Hecht 6642 Petrol Garden Shredder Instructions

August 29, 2024

6642 Petrol Garden Shredder


Product Information


  • Model: HECHT 6642
  • Year: 2017
  • Languages: English, Deutsch, Cesky, Slovensky, Polski,

Product Usage Instructions

1. Assembly Steps:

  1. Lift the machine body on the filling channel side and attach
    the transport wheel axle using four M8 screws. Do not tighten the
    screws yet.

  2. Place the wheels and tighten the screws in the axles. Axles do
    not need to be lubricated as the wheels bear bearings.

  3. Install the battery base with four M8 screws. Tighten the wheel
    axle and the battery base firmly.

  4. Attach the drawbar to the shaft and tighten it firmly. Secure
    the front girder with the shaft using a butterfly screw.

  5. Install the front support on the front girder with the shaft
    using four M8 screws. Attach the front girder with the shaft and
    tighten it securely.

  6. Attach the removal channel with four M8 screws. The removal
    channel is not side-dependent. Attach the chimney of the removal
    channel and fasten it with buckles/screws depending on the

  7. Attach the handles on the filling channel and fasten them to
    the machine body using five M8 screws. Connect the stop button
    connector at the bottom after tightening the filling channel.

2. Maintenance:

Regularly check for loose screws and tighten them if necessary.
Keep the machine clean and store it in a dry place when not in use
to prevent damage.

3. Safety Precautions:

Always follow safety guidelines provided in the manual. Ensure
all parts are properly assembled before operating the machine. Use
appropriate protective gear when using the product.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Do I need to lubricate the axles of the wheels?

A: No, the wheels bear bearings and do not require lubrication
on the axles.

Q: How many screws are needed to attach the battery base?

A: The battery base should be attached with four M8 screws.





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f CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCT BRAND HECHT. This manual contains important information about safety, installation, operation, maintenance, storage, and troubleshooting. Keep this manual in a safe place to be able to find information in the future or for other users. Given the constant technological development and adaptation to the latest exacting standards of the EU technical and design changes may be carried out without prior notice. Photographs are for illustrative purposes only, and may not exactly match the product itself. It is not possible to exercise any legal claims associated with this operator’s manual. In case of doubt, contact the importer or retailer.
d WIR GRATULIEREN IHNEN ZUM KAUF EINES PRODUKTES DER MARKE HECHT. Dieses Handbuch enthält wichtige Hinweise zur Sicherheit, zum Aufbau, zur Bedienung, zur Wartung, zur Lagerung und zur Fehlersuche bei Problemen. Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung an einem sicheren Ort auf und stellen sie Sicher, dass diese Informationen auch für andere Nutzer immer verfügbar sind. Angesichts der ständigen technologischen Weiterentwicklungen und Anpassungen an die neuesten EU Standards können technische und optische Änderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung durchgeführt werden. Die Bilder in diesem Handbuch dienen nur zur Veranschaulichung und können vom gelieferten Produkt abweichen. Es können keine Rechtsansprüche im Bezug auf die Betriebsanleitung geltend gemacht werden. Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler bei Unklarheiten, Fragen oder im Zweifelsfall.
b GRATULUJEME VÁM K NÁKUPU VÝROBKU ZNACKY HECHT. Tento návod obsahuje dlezité informace o bezpecnosti, montázi, provozu, údrzb, uskladnní a esení pípadných problém, proto jej dobe uschovejte pro moznost vyhledání informací v budoucnu a pro dalsí uzivatele. Vzhledem k stálému vývoji a pizpsobování nejnovjsím nárocným normám EU mohou být na výrobcích provádny technické a optické zmny bez pedchozího upozornní. Fotografie pouzité v manuálu jsou pouze ilustracní a nemusí se pesn shodovat s dodaným výrobkem. Nelze uplatovat jakékoli právní nároky související s tímto návodem k obsluze. V pípad nejasností kontaktujte dovozce nebo prodejce.
l GRATULUJEME VÁM K NÁKUPU VÝROBKU ZNACKY HECHT. Tento návod obsahuje dôlezité informácie o bezpecnosti, montázi, prevádzke, údrzbe, uskladnení a riesení prípadných problémov, preto ho dobre uschovajte pre moznos vyhadania informácií v budúcnosti a pre alsích uzívateov. Vzhadom k stálemu technickému vývoju a prispôsobovaniu najnovsím nárocným normám EÚ môzu by robené technické a optické zmeny bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia. Fotografie pouzité v manuále sú len ilustracné a nemusia sa presne zhodova s dodaným výrobkom. Nie je mozné uplatova akékovek právne nároky súvisiace s týmto návodom k obsluhe. V prípade nejasností kontaktujte dovozcu alebo predajcu.
j GRATULUJEMY ZAKUPU PRODUKTU MARKI HECHT. Przedkladana instrukcja zawiera wane informacje dotyczce bezpieczestwa, montau, eksploatacji, konserwacji, przechowywania oraz usuwania ewentualnych usterek. W zwizku z tym instrukcj naley odpowiednio przechowa w celu umoliwienia wyszukania informacji w przyszloci oraz dla jej stosowania przez dalszych uytkowników. Ze wzgldu na cigly rozwój oraz proces dostosowywania do najnowszych, wymagajcych norm Unii Europejskiej, w wyrobach mog by wprowadzone zmiany techniczne i graficzne bez wczeniejszego zawiadamiania. Fotografie zastosowane w instrukcji maj jedynie charakter obrazowy i nie musz dokladnie zgadza si z dostarczon maszyna. Wykluczone s jakiekolwiek roszczenia prawne zwizane z przedkladan instrukcj obslugi. W przypadku wtpliwoci naley kontaktowa si z importerem lub ze sprzedawc.
h KÖSZÖNJÜK ÖNNEK, HOGY MEGVÁSÁROLTA A HECHT MÁRKÁJÚ TERMÉKET. A jelen használati útmutató fontos biztonsági, szerelési, üzemeltetési, karbantartási, tárolási és hibaelhárítási információkat tartalmaz. Az útmutatót rizze meg, továbbá azt a berendezés egyéb felhasználóinak is adja át. A folyamatos modernizálás, a technológia fejlesztések, valamint az EK elírásainak való megfelelés miatt a termékek mszaki tulajdonságait és kivitelét elzetes bejelentés nélkül is megváltoztathatjuk. Az útmutatóban használt képek csak tájékoztató jellegek, azok eltérhetnek a ténylegesen megvásárolt terméktl. A használati útmutatóval kapcsolatban minden jogi igényt elutasítunk. Bizonytalanság esetén vegye fel a kapcsolatot a gép importrével vagy eladójával.

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f Before the first operation, please read the owner`s manual carefully! d Lesen Sie bitte vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme die Betriebsanleitung sorgfältig! b Ped prvním uvedením do provozu si prosím pozorn pectte tento návod k obsluze! l Pred prvým uvedením do prevádzky si prosím pozorne precítajte návod na obsluhu! j Przed pierwszym uyciem naley dokladnie przeczyta instrukcj obslugi! h A készülék els üzembe helyezése eltt figyelmesen olvassa el ezt a használati útmutatót!



POPIS STROJE ………………………………………………. 4 OBRAZOVÁ PÍLOHA …………………………………… 6 SPECIFIKACE……………………………………………….. 18 BEZPECNOSTNÍ SYMBOLY ………………………….. 21 NÁHRADNÍ DÍLY …………………………………………. 25 DOPORUCENÉ PÍSLUSENSTVÍ……………………. 26 NÁVOD K POUZITÍ ……………………………………… 72 ES PROHLÁSENÍ O SHOD…………………………164 POTVRZENÍ O SEZNÁMENÍ SE S OBSLUHOU ZAÍZENÍ…………………………………………………… 166

POPIS STROJA………………………………………………. 4 OBRAZOVÁ PRÍLOHA …………………………………… 6 SPECIFIKÁCIA……………………………………………… 18 BEZPECNOSTNÉ SYMBOLY …………………………. 21 NÁHRADNÉ DIELY………………………………………. 25 DOPORUCENÉ PRÍSLUSENSTVO………………….. 26 NÁVOD NA POUZITIE …………………………………. 94 ES VYHLÁSENIE O ZHODE…………………………164 POTVRDENIE O ZOZNÁMENÍ SA S OBSLUHOU ZARIADENIA ……………………………………………..166


A GÉP RÉSZEI ……………………………………………….. 4 ÁBRÁS ÚTMUTATÓ………………………………………. 6 SPECIFIKÁCIÓ……………………………………………… 18 JELEK A GÉPEN…………………………………………… 21 PÓTALKATRÉSZEK………………………………………. 25 AJÁNLOTT TARTOZÉKOK……………………………. 26 HASZNÁLATI ÚTMUTATÓ…………………………..140 EK MEGFELELSÉGI NYILATKOZAT……………164 A GÉP ÁTVÉTELÉNEK ÉS BEMUTATÁSÁNAK AZ IGAZOLÁSA………………………………………………. 166

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Chipping chute Násypný zab


Stopper ring Obruc ovládaca zastavenia


Filling channel Plniaci kanál


Oil filler hole / dipstick Nalievací otvor oleja / mierka


Battery Akumulátor


Wheel Koliesko


Removal channel chimney Komín odhadzovacieho kanálu


Fuel tank cap Viecko palivovej nádrze


Muffler with guard Tlmic výfuku s mriezkou


Fuel tank Palivová nádrz


Protecting cover Ochranný kryt


Drawbar azné zariadenie


Shaft Oje


Foreleg Predná noha


Air filter Vzduchový filter


Throttle lever Plynová páka


Choke lever Páka sýtica


Fuel valve Palivový kohút


Ignition key Kúcik zapaovania


Starter handle Madlo startéra

DE PL Spritzschutzabdeckung Wlot zasypowy Reifen des Anhaltbedieners Obrcz sterownika zatrzymania Einfüllkanal Kanal napelniajcy Öleinfüllöffnung / Ölpeilstab Zakrtka otworu wlewu oleju/miarka Akkumulator Akumulator Rad Kolo Schacht des Abwurfkanals Komin kanalu odrzucajcego Tankdeckel Zakrtka zbiornika paliwa Schalldämpfer mit Schutzgitter Tlumik wydechowy z krat Kraftstofftank Zbiornik paliwa Schutzabdeckung Oslona Anhängerkupplung Zaczep Deichsel Dyszel Standfuß Przednia noga Luftfilter Filtr powietrza Gashebel Dwignia gazu Chokehebel Dwignia ssania Benzinhahn Zawór paliwa Zündschlüssel Kluczyk zaplonu Seilzugstarter Uchwyt rozrusznika

CS HU Násypný zlab Betölt nyílás Obruc ovládace zastavení Leállítás kezel gyrje Plnicí kanál Töltcsatorna Nalévací otvor oleje / mrka Olajbetölt nyílás/mérpálca Akumulátor Akkumulátor Kolo Kerék Komín odhazového kanálu Kidobócsatorna kéménye Víko palivové nádrze Üzemanyag tartály fedele Tlumic výfuku s mízkou Kipufogódob ráccsal Palivová nádrz Üzemanyag tartály Ochranný kryt Védoburkot Tazné zaízení Vontató berendezés Oj Vonórúd Pední noha Elüls láb Vzduchový filtr Légszr Plynová páka Gázkar Páka sytice Fojtókar Palivový kohout Üzemanyagcsap Klícek zapalování Gyújtás kapcsoló (kulcs) Madlo startéru Indító fogantyú

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EN SK Machine body A. Telo stroja Filling channel B. Plniaci kanál Front support C. Predná podpera Battery base D. Základa akumulátora Transport wheel axle E. Os prepravných kolies Drawbar F. azné zariadenie Removal channel G. Odhadzovací kanál
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c d e f g h i
DE PL Maschinenkörper Korpus urzdzenia Einfüllkanal Kanal napelniajcy Vordere Stütze Przednie podparcie Grundgestell des Akkumulators Podstawa akumulatora Achse der Transporträder O kól transportowych Anhängerkupplung Zaczep Abwurfkanal Kanal odrzucajcy

l m n o
CS HU Tlo stroje Gép teste Plnicí kanál Töltcsatorna Pední podpra Elüls alátámaszték Základna akumulátoru Akkumulátor alapzat Osa pepravních kol Szállító kerekek tengelye Tazné zaízení Vontató berendezés Odhazový kanál Kidobócsatorna

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EN SK Packed battery H. Balený akumulátor Plastic battery basket I. Plastový kôs akumulátora Instructions for use J. Návod na pouzitie 2 wheels K. 2x koleso Removal channel chimney L. Komín odhadzovacieho kanálu Front girder M. Predný nosník Shaft N. Oj Tool case O. Kufrík s náradím Stopper ring P. Obruc ovládaca zastavenia





