Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game User Guide

September 21, 2024
Educational Insights

Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game


Battery Installation

  1. Open the battery compartment door by carefully loosening the screw with a screwdriver.
  2. Install two fresh AA alkaline batteries, following the illustration inside the battery compartment.
    • Batteries must be installed with the correct polarity.
    • Only batteries of the same or equivalent type are to be used.
    • Alkaline batteries are preferable.
    • Do not mix old and new batteries.
    • Do not mix different types of batteries: alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
    • Do not use rechargeable batteries.
    • The supply terminals must not be short-circuited.
    • Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
    • Remove exhausted batteries from the unit.
  3. Close the compartment door and tighten the screw.
  4. To prevent battery corrosion, it is recommended the batteries be removed from the unit if it is not in use for two weeks.

Cleaning Clean with a damp or dry cloth. Do not immerse MathShark in water. Do not spray any liquid or water on MathShark.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Connect the equipment to a different outlet from the receiver.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

NOTE: The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment without the approval of the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.


Guide for Teachers and Parents

Congratulations! You have chosen MathShark, the calculator and electronic game that improves math skills.

As a CALCULATOR, MathShark performs arithmetic calculations for home or school. As a LEARNING tool, MathShark provides hundreds of drill games, enabling students to sharpen their mental math skills—math performed mentally rather than on paper—from memorization to estimation to mental computation.

MathShark LEARNING is a progressive sequence of problems in seven skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, and percents. There are thousands of problems! Self-directed and self-motivating, MathShark gives players the confidence to use mathematics in everyday activities.

MathShark users of all ages and skill levels find that these features help them sharpen math skills at their own individual pace:

  • Repeated drill Each SKILL has eight sequential levels. At each level, there are ten or more game sets—ten problems per game. At the end of each game, the player can choose to replay that game to improve timing, go to the next game on that level, or change to another level or another skill.
  • Immediate feedback Different tones and lights tell the player whether the answer is correct or incorrect. Incorrect answers are immediately corrected on the screen.
  • No-fail game format Incorrect answers are recycled into the game and repeated. Game play continues until all problems are answered correctly.
  • Self-assessment At the end of each game, a player’s elapsed time is shown on the screen. The player can try to improve that time by repeating the game.

Why is MathShark an Important Learning Tool?

Mathematics skills are useful throughout our lives. Teaching strategies may change, yet most educators agree that acquiring mathematics skills means learning to:

  • apply math skills outside the classroom
  • develop problem-solving techniques
  • inquire, analyze, and reason mathematically
  • communicate mathematically

MathShark’s fast, continuous drill games and instant feedback give students the basic tools they need to reason and problem-solve accurately and effectively—inside and outside the classroom.


MathShark can be useful in many ways. Some suggestions for incorporating MathShark in the home or classroom are listed below:

In the Home

  • Have children spend 15-30 minutes on MathShark drill games as part of their homework schedule. The ASSESSMENT chart on pages 10-11 can help parents and children keep track of skills review or mastery.
  • Make MathShark a traveling companion—MathShark can fit in a backpack and travel by car, train, bus, or plane.
  • Encourage players to keep track of their scores (on the ASSESSMENT chart or another piece of paper) and try to improve their times.
  • Challenge family members to a friendly MathShark competition. Players choose a SKILL and a LEVEL and see who gets the best time.
  • Substitute MathShark for TV and see what happens!

In the Classroom

  • Use MathShark as an individual skill builder. Five or ten minutes with MathShark turns “free time” into a productive learning experience.
  • Make MathShark a permanent feature in any Math Learning Center.
  • Use MathShark for cooperative learning. Pair students and have them take turns drilling basic math facts or specific skills and keeping a record of their times.
  • Use the MathShark ASSESSMENT chart on pages 10-11 to track students’ progress.
  • Encourage students to track their own progress by comparing their times for the first game they play at each level with games played after using the drills practice.

MathShark®’s Special Features

The HELP button can also be used to adjust the display CONTRAST on your screen. Turn MathShark on and press HELP during the opening screen. Use the + and – buttons to adjust contrast for maximum visibility. Press ENTER to return to the main menu.


