Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range User Manual

June 1, 2024


Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range

Before using your Stannah platform lift, please ensure that you read and familiarise yourself with these instructions.


Important — please read
Thank you and congratulations on purchasing a Stannah platform lift.
Before using your lift, you should read this User Handbook to provide an understanding of the correct and safe use of the lift.
Your platform lift has been designed and manufactured in the UK. It has been installed and UKCA marked in compliance with the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (2008 No. 1597) and is built in accordance with BS6440:2011.
It is important that you arrange for the lift to receive regular inspection and servicing by a competent person at intervals at least every six months, after the guarantee period. A Service Log Card supplied by the Service branch will be completed after each service visit. Failure to ensure servicing is carried out could lead to unreliable or unsafe operation.
For all enquiries regarding servicing, please contact your local Stannah Service Branch.

For your records: ———


Am I legally obliged to have my lift maintained?
Yes. The general duties imposed by The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 supported by Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) regulations 5 & 10) mean that you are obliged to keep your lift in safe working order. This means you must arrange for regular maintenance of your lift.

Am I legally obliged to have my lift Thoroughly Examined?
Yes. Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) requires that a lift undergoes an inspection/thorough examination by a competent person at regular intervals (twice a year for passenger lifts, once for goods lifts or according to the lifts’ situation) and applies to all lifts and lifting equipment used at work.

I have a lift in my building. What do I need to do?
You should arrange for the lift to be maintained (regularly serviced and kept in good repair) and, if the lift is in a place of work, thoroughly examined at intervals in line with legislation.

What is the difference between ‘Maintenance’ and ‘Thorough Examination’?
Maintenance is the regular servicing of the lift, encompassing the routine adjustment to components, replacement of worn or damaged parts, topping up of fluids and so on, and should be carried out by an experienced and competent lift company, such as  Stannah Lift Services. Maintenance is carried out to ensure the lift runs efficiently and safely.

Thorough Examination is the systematic and detailed visual inspection of the lift and all its associated equipment and would usually be carried out by a third party, or an appointed ‘competent person’. Thorough Examination provides a good check that maintenance is being carried out properly. It focuses entirely on the safety of the equipment.

Authoritative guidance on Thorough Examination as required by Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) can be found in The Guidelines for Supplementary Testing of In-Service Lifts published by SAFed. Thorough Examination may also be referred to as Form 54 or F54 inspection – the code given to the form prescribed by repealed Factories Acts. Although no longer prescribed, the term remains in use. Other common terms used are: periodic inspection, statutory inspection (because it is required by law) or insurance inspection (inspections were often on behalf of insurance companies).

Do I have a responsibility for trapped passengers?
Advice on this can be sought from your local Stannah Service Branch.


Product life expectancy depends largely on the environment, usage and the undertaking of proper scheduled maintenance. Our platform lift products are designed and life tested for a full life cycle of 10 years without major intervention. In most cases, we would expect our lifts to last far beyond this, providing they are properly cared for and maintained.
We have a number of platform lifts on our service portfolio that were installed from the late 1990s. The earliest of platform lifts installed are approaching 20 years in service.
Actual life expectancy of a lift depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The load the lift actually carries on each journey
  • The actual lift travel, as this determines the journey time and hence wear on the drive system
  • The number of floors served by the lift
  • The level of usage of the lift and whether this changes over time
  • The environmental conditions that it operates within*
  • The quality of the servicing and maintenance

We ensure that spare components are available for at least 10 years following the installation of any lift but many will be available far beyond this. There are a number of component parts that may require replacement during its life cycle and you will be advised of this as part of your lift servicing schedule.

*On the external option there is a five year anti-corrosion warranty (please see the warranty section).