Packung Akkumulator

Balený akumulátor


Csomagolt akkumulátor

Kunststoffkorb des Akkumulators Plastový kos akumulátoru

Kosz akumulatora z tworzywa sztucznego Akkumulátor manyag kosara


Návod k pouzití

Instrukcja obslugi

Használati útmutató

2x Räder

2x kolo

2 Kola

2x kerék

Schacht des Abwurfkanals

Komín odhazového kanálu

Komin kanalu odrzucajcego

Kidobócsatorna kéménye

Vorderer Träger

Pední nosník

Przednia belka

Elüls tartórúd






Kufík s náadím

Skrzynka z narzdziami

Szerszámos táska

Reifen des Anhaltbedieners

Obruc ovládace zastavení

Obrcz sterownika zatrzymania

Leállítás kezel gyrje

fAlways install the screws by first putting the washer, passing them through the hole/holes fitted, slide the washer, spring pad and nut. Most screws are pre-assembled in the holes they belong to. It is necessary to dismantle them before each step. This need for disassembly will not be repeated in the following steps.
dMontieren Sie die Schrauben so, dass Sie zuerst eine Unterlegscheibe auf diese geben, sie dann durch die montierte Öffnung/Öffnungen geben, die Unterlegscheibe, den Federring und die Mutter aufsetzen. Die meisten Schrauben sind in den Öffnungen vormontiert, in welche sie gehören. Es ist also vor jedem Schritt notwendig, diese zuerst zu demontieren. In den nachfolgenden Schritten wird diese Notwendigkeit der Demontage nicht ständig wiederholt werden.
bSrouby montujte vzdy tak, ze nejprve navléknete podlozku, provléknete montovaným otvorem/otvory, nasunete podlozku, pérovou podlozku a matku. Vtsina sroub je pedmontována v otvorech, do kterých patí. Ped kazdým krokem je tedy nutné je nejprve demontovat. V následujících krocích nebude tato nutnost demontáze neustále opakována.
lSkrutky montujte vzdy tak, ze najskôr navlieknite podlozku, prevlecte montovaným otvorom/otvory nasute podlozku, pérovú podlozku a maticu. Väcsina skrutiek je predmontovaná v otvoroch, do ktorých patria. Pred kazdým krokom je teda nutné ich najskôr demontova. V nasledujúcich krokoch nebude táto nutnos demontáze neustále opakovaná.
jruby montowa zawsze w taki sposób, e najpierw naloy podkladk, wloy do otworu / otworów, nasun podkladk, podkladk sprynow i nakrtk. Wikszo rub jest wstpnie zamontowana w otworach, do których nale. Przed kadym krokiem naley najpierw je zdemontowa. W poniszych krokach taka potrzeba demontau nie bdzie cigle powtarzana.
hA csavarokat mindig úgy szerelje fel, hogy elször elhelyezi az alátétet, áthúzza a szerelt nyíláson/nyílásokon, felhúzza az alátétet, rúgós alátétet és anyát. A csavarok nagy része elre szerelt azon nyílásokban, amelyekbe tartoznak. Tehát minden lépés eltt, elször szükséges a szétszerelés. A további lépésekben a szétszerelés ezen szükségessége nem lesz folyamatosan ismételve.
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fLift the machine body on the filling channel side and attach the transport wheel axle by the four M8 screws. Do not tighten the screws.
dHeben Sie den Maschinenkörper an der Seite des Einfüllkanals an und montieren Sie mit vier Schrauben M8 die Achse der Transporträder. Ziehen Sie die Schrauben nicht fest.
bPizvednte tlo stroje na stran plnicího kanálu a namontujte ctymi srouby M8 osu pepravních kol. Srouby nedotahujte.
lPridvihnite telo stroja na strane plniaceho kanálu a namontujte styrmi skrutkami M8 os prepravných kolies. Skrutky nedoahujte.
jPodnie korpus urzdzenia tam, gdzie znajduje si kanal napelniajcy i zamontuj czterema rubami M8 o kól transportowych. Nie dokrcaj rub.
hEmelje fel a gép testét a töltcsatorna oldalán és négy M8 csavar segítségével szerelje fel a szállítókerekeket. A csavarokat ne húzza be.
fPlace the wheels and tighten the screws in the axles. Axles do not need to be lubricated, the wheels bear bearings.
dSchieben Sie die Räder auf und ziehen Sie die Schrauben in den Achsen. Es ist nicht notwendig, die Achsen zu schmieren, die Räder sind mit Kugellagern ausgestattet.
bNasute kola a dotáhnte srouby v osách. Osy není nutné mazat, kola jsou opatena lozisky.
lNasute kolesá a dotiahnite skrutky v osách. Osy nie je nutné maza, kolesá sú opatrené loziskami.
jNasu kola i dokr ruby w osiach. Osie nie musz by smarowane, kola posiadaj loyska.
hHelyezze el a kerekeket és húzza be a csavarokat a tengelyekben. A tengelyek kenése nem szükséges, a kerekek csapágyakkal vannak ellátva.
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fInstall the battery base (4x M8). Tighten the wheel axle and the battery base firmly.

dMontieren Sie das Grundgestell des Akkumulators (4x M8). Ziehen Sie die Räderachse und das Grundgestell des Akkumulators fest an.

bNamontujte základnu akumulátoru (4x M8). Pevn dotáhnte osu kol i základnu akumulátoru.

lNamontujte základu akumulátora (4x M8). Pevne dotiahnite osu kolies aj základu akumulátora.

jZainstaluj podstaw akumulatora (4x M8). Dokr mocno o kól i podstaw akumulatora.


hSzerelje fel az akkumulátor alapzatát (4x M8). Stabilan húzza be a kerekek tengelyét és az akkumulátor alapzatát


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fAttach the drawbar to the shaft and tighten it firmly. Take down the shaft with the front girder and tighten by butterfly screw.
dMontieren Sie die Anhängerkupplung an die Deichsel und ziehen Sie sie fest an. Setzen Sie die Deichsel mit dem vorderen Träger zusammen und ziehen Sie sie mit den Flügelschrauben fest.
bTazné zaízení namontujte na oj a pevn dotáhnte. Oj sesate s pedním nosníkem a dotáhnte motýlkovým sroubem.
lazné zariadenie namontujte na oj a pevne dotiahnite. Oj zosate s predným nosníkom a dotiahnite motýlikovou skrutkou.
jPrzymocuj zaczep do dyszla i dokr mocno. Spasuj o przedniej belki i dokr rub motylkow.
hSzerelje fel a vontató berendezést a vonórúdra és stabilan húzza be. A vonórudat ersítse az elüls tartórúdhoz és húzza be pillangócsavarral.
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fInstall the front support on the front girder with the shaft (4x M8). Lift the machine on the removal channel side and attach the front girder with the shaft. Tighten it all.
dMontieren Sie die vordere Stütze an den vorderen Träger mit der Deichsel (4x M8). Heben Sie den Maschinenkörper an der Seite des Abwurfkanals an und montieren Sie den vorderen Träger mit der Deichsel. Ziehen sie alles fest an.
bNa pední nosník s ojí namontujte pední podpru (4x M8). Pizvednte tlo stroje na stran odhazového kanálu a namontujte pední nosník s ojí. Vse pevn dotáhnte.
lNa predný nosník s ojou namontujte prednú podperu (4x M8). Pridvihnite telo stroja na strane odhadzovacieho kanálu a namontujte predný nosník s ojou. Vsetko pevne dotiahnite.
jZamontuj na przedni belk z dyszlem przednie wsparcie (4x M8). Podnie korpus urzdzenia tam, gdzie znajduje si kanal odrzucajcy i zamontuj przedni belk z dyszlem. Dokr wszystko.
hA vonórúddal telepített elüls tartórúdra szerelje fel az elüls alátámasztékot (4x M8). Emelje meg a gép testét a kidobócsatorna oldalán és szereleje fel a vonórúddal telepített elüls tartórudat. Mindent stabilan húzzon be.
fAttach the removal channel (4x M8). The removal channel is not side- dependent, so it does not matter how it is attached. Attach the chimney of the removal channel and fasten with buckles/screws (depending on the type).
dMontieren Sie den Abwurfkanal (4x M8). Der Abwurfkanal ist nicht seitenbezogen, also ist es egal, wie Sie ihn montieren. Setzen Sie den Schacht des Abwurfkanals auf und befestigen ihn mit den Klammern / Schrauben (je nach Typ).
bNamontujte odhazový kanál (4x M8). Odhazový kanál není stranový, takze je jedno, jak jej montujete. Nasate komín odhazového kanálu a upevnte pezkami / srouby (podle typu).
lNamontujte odhadzovací kanál (4x M8). Odhadzovací kanál nie je stranový, takze je jedno, ako ho namontujete. Nasate komín odhadzovacieho kanálu a upevnite prackami / skrutkami (poda typu).
jZainstaluj kanal odrzucajcy (4x M8). Kanal odrzucajcy nie ma okrelonych stron, wic nie ma znaczenia, jak go montujesz. Nasad komin kanalu odrzucajcego i przymocuj klamrami / rubami (w zalenoci od typu).
hSzerelje fel a kidobócsatornát (4x M8). A kidobócsatorna nem oldalirányú, így bármelyik oldalra telepíthet. Telepítse a kidobócsatorna kéményét és rögzítse kapcsok/ csavarok által (típus alapján).
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fAttach the handles on the filling channel (handles, screws and washers can be found in the tool case). Fasten the filling channel to the machine body (5x M8). After tightening the filling channel, connect the stop button connector at the bottom.
dMontieren Sie die Griffe an den Einfüllkanal (den Griff, die Schrauben und Unterlegscheiben finden Sie im Werkzeugkoffer). Schrauben Sie den Einfüllkanal am Maschinenkörper an (5x M8). Verbinden Sie nach dem Anziehen des Einfüllkanals den Konnektor des Anhaltbedieners an dessen unteren Teil.
bNa plnicí kanál namontujte madla (madla, srouby a podlozky naleznete v kufíku s náadím). Plnicí kanál pisroubujte k tlu stroje (5x M8). Po dotazení plnicího kanálu spojte v jeho dolní cásti konektor ovládace zastavení.
lNa plniaci kanál namontujte madlá (madlá, skrutky a podlozky nájdete v kufríku s náradím). Plniaci kanál priskrutkujte k telu stroja (5x M8). Pod dotiahnutí plniaceho kanálu spojte v jeho dolnej casti konektor ovládace zastavenia.
jZamocuj uchwyty na kanal napelniajcy (uchwyty, ruby i podkladki znajduj si w skrzynce z narzdziami). Przymocuj kanal napelniajcy do korpusu urzdzenia (5x M8). Po dokrceniu kanalu napelniajcego polcz w jego dolnej czci zlcze sterownika zatrzymania.
hA töltcsatornára szerelje fel a fogantyút (a fogantyúkat, csavarokat és alátéteket megtalálja a szerszámos táskában). A töltcsatornát csavarozza a gép testéhez (5x M8). A töltcsatorna behúzása után, az alsó részében kapcsolja össze a leállításkezel konnektort az ellendarabbal, amely a motorba vezet.
fRemove the screws with washers from the stop button ring.
dDemontieren Sie die Schrauben mit den Formunterlegscheiben vom Reifen des Anhaltbedieners.
bZ obruce ovládace zastavení demontujte srouby s tvarovými podlozkami.
lZ obruce ovládaca zastavenia demontujte skrutky s tvarovanými podlozkami.
jZdemontuj z obrczy sterownika ruby z ksztaltowanymi podkladkami.
hA leállításkezel gyrjérl szerelje le az alátétekkel ellátott csavarokat.
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fPlace the fitted washers into the holes at the top of the filling channel as shown in Figure (fig. 20) by fitting towards the ring. Install the ring.
dSchieben Sie die zusammengesetzten Unterlegscheiben in die Öffnung im oberen Teil des Einfüllkanals laut Abbildung (Abb. 20) in Richtung des Zusammenbaus zum Reifen. Montieren Sie den Reifen an.
bOsazené podlozky vsute do otvor v horní cásti plnicího kanálu dle obrázku (obr. 20) smrem osazením k obruci. Namontujte obruc.
lOsadené podlozky vsute do otvorov v hornej casti plniaceho kanálu poda obrázku (obr. 20) smerom osadením k obruci. Namontujte obruc.
jZaloone podkladki wsu do otworów w górnej czci kanalu napelniajcego, jak pokazano na rysunku (rys. 20) w kierunku do obrczy. Zainstaluj obrcz.
hA telepített alátéteket tolja be a töltcsatorna fels részében található nyílásba a kép alapján (ábr. 20), a gyr felé történ elhelyezéssel. Szerelje fel a gyrt.
fRemove the long spring screw at the top of the filling channel (M8 x 80). Remove the locknut and lower the spring.
dDemontieren Sie im oberen Teil des Einfüllkanals von unten die lange Schraube mit der Feder (M8 x 80). Montieren Sie die Kontermutter von ihr ab und ziehen Sie die Feder ab.
bV horní cásti plnicího kanálu zdola demontujte dlouhý sroub s pruzinou (M8 x 80). Odmontujte z nj kontramatici a stáhnte pruzinu.
lV hornej casti plniaceho kanálu zdola demontujte dlhú skrutku s pruzinou (M8 x 80). Odmontujte z nej kontramaticu a stiahnite pruzinu.
jW górnej czci kanalu napelniajcego z dolu zdemontuj dlug rub ze spryn (M8 x 80). Zdemontuj przeciwnakrtk i cignij spryn.
hA töltcsatorna fels részében, alulról szerelje le a rúgóval ellátott hosszú csavart (M8 x 80). Szerelje le róla az ellenanyát és húzza le a rúgót.
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fPass the screw through the ring hole, put the spring on it and install the locknut so that the spring is not loose and is slightly compressed by the nut. Fit the screw back into the filling channel and firmly tighten.
dGeben Sie die Schraube in die Öffnung des Reifens, geben Sie die Feder auf sie und montieren Sie die Kontermutter so, damit die Feder nicht locker und die Mutter leicht angedrückt ist. Montieren Sie die schraube zurück in den Einfüllkanal und ziehen Sie sie fest an.
bSroub provlecte otvorem obruce, navléknte na nj pruzinu a namontujte kontramatici tak, aby pruzina nebyla voln a byla maticí mírn stlacována. Sroub namontujte zpt do plnicího kanálu a pevn dotáhnte.
lSkrutku prevlecte otvorom obruce, navlecte na u pruzinu a namontujte kontramaticu tak, aby pruzina nebola vone a bola maticou mierne stlacovaná. Skrutku namontujte spä do plniaceho kanálu a pevne dotiahnite.
jNawlecz rub przez otwór obrczy, nawlecz na ni spryn i zaló nakrtk zabezpieczajc, aby spryna nie byla luna a nakrtka lekko sprona. Zaló rub z powrotem do kanalu napelniajcego i mocno dokr.
hA csavart húzza át a gyr nyílásán, húzza vissza rá a rúgót és szerelje fel az ellenanyát úgy, hogy a rúgó ne legyen túl szabad és az anya enyhén le legyen nyomva. A csavart szerelje vissza a töltcsatornába és stabilan húzza be azt.


fAcid is not in the starter battery for transport purposes. The acid must be poured into it first using the included red

tube. Bear in mind the possible acid splash while pouring

it. Acid is caustic! There is a risk of acid burning.

dDer Startakkumulator ist aus Transportgründen nicht mit Säure befüllt. Es ist notwendig, die Säure mit Hilfe der beigefügten roten Röhrchen einzufüllen. Vergessen Sie nicht, beim Einfüllen auf mögliche Beschmutzungen durch Säure zu achten. Säure ist ätzend! Es drohen gefährliche Verätzungen.

bStartovací akumulátor není z pepravních dvod nalitý kyselinou. Kyselinu je teba do nj nejprve nalít pomocí

pilozené cervené trubicky. Pi nalévání pamatujte na mozné potísnní kyselinou. Kyselina je zíravina! Hrozí nebezpecí poleptání.
lStartovací akumulátor nie je z prepravných dôvodov naliaty kyselinou. Kyselinu je potrebné do nej najskôr nalia pomocou prilozenej cervenej trubicky. Pri nalievaní pamätajte na mozné postriekanie kyselinou. Kyselina je zieravina! Hrozí nebezpecenstvo poleptania.
jDo akumulatora rozruchowego nie jest nalany kwas ze wzgldów transportowych. Kwas musi by najpierw wlany przy uyciu dostarczonej czerwonej rurki. Podczas nalewania naley pamita o moliwym polaniu si kwasem. Kwas jest rcy! Istnieje ryzyko oparzenia.
hAz indító akkumulátor, szállítási okokból nincs savval felöntve. A savat elször szükséges, a mellékelt piros cs segítségével beleönteni. A feltöltésnél mindig tartsa észben a sav esetleges szivárgásának, kiömlésének a lehetségét. A sav maró hatású anyag! Fennáll az égési sérülések veszélye.

