Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

Instructions for useNilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure
Cleaner 107309173 F (02. 2022)

SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner

Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner -
figNilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold
Pressure Cleaner - fig 1Nilfisk SC
Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner - fig 2Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner - fig

Operating Instructions

This high pressure washer has been developed for professional use within:
– agriculture, light industry, transport, building and construction, service
Only use the high pressure washer for purposes described in this manual.
Regarding the following sections:
A – Installation
B – Operation
C – Maintenance please refer to pictures in front of the manual.

A – Installation

Before starting
The SC DELTA is a fl exible pump station capable of supplying several simultaneous users with pressurized cold / hot water through a pipeline. The SC DELTA has been  pre-adjusted for a certain line pressure which is also the maximum working pressure.

Operating elements:

  1. Water connection with fi lter
    1.a Hot (option)

  2. Main switch

  3. Display

  4. Connection of pipe system

  5. Electric cable, mounting

  6. Adjustable feet (m12)

  7. Cabinet

  8. E-box

  9. Type plate

  10. Inspection plug, water tank

  11. Filter, water tank

A.1 Temperature conditions
The machine should be installed in a frost-free room. This applies to pump as well as pipelines incl. of outlet points.
Con cern ing outdoor outlet points it should be possible to close and emp ty that part of the line which is exposed to frost.
The machine generates heat. Please ensure suffi cient ventilation so that the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C.
1 pump generates around 1 kW heat – 6 pumps 6 kW.

A.2 Condition of distance
In consideration of the cooling system of the machine and the accessibility of service, there must be free wall space on both sides of the machine. To the right 200 mm at a min i mum and to the left 400 mm at a min i mum.
For service there must be at least 1000 mm in front of the machine and 500 mm above the machine.

A.3 Water connection
The water connection is made through a fl exible hose connected to the water inlet(s) (1) of the machine.
The connection can be made to a water supply network or an internal water sup ply. A shut-off cock should be mounted on the water supply network in the immediate vicini  ty of the ma chine.
Max. water pressure: 10 bar
Min. water pressure: 2 bar
Max. water inlet temp.: See label on machine by the water inlet.
See A.3.1 for dimensions.
On the back side of the machine there are 2 hoses attached to the water tank. These are overfl ow hoses in case of a malfunction in the water tank.
The two hoses must not be blocked.
If there is a risk of running sands or other impurities in the inlet water, a sand fi lter (50 micron) should be mounted beyond the internal fi lter of the machine (for further  connection data see section Tech ni cal Specifi cations).
Clean the water inlet fi lter once a month or as needed. See C.2.
Note: If option/accessory cold/hot inlet mix is mounted, the temperature out of the machine cannot be lower than the temperature on the cold inlet (blue point) on the machine.

A.4 Mains power connection
The power system of the SC DELTA is designed in conformity with the common European standard:
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009: Electrical equipment of machines, Part 1: General requirements.
Power should be connected through a fl exible rubber cable holding copper conductors for 3 phases and earth (PE). The minimum dimensions of the cable are determined  by the power consumption of the current system (cf. data sheet), but common to all systems is the following:

Max pre-fuse:   125 A
Max core section of cable: 35 mm
Min core section of cable: 25 mm

A.4.1 Installation of the main power supply
• Installation of the machine should be carried out by authorized engineer Equipment to protect the user against electrical shock, should be installed and designed to fulfi l  the authority requirement for the actual location of the machine, this protection can be done with fuses or Residual Current Device.
Note: High leakage current because of inverter.
The power supply cable, minimum 4G25mm², must be connected to the machine through the cable gland in the back of the E-box (1).
The wires L1 – L2 – L3 are connected to the main switch –S1, connection points 2 – 4 – 6 on the switch, Earth wire is connected to the main earth terminal placed next to  the main switch.

A.4.2 First activation of the main switch with con nected main power supply
Before the main switch is turned on, open the E-box and check the below points.

Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner - fig

SC DELTA control system

  • Measure the level of the input voltage and compare it to the machine specifi cations.
  • Turn on the circuit breakers -F1, -F2 and -F3.
  • Turn on the overload protection units for the MPU´s and the frequency inverter -F4 to -F10.
  • Close the E-box and turn the two locks to locked position by using the supplied key.

