the
outdoor coil. The system automat ic,illy reverts to normal operation
when frost is removed from the outdoor unit.
Auto Start
If the power fails while the unit is operating, the unit stores the
operating condition, and it will start operat ion automat ically under
those conditions when the power is restored.
Fai lure to follow this caution may resull in personal injury
or death.
Always turn off power 10 1he system before performing any
cleaning or maintenance lo lhe system. Turn off the outdoor
disconnect switch localed near outdoor unit. Be sure 10
disconnect indoor uni I if on a separate switch
Fai lure lo follow this caution may result in equ ipment
damage or improper unit operation.
Operating the system with dirty air filters may damage 1he
indoor unit and could cause reduced cooling performance,
i n1ermit1en1 system operation, fros! build-up on indoor coil
or blown fuses.
Periodic Maintenance
Periodic maintenance is recommended 10 ensure proper operation
of lhe unit. Recommended maintenance intervals may vary
depending on the installation environment, e.g., dusty zones, etc.
Refer co Table l.
Fai lure to follow this caution may resuh in personal in ·ury.
The coi.1 fins are very sharp. Use caution when
Always wear safety protection.
Cleaning the Coil
Clean the coil al the beginning of each cool ing season, or when
necessary. Use a vacuum cleaner or a long- bristle brush 10 avoid
damage to 1he coil fins.
Air Filters
Remove and clean the air filters once a month.
NOTE: If air fillers show s igns of excessive wear or are 1on1, I hey
musl be replaced. Contact your local dealer for replacement fillers.
I. Open front panel on unit.
2. Pull filters down 10 remove.
3. Vacuum fillers.
4. Clean with warm water.
5. Shake fi lter 10 remove excess water and dry thoroughly.
6. Replace fi lter by sl iding into rack until fi lter snaps in place.
7. Close front panel on unit.
Fai lure lo follow this caul ion may resull in equipmenl
When cleaning 1he fronl panel, do not use waler honer 1han
105° F (40.6°C) and do nol pour waler onto 1he fan coil. Do
nol use abrasive or petroleum based cleaners as !hey may
damage the Cron! panel.
Indoor Unit Front Panel
To clean the front panel on the indoor unit, wipe 1he outs ide with
a soft, dry cloth.
Preparing for Extended Shutdown Period
Clean 1he filters and reposition them in the unit. Operate 1he unit
in Fan only mode for 12 hours 10 dry all internal par1s.
Turn main power supply off and remove baneries from lhe remo1c
System Operation Recommendations
The i1ems ou1li ned in the following l is1 help 10 assure proper
syslem operalion:
• Replace bolh remote eon1rol bancries al the same lime.
• Point the remole conlrol loward 1he unit display panel when
transmitting a command.
• Keep doors and windows closed while unit is operating.
• Con1ac1 an au1horized service represen1ativc if a problem arises
1ha1 canno1 be easily resolved.
• Do no1 perform c leaning or maintenance ac1ivi1ies while 1he
uni! is on.
• Keep 1he display panel on lhe unit away from direct s un lighl
and heal as 1his may interfere wi1h remo1e con1rol
transm issions.
• Do not block air intakes and ou1le1s on lhe indoor or ou1door
Energy Saving Recommendations
The following recommendalions will add grealer efficiency to 1he
ductless system:
• SclC’if comforlablc 1hcrmos1a1 scning and leave ii al chosen
Sse11i1·a d conlinually raising and lowering lhc setting.
Kee t fi er clean. Frequent cleaning may be necessary
d~ e din n indoor air quality.
• Use drapes, curtains or s hades lo keep dirccl sun lighl from
healing the room on very ho1 days.
• limil 1he unit’s run l ime by using the T IMER func1ion.
• Do nol obs1ruc1 the air intake on 1he fron1 panel.
• Turn on 1he air conditioning un i1 before 1he indoor air becomes
100 uncomforlable.
Refer 10 Table 2 before con1ac1ing your local dealer.
Table I-Periodic Maintenance
Clean Air Filter•
Replace Carbon Filter
Change Remote Control Batteries
• •
Clean Outdoor Coil from Outside
Clean Outdoor Coil from lnsidet
Blow Air Over Electric Partst
Check Electric Connection Tighteningt
Clean Fan Wheelt
Check Fan Tighteningt
Clean Drain Panst
• Increase frequency in dusty zones,
t Maintenance to be carried out by qualified service personnel. Refer 10 the Installation Manual
Unit/System Does Not Work
Cooling Is Not Working
Healing is Not Working
Unit Stops During Operation
Table 2-Troubleshooting
• The circuit breaker has tripped or a fuse
has blown.
• Power failure.
• Diagnostic lights illuminate.•
• Voltage is too low.
• The filter is blocked with dust.
• Temperature is not set properly.
• A window or door is open.
• The outdoor unit is obstructed.
• The fan speed is too low.
• The operation mode is in Fan instead of
• The filter is blocked with dust.
• Temperature is set too low.
• A window or door is open.
• The outdoor unit is obstructed.
• The Off timer is not operating correctly.
• Diagnostic lights illuminate.•
• Diagnostic lights are a combination of lights that wm i


• Reset the circuit breaker or replace the fuse with
the specified replacement fuse.
• Restart operation when the power is restored.
• Call your service representative.
• Call your service representative.
• Clean the air filter.
• Check the temperature and reset if necessary.
• Close the window or door.
• Remove the obstruction.
• Change the fan speed selection.
• Change the operating mode to Cool or reset the
• Clean the air filter.
• Check the temperature and reset if necessary.
• Close the window or door.
• Remove the obstruction.
• Restart the operating mode.
• Call your service representative.
Copyright 2016 earner Corporation • 7310 w. Monis St. • lndlanaipolls, IN 46231 Edition Date: 01/16 Catalog No: OM-40MA-04
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any lime, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations. Replaces: OM38-40MA-OO

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