Co-Dx Logix Logix Smart Influenza A and B and SARS-CoV-2 RUO User Guide
- June 3, 2024
- Co-Dx
Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide
for Using the
Logix Smart™ Influenza A and B, and SARS-CoV-2 RUO Product
(ABC-R-001) ****
Plate the Master Mix
Perform in Clean Area
a. Load the Co-Dx Box software.
b. In the Clean area, clean work surfaces with water > 10% bleach > water >
70% alcohol (in that order), or another equivalent method of cleaning that
disinfects and degrades nucleic acids.c. Thaw the master mix (MM) and the nuclease-free water
(NFW) (for the no-template control [NC]), on ice.
d. Briefly vortex and centrifuge the MM and NFW reagents
e. Add 10 µL of MM into every
well that will be used (1 well for NC, 1 well for positive control [PC], and 1
well for each sample).
f. Pipet 10 µL of NFW into only the NC well and cap the NC well.
g. Place reagents back into the freezer.
Plate Samples and Positive Control (PC)
Perform in Positive Area
a. Load the Co-Dx Box software.
b. In the Positive area, clean work surfaces with water > 10% bleach > water >
and 70% alcohol (in that order).
c. Thaw the PC on ice.
d. Briefly vortex and centrifuge all reagents.
e. Perform sample extraction, either using RNA extraction or lysis.
f. Add 10 µL of the sample extract to the appropriate wells and cap the sample
extract wells.
g. Add 10 µL PC to the PC well
and cap the PC well.
h. Place capped tubes in
the thermocycler, in appropriate locations and fill the rest of the carousel
with blank tubes.
i. (Optional): Cap all
tubes and place samples and reagents back into the freezer.
Start the Run
Perform in Co-Dx Box Software
a. In the Co-Dx Box software, click New. b. Select an assay template and
click OK.
c. Under Run Setup, select Samples and type sample information in the
appropriate order.
d. Click Information and in
the Notes field, type any needed information.
e. Select the appropriate thermocycler and from the
drop-down select Start Run. f. Verify the tube clamp is in place and the
appropriate reaction volume is listed, and select Start.
The run initializes and a progress bar gives an estimated
time to completion.
2401 S Foothill Dr. Ste D. Salt Lake City, Utah 84109, USA
• 801.438.1036
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