A.5 High pressure connection
IMPORTANT: When connecting to a pipeline always use the fl exible hose connection from the outlet of the machine.
The outlet of the machine can be connected to a pipeline with fi xed outlet points.
The pump station and outlet points should be placed so that the lines become as short as possible.

  • The line should be arranged with as few bends as possible.
  • Sometimes it may pay to split the line close to the pump station so the lengths conducting large volumes of water become as short as possible. A centre location of the  pump station in relation to the outlet points would also lead to smaller pipe dimensions.
  • Pipe lines should be placed on walls of tile or concrete, otherwise great care should be taken (reinforcement plates etc.)
  • Pipe lines should be placed so that damage is prevented (collision, frost, extreme attacks of corrosion, etc.)
  • Pipe lines should be fi tted in a visual location everywhere or so that they may easily be inspected. Lines should not be incorporated in walls or fl oors. When leading  through walls be careful not to enclosed. (Special lead-in bushes are available)
  • The outlet points should be placed as close to the operation point as possible and so that a hose length preferably of 20 m is used.

It is recommended to let a service tech ni cian authorized by Nilfi sk prepare the pipeline.

A.6 Venting
Start the machine and open all high pressure cocks on the pipeline until all air has escaped. Start with the re motest high pressure cock.
Please note that the cock should be closed for a short time before opening it again. The latter is done in order to prevent the leakage stop from being activated when venting long pipelines.
Note! The machine may be protected with an antifreeze from the factory. If antifreeze in the machine – catch the fi rst litres until the fl uid is clear water. Collect the water in a container for re-use.

B.1 Connections
B.1.1 High pressure hose on pipe system
The Nilfi sk high pressure hose with imprinted max. working pressure and temperature should be attached to the outlet connection of the pipe system by the quick coupling (1).
Danger of scalding!
Never dismount high pressure hoses at water temperatures above 50°C.
IMPORTANT: Prior to dismounting of the high pressure hose the machine should be stopped and the shut-off cock closed.
Then activate the trigger of the spray handle to relieve the high pres sure hose of pressure.

B.1.2 Spray handle – accessories

  1. Pull forward the quick coupling trigger (1) of the spray handle.
  2. Insert the nipple of the spray lance (2) in the quick coupling and release the trigger.
  3. Pull forward the spray lance or any other accessory to ensure correct mounting before starting the machine.
    NOTE! Clean nipple of any impurities each time the spray lance has been dismounted.

B.1.3 Application of detergents (external, only 160 bar machines)
If you want to apply detergents or disinfectants these should be dosed to the water through an injector. In conjunction with the injector it may be ad van ta geous to use a wall  rack on which spray lances, 2 pcs. of 25 l containers as well as 10 m high pressure hose can be placed.
Below you will fi nd various types of outlet points with injectors.

  1. Outlet point with detachable injector
    To be attached to the quick coupling of the high pressure cock.
    To be used for dosing of low-foaming detergents or disinfectants.
    Dosage 1-8%.

  2. Outlet point with detachable foam injector
    To be attached to the quick coupling of the high pressure cock.
    To be used in conjunction with foam lance for application of high-foaming de ter gents or disinfectants.
    Dosage 1-5%.

  3. Outlet point with cleaning trolley and foam injector
    To be attached to the quick coupling of the high pressure cock.
    To be used in the same way as “Outlet point with detachable foam injector”.
    Makes it possible to place 4 spray lances, 2 pcs. of 25 l containers as well as 20 m high pressure hose.

B.2 Start
B.2.1 First activation of the main switch with connected main power supply
By turning the main switch to ON position the control system will start the self-validation procedure and start up the display, please note that there is a start-up delay on the display.
In the self-validation mode, the water tank is fi lled up with water and all the protection circuits are checked. The green circle around the start button will fl ash.
If the water tank is not fi lled up in 4 minutes, the system will stop and the water supply needs to be checked. The water level in the water tank is shown on the display.
When the water tank is fi lled with water and the system is ready to start, the green circle will stop fl ashing.