MathShark is two fully functional learning tools in one! Press ON to start MathShark. It will come on in LEARNING mode unless you press CALCULATOR.


  1. Press CALCULATOR.
  2. Input the first number.
  3. Press a function key (+ – x ÷).
  4. Input the next number.
  5. Press ENTER and the answer will show.
  6. Continue the process for a multiple step problem.
  7. Press CALCULATOR or CLR to begin a new problem.


  1. Press LEARNING if you are in CALCULATOR mode.

  2. Select SOUNDS ON or OFF. To silence MathShark’s tones, press CLR at


  4. Choose a LEVEL from 1 to 8.
    ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, and DIVIDE begin by drilling basic facts:

    • Level 1 -drills facts for a specific number in sequential order, for example: 1 + 1, 2 + 1, 3 + 1

    • Level 2 -drills facts for a specific number in random order, for example: 4 + 2, 8 + 2, 3 + 2
      At Level 1 or Level 2, player chooses NUMBER TO DRILL. For example: To drill basic multiplication facts for 6, choose MULTIPLY, LEVEL 1, DRILL NUMBER 6.

    • Level 3 -mixes the number facts drilled in random order, for example: 5 + 1, 6 + 4, 2 + 9

    • Levels 4- 8-provide programmed math problems in a skill area in progressive sequence. (See examples in Content by Skill Levels.) ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY on Level 8, and DIVIDE on Levels 7 and 8-introduce pre-algebra skills by having players find the missing number in a math problem.
      DECIMALS, FRACTIONS, and PERCENTS on Levels 1-8-provide skills practice in increasing difficulty.

  5. After choosing SKILL and LEVEL, screen displays EXAMPLES.

  6. Press ENTER to start a game, or CLR to choose a different SKILL or LEVEL.

  7. First problem appears. Input an answer, then press ENTER. To enter a fraction, use the A/B button. To enter a decimal, use the button. The HELP button offers a visual clue. The HELP screen might display the problem in another way or provide a hint to getting the correct answer. After using the HELP screen, press HELP again (or CLR orENTER) to return to the problem screen and ENTER an answer.

  8. If the answer is correct, the green light flashes and the correct answer tone plays.

  9. If the answer is incorrect, the red light flashes and the incorrect answer beep plays. The correct answer flashes and the problem recycles into the game. Play continues until all 10 problems are answered correctly (even if it takes 50 tries!).

  10. At the end of each game, the screen displays a congratulatory message and the elapsed time.

  11. Make one of these selections:

    • advance to the NEXT game, press +.*
    • repeat the SAME game, press ENTER.
    • CHANGE skills by returning to the main menu, press CLR. To change levels, press CLR, choose a SKILL, then choose a LEVEL. (To change SKILL during a game, press LEARNING to return to the main menu.)

In ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, and DIVIDE on Levels 1 and 2, MathShark will advance to the next LEVEL after the highest drill number is completed. All other levels and skills will repeat continuously until CLR is chosen from the end-of-game menu.

To conserve batteries, MathShark is set to “go to sleep” after 300 seconds, or five minutes. Pressing any button will “wake up” MathShark. When player completes a game after waking up MathShark, the elapsed time at the end will say 300 SECS, the maximum time.

MathShark® Content by Skill Levels

The MathShark Skills Scope and Sequence Chart on pages 20–21 gives an overall look at content in each skill and on each level.The following pages provide a definition of the content for each skill and level, plus some example problems. You may want to use the examples to introduce a new or difficult concept. You might also want to make a reproducible sheet of problems for practice or for assessment. For teacher assessment, use the reproducible ASSESSMENT chart on pages 10–11 to keep track of each player’s mastery. Students or parents can use the chart to keep track of individual achievements.


Level 1: B asic addition facts 0-9 in sequential order.

  • 1 + 4 = __
  • 2 + 4 = __

Level 2: Basic addition facts 0-9 in non-sequential order.

  • 4 + 2 = __
  • 1 + 8 = __
  • 7 + 2 = __
  • 2 + 7 = __

Level 3: Basic addition facts 0-9 in non-sequential order.