Safety Gear| The use of rupture valves prevents the rapid descent of the lift in the event of a hydraulic hose or pump failure.
Application| The lift is suitable for internal or external applications, with a 5 year anti-corrosion warranty (subject to terms and conditions)
Speed| Lowriser: 0.02m/sec
Lowriser 2.0: 0.08m/sec
Emergency Operation| The lift will operate approximately 15 full cycles in the event of  a power failure.
Manual Lowering| In the event of lift failure, it can be lowered to the ground floor.


  • The lift must not be overloaded. The maximum rated load is 300kg

  • The lift must not be used for purposes other than those described in the manual.

  • This lift intended primarily for the transportation of people with impaired mobility, including wheelchair users, the elderly, parents with pushchairs etc. The lift is designed to carry the majority of Type A and B wheelchairs, but not Type C wheelchairs or electric scooters due to their weight and size.

  • Children should be supervised when the lift is in use. They should not be allowed to tamper or play with the lift.

  • The lift shall not be used for fire fighting or evacuation during fire.

  • At all times always keep all parts of the body inside the lift when the lift is moving. Watch for loosely fitted clothing whilst travelling on the lift.

  • Do not insert loose objects between the frame and the lift car or inside the frame.

  • Stop the lift (release the push-button or press in the emergency stop) immediately on the discovery of any danger.

  • Do not remove parts of the lift and do not subject the lift to physical force or other damage.

  • Signs with warning text and safety instructions must not be removed, covered or made illegible.

  • Do not attempt to force gates, ramps (if applicable) or barriers open during travel.

  • Do not manually open the gate with the emergency release key, when the lift is not at the upper level.

  • Do not spray water on the lift or subject it to other liquid spillage.

  • Do not use the lift if it is faulty or functions abnormally.

  • Pay attention to ensure that visible electrical components, for example, pushbuttons, cables, and the like are not damaged.

  • Material must not be transported unattended in the lift.

  • Components higher than 2.2 metres must not be transported in the lift.

  • A ‘Lock Release’ key will have been left by our installers, it is for use by trained lift engineers only – do not attempt to use it yourself.
    Whenever a landing door is unlocked with the carrier not stationary or not at the level of the landing then persons on the landing will be at risk. It is therefore essential that any emergency door keys supplied are kept securely and only provided to a fully trained and authorised person (for example a trained lift engineer), who have the knowledge to use the key safely to open the door and to check the door has satisfactorily locked after it has been closed.

  • Daily checks should be carried out by a person who is competent to do so to ensure that:

    • landing doors cannot be opened when the platform is not at the same level and;
    • the platform cannot travel without the doors closed and locked.
  • If the lift is to be unused for an extended period of time it should be switched off when positioned at the lower level, via the isolation keyswitch. Ensure that all doors are securely locked.

  • You should not attempt to dismantle or remove any parts of the platform lift. Such work should be entrusted only to competent personnel with the relevant expert knowledge and training.


A typical Lowriser installation:Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift
Range - typical Lowriser



Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - CALL STATION LANDING


Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - CALL STATION HIGH SPECIFICATION


Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - STANDARD

Down Direction| Press and hold the LH side of the rocker switch to send the lift down.
Up Direction| Press and hold the RH side of the rocker switch to send the lift up.
Emergency Stop| To stop the lift in the event of an emergency, press the red emergency stop button. The button stays locked down when pressed fully down.
The lift will not work when the switch is in this position. To release, twist the red button clockwise.


Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - SPECIFICATION

Alarm Press and hold the alarm button to sound the alarm.
Emergency Stop To stop the lift in the event of an emergency, press the red

emergency stop button. The button stays locked down when pressed fully down.
The lift will not work when the switch is in this position. To release, twist the red button clockwise.
Down Direction| Press and hold the down button to send the lift down.
Up Direction| Press and hold the up button to send the lift up.


Entering the lift at the lower floor
With the lift at the lower floor the ramp will normally be in the lowered position.
The ramp can be set to automatically fold up. To lower the ramp a down call is required, by pressing the down direction of the rocker switch/call button.
Enter the lift and position yourself centrally on the platform.
To send the lift up press and hold the up direction side of the rocker switch/up button, until the lift automatically stops at the upper level.

