Stannah BD9890 Passenger Lift 2.0 Range User Manual

September 28, 2024

Stannah BD9890 Passenger Lift 2.0 Range

Product Information


  • Product: Passenger Lift
  • Manufacturer: Stannah
  • Usage: For passenger transportation in buildings


Q: Am I legally obliged to have my lift serviced/maintained?

A: Yes, regular maintenance is required by law to keep the lift in safe working order.

Q: What is the difference between Maintenance and Thorough Examination?

A: Maintenance involves routine servicing to ensure the lift runs efficiently, while Thorough Examination focuses on the safety aspects of the equipment.

Q: Do I have a responsibility for trapped passengers?

A: Seek advice from your local Stannah Service Branch regarding trapped passengers.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the clarity and accuracy of this handbook, we cannot be held responsible for any damage or injury resulting in negligence or misuse of this lift.


Important – please read

  • Thank you and congratulations on purchasing a Stannah passenger lift.
  • Before using the lift, the lift owner must read and familiarise themselves with this user handbook, in particular their legal responsibilities as a lift owner and key features of the lift.
  • Your Stannah passenger lift has been manufactured and installed in accordance with the European Lifts Directive and supporting European and UK technical standards.
  • Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998 (LOLER) requires that a lift undergoes an inspection/thorough examination by a competent person at regular intervals.
  • Your lift will give you many years of trouble free operation provided it is properly maintained every six months. A Service Log Card, supplied with the lift, must be completed after each service visit. Failure to ensure servicing is carried out could lead to unreliable or unsafe operation.
  • Your local Stannah Service Branch is available to carry out the required examinations, to assist with the completion of the statutory reports and to provide any training required.

For your records:



Am I legally obliged to have my lift serviced/maintained?
Yes. The general duties imposed by The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 supported by Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) mean that you are obliged to keep your lift in safe working order and must arrange for regular maintenance of your lift.

Am I legally obliged to have my lift Thoroughly Examined?
Yes. Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) requires that a lift undergoes an inspection/thorough examination by a competent person at regular intervals (twice a year for passenger lifts, once for goods lifts or according to the lift’s situation) and applies to all lifts and lifting equipment used at work.

I have a lift in my building. What do I need to do?
You should arrange for the lift to be maintained (regularly serviced & kept in good repair) and, if the lift is in a workplace, thoroughly examined at intervals in line with legislation.

What is the difference between ‘Maintenance’ and ‘Thorough Examination’?

  • Maintenance is the regular servicing of the lift, encompassing the routine adjustment to components, replacement of worn or damaged parts, topping up of fluids, etc. It should be carried out by an experienced and competent lift company, such as Stannah. Maintenance is carried out to ensure the lift runs efficiently and safely.
  • Thorough Examination is the systematic and detailed visual inspection of the lift and all its associated equipment and is usually be carried out by a third party, or an appointed  ‘competent person’. Thorough Examination provides a good check that maintenance is being carried out properly. It focuses entirely on the safety of the equipment.
  • Authoritative guidance on Thorough Examination as required by Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) can be found in The Guidelines for Supplementary Testing of In-Service Lifts published by SAFed.
  • Thorough Examination may also be referred to as Form 54 or F54 inspection – the code given to the form prescribed by repealed Factories Acts. Although no longer prescribed, the term remains in use. Other common terms used are: periodic inspection, statutory inspection (because it is required by law) or insurance inspection (inspections were often on behalf of insurance companies).

Do I have a responsibility for trapped passengers?
Advice on this can be sought from your local Stannah Service Branch.

Regulations require that these lifts must be examined by a fully qualified lift engineer.
The lift owner, must employ a qualified maintenance company for upkeep after the service warranty expires. If there is more than one lift sharing shafts, spaces or machine rooms, the maintenance organisation must be the same one.

