RENNSTALL MOTO RMC-011000 Triumph Speed Twin 1200 Complete Body Kit Instruction Manual
- June 4, 2024
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RENNSTALL MOTO RMC-011000 Triumph Speed Twin 1200 Complete Body Kit
Instruction Manual
Version: 1
Date: 21.03.2022
Read and save this manual for future reference. Before attempting to assemble,
install, operate the products, please ensure a complete understanding of the
instructions and any other documents related to the products, including but
not limited to a provided disclaimer. Failure to comply with instructions in
this manual could result in serious injury, death and/or property damage. This
manual is subject to change without notice.
Important note
Products of Rennstall Moto or any of its affiliates (collectively, “Rennstall”) are sold “AS IS” without any express or implied warranties. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Rennstall disclaims any and all warranties. Installation or usage of Rennstall’s products may affect warranties of utilized vehicles, such as motorcycles. ANY BUYER OR USER OF PRODUCTS OF RENNSTALL EXPRESSLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES ANY AND ALL RISKS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DEATH, DISABILITY, AND/OR SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY, RELATED TO THE INSTALLATION OR USAGE OF SUCH PRODUCTS BY BUYER, USER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. Under no circumstances are Rennstall’s products to be used on public roads or any other streets, highways, or off-road areas. Rennstall’s products are solely intended for use on vehicles operated on closed-course facilities, show events or racetracks, each with appropriate supervision of qualified individuals to ensure safety of all involved parties. Always use caution when installing or using Rennstall’s products, adhere to all instructions, only utilize provided hardware or tools, and do not modify or otherwise alter the products. Prior to any usage of Rennstall’s products, a buyer or user shall inspect and verify the integrity of the entire vehicle upon which such products are mounted, installed, or otherwise attached. Vehicles are to be inspected before each use for evidence of damage, defect, or wear to ensure the vehicle is fit and ready for operation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, buyer or user shall specifically inspect all bolts after each usage in excess of Two Hundred (200) kilometers or One Hundred Twenty-Five (125) miles. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory whether in tort, contract, or otherwise shall Rennstall or its employees, agents, representatives, successors, or assigns, be liable to a buyer, user or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind arising out of or relating to the installation or usage of the products, even if Rennstall has been informed of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
Part Number: RMC-011100
Time: <1h
Preparation: Remove the original seat
- Remove the forward two M6 bolts on the underside of the rear fender. Fig.2
- Interlock the C-shaped mounting bracket on the underside of the tail with the tube-shaped part on the tank. Fig.3
- Use the two M6 bolts to fix the tail in place. Torque down to 12Nm (8.9 ft·lb). Fig.4
In the case of difficulties threading the bolt, the two sleeves can be moved
forward and backward by approx. 7mm thanks to a long hole in the frame. Fig.5
Pictures shown are with a Raisch Heck Weck tail tidy, our recommendation for a
puristic cafe racer look. Always store the included tool inside the right-hand
side cover in case you need to remove the tail while you are on the road!
Front Fairing (Fig.1)
Part Number: RMC-011200
Time: approx. 1h
Preparation: Remember headlight height/position.
(Tip: Switch the headlight on and mark the border between light and dark
on the wall with a piece of tape.)
Remove the two M8 bolts either side of the headlight. Be careful the headlight doesn‘t drop down. Fig.2
Position the cylindrical spacers on the outside of the headlight brackets, the side with the smaller diameter pointing towards the headlight (possibly already pre-assembled inside the fairing). (Tip: Hold spacers in place with some sealant or modeling clay.) Fig.3
Fit the fairing and put the headlight back into position. Loosely insert the two new TX M8 bolts and countersunk washers. Do not yet tighten. Adjust the headlight height according to the marking on the wall you made earlier. Now torque down the two TX M8 bolts to 18Nm
(13.3 ft·lb). Fig.1 -
Insert the cylindrical part of the “anti twist bracket“ into the underside of the head tube. Use the long hole on the bracket and torque the bolt down to 6Nm (4.4 ft·lb). The bracket can be positioned and bent into shape to achieve the desired angle of the fairing (depending on the type of handlebar and height of fairing in relation to triple trees).
Fix the other side to the inside of the fairing using the TX M6 bolt, countersunk washer and tooth nut. Torque down to 8Nm (5.9 ft·lb). Fig.4
Belly Pan
Part Number: RMC-010300
Time: <1h
Preparation: None
- Mount the two spacers to the latches on the bottom of the frame using the two tin nuts (do not yet tighten since some fine adjustment might be needed). àFig.1
- Place the two large M6 washers between the belly pan and the spacers mounted to the frame. àFig.1 (Recommendation: Fixate the washers with some sealant or modeling clay).
- Loosen the top radiator mount. Do not remove the bolt completely! àFig.2 Push the radiator upwards about 5mm (3/16“) until you get a gap between the radiator and its bottom mounting points on the frame (blue arrow). àFig.3
- Mount the two stainless steel brackets to the bottom radiator mounts on the frame by sliding them in the created gap and pushing them outwards from the inside. You might need to turn them slightly. àFig.4 Slide the radiator down and keep pushing it down while tightening the top radiator mount. Torque down to 10Nm (7.4 ft·lb).
- Put belly pan into place and insert the bottom two TX M6 bolts plus countersunk washers. Do not yet tighten. Insert the two TX M6 bolts plus countersunk washers at the top and thread them into the tin nuts. Torque down to 8Nm (5.9 ft·lb). Now torque down the bottom two bolts to 8Nm (5.9 ft·lb).
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