Exiting the lift at the upper level
The gate will automatically unlock when the lift reaches the upper floor level.
You have a set period of time (5-20 seconds depending on the specific customer requirements) to push open the gate.
The gate will automatically lock after this set time. To unlock the gate after this period, press the up direction side of the rocker switch/up button from either the in car controls or call stations.
Ensure the gate is closed and locked after exiting the lift.

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - Exiting the

Entering the lift at the upper level
The lift must be at the upper level before the gate can be unlocked.
To call the lift to the upper level, press and hold the up direction side of the rocker switch/up button. The gate will automatically unlock when the lift reaches the upper level, it can now be pulled open.
If the lift is already at the upper level, press the up side of the rocker switch/call button to unlock the gate and pull open.
You have a set period of time (5-20 seconds depending on the specific customer requirements) to pull open the gate.

Exiting the lift at the lower floor
Enter the lift and position yourself centrally on the platform.
Ensure the gate is fully closed and locked.
To go down to the lower level, press and hold the down direction side of the rocker switch/down button.
The ramp will automatically lower when the lift reaches the lower floor level.
Wait for the ramp to fully lower, it is now safe to exit the lift.


Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - safety edge

Safety features – safety edge
The platform has a safety edge around the periphery of the platform. This will stop the lift if it comes into contact with an obstruction.
If this safety edge is activated, the lift will stop. In this eventuality, press the up direction side of the rocker switch/up button, clear the obstruction and continue the descent.

Safety features – ramp sensing
If there is an obstruction beneath the ramp when it deploys, the ramp will stop.
Press and hold the up direction side of the rocker switch/ up button to raise the ramp and allow the obstruction to be cleared.
The ramp can now be lowered by pressing the down direction side of the rocker switch/down button. It will stop automatically when it touches the ground floor.
If there is an obstruction on top of the ramp when it raises, the ramp will stop.
Press the down direction side of the rocker switch/down button to lower the ramp and allow the obstruction to be cleared.
The ramp can now be raised by pressing and holding the up direction side of the rocker switch/up button. The ramp will automatically stop when fully raised and the lift will go up.


Opening of doors introduces risks. Emergency unlocking should be undertaken only in exceptional circumstances and by suitably trained and authorised persons. To be used only in an emergency by trained and authorised persons who have had instructions. It is dangerous for any other person to attempt this procedure.

In car emergency lowering
The lift incorporates a battery back up system. This allows for approximately 15 lift cycles in the event of a power failure.
In the event of a power failure an alarm will sound. The lift can be lowered or raised by operating the rocker switch/push button as you would in normal operation.
To stop the alarm press the emergency stop button, and call your local service branch.

Manual lowering
In the event of mains power and battery failure, the lift can be simply lowered to the lower floor. Ensure power to the lift is turned off, and the emergency stop button is pressed before executing this procedure.
WARNING! The safety devices will not work when manually lowering the lift. Ensure the area is clear around the lift before manually lowering.
Remove the plastic grommet on the left hand side panel. Put your finger in the hole and press and hold the manual lowering valve in until the lift is fully down.
Replace the grommet on completion of this procedure.

Manual release of the ramp
WARNING! Ensure the lift is at the lower level before disconnecting the ramp.
The ramp operation is battery backed. After completing the manual emergency lowering procedure, check to see if the ramp will lower, by pressing the down direction side of the rocker switch/down button.
If the ramp still fails to lower, remove the two M6 button headed screws, located in the bottom left hand corner of the ramp, using the Allen key provided. The ramp can now be lowered down.

WARNING! Do not use the lift until the ramp has been reconnected by a competent person.