It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that:

  • They request regular service inspections, giving access to the maintenance company as required to enable them to carry out any inspections, repairs and checks.
  • The name and phone number of the maintenance company is visible on the lift.
  • The in-car emergency communication line remains working at all times.
  • That a risk assessment is carried out:
    • If the maintenance organisation is changed
    • If the use of the building or installation is changed
    • After an important modification to the building
    • After an accident involving the lift
  • They inform the maintenance organisation about the following:
  • The building evacuation procedure and appropriate exits in the case of fire.
    • Where to find the keys to access restricted areas and the lift
    • Any people who must accompany the lift engineer to the lift whilst on site.
    • Any additional protective equipment to use, and where to find it
    • Any anomaly in the lift operation (to check this, periodically run an empty lift up and down, visually checking there’s no change or damage to the lift)
    • Any checks required by national or local law, or fire safety or evacuation regulations
  • They are responsible for the documentation associated with the lift:
    • Keeping the user handbook safe so it may be consulted at any moment
    • The occupier of the building must keep log cards and reports from each visit. If any repairs are necessary, a copy of the report must be sent to the maintenance company and any other appropriate authority within 28 days
    • The detailed instructions in the case of an untimely stop, especially those relating to the rescue operation and unlocking of landing doors, must be placed in the lift machine room or control cabinet

Additional monthly routine checks for firefighters and evacuation lifts – regulation 7

  • The responsible person must undertake monthly routine checks of lifts for use by firefighters and evacuation lifts.
  • Where the responsible person identifies any fault with a lift for use by firefighters or an evacuation lift, they must take steps to rectify the fault.
  • Where a fault cannot be rectified within 24 hours, the responsible person must report it to the local fire and rescue authority (and later when it has been rectified).
  • The responsible person must record the monthly checks and make this available to residents. In this circumstance, Stannah is not the responsible person as defined under the Fire Safety Act 2021.


Product life expectancy depends largely on the environment, usage and the undertaking of proper scheduled maintenance. Our passenger lift products have a life expectancy of
25 years for the main components and 15 years for the control systems.
However, it must be pointed out that there are a number of component parts which will require replacement – perhaps several times within these life cycles – such as lift suspension ropes.

Actual life expectancy of a lift depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The actual load the lift carries on each journey
  • The actual lift travel, as this determines journey time and hence wear on the drive system
  • The number of floors served by the lift
  • The level of usage of the lift and whether this changes over time
  • The environmental conditions that it operates within
  • The quality of the servicing and maintenance

We ensure that spare component parts are available for at least 10 years following the installation of any lift, but many are available far beyond this time.
There are a number of component parts that may require replacement during the lift’s life cycle and you will be advised of this as part of your servicing schedule.


Any breakdowns or failures should be reported immediately to your local Stannah Service Branch.
All emergency calls initiated by persons in the lift must be acted upon immediately.

The lift must not be overloaded
The maximum rated load is displayed in the cabin, on the operating panel. Where possible the load should be evenly distributed. The mass of any single piece of goods should not be greater than one half of the rated car load.

The lift should be used for its intended purpose
Children should not be allowed to tamper or play with the lift.

The lift and control equipment should be kept clear and always left in a safe manner
Check that doors are free from obstruction when opening. No goods or materials to be placed on or near the lift or control equipment as lift service/maintenance require access in the event of an emergency.
Only authorised service personnel should have access to the lift control cabinet by means of a key. Additionally a ‘Lock Release’ key will have been left by our installers – it is for use by trained lift engineers only – do not attempt to use it yourself.
Special precautions must be taken when the lift is in an open or partially open shaft, making sure that no objects fall into the shaft, as well as avoiding any element which may damage any mobile part of the lift and interfere with safe lift operation.
Whenever a landing door is unlocked with the car not stationary or not at the level of the landing then persons on the landing will be at risk. It is therefore essential that any emergency door keys supplied are kept securely and only provided to a fully trained and authorised person (e.g. a trained lift engineer), who has the knowledge to use the key safely.

The lift should be kept in a good condition
Daily visual checks should be carried out by a person who is competent to do so to ensure the correct operation of the lift.
Worn parts and used lubricating products must be disposed of in compliance with statutory regulations with respect to protection of the environment.
You should not attempt to dismantle or remove any parts of the lift Such work should be entrusted only to competent personnel with the relevant expert knowledge and training.


