Masport 536672.A.0 European Chipper Owner’s Manual

June 12, 2024


Please read these instructions carefully before assembly.
Keep these and the engine instructions in a safe place for future use.**

Do not operate this machine before it has been assembled correctly and you have read and understood these instructions.
** Do not allow children to operate this equipment.
These instructions are intended as a general guide and do not supersede national or local codes in anyway. Contact local Authorities for clarity of laws relating to operation of this appliance.
Keep the instructions in a safe place for future use.
Symbols in this Owner’s Manual
Threatened hazard or hazardous situation.
Not observing this instruction can lead to injuries or cause damage to property.
**** Important information on proper handling.
Not observing this instruction can lead to faults in the machine.
User information. This information helps you to use all the functions correctly.

Symbols used on the Machine

Read and understand this Owner’s Manual before Operating the machine.
Keap bystanders clear. Danger of flying objects.
Keep hands and feet clear.
Remove Spark Plug.
Refer to manual befor working on machine
Always waar ear protection whan using the machine
Always waar eye protection when using the machine
Aways wear safety gloves when using the machine
Waring! Keep hands clear of rotating blades.
 Do not opan whie machine is running
Pinch point, hands clear of rotating rotor
Pinch point, hands clsar of rotating belts
Danger, fast flying objects 9

Important Safety Information

Please read and understand thS martial fully before aSSemthr aid use.

  • The ManufaCtureeS Warranty may be %Coded by the inCarea use Of 1145 produCt
  • The Operator met understand all the Safety requirementS detalled in this manual beta° using the equipment.
  • The Operator iS reSpOnSibe /Or the safety Of al turd pities while the equipment 6 in use.
  • The use of abarol. preSaiption Or ran-preSCrptiOn drugs may impair the users ability to properly assemble Or safely Operate this Chipper.
  • If you have any queries regarding dee intructicri. contact your lcCal dealer for danfiCatiOn before you use yOur unit.
  • The unit must be CaroCtly assembled before use. Failure to follow the mancers instructions Cafe result in Series damage or in)-EY.
  • Ensure that the until is on a level and stable surface before Operating and in Open space (e.g. no CIOSe to a wal or Otter fixed object).
  • Ensure all fuel hoses are in good donation and have been correctly fitted.
  • The Chipper Stead be Carefuly ceded for Operational Safety every tine before use.
  • Carbon monoxide Can be extremely dangerous in enCIOSed areas: dO not run the machine in an enclosed area ate the exhaust from the engine contains CabOn mOnOade. what is colourless. OdCurleSS are tasteless.
  • DO net Pate hands Or any Other part Of die body Or clothivg inside the feeding ChuteS. discharge area. Or near any neviig pad.
  • Before inspecting or servicing any part Of the machine. slut Off the power souse. Make Sure that al raving pads have cone to a complete stop. DiSCOnneCt the Speck pug wire from the Spark dug.
  • Use the dareCtly specified fuel with thiS unit. CheCk with your dealer fCc the SpeCifid fuel for which this wit has been designed.
  • DO not leave the Chipper unattended when it iS running.
  • Onlookers Should be kept a safe distance away from the Chipper when it is in use.
  • Keep ct*lren and arimals wel away while the unit is in use and while it 6 slowing down.
  • Never try to move and to the unit when it IS On. or before il has had tine to StCp.
  • Parts of the engine do get extremely hot and said case serious burns.
  • The peiSOn operating this unit ShOuld pay constant attention to the material being processed.
  • The perSOn ShOuld remain at the unit a all tines when it iS running.
  • Ensure that the engne is turned OFF at the throttle after use and whe the unit 6 unattended.
  • The Manufacturer Cr thew Agents can accept nO liabbty for any material that is prOCeSSed and cases personal discomfort or injury


  1. The separate alms you Shield have in the two Caddie are:-

Carton 1

  •  Engine – ChaSSIS assembly

  • Axle

  • TwO wheels

  • A plactiC bag containng: – an operation 8 maintenance manual – a Warranty Card – an Engine Booklet – 2 Of MIONutS – 4 Of M8 NyICC Nuts 2 of 10111M Spring Washers 1 of 64TITI Spin Washer 4 Of 8mrn Spring Washers – 20 lOmm Flat Washes – 1 of 6mrn Flat Washer – 2 of lanm x 32 Flat Washer – 60f 8mrn x 19 Flat Washers – 1 of N16 x 20 screw – 2 of M8 x 20 StrewS – 2 of MEI x 25 SCAMS – 2 Of M8 x 20 Coach Bolts – 2 of 16mm x 35mm Washers – 2 of M8 Knobs – 2 of Rubber Mount Feet – 1 of Spacer tube.
    Carton 2