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fMount the black (negative) wire in the engine compartment with the wire loop to the engine block (if not

already installed). Connect the battery using the screws (+

= red; – = black). Slide the battery cover on the base and

secure to the base with screws.

dBefestigen Sie das schwarze Kabel (minus) mit einem Kabelschuh am Motorblock im Motorbereich (wenn es nicht installiert ist). Schließen Sie die Batterie mit Hilfe der Schrauben an + = rot, ­ = schwarz. Schieben Sie die Abdeckung des Akkumulators auf das Grundgestell befestigen Sie sie mit Schrauben am Grundgestell.

bPipevnte cerný (mínus) kabel v prostoru motoru


kabelovým okem k bloku motoru (není – li instalován). Akumulátor pipojte pomocí sroub + = cervená, ­ =

cerná. Nasute kryt akumulátoru na základnu a pichytnte

jej srouby k základn.

lPripevnite cierny (mínus) kábel v priestore motora káblovým okom k bloku motora (ak nie je nainstalovaný). Akumulátor pripojte pomocou skrutiek + = cervená, – = cierna. Nasute kryt akumulátora na základu a prichytnite ho skrutkami k základni.

jPodlcz czarny przewód (minus) za pomoc kocówki kablowej do bloku silnika (jeeli nie s podlczone).

Podlcz akumulator za pomoc rub + = czerwony, – = czarny. Przesu pokryw do podstawy baterii i przymocuj j do podstawy.
hRögzítse a fekete (mínusz) kábelt a motor terében a kábelsaruval a motorblokkhoz (ha nincs összeszerelve). Az akkumulátort csatlakoztassa a + = piros, ­ = fekete csavarok segítségével. Tegye fel az akkumulátor fedelét az alapra és rögzítse csavarral az alaphoz.





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30 °F 32

SAE 30 10W-30 Synthetic oil 5W-30 5W-30



Max Min


b a



a a



Fuel valve lever / Benzinhahn / Palivový kohout / Palivový kohút / Zawór paliwa / Üzemanyag elzáró csap



Choke lever / Chokehebel / Sytic / Sýtic / Ssanie / Szívató 15 / 77

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Throttle lever / Gashebel / Plynová páka / Plynová páka / Dwignia gazu / Gázkar



Max Min




a b


A. Foam element / Schaumfiltereinsatz / Pnový vzduchový filtr / Penový vzduchový filter / Filtr pianowy / Habszivacs szrbetét / B. Pleated air filter / Gefaltetes Luftfilter / Skládaný vzduchový filtr / Skladaný vzduchový filter / Harmonijkowy filtr powietrza /
Összerakott levegszr





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0,7 – 0,8 mm

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Engine model Model motora

Motormodell Model silnika

Model motoru Motor típusa


Engine – 4-stroke, single

Motor – 4-Takt,

Motor – 4-takt, jednoválec, OHV

cylinder, OHV

Einzylinder, OHV

Motor – 4-takt, jednovalec, OHV Silnik – 4-suwowy, 1-cylindrowy, Motor – 4-ütem, 1 hengeres,



Nominal engine power according to SAE J1940
Menovitý výkon motora poda SAE J1940

Nennmotor-leistung nach SAE J1940
Moc znamionowa silnika przez SAE J1940

Jmenovitý výkon motoru podle SAE J1940
Névleges motorteljesítmény, SAE J1940 alapján

11,2 kW / 15 HP

Max. torque Max. krútiaci moment

Max. Drehmoment Max. moment obrotowy

Max. tocivý moment Max. forgatónyomaték

28 N.M / 2500 RPM

Max. operating speed of engine (rpm)
Max. pracovné otácky motora (ot. / min.)

Max. Arbeits-drehzahl des Motors (U / min.)
Max. robocza prdko silnika (obr. / min.)

Max. pracovní otácky motoru (ot. / min.)
Max. üzemi fordulatszám (ford. / min.)

3600 / min.

Engine displacement Objem motora

Hubraum Pojemno

Objem motoru Lökettérfogat

420 cm3

Bore x stroke Vtanie x zdvih

Bohrung x Hub Wiercenie x skok

Vrtání x zdvih Furat x löket

90 x 66 mm

Forced air cooling system


Chlazení nuceným obhem

Chladenie núteným obehom Wymuszony obieg powietrza Kényszerkeringetés leved



Lubrication system – forced

Schmiersystem – gezwungen Mazací soustava – nucený




Mazacia sústava – nútený

Uklad smarowania –

Kenési rendszer –


wymuszony rozprysk


Spark plug gap Vzdialenos elektród sviecky

Zündkerze / Elektrodenabstand
Odlegloci midzy elektrodami wiecy

Vzdálenost elektrod svícky Gyújtógyertya elektróda hézag

0,7 – 0,8 mm

Spark plug torque

Zündkerze Drehmoment

Uahovací moment zapaovacej Moment dokrcania wiecy



Utahovací moment zapalovací svícky
Gyújtógyertya nyomaték

18 – 22 N.m.

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EN SK Fuel tank capacity Kapacita palivovej nádrze Fuel type – unleaded gasoline Palivo – bezolovnatý benzín
Min. octane rating Min. oktánové císlo Oil tank capacity Kapacita olejovej nádrze Lubricating oil Mazací olej Recommended oil Odporúcaný olej

DE PL Kraftstofftankinhalt Pojemno zbiornika paliwa Kraftstoffart ­ Benzin bleifrei Paliwo – benzyna bezolowiowa
Mindest Oktanzahl Min. liczba oktanowa Öltankkapazität Pojemno oleju Schmieröl Olej smarujcy Empfohlenes Öl Zalecany olej

CS HU Kapacita palivové nádrze Üzemanyagtartály kapacitása Palivo – bezolovnatý benzín Üzemanyag típ. – ólommentes benzin Min. oktanové císlo Min. oktánszám Kapacita olejové nádrze Olajtartály kapacitása Mazací olej Motorolaj típusjele Doporucený olej Ajánlott motorolaj

6,5 l 92 RON 1,1 l SAE 10W-30 HECHT 4T


Max. tool rotation (rpm) Max. otácky drvenia (ot.)

Max. Drehzahl der Schlegeltrommel (U/min)
Max. obroty urzdzenia (obr.)

Max. otácky nástroje (ot.)
A szerszám max. fordulatszáma (ford.)

2530 / min.

Max cross section of crushed material
Max. prierez drveného dreva

Max. Querschnitt des zu zerkleinernden Materials
Maksymalny przekrój kruszonego materialu

Maximální prez drceného materiálu
Az aprított anyag maximális keresztmetszete

Ø 100 mm

Max. capacity Max. kapacita

Max. Kapazität Maks. zdolno przerobowa

Max. kapacita Max. kapacitás

5,3 m3/h

Tires size Vekos pneumatík

Größe der Reifen Wielko opon

Velikost pneumatik 16″
Gumiabroncsok nagysága

Operating tire pressure
Prevádzkový tlak v pneumatikách

Reifenbetriebsdruck Cinienie robocze w oponach

Provozní tlak v pneumatikách
Üzemi nyomás a gumiabroncsokban

25 psi

Start – manual (recoil)


Manuální start

Manuálny start

Rozruch rczny

Kézi indítás

Start – electric


Elektrický start

Elektrický start

Rozruch elektryczny

Elektromos indítás

Weight Hmotnos

Gewicht Masa

Hmotnost Tömeg

180 kg

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Operating conditions
Prevádzkové podmienky
Measured noise pressure level at the place of operation (idling / operating)
Nameraná hladina akustického tlaku v mieste obsluhy (vonobeh / prevádzka)

Warunki uytkowania
Gemessener Schalldruckpegel am Ort des Benutzers (Leerlauf / Betrieb)
Zmierzony poziom cinienia akustycznego na operatora (na biegu jalowym / w pracy)

Provozní podmínky
Mködési hmérséklet
Namená hladina akustického tlaku v míst obsluhy (pi volnobhu / pi práci)
Mért hangnyomás az üzemeltetés helyén (üresjáratban / üzemben)

0°C – +32°C
LPA = 94,5 dB(A); K= 3
dB / LPA = 97,8 dB(A); K =3


Battery type


Typ baterie

– lead acid cell

– Bleibatterie

– olovný akumulátor

Typ batérie

Typ akumulatora

Az akkumulátor típusa

– olovený akumulátor

– bateria kwasowo-olowiowa – ólom-sav akkumulátor

Battery rated capacity Menovitá kapacita batérie

Nennkapazität des Akkus
Pojemno akumulatora znamionowa

Jmenovitá kapacita baterie
Az akkumulátor névleges teljesítménye

12 A

Battery voltage Napätie batérie

Akkuspannung Napicie akumulatora

Naptí baterie Az akkumulátor feszültsége

14 V

Operating conditions Prevádzkové podmienky

Betriebsbedingungen Warunki uytkowania

Provozní podmínky Mködési hmérséklet

-15°C – +40°C

f Specifications are subject to change without notice. / d Die technischen Eigenschaften des Produktes können ohneAnkündigung geändert werden./ b Specifikace se mohou mnit bez pedchozího oznámení./ l Specifikácie sa môzu meni bez predoslého oznámenia. / j Specyfikacje mog by zmienione bez uprzedniego powiadomienia. / h A specifikációt elzetes figyelmeztetés nélkül is megváltoztathatjuk.

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Your machine must be used with care. Therefore, stickers have been placed on the machine, to remind you pictorially of main precautions to take during use. Their meaning is explained below.

Bitte seien Sie bei der Benutzung der Maschine vorsichtig. Aus diesem Grund haben wir am Gerät Symbole angebracht, die Sie auf die wichtigsten Vorsichtsmaßnahmen hinweisen. Die Bedeutung der Symbole ist unten erklärt.

Vás stroj musí být provozován s nejvyssí opatrností. Z tchto dvod je stroj opaten samolepkami tak, aby upozornily obsluhu na druh nebezpecí. Jejich význam je vysvtlen níze.

Vás stroj musí by prevádzkovaný s najvyssou opatrnosou. Z týchto dôvodov je stroj opatrený samolepkami tak, aby upozornili obsluhu na druh nebezpecenstva. Ich význam je vysvetlený nizsie.

Uywaj swojej maszyny zachowujc odpowiednie rodki ostronoci. Na urzdzeniu zostaly umieszczone naklejki ostrzegawcze i informacyjne, by przypomina ci o koniecznych w czasie uytkowania urzdzenia rodkach ostronoci. Ich znaczenie zostalo wyjanione poniej.

A gépet fokozott figyelemmel kell üzemeltetni. A gépen címkék figyelmeztetik a felhasználót a lehetséges veszélyekre. A címkék jelentését lent találja meg.

These stickers are considered as a part of the machine and shall not under any circumstances be taken. WARNING: Keep the safety signs clear and visible on the equipment. Replace the safety signs if they are missing or illegible.

Diese Aufkleber sind als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Maschine anzusehen und dürfen nicht entfernt werden. Warnung: Die Sicherheitsschilder an der Maschine müssen sauber und gut sichtbar sein. Ersetzen Sie die Sicherheitssymbole, wenn sie nicht mehr gut lesbar oder beschädigt sind.

Samolepky jsou soucástí stroje a nesmjí být za zádných okolností snímány. UPOZORNNÍ: Udrzujte bezpecnostní stítky na stroji cisté a viditelné. Vymte bezpecnostní stítky, pokud chybí nebo jsou necitelné.

Samolepky sú súcasou stroja a nesmú by za ziadnych okolností zosnímané. UPOZORNENIE: Udrzujte bezpecnostné stítky na stroji cisté a viditené. Vymete bezpecnostné stítky, ak chýbajú alebo sú necitatené.

Naklejki s czci maszyny i nie mona ich w adnym wypadku odkleja. OSTRZEENIE: Utrzymuj wszystkie etykiety bezpieczestwa znajdujce si na urzdzeniu czyste i widoczne. Naley wymie etykiety bezpieczestwa, gdy ich brakuje lub s nieczytelne.

A címkék a gép elválaszthatatlan részei, azokat eltávolítani tilos. FIGYELMEZTETÉS! A biztonsági címkéket tartsa tiszta és olvasható állapotban. Amennyiben a címke megsérült vagy hiányzik, akkor cserélje ki a címkét.

Proper interpretation of these symbols will allow you to operate the product better and safer. Please study them and learn their meaning.