B.2.2 Start/stop
Press the start button on the display (FIG.1 #3) and the green circle around the button will light up.
Press the stop button on the display (FIG.1 #4) and the machine will stop and turn the green circle off .
When the start button is activated the machine will start up Motor Pump Unit (MPU) to reach the wanted pressure, it is shown on the display which MPU that is activated,  the specifi c MPU-symbol (FIG.1 #8) lights up green. MPU´s will automatically be turned on/off when output water fl ow is changed, and the frequency inverter will adjust  the line pressure to the selected pressure. Actual line pressure is shown on the display (FIG.1 #2).

B.2.3 Line pressure adjustment
The line pressure from the machine can be adjusted. To adjust the pressure, push on the pressure value by the pressure adjustment tab on the display (FIG.1 #13) for 20 sec.  then use the +/- tab to adjust to the wanted pressure and press OK to save the value or press cancel to undo the change.
NOTE: If the pressure change is permanent, adjustment of the mechanic bypass valve is necessary.

B.2.4 Water tank
The water level will automatically be maintained by the control system, the inlet valve symbol will light up blue on the display when the inlet valve is activated.
The actual water temperature is shown on the display (FIG.1 #1).
If the Cold/Hot option is mounted on the machine the water temperature is adjusted to the selected temperature, two valves are shown on the display, one for Cold inlet  water and one for Hot inlet water, when the Cold valve is activated it lights up blue and when the hot valve is activated it lights up red. To adjust the temperature, push on the  temperature value by the temperature adjustment tab on the display (FIG.1 #12) for 10 sec. and use the +/- tab to adjust to the wanted temperature and press OK to save the  value or press cancel to undo the change.

B.2.5 Bypass system
When the output water fl ow is reduced, the bypass system will activate. When the bypass system is activated, the water will return to the water tank, the actually volume is  shown on the display (FIG.1 #14), the bar light up and show the water volume, if 1/3 of the bar is blue on a 6 MPU machine, the water from two MPU´s is returning to the  water tank. If more than one pump is active all the redundant pumps will stop after 8 seconds, if the outlet is completely closed the last pump will stop after 20 sec.
The machine is still active and starts up again when the line pressure drops below the start pressure.

B.2.6 Errors and warnings.
There are two types of failures in the control system on the machine:

  • Error: Inverter error, Critical water level, All MPU deactivated, Inlet water fl ow low, low output pressure, High temperature water tank, remote or display communication failure. These errors will stop the machine immediately because it is critical for the machine or connected systems.
  • Warnings: MPU oil level low, MPU thermic high temp, MPU overload protection activated, abnormal water level in water tank, Slave #1 or #2 communication failure.  These warnings won´t stop the machine.

The actual warning will be shown on the Display, to reset press the aff ected MPU or the water tank where the warning is active and the system will validate that the warnings  is gone and set the system to normal status again. The reset is done without stopping the machine totally.

B.2.7 Display

Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner - fig
5 FIG. 1

Symbol Ref # Function Signal Action
1 –   Actual water temp.
–   Reset water temp. error Red – water temperature error – Check inlet

water tempera- ture – if OK, contact Service
| 2| –   Actual line pressure
–   Reset output pressure low limit (option)| Red – output pressure low limit error (option)| –   Check water flow
–   Check available pumps
| 3| – Start machine| Flash green – control system in self-validation mode.
Green – machine active|
| 4| –   Stop machine
–   Reset warning / error| Flash red – system warning| Check below points:
–   MPU oil level
–   MPU internal heat sensor
–   MPU overload protection
–   WBT below normal level
| | Red – system error| –   Inverter failure
–   Water level error
| 5| | Red – actual MPU# temperature warning| – Check air intake MPU
| 6| | Red – oil level low actual MPU#| – Check oil level
Symbol| Ref #| Function| Signal| Action


| 7| | Red – overload protection acti- vated for actual MPU#| – Check power supply


| 8| –   Reset warning on actual MPU
–   Hour counter actual MPU| Flash red – MPU deactivated on the overload protection unit Green – MPU activated Highlighted square when reset is possible| – Before reset please make sure that the problem is solved


| 9| | Flash red – warning on inverter MPU (oil, temp., overload) Red – inverter failure| –   Check MPU where the failure is down
–   Contact service
| 10| – Service functions| Flash blue – 20 hours or less to next service
Blue – service needed| – Contact service

