AZ Instrument IP67 Economic Dissolved Oxygen Meter W Fluorescent Optical D.O. Probe Instruction Manual

September 25, 2024

AZ Instrument IP67 Economic Dissolved Oxygen Meter W Fluorescent Optical

D.O. Probe


  • Model: IP67 Economic Dissolved Oxygen Meter
  • Probe Type: Fluorescent Optical D.O. Probe
  • Calibration: Factory calibrated, no calibration required before use
  • Water Resistance: IP67 rated

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Step 1: Re-hydration of Sensing Surface
    • Refill distilled water to rehydrate the sensing surface for 2 hours. Check accuracy before use.
  2. Step 2: Preparing the Probe
    • Blot the probe dry with a lint-free tissue and use the anti-collision cap to protect the sensing surface.
  3. Step 3: Connecting and Immersing the Probe
    • Connect the probe to the meter and immerse it into the medium.
    • Eliminate bubbles under the membrane. Wait for 5 minutes for temperature stabilization. Press the power key to turn on the meter and wait for about 1 minute for the result.
  4. Step 4: Cleaning and Storage
    • Clean the probe with distilled water. Store it in the storage tube with a wet sponge between measurements. Keep away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures during storage.
  5. Step 5: Periodic Accuracy Check
    • Perform accuracy checks once a month.


How often should I clean the probe?

It is recommended to clean the probe with distilled water after each use to maintain accuracy.

Do I need to calibrate the probe?

The probe comes factory-calibrated and does not require calibration before initial use.


  • This optical dissolved oxygen (ODO) probe is factory-calibrated and does not require calibration before use.
  • Please also don’t try to disassemble the sensing tip since it is not replaceable.
  1. Step 1: (Only required for the first time use or after long-term storage)
    • Refill distilled water to rehydrate the sensing surface for 2 hours. Then, refer to check the accuracy before use.
  2. Step 2: Blot the whole probe dry with a lint-free tissue. Then, use the anti-collision cap to protect the sensing surface.
  3. Step 3: Connect the probe to the meter. Immersing probe into the medium.
    • Eliminate bubbles trapped under the membrane. Wait for 5 minutes till the probe’s temperature stabilizes to get the best result.
    • Now, press the power key to turn on the meter. Wait for about 1 minute to get a result.
  4. Step 4: Clean up the probe with distilled water. Between measuring and overnight, keep the probe in the storage tube, making sure to wet the sponge with distilled water.
  5. Step 5: Keep the probe away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures during storage.
  6. Step 6: Do a periodic accuracy check once a month. Refer to.


The optical dissolved oxygen meter (luminescent dissolved oxygen or fluorometric dissolved oxygen) is based on luminescent optical technology.

The measuring principle offers the following advantages:

  • Low operating costs due to reduced maintenance work (no electrolyte changes)
  • Greater calibration intervals due to low drift behavior
  • No polarization voltage required
  • No oxygen consumption
  • No minimum inflow
  • It is simple to use and requires low maintenance. To achieve the best measuring result, please read the instructions in detail and keep the manual properly for future reference.


  • This portable optical dissolved oxygen meter is compatible with a wide range of applications including water and wastewater analysis. It features automatic temperature and manual pressure/salinity compensation.

This meter provides below:

DO Concentration

  • Measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration in a water sample. This is an absolute measurement of dissolved oxygen concentration expressed as milligrams of oxygen gas dissolved per liter of water.
  • Unit is milligrams per liter (mg/L) or the same as parts per million (ppm). The readings are automatically temperature (water temperature) and manual pressure (atmospheric)/salinity compensated.

DO Saturation

  • Measuring the percent saturation of dissolved oxygen in a water sample.
  • Percent saturation is a relative measurement in which the dissolved oxygen concentration is expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount of oxygen that water can hold at a given temperature and pressure.


  • Measuring the water temperature of the sample. Units can be changed from °C to °F. It is always in use internally to temperature compensate for the dissolved oxygen readings.


  • Manually input the atmospheric pressure in units of kPa. It is in use internally to pressure compensate the dissolved oxygen readings if the user manually inputs this value.