  • 3 + 5 = __
  • 7 + 4 = __
  • 5 + 1 = __
  • 2 + 9 = __

Level 4: Add 2-digit addends to 1-digit addends without regrouping.

  • 23 + 4 = __
  • 18 + 7 = __
  • 90 + 5 = __
  • 72 + 1 = __

Level 5: Add 2-digit addends to 2-digit addends without regrouping.

  • 51 + 34 = __
  • 37 + 12 = __
  • 11 + 11 = __
  • 24 + 34 = __

Level 6: Add three 1-digit addends.

  • 3 + 5 + 4 = __
  • 7 + 1 + 3 = __

Suggestions for adding three numbers: always add the first two numbers, then add the sum to the third.

Level 7: Add 2-digit addends to either a 1-digit addend or another 2-digit addend with regrouping.

  • 45 + 36 = __
  • 53 + 8 = __
  • 28 + 9 = __
  • 39 + 39 = __

Reminder: Determine the answer mentally.

Level 8: Introduces the pre-algebra concept of finding the missing addend (shown as ?).

  • 2 + ? = 9
  • ? + 70 = 80



Level 1

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 2

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 3

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 4

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 5

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 6

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 7

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

Level 8

|  |  |  |  |  |  |


Level 1: Basic subtraction facts 0-9 in sequential order.

  • 5 – 2 = __
  • 6 – 2 = __

Level 2: Basic subtraction facts 0-9 in non-sequential order.

  • 16 – 8 = __
  • 10 – 8 = __
  • 13 – 8 = __
  • 8 – 8 = __

Level 3: Basic subtraction facts 0-9 in non-sequential order.

  • 5 – 3 = __
  • 7 – 8 = __
  • 9 – 2 = __
  • 5 – 4 = __

Level 4: Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers without regrouping.

  • 25 – 4 = __
  • 98 – 7 = __
  • 67 – 6 = __
  • 55 – 7 = __

Level 5: Subtract 2-digit numbers from 2- and 3-digit numbers without regrouping.

  • 654 – 13 = __
  • 364 – 123 = __
  • 837 – 26 = __
  • 97 – 26 = __

Reminder: Determine the answer “mentally” and enter the complete answer from left to right.

Level 6: Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers with regrouping.

  • 43 – 9 = __
  • 42 – 7 = __
  • 75 – 7 = __
  • 71 – 8 = __

Level 7: Subtract 2-digit numbers from 2- and 3-digit numbers with regrouping.

  • 92 – 58 = __
  • 170 – 27 = __
  • 78 – 39 = __
  • 141 – 16 = __

Level 8: Introduces the pre-algebra concept of finding the missing number.

  • 79 – ? = 23
  • ? – 71 = 28

Subtract to find the missing subtrahend. Add to find the missing minuend.


Level 1: Basic multiplication facts 1–12 in sequential order.

  • 5 × 5 = __
  • 6 × 5 = __

Level 2: Basic multiplication facts 1–12 in non-sequential order.

  • 2 × 5 = __
  • 8 × 5 = __
  • 6 × 5 = __
  • 5 × 5 = __

Level 3: Basic multiplication facts 1–12 in non-sequential order.

  • 5 × 3 = __
  • 4 × 3 = __
  • 9 × 2 = __
  • 7 × 3 = __

Level 4: Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without regrouping .

  • 23 × 3 = __
  • 21 × 9 = __
  • 32 × 2 = __
  • 5 × 11 = __

Level 5: Multiply 1-digit or 2-digit numbers by a number ending in one or two zeros.

  • 100 × 4 = __
  • 300 × 30 = __
  • 12 × 30 = __
  • 5 × 10 = __

Level 6: Multiply three 1-digit factors.

  • 5 × 6 × 2 = __
  • 3 × 5 × 4 = __

You may want to offer one of these suggestions for mental reminders in multiplying three factors:

  • multiply the first two factors, then multiply the product by the third.
  • multiply the easier two factors, then multiply the product by the third.

Level 7: Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with regrouping.

  • 47 × 3 = __
  • 25 × 6 = __
  • 58 × 2 = __
  • 25 × 7 = __

You might want to encourage players to use their estimating skills at this level. Estimation is a valuable tool in mental math. Remind players to enter the complete answer from left to right.