Water tank

| 11| – Reset low water level warning| Water tank square symbol: Blue – normal water level Yellow – warning water level Red – Critical water level Water inlet Valves:
Blue – Cold water inlet open Red – Hot water inlet open| –   Check water supply
–   Check water filter
–   Check water supply
–   Check water filter


| 12| –   Adjust water tank tempera- ture
–   Press the value (60°C) for 10 sec. to open the adjustment window (option/accessory)| |


| 13| –   Adjust the line pressure.
–   Press the value (100) for 20 sec. to open the adjustment window| |
Backflow bar| 14| | Blue – the bar will be coloured to show the amount of water that flows back to the water brake tank. If 1/3 of the bar is blue on a 6 MPU machine, it means that 2 MPUs are bypassing water.|


| 15| | Red – failure on the 1. Slave machine. Only with master/ slave machines| –   Check the UI Display on the
1.  Slave machine to see the actual failure


| 16| | Red – failure on the 2. Slave machine. Only with master/ slave machines| – Check the UI Display on the 2. Slave machine to see the actual failure

B.3 Operation – automatic start/stop
Always hold the spray lance with both hands!
The machine is automatically activated when the trigger (1) of the spray handle is activated.
When the trigger is released, the machine automatically stops after 20 seconds.
When the machine is not in use, the trigger should be locked with locking device (2).

B.4 Stop
Danger of scalding!
Never detach high pressure hoses at a water temperature above 50°C.

Never detach the high pressure hose while the machine is in operation.
1. To stop the machine, push the red stop button (#4) and turn the main switch (2) to position – 0 -.

B.5 Frost protection
The machine should be installed in a frost-free room. This applies to pump as well as pipelines incl. of outlet points.
Concerning outdoor outlet points it should be possible to empty that part of the line which is exposed to frost.
IMPORTANT: For safety reasons, hoses, spray lances and other accessories should always be thawed prior to use.


It applies to the most exposed components that a minimum of maintenance ensures a prolonged and prob lem-free operation.
Therefore it will be a good idea to make a habit of the following:

Maintenance Schedule

| Weekly| After the first 50 operating hours| Every six months or 500 operating hours| As required
Checking pump oil level| | | |
Changing pump oil| | | |
Cleaning water filter| | | |

Prior to attaching the water hose and the high pressure hose, the quick couplings should be cleaned of dust and sand.
Prior to attaching the spray lance or other accessories to the spray handle, the machine should be started and the quick coupling cleaned of dust and sand.

C.1 Oil
Check the oil level in the oil glas.
If the oil level gets too low, the pump will automatically shut down and #6 will light up.
In the case of repeated low oil level (oil waste) please contact a Nilfi sk service technician.
Waste oil and oil sludge must be removed as laid down in the instructions.

C.2 Water fi lter
To avoid debris entering the high pressure pump, a water fi lter (fi ne) is fi tted at the wa ter inlet. Dependent on the purity of the water, this fi l ter will have to be cleaned at regular in ter vals.
The fi lter can be removed when the plug (pos. 1) has been un screwed.
There is also a fi lter in the tank (pos. 11). This fi lter can be removed by dismounting the two screws (torx 20).
Pull the fi lter up and out of the water tank. Clean the fi lter and remount it.

C.3 Cleaning of high pressure nozzle
A clogging up in the nozzle causes bad cleaning, and a cleaning of the nozzle is immediately required.

  1. Stop the machine and detach the spray lance.

  2. Clean the nozzle.
    IMPORTANT: ONLY use the cleaning tool when the spray lance is detached.

  3. Flush the spray lance backwards with water.

  4. If the pressure is still too high, repeat items 1-3.

C.4 Disposable waste
This high pressure washer consists of parts which can aff ect the environment when thrown away. Parts that can pollute are as follows:
Oil, painted/zinc-coated parts, plastics/plastic-coated parts.
Therefore, it is important to follow the laws concerning the removal of polluting and dangerous materials when replacing spare parts or disposing of high pressure washer.
It is recommended that you bring the rejected parts to waste disposal areas or recycling plants that are approved for the destruction of these types of materials.