DO Salinity

  • This parameter shall be considered when measuring dissolved oxygen in highly saline environments (> 1 ppt). In these cases, a correction must be made manually to account for the effect of salinity on dissolved oxygen concentration.
  • Salinity is not measured by the D.O. probe, but it can be manually entered in setup-up mode. The salinity unit is parts per thousand (ppt).
  • Furthermore, this portable meter has the below operation function to make your daily work easier.
  • IP 67 waterproof for hygienic cleaning purposes.
  • Multiple points calibration.
  • 99 points memories w/recall function.
  • Low battery indication.
  • Auto power off time selectable
  • Hold function
  • Counting maximum and minimum from the moment you need.


This optical dissolved oxygen meter comes with all required accessories, you don’t need to purchase extra accessories or chemicals.

The full package contains:

  1. IP67 waterproof meter, 1pc
  2. Waterproof optical D.O probe w/3M long cable and anti-collision cap, 1pc
  3. AAA alkaline batteries, 6pcs
  4. Manual, 1pc
  5. Hard carry case, 1pc


  • Do not twist the sensing tip. The fluorometric dissolved oxygen sensing tip is not replaceable.
  • Avoid touching the black color sensing tip surface, because it can become scratched or dirty. If this happens, the functionality of the probe can no longer be guaranteed.
  • Re-hydration prior to use. The probe is delivered wet but it may dry out after long term storage. The sensing tip must be re-hydrated to ensure measurement accuracy. 2 hours in clean distilled water is enough.
  • Often calibration is not required. This probe is factory calibrated and does not require calibration by the user. Only do calibration while the probe is not reading accurately or after chemical cleaning.
  • Must always keep clean, particularly in the area around the optical sensing surface. The presence of a biofilm on the sensing surface can lead to measuring errors.
  • Be rinsed prior to being stored, and the storage tube should be fitted with a moist absorbent surface, such as sponge.


  • Alcohols greater than 5%, hydrogen peroxide (H202) greater than 3%, sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO, commercial bleach) greater than 3%, gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO2) and gaseous chlorine (Clz) may interfere with the dissolved oxygen measurements.
  • Highly cross-sensitivity to Organic solvents, such as acetone, toluene, chloroform or methylene chloride, Chlorine gas.
  • So, do not use the ODO probe in solutions that contain organic solvents, such as acetone, chloroform, or methylene chloride.
  • If the measurements are unstable and other troubleshooting procedures do not correct the problem, there may be interfering substances present in the solution.
  • No cross-sensitivity with CO2, H2S, or SO2. Carbon dioxide
  • (COz), ammonia (NHs), pH, any ionic species like sulfide
  • (S2), sulfate (SO4*), chloride (Cl) and hydrogen sulfide
  • *(HS)** do not interfere with the dissolved oxygen measurements.


  • This probe should be used in aqueous solutions only. Do not place the probe in viscous, organic liquids, such as heavy oils, glycerin (glycerol), ethylene glycol, or alcohol.
  • Do not place the probe in acetone or non-polar solvents, such as pentane or hexane.


  • This device is not designed to be used underwater.
  • The IP67 meter body and connector provide you with convenient cleaning after usage without the worry of damaging the device.
  • There is an alignment guide inside the probe plug, please line up with the socket of the meter, push the plug into position, and rotate the locking cap too tight.


  • Besides first-time use, it is also needed to install new batteries when the battery low icon appears or when you cannot turn the meter on. 6pcs AAA alkaline batteries can provide 10 hours of operation time.
  • Using screw driver to open the battery compartment on the rear side of the meter, install 6pcs new and same brand batteries properly, put back the battery cove, and screw on. No need to screw over-tight.
  • The O-ring in this compartment is used for resisting water, don’t remove it, and keep it flat, smooth, and clean.


  • This 6-key meter provides you with multiple functions. Some functions are only activated by pressing the key longer time.
  • Short press to switch power on or off, count down for 6 seconds, and then enter the normal mode.
  • Long press in normal mode to enter setup mode.
  • In normal and recall mode, short press to switch the display to a different D.O. Unit
  • Long press to start recording the maximum and minimum values. To switch displaying of max. and min. values, short press this key again.
  • Press and hold the button in normal mode to enter calibration.
  • Press to escape while in REC MAX&MIN, calibration, recall, and setup mode.
  •  In normal mode, short press to freeze the screen.
  • Short press again to unlock.
  • In setting, recall and calibration mode, short press to adjust.
  • Short press to save the measured value into memory file, up to 99 records.
  • In setting, recall and calibration mode, short press to adjust.
  • In the setup and calibration mode, short press to confirm the calibration or parameter setting.
  • Long press to enter the Recall mode, read back the saved measured value.