The lift is manufactured for the transportation of passengers including occasional loads, with weights and dimensions that must not exceed the useful load of the lift and the car dimensions.
The design of the lift is carried out in accordance with the required characteristics of the installation indicated in the order, such as fire resistance, accessibility, the anticipated building and lift use.
The regulations applied and the compliance of the design with the European Directive of Lifts is indicated in the declaration of conformity.

There are different types of lift behaviour depending on what standards your lift conforms to. You can find the standards your lift confirms to on the declaration of conformity, and in some circumstances by signage or features on or around the lift.

Normal behaviour of lifts in the event of a fire
Typically, lifts are not used in the event of a fire. Most lifts go to ground level and shut down in the event of an alarm (in accordance with Designated Standard EN81-73; Behaviour of lifts in the event of a fire). A normal indication of this behaviour is with a sign shown on every landing (shown right).

The process for automatic fire recall via an automatic fire detection interface works as follows:

  • Upon activation of the building fire alarm system, the automatic fire detection interface will be activated.
  • The lift will immediately ground to the primary exit floor. If the lift is travelling, it will stop at the nearest floor in the direction of travel with opening its doors, and then return to the primary designated floor.
  • The lift will either park with the doors open, or the doors closed, depending on whether it is a fire lobby or not. On the exit floor, landing buttons will operate to open the doors if required, but the lift will not move.

An alternative exit floor can be configured if required and a second automatic fire detection interface is supplied.

Firefighters lift
A firefighters lift enables exclusive use of a passenger lift by the fire service to carry firefighters and their equipment to the required floors in the event of a fire (under BS EN81-72:2020 Safety rules for the construction & installation of lifts – Firefighters lifts).
They are typically designated by this sign on the landing (shown right).

They comply with firefighting lift regulations EN81-72 and their features include:

  • Emergency intercom for firefighting operations.
  • Interface between the lift control, fire detection and alarm system.
  • Trap doors and ladders for rescue operations.
  • Electrical components protected against water.

Evacuation lift
Evacuation lifts can aid both the fire and rescue service, and building evacuation in the event of an emergency. They enable the use of a passenger lift by a designated warden in an evacuation strategy to evacuate those less ambulant. The features of evacuation lifts include:

  • Interface between the lift control system, fire detection and alarm system to support the evacuation management strategy.

  • Separate power supply supplied by builder.

  • Emergency intercom system between the lift car, main exit evacuation floor and the lift machinery area*.

  • This is different from the refuge areas and the main evacuation management point, although the two can be integrated having agreed the building’s fire strategy and fire risk assessment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have either a firefighters or evacuation lift please read and familiarise yourself with the sections on operation and additional functionality.


Below states lift function difference depending on the type of controller:

  1. Collective controller in descent (down collective)
    These lifts have a landing call button with a combined up/down button for each floor.
    When pressed, the combined up/down button will illuminate to inform those wishing to use the lift, that the lift has registered their call and it will be answered as soon as possible. All landing and car calls are simultaneously registered.
    The operating sequence answers landing calls consecutively if the direction of travel is down. When the lift is going up, it will answer the call from the higher floor first. Calls from the lift car are answered consecutively, regardless of the travel direction. The call priority is the in-car passenger.

  2. Collective controller in ascent and descent (full collective)
    These lifts have separate up and down landing call buttons on each floor (where applicable).
    When pressed, the relevant up/down button will illuminate to inform those wishing to use the lift that the lift has registered their call and it will be answered as soon as possible. All landing and car calls are simultaneously registered.
    There will be two landing buttons at each intermediate floor; one for going up and one for going down, except for the terminal floors. Users can press the relevant landing button to indicate the required direction of travel.
    A lift going up will answer calls from the car and calls to go up from higher landings; a lift going down will answer calls from the car and calls to go down from lower landings.