Manual release of upper level gate
WARNING! Ensure the lift is at the upper level before manually opening the gate.
Remove the rubber grommet on the lock side of the gate frame.
Align and insert the gate release key provided, twist approximately ¼ turn and pull the gate open.
Note: It is recommended you keep the gate release key in a convenient place in case of an emergency.
Replace the grommet on completion.

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - upper level

Manual release of the platform gates (optional)
The twin platform gates should automatically open when the ramp has been lowered.
If they fail to open when the ramp is lowered, place the Allen key provided into the hole and press down. This will allow the gate to open.
Repeat this operation for both gates.

Powered gate (optional)
CAUTION! Ensure the area where the gate opens into is kept clear of obstructions at all times. Children must be kept away from the area of the gate and lift when in use.
The door will automatically open when the lift reaches the upper floor level.
After a set period of time which can be adjusted to suit the users needs, the gate will automatically close.
The gate is fitted with a mechanism which prevents undue force being applied to any obstructions.
If the gate becomes dis-engaged from its drive mechanism it will need to be manually engaged. Push the gate open or closed until it snaps back into location.
To open the gate press the up side of the rocker switch or the call button at the upper level.

Manual release of the powered gate
WARNING! Ensure the lift is at the upper level before manually opening the gate.
Remove the rubber grommet on the lock side of the gate frame.
Align and insert the gate release key provided, twist approximately ¼ turn and pull the gate open.
Note: It is recommended you keep the gate release key in a convenient place in case of an emergency.
Shut the gate to relocate the Powered gate mechanism and replace the grommet on completion.

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - powered


*A typical Lowriser 2.0 installation:**

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - typical Lowriser

  • optional colour shown



The landing call stations are operated simply by pressing and holding the call switch.
The lift will then travel to the desired location.
(Picture left shows standard call station with key switch option – at upper level)


Press and hold the ‘alarm button’ to sound the alarm.

Emergency Stop
To stop the lift in the event of an emergency, press the red ‘emergency stop’ button.
The button will stay locked down. The lift will not work when the stop button is in this position.
To release, twist the red button clockwise.

Down Direction
Press and hold the green arrow to make the lift move down.
( Note: If you release the button the lift will stop).

Up Direction
Press and hold the green arrow to make the lift move up.
( Note: If you release the button the lift will stop).

The lift car is equipped with a handle for positioning the wheelchair on the platform and a control panel with easy-to-use control buttons.

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - control

The lift is designed and complies to the directive 2006/42/EC and is intended to operate as follows:

  • The in car controls are of constant pressure i.e. the buttons must be kept pressed throughout the travel. If released, the platform lift will stop immediately. When the platform lift reaches the correct landing, it will stop automatically.
  • The in car control buttons take priority over the landing call stations; i.e. the landing call stations will not work if someone is travelling at the same time.
  • The landing call station buttons are of one touch operation i.e. to call the lift simply press and release the ‘CALL’ button to call the lift.

The landing controls can be altered upon request to suit Part M of the building regulations so that they are also of the hold to run type.

Calling the lift
The open platform lift is designed to service two landings, however, calling the lift from any landing is essentially the same.
If the platform is at the landing you are calling the lift from, then simply press and hold the call station button; either the gate will open automatically or you will be able to open the gates manually and enter the lift.
If the platform is not at your landing then it will need to travel from its current landing position to the landing that you are calling the lift from. Again simply press and hold the call station button. The platform will then travel to your landing level; you will then be able to enter the lift.


Entering & exiting the lift
The lift can be configured to allow a user to enter and exit the lift without the need to reposition the wheelchair or other mobility device. They simply enter the lift, and exit in the same direction. A robust handle is provided so that the user can pull them self into the lift car.

Closing the gate
Automatically operated gates will close after a short time has elapsed. To re- open the gates, if necessary, the user presses the call button for the floor where they currently are. On manually operated gates they simply ensure that the gate latches are shut.