  • This big display provides clear information even under the sun.
  • To indicate the measured value is D.O. and the unit is mg/L or %
  • To indicate the manual input salinity value is ppt (part per thousand)
  • D.O value is auto temperature compensated
  • To indicate the displayed value is degree C or F.
  • To indicate battery power is too low for the correct measure
  • To indicate the display is currently locked
  • Flash to indicate the display is currently in recall mode.
    • Display how many records are stored in the meter
  • To indicate the min/max value since pressing this key
  • To indicate the meter is now in calibration mode
  • To indicate the measured value is pressure and the unit is Kpa


Start to Measure

  1. Step 1. Re-hydration before use: (Only required for the first time use or after long-term storage
    • Refill distilled water to rehydrate the sensing surface for 2 hours.
    • Then, refer to check the accuracy before use.
  2. Step 2: If any salt or mineral deposits are observed on the ODO probe, immediately rinse them off with distilled or deionized water. Always keep the sensing surface clean and with no scratches.
  3. Step 3: Blot the whole probe dry with a lint-free tissue. Then, use an anti-collision cap to protect the sensing surface.
  4. Step 4:. During the introduction of the probe to a new environment, wait for 5 minutes to make the probe’s temperature reach stabilization.
  5. Step 5: While in the same environment, 60 60-second waiting time is essential for having accurate results. The probe shall be covered by at least a 2-inch solution to ensure the temperature sensor is immersed in a solution.
  6. Step 6: Once completing testing, remove the ODO probe from the sample, rinse it with distilled water, blot it dry with a lint-free tissue, insert the probe into the next sample or refer to below ODO probe cleaning and storage section for the storage procedures.

Power on /off meter

  • Before powering on, plug the probe into the meter.
  • Short press to turn on the meter and a 6-second countdown starts.
  • Short press again to turn off the meter. If the meter is programmed with sleeping mode, it will be auto off accords to the time you choose.
  • The displayed value is shown as the right picture and the resolution changes accords to the measured range. 0.1% for 0.0~200.0% 0.1mg/L for 0.1 ~20.0mg/L

Change mode of D.O.

  • In normal and recall mode, short press to convert the D.O. value between DO Concentration (mg/L) and DO Saturation value (%)

Freeze Reading

  • In normal mode, a short press to freezes the screen, and “the icon appears. Short pres again to unlock and HOLD disappears.

Manual 99 recording

  • In normal or hold mode, short press ” MEM ” to save the current value into a memory file, up to 99 records. If memory is full, it will start to overwrite the earlier records.
  • You will see measured value flashing to indicate it is taken into memory and also the memory number of the right lower corner MEMO column increases.

Calculating Max./Min

  • In normal mode, press”  ” longer time to start the max. value counting from the moment you execute this feature.
  • Press again to get the minimum value.” MAX ” or ” MIN” appears to indicate the status.
  • Please note the D.O.unit cannot be changed in this mode.
  • Besides, the displayed max. or min. D.O and temperature are not a pair and can be from different time stamps.
  • To quit this mode, short press “ESC ” and this ends this maximum and minimum cycle. When you enter this mode again next time, it will re-count.

Check Memorized Data (Recall)

  • In normal mode, press the RECALL key longer time to review the logged data. MEMO flash to indicate the status.

  • Press or to scroll.
    D.O. unit change mode is active in recall mode. You can press to switch between mg/L and %.

  • To quit this mode, short press ESC.

ODO Probe Cleaning

  • Avoid touching the center part of the membrane, because it can become scratched or dirty. If this happens, the functionality of the device can no longer be guaranteed.
  • Rinse the sensor with distilled water from a squirt bottle or spray bottle and blot dry with a lint-free soft cloth.
  • Inspect the ODO sensing surface for scratches or discoloration and replace the probe if any flaws are observed. For more details about probe cleaning tricks, please ODO Probe Storage.