  • Discharge Chute

  • In et Chute

  • Dscharge Flap

To Assemble
Refer to Fig.1 & Fig.2 to trio right

  1. Remove the unit from the Shipping support.
  2. Prop up the Engine Chassis assecnUy and fit the two rubber mounts using two M10 nuts. spring washers 8 flat washers.
  3.  Slide the Axle through the chassis skits and fasten in place with the flit6 screw. spring washer and washer.
  4. Slide the hvO 16rnm waSherS On either side Of the axle. fit the two Wheets.13 x 32mm washers. spring wasters. M8 x 20rnm screws and tighten.
  5. Loosen the M12 nut and bolt holding the disc in Wade ad 100Sen the second top nut and bolt that is used to hold the discharge Chute.
  6. At the discharge Chute and fasten in place using the 2x M12 bolts. 4x washers and 2x nuts. make sure the spacer tubes are in-between the housing plates and fasten the Chute
  7. At the discharge flap, slide the diedh bats OvOugh the holes from tie inside outward. FA the two sang washers and tighten the two knobs.
  8.  At the inlet chute. slide it on the anvil and locating the two M8 studs. At the a washers and MS nuts on the Studs. At the 2x M8 x 25mm screws, 4x washers and 2x nuts and fasten the Chute down.
  9. Add of and fuel to the engine. (See engine owners manual.)

Operating Instructions

  1. To move the unit, place a foot behind a wheel and tilt the unit backwards until it passes its balance point.
    Warning Never move the unit while the enaine is running.

  2. When crossing rough terrain or sloping areas, hold the handle firmly at each side with both hands (to prevent tipping). In some instances, it may be easier to tow the unit behind you.

  3. For transport by means of a vehicle the chipper may be transported as a single unit or with the inlet & outlet chute removed. It must be tied in an upright position using the tie-down slots on the machine.
    Note: If transporting with the inlet chute removed, Lock the cutting disc using the M12 bolt & nut.


  1. wear safety glasses at all times while Operating the machine. Hearing prOteetiOn is alSO recommended. especially (Or extended Operating periods.
  2. Avoid wearing any POW-fitting didhing Or that WS hanging Odds Cr ties.
  3. Before Starting the maChine. Cheek that at screws. nuts. bolts and Other fastenerS are property Seared. ReylaCe damaged Or unreadable warning and Operating drab.
  4. A Warning Use extra Care in hanCling fuels. They are flammable and the vapOurS are explCoive.
    a) USe Only an approved COntainer for fuel.
    b) Never relieve fuel Cap Or add fuel with engine ‘liming. Mow engine to COOT before refueling. DO not Smoke while refuelling.
    C) Never refuel the rnaChna ind00rs. 1:1) Never store the machine Or fuel COntainer inside where there iS an Open tame Such aS a water heater.
    e) dWrayS rederoe & securely tighten the fuel Cap after
    I) If fuels Spilled. do not attempt to Start the engine. bit meet the maShine away them the area 01Spillage before Starting. If the fuel tark is drained. Ova should be don Outddirs.

Operating Safety


  1. feeding shreckJable materel into the equipment. be • sire/nay Careful that peCeS Of metal. rOCkS. WOOS. Cans Or other foreign Objects are net inCluded.

  2. If the Cutting mechanism strkeS any fOreign Objects or if the maChine ShCold Start making any unusual noise or vibration. immediately shut Off the engine and anew the maChine 10 Step. DisCOnned the spark plug and take the fdrowing steps: 1) Inspect for damage 2) Repste or repair any damaged parts with equedent specbCalrons 3) Cheek Kr and trghten anylOOSe pads DO not attempt to repair the maChhe unleSS you are COmpetent to do SO.

  3.  Keep the engine Clean CO dedeoS and Other aCCumulatiOnS to peveot damage to the engne Cr peiSSible fire.

  4. Keep all guards and detectors al pace and in good working Cenci-ton.

  5. AlwayS Stand dear Of the discharge area when Operating this maChine.

  6. Keep your lace and body away from the feed & dee/large OP9141196-

  7. DO net Oser-reaCh. Never Stand at a higher laved than the base Of the machine when feeding material into it. Keep proper balanCe and footing at all toes.