Travelling to the required level
Once the gates have closed, the lift will now be permitted to travel to the required level. You will note that the controls operate only by a ‘constant pressure’, i.e. as soon as you remove your finger from any directional button the lift will stop. This is to allow the user to change his/her mind and alter the direction of intended travel.

Changing direction of travel
If a user wishes to return to the level they departed from (mid travel), they simply remove their finger from the in-car directional control button, wait 3 seconds and then select the new direction of travel button. The lift will then move in the new direction. Alternatively the original direction of travel can be maintained if desired.
Note: after releasing any control button there is a 3 second delay before allowing the user to operate any other function.



The underside of the platform has a sensitive surface that triggers the lift to stop should it encounter an obstacle in the downward direction.
This is shown in yellow in the picture (left).
If the platform or carrier comes into contact with an obstruction the lift will stop. The lift can only be restarted once the obstruction has been removed.


Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - GATE

The lower level and upper level gates are fitted with an interlocking arrangement to prevent uncontrolled movement of the carrier.
The platform lift will not move if the gate is not fully latched and locked in place.


Opening of doors introduces risks. Emergency unlocking should be undertaken only in exceptional circumstances and by suitably trained and authorised persons.
To be used only in an emergency by trained and authorised persons who have had instructions. It is dangerous for any other person to attempt this procedure.

Raising the alarm
In order for a trapped person to be able to call for help with an operating failure; the lift has been equipped with an alarm facility. When the alarm button is depressed the emergency signal is sounded. The alarm is powered by the battery backed facility.

Emergency in-car lowering
In the event of a power failure which results in the user being trapped between floors, the lift can be lowered to the floor that is the nominated exit point for the building. Emergency lowering is achieved by pressing the down direction button which will be illuminated at point of power failure.

In-car emergency lowering – power failure
The lift incorporates a facility that will allow the lift to be lowered to the ground floor in the event of a power failure.

  1. In the event of a power failure, the lower Green, directional arrow will illuminate.
  2. At this point the operator can press and hold the Green Down Arrow to allow the lift to travel to the ground floor.

Note: In the unlikely event of this feature not working the lift can be lowered using the emergency lowering valve on the pump unit, which is contained in an enclosure.

Manual lowering
In the event of a mains power and battery failure, the lift can be lowered to the ground floor by operating the emergency-lowering solenoid valve located in the control box.
WARNING! Ensure that the control box is isolated from the mains supply before opening.
After using the emergency lowering valve, shut and lock the control box before reconnecting the mains supply.


Emergency Lowering – Using Pump Lowering Valve
Using the pump box release key (provided) open the enclosure door.
Twist key approximately ¼ turn and pull the door open.
Pull the red solenoid knob and the lift will lower towards the ground, releasing the knob will stop the platform descent.
When the platform has reached the lower floor level the gates can be opened manually.

Stannah Lowriser 2.0 Platform Lift Range - Pump Lowering

WARNING! The safety devices will not work when manually lowering the lift. Ensure that any obstructions are removed and that the user is aware of the process.

Manual Release of Gates
Ensure that the lift is at the lower level before manually opening the Gate.
Remove the rubber grommet on the gate lock infill.
Align and insert the triangular gate release key provided.
Twist approximately ¼ turn and pull the gate open.
Replace the grommet on completion.

Note: It is recommended you keep the gate release key in a convenient place in case of an emergency.


The following lift care procedures carried out regularly will help to keep your lift in good condition:

  • Before cleaning your platform lift, please remember to switch off the unit at the mains supply switch.
  • Paint finishes and panels should be cleaned with a damp soft cloth and mild detergent. Ensure that excess water is squeezed out prior to cleaning.
  • Flooring should be cleaned with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Ensure that excess water is squeezed out prior to cleaning.
  • For outdoor installations and coastal high saline environments, servicing frequency remains the same but more frequent monthly routine care must be introduced, this can be undertaken by the lift owner or service company and includes:
  • One full cycle of the lift operation.
  • Cleaning of paint work.
  • Removal of any debris or leaves.
  • Inspection and reporting of any vandalism or misuse which has resulted in damage to the protective surface.
  • Pressure washers should not to be used.