ODO Probe Storage

  • Between measurements and overnight, keep the ODO in the storage tube, making sure to wet the sponge with distilled water, or in a beaker with distilled water.
  • Keep the ODO probe away from direct sunlight during storage and do not expose it to temperature extremes.

Setup (Preference setting)

  • This meter is designed for many applications, you can custom made the basic setting to make it suitable for your unique application. For example, salinity shall be considered when measuring D.O. in high saline, > 1 ppt, environments.
  • Pressing” SET “to enter the setup mode. It returns to the normal model if the operation is idle for 20 seconds.
  • Use or to choose the program and press to enter the program.
  • Use or to adjusts and press” to confirm the setting or press” ESC to quit without saving.
  • The adjustable program number, description, default value, and adjustable range are all listed below.
  • After setting, press ” ESC ” to quit until you return to normal mode.

Programs number| Description| Default value| Adjustable range
P2. 0| Memory all clear| No| Yes or No
P3. 0| D.O. Compensation|  |
P3. 1| Salinity compensation| ON| OFF or ON
P3. 3| Salinity value| No| 0.0~55.0 ppt
P3. 4| Pressure value| No| 50.0~115.0 kPa
P5. 0| Auto sleep time| No| No, Sleep in 15, 30,45,

60 minutes

P6. 0| Temperature unit| oC| OC or oF
P7. 0| Reset to factory setting| No| Reset instrument to default and this clea memory as well.


Cleaning the sensing tip

  1. Avoid touching the center part of the sensing tip, because it can become scratched or dirty. If this happens, the functionality of the device can no longer be guaranteed.
  2.  Rinse the probe with distilled water from a squirt bottle or spray bottle and blot dry with a lint-free soft cloth.
  3. Inspect the ODO sensing tip for scratches or discoloration and replace the probe if any flaws are observed.
    • Above are common procedures to clean the probe after usage.
    • Please note calibration is not required after each cleaning.
    • However, a water saturated air calibration is recommended after performing below more strict cleaning procedures:
  4. If algal growth is present on the sensing tip, gently clean it with a soft brush. Or refer to step 2 in below “Cleaning the ODO probe body” section to clean up.
  5. Do not use solvents or soaps to clean the sensing tip and do not rub the tip with abrasive material. Use of these materials will damage the surface and void the warranty.
  6. The presence of a biofilm on the sensing tip can lead to measuring errors. A dirty optical sensing tip should be cleaned with warm, soapy water. A soft sponge should be used for cleaning (not an abrasive scouring sponge)
  7. Do not let salt or mineral deposits form on the probe. To remove salt or mineral deposits from the cap, refer to step 2 in below “Cleaning the ODO probe body” section.

Cleaning the ODO probe body

  1. Gently clean the probe body with wet soft clothes.
  2. Calcareous fouling can normally be dissolved with household vinegar. Immerse the probe in vinegar overnight. If the marine growth remains, use clean cotton swabs to gently wipe the growth off after it has been softened by soaking in vinegar.
  3. After cleaning the ODO probe, thoroughly rinse the probe in distilled water and blot it dry with a lint-free tissue before using or storing it.
    After cleaning the ODO probe body as described in above step 2, a water- saturated air calibration is recommended after performing more strict cleaning procedures.


  • Periodically check the accuracy of the D.O probe and conduct calibration while required. D.O calibration feature is available in this meter.
  • This probe is factory-calibrated and does not require calibration by the user often or before each use. Only do calibration while the probe is not reading accurately or after chemical cleaning.

If doing

100% D.O. CHECK or CAL

There are two methods to proceed with 100% check or calibration:

  1. By positioning the probe in water vapor-saturated air For example, directly over a water surface.
    • NOTE: The probe must be kept dry during the calibration process.
    • Drops of water adhering to the probe membrane could distort the measurement.
  2. By positioning the probe in air-saturated water Air is directed through water until the water is saturated with it.
    • NOTE: The air pressure and temperature must remain constant during the calibration
    • In practice, check and calibration can be done quickly and conveniently by performing the first method.
    • 100% water vapor-saturated air.