  8. DO net alOw processed material 10 build up in the discharge zone: this may prevent proper discharge and Can result in kickback of material thrCogh the feed intake opening.

  9. . If the machine becomes Clogged X the inlet Opening Or deeterge Chute Shut Off the hewer source and diSCOnned the spark plug wire before Clearing debris in the net Opening or discharge Chute. Remember that Operating the Starting mechanism Co engine pOvidered maChineS will Stil Cause the Cutting nears to move.

  10. DO net tamper with the engine governor Settings On the maChine: the governor COntrOIS the maximum safe Operating Speed and prideCts the enCjne and al moving parts from damage Caused by OverSpeed. Seek authorised ServiCe if a
    problem exists.

  11. DO not rotate the Chipper disc by hand withOut firSt CESCOnneding the Spark plug


  1. When the equipment iS Stepped for Servidng. inSpeCb3n. or Storage. Or to Change an aCCeSSOry. make Sure the Spark pl.ig wire is disconnected frOm the Spark 04. Make Sure that all mewing partS have Wine to a COmplete Stop. Arow the machie tO cod before making any inSpeCtiOnS, adjuStrrentS etc. Maintain the machine with Care and keep a Clean.
  2. Store the maChre Out of reach Of Children and where fuel vapour will not reach an Open flame Or spark. FOr extended Storage periods. run the unit dry Of petrol. AlvrayS allow the machine 10 COCI before storing.
  3. 1Mien servicing the Cutting means be aware that. even thOugh the pOwer source wi net Start due to the inter’s:eh feature Of the guard. the Cutting meanS can Stil be moved by a manual Starting meChandn.


  1. Ensure the Chpper is On Stable. ‘Vet ground SO it won’t tip Over.
  2. DO not discharge dipped material on hard SurtaCe as it we rebound and may cause damage to peoples Os property.
  3. Make Sure peOple and pets are dear Of the Operating area
  4. Refer to your engine badge fOr detaaS On adding Od and fuel to your engine
  5. Make Sure the actuation lever iS in the disengage piOdtiOn before Starting
  6. FOlOw the instructions 10 Turn Switch tO ‘Orr paSiten. turn fuel tap Open. thrdtlet0 fast arid Croke the engine (if it 6 COU).
  7. Put the Starting Odd until the engine StartS and Open the Choke after 5 seconds.
  8. FOr the eleCtriO Start merle& turn the key as instructed ei the engine martial
  9. Adjust the throttle 10 achieve maximum operating Speed.
  10. . Once the engine is hat a iS not neCOSSary to use the Choke when restarting.
  11. SlOwly pull the actuation lever to engage the belts and Cutting ctSC. (A fast engagement action wi Stall the engine.)
  12.  Do net restart the unit with material in the inlet Cute. Tha additional drag may CauSe Severe wear On tine drive belt or you may damage the poll Starter On the engine.

Note: STOPPING Disengage the actuation lever. nave the throttle to slow and turn the awl= tO


****  Warning
A Wear eye proteCtian. B. Never put yOur handS Or fingers in the Chipper Chute. FOr the

prOteCtiOn Of Others. do not leave the maChne unattended viten it is mitring. C. DO not puSh the material into the Chute with yOur hands. Use a green Slit* Or a pees Of Softwood. D. DO not nave the unit whle the engine iS fuming. The Mauna: liking may starve the engine Of Oil and CauSe it to Seize. E. Beware of a Sudden jerk aS the branCheS are tugged into the Chpper. F. Chip Seal Stubs along with bushy ShrubS to prevent it from bouncing about in the Chute. G. 00 net Chip Old had braneheS Or root ClurrpS. the will dull the blades and/Or Stall the engine.
H. DO net overfeed Or feed Overate branCheS n the inlet Chute.

  1. Brandies up to 711nm Cremator Can be dipped. depending On the type Of timber. Green timber wil dip faster & Weer than dry timber. DO net Chip timber whieh COntainS nails.

  2. Keep a ad( handy to push leafy and bushy material down the Chute. leSS bushy material Snead Sell-feed.
    Important! Beware of a sudden Jerk as the branches are tugged into the chipper.

  3. Many organic materialS as web aS leaves and branches Can be fed into the Chipper. Vines pule need be cut int0 Shed lengths.