If you believe there is a problem please check the points below.
If the problem cannot be rectified after carrying out the checks listed, switch off the unit at the mains electricity supply spur (adjacent to the lift), press the emergency stop button and contact your local service branch

Basic fault finding (both models)
If the lift will not operate, check the following points before contacting your service company.

  • Ensure the emergency stop button on the car controls is not pressed down.
  • Check that moving safety devices are not activated or stuck in, check platform edges and top carriage safety edges.
  • Ensure that the lift is not isolated via a key-switch; this will result in the call buttons not being illuminated. (check landing call stations and remote locking devices, changing the position of any one key will turn the lift off or on).
  • Check the gates, where fitted, are fully closed.
  • Check there are no obstructions on or around the ramp.
  • Check there are no obstructions on or around the lift safety bellows.
  • Check the power supply to the lift is on.

For Lowriser 2.0
Ensure that the Residual Current Device (RCD) switch & Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) are both ON. Both are located within the control box. Then proceed as follows:

  • Ensure mains supply is OFF.
  • Unlock control box using special key.
  • RCD and MCB are situated at the top/back of the cabinet.
  • Switch both ON if tripped.
  • Close and lock Gate.
  • Turn mains supply back on.


Our Guarantee
Stannah Lifts Ltd is pleased to guarantee our materials and workmanship, and provide a maintenance and breakdown service, supplied by our sister company Stannah Lift services, for a period of 12 months from completion of installation and handover of the lift*, as follows:

  • We will provide regular planned maintenance visits at the frequency agreed in the contract, subject to suitable access to the lift within normal working hours.
  • We will provide a full breakdown service within normal working hours, unless caused by misuse, abuse, accidental damage or other matters outside of our control, in which case it will be chargeable. Normal working hours are Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.45pm, Friday 8.00am to 3.45pm. Evening and weekend breakdowns will be charged at a premium rate, unless included within the contract.
  • Should any defect in workmanship or material become evident within such period or in any part delivered under this contract, we undertake to repair or replace the defective part, as soon as possible during normal working hours.
  • Our Guarantee does not cover repairs, replacements or adjustment which may be required as a result of ordinary wear and tear, wilful or accidental damage, misuse, neglect or any other cause beyond our control.
  • Lifting platforms must be regularly serviced by a technically competent Lift Engineer. For the external option, we require that at least two service visits are carried out at regular intervals annually in order to preserve the five year anti corrosion warranty. Claims cannot be accepted for corrosion that occurs as a result of misuse, neglect, unauthorised alterations or improperly repaired paintwork.
  • The address and telephone number of your nearest Service Branch is on the ‘Completion Notice’ and a full list of all service branches can be found on our website

*Our external products are also covered by a five year anti corrosion warranty.

The Warranty Promise is subject to the following conditions:

  • The lift has been formally handed over and the ‘Completion Notice’ is signed.
  • All outstanding monies have been paid to us.
  • No other lift company has worked on the lift, e.g. carrying out a maintenance visit, attending a breakdown or attempting a repair.
  • Stannah is not prevented from carrying out planned maintenance for any reason outside of our control, including but not limited to, the safety of our employees engaged in activities under this warranty.
  • The lift well and machine room or machine space must be freely accessible, free from damp, properly ventilated and maintained in line with any requirements detailed within the user manual.

Stannah reserve the right to change the terms of any warranty provided subject to any such change being notified to the beneficiary in writing.

Whilst every effort has been used to ensure the clarity and accuracy of this Handbook, we cannot be held responsible for damage or injury resulting from negligence or misuse of this lift equipment.

We are continually developing and improving our lift range and we therefore reserve the right to alter or amend the specification without prior notice.

Stannah Lifts Ltd
Phone: 01264 339090

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