100% Water vapor -saturated air

  • The probe must be kept dry during this process. Drops of water adhering to the probe membrane could distort the measurement.
  • The air pressure and temperature shall remain constant during the calibration and away from wind and sunlight interference.
  1. Completely saturate the sponge with distilled water and no excess water comes out of the sponge.
  2. The probe surface must be kept dry Put back the storage tube and make the probe stand vertically facing the desk (See picture here)
  3. Power off the meter and wait for at least 60 minutes to create a 100% Water vapor-saturated air condition in the space between the sponge and the sensing surface.
  4. After 1 hour, power on the meter. Wait for 1 minute and check the D.O.reading. The qualified range shall be 95.0~105.0 %.
  5. Follow the keypad instructions in below to perform a 100% water-saturated air calibration if checked reading is out of qualified range. If the reading is off range for more than 10%, do both 100% and 0% calibration.
  6. After doing the calibration, the displayed measurement shall be within the qualified range as 102.0~98.0% range.

Keypad operation of doing calibration

  • In normal mode, pressing” CAL ” long time to enter the calibration. It returns to normal model if operation idle for 20 seconds.
  • Using or to chooses the program and press to enter the program.
  • Using or to adjusts and press to confirm executing calibration or press ” ESC to quit without doing the calibration.
  • The programs number, description, default value are all listed below.
  • After calibration, press ” ESC ” to quit until you return to normal mode

Programs number| Description| Default value| Adjustable range
P8. 0| 100% D.O CAL.| No| Yes or No
P9. 0| 0% D.O CAL.| No| Yes or No


Zero Oxygen Solution for Zero Point Calibration

The probe can be damaged by chemicals. A damaged sensing surface can lead to incorrect measurement results. The probe must not be in contact with the Zero Oxygen Solution (sulfite solution) for longer than one hour.
If you need a very good testing performance for below 1ppm D.O., Checking or even calibrating at zero oxygen condition is required. Otherwise, you don’t need to do this as part of your routine task.

  1. Prepare a sodium sulfite solution by dissolving about 10 g of NazSOs in about 100 mL of distilled water. Transfer the solution to a BOD bottle or flask.
    • Note: A small amount of cobalt salt can be added to the sodium sulfite solution. The cobalt salt will act as an indicator and change color when the sodium sulfite solution no longer has a zero oxygen content.
    • Suggest to make fresh zero 02 buffer after 1 hour of usage.
  2. Always perform a 100% water-saturated air calibration first and then zero oxygen calibration.
  3. Immerse the probe in a water-sulphite solution in order to determine the zero point (0% saturation). Stir the probe with solution to quickly decrease oxygen saturation, stirring can make the oxygen fixed to the membrane cap consumed.
  4. Add a stir bar to the bottle or flask. Immerse the ODO probe into the bottle or flask and use parafilm to seal the open area between the bottle or flask and the probe is even better.
  5. Place the bottle or flask on a magnetic stir plate and gently stir the solution.
  6. Wait at least five minutes for the ODO probe to equilibrate.
  7. If the measured value is larger than 5.0%, follow the keypad instructions to perform a zero-point calibration.
  8. Thoroughly rinse the ODO probe under running water and blot it dry with a lint-free tissue.
  9. If the ODO probe is sluggish or inaccurate after a zero-point calibration, means not all of the sodium sulfite was removed from the probe. A very thorough soaking and rinsing of the ODO probe in distilled water is required to remove all of the sodium sulfite solution and restore the probe performance. Soak the ODO probe in distilled water for 30 minutes, blot it dry with a lint-free tissue.


  • The most important principle in troubleshooting is to isolate the components of the system and check each in turn.
  • The components of the system include water resistance, the meter, ODO probe, testing sample and technique.
  1. Water Resistance
    • This device is not designed to be used under water. The IP67 meter body and connector provide you the convenience to do cleaning after usage without worry of damaging device.
    • The ODO probe can be submerged in an aquatic environment for some minute, not designed for long-term immersion application.
  2. Meter
    • The meter is the easiest component to eliminate as a possible cause of error.
  3. 0DO Probe
    • First, rinse the ODO probe thoroughly with distilled water, blot it dry with a lint-free tissue and inspect the sensing surface for scratches or discoloration.
    • Then, if readings continue to be erratic and unstable, the probe may need to be replaced.
  4. Testing sample
    • If the ODO probe works properly in standards (100% and 0%) but not in the sample, look for possible interferences or substances in the sample that could alter the probe response or physically damage the probe.
    • If possible, determine the composition of the sample and check for issues. The common see chemicals which will damage probe are listed in page 4.
  5. Technique
    • Check if the method of this optical D.O. analysis is compatible with your sample.