Ein gutes Verständnis dieser Symbole erlaubt es Ihnen das Produkt besser und sicherer einzusetzen. Bitte schauen Sie sich diese an und machen Sie sich mit ihrer Bedeutung vertraut.

Správná interpretace tchto symbol Vám umozní pracovat se strojem lépe a bezpecnji. Prostudujte si je prosím a naucte se jejich význam.

Správna interpretácia týchto symbolov Vám umozní pracova so strojom lepsie a bezpecnejsie. Prestudujte si ich prosím a naucte sa ich význam.

Poprawne zrozumienie tych symboli pozwoli lepiej i bezpieczniej obslugiwa urzdzenie. Naley si z nimi zapozna i zapamita ich znaczenie.

A címkék megfelel értelmezése segítséget nyújt a gép biztonságos és szabályszer használatához. Figyelmesen olvassa el a címkék magyarázatát!

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EN SK The following warning symbols are to remind you of the safety precautions you should take when operating the machine.
Nasledujúce varovné symboly pripomínajú preventívne bezpecnostné zásady, ktoré je nutné pri prevádzke stroja dodrzova.
Read the instruction manual. Cítajte návod na obsluhu.
Risk of injury ejected parts.
Hrozí nebezpecenstvo poranenia odletujúcimi casami. Warning: Risk of hand injury.
UPOZORNENIE: Nebezpecenstvo poranenia rúk. Danger of personal injury. Body parts and clothing can be caught by moving parts. Nebezpecenstvo zranenia osôb. Casti tela a oblecenia môzu by zachytené pohyblivými casami. Petrol is a fire hazard and can explode. Smoking and open fire are prohibited. Benzín je horavina a môze explodova. Fajcenie a pouzívanie otvoreného oha je zakázané. Keep other people and domestic animals at a safe distance.
Udrzujte osoby a domáce zvieratá v bezpecnej vzdialenosti.
Risk of injury by rotating parts.
Riziko zranenia rotujúcimi dielmi.

Die Symbole vermitteln wichtige Informationen über das Produkt oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch. Es sind besondere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beim Umgang mit dem Gerät erforderlich!
Podane poniej symbole ostrzegawcze przypominaj o prewencyjnych zasadach bezpieczestwa, które musz by przestrzegane podczas pracy maszyny.
Lesen Sie die Betriebsanleitung
Prosz przeczyta instrukcj obslugi.
Verletzungsgefahr durch fortschleudernde Teile.
Niebezpieczestwo urazu odrzuconymi czciami.
Achtung: Verletzungsgefahr für die Hände
Uwaga, zagroenie poranienia rk.

CS HU Následující varovné symboly pipomínají preventivní bezpecnostní zásady, které je nutno pi provozu stroje dodrzovat.
A következ figyelmeztet jelek olyan biztonsági elírásokra hívják fel a figyelmét, amelyeket a gép használata során be kell tartani.
Ctte návod na pouzití. Olvassa el a használati útmutatót!
Nebezpecí poranní vymrstnými cástmi. Repül anyagok okozta veszély.
Pozor, nebezpecí poranní rukou.
Figyelem! Kézsérülés veszélye!

Gefahr von Personenschäden durch Nebezpecí zranní osob. Cásti tla

Erfassen von Körperteilen oder

a oblecení mohou být zachyceny


pohyblivými cástmi.

Ryzyko zranienia osób. Czci ciala Személyi sérülés veszélye!

i ubrania mog by zaczepione

A testrészeit vagy a ruháját

ruchomymi elementami.

a mozgó alkatrészek elkaphatják.

Benzin ist feuergefährlich und kann Benzín je holavina a mze

explodieren. Rauchen und offenes explodovat. Kouení a pouzívání

Feuer sind verboten.

oteveného ohn je zakázáno.

Benzyna jest latwopalna i moe eksplodowa. Palenie i uywanie otwartego ognia jest zabronione.

A benzin gyúlékony és robbanékony anyag. Dohányzás és nyílt láng használata tilos!

Halten Sie andere Personen und Haustieren in einem sicheren Abstand.

Udrzujte osoby a domácí zvíata v bezpecné vzdálenosti.

Osoby i zwierzta domowe musz przebywa w bezpiecznej odlegloci.

A gyerekeket és a háziállatokat tartsa biztonságos távolságban.

Verletzungsgefahr durch bewegliche Teile.

Riziko zranní rotujícími díly.

Nie zblia nóg ani rk albo

Forgó alkatrészek által okozott

ubranie do obracajcych si czci. sérülések veszélye.

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Warning! Do not use the appliance in closed or poorly ventilated environments. Risk of breathing in toxic gases!

Warnung! Verwenden Sie nicht das Gerät in geschlossenen oder schlecht belüfteten Räumen. Risiko des Einatmens giftiger Gase!

Pozor! Nepouzívejte stroj v uzavených nebo spatn vtraných prostorách!! Nebezpecí otravy.

Pozor! Nepouzívajte stroj v uzavretých priestoroch!! Nebezpecenstvo otravy!

Uwaga! Nie naley uywa urzdzenia w miejscach zamknitych lub malo wentylowanych! Grozi ryzyko zatrucia.

Figyelem! A gépet zárt, vagy rosszul szellztetett helyiségben ne használja. Fulladás veszélye!

Disconnect the spark plug before performing any service on the machine.

Bevor die Reparatur, den Motor abstellen und trennen Sie wecken Stecker.

Ped prací na stroji vypnte motor a odpojte kabel svícky!

Pred prácou na stroji vypnite motor a odpojte kábel sviecky!

Przed rozpoczciem pracy przy urzdzeniu, wylczy silnik i odlczy przewód wiecy zaplonowej!

A gépen való munka megkezdése eltt a motort állítsa le és a gyertyapipát húzza le.

Risk of explosion! Do not top up with fuel with engine running.

Explosionsgefahr! Kein Nachfüllen Nebezpecí výbuchu! Pohonné mit Kraftstoff mit laufendem Motor. hmoty je zakázáno doplovat
pokud je motor v chodu.

Nebezpecenstvo výbuchu! Pohonné hmoty sa nesmú doplova pri beziacom motore!

Niebezpieczestwo wybuchu! Nie Ez baleset- és robbanásveszélyes!

wolno uzupelnia paliwa, gdy silnik Mköd motor mellett

jest uruchomiony.

az üzemanyagot betölteni tilos!

Attention toxic fumes!

Achtung! Giftige Dämpfe!

Pozor toxické výpary!

Pozor toxické výpary!

Uwaga na toksyczne opary!

Figyelem! Toxikus gzök!

Risk of burns. Keep safety distance Achtung heiße Flächen,

from hot parts of the machine.


Riziko popálenín. Udrzujte bezpecnú vzdialenos od horúcich castí stroja. Use eyes and ears protection.
Pouzívajte ochranu ocí a sluchu.

Ryzyko poparzenia. Zachowuj bezpieczn odleglo od gorcych czci urzdzenia.
Tragen Sie Augen- und Gehörschutz.
Uywa ochron oczu i sluchu.

Wear protective gloves! Pouzívajte ochranné rukavice.

Schutzhandschuhe benutzen. Stosowa rkawice ochronne.

Riziko popálenin. Udrzujte bezpecnou vzdálenost od horkých cástí stroje.
Égési sérülés veszélye! Tartózkodjon biztonságos távolságra a gép forró részeitl.
Pouzívejte ochranu ocí a sluchu.
Viseljen védszemüveget és fülvédt.
Pouzívejte ochranné rukavice.
Védkeszty használata kötelez!

Do not put stone, glass, metal, bones, plastic or fabric etc. into the crusher.
Do drvica nedávajte kamene, sklo, kov, kosti, umelé hmoty nebo tkaniny apod.

Stecken Sie keine Materialien wie z.B. Steine, Metall, Glas, Kunstoff oder Stoff und dgl. in den Häcksler
Do rozdrabniacza zabrania si wrzucania: kamieni, szkla, metalu, koci, tworzywa sztucznego lub tkaniny itp.

Do drtice nedávejte kameny, sklo, kov, kosti, umlé hmoty nebo tkaniny apod.
Ne töltsön az aprítóba köveket, üveget, fémdarabot, csontokat, manyagot vagy szövetdarabot.

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EN SK Do not insert branches with a diameter greater than the maximum capacity of the crusher (see Specifications). Nevkladajte vetvy s priemerom väcsím ako maximálna kapacita drvica (pozrite si Specifikácie). Recoil starter symbol Rucné startovanie Do not touch. Nedotýkajte sa. LWA Data Lwa noise level in dB.
Údaj o hladine akustického výkonu Lwa v dB. Engine displacement Objem motora Max. engine power Max. výkon motora Max. engine speed Max. otácky motora Speed of the tool Otácky nástroja Max. cutting cross-section
Maximálny prierez rezu Weight Hmotnos Product conforms to relevant EU standards. Výrobok zodpovedá príslusným standardom EU. The machine is equipped with an emergency engine stop button
Stroj je vybavený núdzovým ovládacom zastavenia motora Oil Olej





Führen Sie keine Äste mit einem größeren Durchmesser ein, als die maximale Kapazität der Zerhackers ist (siehe Spezifikation).

Nevkládejte vtve o prmru vtsím, nez je maximální kapacita drtice (viz Specifikace).

Nie wkladaj galzi o rednicy

Ne tegyen a gépbe nagyobb átmérj

wikszej ni maksymalna pojemno ágakat, mint az aprító maximális

rozdrabniacza (patrz Dane techniczne). kapacitása (lsd. Specifikáció)

Manueller Start

Rucní startování

Start manualny

Kézi indítás

Nicht berühren.

Nedotýkejte se.

Nie dotyka.

Ne érjen hozzá!

Schallleistungspegel (LWA)

LWA Údaj hladiny akustického tlaku Lwa v dB.

LWA dane dotyczce poziomu

LWA akusztikus nyomás Lwa

cinienia akustycznego Lwa w dB. dB-ben.


Objem motoru


Motor lökettérfogata

Max. Motorleistung

Max. výkon motoru

Max. moc silnika

Motor maximális teljesítménye

Max. Motordrehzahl

Max. otácky motoru

Max. prdko silnika

A motor max. fordulatszáma


Otácky nástroje

Narzdzia prdkoci

A szerszám fordulatszáma

Max. Querschnitt des zu zerkleinenernden Materials

Maximální prmr ezu

Maksymalna przekrój cicia

A vágás maximális keresztmetszete





Das Produkt entspricht den einschlägigen EU-Normen

Výrobek odpovídá píslusným standardm EU.

Produkt jest zgodny z normami UE. A termék megfelel az EK vonatkozó szabványainak

Die Maschine ist mit einer Notbedienung zum Anhalten des Motors ausgestattet

Stroj je vybaven nouzovým ovládacem zastavení motoru

Urzdzenie jest wyposaone w sterownik zatrzymania silnika

A gép el van látva a motor vészleállító gombjával is





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EN SK Fuel
Choke symbol
Throttle lever – fast (hare) / slow (turtle)
Plynová páka – rýchlo (zajac) / pomaly (korytnacka)

DE PL Kraftstoff
Gashebel – Schnell (Hase) / Langsam (Schildkröte)
Dwignia gazu – szybko (zajc) / wolno (ólw)

CS HU Palivo
Plynová páka – rychle (zajíc) / pomalu (zelva)
Gázkar – gyors (nyúl) / lassú (tekns)


EN: Extract from the spare parts list. Part numbers are subject to change without notice. Complete and actual spare parts list can be found on www.hecht.cz

DE: Auszug aus der Ersatzteilliste. Die Teilenummern können ohne Ankündigung geändert werden. Die komplette und aktuelle Ersatzteilliste finden Sie unter www.hecht-garten.de

CS: Výtah ze seznamu náhradních díl. Císla díl se mohou mnit bez pedchozího oznámení. Kompletní a aktuální seznam náhradních díl najdete na www.hecht.cz

SK: Výah zo zoznamu náhradných dielov. Císla dielov sa môzu meni bez predoslého oznámenia. Kompletný a aktuálny zoznam náhradných dielov nájdete na www.hecht.sk

PL: Wycig z listy czci zamiennych. Numery czci mog by zmienione bez uprzedniego powiadomienia. Kompletna i aktualna lista czci zamiennych znajduje si na stronie www.hechtpolska.pl

HU: Kivonat a pótalkatrész jegyzékbl. A tételszámokat elzetes figyelmeztetés nélkül is megváltoztathatjuk. Az aktuális és teljes alkatrészjegyzéket a www.hecht.hu honlapon találja meg.




Part number / Ersatzteil-Nummer /

Císlo dílu / Císlo dielu / Numer czci /





HECHT 6642

Air filter Vzduchový filter

Luftfilter Filtr powietrza

Vzduchový filtr Légszr

6642010762 *

Spark plug Zapaovacia sviecka

Zündkerze wieca zaplonowa

Zapalovací svícka Gyújtógyertya

664201054 *

Battery Akumulátor

Akku Akumulator

Akumulátor Akkumulátorok

664200069 *

  • f Please quote your engine type and engine serial number when ordering engine spare parts. d Bei der Bestellung von Ersatzteilen für den Motor geben Sie für die Bestellung bitte auch den Typ und die Seriennummer des
    Motors an. Ersatzteile können direkt über den Werkstattservice Hecht Deutschland bestellt werden. Mailadresse: werkstatt@ hecht-garten.de
    b Pi objednávání náhradních díl na motor prosíme uvádjte do objednávky také typ a výrobní císlo motoru. l Pri objednávaní náhradných dielov na motor prosíme uvádzajte do objednávky tiez typ a výrobné císlo motora. j Podczas zamawiania czci zamiennych do silnika naley poda równie typ i numer seryjny silnika. * h Motor pótalkatrészek rendelése esetén a rendelésben tüntesse fel a motor típusát és gyártási számát is.

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HECHT 900102

HECHT 900106


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B WARNING! PLEASE READ THE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS! Read all instructions before operation. Pay special attention to safety instructions.

Pay special attention to the instructions highlighted as follows:

DE B WARNING! A signal word (word label) used to indicate a potentially dangerous situation that can result in death or serious injury, if it is not prevented.