Level 8: Introduces the pre-algebra concept of finding the missing factor (shown as ?).

  • 33 × ? = 132
  • ? × 47 = 94

To find the missing factor, divide the product by the known factor.


Level 1: Basic division facts 1–12 in sequential order.

  • 2 ÷ 2 = __
  • 4 ÷ 2 = __

Level 2: Basic division facts 1–12 in non-sequential order.

  • 9 ÷ 3 = __
  • 15 ÷ 3 = __

Level 3: Basic division facts 1–12 in non-sequential order.

  • 108 ÷ 12 = __
  • 18 ÷ 2 = __

Level 4: Divide numbers ending in zero by 10 or numbers ending in two zeros by 100.

  • 560 ÷ 10 = __
  • 200 ÷ 100 = __

Level 5: 3-digit numbers divided by 1-digit numbers without regrouping.

  • 364 ÷ 4 = __
  • 339 ÷ 3 = __

Level 6: 2-digit numbers divided by 1-digit numbers with regrouping.

  • 78 ÷ 3 = __
  • 80 ÷ 5 = __

Level 7: Introduces the pre-algebra concept of finding the missing divisor (shown as ?).

  • 60 ÷ ? = 3
  • 48 ÷ ? = 6

Level 8: Introduces the pre-algebra concept of finding the missing dividend (shown as ?).

  • ? ÷ 4 = 6
  • ? ÷ 2 = 32

To find the missing dividend, multiply the two factors.


Before beginning work in the DECIMALS skills, make sure the player knows how to use the button to enter a decimal: enter the whole number, press the button, then enter the decimal numbers.

Level 1: Add tenths.

  • 0.2 + 0.3 = ___
  • 0.4 + 0.6 = ___

Level 2: Subtract tenths.

  • 0.3 – 0.1 = ___
  • 0.8 – 0.6 = ___

Level 3: Add hundredths.

  • 0.10 + 0.01 = ___
  • 0.20 + 0.12 = ___

Reminder for players: Determine the answer “mentally” and enter the complete answer.

Level 4: Subtract hundredths.

  • 0.28 – 0.14 = ___
  • 0.34 – 0.22 = ___

Level 5: Add decimals greater than 1.

  • 1.13 + 0.42 = ___
  • 3.34 + 0.13 = ___

Level 6: Subtract decimals greater than 1.

  • 4.24 – 0.12 = ___
  • 8.83 – 7.70 = ___

Level 7: Multiply with decimals.

  • 2 x 0.2 = ___
  • 0.10 x 0.10 = ___

Level 8: Divide with decimals.

  • 0.25 ÷ 5 = ___
  • 0.28 ÷ 0.07 = ___


Before beginning work in the FRACTIONS skills, make sure the player knows how to use the A/B button to enter a fraction: enter the numerator, press the A/B button, then enter the denominator.

Level 1: Simplify fractions.

Once players have learned to simplify fractions in LEVEL 1, all answers for LEVELS 2-8 must be simplified.

  • 4/16 = ___
  • 90/100 = ___

Level 2: Add fractions with like denominators, answers not over 1.

  • 1/8 + 2/8 = ___
  • 1/5 + 1/5 = ___
  • 1/6 + 4/6 = ___

Reminder for fractions: As FRACTIONS levels advance, remind players to use this 3-step process:

  1. Input their answer as a fraction, but do not press ENTER.
  2. Look at the fraction and ask: “Can it be simplified?”
  3. If the answer is “yes,” players can use CLR to erase their answer and input it again in simplified form.

Level 3: Subtract fractions with like denominators.

  • 3/4 – 2/4 = ___
  • 3/7 – 1/7 = ___

Level 4: Add fractions with unlike denominators.

  • 1/3 + 3/6 = ___
  • 3/5 + 1/10 = ___

To add and subtract unlike fractions, rename the fractions as equivalent fractions with common denominators.