  4. Prase the branches tO Suit the inlet Chute.

  5.  If the unit Can’t be plaCed On the safari; On which the ChipS V/11170 spread, than a Meet Of ptaStie Or Canvas can be lad under the male to collect the Chips. Akernatively. a wile tin Can be placed under the diSCharge Chute Or a Chipper bag Catcher Oct61 be used. (The bin or bag is not Suppled with the unit.)

  6.  When processing palm fronds. fax Or Simi& fibrous materials it iS best to feed it SlOwly in bundles The blades must be Sharp and the fibrous material preferably Sheuli be green.

  7.  If the engine a slowing Substantially what Chipping. reduce the rate you are feeding branCheS into 11/9 maChne. ThiS will ate make the ratting ChipS Whaler and Intl also extend the life Of the belt drive. Alternatively. Check if the blades are blunt.

  8. If the Chipper becomes jammed. the engine ShOuld be stopped immediately (if it haS net Stalled). Deengage the aCtuatiOn lever, discOnneCt the spark plug wire and nave it away frOrn the spakpL.g. Remove the of material before restarting. The may involve Opening the diSCharge Chute are turning the disc backwards(with the Sparkplug disconnected) and prise the material Out. Replace the diteharge Chute before Operating.

  9. Once a jam is Cleared MSG and belt the Outlet chute before restarting the engine.

  10.  Deengage the aCtuaten lever before restarting the engine.

Noted DO not COntinua Chipping f the ball iS Sipping Of SmOkie. TO readjust the bat See maintenance information.

Basic Maintenance

a) lOmm socket & verenCh.
b) TwO 13mm Open-ended ring SpannerS.
0) 18mm Open-ended ring spanner
d) 19mm Open-ended ring Spanner
e) 5mm Allan key.

  1. Every 5-10 leurS Ot Operation Chet* the Oil level and top up if necessary. Change the Of in accordance with the instructions in the engine booklet.
  2. Regularly Cheek the COnditien Of the engine’s air Cleaner, eSpaCialy in dusty envirenmente
  3. The drive balls may StretCh after a short peed Of use, but ShOuld then stabilise for a Considerable tine if nth Overloaded Or Constantly slipping.
  4. If the engine is vibrating badly. Cheek the engine mount bons may need tightening.
  5. TO grease the bearing bleCkS. open the discharge Chute as described below, remove the bat guards to access the bearings. Irotiaiy grease after the first 2-3 hourS then grease after every 20 hOurS. Make sure net to Over grease.

Chipper Blade Removal

  1. DiSCOnnaCt the Spark plug lead from the Spark plug.

  2. Refer to fig.4 Lateen and remove the M12 nut & bolt hOiding the rear Side Of the exit Chute.

  3. LCOSen the OppOsie rut & bolt a few turns.

  4. Svnvel the Chute to expOSO the disc and blades.

  5. Turn the disc to align leCking hake n the disc anCI face plate. push the MI2 belt thrOugh the hate to Paid the dee clan turning.

  6. With a sharp Object Such aS a nail. remove wooden debris from the alien key Idles in the two Countersunk Chipper blade belts.

  7.  RemOve the belts and chipper blade using the 5mm alien key and 13min Spanner.

  8. Remove the MI 2 bolt and mate the disc to locate the next hole. push the boll through the 11010 and remove the next blade. Repeat to remove the third blade.

  9. Sharpen the blades to C. Remove equal amounts but do net remove more than 2mm of material. If the bladeS are shorter than 31mm they Maid be replaced.

  10. Use new nybCk ruts and bets when repaOng the chipper blades if they appear damaged. Ensure the trades are Sitting fiat On the disc Surface Wore tigitenng.

Note: Turn the dist SlOwly when fitting new blades or anvd, make sure the blades dO not make contact with the anvil.
Anvil Removal

  1. DeSCOnneOl the Spark plug lead from the Spark plug.
  2. Rafe r tOrig.l. 384.
  3. Loosen the 8mm Screws and nuts and remove the inlet Chute.
  4. Loosen and rename the M12 nut 8 bait holding the rear Side Of the exit chute.
  5. Louden the Opp0Srte nut 8 COS a few turns.
  6. Svmel the chute to expose the cisc and blades.
  7. Turn the disc to align IOCking halOS in the CISC and face plate, push the M12 belt through the haled to held the disc ft-Cm turning.
  8. Remove the bolts and anvil using the Ernm alas key and 13mrn Spanner. [BEWARE OF THE SHARP EDGE ON THE ANVIL.]
  9. . Sharpen the edge at 90′ to the faCe. The aria has two sharp edges and can be rotated.
    To reinstall the anvil. clean the anvil and mounting surface and fit the anvil in the reverse procedure.