A CAUTION! A signal word (word label). In case of non-compliance with the instructions, we warn against a potential danger of minor or moderate injury and/or damage to the machine or property.

C Important message.

I Note: It provides helpful information.



MACHINE DESCRIPTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 ILLUSTRATED GUIDE …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 SPECIFICATIONS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 SAFETY SYMBOLS…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 SPARE PARTS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25 RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES………………………………………………………………………………… 26 CONDITIONS OF USE……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
TRAINING………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………. 29
PREPARATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30 USING PETROL MACHINES …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
ENGINE OPERATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BATTERY…………………………………………………………….. 31 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32 PERSONAL PROTECTION AND FIRST AID…………………………………………………………………………………. 32 RESIDUAL RISKS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 UNPACKING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 ASSEMBLY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE ……………………………………………………………………………….. 34 FUEL ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
FUELING………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 MOTOR OIL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35
CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL AND ADDING…………………………………………………………………………….. 35 ENGINE PRE-OPERATION CHECK …………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 HIGHER ALTITUDES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 CHARGE PRESSURE FOR TIRES ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 36 OPERATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 TO START ENGINE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36 STOPPING THE ENGINE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 37 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WORKING WITH THE MACHINE ……………………………………. 38 CARE AND MAINTENANCE………………………………………………………………………………………. 38 MACHINE MAINTENANCE……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
CLEANING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 TIRE PRESSURE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39


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REPLACING AND REPAIRING THE TIRES ………………………………………………………………………………. 39 V BELT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 ENGINE MAINTENANCE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN ……………………………………………………………………………… 40 OIL CHANGE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 40 AIR FILTER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 SPARK PLUG…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 MUFFLER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42 CARBON SEDIMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42 FUEL SYSTEM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42 STORAGE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43 STORAGE PREPARATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43 STORAGE PRECAUTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43 ADDING A GASOLINE STABILIZER TO EXTEND FUEL STORAGE LIFE……………………………………………… 43 OFF SEASON STORAGE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44 REMOVAL FROM STORAGE………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44 TRANSPORTING………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44 TROUBLESHOOTING ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS …………………………………………………………………………………….. 46 DISPOSAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46 GUARANTEE OF THE PRODUCT…………………………………………………………………………………. 46 GUARANTEE OF THE ENGINE …………………………………………………………………………………… 47 EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY………………………………………………………………………… 164 CONFIRMATION OF FAMILIARITY WITH THE OPERATION OF THE DEVICE……………………. 166

PL B WARNING! PLEASE READ THE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS! Read all instructions before operation. Pay special attention to safety instructions.
HU If you notice any damage during transport or unpacking, notify your supplier immediately. DO
SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE This product is exclusively intended for the use:
– for chopping of ligneous waste from the garden, such as hedgerow and tree chippings, branches, bark and shoots of conifers. Do not put stone, glass, metal, bones, plastic or fabric etc. into the crusher;
– according to the corresponding descriptions and safety instructions in these operating instructions.
Any other use is not as intended. Improver use is not covered by the warranty and the manufacturer will reject any liability. The use not corresponding to the intended purpose results in warranty termination and the rejection of any responsibility on the part of the manufacturer. Unauthorized changes exclude the liability of the manufacturer for damages resulting from this.
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Do not overload! Use the product only for the powers it was designed for. The product
EN designed for a given purpose performs it better and safer than one that has a similar function.
Therefore, always use the correct one for a given purpose.

Please keep in mind that our products are not designed for commercial, trade or industrial use according to their intended purpose. We accept no liability if the product is used in these or comparable conditions.
DE C Where it is required, follow the legal guidelines and regulations to prevent possible accidents during operation.

C The user is liable for all damages caused to third parties or their property.

A CAUTION! Never use the product if it is close to people, especially children or pets.
CS A CAUTION! Keep these instruction manual and use them whenever you need more information. If you don´t understand some of these instructions, contact your dealer. If the product is lent to another person, it is necessary to lent this instruction manual with it.

A CAUTION! The machine must not be transported in road traffic.



C All operating personnel must be adequately trained in the use, operation and setting and especially familiar with prohibited activities.

· Never allow use by children or people unfamiliar with these instructions. Local regulations

may specify an age limit of the operator.


· This product is not intended for use by persons with reduced sensory or mental capacity

or lack of experience and knowledge – unless they are under the supervision of the person

responsible for their safety or if this person has instructed how use this product. The product

is not intended for use by children and persons with reduced mobility or poor physical

disposition. We strongly recommend to pregnant women to contact her doctor before use

HU of this product.
· Respect national/local regulations regarding working time (please, contact your local


· Know your tool. Read owner’s manual carefully. Learn its applications and limitations as well as the specific potential hazards related to this tool. Familiarise yourself with the controls on the machine and how to use them.
· Be careful at work, be concentrated on actual work, and use the common sense. · An inattention during work may result in loss of control over the machine. · Do not use this machine if you tired, ill or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. · Do not put hands and feet near rotating parts or in the feeding chambers and discharge
opening. · Do not put metal or stone into the machine.

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EN ·



CS ·



· ·


· ·
HU ·
· · ·

Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the tool in unexpected situations. Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the machine on. A wrench or a key that is left attached to a rotating part of the machine may result in personal injury. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or clothing that has cords or belts, jewellery, and the like. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts. Prolonged use of the machine may lead to disorders of blood circulation in hands caused by vibration. These effects can be worsened by low ambient temperatures and/or by gripping the handgrips excessively tightly. Period of use you can extend with appropriate gloves or regular breaks. Take frequent work breaks. Limit the amount of exposure per day. Use the machine only on a firm, level surface and in an open area (e.g. not near a wall or a solid object). Do not use the machine on a paved or gravel surface where the thrown material may cause injury. Keep your face and body well away from the filling inlet. Make sure that your hands or other part of your body or clothing does not get into the filling chamber, removal channel, or near any moving parts. Always maintain a steady balance and firm posture. Do not reach over the machine. Do not stand at a higher level than the machine base when inserting material into the machine. Always stay out of the removal area when the machine is in operation. When loading material into the machine, be careful it does not contain pieces of metal, stones, bottles, cans or other foreign objects. If the cutting mechanism encounters any foreign object or if the machine starts to generate unusual noise or vibration, immediately turn off the engine and stop the machine. Disconnect the spark plug (unplug the power unit) and do the following:
– inspect it for damage; – check and tighten all loosened parts; – have any damaged parts repaired or replaced with original parts. Do not accumulate the processed material in the removal space, it can prevent proper removing and cause the material to return from the filling inlet. If the machine is clogged in the inlet or removal channel, turn off the engine and disconnect the spark plug cable, remove the ignition key (unplug the power unit) before removing the clogged material in the inlet or the removal channel. Keep the engine clean from sawdust and other deposits to prevent damage or risk of a fire. Keep in mind that using a starting device on machines driven by an internal combustion engine causes the cutting tool to move. Ensure that all protective covers and end caps are in their correct positions and in good operational state. Prior to connecting or removing the collection box, containers or bags, always switch off the engine and wait for the rotating parts to stop.

· Examine the machine ensure it is in good condition, check all the screws, nuts and other fasteners are properly secured and the screen is in place. Replace unreadable labels.
· Keep all guards and deflectors in place and in good working condition. · Remove accumulated debris from muffler area and cylinder area. Inspect the muffler for
cracks, corrosion, or other damage.

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· Check the machine before an each use to determine whether the working tools are not

worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged parts.


· When working with a petrol machine never use brute force. The machine, which was designed for the job, performs it better and safer, therefore always use the correct machine for a given task.
DE · The performance of a petrol engine mounted on a particular device, may not achieve gross output. It is caused by many factors, e.g. the used components (exhaust, charging, cooling, carburettor, air filter, etc.), usage restrictions, operational conditions of use (temperature, humidity, etc.) and the differences between individual engines produced.

ENGINE OPERATION B WARNING! Engine produces carbon monoxide during operation. It is a colourless,
CS odourless poisonous gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause nausea, faintness,
reproductive disorders or even death.

· Do not start the engine in a closed space which can cause an accumulation of carbon monoxide.

SK A CAUTION! A running engines generates heat. Parts of the engine and silencer become extremely hot during operation. After touching they may cause serious burns. If it is close to any flammable materials, e.g. leaves, grass, shrubbery etc., it may catch fire.

· Do not tilt the machine to avoid overturning or leaking petrol and oil.

· Do not tilt the machine when the engine is running.

· Turn off en engine before leave the machine, or refueling.


C Pay attention to the safety instructions and warnings in a chapter FUEL.

· The battery is a chemical source of electrical energy, including chemical compounds that
HU can cause injury or problems to your health, property or the environment. So they should be
handled with extreme caution. · In a ready state the battery is capable to deliver electric power any time, even in adverse
conditions! Attention, even a partially charged battery can cause a short circuit that causes damage to it. In the worst case it can cause an explosion or fire. The batteries therefore always have to be handled so to avoid short circuits! (E.g. paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects). Also during storage. · Only use batteries recommended by the equipment manufacturer. · The battery must not be stored or operated near an open flame. It must NEVER be thrown in the fire. · Dead batteries do not belong in household waste.

A CAUTION! In case of mechanical damage to the battery case, avoid contact with chemicals that can escape from it. THERE IS A RISK OF BURNS. If there is contact with chemicals, rinse the affected place immediately with clean water. With larger contact or burns, or eye contact, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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EN · Wear approved eye protection! The operation of machine can result in foreign objects being thrown into your eyes which may result in severe eye damage. Normal glasses are not sufficient for eye protection. For example, corrective glasses or sunglasses do not provide adequate protection because they have not special safety glass and aren’t enough closed from the sides. · Wear adequate noise protection equipment! The impact of noise can cause hearing damage
DE or hearing loss. Take frequent work breaks. Limit the amount of exposure per day. · Always wear sturdy shoes with nonslip soles. Risk of damaging the legs or risk of slipping on wet or slippery ground. This protects against injuries and ensures a good footing. · Wear protective gloves. · Safety equipment such as a dust mask or hard hat used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.

CS PERSONAL PROTECTION AND FIRST AID · If possible, work only in areas where could be, in case of need, called an ambulance!

Note – we recommend always having: · A suitable fire extinguisher (snow, powder, halotron) at your disposal. · A fully equipped first-aid kit, easily accessible for accompaniment and operator.
SK · Mobile phone or other device for quickly calling emergency services. · Accompaniment familiar with the principles of first aid.

C Accompaniment must keep a safe distance from the workplace while always seeing you!

PL ·
HU ·
· · · ·

Always follow the principles of first aid in case of any injuries. If there is a cut, cover the wound with a clean bandage (fabric) and press down firmly to stop the bleeding. If the skin is burnt, avoid further exposure to the source of burns first. Cool the injured areas of smaller extend with water of preferably about 4-8 °C. Do not put ointments, creams or dusting powders on the affected area. The best way is to use a wet compress, for example a handkerchief or a towel. Then secure the sterile cover and, if necessary, seek medical attention. If persons with circulatory problems are often exposed to excessive vibration, they may experience injury to blood vessels or their nervous system. The vibrations may cause the following symptoms appear on fingers, hands or wrists: numbness, itching, pain, tingling, changes in skin colour or of the skin itself. If any of these symptoms occur, consult a doctor. Do not let petrol or oil come in contact with your skin. Keep petrol and oil away from the eyes. If petrol or oil comes in contact with the eyes, wash them immediately with clean water. If irritation is still present, see a doctor immediately. Carbon Monoxide poisoning may lead to death! Early signs of carbon monoxide poisoning resemble flu-like symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and/or nausea. If you have these symptoms, get fresh air at once! If it´s necessary seek medical help. If battery liquid gets on your skin, wash quickly with soap and water. If it´s necessary seek medical help. If battery liquid gets in your eyes flush them with clean water for a minimum of minutes and seek immediate medical attention.

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EN · If the motor starts to burn or it the smoke appears from it, turn the product off and move away to safety. · To extinguish the fire, use suitable fire extinguisher (CO2, Dry Powder, halotron). · DO NOT PANIC. Panic can cause even more damage.


DE · Even if the product is used according to instructions, it´s impossible to eliminate all the risks associated with its operation. The following risks may occur arising from device construction:

· Heat hazard resulting in burning or scalding and other injuries caused by possible contact

with high temperature objects or materials including heat sources.

· Dangers caused by contact with harmful liquids, gas, mist, smoke and dust or by their

inhalation. (for example breathing in).

· Dangers caused by failing in ergonomic principles by construction of the machine, for

CS example dangers caused by unhealthy position of body or excessive overcharge and unnature
to the anatomy of the human hand-arm, relate to construction of handle, equilibrium of

the machine.

· Danger from unexpected startup or unexpected engine overspeed due to a failure /

malfunction of the control system relating to the failure of the handle and controls


SK · Dangers caused by impossibility to stop the machine in best conditions, relate to solidity of the handle and placing of engine shut down device.

· Dangers caused by defect of machine control system, relate to solidity of the handle, placing

of drivers and marking.

· Dangers caused by shooting up of subjects or splashing of liquids.

· Mechanical hazard, caused by cut and throw off.

· Noise risk resulting in loss of hearing (deafness) and other physiological disorders (e.g. loss

of balance, loss of consciousness).


· Vibration risk (resulting in vascular and neurological harm in the hand-arm system, for

example so called “white finger disease”).

· Danger of fire or explosion relate to spilling of fuel.

B WARNING! The product produces an electromagnetic field of a very weak intensity.
HU This field may interfere with some pacemakers. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal
injury, persons with pacemakers should consult the use with their physician and the manufacturer.

· Carefully check all parts after dismantling the transport box. · Do not throw away packaging materials until you have not reviewed carefully if they did not
remain a part of the product. · Parts of the packaging (plastic bags, paper clips, etc.) do not leave within reach of children,
could be a possible source of danger. Do not let children play with plastic bags, foils or small parts. There is a danger of swallowing or suffocating! · If you notice damage while unpacking or the delivery is incomplete, notify your supplier immediately. Do not operate the machine! · We recommend save the package for future use. The packaging materials must still be recycled or disposed of in compliance with the relevant legislation. Sort different parts of
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the packaging according to material and hand it to the appropriate collection sites. For


further information contact your local administration.