You have chosen the best quality and therefore deserve the best service. To avoid unnecessary dis ap point ments, you should check the following before contacting the nearest Nilfi sk service organisation:

Symptom Reason Action
Machine/pump will not start A fuse has blown

  Power/plug not connected
  Thermal switches in motor activated (red lamp flashes) #5
  Thermal relay switched off (red lamp flashes) #5
  Oil shortage in pump| •   Change the fuse.
•   Connect power/plug.
•   Let the motor cool. Start the machine and check that the working pressure is not too high and that the mains voltage corresponds to the specifications.
•   Refill with oil.
Fuses blow| >  Installation does not correspond to the ampere consumption of the machine| •   Change to an installation corresponding to the ampere consumption of the ma- chine at a minimum. Replace the fuse.
Working pressure too low| Nozzle worn
  Wrong spray lance
  Too many users on the system
  Reduction valve of spray lance not adjusted to max. pressure.
  Nozzle partly clogged up| •   Replace the nozzle.
•   Replace the spray lance.
•   Turn reduction valve completely counter- clockwise.
•   Clean the nozzle (see section C.3).
Working pressure not steady| Water temperature too high
  Insufficient water supply to pumps
  Air in the system
  Water filters clogged up| •   Lower the temperature of the inlet water to max. temperature ( see Technical Specifications ).
•   Check water inlet filter + filter in water tank. If that does not solve the problem, the water supply for the machine is insufficient.
•   Vent the system (see section A.7).
•   Clean filters (see sect. C.2)
No working pressure| Nozzle clogged up
  No inlet water
  High pressure cock of outlet point open.| •   Clean nozzle (see sect. D.3)
•   Check that the shut off cock of the wa- ter inlet is open. Check that the water supply meets the requirements (see section A.4)
•   Close all high pressure cocks not in use.
Machine/pumps start and stop| >  Leaky hose/ pipeline/spray handle| • Repair leak.
Pump stops| >  Oil shortage in pump. Lamp flashes #6| •   Top up with oil.

Should other malfunctions occur than those mentioned above, please contact your nearest Nilfi sk service organisation.
Machine failure – see B2.6 and B2.7.


Your Nilfi sk product is guaranteed for 12 months from date of purchase (purchase receipt must be presented) on the following conditions:

  • that defects are attributable to fl aws or defects in materials or workmanship. (Usual wear and tear as well as misuse are not covered by the guarantee).
  • that repairs have not been carried out or attempted by other than Nilfi sk-trained service staff .
  • that only original accessories have been applied.
  • that the product has not been exposed to abuse such as knocks, bumps or frost.
  • that the instructions in the manual have been carefully observed.
    A warranty repair comprises the replacement of defective parts, but it does not cover freight and packaging charges.
    Besides we refer to national Sale of Goods Act.
    Any illegitimate guarantee repair will be invoiced. (I.e. malfunctions due to causes mentioned in section “Troubleshooting” of the instruction manual).


| SC DELTA 6P 160/4500-3| SC DELTA 6P 160/6000-4| SC DELTA 6P 160/6000-4| SC DELTA 6P 160/9000-6| SC DELTA 6P 160/9000-6| SC DELTA 8P 100/7500-3| SC DELTA 8P 100/10000-4| SC DELTA 6P 100/15000-6
1| | | EU| EU| EXPT| EU| EXPT| EU| EU| EU
2| V/ph/Hz| 400V/3ph/50Hz| 440V/3ph/ 60Hz| 400V/3ph/ 50Hz| 440V/3ph/ 60Hz| 400V/3ph/50Hz
3| | A| 48| 64| 58| 95| 87| 48| 64| 95
4| | kW| 27| 35| 55| 27| 35| 55

| bar (MPa)| 160 (16)| 100 (10)
6| | l/h| 4400| 5800| 8600| 7000| 9500| 14500
7| | bar (MPa)| 250 (25)| 150 (15)
8| | l/h| 4500| 6000| 9000| 7500| 10000| 15000
9| | °C (°F)| 70 (158)
10| | bar (MPa)| 10 (1)
11| | bar (MPa)| 2 (0.2)
12| | m| 0

| mm| 970x1050x1800

| kg| 349| 408| 526| 348| 408| 526


| LPA (IEC 60335-2-79)| dB(A)+/-2| 84| 85| 87| 84| 85| 87


| LWA (IEC 60335-2-79)| dB(A)+/-2| 100| 101| 103| 100| 101| 103
17| ah (ISO 5349 ah)| m/s2| <1.5+/-1