  3. Groups of lifts
    Controllers can be grouped into lift groups to respond to a building’s traffic demand in a coordinated fashion. In this case, call management is unique as there is a single lift in charge of assigning the closest calls to each car.
    The “nearest floor” criterion is used, determining “nearness” based on distance and availability. The calls will be assigned to those lifts physically nearer, provided that they are available. Allocation is dynamic, and may therefore vary during lift travel.
    A lift is said to be available if its doors are closed and its direction of travel coincides with the call to be answered.

The basic operation consists of the transfer of the loaded or empty car from one level to another. To do this, the user will find a control button to press at the landing or inside the car.

Note: The landing door control buttons may have different symbols or abbreviations.

It is also possible to find displays indicating the floors, both inside the car as well as on landings. The user may find other signs on the control buttons and indicators as this is based on lift specification.

The lift is equipped with an emergency communication system to enable trapped passengers to communicate externally in the event of a lift failure.
To raise the alarm the trapped passenger presses and holds the emergency button inside the lift car and the communication system automatically connects to one of a number of preprogrammed phone numbers.
It is necessary to keep the means of two-way communication correctly operating, linked to a 24hr rescue service throughout the time that the lift installation is in use. When this system is not operative, the lift must be put out of service.

Note: Phone numbers are preprogrammed at time of install to change your programmed numbers please speak with your lift maintenance company.

The lift should be entered and exited in a quick and orderly way. Holding doors or stopping in the door threshold will stop the car doors from closing and repeated action will set the lift to out of service.
There are safety edges on car and landing doors, but please pay attention when entering or exiting the lift to avoid clothes or objects getting caught; additionally try not to stand too close to the doors.
When faced with an unforeseen circumstance (e.g. lift stop), it is necessary for the passengers to try to remain calm. If the lift stops unexpectedly, press a floor button and if the lift does not respond, press the alarm control button. If a rescue operation needs to be carried out, wait for instructions and explanations.

Lift keys should be kept in a safe place to be used only in an emergency by authorised persons who have had training.

There is a device in the lift that will indicate overloading, typically by indicator, buzzer or announcement, meaning that the excess load must be taken out. Remove the excess load and the lift will operate as normal.

A passenger rescue operation as well as the use of the emergency key for the doors, may only be carried out by qualified personnel from the maintenance company.
Both the emergency key, as well as the keys for access, must always be available in the building, and may only be used by people who have been authorised and trained by the maintenance company.

Inside the car there is a sign that states the lift’s rated load in kilograms and the maximum number of people. The permitted load of the lift must never exceed the stated weight.


These instructions are for our standard autodial system. If you have a different communication system fitted please refer to separate operating instructions.

From the lift car:

  • Press and hold the yellow alarm button on the lift car console for at least 3 seconds.
  • The autodial system will respond with a voice announcement in the lift car, stating “Please remain calm; the alarm has been activated and lift services are about to be contacted” and the yellow alarm button will illuminate.
  • After this the dial out system will ring the preprogrammed emergency phone numbers (audible within the lift car). Once the call is answered the autodial system will go quiet.
  • Note: If a phone number is unobtainable, or not answered after one minute, then the next sequential number will be dialled. This process will continue through all preprogrammed numbers until the call is answered.
  • Once the call has been answered the yellow button will turn off and the green indicator in the control panel will illuminate. Once the outside operator has followed the rescue point steps and connected, the trapped passenger and operator will be able to communicate.
  • The green indicator will turn off after the operator has finished the call.
  • Note: After two minutes and thirty seconds of conversation a warning message will announce that the call will end in 30 seconds and the operator will need to press a button to continue the call (outlined below).
  • Trapped passengers can reactivate the emergency alarm by repeating the steps above.

From the rescue point:
The person who answers the phone will become the operator in the instructions below:

  • The lift autodial system will state: “Lift alarm. Please press 3 for location or # to speak to trapped passengers. Before you hang up please press star * then hash #”.

  • As instructed, press the # to speak to trapped passengers or 3 to identify the location of the lift before speaking to the trapped passengers (after pressing 3 and the location is heard you will automatically be put through to the lift car).