· Standard accessories are subject to change without notice.

· This product requires assembly. The product must be assembled correctly before use.

· If you notice transport damage or while unpacking, notify your supplier immediately. Do not


operate the product!

· Assembly should be carried out by two persons (due to the weight of the machine). In case

of one-person assembly, the base must be lifted or supported by approx. 30 cm.

CS C Follow the instructions on page 7 – 14.


SK A CAUTION! Due to transport, the machine is supplied without engine oil and fuel. For the same reason, some types of machines are also not filled with gear oil. Before commissioning, fill with oil and fuel!

THE ENGINE IS CERTIFIED FOR UNLEADED PETROL – NATURAL 95 (SUPER 95). Use clean, fresh, unleaded fuel of merchantable quality;
PL I Note: The machine is equipped with a four-stroke engine and must be operated exclusively with pure petrol WITHOUT oil!

B WARNING! Petrol is highly flammable and explosive, as well as its fumes. You can be seriously burned or injured while refilling with petrol.


FUELING B WARNING! Turn off the engine. Never remove the fuel cap or add fuel when
the engine is running or is hot. After stopping the engine, wait until the engine and the exhaust components cool down completely.

1. Remove the fuel filler cap (fig. 28A). 2. Fill petrol to maximum of one cm below the lower edge of the neck (fig. 29). 3. Don’t overfill! Before starting the engine, wipe the spilled petrol. 4. All closures of the tank and bulk containers needs to be refitted and tightened.

A CAUTION! Never refill the petrol in a room.

· Don’t smoke or use an open flame during refilling. · Make sure you are away from heat, sparks and flames.

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· If petrol is spilled, don’t start the engine. Immediately clean up the spilled petrol. Move the
EN machine from the area, where the petrol has been spilled and wait until the fuel vapours
dissipate to avoid the possibility of fire. · Don’t use petrol containing ethanol. Don’t mix oil with petrol. For engine protection, we
recommend using a fuel stabiliser, which is available at filling stations. · Make sure that water and dirt doesn’t get into the fuel tank. · Fuel must not be older than 14 days.
DE I Note: Fuel can damage paint and some types of plastics. When topping up the fuel tank, be careful and try not spill any petrol. Damages caused by spilling fuel are not covered by the warranty.


A CAUTION! This engine is delivered without oil, be sure to put oil in the engine

before the starting. Use only below recommended types of oil.


· Use a four-stroke motor oil that meets or exceeds the requirements for performance class of SF, SG, SH API classification or their equivalent.
· For general use all year round, we recommend SAE 10W-30 HECHT 4T. · For general use in winter it is recommended to use SAE 5W-40, HECHT 5W-40.
SK · Choose optimal oil viscosity that match the ambient temperature at which you are going to operate the machine (fig. 30). DO NOT MIX OILS!

CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL AND ADDING I Note: Check the oil level only when the engine is off and cool. The machine must
stand level.

1. Remove the oil filler cap / dipstick (fig. 31A) and dry it thoroughly.


2. Pull the plug of the oil filler cap/dipstick fully into the oil filler neck, but screw it. Then

remove it. After pulling out, read the oil level dipstick.

3. If the oil level is near or below the lower limit mark dipstick (fig. 32), remove the oil filler cap / dipstick and add oil to the engine between the upper and lower mark. Don`t overfill.

4. Refit the oil filler cap/dipstick.

Change the oils according to the paragraph of MAINTENANCE / OIL CHANGE.


A CAUTION! Improper filling or not enough oil can lead to unrepairable damage to the engine.

· For your safety, and to maximize the service life of your equipment, it is very important to take a few moments to check the engine condition before operating.

ALWAYS CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BEFORE YOU START THE ENGINE: – Whether the hopper/chute assembly is empty – Fuel level – Oil level – Air cleaner (if equipped) – Total control: Make sure there are no leaks, find loose or damaged parts.

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– Check the equipment powered engine.
EN A CAUTION! Be sure to take care of any problem you find, or have authorized service dealer to correct it, before you operate the engine. Improper maintenance to this engine, or failure to correct a problem before operation, can cause malfunction in which you can be seriously hurt or killed.
DE HIGHER ALTITUDES · The engines operating at high altitudes (above 1600 meters above sea level) require the special attention, because decrease of the fuel mixture saturation ratio to supersaturation. This leads to the power loss and higher fuel consumption. For more information, contact an authorized service center.
CS Make sure there is the right tire inflation pressure (see Specifications). If the pressure is too low,
the hose may slip down on the casing and get damaged. Excessive over inflation can lead to a tire explosion. To inflate the tires use an inflation gun featuring pressure gauge.

The instructions in this manual apply under normal operating conditions. If you operate your engine under severe conditions, such as permanent high load, high temperature or unusually large humidity or dust, contact your service on the recommendations applicable to your individual needs and the way of using the machine in your case.


A CAUTION! The machine is equipped with an emergency engine stop button the black ring around the filling channel (fig. 33A). The engine is stopped by pressing the ring when falling on the machine or trying to insert a larger piece of material than can be fitted into the filling channel. This will cause the engine ignition to lock. After stopping the engine, the engine lock must be cancelled first by pulling out the switch locking (fig. 33B + 34A) and then the engine can start again.
A CAUTION! Before starting the engine, make sure the crushing roller is free and there’s no material in the crusher. The cylinder is directly connected to the engine and therefore, in the event of a blockage, the starter mechanism would be damaged. The electric start circuit is protected by a circuit breaker (under the ignition key).



1. Ignition is connected through the cable and the spark plug cap (the rubber boot) with the spark plug. Check the connection (fig. 35A).

2. Turn the fuel valve – if equipped – (fig. 36) to “ON” position.

3. When starting cold engine, turn choke lever (fig. 37) to “CHOKE” position. When starting warm engine turn choke lever to “RUN” position.

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EN 4. Move the throttle lever (fig. 38) from MIN “TURTLE” position by 1/3 towards the MAX

“HARE” position.

5. Turn the ignition key (fig. 39A) to “ON” position.

6. Grasp the starter handle (fig. 39B) and pull Turn the ignition key (fig. 39A) to “START”

gently on the starter handle until it begins position.

DE to resist, then pull quickly and forcefully


C If the machine does not start in

5 seconds, check again the whole




machine. Starting up again twice

the starter grip to snap back

with a minute pause, otherwise

against the engine. Return it gently

damage to the starter device.

to prevent damage to the starter.

A CAUTION! Rapid retraction of


starter cord (kickback) will pull

hand and arm toward engine

faster than you can let go. Broken

bones, fractures, bruises or sprains

could result.

SK 7. Return the starter handle slowly to the rope As soon as the motor starts running, release

guide bolt after engine starts.

the ignition key.

8. When the engine starts to run, get choke lever slowly to position “RUN”. Before each movement of the lever wait till the engine speed gets stable.

9. Operate the engine with throttle lever in the MAX “HARE” position.

PL C The starter battery is not recharged during working. Therefore, it is necessary to recharge it at least once a month with a suitable charger with a charging current of maximum 2A.

HU A CAUTION! Do not stop the engine by pushing choke lever to “CHOKE” position. It is danger of kickback or damage of the engine.

To stop the engine in an emergency situation, simply turn the engine switch to OFF position. Under normal conditions, use the following procedure.

1. Set the throttle lever to MIN ” TURTLE ” position. 2. Turn the ignition key to “OFF” position. 3. Turn the fuel valve – if equipped – to “OFF” position. 4. Disconnect and ground the spark plug wire, to prevent accidental starting while equipment
is unattended. 5. In case of long operation break (after season) is recommended to mix additive to fuel as
a prevention of fuel deterioration and problems with restarting in the beginning of next season. Do not use the fuel which is older that 14 days.

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EN GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WORKING WITH THE MACHINE · Branches, up to maximum diameter (see Specifications), are inserted into the filling channel at the bottom of which they are crushed by rotating blades. · Never push the branches into the filling channel with force. They must be inserted freely and moved only. Patulous branches must be chopped or cut into smaller pieces before being inserted into the crusher.
DE · Move the short cuttings and small branches into the crusher with longer branches, never with your hands. Alternatively, use a wooden stick or a handle, never a metal object. · Push thicker branches slower than thinner branches. · Do not allow the crushed material to accumulate in the area of the removal channel chimney to prevent clogging.
CS · Do not move your face closer to the feed tray. There is a risk of injury. · Do not stand in front of the ejection hole and do not open the chimney while the machine is in operation.

SK A CAUTION! To ensure proper functioning of the machine, it is necessary to have it checked and adjusted by qualified personnel in an authorized service centre at least once a year.

Proper maintenance is essential for safe, economic and trouble-free operation of the machine.
PL Failure to follow the maintenance instructions and safety precautions may cause serious injury or death. Always follow the procedures, safety precautions, recommended maintenance and recommended checks mentioned in this manual.


B WARNING! Prior to any work on the machine (maintenance, inspection, replacement of accessories, servicing) or before storing it, ALWAYS SWITCH THE ENGINE OFF, wait for all moving parts to stop and allow the machine to cool down. Prevent the engine from being started accidentally. Disconnect the spark plug (disconnect the power unit from the mains). If the machine is equipped with a trigger key, remove it.


· Keep this recommendation about checks, maintenance and intervals stated in this users guide.
· The maintenance schedule is valid under normal operating conditions. If you operate your engine under severe conditions, such as permanent high load, high temperature or unusually large humidity or dust, contact your service on the recommendations applicable to your individual needs and the way of using the machine in your case.
· Others service operations, which are more complicated, or it needs special tools, let it on our authorized service.

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· Frequently check the proper tightening of screws, etc., in order to ensure safe operating
EN conditions of the machine.
· In case of abnormal vibrations proceed according to instructions (see instruction for removal of fault).


· Keep the machine in good condition.

DE · Careful handling and regular cleaning ensure that the machine remains functional and efficient for a long time.

· Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.

· To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine, silencer and petrol storage area free of all debris

or excessive grease.

· Always ensure that the ventilation openings are kept clear of debris.

· Replace worn or damaged parts for safety. Use only original spare parts.

· Replace safety and instruction stickers and labels with new if necessary.


CLEANING A CAUTION! Never spray the product with water or expose it to water. In any case, do
not wash by water the parts of machine, which are not intended for it.

C Never use aggressive detergents or solvents for cleaning.
1. Carefully clean the machine after each use. 2. If the engine has been running, allow it to cool for at least half an hour before cleaning. 3. Do not let the handles contaminate with oil or grease. Clean the handle clean with a damp
cloth washed in soapy water. Never use aggressive detergents or solvents for cleaning. This can cause irreparable damage to the product. The plastic parts can be eaten away by chemicals. 4. Wipe down the product with a slightly damp cloth or with brush. 5. Clean the cover of the machine, especially the ventilation holes. 6. If any of the parts of the machine is cleaned by water or a damp cloth, etc., it must be completely dry. Then the metal parts must be grease against the corrosion with suitable protective oil. Make sure that the water doesn´t leak into the internal parts of the machine. 7. Touch up any damaged paint, and coat other areas that may rust with a light film of oil. 8. Potential damage of the parts due to corrosion, can not be assessed as a manufacturing or material defect.


TIRE PRESSURE Regularly check tire pressure keep it at the specified values (see Specifications).

REPLACING AND REPAIRING THE TIRES All puncture repairs or replacements will have to be carried out by a tire repair expert in accordance with the methods for the kind of tire used. Use only specified tire sizes (see Specifications).

V BELT There is a ,,V” belt under the belt guard transmitting energy from the engine to the blade tray. The belt will become loose and skid after use for some time. So tension adjustment is required contact the authorized service nearest you.

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The ,,V” belt needs to be replaced if it is too long or damaged – contact the authorized service
EN nearest you.
DE · Engine oil replacement
EVERY 25 HOURS OF OPERATION · Check fastening of all nuts · Engine oil replacement · Engine oil condition check · Clean surrounding of muffler
CS · Air filter cleaning · Inspection, cleaning and possible spark plug replacement *

EVERY 100 HOURS OF OPERATION · Spark plug replacement. * · Check fuel hose condition
SK · Inspection of carburetor adjustment **

Marked items:

See the instructions


These operations must be done in authorised service center

PL OIL CHANGE It is recommended to ask authorized service for oil change.

I Note: The first oil change should be carried out after 5 operating hours, when operating under heavy load another change should be done after 25 operating hours.


Drain the engine oil when the engine is warm. Warm oil drains quickly and complete. Attention: Do not drain oil when the engine is running! When you drain the oil from the top oil fill tube, the fuel tank must be empty or fuel can leak out and result in a fire or explosion.

1. Place a suitable container next to the engine to catch the used oil. 2. Remove the oil filler cap/dipstick (fig. 40A). 3. Remove the drain bolt – if equipped – and allow the used oil to drain completely into
the container (fig. 40). 4. For engine without drain plug, we recommend to use oil extractor pump, or drain the oil
into the container by slightly tilting the engine toward the oil filler cap/dipstick. Before tilting the machine, remove fuel from tank. Keep the spark plug end of the engine up. 5. Reinstall the drain bolt. With the engine in a level position, fill to the upper limit mark on cap/dipstick (fig. 41). 6. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick securely.

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I Note: Please dispose of used motor oil in a manner that is compatible with
EN the environment. We suggest you take used oil in a sealed container to your local
recycling center or service station for reclamation. Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the ground or down a drain.

· Running the engine with a low oil level can cause engine damage. · Wash your hands with soap and water after handling used oil.



A dirty air filter will restrict air flow to the carburetor and cause poor engine performance.

Inspect the air filter each time the engine is operated. You will need to clean the air filter more

frequently if you operate the engine in very dusty areas.