Anvil & Blade Gap Setting
  Note: Turn the ChSC O0,0,, when fitting new badOS Or awl. make sure the blades do not make contact with the anvil.

  1. Refer to arMI removal above.

  2. Refer to fig.l. 3. 4 8 6.

  3. Open the exit chute.

  4. Remove the inlet chute.

  5. Lateen the anvi enough to adjust rt.

  6. The anti well be at a slight angle to the blades.

  7. Using a leen)/ gauge set the gap to 3rnm between the Outer blade and the anvi. CIOSest to the outside of the disc.

  8. Set the gap to 1 rrrn between the inner bade and anvil. closest to the centre of the disc.

  9. Tighten the anvil in place, close the exit Chute and ft the Net Chute.

  10.  Disconnect the spark plug lead from the spark plug.

  11. Loosen and remove the M6 screws holding the belt guards

  12. Remove the belt guards.

  13. Remove the engine mount bolls.

  14. Unhook the belts from the engine pulley and remove the engine.

  15. Reverse process to refit the engine.

  16. Make sure the pulleys are aligned vertical to each other and the engine face is parallel to the chippers face.

  17. Fasten the mounting screws and check the tension of the belts. (See belt adjustment.)

Belt Removal
OW Note: Replace the drive belts when the adjustment UOCk and SOrewS have reached the end Of its Slotted hates.

  1. Remove guard and engine as above.
  2. Note how the belts are threaded and remove the belts.
  3. Fit twO new belts in the reverse CO removal.
  4. Adjust beltS if required.

Note: DO nOt run the marine with the belt guards removed.
Belt Adjustment

  1. Refer to fig 5. ICOSen the two aoll‘iSter block mount screws.
  2. . Loosen the IOCknuts and adjust the block with the adjuStOr Screw.
  3. Tighten the nuts and mount screws and clods the belt tension. In the disengaged pC6itian. the belts must Slip On the disc putley and allow it 10 turn freay. Engage the actuation lever and the belts must engage the pulley, dO not Overtight but enough to run the CkSC withaut the belts slipping.


Engine Fails to start Fuel Tank Empty

Fuel Tank filter clogged
Spark plug wire disconnected
Faulty spark plug
Faulty spark plug| Fill Fuel Tank with correct fuel Clean Fuel Tank
Connect wire onto spark plug Clean spark plug
Replace spark plug
Loss of Power; Operation erratic| Spark plug Wire loose
Unit still running on CHOKE Blocked Fuel Line
Fuel Tank is nearly empty Carburettor requires setting Dirty/Clogged Air Filter
Fuel Tank dirty| Tighten spark plug connection
Move the CHOKE lever to NORMAL
Clean fuel lines Re-fill Petrol Tank
Consult your local dealer
Clean or replace Air Filter
Clean Petrol Tank
Engine Overheats| Engine Oil Low Debris around engine| Refill with correct grade of oil
Turn unit off and clean around engine
Unit Vibrates| Engine Mounting Bolts loose Chipping Blade damaged
Debris jammed into disc or blades Uneven surface| Tighten mounting bolts.
Check blades and replace if needed Open exit chute and remove any debris Move unit to a flat surface
Unit does not discharge| Discharge chute clogged| Disconnect Spark Plug Wire then
remove and clean chute
Add dry or a different material mix Lessen the volume going into the Chute
Unit not performing| Unit taking longer to process material| Replace or sharpen Chipper Blades Check Belt for correct tension

Technical Information

Model: Masport Chipper MC900H 6.0HP
Engine Type: Honda GX200 196cm’
Engine Power: 4.3kW
Rated no-load speed: 3600/min
Petrol tank capacity: 3100mL
Oil tank capacity: 610mL
Cutting blade part number: 536643
Weight: 106kg Sound pressure level LPA
at the operator position: 94 dB(A) Measured sound power level LWA: 112.0 dB(A) Guaranteed sound power level LWA (2000/14/EC): 112.0 dB(A)
Part N o
: 536672.A.0
536672.A.0 – Masport European Chipper Owner’s Manual


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