  • After the # button is pressed the green indicator in the lift car will illuminate and the operator will be in two-way communication with the trapped passenger.

  • As the operator you should communicate with those trapped inside the lift, reassuring them and informing them of the process that is about to occur. This should include an approximate timescale and what to expect during evacuation.

  • After two minutes and thirty seconds of connection a warning message will announce that the call will end in 30 seconds, either press # to continue talking or press * then # to end the call.

  • You can replay the location message by pressing 3 on the rescue point phone. The announcement will replay once.
    Once the conversation has finished, terminate the call by pressing the * then

    buttons on the rescue point phone, prior to placing the handset back down on

    the phone cradle.

  • Important!
    End the call by pressing * then # to ensure the autodial system resets, turns off correctly and returns to standby mode. Failure to follow this procedure will keep the phone line open for up to three minutes in the lift car, which may be accompanied by unpleasantly loud off hook tones being heard.

To re-establish contact with the lift car:

  • If the phone number of the lift auto-dial system is known, then it is possible to re-establish contact with the lift car.
  • Dial the phone number. After three ring tones, the auto-dial system will answer the call. You will hear the location message and three beeps (passengers will hear a tone).
  • Press the # key to enable two-way communication and the green indicator light in the lift car will turn on.
  • All the procedures from the previous page can be reapplied.


The information below gives instruction on how to set the lift to fire fighting mode. Please supply the lift key and instructions to firefighters upon arrival.

Activating firefighting mode
Activating the firefighting key switch on the main fire unit on the primary exit floor will switch the lift into firefighting mode (shown right). This unit is activated by using a euro key and switching the switch from ‘0’ to ‘1’.
The lift will now park with the doors open at the primary exit floor and also activate the communication between the main fire unit, lift car and lift controller.

Lift car operation

  • To move the lift, enter the lift car and use constant pressure on the lift call buttons to select the floor required. Only one floor can be selected at a time.
  • Once the lift is moving, the constant pressure can be removed from the button.
  • Upon arrival at the floor, the lift doors will remain closed.

There are two door open options:

  • Partial open / peekaboo control – Before the doors are fully open, if the constant pressure is removed from the ’open door’ control button, the lift doors will automatically close.
  • Full open – Constant pressure on the ’open door’ control button will open the doors. Once fully open the constant pressure can be removed.
    This procedure can be used to travel from floor to floor in the building.


Normal state
When the system is in the OFF state, no voice communication is available and the lift will operate as normal.

Evacuation intercom mode
The evacuation mode is operated through the main control unit (shown top right).
The system is operated via the euro lock key or automatically via the building’s fire alarm system (the lift may return to the main floor if the spare set of contacts on the euro lock key have been used).
The “press to speak” button will light to indicate the evacuation mode is ON. Once ON, voice communication is possible from the main control unit (shown top right) or any of the outstations. (example bot-tom right). Outstations can be found on landings, the lift car (and in some installations only, the motor room).

Intercom facility
If a person at an outstation needs to speak with the Evacuation Manager on the main landing, they simply press the “call” button on the outstation (shown bottom right).
The corresponding landing level or lift car button on the main con-trol unit will start to flash, to indicate where the call is coming from and a buzzer will sound.
If the Evacuation Manager presses the flashing button, the buzzer will stop, the button will illuminate and a voice link will be opened.

  • The intercom system at an outstation is hands-free, however, the  person at main control unit will need to press the button marked “press to speak”.
  • When the “press to speak” button is released, a sound will beep from the speaker to indicate their microphone is ON.
  • When the conversation has finished, press the “press to speak” button to terminate the voice link and the light will switch off.
  • At any time a button on the main control unit can be pressed, to open a voice link to an outstation and if pressed again will close the link.
  • IMPORTANT! It is vital the equipment is regularly tested and the results logged. If any problems are encountered, please contact your local Service Branch.