I Note: Operating the engine without an air filter, or with a damaged air filter, will
CS allow dirt to enter the engine, causing rapid engine wear. This type of damage is
not covered.

AIR FILTER INSPECTION AND CLEANING – PLEATED FILTER WITH PRE-FILTER A CAUTION! The air filter must be serviced (cleaned) after 25 hours normal working.
Service more frequently when operating the machine in extremely dusty areas.

1. Release the air filter cover (fig. 42A).


2. Remove the air filter cover. Be careful to prevent dirt and debris from falling into the air filter


3. Remove the pre-filter (fig. 43A) and the air filter from the air filter base.

4. Inspect the air filter elements (fig. 44). Clean dirty elements.

5. To loosen debris, gently tap the filter on a hard surface. Never try to brush the dirt off,

PL brushing will force dirt into the fibers. If the filter is excessively dirty, replace with a new filter.

6. Wash the pre-filter in liquid detergent and water. Then allow it to thoroughly air dry. Do not

oil the pre-filter.

7. Install the filter and the pre-filter back.

8. Close the cover and secure it.

I Note: Replace filter if frayed, torn, damaged or unable to be cleaned.


SPARK PLUG For best results, replace the spark plug every 100 hours of use. Use only the recommended spark plug which is the correct heat range for normal engine operating temperatures. To find actual types of recommended spark plugs please contact an authorized service center.

A CAUTION! If the engine has been running, the muffler and the spark plug will be very hot. Be carefull not to touch this parts.

I Note: Incorrect spark plugs can cause engine damage.
For good performance, the spark plug must be properly gapped and free of deposits. 1. Disconnect the cap (fig. 45A) from the spark plug and remove any dirt from the spark plug
area. 2. Use the proper size spark plug wrench to remove the spark plug (fig. 46).

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3. Inspect the spark plug. Replace it if damaged, badly fouled, if the sealing washer is in poor
EN condition, or if the electrode is worn. 4. Measure the electrode gap with a suitable gauge (fig. 47). The correct gap is listed in the Specifications. If adjustment is needed, correct the gap by carefully bending the side electrode. 5. Install the spark plug carefully, by hand, to avoid cross-threading. 6. After the spark plug is seated, tighten with the proper size spark plug wrench to compress the washer.
DE 7. When installing a new spark plug, tighten by 1/2 turn after the spark plug seats to compress
the washer. 8. When reinstalling the original spark plug, tighten by 1/8 – 1/4 turn after the spark plug seats
to compress the washer. 9. Attach the spark plug cap to the spark plug.

CS I Note: A loose spark plug can become very hot and can damage the engine. Over tightening the spark plug can damage the threads in the cylinder head.

MUFFLER Allow muffler, engine cylinder, and fins to cool before touching. · Remove accumulated debris from muffler area and cylinder area.
SK · Make sure the muffler is without cracks, corrosion or other damage. · If the exhaust system is fitted with a spark arrester, it must be kept clean and passive. After removing the arrester and knocking out the coarse dirt, clean the arrester with a fine brush (e.g. toothbrush) from all deposits. After cleaning, reassemble it.

CARBON SEDIMENTS It is recommended to remove carbon sediments from cylinder, piston upper side and valves
PL surrounding each 100 ­ 300 operating hours in authorised service center.

FUEL SYSTEM A CAUTION! Spare parts of fuel system (plugs, hoses, tanks, filters etc.) must be
the same as original otherwise arises danger of fire.


· ·

Regularly check the condition of fuel hoses. Replace the fuel hose every 2 years. If fuel leaks from fuel hose, replace the fuel hose immediately.

ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS A CAUTION! Do not change in any way the rated speed of the engine (carburetor side
or regulator side).

Your engine was adjusted in the factory. If the motor settings is changed in any way, the warranty will be cancelled. If additional adjustment is necessary (eg. for high altitude), contact authorized service center!

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A CAUTION! Store this machine on place where the fuel vapors can not be in reach

of open fire or sparks. Let the fuel to run dry before long storage. Always let

the machine get cool before storing.

· Store the machine in a dry, clean and frost-protected place, out of reach of unauthorized

persons. · Replace worn or damaged parts for safety. Use only original spare parts.


· If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors.

Proper storage preparation is essential for keeping your engine trouble free and looking good.
CS The following steps will help to keep rust and corrosion from impairing your engine`s function
and appearance, and will make the engine easier to start when you use it again.



B WARNING! use approved containers for storing fuel.


· If your engine will be stored with gasoline in the fuel tank and carburetor, it is important to reduce the hazard of gasoline vapor ignition. Select a well-ventilated storage area away from any appliance that operates with a flame, such as a furnace, water heater, or clothes dryer.
PL · Also avoid any area with a spark producing electric motor, or where power tools are operated.
· If possible, avoid storage areas with high humidity, because that promotes rust and corrosion. · If there is gasoline in the fuel tank, leave the fuel valve in OFF position. · Keep the engine level in storage. Tilting can cause fuel or oil leakage. · With the engine and exhaust system cool, cover the engine to keep out dust. A hot engine
and exhaust system can ignite or melt some materials.
HU · Do not use sheet plastic as a dust cover. A nonporous cover will trap moisture around the engine, promoting rust and corrosion.

For engine protection use Fuel stabiliser which is available at petrol stations. When adding a gasoline stabilizer, fill the fuel tank with fresh gasoline. If only partially filled, air in the tank will promote fuel deterioration during storage. If you keep a container of gasoline for refueling, be sure that it contains only fresh gasoline.

Add gasoline stabilizer following the manufacturer`s instructions. After adding a gasoline stabilizer, run the engine outdoors for 10 minutes to be sure that treated gasoline has replaced the untreated gasoline in the carburetor.

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EN If your engine will be stored with gasoline in the fuel tank and carburetor, gasoline will oxidize and deteriorate. Old gasoline will cause hard starting, and it leaves gum deposits that clog the fuel system. If the gasoline in your engine deteriorates during storage, you may need to have the carburetor and other fuel system components serviced or replaced. The fuel can not be in the engine longer than 14 days. If you leave it there longer it can cause damages on the engine, these damages are not covered in the warranty. The addition of a fuel stabilizer to gasoline can
DE extend the life of fuel.
The following steps should be taken to prepare machine for storage. 1. Empty the petrol tank with a suction pump after the last working of the season.
B WARNING! Do not drain the petrol in closed rooms, in close proximity of open fire, etc. Do not smoke! Petrol fumes can cause explosion or fire.
CS 2. Start the engine and let it run until it has used up all remaining petrol and stalls. 3. Remove the spark plug. Use an oilcan to fill approx. 20 ml recommended motor oil into the combustion chamber (fig. 48). Operate the starter to evenly distribute the oil in the combustion chamber. Replace the spark plug. 4. Replace spark plug.
SK 5. Replace engine oil.
Check your engine as described in the BEFORE STARTING section of this manual. If the fuel was drained during storage preparation, fill the tank with fresh gasoline. If you keep a container of gasoline for refueling, be sure it contains only fresh gasoline. Gasoline oxidizes and deteriorates over time, causing hard starting and clogging.
PL If the cylinder was coated with oil during storage preparation, the engine will smoke briefly at
startup. This is normal.
HU B WARNING! Do not carry or transport the machine while the engine is running. Let the engine to cool down before transporting the machine. The fuel tank must be empty. Spilled fuel or fuel vapor may ignite.
B WARNING! Prior transporting the machine with your own transport shaft, it’s first necessary to dismantle or fold the front support!
A CAUTION! The machine must not be transported in road traffic.
TRANSPORT ON THE TRAILER 1. Empty the petrol tank with a suction pump. Start the engine and let it run until it has used
up all remaining petrol and stalls. 2. Close the fuel cap firmly. 3. Turn the engine switch and fuel valve (if equipped) to the off or stop position. 4. Let the engine to cool down before transporting. 5. Take care not to drop or strike the machine when transporting.
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6. Tie down the machine securely in an upright position while transporting.
EN 7. Take care not to strike the machine when transporting. Do not place objects on the machine.
A CAUTION! Failures of your machine which require larger interference must always be eliminated by specialized workshop. Unauthorized interferences can cause
DE damages. If you can not rectify the fault using the measures described here, contact
an authorized service.

Engine does not start
Engine outages occur
Engine often stop at idle run Excessive vibrations

Empty tank
Dirty air filter
Weak ignition spark
,,Over-swilled” engine
Stale fuel tank
Ignition cable is released Fuel piping is clogged or fuel is bad Air hole in the fuel tank cap is blocked There is water or dirt in fuel piping Air filter is dirty Ignition distance is too long, spark plug is defective Carburettor is not adjusted precisely Dirty air filter

ELIMINATION Fill the tank up to its full capacity; check whether the carburettor contains a fuel; check tank de-aeration Clean the air filter Clean the spark plug or install the new one if necessary; check the ignition cable; let the ignition checked in a service. Unscrew the spark plug, clean it and dry; pull several times the starting string when the spark plug is unscrewed (without a choke). Drain fuel and clean carburettor. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel Fit the spark plug connector firmly onto the spark plug
Clean fuel piping, use fresh fuel
Clean or replace the fuel tank cap
Drain the fuel and refill clean and fresh fuel
Clean the air filter
Adjust or replace the spark plug
Let it adjust in an authorized service center the carburettor
Clean the air filter

Fixing screws are loosened Tighten the fixing screws


A CAUTION! Faults which can not be rectified with the aid of this table may be rectified by a authorized service centre.

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EN SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS · Have your device serviced by a qualified repair personnel using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the device is maintained. · Whether you need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacement parts, contact the HECHT authorized service nearest you. Information on service locations, visit www.hecht.cz
DE · When ordering spare parts, please quote the part number, this can be found at www.hecht.cz
· Dispose your device, accessories and packaging in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection into the recycling collection center.
CS · This machine does not belong to the household waste. Save the environment and take this device to designated collection points where it will be received for free. For more information please contact your local authority or nearest collection point. Improper disposal may be punished according to national regulations. · Petrol and oil is hazardous waste. Dispose it in right way. It does not belong to house garbage. Regarding oil and fuel disposal contact local authorities, service center or your
SK dealer. · The battery contains toxic substances. Toxic materials must be disposed of in a specified manner in order to prevent contamination of the environment. Take used batteries to a recycling center. Do not throw the battery into household waste, fire or water.


· For this product we provide a legal warranty, legal responsibility from the defects, for 24 months from receipt.
· For corporate, commercial, municipal and other than private use is valid a qualityguarantee upon receipt for 6 months.
· All products are designed for home use, unless there is another information in the instruction manual or operation description. When using otherwise or in contradiction with instruction manual the claim is not recognized as legitimate.
· Inappropriate product selection and the fact that the product does not meet your requirements can not be a reason for complaint. Buyer is familiar with the properties of the product.
· Buyer has the right to ask the seller to check the functionality of the product and become familiar with its operation.
· A prerequisite for receiving warranty claims is that the guidelines for operating, servicing, cleaning, storage and maintenance were followed.
· Damage caused by natural wear and tear, overloading, improper use or intervention outside the authorized service during the warranty period, are excluded from the guarantee.
· Warranty does not cover wear and tear caused by the usual usage. · Warranty does not cover wear and tear of components known as common consumables
(eg. service charges, filters, blades, V-belts and toothed belts, chains, carbons, seals, spark plugs, bearings ….).

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· From the warranty are excluded wear and tear of the product or parts caused by normal
EN use of the product or parts of the product (eg low battery or reduce battery capacity after
a period of usual life of 6 months) and other parts subject to natural wear and tear. · By the goods sold at a lower price, the warranty does not cover defects for which the lower
price was negotiated. · Damage resulting from defects in material or manufacturer error will be eliminated free of
charge by replacement delivery or repair. It is assumed that the product returns to our service center undismantled and with proof of purchase.
DE · Cleaning, maintenance, inspection and alignment tools aren´t the warranty act and are paid
services. · For repairs that are not subject to warranty, you can have it repaired in our service center as
paid service. Our service center will be happy to draw up a costs budget. · We shall consider the products only that have been delivered clean, complete, in case of
sending also packed sufficiently and paid. Products sent as unpaid, as bulky goods, express
CS or by special shipping – will not be accepted.
· In case of justified warranty claim, please contact our service center. There you will receive additional information on processing claims.
· Information about service locations see at www.hecht.cz · We dispose of your old electrical appliances free of charge.



NORMAL WEAR: Similarly as all mechanical devices, the engines need periodical service and spare parts replacement in order to work correctly. Guarantee is not related to such repairs when lifetime of the part of engine was exhausted by normal operation.
INCORRECT MAINTENANCE: Lifetime of the engine depends on conditions, in which it is operated and on care which is given to it. The guarantee does not relate to wearing caused by dust, dirt, sand or other abrasive materials which penetrated into engine in consequence with incorrect maintenance. This guarantee relates only to material and production defects. Therefore do not ask replacement of back payment of devices in which can be assembled the engine. The guarantee does not relate either for repairs caused by: · Using other than original spare parts. · Control elements or devices which make starting difficult, cause power output reduction
and reduce its lifetime (contact producer of the device). · Untight carburetors, stopped fuel pipes, seized valves or other defects, caused by using dirty
or old fuel. Use only fresh plumb free petrol and fuel stabiliser. · Parts which are rubbed out or broken due to operation with unsufficient oil level, using dirty
or oil incorrect specifications. Use the oil recommended by the manufacturer. · Repair or adjustment of connected parts or assembly, e.g. gear couplings, remote controls
and similar, not original ones. · Damage or wear of parts caused by dirt particles which penetrated into engine due to
incorrect maintenance or assembly of air filter or using non original cleaner or filter inlay. · Parts which were damaged due to engine overspeeding or overheating caused by clogging
or blocking cooling ribs or flywheel space by grass, chips or dirts or damages caused by engine operation in closed room.


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· ·

Engine damage or its parts by enormal vibrations caused by loosening engine assembly, mowing knives, loosened or unbalanced flywheels, incorrect fastening device to engine shaft, overspeeding or other incorrect operation. Bended or broken crankshaft after hitting to rigid object or for V-belts overtensioning. Engine damaged or its part e.g. combustion chamber, valves, valve saddles, valve leading or burning starter coil as result of using incorrect fuel ­ for example liquid gas, natural gas, incorrect petrol etc.