Common asked error & solution

Unable to calibrate the ODO probe:

  1. Verify the calibration setup and procedure are followed.
  2. Make sure that no water droplets are on the surface of the ODO probe surface while doing 100% water vapor saturated air check.
  3. Perform ODO probe cleaning section.

Dissolved oxygen measurements are unstable:

  1. Give the probe a few minutes to equilibrate in the sample, especially if the water is not at room temperature or unstable.
  2. Perform ODO probe cleaning up procedure.
  3. Interfering substance may be present.

Dissolved oxygen measurement is too low

  1. Salt may be present in the sample. Set the salinity factor in the meter.
  2. Perform ODO probe cleaning up procedure.
  3. If the ODO probe is sluggish or inaccurate after a zero point calibration, means not all of the sodium sulfite was removed from the probe. A very thorough soaking and rinsing of the ODO probe in distilled water is required to remove all of the sodium sulfite solution and restore the probe performance.

Wrong temperature displayed:

  1.  Verify that the ODO probe is immersed in the solution at least
  2. inch deep.

Bad zero point calibration:

  1. The ODO probe must be in an oxygen free solution for at least five minutes.
  2. Make sure that the open area between the probe and bottle is covered with parafilm.

Bad reading after zero point calibration:

  1. Soak the ODO probe in distilled water for 30 minutes, use a wash bottle to thoroughly rinse the probe with distilled water and then soak the probe for another 30 minutes in fresh distilled water.

More error codes:

  • Whatever the error code you see, first, check if battery is well installed or change new batteries to see if the issue solved.
  • E01: Probe isn’t detected
  • Power off first. Check whether the probe is connected normally, turn it on after confirming the probe connection is normal, if it still occurs, contact the shop you purchase product from for after sales service.
  • E02 in temp.:Measured temp. is below 0 °C
  • E03 in temp.:Measured temp. is higher than 40 °C
  • Put the probe  in room temp. for 30mins,if it still occurs, contact the shop you purchase product from for after sales service.
  • E02 in D.O.: Measured D.O. is below range
  • E03 in D.O.: Measured D.O. Is too high
  • E04 in D.O.: Measured temp. is in error
  • Put probe in room temp. for 30mins,if it still occurs, contact the shop you purchase product from for after sales service.



  • The below-described warranty is limited to the measurement host, and all external measuring probes and sensors are not covered by this one-year warranty contract.
  • Measuring probes and sensors are consumables that are consumed normally.
  • The meters are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year, starting from the date of discharge date.
  • The warranty covers normal operation and does not cover battery, misuse, abuse, alteration, neglect, improper maintenance, or damage resulting from leaking batteries.
  • The warranty also does not cover normal wear and tear, cuts or scratches, or damage caused by impacts or accidents; and damages caused by external factors such as exposure to the sun, dampness or dust, etc.
  • Proof of purchase is required for warranty repairs. The warranty is void if the meter has been opened or modified.


  • Authorization must be obtained from the supplier before returning items for any reason.
  • When requiring an RA (Return Authorization), please include data regarding the defective reason, the meters are to be returned along with good packing to prevent any damage in shipment and insured against possible damage or loss.

Accuracy, the Zenith of Measuring / Testing Instruments!

  • Hygrometer/Psychrometer
  • Thermometer
  • Anemometer
  • Sound Level Meter
  • Air Flow meter
  • Infrared Thermometer
  • K type Thermometer
  • K.J.T. type Thermometer
  • K.J.T.R.S.E. type Thermometer
  • pH Meter
  • Conductivity Meter
  • T.D.S. Meter
  • D.O. Meter
  • Saccharimeter
  • Manometer
  • Tacho Meter
  • Data logger
  • Temp./RH transmitter
  • Wireless Transmitter ……….
  • More products are available!

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