| N| 27-122

| L| 0.81 (x3)| 0.81 (x4)| 0.81 (x6)| 0.81 (x3)| 0.81 (x4)| 0.81 (x6)

| | Castrol Alphasyn T150



| | Min. 0350| 0700
1| | | EN : Country variant.
2| | V/ph/Hz| EN : Possible voltage.
3| | A| EN : Fuse.
4| | kW кВт| EN : Power rating.
5| | bar (MPa) Бар (МПа)| EN : Working pressure.
6| | l/h л/час| EN : Water flow.
7| | bar (MPa) Бар (МПа)| EN : Max. water pressure.
8| | l/h| EN : Water flow
9| | °C (°F)| EN : Max water inlet temperature, Intake-Pressure operation.
10| | bar (MPa) Бар (МПа)| EN : Max. water inlet pressure.
11| | bar (MPa) Бар (МПа)| EN : Min. water inlet pressure.
12| | m| EN : Max dry suction height.
13| | mm| EN : Dimensions LxWxH.
14| | kg кг| EN : Weight.


| LPA (IEC 60335-2-79)| dB(A) +/-2| EN : Sound pressure level LPA.
16| LWA (IEC 60335-2-79)| dB(A)+/-2| EN : Sound power level LWA.
17| ah (ISO 5349 ah)| m/s2| EN : Vibration.
18| | N| EN : Recoil forces, lance.
19| | L| EN : Oil quantity.
20| | | EN : Oil type.
21| | | EN : Nozzle size.
EN : Specifications and details are subject to change without prior notice.

Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer| Nilfisk A/S, Kornmarksvej 1
DK-2605 Broendby, DENMARK
Product| SC DELTA 6P/8P
Description| HPW – Professional – Stationary – El – CW 440V 3~ 50Hz, IPX5

We, Nilfisk hereby declare under our soleresponsibility, that the above- mentionedproduct(s) is/are in conformity with the following directives and standards.

2006/42/EC| EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017
EN 60335-2-79:2012
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009
2014/30/EU| EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020
EN 55014-2:2015
EN 61000-3-2:2014
EN 61000-3-11:2000
2011/65/EU| EN 63000:2018
2000/14/EC – Conformity assessment procedure according to Annex V.| – Measured sound power level: 97-100 dB(A);
Guaranteed sound power level: 100-103 dB(A)

Authorized signatory: Pierre Mikaelsson, Executive Vice President, Global Products & Services, Nilfisk NLT
Oct 1, 2021

UK Declaration of Conformity

Nilfisk Ltd
Nilfisk House, Bowerbank Way Gilwilly Industrial Estate
Penrith Cumbria
Hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the
Products: HPW – Professional – Stationary – El – CW
Description: 400V 3~ 50Hz, IPX5
Type: SC DELTA 6P/8P

Are in compliance with the following standards – as far as relevant:
EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017
EN 60335-2-79:2012
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009
EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020
EN 55014-2:2015
EN 61000-3-2:2014
EN 61000-3-11:2000
EN 63000:2018

Following the provisions of:
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008/1597
Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016/1091
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Regulations 2012/3032
Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Regulations 2001 – Conformity assessment procedure according to Annex V.
– Measured sound power level: 97-100 dB(A); Guaranteed sound power level: 100-103 dB(A)

Penrith, 10-2-2021Nilfisk SC Delta Stationary Cold Pressure Cleaner -
icon 31 Stewart Dennett

Nilfi sk A/S
Kornmarksvej 1
DK-2605 Broendby
Tel.: (+45) 4323 8100
Nilfi sk Middle East Branch
P.O. Box 122298
Tel.: (+971) (0) 655-78813
Nilfi sk Ltd.
Nilfi sk House, Bowerbank Way
Gilwilly Industrial Estate, Penrith
Cumbria CA11 9BQ
Tel: (+44) (0) 1768 868995| UNITED STATES
Nilfi sk, Inc.
9435 Winnetka Ave N,
Brooklyn Park
MN- 55445

Nilfi sk Vietnam
No. 51 Doc Ngu Str.
P. Vinh Phúc, Q.Ba Dinh
Tel.: (+84) 761 5642 SC Delta Stationary
Cold Pressure Cleaner - qr code


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