Vandal-resistant / Anti vandal operation
Where you have a vandal-resistant/anti-vandal lift, you will see the padlock sign, or something similar at the primary landing.
This means, that there is a special operation for opening the landing and car doors in the event of an entrapment.

As such, the owner should always call the service provider, who will ensure the correct process for opening the doors is followed, therefore ensuring the doors are not damaged by an incorrect process.


Operation, if equipped with Shabbat mode
This mode modifies the normal operation of the lift either by overriding its operation or by automatically serving all floors. There is no passenger interaction.
To initiate this mode the activation of two independent signals is required: a clock and a key switch in the car (optionally at the landing).

The first signal triggers Shabbat mode:

  • An audible signal indicates the beginning of this function in the lift and “Shabbat mode” light indicators are activated at the landing and in the car.

  • Both landing and car buttons are disabled (except for the alarm and door-open buttons).

  • A digital switch cuts off the power supply 24H, switching off the LOB board e. g push buttons and indicators as well as landing displays.

  • The car display is switched off and to meet the requirements of EN 81-20 slow closing is required.

  • The synthesiser’s voice overs are cancelled (if fitted)

  • The car is sent to the floor set as “Shabbat mode starting floor” and the lift is parked at this floor without allowing any movement during a certain time.
    If you choose to activate the second starting signal, the lift can travel in automatic mode:

  • All floors that have been set as “Shabbat-enabled floor” in the floor menu are served.

  • The dispatch strategy of the floors will depend on the Shabbat Mode setting:

    • Down collective: The lift travels from the starting floor to the top floor and then down stopping at every floor finishing at the starting floor.
    • Up collective: The lift travels from the starting floor to the top floor stopping at every floor. When it reaches the highest floor it returns to the starting floor and ends there.
    • Up and down collective: The lift travels from the main floor to the top floor stopping at every floor and travels down to the starting floor, also stopping at every floor, where it will end the cycle.

These cycles will be repeated as long as both signals (clock and key) are active regardless of the selected operating option. Once a cycle has been started it will be completed and the lift will end it at the starting floor.

  • The waiting time between travels will be configurable and the starting floor will be discriminated from the rest.
  • An audible signal will indicate that the doors will close.
  • For safety reasons the overload will be checked before starting.
  • Functions such as inspection, MES, rescue, fire brigade will not be cancelled.
  • Return to normal mode requires deactivation of the two signals. The lift will complete the initiated operating cycle and when it reaches the starting floor it will signal the end of Shabbat mode, turn off the indicator lights and switch to normal operation.

Return to normal mode requires deactivation of the two signals. The lift will complete the initiated operating cycle and, when it reaches the starting floor, it will signal the end of Shabbat mode, turn off the indicator lights and switch to normal operation.


When someone detects an anomaly in the lift operation, or a dangerous situation, the owner must put the lift out of service, inform the maintenance company and proceed to put up signs on all the lift doors indicating that the lift is out of service.
Moreover, the owner must inform the maintenance company:

  • After any type of rescue intervention has been carried out.
  • Before carrying out any modifications to the lift, its use and/or maintenance.
  • Before any inspection or other work not related to maintenance is carried out on the lift or lift equipment by a third party.
  • Before putting the lift out of service for a lengthy period of time.
  • Before the lift is restarted after a long period of being out of service, to request a general inspection by the maintenance company.

It is necessary to consider the consequences of the risk assessment carried out by the maintenance organisation in accordance with the work risk prevention laws.

Problem Solution
Lift doors will not close Check there are no obstructions. Place a call in

the lift car to reset the lift. If this does not work contact the Stannah Service Branch.
Lights do not work (either lift car ceiling lights or call but- tons)| Call Stannah Service Branch
Lift is stationary| The lift has detected a fault, contact your Stannah Service Branch
Adjusting sound level of but- tons| Call Stannah Service Branch
No service indicator| Check that the car preference key is not left in the ‘on’ position or that the building fire alarm has not been activated. Call Stannah Service Branch if fault persists.