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B WARNUNG! ZUERST LESEN SIE, BITTE, SORGFÄLTIG DIE GEBRAUCHTANWEISUNG! Lesen Sie, bitte, alle Anweisungen vor der Aufnahme des Betriebes. Widmen Sie besondere Aufmerksamkheit den Sicherheitsanweisungen.

Achten Sie besonders auf die hervorgehobenen Hinweise und Warnungen!
DE B WARNUNG! Signalwort (Wort – Beschriftungen) verwendet, um eine potenziell gefährliche Situation hingewiesen, die zum Tod oder zu schweren Verletzungen führen kann, wenn es nicht verhindern.

A VORSICHT! Signalwort (Wort – Beschriftungen). Im Falle der Nichteinhaltung der

Hinweise warnen vor möglichen Gefahren zu leichten oder mittelschweren Verletzungen

und / oder Schäden an das Produkt oder Eigentum. C Wichtige Mitteilung.


I Hinweis: Dieses Symbol markiert nützliche Tipps zur Verwendung des Produktes.

MASCHINENBESCHREIBUNG ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4 ILLUSTRIERTER LEITFADEN ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 TECHNISCHE DATEN………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 SICHERHEITSSYMBOLE ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 21 ERSATZTEILE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 EMPFOHLENES ZUBEHÖR ………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN……………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
EINSCHULUNG…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN ……………………………………………………………………………………. 52
VORBEREITUNG …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 53 NUTZUNG VON BENZINMASCHINEN ……………………………………………………………………………………… 53
MOTORBETRIEB………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 54 WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE FÜR DEN AKKUMULATOR ……………………………………………………. 54 SCHUTZAUSRÜSTUNG ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55 PERSONENSCHUTZ UND ERSTE HILFE …………………………………………………………………………………….. 55 RESTRISIKEN………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56 AUSPACKEN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57 MONTAGE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57 VOR DEM EINSCHALTEN DES MOTORS……………………………………………………………………… 57 KRAFTSTOFF ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57
KRAFTSTOFF AUFFÜLLEN………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58 MOTORÖLE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58
ÖLKONTROLLE UND AUFFÜLLEN ………………………………………………………………………………………. 59 PRÜFUNGEN VOR DEM ANLASSEN DES MOTORS…………………………………………………………………….. 59 HÖHERE HÖHEN ÜBER DEM MEERESSPIEGEL ………………………………………………………………………….. 59 RÄDERFÜLLDRUCK……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 60 BETRIEB …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60 STARTEN DES MOTORS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 60 STOPPEN DES MOTORS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61 ALLGEMEINE ANWEISUNGEN FÜR DIE ARBEIT MIT DER MASCHINE ……………………………. 62 WARTUNG UND INSTANDHALTUNG ………………………………………………………………………….. 62 ANWEISUNGEN ZUR WARTUNG DER MASCHINE …………………………………………………………………….. 63


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REINIGUNG ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 63 REIFENDRUCK ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 REPARATUR ODER WECHSEL DER REIFEN ……………………………………………………………………………. 64 DER KEILRIEMEN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64 WARTUNG DES MOTORS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64 PLAN DER KONTROLLEN UND WARTUNGEN ………………………………………………………………………. 64 ÖLWECHSEL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 LUFTFILTER …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 ZÜNDKERZE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 66 AUSPUFFDÄMPFER………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 KARBONABLAGERUNG ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 67 KRAFTSTOFFSYSTEM ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 EINSTELLEN DES MOTORS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67 LAGERN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 67 VORBEREITUNG ZUM EINLAGERN …………………………………………………………………………………………. 68 REGELMÄSSIGE VORKEHRUNGEN BEIM EINLAGERN ………………………………………………………………… 68 DIE ZUGABE VON STABILISATOREN VERLÄNGERT DIE LAGERFÄHIGKEIT VON BENZIN ……………………. 68 LANGZEITIGE LAGERUNG NEBEN DER SAISON ………………………………………………………………………… 68 ENDE DER LAGERUNG ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69 TRANSPORT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 69 BEHEBEN VON PROBLEMEN …………………………………………………………………………………….. 70 KUNDENDIENST UND ERSATZTEILE…………………………………………………………………………… 71 ENTSORGUNG ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71 GERÄTEGARANTIE ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71 EG-KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG …………………………………………………………………………….. 164

PL B WARNUNG! ZUERST LESEN SIE, BITTE, SORGFÄLTIG DIE GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG! Lesen Sie, bitte, alle Anweisungen vor der Aufnahme des Betriebes. Widmen Sie besondere Aufmerksamkheit den Sicherheitsanweisungen.



Falls Sie eine Beschädigung während des Transportes oder beim Auspacken beobachten, benachrichtigen Sie sofort Ihren Lieferanten. NICHT IN BETRIEB SETZEN.

Dieses Produkt ist ausschlieslich bestimmt: – zum Zerhacken von Holzabfälle aus dem Garten, wie Hecken- und Strauchschnitt, Äste und Rinde von Bäumen bis zum max. erlaubten Querschnitt (Siehe Technische Daten). Stecken Sie keine Äste mit größerem Querschnitt als erlaubt, oder andere Materialien wie z.B. Steine, Metall, Glas, Kunstoff oder Stoff und dgl. in den Häcksler; – In Übereinstimmung mit den in diesem Handbuch angegebenen Beschreibungen und Sicherheitshinweisen.
Jegliche andere Nutzung entspricht nicht dem bestimmten Zweck. Die Nutzung nicht dem bestimmten Zweck entsprechend, hat den Verlust der Garantie und Verweigerung jeglicher

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Verantwortung von der Seite des Herstellers zu Folge. Nichtbefugt durchgeführte Änderungen,

schliessen die Haftung des Herstellers, für die daraus folgenden Schäden aus.


Überlasten Sie es nicht ­ nutzen Sie das Produkt nur im Rahmen der Leistung, für welche es konstruiert wurde. Ein Produkt, welches für die gegebene Arbeit konstruiert wurde, ist leistungsstärker und sicherer als das, welches ähnliche Funktionen hat. Nutzen Sie darum für die gegebenen Aufgaben immer das Richtige.

DE Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass unsere Produkte nicht seinem Zweck entsprechend für die
gewerbliche, handwerkliche oder industrielle Nutzung konstruiert worden sind. Wir übernehmen
keine Haftung, insofern das Produkt in diesen oder ähnlichen Bedingungen genutzt wird.

C Wo es angefordert wird, halten Sie die rechtlichen Richtlinien und Vorschriften zur Vorbeugung möglicher Unfälle bei der Nutzung ein.
CS C Der Benutzer haftet für alle verursachten Schäden an dritten Personen un deren Eigentum.

A VORSICHT! Benutzen Sie das Produkt nie, falls in der Nähe Personen, insbesonders Kinder oder Haustiere sind.

SK A VORSICHT! Lagern Sie diese Anleitung so, dass sie immer in Reichweite ist, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen. Falls Sie einige der Anweisungen nicht verstehen, kontaktieren Sie Ihren Verkäufer. Im Falle, dass Sie das Produkt einer weiteren Person übergeben, ist es notwendig, auch diese Anleitung zu übergeben.

A VORSICHT! Die Maschine darf nicht im Straßenverkehr transportiert werden.



C Alle bedieneden Personen müssen entsprechend geschult in der Nutzung,

Bedienung und Einstellung und vor allem vertraut mit verbotenen Tätigkeiten sein.

· Erlauben Sie nie das Benutzen durch Kinder oder Personen, die nicht mit diesen Anweisungen vertraut worden sind. Die örtlichen Richtlinien können die Altersgrenze des Benutzers
HU festlegen.
· Das Produkt ist nicht zur Nutzung von Personen mit gesenkter Sinnes- oder Mentalkapazität oder mit unzureichenden Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen gedacht ­ wenn diese ohne Aufsicht sind, welche für deren Sicherheit verantwortlich ist oder wenn diese nicht zur Nutzung geschult worden. Das Produkt ist weiter nicht zur Nutzung von Kindern oder Personen bestimmt, welche eine eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit oder unzureichende Körperdispositionen haben. Schwangeren Frauen empfehlen wir dringend, die Nutzung des Produktes mit ihrem Arzt zu konsultieren.
· Halten Sie die nationalen / örtlichen Vorschriften ein, welche die Dauer der Nutzung betreffen (fragen Sie eventuell beim zuständigem Amt an).

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· Machen Sie sich mit dem Gerät vertraut. Lesen Sie diese Betriebsanleitung, Gebrausweise sowie mögliche mit der Benutzung der Schneefräse verbundene Risiken aufmerksam durch. Lernen Sie das Gerät schnell stoppen und Bedienelemente abschalten.
· Seien Sie stets wachsam bei der Arbeit, konzentrieren Sie sich darauf, was Sie gerade tun und nutzen Sie Ihren gesunden Verstand.
· Unachtsamkeit bei der Arbeit kann den Verlust der Kontrolle über die Maschine zur Folge haben.
· Nutzen Sie diese Maschine nicht, wenn Sie müde, krank oder unter Einfluss von Alkohol, Drogen oder Medikamenten stehen.
· Halten Sie Hände und Füße fern von rotierenden Teilen der Maschine. Greifen Sie niemals in die Einfüll- oder Auswurföffnungen der Maschine.
· Werfen Sie niemals Metall oder Stein in die Maschine. Die Maschine kann irreparabel beschädigt werden.
· Strecken Sie sich bei der Arbeit nicht vor. Stehen Sie immer fest und mit einem ausreichenden Gleichgewicht. Sollten Sie in eine unvorhersehbare Situation gelangen, können Sie die Maschine so besser kontrollieren.
· Vor dem Einschalten der Maschine alle Werkzeuge von der Maschine entfernen. Der aufgesteckte Schlüssel oder Schraubenzieher auf einem der rotierenden Maschinenteile kann Verletzungen verursachen.
· Geeignete Kleidung tragen. Tragen Sie keine freie Bekleidung oder Kleidung, welche hängende Schnüre hat, oder Gürtel, Schmuck und Ähnliches. Die Haare, Kleidung und Handschuhe außerhalb der Reichweite der beweglichen Teile halten. Lockere Kleidung, Schmuck oder langes Haar können erfasst werden.
· Eine längere Benutzung des Gerätes kann zu vibrationsbedingten Durchblutungsstörungen der Hände führen. Diese Effekte können durch niedrige Umgebungstemperaturen bzw. durch besonders festes Greifen der Handgriffe verstärkt werden. Sie können die Benutzungsdauer jedoch durch geeignete Handschuhe oder regelmäßige Pausen verlängern. Legen Sie regelmäßig Pausen ein und beschränken Sie den Zeitraum der täglichen Vibrationseinwirkung auf Ihre Hände.
· Benutzen Sie die Maschine nur auf einer festen und geraden Oberfläche und in freien Räumen (z.B. nicht in der Nähe von Wänden oder festen Objekten).
· Benutzen Sie die Maschine nicht auf gefliester oder steiniger Oberfläche, wo das Abwerfen des Materials Verletzungen verursachen kann.
· Halten Sie das Gesicht und den Körper in einem ausreichenden Abstand zu Einfüllöffnung. · Achten Sie darauf, dass Hände oder andere Teile des Körpers oder der Bekleidung nicht in
die Einfüllkammer, den Abwurfkanal oder in die Nähe jeglicher beweglichen Teile geraten. · Halten Sie stets ein stabiles Gleichgewicht und eine feste Haltung ein. Beugen Sie sich nicht
über die Maschine. Stehen Sie beim Beladen des Materials niemals auf einer höheren Ebene, als das Grundgestell der Maschine ist. · Stehen Sie immer vollständig neben dem Abwurfbereich, wenn die Maschine im Betrieb ist. · Geben Sie beim Laden des Materials in die Maschine erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit, damit es keine Metallstücke, Steine, Flaschen, Dosen oder andere Fremdgegenstände enthält. · Wenn der Schneidmechanismus während der Arbeit auf einen Fremdgegenstand trifft oder wenn die Maschine beginnt, ungewöhnliche Geräusche oder Vibrationen abzugeben, schalten Sie sofort den Motor ab und halten die Maschine an. Schließen Sie die Zündkerze

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ab (nehmen Sie die elektrische Einheit vom Netz) und führen Sie die nachfolgenden Schritte

durch: – untersuchen Sie, ob es nicht zu Beschädigungen kam;


– kontrollieren Sie alle losen Teile und ziehen Sie diese an;

– lassen Sie alle beschädigten Teile reparieren oder tauschen Sie diese gegen Originalteile


· Lassen Sie sich das bearbeitete Material nicht im Abwurfbereich anhäufen, es kann das

richtige Abführen verhindern und den Rückschlag des Materials aus der Einfüllöffnung



· Wenn es zur Verstopfung der Maschine in der Eingangsöffnung oder im Abwurfkanal

kommt, schalten Sie den Motor aus und schließen Sie das Kabel der Zündkerze ab, ziehen

Sie den Zündschlüssel ab (nehmen Sie die elektrische Einheit vom Netz), bevor Sie mit

der Entfernung des verstopften Materials in der Eingangsöffnung oder im Abwurfkanal


CS · Halten Sie den Motor rein von Spänen und anderen Ablagerungen, damit Beschädigungen oder ein Brandrisiko verhindert werden.

· Vergessen Sie nicht, dass die Nutzung der Anlassanlage bei Maschinen mit

Verbrennungsmotoren verursachen, dass sich das Schneidwerkzeug in Bewegung bringt.

· Halten Sie alle Schutzabdeckungen und Enden des Abwurfkanals am richtigen Platz und in

einem guten Betriebszustand.

SK · Schalten Sie den Motor vor dem Anschließen oder Entfernen der Sammelbox, des Behälters oder des Sackes aus und warten Sie ab, bis alle rotieren Teile zu Sehen gekommen sind.


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