Skills Scope and Sequence Chart

ADD                              SUBTRACT                     MULTIPLY DIVIDE                    DECIMALS FRACTIONS                  PERCENTS

Level 1|  | Basic facts, selected number, sequential| Basic facts, selected number, sequential| Basic facts, selected number, sequential| Basic facts, selected number, sequential| ADD


| Simplify fractions| Write equivalent fractions
Level 2|  | Basic facts, selected number, non-sequential| Basic facts, selected number, non-sequential| Basic facts, selected number, non-sequential| Basic facts, selected number, non-sequential| SUBTRACT


| ADD fractions with like denominators| Write equivalent decimals
Level 3|  | Basic random facts, non-sequential| Basic random facts, non- sequential| Basic random facts, non-sequential| Basic random facts,





fractions with like denominators

| Identify 1% or 10% of whole numbers
Level 4|  | 2-digits plus 1-digit, no regrouping| 2-digits minus 1-digit, no regrouping| 2-digits by 1-digit, no regrouping| Dividing with zeros| SUBTRACT


| ADD fractions with unlike denominators| Identify 25%, 50%, or 100% of whole numbers
Level 5|  | 2-digits plus 2-digits, no regrouping| 2-digits or 3-digits minus 2-digits,

no regrouping

| 1-digit or 2-digits by factors with zero| 3-digits divided by 1-digit, no regrouping| ADD

decimals greater than 1

| SUBTRACT fractions with unlike denominators| Identify 5%, 20%, or 75% of whole numbers
Level 6|  | Three 1-digit addends| 2-digits minus 1-digit, with regrouping| Three 1-digit factors| 2-digits divided by 1-digit, with regrouping| SUBTRACT

decimals greater than 1


fractions with unlike denominators

| Find percents in numbers ending with zeros
Level 7|  | 2-digits plus 1-digit and 2-digits plus

2-digits, with regrouping

| 2-digits or 3-digits minus 2-digits, with regrouping| 2-digits by 1-digit, with regrouping| Find the missing divisor| MULTIPLY

with decimals

| MULTIPLY fractions and whole numbers| Find the missing percentage
Level 8|  | Find the missing addend| Find the missing subtrahend or minuend| Find the missing factor| Find the missing dividend| DIVIDE

with decimals

| DIVIDE fractions and whole numbers| Find the missing number

Developed in Southern California by Educational Insights.

© Educational Insights, Inc., Gardena, CA (U.S.A.). All rights reserved. Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.). Please retain this information. Made in China.


What is the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is an interactive educational tool designed to help children learn and practice basic math skills in a fun way.

What is the price of the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is priced at $42.09, making it a valuable investment for educational purposes.

What type of calculator is the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is classified as a basic calculator, ideal for teaching fundamental math concepts.

What is the power source for the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is battery powered, requiring 2 AA batteries for operation.

What is the screen size of the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The screen size of the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is 2.9 inches, providing clear visibility for easy reading.

What are the product dimensions of the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The product dimensions of the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game are 6.2 x 9.9 x 2.9 inches.

How much does the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game weigh?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game weighs 12 ounces, making it lightweight and portable for children.

What is the item model number for the Educational Insights Electronic Math Game?

The item model number for the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is 8490.

What is the recommended age for using the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game is recommended for children aged 6 to 10 years.

What makes the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game engaging for kids?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game features interactive gameplay and quizzes, making learning math fun and engaging for children.

How does the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game support math learning?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game supports math learning by providing practice problems, quizzes, and instant feedback, enhancing understanding and retention.

What types of math skills can the Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game help develop?

The Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game helps develop basic math skills, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Why is my Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game not turning on?

Ensure that the batteries are properly installed with correct polarity. Check if the batteries are fresh and replace them if necessary. If the game still doesn’t power on, try using new batteries.

Why is the screen on my Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game blank?

This could be due to low battery power. Replace the batteries and ensure they are installed correctly. If the screen remains blank, try resetting the game by turning it off and back on.

Why is the sound not working on my Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game?

Ensure that the volume is not turned down or muted. If the sound is still not working, check the speaker for damage or obstructions. Try replacing the batteries if the issue persists.

DOWNLOAD THE PDF LINK:Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game User Guide

REFERENCE: Educational Insights EI-8490 Electronic Math Game User Guide- Device.Report

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