A passenger rescue operation as well as the use of the emergency key for the doors, may only be carried out by qualified personnel from the maintenance company.
Both the emergency key, as well as the keys for access, must always be available in the building, and may only be used by people who have been authorised and trained by the maintenance company.


The following lift care procedures carried out regularly will help to keep your lift in good condition:

  • Lacquered brass, sprayed finishes, vinyl skin plate steel and laminate boards should be cleaned with a soft cloth using a furniture polish aerosol.
  • Mirrors should be cleaned with a soft cloth and any glass cleaning fluid.
  • Stainless steel components should be cleaned with a soft cloth, using baby oil or a proprietary stainless steel cleaner and then wiped off with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  • To clean the carpet use a good carpet shampoo and do not saturate the carpet.

Coloured stainless steel

  • Any cleaning method should be tried on a small area in the direction of the grain.
  • Clean either with a clear liquid window cleaner that does not contain bleach, or with soft soap and water using a soft cloth and minimum pressure.
  • Rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth.
  • Organic solvents can be used to remove oil/grease.

Aluminium car and landing door sills

  • Track grooves should be cleaned using wire wool and any obstructions within the track grooves should be removed.
  • Prior to cleaning isolate the movement of the car and landing doors using the car preference control key switch, or preferably, turn off at the lift isolator.

General notes

  • Never use abrasives to clean any car or landing doors.
  • Never operate cleaning appliances within the lift car that are connected to an external power source via a trailing cable unless the car has been isolated with the car preference key switch.
  • Never leave objects propped against the doors, door frames or car finishes.
  • Never wedge the doors open.
  • Ensure the alarm siren is working on a regular basis and that it is recognised by the building occupants.
  • When cleaning is carried out on the lift door landings, or inside the car, special attention must be paid so as not to spill products (liquids or solids) inside the lift shaft.

No products or cleaning techniques that may cause damage to the car decoration must be applied.
Any finishes outside of standard range or finishes mentioned above may require additional cleaning information which will be supplied separately.


Our Guarantee
Stannah Lifts Ltd is pleased to guarantee our materials and workmanship, and provide a maintenance and breakdown service, supplied by our sister company Stannah Lift Services, for a period of 12 months from installation completion and handover of the lift, as follows:

  • We’ll provide regular planned maintenance visits at the frequency agreed in the contract, subject to suitable access to the lift within normal working hours.
  • We’ll provide a full breakdown service within normal working hours, unless caused by misuse, abuse, accidental damage or other matters outside of our control, in which case it will be chargeable. Normal working hours are Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.45pm, Friday 8.00am to 3.45pm. Evening and weekend breakdowns will be charged at a premium rate, unless included in the service contract.
  • Should any defect in workmanship or material become evident within such period or in any part delivered under this contract, we undertake to repair or replace the defective part, as soon as possible during normal working hours.
  • Our guarantee doesn’t cover repairs, replacements or adjustment which may be required as a result of ordinary wear and tear, wilful or accidental damage, misuse, neglect or any other cause beyond our control.
  • The contact details of your nearest Service Branch is on the ‘Completion Notice’ and a full list of service branches is on our website

The guarantee is subject to the following conditions:

  • The lift has been formally handed over and the ‘Completion Notice’ is signed.
  • All outstanding monies have been paid to us.
  • No other lift company has worked on the lift, e.g. carrying out a maintenance visit, attending a breakdown or attempting a repair.
  • Stannah isn’t prevented from carrying out planned maintenance for any reason outside of our control, including but not limited to, the safety of our employees engaged in activities under this warranty.
  • The lift well and machine room/space must be accessible, free from damp, properly ventilated and maintained.
    Stannah reserve the right to change the terms of any warranty provided subject to any such change being notified to the beneficiary in writing.

Whilst every effort has been used to ensure the clarity and accuracy of this Handbook, we cannot be held responsible for damage or injury resulting from negligence or misuse of this lift equipment.
We are continually developing and improving the passenger lift range and we therefore reserve the right to alter or amend the specification without prior notice.

Stannah Lifts Ltd

Phone: 01264 339090
Phone: 01264 339090 Email:

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